HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-01-03, Page 3A flurry grf aceidents appeal.
partied the •flight of 1.882 from
this area and police recorded
the first crash of 1060 less than
An. hem: after the new year
popped in.
Cars driven by ;Imes M,
'25, RR a Exeter and
Robert John Jones, 20; Exeter,
pollided on .Zurich's main street.
About 1;46 a,n1, Jan, 1, causing
over S200. damage, The Dougall
car was pulling out from he.
'No. 81 highway and was
being .overtaken y the Jones ear
when the latter was forced into
the side of the 'former by a
third vehicle backin onto the
highway fromm the opposite side.
Monday, a ear driYen by Wil-
liam F. -Orren 42, Mount
es AIi ch went into the ditch
and struck a tree beside. No, 83
highway about one mile west of
the CNIt crossing' at Exeter,
Damage was estimated at $800
by pc George Mitchell,
Four receive injuries
Four persons suffered lacera.
lions and brnises Sunday in a
crash Sunday involving ears at
the intersection of No. .1 and
the Mt, Carmel. road.
,A southbound car driven by
George Parker, 27, Heiman, was
slowing down to make a turn
,onto the Mt. Carmel road, Be-
cause of drifting snow, a follow-
ing car, .driven by Frank A,
Kintz, 22, RR 1 Centralia, didn't
see the Parker car slow down,
• Town topics
Kenneth Christian, manager of
the Bank of Montreal at Hen-
sail for the past 814 years, has
been transferred to Napanee,
it was announced this week,
Mr. Christian moved to Hen-
salt from Eganville,
Welfare Officer Lorne Baker
stated "I ant happy to report
that out' welfare aid has fallen
off. In the past year welfare
has „decreased three-fold",
James Ryan told the .meeting:
"I. have been in council for
four years now and have seeP
many projects fulfilled and
many more that are being talk-
ed about noW',
Road situation
Road superintendent
O'Shea indicated to the rate-
payers that the road levy for
the coming year would prob-
ably be one mill higher than
last year.
"Our expenditures and taxes
are going to be high. We exPect-
ed them to be and didn't fig-
ure on them coming down.
believe it is one mill higher
than last year."
He also indicated that one of
the chief reasons for the high
road rate was the heavy winter
snow-removal bill but "there is
Blue Bird
Diamond and Wedding
We have a large selection of
Clocks, Jewell ery, Watches
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Watch and Clock Repairing
a Specialty
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• Year 'round luxury
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• Complete comfort—
Lennox equipment is used in the homes
of tomorrow — because they provide
complete comfort along with exceptional
economy, The fuel savings of Lennox
may surprise you. But because the
luxury features of Lennox are designed
to trim costs as much as they are to
deliver complete comfort, your savings
add up to $500 or more, Coal, oil, gas
and electric furnaces to choose from.
or in combination with summer sin con.
ditioning units.
Phone for complete information and
free estimates,
Lindenfields Limited
Phone 235-2361
get the
'62 GALAXIE 2-Door Hardtop, loaded, a real gem $3,100
'61 FORD V-8 Sedan, automatic, radio $1,900
'59 FORD Ranchwagon, V-8, radio, loaded with
power , 51,650
'61 VOLKS Deluxe $1,450
'60 FALCON 2-Door .,..,...».,.,..$1,350
'58 METEOR Coach, 6-cylinder ............... $ 900
'59 CONSUL Sedan . . S
'58 AUSTIN Sedan ........ ..... ... $
'59 FIAT
'55 FORD Coach, automatic, nice one $
'56 BUICK 9-Door Hardtop
'55 FORD Convertible
'55 PLYMOUTH Coach
'53 PONTIAC Sedan
'52 MACK with 525 Holmes Wrecker . $2,290
'58 BEDFORD VAN ... ; ... ...... $ 600
• $ 400
'57 CHEV 1-TON STAKE........ ...... .......„..,.,-$ 400
'53 DODGE PICKUP ....... ...... .... , ... $ 250
150 $
See Us. About One
Larry Snider Motors
Ford, Fairlane, Falcon and Ford Trucks
My -1963 Resolution!
'I'm going to trim my food
budget by doing all my
shopping at Al's Market”
50-pound bag
Ontario No. 1
Florida White or Pink, No, 1, size 96's
Grapefruit 6 rtir 39'
Birdseye Beef, Chicken, Turkey,
Meat Pies 4 f,-00 sl
Birdseye Beef, Turkey, Chickan
TV Dinners eA. 5 5'
Kraft Dinners 2 :trA. 25'
Vanity 4.Roll Pack 4e off pack
Toilet Tissue 41C
Heinz Krinkle 32.ot tar
Pickle Slices
................. win ...... 01 ......
• Flurry of accidents
comes a# year-end
Bryan hts .
141.0 We eah about it". •
Bdulph contest that . his ,,de.partinebnet . .had ,bc.aeg
• lie did point out, however,
The Times-Advocate, Janyary 1903 Re#073
Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Con.
nors and son Hal of. Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peebles
N.Y„ with Mrs. Connor's bro- and family of London were re-
ther and sister-in4aw, Mr. and cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Lorne Chapman and sons Len. Noakes and. family.
for the weekend and Christ-. Mrs. Edna Corbett visited
mas. over the weekend with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr,
and Mrs. Harold Parker.
Mr. Jack Hyde is a patient
in Clinton" Public Hospital.
Mrs. Keith Wonnacott and
family visited with relatives .in
London on Friday.
' Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Smale,
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen,
spent New Year's day with Mr.
and Mrs. Hilton Laing and Mrs.
Jean Manson, Exeter.
Mrs. Sim Roobat, Hensall,
and her daughter, Mrs. D. M.
Dodds, Seaforth, lett Thursday
for Rochester, Minn.
Holiday visitors with Mrs.
Hugh McMurtrie were Mrs. R.
S. Hopkins, Hinsdale, •and
Mrs. Ross. Dick, Mips Beverly
Dick and Douglas Hunter, Lon-
don; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hillier
Mrs. M. Aldwinkle, who re-
sides on King Street, Helisall,
was taken by Bonthron ambu-
lance to St, Joseph's Ho'spital,
London, suffering a fractured
Rich young man; "Why does hip sustained by a fall at her Santa, in the form of Bill
a talented, beautiful girl like apartment Sunday evening. Gassman, DaShwOod, looks a
you dance in a run-down, Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Love of, little tired after his Christmas
sordid place like this?" Care, Mich„ Mr. and Alta. Ron- stint in a London shopping
Girl; "I don't knoW unless aid Coleman and family, Lan- centre, Despite the hectic pace,
because I meet a lot more sing, Mich. visited Over the lull- the Dashwood character says
prominent, eligible, rich men iday with Mr, and Mrs. J, E. he loVed it, "I had a great
like yourself than I did as a Mawen, time, The kids asked some of
librarian," Mra, El, R. Davis, Michael the !tinniest questions I'Ve ever
and Kay, have returned after heard, I spoke to, aS many as
spending a few days last, wee'.. 1,400 a dayand iet people
Too Late To Classif y
With Mr. and Mrs. Drew Fowler from all over the area." Save-
an d family of tendon. Mr. rat nights Bill toured the hotel
Davis joined them over, the and night club 'circuit just for
TEACHER WANTED Weekend lb Celebrate e laughs—and ,got them. "If
'Me Township of hay Public Year's on Sunday. Mr. Fowler I had been a drinking Man, 1:
School Area i n n eed of a is A brother of 1VIrs, Davis. couldn't haVe Walked out of
15 Mr, amid Mrs. Ernie YouSe Seine of those placet," He was leacher for Union No, 15
School, 31/2 m ilog west f rom and family haVe, taken tip reSi. guest of honor At, # SalVation
83. donee in the Banthren Apart. Artily dinner arid participated
DASliwoOd Highway nierita in the Bell Telephone in a number of city (Itet:ient
Duties to eommente at once. A omi emits should sta te expel.. building. Mr, Yausf has accent• employing most of his "chest'
position of foreman at huts" ITC evert questioned
knee 'and salary expected. All '•ftl applications arc be i n the Zurich printing shop. Mayor Stronieh giant "Roo:
Legion jadk pot this Saturday long do yOU wear your shirts?"
hands Of, the secretarY as Soon Will be Worth $125,00 in 60 dallS After the mayor earnestly cx'
as possible. with two doer PriZet. Plained that it, depended on
W, BROKENSIIIRE, Miss so6a itid Rannit spent how many tivie functiont he
Secretary-Treasuar, the past week ylsiting. With her had (?) attend during the days
Ay Township Schaal Area brolluir and sister.in-laW, Mr. poi
nted to his hips to th.
Zurich, ()Maria
3:10c m
an id
in ra. Toronyo
Jerr tannie and Di. &tate just how long he wore
-Mrs, Eunice Stone with Mrs.
Roy Bell and family, Hensall,.
Mr, and Mrs. Wes Witmer,
Mr, and Mrs. Leo Witmer and
Ronnie, Tillsonburg, Mr. and
Mrs, Gerald Dearing, Ann and
Preston, with Mr. and Mrs.
Preston Dearing,
F/L and Mrs, J, A. Cann,
Mary Anne, Cathy and Nancy
of Belleville with Mrs. Cann's
mother, Mrs. Jean Mair, and
Mrs. A. E. Ferguson, Miss Jo-
anne Mair and Wayne Fordham,
Windsor, spent Christmas with
the Banns in Belleville.
F/0 and Mrs, Roger Blake
Witt the latter's parents, W/C
and Mrs, Walter Taylor, Tren-
ton, for Christmas and New
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Keh-
ler, London, with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes
Ryckinan and family.
Mrs, H. N. Taylor in Sarnia
with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Taylor
for Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Westcott
and, family, Mrs. H. Kyle and
Mrs. H. N. Taylor, with Mr. and
Mrs, Ephriam Hero, Zion West.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mitch-
ell with their son, Mr. and. Mrs.
Les Mitchell, Crediton.
Mr. and Mrs. Bev Sturgis,
Searboro, and Mr. and. Mrs.
Ken Lampman with Mr. and
Mrs. IL L, Sturgis. Mr. and
Mrs. W. A, West and family,
Aurora, were Christmas visi-
Miss Greta Harness with Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Hall and fam-
ily, St, Marys, for Christmas
and New Years.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bragg,
West Lorne, with Mrs, William
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keys
and family, Burington, Mr. and
Airs, Grant Love, Caro, Mich.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Keys
and family with Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Keys.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cudmore,
Gloria & Beth, Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Perkins, Carol & Teddy,
Mrs, Grace Butler, Miss E. Bea-
con all of London, Mr. and
Mrs, Harvey Perkins & Ray,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cudmore,
Mr. and Mrs, Don Rooth all of
Exeter, Jackie & Ruth Ann Mc.
Donald, Brampton, Mrs. Emil
Parker of Hensall, with Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Cudmore,
Sugar and spice
— Continued from page 2
Patterson sold an assortment
of the century's biggest rubes
the Yukon Festival. We watch-
ed with horror as Quebec's own
(thank goodness) Real Caou-
ette emerged from tadpole to
Again in 1962, Canadians
Spent most of their time talk-
ing about the weather, money
And their cars, and almost
none of their time talking
about love, beauty and good-
ness,. Again they talked of the
world's hungry and stuffed'
their own guts, Again they
talked tolerance and practised
Oh Well, it's the only game
in town, and maybe '63 will be
better, .There's only one way
we can go, and it isn't down,
And don't mind me. I always
get. owly at this time of
When Kintz tried to go. around.
Parker he struck a llerthheund
ear driven by John. M. Given,.
47, Loden.
injured were Mrs, Zulina
Kints, Frank. and .Eric- Kintz
and Given. Damage was esti.
mated at $2,000 by PC C,
Caught in ruts.
Qap$, caught in centre ruts
sideswiped on .Stephen township
sideroad No. 1, A mile west of
No, 4 Saturday. The vehicles,
driven by Donald 1r, Reid, n,
I-tense-IL and Roy Smith, 0,
Crediton suffered .about
The same day, a car driven
by Lorne Kleinstiver, 40, Dash-
wood, and a dump truck ope-
rated by James kh Siddall, 31,
London, collided at Mt. Oarmel,
The Kleinstiver car was moving
from a parked position on the
road when struck by the west-
bound truck, Damage totalled
Official installs
Legion officers
Zone C-1. commander, Doug
Andrews of Clinton, installed the
new exectives of Hensall Legion
and ladies' auxiliary Wednesday
Jack Simmons is the new Le-
gion president. Vice:presidents
are, William Brown and E. R.
Davis; sergeant-at-arms, Ted
Roberts; executive, Maurice Tu-
dor, aim Taylor, Wilmer Dal-
rumple and West Venner; padre,
Rev, H. F. Currie,
New president of the auxil-
iary is Mrs, William .Smale,
Vice-presidents are Mrs. How-
ard Smale, Mrs. W. J. Came-
ron; secretary, Mrs, E. R. Da-
vis; treasurer, Mrs, Bryan
Kyle; sergeant-at-arms, Mrs.
Harry Horton; pianist, Mrs. Ed
Munn; assistant, Mrs. William
Brown; executive, Mrs, Wil-
liam Forrester, Mrs. Helen Ro-
berts, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs.
Harold Campbell, Mrs, Roy
Mark 56th anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Russell,
Henasll, celebrated their 56th
wedding anniversary on Decem-
ber 12 quietly at the home of
their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Joynt.
Christmas visitors
spla ys'Thief d
anti-yule spirit
.444 three ...cloys. after Christ.
.mast a thief displayed the e'
.act .opposite to. the yule .spirit
by. stealing money fratn. hen-.
Sall and Zurich public schools
which had been collected to
help those in. need.
Contributions ,for the junior
Red...Qrnao. were taken from. jars
in both schools 'after the thief
had forced entry by means of
A pry bar. Teachers' desks and.
the principals' offices were
Another brealpin was reported
at, the office of E, L. Mickle
and .San, Ilensall, .4n.try was
gained' through a cellar window
but no leas has been .dis-
Town topics
'io and Mrs, M. J. Eagle-
son and Cheryl. of La Machaza,
Que., And Mr. and Mrs, Lorne
Lamont, Dana and Wyann,
London, spent Christmas with
the latter's mother, Mrs, Norm
McDonald, and father at the
Queensway Nursing Home,
Visiting with Mr. and. Mrs.
Alvin Brintnell over New Year
were F/O and Mrs. Jim Kopp
and family, Ottawa, and Mr.
and Mrs. John Brintnell and
family, Prescott,
Mr. David Hill, Pickering,
has returned home after spend-
ing the holidays with his grand-
mother, Mrs, Milo Snell.
Miss Wilma Coates, Mr, and
Mrs. Keith Coates and Brad-
ley, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Sid
Pearson, Hickson, were with
Mr. and Mrs, Whitney Coates
for Christmas dinner, Decem-
ber 22. Mr. and Mrs, Coates
and Wilma motored to Mt,
Clemens, Mich., to have Christ-
mas Day with their daughter
and family, Mr. and Mrs, R.
H. Dougherty. On Friday, Mr.
and. Mrs. Russ Parker and
Sally visited with Mr, and Mrs,
Coates and on Sunday they
visited with Mr. and Mrs, Ski
Pr—%-son. Hickson.
Mr. and' Mrs. Ivan Carter,
Danny, Tracy and Paul, Sea•
forth, and Mr. and Mrs. Andy
Anderson, Marie, Donny and
Ronnie, DashWood. spent Christ•
mas Day with Mr.. and .Mrs.
Norman Kleinfeldt; Mr, and
Mrs. Kleinfeldt spent New
Years Day with Mr, and Mrs.
Ervine Eggert, Greenway.
Christmas visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ford
and family, Bolton, accompa-
nied by Mrs. Ford's father, Mr,
E. E. Myers, High River, Alta.,
with -Mrs. Frank Brierly and
Mr, and Mrs. Hilton Ford for
the holidays,
'Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Kestle
with Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hes-
tle and family, London. Mrs. K.
Pinder spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. George Falcon•
er and Bill Falconer, Bruce-
field, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tor-
rance and family, Bayfield, Mr.
and Mrs, James Keys and fam-
ily, Varna, Miss Edith Dowson,
Varna, and Mr. and. Mrs.
Frank Rathbium, Sarnia, with
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bell.
and, family, Thamesford; Mr,
and Mrs. Douglas Dick and
family, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. McMurtrie, Kippen.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill. Knights and Ste-
wart, Blenheim, spent a few
days last week with Mr, and
Mrs. Harry Snell.
Mrs. Hugh MeMurtrie and
Mrs, R. S. Hopkins spent
Christmas day with Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Hillier and family at.
made the removal a great deal
;punch: members apeek easier. The .improvement of the
:.gash member of last yeor's road will .Make a lasting con•
council reviewed some. of its .tribair1 unlike the removal of
maoi projects and aeopipno, the snow which is only tempo-
mapts 'during 1962. rarY".
Wilson noggins explained .a The road superintendent men-
newt home bylaw recent-
passed by pouneilt which was
aimed at obtaining .some sort
at revenue from owners of
large trailers who moved into
the area and had hitherto not
been. subject to Any sort of
ilodgins indicated that these
persons were naw being charged
$.1.0 per month to „send their
Children to school hi. the Area.
he also explained the town-
ship's fire protection plan with
London township, emphasizing
the fact to the ratepayers that
it didn't directly cost them any
money to call The fire depart-
honed that the calcium. which •
had Well applied to the ,reads.
during the summer had ..dawn •
MA ay favourable comments
front township residents. .„„;;;:
tie ..also, said that he seas dia.
Appointed with the weed con.
trot situation laAt Ammer
pause the spray that was used
did' not :seem to be Werking
properly. however, be added
that 'the company would take
no action in the matter and
that there was nothing, that
could be done about it.
Thanks group
for leaves gift
In October the Explorers of
Carmel Presbyterian Church,
Hensall, sent waxed maple
leaves to four Canadian . mis-
sionaries in four different coun-
tries, Explorer leader, Mrs,
Gordon Schwalm, received an
air mail Christmas card and
letter from Miss Ida 'White,
Canadian Presbyterian Mis-
sion, Mendha, Bhahra, P,O.
M.P. via Dohad, India. Miss
White is a native of Goderich.
My dear friends: I know this
card 'won't reach you before
Christmas but I want you to
know I am thinking of you
all at this time and received
your lovely Christmas gift of
red maple leaves, I am so
very thrilled to have them. It
is surprising how many of
them have kept their lovely
Miss Agnes Hislop and I are
living together and we both
appreciate the beautiful, leaves
and we are going to share
them with our Canadian friends
by putting, one in each little
gift. .
May the Lord truly bless
each* one of you at this Christ-
mas season and throughout the
New Year. Sincerely yours,
Ida White.
Personal items •
--Continued from .pago 1
plain to those present why the.
mill rate too that school was
almost double that of :nost,
other high schools in the area.
'.:-lardy blamed the .exceSai.VelY
high 24-mill rate on the numer-
ous building and. addition proj-
eets in the last few years, the
recent annexation .of surround-
ing territory 'hy the city of LW
don, and the higher-than-aver-
age wages and .salaries paid at
the school.
He remarked: "I thinh'every,
one will agree that .Aftwa was
a poor location for a school,
We have to pay the leachers
salaries comparable to those in.
the city and we have to pay
near-city wages to our main-
tenance staff."
hardy also said that the
board., which used to he con-
nected with both ClarkeRoad
and Oakridge high schools, had
been beset with financial bur-
dens because of the recent con-
struction and then additions to
All three schools that caused
an increase in spending and
consequently increases in the
He also pointed out that with.
annexation the city took over
the other two schools without
eaying anything to the school
board, although Hardy indicat-
ed that the city had put more
money into Medway than they
had put into the other two
Hardy concluded: "The main
cause of all the trouble is an-
nexation, With it our assess-
ment dropped off from 552 mil-
lion to $18 million, and you are
the unfortunate people in the
$18 m i Won",
When questioned from the
floor about what would happen
if London were to annex Med-
way school also, he replied "it
would be a great thing, I think
Toronto doctor
dies after illness
Dr. T. Walter Dawson, bro-
ther of Fred Dawson, Exeter,
died in Toronto Sunday, Decem-
ber 30 following a lengthy ill-
Besides his brother, Fred, lie
is survived by his wife, daugh-
ter, Mrs. Margaret Mackenzie,
Toronto, one son, Dr, John W.
Dawson, Calgary; brother, Wil-
liam, Bailleboro, sisters, Mrs.
H. S. Dawson and Miss Anne
Dawson, of Toronto. •
A private funeral service was
held on Tuesday, January 1.
with interment in Park Lawn
Hensall happenings
.16.Z.V2.611.AVala.'66LALM.461MISAMtede --.4#61h9s4a$9061.ii4444111104.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett
and. Al with their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Chaffe and. Joey, at
Mr. George Otterbein, Pres-
ton, with his father, Mr. Wil-
liam Otterbein.
Mr, and Mrs. Don MacLaren
of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs.
Archie. MacGregor and Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Chapman.
Miss Marian Bell of London
and Mr. Earl Bell of Toronto
with their parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Glenn E. Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mc-
Naughton and family and Mr.
and Mrs. John Duncan and
Barbara of Toronto with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chap-
man and sons with their son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe DeLoge, in Sarnia,
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rannie
and Joanne of Toronto with
the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Sam Rennie,
Misses Geraldine and Doro-
thy Parker of London with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Parker.
With Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Tudor and family at the New
Commercial Hotel were Mr.
and Mrs. Les Parker and fam-
ily Exeter; Mr, and Mrs. Stan
Tudor, Hensall; John Tudor,
who flew home from the Uni-
versity of B.C, to he with his
Parents, and Mrs, A. W.
Holmes, of Edmonton, Alta,,
mother of Mrs. Tudor.
Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Dil-
l* and family of Sarnia and
Miss Bernice Dining of Lon•
don' with their parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling.
Miss Beth Goddard of Guelph
with her parents Dr. J. C. and
Mrs. Goddard.
Personal items
„„h4 111, 1.11e .townshipm an effort to myself, because •We 4,NoA,`,. make -the SOW removal easier. continue using. the sehool we -We this,. raising and widen-
could 'buy' ecincation cheaper big some roads, „a.nd, it has
than ,we cart produce