HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-27, Page 12Pige, 12 Decerntler 27, 1962 Licari an district news Phone 47,425s coretspondetth 'Mee Abbett ter: • eseseseeseeteeeneeeee..;„Sreees '1,,,:;'A10-fdialsti'412;a5oliCaZaM6->tsPYVAMeallikinatt*. Fatter with Mr. And :Mrs, :Pea Adams, 1-ontion. Mr, and Mrs., Peter Banks And Cindy in Sarnia, .entertained the, tatter's parents, Mg, and. Mre. Mattrice Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter, Ste- tpllaleu, ni anti ic c.laillicsoton Mr, and Mrs, .john Simpson, Rosemary and eoAnTr.a.Ccl"dMr.117LidCl Airs.4rerl 11GeraldI Millaon and Debbie entertained Mr. and Mrs, Jim Beckett And Sandy, :Kitchener. Mr, :and Mrs. Ralph elitism), Donny, Kenny and Doug, also Mrs, Ruth Ann liardysh; London, and Mrs, Nelson Ashbury of Lucan, Mr. and "Mrs, Ed Flynn spent Tuesday with mr, and los, Da- vid Charles and Heather, 'Wen- dy and Scott in London, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Carter And Ian entertained the family, 1\cibi;,.thaarinid, mlerl,rea. n Billi,1 W vs Carlyl e Carter. and Jimmy and Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Carter and deugh- ter of London, Air, end Mrs, lirn Sigsworth, Helm and Billy, entertained Sigworth's sisters, Mr, and Mrs, Art, Lee, Cary, Linda, ter- bare and. Jeffery and Marybelle Wright of London, also Alev .and Mrs. timid Veen, :and Libby and Steven of Parkhill, ALM Mr. MOM Phillips, mr, and Mrs,' Andy Carter were entertained by the tatter's nephew, Mr, and Mrs, Bob Lew. is, Other pleats were his par- ents„ Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Lewis. Mr—and Mrs, Clare Paton and Jimmy with Mr. And .Mrs. Mau- rice Cobleigh, Lucan, also Mr, and Airs, T, IL, Paton anti Wil' Main Aliwright, MI% .and: Mrs, Harry Murless entertained their daughters and families, -CPI. and -Mrs, Al. Boggs, 'Vicky and Tracy and :Mrs, Suzy Simpson and also friends Mr, and Mrs, Ito- hert Macintosh and Brenda :Or Ailsa dward. .and Mrs. Alan of Toronto- And Mr, and Mrs, Alan Wright and sons Alan and Glyn, A question that set Agricul- ture Dept, employees wondering came from a women who wrote; "Could you possibly send me a booklet explaining the use of different poisons fo.: vegetables in the garden? I bave lost my husband and. have A lot of dif- ferent poisons on hand,”. Mrs, Lillian Lang and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Newman are spending Christmas with Mrs. Lang's daughter, Mrs, Craig Gray of Delhi. Miss Line. Abbott was a Sun- day guest of Mr, and. Mrs. Clayton. Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. William Con- cannon, Brian and. Gary, now of Dresden were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Russell Bow- man. Mr. John Blair, formerly of Beech St,, Lucan, now of Cal- gary,. who has been hospital. ized for four months, is able to he home and is feeling much better, Among those who attended Santa gives candy, cash Although Santa Claus took a prominent part in Lucan's big parade, two weeks ago, at that time he hadn't his 'pack with him as he returned Sat- urday afternoon loaded with large bags of treats for all the children in the community. What a crowd: Where did they all conic from? Long be- fore 2:30 p.m. ears began ar- riving in the village packed to the doors with wee folk, await- ing Santa's arrival, The police were on hand and found a parking place for San• la, beside the old post office, Soon he and his ear were stir- rounded by a huge mob of eager children. Before giving out the teeats Santa was asked to make the seven voucher draws, Winners Were; W. .1, Stanley (8251; Veronica Mitchell, Mrs. Bert Brat:ilium and Mrs, Time. Lee ($],5 each); Helen White- more. Clandeboye, and :1Sties Dean t-$10 each), . , fall JB at 23.51863 General Insurance 'Reel titati Mert§reoes 46Ht,t BURKE LTD, DEVON. BLDG, EteTER DRAIN TILE 4"—$5S per M Feet Derdi "-585 per M Feet Del'et, 6"--$114 per M Feet DOA. `7"=-413,S per M Feet Dei'd, 4"-4185 per M Feet DePel, Above' prices based on 1006 Linear red, iii Pull truckloads or Mete, delivered within 35' Mlle radius of one Plant, For detailed prices on all eizeti tile, either delivered of ottr plant at tigitifield, White or phone ItYbALL ArtItK & TILE LTD.RR 2 London ... Phone 227-4 /2I Luton, MODERN VAN LINES I•4 CHNITINT WOUITPWW, MN?. 1236 ri "writ A:;,zrue • 150tiAltS YOUR FAVOURITE RANK moos wit Y111M LIMES 12 A MAIN AA' c''cc YOUR/OWN, PPOVI WC& • tie S t"5671: asloe 3 ie. /Mt • srainumroi • IMO anwv*.116 1, =Mee 0711,. I 4••••••••••41.1. 40. RE.AKrAST Lucas Regular Smoked Picnic Hams Sausage Ground Beef Fe es et La. 454 Lille, L. 424 WEEKEND SPECIALS—DECEMBER 27, .24, 29 Fresh Roasting Chicken L. 45 4 ALL KINDS OF NEW YEAR'S FOWL & HAMS REVINGTON'S Food Market. Phone 22742,1 Lucan Sugar Re3Lpbeth 44 d c Geld Seal Sockeye Salmon 73/4 -0a. Tins 53C Green Giant Niblets 2 14T-1°,:. 33c a complete assortment of MAGNETIC INK ENCODED BUSINESS CHEQUES now available 0** see our new 36 page iil ustrated catalogue and choose the cheque that suits your business requirements BUSINESS CHEQUES (3 * on-a-poge) Kindergarten :concert , there's nothing ..better Magnetic ink Encoded Business Cheques designed to meet the sped- fitations of The Canadian Banker's Association are now available, These cheques carry on imprint of the name of your con'mpony and stock cuts ore ovoilable to indentify o wide ,range of products and service, Each cheque arid stub is numbered and the cheque pad is bound iii o handsome, long- Wearing, vinyl cover. .BOwlers stage turkey contests The .Colleen. bowling league. held Its anneal turkey bowl-off at 'the. Liman Lanes last Wed- nesday evening. It turned out to be ' a real Carling-Hayter Miss Muriel Carling won a turkey for the hidden high also won, another for the hidden high single. As no member can accept more than one tterkey she had to pass her latter bird on to Miss Doris Hayter, the next in line. The next draw was for the hidden low triple and didn't Miss .Carling's mother Mrs. Ira Carling, win it! Foiu' boxes of chocolates were also drawn for—one to a member of each team for a hidden score. The winners were Janice Hayter, Audrey Hayter, Elaine Hodgins and Audrey Wiseel. Wt. turkey bowl off The Liman 'Women's .League turkey bowl-off was held Mon- day evening. Three ladies won turkeys, Mrs. W, Callcott, high single; Mrs. Annie Zubal, high triple; and Mrs. Jack Steacy, hidden triple. Winners of the chickens were Mrs. 'Wes Colley. low single, and Marj. Carroll, low triple. Award prizes for yule letters Inside the door of Lucans new IGA store, since its open- mg, has been a large mail box in which children's letters to Santa Claus could be deposited. By Monday, Dec. 24 the big box was full to the brim and Fred Darling must have had a difficult time choosing the four winners; Joan Riley, who re- ceived a doll and stroller; Bri- an McComb, wagon: Lynda Thomson, bicyclg, and Gregory Revington, hockey set. Church news UNITED CHURCH Last Monday evening the teachers and members of the church school, presented their annual Christmas concert in the church choir loft. Superintendent Cliff Culbert was MC for a program of choruses and skits, Special mention should be made of the pageant staged by Mrs. Mur- ray Hodgins and her girls. As usual the wee people brought a big hand of applauee but one Little four year old really brought down the house, when he stood up, unabashed, and waiting not for classmates, leader nor pianist sang at the top of his voice, "Jingle Bells". Explorers' party The Lucan - Clandehoee Le- plorers held their annual Christmas party last Tuesday An hour of games preceded the shared box lunch. During the exchange of gifts. Counsel. lour Margaret Sach and Ilene Donaldson filled the decorated cups with treats for the "shut- ins". Two groups visited the Lucan sbut-ins and the third group visited Clandeboye shut- ens. ANGLICAN CHURCH Last Wednesday evening 55 children received their treats and were shown a number of films. A few numbers were al• so presented by the children. Memorial dedicated There was a splendid attend- ance Sunday for the special service and the dedication of the beautiful rneinorial win- dow presented by D. A. Ash- Worth and family, in loving rnettetiry of Airs. Ashworth. whd died May 28, 3.057 after a lengthy illness, The rector, the Rev. Lancaster, on behall of the church received the gift end Rev E. C. Attwell, Mrs. Ash- worth's soti-in-law. dedicated the Window and also was the gnest speaker. The window de- picts the Scene in Getlisemane with the inscription. "Never- theleeshot as I will, but As 'Thou wilt." Air.. Attwell paid high tribute to lairs. Ashworth's patience and Cheerfulness during her ten year's As Art invalid. PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS Sunday morning, John Boov., a. student from the 'Holmes 'Theological Seminary,in South Carolina, spoke on "he Faith of AbrAhAM". The ettelot choir sang. In the evening the. pastor Played on his cornet and spoke briefly on, "What ie your gift for Christmas?" The ladies.' tree sang. Highlight or the Service tw as the senior choir's tepetitien of the musicale. "God's they presented in OM- teii. SRt,y Dee, 13, Area Lions hear MP Speaking on World Polities, Hon, IV, H. A. Thomas, Me', was the guest speaker at the Lions Club Christmas meeting. in the Anglican Church base- ment last Monday evening. Visitors included the mem- bers of the North Lions Club and members of the Lucan Le- gion and nou.ncil. The hilarious evening wascli- maxed when the London Lions presented President Elmer Mos- urinjohn, with a .inciakey and white rat. These like the goat will no doubt he passed on to some "lucky" ?) Lions Club. Three members of the Lon- don Lions were initiated during the evening, One "fly in the ointment" was the absence of Lion Don Rant- in, who had completed 10 years of 100ee attendance. Though in St, Joseph's Hospital, in body, Mr. Banting was no doubt in Holy Trinity basement, in spir- it, Mrs. Herman Young's group of the Lathes Guild catered for the dinner. Pot-luck .supper Menthers of the Canadian be- ton and 'their families enjoyed a pot luck supper, and happy get-to-gether at the Legion Hall last. Wednesday evening after which pupils of Miss Judy Has- kett staged several tap-dances. Records were then played for all the children present (and there were a large number) to exhibit their skill at doing the twist. Treats were provided for all children. The big doll and wardrobe, which has been on display in the Koffee Kup Restaurant window, was won by Mrs. Dave Egan, with Mr. J,W, Lockyer drawing the ticket. The beauti- ful doll house was w•on by Mrs. Waleteck of Granton, with Mrs. Lloyd Mason drawing her tick- et. Post office carries on Since the death of Postmaster Chas Beggar last June, Mrs. Ralph Rummell, Mrs. George Hodgins and Mrs. Don Ankers, have carried on alone and made a splendid job of it, They lived through the mov- ing to the new post office and with the able assistance of Mrs, Dwight Ball and Mrs. G, E, Nicholson have survived the strenuous Christmas mail. They report that everyone was help- ful, co-operative and apprecia- tive. Schools stage final concerts 11 the new Bidclulph central school goes ahead A,s per sche- dule, SS 2 and the eCourser school have probably staged their last Christmas concert. Last Wednesday evening with Mrs. Clayton Abbott as pia- nist, SS 2 put on a splendid program of choruses, songs and plays, A. play 'Wanted a lig"gelent.:t;'. w and ere atwoChorPthrkle4s hipgh4.- On Friday in the Coursey School another full house en- joyed a fine concert, Name winners in draws here Mrs, A. E, Reilly was the winner of a free permanent at the Joyce Beauty Salon draw last Monday evening. At the Culbert Decorating Centre draws made by little Cathie Sue Hearn, Mrs, Rus- sell Thompson won the gallon of paint, Ronnie Glenn (small son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Glen) won the 4" paint brush and Mrs. Allan Scott, the wall paper. John Ewen drew the ticket for the electric kettle and it went to Mrs, Ira Carl- ing. At the Paul's Superior Store, Margaret Young, made the three draws, Mrs. W, J. Mc- Falls won the 100 lb. of sugar, Mrs, Martin Arenthal, the treasure chest, and two Christ- mas cakes, and Mrs. Ralph Rummell, the. basket of fruit. At the A. M. :Redden store,' Mrs. Gladys Arenthals won the large box of chocolates and Mrs, Ella McLean, London, won the large box of cakes. At the Davis Hardware, Mr, Don McGillivray won the dish- es or fry pan, Mr. Bob Park- inson, (highway Ave.), the cream and sugar and Mr. Clarence Frost, the set of glasses. For years, one Of Lucan's .Christmas season highlights has been the annual public school concert. This year, parents and friends. were disappointed to learn they would have to forego tins 136,1 pleasure, Only .ttiose who have ever staged a progrere have eelleePleon Of the 'bows and hours of thought and labour behind the Production of such concerts' as have been staged here in the past, 'Teeie year the teachers de- eided to take a holiday. But concert or no concert, the spirit of .Christmas, still per- meated the school. An assem- bly was held each morning, at which each teacher in turn was responsible for a program of carols and choral readings, Friday afternoon each room had its own party and program and in some rooms - an ex- change of gifts, Santa Claus vis- ited all classes with dixie cups of ice cream, from the school beard. in the principal's re= punch, cookies and home-made candy were served and in his office, when school was dismissed rill the staff had a little get-to- gether before parting for a well-earned rest, But to all lovers of little chil- dren, the party in 'the kindergar- ten Friday morning was, with- out doubt, the most appealing, Though Mrs. Corbett had sent invitations to the parents, she never dreamed over 90el of them. would be able to find time to attend, so had to send out for more and more chairs. Several parents brought younger chil- dren, who were wishing they were old enough to attend kin- dergarten too. In fact one little lad decided not to wait, and of his own accord, joined the cir- cle. One thing most noticeable was how the children in four months had Learned obedience, No matter what the children were doing the minute Mrs. Corbett rang her bell, every- thing was dropped, every lip closed and both hands raised high above the head. (More than one mother was heard to remark, "I: must get myself a. bell,") At last came the big moment for which the children had been waiting, when they could pre- sent mother with her present. For days they had had difficulty keeping it a secret, What was it? A large card in Christmas wrapping and seals on which ap- peared the child's finger prints, done with finger paint, Beneath the funeral of the late Rev, E. M. Cook were Messrs Garth Sine, Gordon Priest and Jene Spencer of Bellville and Rev. and Mrs. Dewey Stinson of Lon- don. Mr, Roscoe Hodgins of Alice St.,, who has been working in Honduras, Central America far nearly four months, arrived home Thursday morning, Mrs, Le, F. Stanley fell in her home last week and in- jured her hip. Though no bones are broken Mr, Stanley reports she will no doubt be a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital for sonic time. Mrs. Warner McRoberts of the Dresden HS staff, who is home for the Christmas vaca• Lion, held a family gathering Saturday at the Zurich Hotel After which all went to the ionic of her brother Mr. Ther- on Creery of Woodham for the evening, Mrs. Rose Atkinson, Lucan's librarian reports the bookmo- bile will be in Lucan pan, 9 for the book exchange. Mrs. Lily O'Neil of Detroit is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. Harold Hodgins and fain , Hy. Mr. and Mrs, Wes Hickson and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hick- son of London. errs. Chas. Johnson of FIR 6 tonden, is visiting her daugh. ter, Mrs, trnest Kennedy and family. Mr, and etre. Bob Itehinsim and were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. teen Hod- gins. the prints was pasted the fol- lowing poem. "You clean ,MY prints front wall and door, For I'm not always careful, where play, But here's e print you'll want to keep, It's inane for you this Christmas DAY." 11. is doubtful if any gift be pre- sented With greater lose and with. mere happy ,faces than m.as .this home-nine card. The program .closed with the, visit of Santa {'labs and the stripping of the Chrisemas tree. Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson, Hazel, Helen and Kenneth, and and Mrs. Keith Simpson and. David of Lucan, a son Mr. Bil- ly Simpson was not, able to at- tend. He is a patient in St, Jo- seph's Hospital, where he had an operation on Monday. Mr, and Mrs, Rea Neil and Mr. and Mrs, Ansley Neil of 4 .",•••••"L'i" 106.0.04 'wirer We VOUCHER CHEQUES ENVELOPES Former citizen, dies on NY trip Gordon. elcelehen. 49, presi- dent of Liquid Fruits. Toronto. 1k-bile on a business trip to New York, suffered a stroke Wed., Dec. 19 and died a few hours later. Funeral services were held in .Kew Beach L'C'. Toronto, Dec, 22 with interment in Toronto. He is survived by his wifen and ecn en children as well as a number of relatis es in Lu- can Mr Mcelehen was the son of the late Mr. II. J. elcelehen and Sadie Stanley, who at that time lived in the house now owned by Mrs. Warner Mc- Roberts. Mr and Mrs Gerald 'Lewis, Mr Clare Stanley and Mrs T. C. McFarlane attended the funeral, Mrs. S. E. Jeffery Mrs. S Jeffery died in Kirkland Lake Hospital. Mon- day. Dec 17. Service and in- terment nes made at Teeswa• ter, Dec 21. Among the survivors is a daughter, 'etre. Dave Park of Lucan and a brother. Mr. J. I. II:end*, a former Bank of Montreal manager at Hr. and :Sirs. Dave Park a• family attended the fun- c last Friday. It pays to edvertize Mrs. W. J. Frnet of Alice St., who raises canaries and budg- ies, recently put an ad in The txeler TiMes•AdvOcate, And was elated to sell four canaries and four budgies to residents in Exeter AM) Crediton, (Do these people read the Tsek ads more carefully or have all bird-loe• this residents in 'Aran and die. trier already purchased one of Mr.'. Frost's fine birdse) The proprietor Grant's end Radio Repair Shop, OM has put aim ad in the T-A pear. eeery week since coining to Lucan, is also well pleased with the bueineee they have brought. Recently he installed a large glass showcase to display all his Cluesintae jetteellety. The beautiful 400-dey clock which so ninny passers-by stopped to ail- mire, has been Old but Mr. Brady can procure Mere. Personal items Susan Rroneweek, s in a 11 daughter Of Mr. aild Mrs, Al trOmuick, is a patient in St, .Josephs Rosetta]. Mrs. Ira Carling, Miss' Mu-- rid 'Carbine, Mr. Earl Ceiling and Leslie left. on Sunday. fOr Ithicardihe where they Will be guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wit.. tiler Walpole until alto, Christ. MASI, Lucan personal items By MRS.11. PATON CLAND.EBOYE The annual Christmas con- cert eves held at the Clande- boye school, SS „No. 12 this year with some that attended who have many happy memo- ries of the school with many more 'pupils, when it was known as SS No.. 12 and 4. The latter included the pupils of McGillivray township but due to new Centre), School at West McGillivray, they attend there. With the plans for a new central school in Biddulph in 1963 this was the last Christ- mas concert here, Clandeboye school, at one time was a centre for commu- nity activities for social eve- nings, parties, ,presentations and the slides which were shown for parents and pupils by Mr,' Wilbert Stanley, h r i. aging scenes of many interesting places, which was before TV had become so popular. With the teacher Mrs. Mal- colm Allison and the music teacher Mrs, Clarence Hardy, a splendid program was enjoyed with 3 former pupils giving numbers, Misses Helen Sigs- worth, a piano solo, and Judy Scott' and Nance .Kestle e duet. Chairman sees Mr. Cliff Abbott, Church new s On Sunday, Dec, IS, at the United Church a service for Christmas with the minister, the Rev. G, W. Sach, 'preaching "Our Christmas Mission", Miss elarpjorie Donaldson sang a. solo, At St, James Church, the rec- tor the Rev, E, 0, Lancaster, took the service with. Holy Com- munion with special music by the choir. Large white niunis were placed on the re-table at 1Rileersaololaall% items Mr. and Mrs. Gerald 111thson and Debbie were entertained on IVednesday at the home of Mrs. Millson's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Mills, Grantor, Mrs. Billie Simpson and son Keith and Mrs Arthur Simpson visited Mr. Billie Simpson on -Wednesday in St. Joseph's Hos- pital. Mrs. Agnes McVey, mo- ther of Mrs. Billie Simpson, who has been hospitalized with a broken bin in St. 'Joseph's Hospital is improved and look- ing forward to coining honie soon, lr Mar, Gordan Eaton spent last week in. Toronto, taking treat- ments for a back injury. He wa s able to he home for Christmas. but returned to Toronto again, Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. George Simp- son, Hazel, Helen and. Ken with Mrs. Simpson's mother, Mrs. Dave Logan, Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Lewis With Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tay- lor and family in Lucan. Mr, and etre, J, H. Paton, William Aliwright, Mr. and Mrs, Clare Paton and Jimmy with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred. Lo- gan and Myrna, Thorndale. Mrs. leastl Pothe and Harvey of Lucan with Mrs. Emily Tonics. Last Sunday Mr, and Mrs„ Jack Whitmore, Ellen and Ron- Me, visitet. Mr. and Mrs. Ron. aid Laughton, jade', Ron, Bob and Bernice, also with Mr. and M rs. Bill eviiiierieee, Irene Slew, art and aline in Sarnia. Christmas visitors Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moron, Donald. Terry and Jerry with Mrs. Morgan's emit, Miss Gla- dys Hynd, in London. Mr. and Mrs, Artlitir Simp- son entertained their feMile, Mr. and Mrs, Kellett Viotti,- son, Ivan, and Mr, and Mrs, Douglas ThoMpson, Mr. end. etre, Singsong Lon. dee, Mr, and Mrs. Andy Thomp- son, Sandy and mm Billie Simpson, Ralph and Murray, ATTENTION .ONTARIO HYDRO CUSTOMERS IN LUCAN RURAL AREA In our constant endcavoUr to provide the nest efficient service possible, the following change has been made iii our office location, ffective January 1963, customer ac. counts Will be transferred to the Ontario Ilydro Office in Exeter, Telephone uumbers for the Exeter Office: For local calls—day or flight-435-0930 ' Nil other calls—day or night—Zenith 33 2O (no toll chargd) Atoounts may be paid at our Exeter Of lice, on Highway #4 south of txeter, to any d Ottle existing agents, Or, by remitting to Ontario tlydr(4 Box .610 Ontario, Final school concert stirs up memories eider tYlll