HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-27, Page 13Announcing Week of Prom 'Service$ Plan to Attend Janwary 741 More Information Next Week Exeter Ministerial A$socialion The imes•Advocate, peCOmf3etr 271 1962 PAO .13 HANGING ON lienteentiefiAleellealiaielteMAMIseierkneWSWittegetetiteefelleeffereleMe eoreeeeee,. ..eeeees ANNOUNCEMENTS ememetweeee:e;.,...:eyee4,eb.er wereeeee: .e.et,,.eeeee.e,:teetzeifeeeeteeleMerfelee.e. PIONWAY 21 F!HONE 14 GRANDI;OEND • ' Our beautiful surroundings 'vitt our iervic4s are, moderately, prieed,ht- • Wi SiKlIALIit ZN ViTEDDI .Open continuoualY7:30 ut,, , • ••••••••••111•0111111•11.11111MNIO MalLaren Pharmacy Phone. 218-222 Grand Bend •••••••/Imes/ommimaxmaftwaW~Nowassixiaroomoso i sl iesolim To everyone, we send our best washes Jar d Ac.iv Year filled with good health, happiness and success. It' S NEW YEAR t S! Time to 00,4 oia Jim* to tctt "thanks" for ytatie kind patronage, Centralia Partners' Supply ttb, Mil 'ELLIOTT 228.6631i "Of course uu don't remembeirgetting hit. You fell over the ropes clirabin' into the ring:" 12.16 0 Ktht reittltd. 4ntlicatc, 1962. tatda fights tteriN "tioVir do you expect me to learn the value of a, dolla.r When, friy ollotrance is billy fifty dents1” • 'T.. s:4/ litiO CitiG a new policy at the Lyric The ere BEGINNING JANUARY 2 One Ovitstanding Movie Each Week Wednesday to Saturday THEATRE CLOSED MONDAY 8, TUESDAY this new policy -permits us to (ring you the best And most recent productions iii the world-wide movie. industry. Tlia four.day run will give all of the community a bettor thence to we their favorites. We believe this new prOgram will moot with your whele.heartad aPProval. Attention Parents Whenever we play any picture classified as -Adult Entertainment" or which is not suitable for child. rots, we will present a special Saturday matinee especially chosen for the youngsters. NO INCREASE IN PRICES Fridcre & Saturday at 29 THE MOST DEFIANT 11/ADOIOR F THEM A1144 t • PLUS 41 MINUTES OP 'BUGS BUNNY' PtSTiVAL Starting W "Donlon Pythi „STARRING GOY WILLIAMS, DON BURNETT ; CI; 'a d „4„ 'AMMA 10:m , t.thlAiah pi. U H n RECToRy _ m _ mem . T .. , ,..ei lee„;.4,,,e.e,e&e, eve e :',.. ...-.4'....,..m.eie .......- i - ..4„...e. i , nceeVet4i:44e.rie. JAMES STREET EXETER 10.ENTECOSTAI, UNITED CHURCH TABERNACLE. Rev, S, E. .Lev./4, le ttere Talbot, Paster Minister Sunday, Deeetnber. 30, 1002 Mr,-1..eYfrenee. Wpm, A,Y14,M+ 9:45 e,m,Stieday School prpomet. ,endChoirmaster 11:Q0. a.1.11,-eMerning Worship 10 A,11,—SUNDAY SCHOOL 1:30 .n.M.,,,,Ev.angeli,stic Service All. Departments. Monday, December 31, At 9100 p.M. NEW 'YEAR'S EYE WA.TCH. NIGHT 51!TIVrCE Conthtence .the New Year in God's Blouse, leverybedy Welcome BIRTHS FOYLE — Leo and Gladys Boyle, RR 1 Clandeboye, are happy to announce the birth of a son, Michael. Robert, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, December 16—a brother for Darlene, Anne, Mary 'Lou, Theresa, Beth, Joellen, Bar, Miss Eric Todd, Mr. and bare, Sheila. and Patrick, Mrs, Olin Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Todd and son lire of Stratford with Mr, and Mrs. Marty Burke at Oakwood Park. Mrs: Campbell Tavener and Mr. and Mrs. William Love on Sunday with Rev, and Mrs. C, A. Britta in, Joie and Mary Anne, Mrs. Lily Gill, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gill and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood Gi]l, Mr and Mrs. Ron Mitchell end boys, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allister and Janet of Hamilton on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Willis Gill and family. Personal items The family of the late James Cronyn extends sincere thanks for mass offerings, floral tri- butes and sympathy cards. The kind acts of neighbors and friends Will always be rement. bend. Special thanks to rather Kelly and rather Grant and anyone who helped in any way. Wit" The family of the late Mr. Fred Kennings wish to ex- press their sincere thanks and appreciation to neighbors and friends for kindness and spit- pathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement, mes- sages of synipat4 and floral tributes, with speetal thanks to Mrs. -Jack Drysdale, Rev. Currie, , Dr. Goddard, 13enthron . Futter 1 Horne and pallbeare '63 l‘ttillOR, tully --mr. , Hedtien, Mrs. Al - _l- ptd, 111 stoek, caddy for .red mith, Miss Mat Kennings. cleliVery, 27c A.M.,-1IORN1NG ,SERVICE Sermon: "The Shorn .$4111$9na 0c the Churches" Member- ship 'tolls" Anthem by the Choir. Nursery for babies and Jun. for Congregation for OW, ran 4, 5 and 6 years, Week of Prayer Services Coming Jan, 7 , 11, MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev, R, S. Witt, P.A.; M.Th. e.ganist; Mrs, F. Wildfong, A,L.C.M. 10:00 a,m.—Sueday School 11:15 a.m.--Worship Sermon: "Youth and 01(1 Age" (Simeon, Anna and Jesus) —St, Luke 2: 25 - 36 Junior Choir Nursery provided, Monday, December 31 11;15 p.m.—Watchnight Service ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON A. M. Schlenker, Paster Sunday, December 30, 1962 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m,—Christmas Program postponed from last Sunday. Happy New Year BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East R. Van Farowe, Minister 10:30 a.m.—Morning Worship (Dutch) 11:45 a.m.—Sunday School. .8500 p.m.—Evening Worship (English) Monday, December 31 8:00 p.m.—Old Year's Service (English) Tuesday, January I. 10:30 a.m.—New Year's Service (Dutch) Installation All Welcome EMMANUEL • BAPTIST CHURCH In sow! Reformed Church Moron St. E. Pester: 'W, Stephenson 2:00 p.m.—Senday School 3:00 p.en,e,-Worship Service Sermon; "Start the New Year Right" Wed,, S p,m,—Prayer Service Nursery for young children. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASH WOOD Minister: Rev, M. J. James, LA., A.D. Sunday, December 30 10:00 a,m.—Morning Worship 11:00 a.m,--Sunday School CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister: A. J. Stienstra, R.D, Sunday, Dec. 30, 1962 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service Sermon Theme: "Simeon's. Consolation" —Luke 2:25 - 29 2;15 p.m,—Worship Service (Dutch) Guest Minister; Rev. Slofstra New Year's Eve, Dec. 31 8;00 p,m.—Worship Service (Dutch) Sermon Theme; "God Does Not Slacken" —Matt, 13: 58, 11 Peter 3: 9 New Year's Day, Jan. 1 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service Sermon Theme: "A Believer's Outlook on New Year's Day"—Genesis 8: 13. ZiPN LUTHERAN CHURCH .P010190P Pester:- Rey, William Gate Sunday, Deeember 30. X0:00 tt.tn,,fithle Class. 3..1.;ao Communion. School PAYFigo BAPTIST CHURCH Pester; T, t,eslie 1100ins, Sunday; December 30 10;00 .aan,-,4iible Study 1100 a,m,—Morning Worship "Why Souls .0(1 Away From Christ" 7:30 .0,m.—Evangelistic Service Wed,, 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting "Revival Notes" tit 4. NEW YEAR'S EVE WATCHNIGHT SERVICE December 31, 10;00 p.m, The Moody Science Film "Window of the Soot" Everyone Welcome ehletateMTAWANtelereiWaesegeleM The story in Grand Bend By MRS. WELt-WOOD GILL Christmas visitors Mrs. Glen Des Jardine and her father, Mr. Torn Glenden- ning, of Parkhill, are holiday- ing in California, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skipper and Margaret have returned home from Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Love and family of Sarnia. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love and Jerry. WI have Christmas program The Grand Bend WI held its Christmas meeting on Thurs- day, December 21, Twenty-two Members answered the roll cal] with a Christmas verse, Mrs. Alex ' Hamilton, presi- dent, conducted the business. Mrs. Stewart Webb was in charge of the program, Christmas carols were sung with Mrs, Charles Reeves at the piano. The motto, "There is no poverty except to have no love in, the heart," was given by Mrs. Vern Ridley. Mrs. Les Adams and Mrs. M. Burke gave readings. Mrs, Hugh Morenz read the scriptur e from Luke and Mrs. Susie .De- vine gave Christmas tiers, There was an exchange of gifts and lunch was served by Mrs. Alex Hamilton. Mrs. Remy Ravelle, Mrs. Garnet Patterson and Mrs. Emery Des Jardine. Happy New Year BEST CAR BUYS '61 COMET SEDAN As good AS new, '61 C14EV ITAADTOP 4•door, fully equipped. '60 MONTCALM METEOR, Fully equipped 8efiAll. '59 111ETE0A SEDAN Raclin; 6-cyl„ hive-tone. '56 DODGE SEDAN Automatic, twO•tone. '60 ANGLIA 2-DOOR ,Perfect tonditieri, 'SO MORRIS OXPORI) SEDAN—Only outh End Service thotir, .2it411 -0(00 BIRTHS .. NO CHARGE CARDS OF THANKS 75e ENGAGEMENTS 75e IN MEMORiAMS $1,00 iFour•line versa) Extra verses, each ........ 25e CARDS OF THANKS — l• wish to take this opportun , ity to thank all my many friends and relatives for the many, many beautiful cards, treats, flowers, gifts and visits during my stay here in South Huron Hospital the last two months. Special thanks to Rev, Schlenker, Dr. Ecker, Miss Claypole and staff who were so good to me during my stay here, also to my neighbors who looked after my home,— Mrs, Mary Feist. 270e Sincere thanks to all who visited me while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and to those who so kindly sent gifts and cards.—Anne Cronyn, 27c Mr. Louis Day wishes to thank his friends and neigh- bors ‘vho remembered him while he was a patient in West- minster Hospital and since re- turning home. 27* The staff of the Lucan post office wish to thank all their friends and patrons for their, co-operation during the Christ- mas rush and for the many cards, the lovely poinsettia, treats and kindness shown at this lime. May we take thie opportunity to wish one and all a very happy 1963, — Mad, Florence and Betty. re CARDS OF THANKS— We wish to thank all those who sent cards and inquired about George while he was in the hospital.—Mr, and Mrs. George Tiernan., 27c Special thanks to Miss A, Claypole, Dr. Fletcher and all the nurses, to Alec and Bill and kitchen staff for flowers, treats, cards and visits.. Thanks to all.—William H. Bender, Crediton, 27c 1 wish to thank all my friends, neighbors and relatives for remembering me with cards, treats and visits while a patient in St. Mary's Hos- pital. and since returning home. —Mervin Shute, 27c IN MEMORIAM — MeLEAN-11O oving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Mrs, Ellen C. Mc- Lean, who passed away one year ago, December 29, 1961, and a dear father and grand- father, Mr, James B. Mc- Lean. who passed away Arne 7, 1935. The family. 27c COMING EVENTS 1005 — Bxeter Lodge No. 67, mor. will not 'meet until January 8, 1963, Allen Fletcher, Noble Grand; Perry Mcralls, Pee, Sec'y. 20:27:6c BRENNAN — Mr. and Mrs. John Brennan, Hensel', an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter at South Huron Hospital, December 25, BIIOWN—S/L and Mrs, ;John K. Brown, RCAF Centralia, announce the birth of a daughter, at South Huron Hospital, December 23. BURGESS—Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Burgess, RR 2 Zurich, an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter, Christine Rose, at. South Huron Hospital, December 25 —a Christmas gift for She]. ley Lois and Julie, DOLBY—Mr. and. Mrs, Peter A. Dolby, Crediton, announce the birth of a daughter, Petrina. Joan, at South Huron Hospital, December 20. MacGREGOR — Mr. and Mrs. Grant MacGregor, 'Jensen thee Baker), are happy to announce the birth of their son, at Clinton Public Hospi- tal, December 19 — a bro- ther for Chrissie and Robert. MORGAN—Burton and Marion Morgan, St. Marys, wish to announce the birth of a son, Brian Robert, at St, Mary's Memorial Hospital, December 20—a brother for Paul. WATSON — Paul and Angela Watson, Dashwood, wish to announce the birth of a son, Robert Gerard, in St. Jo- seph's Hospital, London, De- cember 22. WEBB—Ray and Joan Webb, RR 2 Dashwood, announce the birth of a daughter at South Huron Hospital, De- comber 22—a sister for Rich- ard and Julie Ann. CARDS OF THANKS — The residents at the Exeter Nursing Home wish to thank all those who contributed to their pleasure at the Christmas season with carols, programs, treats or gifts. The Girl Guides from Exeter and Centralia Air Base, the Canadian Girls in Training, the Dorcas Class. of Crediton MB Church, the tx- der Citb Troop, the Royal Can. adian Legieti as well as local Merchants and many individu- als Who all helped to provide a happy holiday season.—Mrs. Roth and staff, lie THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Sauder, Paster 10:30 a.ni,—Worship Service 11:15 a,m.—Sunday School and Adult Bible Class All Are Welcome eiatWlegniftl.alkaiatVemetweett This Saturday Night! Your lAvorife entertainer's of Radio, Stage and Televisien THE ALLSTAR NIGHT HAWKS CLARENCE PEIRIE Exeier.Hall • MUSIC BY CLARENCE PETRIE' AND HIS NIGHT HAWKS Admission $3.00 Per Couple ;1 /21EKI YEAe Dance Monday, Dec, 31 10 p.m. TO 2 a•m. Canadian Legion Hall Exeter