HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-09-08, Page 2•
spinal or R. IFFICIP111111$011. 11. P. up siosedift tba oriental 4.ms., sad
AT usa lleammass, tisairati- eeadainied with esseasemy, la Fiume so
$i• filleplasepeee roes mean such sp..
=611:11. said that eweed meet te the
Ceaseemie be theiti h. data tiMlied
bed pod Wes, sail high
tispeaseethashe bees viewed lo esteem
blesvieste. lie tied seem is Cant a op
oe • pedueleast week sad ham what he
hod sees .1 the seasery, be eras cee•laseg
thee the present was bat she eussausteemeot
et great railway egettorm, Gad he ',mitred
rbezroasi his steam deone, that Cowrie
liana taus steers le 'tedium ttie
oyeasna wheel' ether essaanies had isomattte
with itheire. Cseade wale oes eel, os sb
'humbug, lag this peep*, l•yseg est 6,1 it
plat% es thought ores meek aiwnertasce •
the istredeleles raltroade theuilwres. -
lies hoped that the legrelatiare 01 Wit noun
try 'Fuld ut de aa lb.., of tome e,,,on
tine ban nese, for, atileough there were di
Ile I
IWO* were allowed 1. his made anew thee
ISM tilled tor, nod node part tea groat
Frame Woo ahoy pot b.iu
satrian'sapai Inith 41..0 Sett k
them monapots eserrod Om hole mimeo.
EtwItserlead • se • seiteetiee tit ser suit c••
•ess. each poderrieg lie es, • itatereets as
to gauge sad tireddieg w.thout reference to
Ilae whole -Tairy deeded to seed tio lags
hand for as Favorer to design for them •
*et work of ralways, sad he (11r. had
haat Ile boo., to be milled is, uteilled be-
cause there were ea rural Luise, sad there
su, mo t of their completion. Elts
thee mod that Casadeatia wattled imp hob
O Capti•l, mid 'dewed Omen to he guarded
to the gated, they should adopt, eeteci•
sily in regard to 'eclairs* eumpeivion.--
- Ile would for hatosell facsimile to recommend
to Lis harlots iu England to 'attest their
r.mooey in railioada here, reilless compe-
tition were allowed, for not hang but loss and
confusion would result. Belgium, France,
mid Switzerland, all possessed great advan-
tages over England ia hating batiogno a it al lutes
aad se hating hod cut their main hues for
it the benefit a the whole ceuetry, lather than
1. allowing to any tone, or any portion of the
country a prepouderatiag voice in their lo-
re. cation. 'they Lad establi,beal from end to
• end of their country a system in harmony
• with itself. Tbey could not preterit por-
ed ions of the coutary, from having their rea-
ways, but they were arnali as not to M-
. terfere with the great design. It was the
taterest of the whole country that eras in-
volved, not that of individuals, nor of petit-
e ; cular localities. Canadians ought to hare
a aysteut which would work in all harmony,
• I N bat was to be gained by ruinous compe-
° ' titioa? If passions and interests were
r brought ins° play, nothing could result but
destiuction of property and lou of life too.
Ile mid be could not otter a better com-
parisoo between a judiciously designee and
• wild competition, than the steamboat
which lie wee on board of the night before.
He found that the vesael was propelled by
two engine, each separate froin the other,
land he would suppose that they were under
the command of two rival companies._.The‘e would bare their friends and oppo-
nent, on board, aad be would suppose the
engineers had quarrelled, what progress
would they have model 1Vould they bare
i reached Three Rirerel At all events be
' would not have had the honor of enjoying
ilirsplendid hospitality of the gentlemen ot
AloLtieal at that moment. lie said be had
one nerd more. Ile could not leave the
cur without saying something ou the all
; important seigect of the bridge. 'fbere
was here a st magnificent river, and he
received abundant information respecting it
ifrom Mr. Alexander Ross, who had been
here several months ago, as to what the
bridge was to be. It SOS a *tattling pro-
ject, and at the time be had no idea ot lav-
ing anything to do with it. But hawing
studied the admirable report of Mr. '1'.
Keefer, and the philosophical paper drawn
u p by Jr. Loan, he could understaod from
what bad been written the general circum-
staniea to be considered. But if possible
he wcutd be again in Carada at the break-
ing of the Ice. (Great applause.) Still
they might he anxious to learn his impres-
sions abut the bridge, and be would pro-
ceed, to state them. According to Lis
ideas there *as no difficult'', to be appre-
hended from the ice. From calculations
he had made sine. Lis arrival in Montreal
he was. satisfied that no above that could
come against the piers would be sufficient
to displace them. The people Lein had no
doubt .•ecn the formatter' el the 1.6 %%IL-
er anti its breaking up in spring. I in, had
uinselt noticed their stupeudous and beau-
iful phenomena, cf course, but he had not
seen them art they are at Montreal. He
would say, however, that there were facts
ttending the breaking up of ice which were
useeptable of mathematical demoustration,
ad the pressure of the shove was also. ca -
able of being valued. It was therelore as
asy as the addition of 2 and 2 to estimate
Ise pressure necessary to retain the piers in
their places. Ile had been told that tbe
e waS thirty or forty feet -high, but its
pressure -could be easily withstood. He
d calculated that if ice were piled twice the
ight it would not disturb a well coostruc-
ri ge. So far, therefore, be would
sal for its permaneecy. He would also
be elpected to say something about
its site. The Minds of the citizen3 were
agitated on the question whether it should
be above or below the town. He thought
it Ms duty not to conceal hi• opinion upon
way, yet hero spro•rewl
t. him they were pi pacipallw those of legs. -
Monte. Calmat, at preeest, had as unoccu-
pied lie:d before her, and much would de -
veal upoo the first step. 11 it were takes
stub • g went, other d.fRcul,:s. would
et comparatively little importance. P-
ere*, takes injudiciously, what seemed bit
• epoch is the West might become • 'hue
dee I . • descent might not he
•paresis te Canadian' et premmt, hot tietor
bo Sell dlow• he %rook endeavor to make it
seselhis of
• • bad emelt the rises
peeress of rodwity• is Englood,•nd lbws*
who tied riot could h trdl r impre late the es
ernterie- losses occasioned by false leg,a'a
IMD. Few, isifeed knew the rise and pro
lenses of the !affiliation wilt' respect t
them. Um would occupy a few minutes
pointing out what those errors were, and
what course t• take to avoid them. II
wee iseapable „r oratory; but baring bee
lamed ap with railway content!, os
twenty years, he tbnu hi b could
them how to meld them. Sere tr.. speak-
er was izandible for a few minister, owing
is a slight noise in the room. The gems!
purport of hie obeervaireas was point
out the difficulties interposed to the Coe.
etraelloat et the fierst rsevesys in England.
After tbr.ob.taelee rareed in the first eau
ese had been removed, the people then
hostione .enettile of the Immense advantages
W the railway horse, and the cpmetr'n aa-
a now phase. Then ill places reek-
ed Tato railway speculattons. The country
nu tolerably fide,' up with railway
lima. Competition arose within the wills
cdPerbaluest, lot for totereat, but for van.
ii. Here Mr. Stephenroo went into the
history of several railway *twain., and
.131.d that tbe cormeitttes in parkin -lent
took into their consideration. not 'rhos.'
night or wbo was wrong. tot entered upon
questions entirely mitbsid.ary, not at all
coenceted with the pront of the liege, ur
the neceseity for inakrag theta. The con•
sego. nee wag. that committees sometimes
elke.ded open d frcreet lines wine resi-ins
eat irely •part final their real OD rt,, or the
aciettifiequestione involved in the details.
There was one district .thruligh ulech 11
was proposed to run iviu I.nea, and there
was no other ddficulta between them than
the simple rivalry, that., one got a char
ter, the other might sled! But here ohere
the commute might hitsaisiveo both, they
gime neither. In another Instate, two
Imes were protected through a barren coon -
try, and !lr committee gave the one widely
al/aided the /east acconiodatinn to the pub
he. In another there was a line to be run
merely to eh:torten the time by a few min.
rites, leading through • mountainous coun-
try, the committee gave both; ao that
where the committee might hare given ,
both :bey gime neither; and where they ,
should leave given neither, they gave both.
Such a sposere of leyivla,i was he'll**
and he hood at would not be imitated again
in this country. There waif, indeed, • .1.
tommittee now Miliaria Eileen.% the at,
titration of abieb he called to these rave, -
After lir es *ere granted, the enmpetition
which bogan within the wails of par- A
lienmet c. otinued when the lines I t
name to be pot in operation. Pea -
pie said it was neve:wiry 10' IWile Feeler
competition the i.entOt of the !
that the sietiora country would be under the a
dominion of a ta.iway .corporatioe, and 5
competition was the only way of cheekier a
it, and preserving moderate prices. Welt, p
he could ny, upon the authority of the
Board Of Tride,-and from bus own kroa-
weaned, aut of 300 moboa• or pounds en -
ledge, that, sines competing lines cow
peaded, G. bad twee wasted; that la in de. II':
plicate lines. Dirt in or Ilif• It 161•1
iseemitsteacy of the proeetehotta ta railway I ha
leg.slatron. when the ',nodes% and Simon be
se ed fer, the feasibility of t •
'cute was doubted; great difficulties were
• soggeeted hoop in the stay; telemeters
mere ailed in to recede everything tn op -
potation to !I; the estimatcs were dimutei
tied slushted; it was maintained that the
snap's, ought to prove the traffic bat
woe to go over it, sod that stir or eight per
met aria 10 be obtained upor the rimer
is •
, act • 5)051 pite-il part slim 0,
taken in the project. l'...tose I'dr1 nt a (
greeted the chance before the pe• pit were
allowed to 'peed their own rn, rey, they
were hero asked to prove the irattic and the an
aid phew a regular contract (0 01. !oil
tablab that the wrath was to be done with. de
to the ev•imate. The per.ple clanwitred ler wa
eempetition. and Parliament granted the he
eapelabialt.re of two capital*. At that time ,„ d
pill tee 01 to early pennons almost for 11,
nothing. 8,,1 %bat watt the resell? The ,
opulent were struck dowe and tlm poor ,`""
worth re,lirced to peeery. Netball, h..* be
the resource. of Britieb commerce enuld his
hue ariet,ined iiieh a shock. There stertsel and
eee *04 legoilatien it 'nicht be dcult who
ap, papaw from 1/1 Rogland, bill they efinud Inc
be weigh* 1 lien before Il ey were breech(
ist• Car ads, either by tr., prraent nr any
Wens government. It was that all '
was rignt, the public gained • hat the Or .
prtetore lost. Rot the public bad not
gained. Capttel weir absorbed and eiverted F
had bus 'd,
fisch Dever wuld hiss
is wisesisted-
sellbeelks ef priseireilleise wee
S ai deposdest es tie sesspleese
the proposals hy the Porte
ollerstita or aboodassat. Tim
nal ma seed of so Aratrarrarkair tee
order le seat to draw of the
ails troops. The Czar wit mot seed that
order good the Porte has sward so atm -
neat %which is tastareoest to • eoeceasioa el
es ery pont is dispose, sad Wry rot so
tar as to he permitted to seed aa Ambas-
sador to St. Potent:tett: will tins
be two question of * Sea for ex-
penses sad tbs sspeleos of all Malta! re-
fugees. The former will be waited, bat as
to the latter, 'Rhumb Meth bee bses said,
Russia will proceed with the demand, hav-
ing Turkey at • disadvastage, to obtain
measures which the boanciers of the Porte
reused two or three years hack; amid Aus-
tria will au the uwaatuse colorer the pre: -
Wog demand.
Advices have bees received 'from Coe-
staiitirrople to the teat. It is staled
that so iaterview with Reacted Pasha, the
Prtosian Ambassador, Lad giteu full and
positive assurance of suppoi t in case of need.
Lave been taken to coffee': an
army of 62,000 men at Nultanail0 be elat-
ed at the di•potal ol the Sultan. The
government has ordered the Bishop and
Archbishop to return to their respective
places immediately, as it has been under-
stood that Russian agents are busy in seve-
ral parts of the tomtry to foment discord.
Receut advices from the I3elegrade district
mention that the occupants of Servia, are
&ruling, and that 30,000 militia were being
' NEW )(out, August 31.
The stemmata', Ameriai sailed at noon
to -day for Liverpool, with through pas-
The Europa reached her wharf at half
past 8 o'clock this morning.
BALT1MoRE, Aug. 31.
A terrible explosiou °cc ured at Wheel-
ing on alooday. Twenty kegs of powder
exploded on the wharf killing one draytnan
and blowing another into the River.
New °stases, Aug 28.
The potential nutuber of interments 'atlas
city during the last week, were 1618 of
which 144'2 were f-om yellow fever.
TM" New Orleans cOmmittee repot t the
total coutributions to this city to be $10,-
Nr- w Yone, Sept. 1.
I3r the arrival of the steamship Her-
mann we, hate a trw additional items of
interest from imerree.
A frightful accident occurred at the New
Cr" stal Palace at Sydenham, by the falling
of a seaffidd, killing eleven men.
A vesture had destroyed property to
tee amount of 1250,000.
• New Your:, Sept. 1.
Dr. William Alethall, formerly of this
city editor of the New Orleans Delta,
died of Yellow Fever, on bis way to New
Gervin Said' Las given .$1000 to the
lloivard Amociation of Nei, Orleans for
the relief of .the sufferers.
11. Courier of this morning states posi_
toady that Mr. Walker Well sot go to
A erivste letter from Si. Thomas, gives
a few ',wheelers of (Inc insurrec-
tion at Tortola. On the Road to the town
the number of houses burnt and plundered
were 132-ths number in the country 7.
The civic authorities, supported by the
Engli•li and Danish soldiers, hare declared
martial law for suppressing the rebelfion.-
Thirty of the thief avers had been arrested
and are now under trial. •
I341.1121oRE, SePl- 2 -
'lie Whig State Convention yesterday
nominated Richard G. Bowie. .01 Mont-
goaiery, and Dr. Hanson, of Baltimore,
Capt. Fontleroy, of the navy, and Capt.
Raker, of the marine corps, died recently
of yellow fever at l'ensacola. The epi-
demic has increased there.
The Attorney General Coshing dis-
avows the authorship of the 'Roston .Post's
Kossa article, hitt lauds its ability.
General Clark returned yesterday from
his inspection of the Southern route for
the Pacific Railroad.
ereettlessiesit, eimit111141
sellellied 44 Wiass spetto3 7s 104 a 86 4d,
alaresed Notobeltsr lb $t Rod, 7.4d
Ilk Flew edossisod Is to la NI. le-
lika COMM., 6d-adraeced. The No-
venas btarhot has sinesitted 'to a further
declass appeared Checked, Beef aad Pork
steady sad s goal request.
MOM VS111111UZI.A.
Advice, from VeseN.see. Yletwolk, S
stale that the political disturbance
State hast been *early settled.
ma, two earthquakes bad occurte
destroyed the remainder of the tou
stabs dull at Porto Cabel/o.
Portainoulli, Va., Se
The British shm Samuel, sup
bare rue away with orgroes os boa
overhauled in Ilaniptoo Roaus.
oegroes who had deserted from
Pennsylvania, found on board sec
Capt. hlogus of the Samuel. '1
hies were seat to Portsmouth au
milted for examination.
ep. . ROADS 1!
Aug. 17
th•1 The By -Laws hating refugees to the
ti ithich
At Tau -
Gravel Roads sod Court House, we would
c:. 11u. again remud our 'eaves, will be subject-
ed to !Leis votes on MONDAY neat tbe
pt • 3. 1"2.th rust. Let ALL who are in favor of
posed these much seeded improvements be at the
rd was
30.]elwes of meeting at au (crier hour, sod
Itt :1:1°, take as many of their stereAbora as are
retrd by favorably inclined along thew -
'he fah"- II they would wish to improve the value of
d corn -
their own property -if they would confer
Baltimore, Sep. 3.
New Orleans papers state that the (ever
is decreasing in that city.
naae.-W• hare now before us a pair of
rboes nitwit were pegged by a rosehme;
they ar• be first mid only pair Ike have
seen that were not peggedAy a eon of
errapts with lus awl and hammer. The
work is dose, as geed as any %VOA we
!Vet saw. Thai maehise was invented by
Sera Tripp, patented to last April, and as•
alined to be Norfolk, of Salem. Illassachst•
setts the sole prop utter. This nischme
will peg a Nu. 7 boot or shoe in half" mio
ate, or 30 pairs to one hour, If the •hoes
could b• put in sad taken out tbe sani•
lime they •re peggett. It can be 'here&
to suit • diff-reot sized shoe or boot it two
mramies, end it will peg any share. In a
tows of Massachusetts (Lys's) 10,486 per
sons are employed in ISS shoe facruries. -
The yearly value of w, men and children,'
hoots, shoes and getters mad* there, is
$3,421,300.--Scielaftie donericart.
WET WE NEED ean.bliose Law .- We
need it to dimieisb by'onahalf and more ow.
pauper tax. %Ve nerd It for the preveatioe
of crime. We need it to protect our child
ren front the demon of intemperance. We
need it as an sexi'lary to the reformation ot
the drunkard., thousands of %hour hall
as the messenger of wercy. We need it
do staunch the tears of the drunkard's wife
and to snatch tert cto Wren fruni the degre-
dation and the misery which he entails up
nn them. %Ve need it to close cite of rhe
largest floodgates of vice, and to open the
chancel through shies health, tortue and
general prosperity may pour their blessings
upoo the whole community.
N.Ew WHEAT Snow OFtpli,, ?AYE/trona:
-By ibe “Sarsh snr,,sNit.. Ira Gould, of
Montreal, rends to Ltverpoor eve hundred
barrels of fdoir, made from Ohio *lost if
the prevent hottest, y wilt be in Lor•
erpool within six weeks 0( 11. tine whets
the wheat from welch they are made, lee
the burner's yard, having in the mean time
peeved over Rome eight hundred • mtlei by
land and water, to he manufactured, gone
through all the recemary processes. and
finally made an'her voyage of 3000 miles•
This ts a degree of capeditioe of which
'bane are lew exausplesp' and we
believe could not be ace,,repl.shed by •rit
other route than the Si, Lawrcoce.-Her•
Raii•au•at.s,Wousy.-Triere are now
on exhibition in Boston three remarkable
women, one of %%horn 19 M!•111 Norton, a
young lady sixteen years old, Rod memo._
rag only seven feet, foursond•s-half inches
tn bright ! By her ride is Mrs. Bogy',
measuring bit 14,1 v one inches ! 'Co
complete the trio to Mole Emma Taylor,
seven years olo, and weighing two hun-
dred and mr:ety poucds.
"Ifs ••• 00? •11 ESIJIT 111 Tag WORLDr'
Hasn't ! well, wo aro Corry for him ! For
h b g e cheracer who has
enemies. He itt nubody who has not gut
p ue enough to get an enemy. Ghe us
nibs, as our ideal of virtue and manliness,
ene who has many enemies -who hes made
them hy his manhood land distraught sin:ra-
rity, tied fearless lore ot the thrng be sees
to be right. The men of earnest purposes,
strong will, and love of principle for his
owe sake, mina have ensures. But this, so
far from being is to him • good. The
strong tree is more deeply rooted and tu-
tees/if in the soil by the blast than the sum -
a boon upoo their children -if they w
increase their 011e comforts and con
Mences, and bring the best markets to t
deors-if they would elevate (bete Co
ties (0 (4. level 0( 4. best settled Coon
cf Canada -if they would do their duty
MEN and social beings, they have sow
opportunity of doing SO by votag in fa
of these By -Laws. The boon 1. 4.
tamed in incalculably greater than the a
slight exertion required to accomplish 4.
The Gravel Road is indispensible to co
plete our means of communication and
produce these desirable results, and the
Court House has- been already too long
"file mean* to accomplish these neces-
sary undertakings are to be had upoo the
most favorable terms, and they oill sever
be more favorable. They will themselves
hilly repay the outlay required, and the,re-
lending Of the money advanced for this
purpose being extended over a period of
thirty years will scarcely be (tit by the
idly increasing population, 'those weal
is now being vastly augmented by eve
.mprovement undertaken.
We are advised by correspondence fro
Straiford that the sum of £'22,000, for 1
Penh Gravel Roads, is niready plated
the credit .of that fine enterprising Cour
in the Bank of Upper Canada, and a
told that •• Perth County is bound to
ahead." So she ts-and she is deservi
of ber success, eCod helps them tha
help themselves," has always proved a sa
maxim. We believe that Iluron at
Brace are bound to "go ahead" too, an
Id t every ratc-payer beware that be bar
not his own and fus neighbours prospent
by voting adversely on the TWELFTH.-
Iluron be less alive to her own in
terests than the junior Couoly of Perth ?
Will the rate -payers of these United Cotes
tie, he satisfied with themselves hereafier
when Perth is eojoyiug all the advantages
Of her valuable local improvements and
Huron and Bruce with superior advantage!
and tneans, have through their *feed lost
the wealth and "prosperity which might
safely have belonging tojhem! We think
Let the ratepayers then embrace the pre-
sent opportunity to attain a full measure of
I the prosperity now enjoyed oy tbe coutry.
The completion of these works, in conjune-
no lion with the railroad, will insure an On-
- +mesa! • .
I I g
is thee& 12 samara.. jedges to hare ado a grovelled es the Labs %ere rot{
lease superior to sig Nom es previous oe- 1 sever laud it read oar do 1 twiny thig
radians. We adersided the &Wattle Me such a motion was helot, lie comma. W.
114101Mal offillhafiehaillbsegli the -ledges-- Fraser mule a moiios far £30 the
Meow. Wataoe Piper sad lion, fogad Nerib mod Sold It &votary hie of Kamer.
great elleoltr maims the winches.- disc, which was greeted is camases; is
Is fact where all were so good -it waa oily afterwards came before tie comaittee ead
to be wished that ugh could have received said be did not want it, aad is committee
a premiere. Tb. maples sbowa were all oldie cable made • mottos that it might iv
sold at the price aimed by the Directors, pear ia the abates the Coated as " hit
viz. 5 shillings per MAUI. The success- over to ant aittiag of Caused,'" leae haa
hil Competitors were as followsz-- constituests should be dissatisfied thee he
Jacob Seegtailler Esq. 1st .C2 . 0 0 refused the money. Mr. Fraser wend
Jolla Elliot 2.4 Li 15 0 fain make believe that the Wardeo, ita
James Statehouse lid al 0 0 officious capacity, told ban ia (Inc presence
The yield of fall wheat Ibis season has of a majority of the R and others is
bee. most satisfactory and abundast, and a keen debate that a be had tem under the
the grain of tbe best quahty, throughout our lash and would keep him under the
Comities. The improved demand for all the keen debate was between Mr. Fruer
kinds of produce, and the ready cash mar- and Mr. Flasagaa in a 'Steil rooin over
kali which now exist at Gs* heeds, will some grog the Warden happened to room
isduee the farmer to make redoubled el- in and by way of a joke said as above, next
morning Mr. Fraser said be had made a
fool n( himself but would not do so again
-se muds far at lasJa
Mr. Fraser says that tbe rail -road will
benefit Bruce ; the suspension bridge will
benefit Bruce much more than Huron,
there are only three townships in Iluron be -
Refitted by the Bridge, and those three do
not pay' so ns...ch tax as the township of
Goderich or perhaps some other township j
if the Court House is built, it will be of
equal benefit to Bruce as Huron; the
Gravel Road, is the only bug -bear, the by-
law might not be approved of by the rate-
payers and iathat c ase Mr. Fraser could
not have any cause of complaiut, but should
he complaio, which be is sometimes willing,
to do without a cause, this is not to pre-
vent the rate payers from doing what they
think best tor the counties.
The present position of Huron and
Bruce -In 1831 Kincardine was attached
to 1Vawauosb, and asseteore and collectors
appointed to assess and collect iu that tow. -
ship, which cast Wawanoth about £5.
Mr. Fraser says there was one man in his
oak] forts to excel in the quality and quantity
re- raised by him, while the generally good
heir harvests which reward his exertions in our
us- fine boil, will encourage bun onwards.
Last week a man of the name of"Leach,"
fell overboard from one of the small boats
plying between this and Kincardine. It
'appeara be was going "lot ward' for some
article he needed wbeo his foot slipped from
the genteel1 and he was precipitated into
the water. The boat was immediately put
"about" but without avail as the deceased
sank immediately. Ile leaves • wife and
one child, who, we uoderstaud had lately
arrived Irom Hamilton and were proceeding
with him at the time oI the accident to a
localities firi lad already effected cm the gov-
ernment lairds in the Comity of Hume.
- - - - - .
Mears. Jacksou, Betts and Stephenson,
IF H. Killaly, Chief Engineer of the Pub-
lic Work's Department, Hos. F. }bucks,
Inspector General, Mr. P.oss, Engineer
of the Grand Trunk -Railway, Mr. Sbauly Township fool enoleeh to pay his taxes, but
m Eogiaeer of the Toronto and Guelph Rad- Mr. F. says they hate paid all that was de-
bt way, Hon. J. R010, Attorney General and mended of them. The next year our Treas-
to President of the Grand Trunk Railway urer .£18 to one school in Kincarduse.
ty Company aad some others have lately com- The Reeve from Kincardine lies been paid
re plete a tour cf inspection along the lice of for his attendance at the Council for two
go the Grand Trunk Railway in the Western years, their portent of the administration
oa, portion of the Prorince. We understand of justice, &c., all 'Illieee thins Lave been
tbe-party when at Detriot expressed a de- raimd beyiraleluer.clewiirt.b"Frtawrerc:onalini ad.]10re sire to t isit ( ioderich but were unavoidably above £30 he' could have had for the Town-
dd onbuleigtertdatutotyfor:gbolethhaisttaocnbesacicocuonutr sethnet ship line and his proportion of officer's sala.ries, I thiuk be could see that be received
s steamboat arrangemente. something -so much for tbe truth of Mr.
.7 We regret that the experienced eve of Fraser's statement, "Inc got nothing."
lf Mr. Fraser would pay a little rnore
the celebrated Sterbeneon had . not„ en attention to his duties as Reere,and be a
opportunity of viewieg our Harb3r and t,!le le%:41irarilganuts °b7 gul7ndcrt tubi ed
line of Railway as an opinion trom that ardee Reev of I r i o
' be desirable. In what cooditioa did the
- quarter would have been of great value and rolls for Kincardine appear before the
Icould scarcely fail of producing satisfac- County Council after being carried by the
cloopnlympue:elapati.on, We hese our Steamboat Council of Kincardioe, perhaps 'Mr. Era -
but Mr. Fraser wanted
which, Racks to Capt,
seerdePjultyeirPeleat:ne' for Kincardine before be
1 Ward, of the Ruhy, has Dot been so bad paid any tillers, and in order to get the re -
r nee.. A man nes•r knows bo
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 2. much there ts of hen till be lap confron
s point, nor to perthit the agitation to go The Skase of Bishops being assembled .4 40(1 braved bt teruppoeition •-Baqi T
"at Camden, this morning, the President re -i balsa'
lifficult and import:nit orbiter, but he had noire,
as if he be`11a;ed on the Iwint• It was I quested those who were not members to ,. Yon have destroyed my pence of min
ought bis best judgement to bear upon it I when Mr. Doane made an elOquent Afroira: said a despairing lover to a Ir
tl haring mo interest in it one way appeal to the House to open the doers to ant 1353.
Jet, he was in a situatmn to make an iii-
" an- I the public, sad offered a resedutioo to that r It can't do much harm, William, fo
pendent selection. Whether the place .ica.
effect. The%atter ie now under discus- 'twirl an amazing sail! piece you ha
A to be that laid out by ale. Keeter,or not, any
was satisfied it must be above the town,i
not far below Nail's Island. 1 hat was ARRIVAL OF THE ATLANTIC. ea.'
A chiel."'s ansang ye ta'tn notes, raid
then thauled his relit -tamers for their Nsw yens, sept. 3. daya pick pocket to himself, as he was on
limes and the prescht eccasion, arid said 'ilie Steamer AtImitie arrived at 5 p. m. ti " relieving"' a crowd ol gentlemen o
would remember it to the Bit .4 Jaye of' Pailiami et nas prorogued on the 20th ._wir pc cke t- books.
life. 11e would also r. -(166t with i ride , I'd eeortnission 'I he favorite cosmetic. for removing
saieceserion on his 111C t 11112; • 1111 tit,'. C i .1 1.1' Qiii.en says she has good reason to freckles, in Pans, is an ounce of alum and
m be had been called on to constilt; and hope that an h. nweble arrangement of the an ounce of lemon -juice 0 a rent ef rose-
ell proud that his name would in any ! Eastern question will speedily be eccom-
be connected with Canaile, especially 14".
great a work.
Lord Palmers:co statid in the Commons
_._ that le was confident that the Czar would
r.THER BY THE " EUROPA." eeesary delay. 'fbe Eastern Questiou
-- evacuate the Priercipalows without unne-
othereise offers nothing new.
ward noble career for this, one of the fair-
est portions of Canada, and raise Huron
and Bruce above the baneful influence of
rival sections of the Province. We are
fully convinced that good means of com-
manitation are only required to curse pros-
perity to flow an among us like a stream.
The place of meeting in each locality
will be seen by reference to tbe last page
1. of this sbeet--and again we *1,1 no
ri ; ratepayer be alient.
u- ,
The Sons of Temperance tel Goderich,
whose numbers hare lately been much to -
creased, and whose Division is excellret
working order, held a very interesting fes-
tive meeting, at tbe Temperance Hall, on
e the evening of Thursday last. The atten-
ema hollered that competition would coin- lin
this summer, will be placed upon eren a 'visite, number of bastes, rate individual
better footing next eeasou, as during the was placed on the roll three times, this not,
summer months the great itillux of visitors, making up the amount lie undertook to take
attraeteil by the remarkable salubrity of what be, wanted from the other T, ownships
in Couuty, thus showing Ina knowledge
our Towq, and the fast increasing trade. of the municipal act to a demoostration.
demaods such attention.
Some other Townships of tbe County of
Bruce ought to hare been represented this
Tug Gzat.-"We neglected to inform yr,iir, which "int will noon be the „„,
the Gens that his affirmation as to our iden- and when men of understanding and judg-
tity &en, bit very wide of the Mark. He meat area sentiifrom Bruce, I trust there
will be lees complaints made against the
may guess again.
Coasitquent to the departure of Lord
Elgin for England, Lieut. (ieneral
Rowan, tbe Senior Officer Commanding
her Majesty's forces, was sworn in as Ad-
ministrator 01 the Government oo the
23rd ult.
The fall Assizes are to be opened for
the United Counties of Huron and Bruce,
on Wednesday the 12th October -The
Honorable tbe Chief Justice Robinson will
I dance was very large and the new Hall 1 The Umiak Obeerver is about to be
removed to Port Saran sin veal wow be
R. Carboy., Esq., the D. G. W. P. pre- _
from ether profitable employme•t. L nee
bees built Lad a directing teema presided
u err the chsr'ering of tl.em; sad is did Dot -I
erey the man who could glary at one part
of Ihis conimenity prospering by the ruin 9
0' siewther. Tbra error had been mo.t sus- prese
sa,allaa• to IMO ceentry and Ite hopel it would A
Out beemtrnitted here. Competition never ern
•us erten
a hearties! porpoire. Compr-
Urals lute poverty, was th• another of ie- 3,6
'cation. aid wan thing. ran,* to the los- wee
est obis ir.is remelt., vra• in
ill no 'satire!, 1,4.1 it traceried !eat arn•le•
irsaterm hart lot redilecd charges. Mr. 11
IM•ptereem here tee 'red geserallr to the Rem,
ispenre of working 'kart finer, sad the Aust
rineemsty et rassaguishieg i,,Pt• by snail- neigre
gammen% and Tonto:WA an in
Ile *diet water comertnniestione Thera are : he
ere. to 1%
let competing Th• retard from cote 1
parabola waii, then 164.1 hp,, heal'.
tether and taire.1 toils to the Ittee.l. hot .
here, %here there was me comp looms. • dent w
Vila, was 1, be dr.eie hot in trairelnee our "ill g
men ir,em. Pied make (id. prod • hiehe•t. sykr
Mr. N. thee resPrrell t foreign runniness I In 1
s1 alt lo erern, lalliteit ail r.litattled many
enes er tie• Melt le lay caul this ebonite so aeg
ea te Oda • the grimiest swum t serene- noun
sodeilwei wi th the least t xpeadilere of two- Tb,
,z6zI. slow eheatced was mot pertit
se Ohm ft Ragland: Itei it vrftt nue
e•mipariemi web *be is 107 ether i.e.'''. wales.
Tte woof peals tbe coarsely ecre Alled 114
London, Aug. 20.
A slight outbreak has been reported m
'hie Emperor sod Emipre.li hare retie- .11
hed their coatemplated journey for the re rumoured in;ention of the Austrians
nt. to occupy Romeo, is denied.
Capitalists are wanted to construct a
roams. red crimplicalion oftthe Eaet-
ship Canal from the Bend of the Danube
Amman es assigned as he reason. 10 tbc muck sell.
resettle! diving the past ball year was
63,447 Bonne more than awe hist six FRANCE.
dm is 1852. A decree of Napoleoo fixisg • uniform
rate of unpnrt duty on Breachleffs to liven- pester, of the County of Norfolk is the fe-
write sepeple. Ile can sell every raim of
mos make ab inroad th,, same datet; tonnsgr dues are to be
is rumoured in Yieena (hal should Ile eeelIeees, I° December 31sIr °ad t° that now at the ethibition by the matte, wed
rises wend mosey the frontiers of ehereed et shifts importing corn pro rata hies innumerable niter. for small quantities
t e, for Austria would never consent 1.07 part taf their targoes. hes innumerable nrilers Inc small quentiees
for seed. 51r. Carpent•r took the Canada
Company's Prise at Toronto last tall with
the sante article. Ili' ibis year's crap la
equal if not superior to the last.- Maim -
Her ald.
A bachelor friend of ours, on passing up
the street yesterday, (says an exchange
paper,) peeked up a thimble. Ile stood a
while meditating on the probable beauty of
the °weer, when pressing et to his lips,
sayiag "Oh, that it were the fair lips of
the wearer," Just as he had finished, a
big black wench tord•.1 cot of an upper
wiedow and 4111.1 : lio•s, jus plena! to
frow dat tumble in de . I jts now
drap it !" the Irien.1-'ainted.
Plain WHIAT.--We learn that though
the pima are sot declared at the New York
tbe Moe stem wheat of Mr. Ca --
mem s taking posrieseion 01 14. key to
lumina or limigurian Prostates.
RUSSIA ,Illtr/ rosary.
the 4th unit ' Isalisrh eorrestow
role that negolialicem for pea -.• sere
ming ori at :74. Petlitrati.trg-, and the
partmeni wee e as ever.
'oronnedii. near %Varner, there were
troubled with aNectives of the eyes;
4. Cholera is &pie apparel" So
ash.Nationd has a conesseies.,
I's Roses, dated tith, ah.ch
that Ihe Emperor's or eeplimee of
liana pserpeeiti.o einuedisiosal.
Tlw tett of the Austria* pretest menet
ihe Smyrna &lair is punished. aod seat to
all the foreign triini.ters. It takes the
groend that Ceram Ingraham bre** the
nierustroul law as evplaieed by ral-
te4 aosl other Juntas.
The import duly on lifeladelef. into the
two Niches is repealed.
SWIM !tub. demointrations against
soommaa have hoes node et !neg-
The (sport o( Breeding& from Creeee
ele• The Quebec Chromic', says the
the lion. :hears Willson, at he has reader.
504 hini.elf so obnoxious to tler Paotesianis
of Canada, Inc hie conduct at the aaaaa
Rent, bas toodered his restgriatoos of the
Mayoeslity of Montreal.
Meeresseras asksd by a err lend whether
Ine world tsetmet hre daughter be the 4.1
forest laageelee, t• which I • rephrase'. N.
sr, elan Foetus le eu Mout kr say woman.
well filled with the friends of tbe quer. coed the Lospeen (Karver.
did. After the refreshments had been r
oved, the Rev. C. Silvester gave
ery appropriate and exeellect opeoi
cech, he was followed by thie
lark of London who addressed the mu
g with great ability and at considerab
ngth upon the question of Itt, Main La
e also touched very eloquently aid fore
y upon the peculiar obligations wbi
sted upon Christian minicers to suppor
and encourage the work. The Iles. Mr.
Graham, of Tuckers/111th, also 'poke ably
and to.the purpose. The meet* passed
off very sorceesfelly ami closed at a late
The ladies 4.r,p great credit Inc thiver
exertions, both rn the eboir and at the re-
freshrnent board no ibis occasion.
We hope the farts mad encouregemeets
adduced at this meeting will have • good
effect in stimulating the advorealesed be!
perigee here to redoelekd ermines is 161
noble work which they bare 'spooned.
The cause is a right one and Mint !VOW
featly triumph.
c h
ter, as I thisk Mr Fraser's letter and oh-
jectioes were reasonably and fully ea-
swered, but u Mr. Fraser has again mon
a sally on the Reeves of Hewes and bas
dotard some facts in the editorial remarks,
I with to Gnaw • few obesreshou, sad
shell It... hen( as possible.
Mr. Framer regrets that you haw been
giving West misrepresestations, eed says,
he serer d:d oor serer could reject the
offer of ten n: terefire melee of gravel road
!north ot the Maithted, nor did be ever
hear of it said be saw it ta the Signal
IN reply, I would ley, that 1 au in sey
pommies a mottos node by Cherie, Gir-
lie, Esq., to tbat girse ors to es.
deed, *nth 1 Aid, the amis. lees set poly
bet emsidersble der aisles took piste epee
k, sal I well remember the objeetioe be-
ing raised by..,. 01 41. Northers Hee***
ef tie ravel harthig the ousts Ow. Mr. :1
• :rght smasples sit 10 heelieh sorb, arm bees heard the ihneoesseo If
Communication s.
'5 merlive.oe•ise•wwireo alleitadE
Draft Ste, -Tu the Signal of rho 11th
17t., earervert a fetter of Mr. Fraser's,
but the editorial remarks ie the same
paper, suppose, presented any of the
R from making any reply to the let-
The liaised Cognates of' livens Mail
Drees Agrieulterst Beeiety's annual show
of Feu Wheat took place ne Timrseley
hot I.
ron ; an Mr. Editor if you
are willing at all times to publish Molt
Fraser's commusioatios is tbe
while in Council, 1 doubt not but that
you will agree with what I ans satisfied is
the inmd of every Reeve in the County,
(tot he is a troublesome customer. I am
satisfied tbere is not • Reeve in the Coun-
ty would do Mr. Fraser an injustice.
Having trespassed too long on your time
and space,
I remain, Dear Sir,
Yours truly,
McKillop, Sept. 5th, 1853.
Not the least interesting incident at
the Stephenson Dinner in this city, was
the complimentary manner in which Chief
Justice Robinson spoke of Mr. Inspector
General timcks, and the equally compli-
mentary reply of the latter. I he Chief
Jestice deal& it wouM be tortilla and on -
generous to deal unfidely *kb Mr. Hincks
or that party or other consideration. should
eepeive"hkslobf ilea' rot MOM to tho
probative of railways. ' Tic IMO pan,
Mt. Riecki' readiness in debate, and di/
not think he had overstepped the line of
his duty in identifying himself in so par-
ticular a amener with tbe Introduction of
railways into Cued*: All this On the pert
of the Chief Justice, was of course, whet
is sow termed '•noe-pcditieal." Rid 4
we look upon it ss a thing of some nig
esece. We do not think Chief .Tostice
Robieson is the man to make unadrek
stateseeets at a public dinner; or, to irdt
in terms of praise of a political leaders
without well understanding what he
does& it woolJ be idle to
Ohat.'the approbate°, of the CMef'
f the reilwey polity of Mr. Ilion%
streartlen that redeem's ban*
ter. where his (tbe ChisciusireeVel
will hare weight ; and, Mr. Hada
cwoeunreeheretlii6kgardedthermw dilisinaterriodhl
noisy m hie favor from a di
whose pantie& asitecedents won
tirely opposite eimraeter to bla
doll corset so *Maio* is ail
thee the to say fiat, lie tin 101
Hawke would have reeetiedrof
the Chef Justice, if he Lai
state of utter prostration of I"
arrears party, sod 64
Iiimeithemurei's Raison, c
presses appear to fleet
IEnos, eras there st tbe some ,tisas sad
sem 'vitiated of eteelleet (rainy, sad i Fraser made any waft to Live tesekt I
11 t Nees
• •
• Mr. raids to plass io ib ontor"
-ZPIIIIamldorkmaiii----....ir grommisimioNimpti
.._ .........1.1811. 411..-nra.
es the
1, se say
herb asses
re deb.