HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-09-08, Page 11 4 Titil iterating NI L L ?Masted ♦ ?si thient every Thursday SY GEO. COX. 0,Ige, 1 i'7""_• andibicA. Beek able � dispatck Yqd with Teresa of tAe Moron Signal.—TEN ItNNILLI1I6C a.at� d paid We* i. I miming" sir sad kits Yeses with Mrs aispeetNietoMN year. No paper dlseo.tilwtd Yard arrears are paid op, Wass tbs publisher thiaka a las ad`e !orb so. � 1/Admiral is IM tteseetry bscomisg resp.sdbb for eta si s.ibsrs, obeli re - cease a sevealk tiny gratis. er All lettere addressed to the Editor, owe be post-paid. or they will not be takes! out of the pest office. Terme ej Advertising. --Six lines and under, fret Melamine, £0 2 b Each wbepaeat iesertio., 0 0 7i Tea lues sad Nader, brat Moser., 0 3 4 Esch s.baagYeat insertion, 0 0 10 Over tee lines, first in. per hoe, 0 0 4 Each e.h.eeterst issertios, 0 0 1 g} A liberal discount made to those who .Jrerti.e by the ►ear. Advertueeests without written intruc- times will be inserted until forbid, and charted accordingly ; and no &dyer:torment disemetieued sepaid for at the time of with- draws', isles by the consent of the pub - tab er. data s . Dw. P. A. McDOUGALL, CA el be enesulred sr all hour,• •t the residence t ruserly offered by Robert.Vedcnerlf. Esq., Fnsf Strrel,.11or- kee Squares. G•deriek. Gndericb, April 29th, 1852. rS iRA LEWIS, BARR19TER, SOLICITOR, L -e. Ws.t street, Goderieb. Jame 1446. 2.015 DANIEL GORDON, (NADINE -1' MAKER, Three door. Fast o the Canada Company's office, West - /Arcot, Go .rieb. Aogest 97th, 1849. 41.n30 DANIEL HOME LIZARB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Cunveyan- ear, Solicitor i. Chaecery, lee. boa pie Ake as formerly In Stratford. Stratford, 3.d Jae. 1150. 9rn49 J. DENISON, CIViL ENGJNEER, Ac. CODERICH, C. W. Aug. 95th, 1862. 'beet TEN 8111LLiNGa 15 *seal••. . #. VOLUME VL Signal. urns Otf(IATi1T PO681BLt G000 TO ?lit GK&ATtalT POSSIBL. NUMMJLt•r� GODERICH, COUNTY OF HURON, (C. W.) 'THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 1853. TWELVE AND PIX FENCE aT 7aa as, Y* 711E taaa. NUMBER 31. Hurrah for Goderich ! ! CLEAR THE TRACK!! OLIVER k CO. ISAVE on bead an imsuse Puck of the veru best Doscnptloe of BOUTS sad SBOES, on sale at the New Brick build ► which w� Mabe• soli at to Hare, Loom Prices maker, tor Caro er approved trade; call sed ase. re Tee highest price paid in Cash for Bides and Sbeepskiny kc. A geieral Stuck of 6edioge always on head. OLIVER k CO Godericb, June Il, 1853. v6.2o-ly Improved Farm for Sale. BEING Lot No. 14, 4.d Coiee•siee, Towesh•p of Tuekeremisk, Hares Read, this property of Jobs P. 8stth, E.q., cootaatsg 100 acres, &Omen the Builds .ng Lots ie the eying and floon•bing :age of Ermond,il!e, I1er land is of first rst• quality, beautifully situated OD lb. bsi Its of the Bayfield riser, and well adapt• ed t• agricultural purposes. For further particulars apply on the premises (If by let ler pre paid) to the •uh.rriber. PETER RAMSAY. McKillop Post Office, Tucken•atth, June 13th, 1553. •n20 -t.. ROBERT SNODGRASS. �FASHIO%AHLE BOOT AND 1 SHOE MANUFACTURER (Owe door East of C. Crobb'a Store.) WOULD afore the inhabitant* of God' rich and neighborhood that be N p. Dated to make to ord.r or otherwise, any kind of Lathe'. and Gentlemen's Fine or Fancy work, in the neatest and meet (ashtooahle style. And will also furnish heavy Boots and Shoes, to suit the se ' meanies of those *bat may fiver him with their custum. Ilia priers will be moderate. Goder:cb, July 990, 185e. ,5n29 JOHN J. E. LINTOI\, 'NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner Q -B., and Coeveysocer, Stretford. STRACiIAN AND BROTIIER. Barrister and Aftorsiee of Law, 4-c,. Gooloseal C. W. JOHN BTKACHA.V Barrister and Atter. airyat Law, Neter). Public and Ceovey. ALEXANDER WOOD STRACIIAN,1 Arbreey at Law, ldvlacitor in Chen.' eery. Coeveyn.ew. Cholericly i 117th N.esinher, 101.. i Wna,IAM RODGI.KS, - ARCHITECr & t lV IL ENGINEER ! Oita .^,7, .Drndas Street, LO.VDON, C. Ir. ' August 164, 4858. .5030 i .A . J. MOORE, • BARRISTER -AT -LAW. O'Tice in the Post Office Buildings, ' Goderieb. hoe 7t1,1853. 46019 HORACE HORTON, [Market square, Coder—wk.] GENT for the Premeds! Mutual sad Ges'ral inaureece Orrice, 7'urowt., At.o Agent for the St. Lawrence Comity Datum'. Ogdensburg, New York. Innes; Agent for Samne! Mourson's Old Rochester Nursery. July 1850. 23 A. NA9MYTH. rt ARHIONABLE TAILOR, one door Were of W. E. Grace's Store, West Street Oulu nmkt . Feb. 19, 1859. v6-04 THOMAS NICHOLLS, BROKER ANDGENERALAGENT. Agent for Ontario Marine 4- Fire In- surance Co. ROTARY PUBLIC. ACCOUNTANT AND CtsNVEYANCEP aINSUCOMMISSIONER iN Q. B. Mr- INSURANCE RANCE erected on 'looses, Ship - Mg sad Goode. All kinds of Deeds correctly drawn, and leeks aid Accounts adjusted. Office over lb* Treasury, Geduld'. 384 94, 1833. .6.26 R • W. CANA, MITCHELL, AUCTIONEER. Accountant and Gene - rat Arent. Books and accounts ad )vied, and •II kind. of Deeds drawee.— Sales attended in any part of the country. Letters addressed to Mitchell or Harpers bay, will b. •'tended to. Aori Sti,• 1853. .6n10-ly E. H. MARLTON, POR WARDER sod Commission Mee - chain, Ht.,a6ou.41 ILeepe. geese' Ales, foe the sale of Wild Lands Cleared p H sehold Furniture sod Produce Navvy ds•enption. *lee, beat dnor. North of the IKioear- Ntl' Aortae, Oodeele4., =Nerd 244h l66 . v5..lt WASHINGTON Fellers' Mutual Insurance Co., CAPITAL =1,000,000. E* uopiciN*. Hamitt.e, Agent for AAsCO.,al/ee of Waterloo a.4 Herne. ---L .7, 1830. 3.16 L. JOHN MACARA. �ER, 8efietter in Chancery. ` 1 -•t -Lew, Caareya.rer, ke. • t Ontario Ruder h fit Ki. -Bt. 2t•. tbeSore D%.l. and the D..k nr tbee►t> "lee" Ame,na. Hawrt.thw. 4 tI Ma. T. ULESWORTH, IL EN f31N liEa mad Presume' Lead loris y a, d.dul.►. Am 90, labs, yeah 'MIRING MILLS AND roMj 1 at imbue thee wiN bene tel •t neo 000111411C41 EARN AND "PAP PACTORY. w •fir'• as 4D.'_b�a•t oar the Methal Sgt•*% sed *aloe aarsioeshle he, 04 4 the abovesed .., N N 4lstfh nide. K •}ltfwM •tedM. Ne tri M a t•rbss A etereb el a real -~1 bllesolt tide bio Wt he'MO wig swum Ibe N 41"1114311114T ROOD. ell 1lt► 1 1* yes7 y 1 BOOT & SHOE FACTORY, trEST STREET. GODERICH. rrIE SuLacnbet ref eras a llamas to the people of Gudencb, and the serrcundo% contort, for the libe- ral patronage Le ham received obi'. in the above business In G•iter:eh, for fourteen )ears ; be take. this oprortuoity of teform• tag -his old costomerr, and the publm at large, that h. bins eue,.eeced again to his old sand: from h • .tract attention tc• bu- .tne.r, he hopes to merit a continuation of Oben patronage. A Iarce as.ur*n.ent of Ladino and Geo t!emen's Boots and Shoes eonetaatly on bitd.-wW unusually low for cseh. JAMES 17AMPBELL. GnderL•h, J .Ir 27th, 1855 035 N. B. Fi,e lgurnerrnen will find cossuct empioymert. nee boots man, two storey• mcn, and two women& meet : eco of tern- perate habits pref.rreJ. A coati -act for erienpt.g lad making 500 pair of mune Boots Val bo gives to • rood workiasi. ROWLAND 1YILLIAVJ, AcoIn'Esa. isprepared leafleted Sales is any part of the United Countess, on the mph liberal term,. Apply at ib. Ftrat Division Court othce, or at hie house, Est Street. GoJer.ch. N. B.—Goods and other property ytll M received to sell either by private or public sale. Jaoury 6.1852. w4n41. W. & R. SiMPSON, (LATE HOPE, BIRRELL k Co.,) jROCERS, Wine Marchsets, Froiterers sod 'O•Irpes, No. 17 Dundas Street, Leming, C. W. February 25th 1852. t5 -ab RICHARD MOORE, HAVING during *he past two rears set- ed le the capacity of GENERAL AGENT for the collection of debts, drawee it to be ges•rally underal000 that he will accept the Agency for the collection of dues ie sty put of the Upper Provinee, be- twrw Cebosrg le the East and Lake Heron is the West. to miter thus aseoonee- mut, he would beg to express hie thigh. 10 hie fnends for put favours, tied sow re speetfully aol:cits a continuance of the lase. All commnnicatioes on hnsisess, sddren ed (post paid) to Avr P. O., North Dem hue, C. W.. will be promptly etteeded le. April 1, 1(152. v5e10 Poetry. _ THE IVY IN THE DUNGEON. if clionet .*eaa1. The ivy i.1 dengeen grew. U.'.d by'nlw, eeehe.red by dew; Its pa lid l.sI4te only drank Cave -montane foal and adore dank. Bei through the de.geoo grating high There fell a ..abeam from the sky; 11 glupt upon the grateful fluor 1s etleet gladness evermore. The ivy felt a tremor &boot Through all Ito Blaen to the root: It kilt the light, it naso abs ray, It strove to blossom Into day. It grew, 4 crept, it pushed it elomb— Lang had ibis darkness bee. ita bops; Bet well 11 knew. thocgh veiled Its sight, The goatees, and the joy of light. Its clinging root' grew deep and strong, Its stem expanded firm aed long, And in the currents of the air Its tender breeches flourietted Lir. It reaebed the beam—i1 thrilled. it curled, It blessed Ilia warmth that cheers tk. world; It rue toward the dungeon bare, it looked upon the cut and star.. it felt the life of bursting spnsg, it beard the happy ekylerk. aisti It caught the breath of mores and ores, And wooed the swallow to its leaves. By rams and deers and swishiest (ed, Over the outer wall. it spread; And in the day -beam warmly free, 11 grew into • .lea4last tree. Upon that solitary place I'sverdurd threw adoringly grace; 1 he mouse birds became it. gue.a, And sang its proles. from their Deets. Would'.t know the moral of the rhymel Behold the heavenly light! and climb; To every ducgeoo comes a ray Of god's interminable day. £itera.tnre. MARRIED IN SPiTEOF THEiR TEETH. • Old Governor Sietcnstall, of Conetre tl- eY•. who S'wh.d av r.•sue rely years since, was anue of scene honor, as weft a perms b - vera.ceon effecting tee ends he desired.— Amorg other auecdoles told of btu) y for New l.ondoo people, tb• place when he re aided, is t be following:— Of the various sects which bays Sourish - for their day and thea cease to most, lit III one known as the Rugertiee• so caed ll from their fuunder, a Juhn or Tum, cr nom (ste- er Rogue, who settled not fir from the goodly town a!bresald. The dieting ••bed t tenet of the sect was tboir denial o the proprety, and scriptuality of the form of marriage. "1t uo not good for me" to be alone." This they believed, an0 d also that 000 wife ooh should "cleave to her hoe - bud," but thee this •bo,ld be a molter of •greeweo t merely and thb couple ' ould come together and lire as man and wife, dup'owailsng wails all the forms of the mars nage co,enant. The old Governor used frequently to cad upon Rogers, an talk the matter over with him, and 'odea or to NEtV BOOT AND SHOP. STORE iN GODERiCIi. Jr17Hn E 9nbec►er respectfully see 1 Oonnees to Ibe mhebtanu of Giedeeeh am! ,nnnuoding country, Him he h.' purebwd the Stoerk Is Trade, Me., of Mr. E. Thus- het. re dualoy' hese- sena. and opened the Store lately oceop,ed h H. Barter, Tailor. relit door to Dr. D Neoogalrs wow Brick heibbee. Market Squire, Gnderkh, where helratewde toear- n on the BOOT AND SHOE Bu''eeee in ell Ira ►ranchos. He se prepared INaxseete all order. for eenry variety of tort, o' the moat r ooeeblo terms, sod torte Ue' • aetint a be.ieehopes to merit a Nem N pal 's patre.e,r'. The highest market pries paid for hides sad Dark. R. [DLLwd.,kib, May 110. 1118.1.itl. vse17 4 " coevitce him of the impropriety of hv:ng with Sarah as he did. Bit nei:her J .bo nor Sarah woold giro up the •iurnent.- 11 was s matter of coeac.enee with t!eem— tbey, were very happy together as they were —o( what use then could a mere to rm he 1 Suppose they would thereby escape scan- dal! were they not bound "to take up the cross" and live according to the rules of the religsos tbey profese.i• The Gov crone's logic was powerless. Ile was ,0 the aeigbborhnod of John one lay, and meeting well hon, acrepteJ sn t.vitatwn to dine will hew. The coover- eeieen, as usual. tensed upon the oh sub- ject. "Now, John," says the Gov l-nar, after a loag discussion of the point, "will you not carry Sarahi Have nos you takes Ler to be yoer Iswfol wife?" "Yes, certain y," replied Jahr, "but rdy eo.scieece will not permit me to marry bee to the form of th• world's people." "Very well. But coo love her" "Yes." And respect her. yes. Aad cher ah b.r,as bete of year bone and flesh of your flesh! Yee, certainly, 1 do. Awl you love him, and ahoy bim,ani res• peel him, std cherish hunt Cereals!, 1 do. "Theo," cried the Governor, rising, "al the laws of God and of abs Cownson wealth of Cosreetieet, i propoueee you to bMs husband and &rife!' The rause std see of John and Sarah were of oo use -tae keel was tad by the highest anteonty in the Stale JOHN RALPH. TIN AND COMER 11111TIt, ..It direr retie ?fanatic Hotel, Wein Sirem, Cedsrkik hoe earietb.tly ea bead. a alone g reet of Tumors, Creakily and lies H .e.., W.. wine* he will wall at tdsekleraMy re- dwood esdwo d priest. The hisMrt priesY la treks ler old eeeeppppwe�v, b...., pewter, .reop.kf.s, self sed bsdNlea, feetben sed regal. All b.4. of hlleshau able poems Wee to tsebMre at coA, «le►, }'d 1*, 144. vb-a Capt. Gaskin has ordered, to be built at the Marv• Railway yard ,n tht. city, • .bp which writ register 600 toee, re be noshed and copp.red obit dipper model- led. lite dimensions of the projected .hop e re deed at 145 feet kest, 9a feet depth or hotel. THE COUNTRY DOCTOR. * N *UTOSIOGL1P Y, aT GLAUIea SAULT'S had slumped about the country fur a dozen years or so, In the sante e.luipa.e, having wonderful success to curing • cases; but half the tune cheated out of the reedit of it by catnip tea. 1 took emotion to cast up my books to bee how rich 1 was, and what could be made of outstanding account% It cost a great many evenings of {lard work to arrive at the knowledge that a!1 debts being paid, I was not worth a brass ler- thing'— a ted cent. Notwitiuts.dieg all the lucrative cases of typhus which I bad managed, 1 remained poor. I beliere that people 0 the city pay their fees with alacrity because the charges are exhorbi- kat. When a bill fur a huo Mrd debars, for kekwg two or tbree times at a eick child, is presented to one who lives Its a well -furnished house it the upper part of the town, the very largeness of the demand is a delicate compliment upou his ability to pay. The man of the Louse sits down at a handsome secretary, and draws out a clean cheek fur the full amount saying, ' Doctor, you are very moderate: now that Jacky a out of the woods, come to in a sociable Kay.' As sous as the messenger i$ gone, the paler farniltas exclaim, •• What an out- rageous bill! It is an expensive luxury to be sick.' However, it has its advantages to be attended by a fashionable doctor, as it bas to worship in a fashionable ch•,rch.— Ou one occasion I tea, called io midsummer to alteud a sick eau on the sea -,bore.-- After several day s his family physician, the renowued Doctor Jillaps, arrived from the city, and 'the patient was soon after On Lis legs, no thanks to me, aqd ready for the surf. ' ltow much are you going to charge tum!' said Doctor Jalaps. . ''Twenty -free dollars,' said I. Bob!' Said he; ' make it a hundred.— he expects il.' • 1f Le expects a,' -said I, it would eve me great pain to disappoint his etpecta- uon'," whereupon 1 acted advieedly, and received an honored check for a routed C. on the PL¢otx bank. But to lie Jows without security from disturbeace is enough to frigtteo away *key. Such is lie lot of a couetry doctor. 1 could relate innumerable instances of the utter dauegard with which !.e is routed from his bed, without occaauo at all Louie.— Here is one in paut:- 1 arrived late ooe wrote: eresine at soy own dour, after • bard day's .ted. With what a feeling of redaxatroo did 1 direst my feet of hes. y boots, set them smoking at the lire, and thee regale them iu easy slip- pers! Thee wra,•puig about we a ,oft pad- ded gown, with what luxury cid 1 fall back to my arm -chair, peruse the daily patter and sip a cup of tea! • New,' Will 1 ' Ibe la - bets el the day are over. A storm is brew- ing blit of doors. I Lope that nobody will come here to-nght. If they do, 1 wou't go. Let thein go alter Buse: dos. 1 wou't ilnaelatc myself forasybode. It is unrea- sonable.' With that I pulled demo my ledger and made a note of the day's visits, oue half of which were to poor boozes, nee gro buts, and Irish shantiea. As to this class, they loved me like a brother, and their confidence in me *as unbounded.— They sent for me if their bones ached, or their cerns hart them, and I went with all speed, though I sometimes bad occasion to scold them. Before retiring for the night 1 opened the outer door, as was my custom, to see the state of the weather. 1l was a tremendous night. The moon akone pale- ly, but the wind blew a hurricane. It rained, it hailed, it snowed, it blowed. 7 thought again of the poor mariners on the eua,t, and welt a silent prayer for them and all bouscless unprotected ones, I closed the door, and went to bed. I Lad ju,t recover- ed from the ehiveriog• sensation of cold .Leet,, and become conscious of a grateful wens', While that delightful .I:uweioeee which boriers upon eocal sleep at.!t over • there came a knock hie impatient- ly repeated, enough to woke the dead.— . Bless me !' I groaned out, crawling out of kJ, and lifting un the sash, " what do you "rant?' • Doctor, wunt you. to come right ,trai.td away our to Banks'. Ilia cIoiLFs dead.' • Their why tin you tome?' • Iie`i p'isoned. 'They gin Lim laud'uum On auother occasion, when attending one 1 for pare;;n, i..ley.' of my own patients in the same ucintty ' flow much Lane they given hirul' seEtfe cresting the a big Lrido'e' when the ' D000. A great deal. Think he w,)n't tide was up. I came near being drowned.— "et over it.' My sulky was soon afloat, but the bornet ' When did they 'gire it to hon?' being a good swimmer, reacted the oppo- ` this afternoon.' ' \Yhy didn't you come ,Dauer? flow site bank. Now, beside riakiog my own ' do you think l am to go two miles on such life, I fairly dragged the patient from the i very gates of deaf.'. 1 dot Lim out of a a ei4Lt? Have yon brought a waggon!' -- A Losdna &tier Mee: 'We lately saw for • mem's1, the deed of the eosseyanee of u estate of .bout three heedred scree of teed sold by the Earl of H.r.'ord, a bemired J tweet -settee WOMAN.; 7.14$16.r--.1 Lady ewer - (ivy ▪ Eve sad a half .oche. whale, ►y two ■usaks IrPs. Lb (be most ran y a u and gal warns.- `Mvem s..grew, Aga � m. l I+asIP (ivy ! when 1 int heard yon, I tbsegb. was Law rear* cootie to break bawae.-- Ile's a desput tallow. So 1 gets up anal tools out u' the window, and thou I went into the .oruer to fed my gun, and of 1 J.Ja't— "Come, Come ; do you wont--" "1'o get the iIwuwtia ; No, 1 deal.— Hold on, doctor ; be down in one minute." We returned to the. congealed Timmou.. My coadjutor took up the jug, *hook it 1 a raassnaw To TIN LA/1/s.—It tom► ' he isarealeg to soma ed w timenk tMr{• ere who u. m feeble heed* he ism Mist M%ef6 atae...Iae.;seweek%d�sl 4••• .140 11104 aro. sa ditties, mot only eyy of perfemeeee, boat also a means of pproaolegj �',�s the .oreltiee eltibited at tee eyelet 1'aica., a as eketro-t. apet,c,.culyfhtailtg nimble% board. 'Chas r wetter se tam •i• she ascot wada•basella hob tib .sous nm t.etaMse. composed of Eine, milled with u se ether metal, and partly framed whir The inventor claims that is t1# -bfj/d is strictly scieutiSe u as caseeeltetlM.tilel seines, last tau ar i. iy epeeskeee g of great brae b* W Lbw •parse/-,- met. as an eeuoia.aoal labs -went/ riche.- the magnetic' current ass/+tin%ia deteesopesing a.d detaching the greasi sad dirt 6'eat ehr clothes, by which o,+eration'tare is to be a decided bails, m tune, labor and wap, and of course less wear auJ damage to the fabric. It is further coalcded that dal magnetic e:urrent a wduurJ and seawaated by the deeumpowlw* of the wap and Om acid,' and salts cuetai.ed w the clotbtng.— .\Iao. that the effect attic magueuc current as plain!). telt by the operator *bee the hand is Jrawu to the top, the fingers rest - Inn on the copper. The currrat ea then said to be induced, and those malering with and said \uta drop." 11. then smelt iLeumatic or pentium complaints, find great t relief from its use, ie resenting the eyed - ell is rum;' said 1, ••tie cause of all this 'brim to the oervou+ and physical syolaso, misery:' while the chocks may be avoided by trot "No, Doctor, not all rum ; there's been allowing the hood to touch the copper. a little •molasses' tote the jug, by the smell of it " Pos r Orrw : Oeweed.-yA few days ` Lift him u said L Ile did co,and ago, in an article on the Postal system, we p' stated that uuderMr. 51orrie'aJm.niatratie9n carried his burtheu home, where 1 brought attic department the public looked fur tin Timmy to life. I now trudged on upon key original errand hoping to sate another life mere valutble than that of Ttmmoss. Arrived at the introduction of the nwucy order +ystes i.to Canada. Tlua expeclattuu, as we then rut - 'gained, was out (uuadcd on any positive proai.e of the head of the Post Office IDe- partrueut; but was a natural result' of Mr. bonne, 1 perceived• it shut up as if htermet- Monis' loowu anxiety to introduce every ically sealtd.--Not a licit was to be seen. pucticul improveruent into the l' ta! sys- I knocked at the door, but no answer.-- teen bf'hu I'rucnu.•. \'c now fon •bet I louelcd furioualv,atd a si bt.ea appear- the popular expectation, in this respect was r P pp< luny justified. we kart from the twataY- ed from the chamber window, and a woman s tburatu that our elBcient and iodefatigable voice squeaked out,'•wbo'a there?' fust Master Ueueral has, for *erne montes least, beep to eorrespon fence with the Bri- tish post o1Ree authorities, with a view to the introduction of the money order system Into Canada; and that lie more fully to ia- better. We got a little 'ckeered' kind of. form himself on a point of so much ia.pore Gin hips laud'ou,., and he slept kind o' lance to the commercial in tercets of the snood, but he's woke up now." country, be will despatch the Chief Clerk '•flow much Iaudnutn did Le swallow!" ps.,, g full in- tent 6iun none. N unoerful bad storm to -that country. night !" I We shall not antibipate the results .f I buttoned my coat up to my throat, ! this inquiry; but there is little reason to fear • that Illi. country will he introit longer dr turned upon my Leet, eel bted to 'eListle. prived of t,be adaantagesot as unorovem-rat ••Doctor, Doctor." i a the admiuiatration of the Post (Alec ".R•hat d, you want." winch, in England, was'or.-,,.auatec coatem- eYou won`t charreholhin' fur ibis visit,. po►aneuu.ly with the introduction of petty will you." g postage; and relit: h, as w,• beliete,has there '•The doctor to be sure," said I; '•you seat for lien, 4.\'hat is the matter ?" ••Oh its oo matter, Doctor. Ephraim's in hi, department to England, is the Sands &arida (or the ase of obtaining 'Only two di opt; said she. '•tris'% hurt formation of the working of the uystes in Now, as 1 travelled bt,.L on fool. the 1 been crowned with eleae! ,excess.-_ Lcule moon became obscured, the dririug sleet Winded the eves, 1 heard the Atlantic i Exrima00nleeRT FLAT.—Mt. Ilu�b breakers booming need beetiiie upou the Mooney-, of London Gore, made a bet, W coast ; and with head down like a bulrush-- July last, of .k1n, with Mr. George Pcgler, M arrived at my own door suet and diacuu- (of this taw*, rh'u be Mooney, would drive his horse, in :a ltue f tee wiriest suite, saving to myself :—•• That !Mtge e1, from Pte, is London, to the market to Iiamilte0, t Pia nt culled Patience glues not Fong' so ', distance of ei.liy-two miles, from sungiee every Garden !" to Sunset. acd home aeaiit the neat day, — _� within the c••-re•nondmJ boors, without * Jmy to the Allam}. Oa the 1316 of Jalye L )RD ELGI1'y DEPARTURE. ! donne). started from London, on his race, aed,althoueh *L, we.ithe: tea, extremely The Qnebec "Cbroniele" g,vee the f,l- bot he res wteJ the place of Jeti,atia,7 as lowing *ketch of the Gov.reer Geueral'e I hour vet a helbefore the Lrn.r, an! retern, ' Jepar tete:— end the l allowing d iy some twe.ty bunutes Yes crday mss the parting day, and tie,` before *4. ort bad set. Notbiog but au gaiety of tl,e seen, c rntrstal painful y "iron Luise" coo bait 1Ai,. - wttf. the sadness"( the oecanun. From i. -- ---- 138,',ierernrot 1114.e to the 4.Z_teen'• Ilia fa ,TO Tess MAatrnn. orbearasee NQ + bilious -remittent, 'drove the jaundice ado:. w hart, tie streets wag ItnaJ wtw tr. spa, ; Ms neo.. fa! i1 every hmt',, A boost s►tys his alio, and whra L came to ad: him for • ltica'I wo i t so. 'fell them is— ' , everdreeoa, and the great uowuhc.l w.iti- been Written to il:uauate tee waut.>,Tape: ten dollars be black wa riled me like a' and Larieg presenbeJ hastily out of the win.. ade• 'r.e bead, and a guard o: bettor et Mer a coryth.ng." -e book l camps the 71st R•g.meat of Il,gh:aeders were speak; but eertaea it tail le coquet etateuee•l at tis Gess,n-neat Il .u.e, ao l Mite temper to almeet ceerertiige Whit*• peeseeied ares II his P..e,:e!'eney, •let bat - 1 ,nlr.tage is a bt,,,.,1 hr, hut.., L, a. a i u tag been w„teJ upon by the Ju!gi., the ' crucible to eberae:c• 'rho greet saactiome Cer,ruratein, send sown of Mho fnacipal cru- ' of L•fe are mvch leas Ovine 1., ih" t rmyer, asps, ens _rge1iruw t!tt b1141114, fu,,owed Ithaathe.•riu eine iteote,ee.4tve:f:now• by the Cabinet t w Iliad.' u. Jd .,Lary d - ship of the ern le. 1r there is say bales** pe:tinea'•, Jaigue, A,J.+J4-::w,', to:., to Ina m.n or ..ossl.'s dirk •sauom, U>te soli embuk 00 ba. a of the 'trinity at•asudr ",rang it out. It has I•ara: boon pre,eiblst; ••Doris, en ro .a" lir SeelieJ, .vhrre L.Ji abet to u.J.'r•ten•l a pereoe's etteraeterigy and the ssLolc house Jul with their aLa:we Eters is as attsady-.cated'ua tv.e qo irter nnat I,te with him; 'nJ tee rerun (..tart+ i t office. Nut°'cboo,ino to wake my moo I,kick with l..J, E. !!rued an., her otter 1:y be:au.e ',Mlle is the 0..1y 1.;ace waere ague. Oh. bow welcome the latch a Vied [ Flum.nery, or to di,tu,h my all Lone,wW1 cb,IJsen, attended by Mrs. au.; the 31 s,ce tea aro q.ete� tree fro•n relrrcet eel act en up to admit you es lieu Lie seems to hen, was cruuduo; his sots, ane housed for the tlni"d. 11.E EtceLtucy waatrad,na Laie• ''real l,-ol... • aril p utly b.diu.,-, as eu- chicken stealer, sad would never emptor mei dos,' 1 closed t'ae sash and went to bed.-- aasia. Tedi fact i•, the peop!i. io the cot o• ' But the honli"; wind sal rattliug i sleet try abhor ince aiiJ a doctor is the worst against the panes bad sot that soetbrae (A- iry publicans. To be sick they think n a tact which 1507 Late to nue ss .i l;es woo, dead los., which they unchriatiatar grumble and a. rrapetusible in Lu couch. • What; a1; but to have w pay for brio; cured, ir- ritates tbcm beyond measure. OL! how aealcct ! 11 dl it ab. n t a Inc 1,044 ccunm- meek they arc, when they he prostrate in a a uy hecaa,e the parents are -,-J I wiU o'. 1 mu'L' \V" brat 1 leap eJ out a;stn, burning lever—whim their teeth chart er ' ! d liiu le a match, and went down late my upon a hair! But get them on their ui.Lt Ito): my seek and art out to tea!:. and the Iirel they will forect will be that g ' fie snow went th:";11 mr �'')" like a they were ever on their backs.If marc of them do pal you, it is under protest, pro- acne; my ucc► ane bo"oiw were iastanUy covered asith sleet. Nevertheless 1 Lail erastinating the settlement to a time elms same liumo:om thought, while breasting the account might be outlawed; throne I • the stem,atel composed a lana duticb ,y down the fair proportions of a just bill, an; giving you the most ragged representauoes of money. I say that when I came to overhaul my accounts, 1 was not worth any taloa, and therefore arrived at the conclusion that it was higb time to marry • a wife who wou!1 take care of my money. 1 did so, and ,book Lim 10 make him aware of his tau• (load my condition better, but for sane *lion, arid ser if the *met ha 1 lett its hely. years had a hued time of it. llrchilJten I about- tee t u:n-.ug, but t here was 071 +pirit were extremely pettish abd peevish, and there, no: a dton, • fleet'. sail 1 •wake ohm with nocturnal calls, 1 had Dot a menet' .p,' Na aeewer 1 tb_u kicked him hat the way. I hal Fist galt the las( G,ot if the re lions lay. Ih. Eteelleacr was recite: :•e'. t ' fil t , tat th•ar gee•ta v.:: anti... ',telemeter co.rect, when toy fool slroek by a G ,mr l o 11 •nor, 1rua. l'.a bu•ll 1ti�i I' .n r , o • of Ih:. !.,s rora•t•.: n , h.p, co- agaio.t s)metli.); which looked Ile a black: men,, and hr rue ,aerc•isnts. L.:." , a,:i i .• .1 i t:. 'ran W'1: -s h..o b+. foe. ( ).t s:;nt.:n , by the lu'it of i,e man, teeny lu+,ee_ta•,1e tale aa.N ,t. t.f Q ioiato — ^t. ori, a- ',hu r 01;) 1.la. '4,1 t i ey woes Coital it to he ray o1J patieu: '1'imuay Toa. Corpora'10n, the p•r••1l 1 o, 51. R s:!':, eters-roe eyehole. an ed; sal hero ,n1.e- llmm)a•, a?parauth .00a.1 a•lren with Lie aaJcertain other i,,b•hr.a•.t.,.I It. .. ;•,ne' .•u.-t.wraheq•.al cr.ta,dtyal:,.t bdo,cd 4t1a jug by lea site. 1 alt vain then approached firer;.vl.eocy 4',i sre,.•.L .'!.•.y Moe,...' lee.—Lit 1..a'e.•1 01 a ab. I'd ad!aaases, Cams•, n•••n'.'r : I • :!••' • , • .i• each 1....1 o.•ro }Bawd u a wee* N in- k:cn'. .:au,ti.,e,et •.1 .ff,lr , ••r . testi* keen, ie. ,*u* .1.6ci-•at TwrsM/ regret .t lax+ .:p+truer, .n•1, i .1. 01 go, ,,l n 10414 ect",.'t •.• •I 14 ,tier, bat • pr..1.071114 ais>ul r 4>,lMorn• t, •e;, - 11 • *!ter. 1., w', e•e••rspl•can14/ •ae.airs.— tree eery a,otaily an 1 •n • . f \ jai,s, t 1.•..• •r, tea .ay,w. dea'auee I. tettsd- Tne w..t.lows of t'ta h to. •• t I: - . lot a titre I,.Nl illi *ape, the Li ne, nu.'ri•.ratan. sae 'Ferree* and inn waarre..n•e 1 cr ..1- • A 1) 'rz5wn QI:3L d t'n1Y Ditt; Tberr, wbilt eeeoia he •• lie n n6 p-, . i Iasi t'h , •': .. • sn'.- • %'ITtt.-- rhe R..t ease w'I.b bas occ.ir- nrtt boa•&. j i m • I' "• .:d in Nti}r J>..:y a hJcr the Lev retries' 1 was fiercrly attacked by a stout ba:I- i.o ; At we. a"I r'k the 11, .+ e. -i ,J. t`e , i► n- • to ha situs) Jo.tadarl•, gashed nl Ike ia•t and n!.tie keeivag him off, and liebtt•il w, 1, n T '.e' linter. "•j eel "4:: J. a e I' t•.. •, .i N ,n' tier Le y.i note, leo• ••lace eI r av to the noise!, the mister ca.n • 01; ha 4: • alum 1' 9'11 •'.t u' I ;111 yy+;, i.^.•p,., . Princeton. on 1.,.4 ,., the' •grant i.e.. The shirt -WI wee *laded -jet eerire.!• ;1+a Ct:u.l:.e. ,..wet hi* kat. ane Lb,m.eN•,r •screed o enrdmnwum 1., three Lor! Ii. jun was g,•na. G • .. K .+, a t, gentleman, who £r• -w eclelll to try before a ' Don't yon khan m -!' suJ 1, a. h • et- sow Ji tsc:u tio.uor., t.iiwgl pet ! : t p':y an rm7•nviinn NIS OW iub.tuJ drsuC i Lia,. '.rliib,.An, sad his Isep�a- heal.'•!, attended as we baro describe', kin. ,,eunoia* ui ore petty •onuyali.• •■ aol par- twc'o i1e d,ub-Yl row et troop-, lo•i.wid ' tilts toes thou erten shwa hare. It •!Buil by too band ort .'e alt. Java Uipt,•en Jan ! net be w; tot the ill✓vroe with wb:ch per- ctoty, and the ('.rc Cs ileum, iu uw,ror.a. 'tn• soto>.t to woJJo4 life Is tot comma0.y of greet.' hi,* sad tea, tint Resist Art,ltcry; :i•pclIC.1, se/ that al aas.rly Jar. Aa*i- meaan•ikineng • inlet.. wens Dere ,:u ',,'n•rad5,r h•taurtate•dalarm. w:raodu.rs. regret.. Un theQtrcn'a W17arr. where •a; fie,' ,141:4: whew their r.,l *IOC ,11 for fit. years. I1 anything ailed them, be hire it a, if l,•, lied beet, u•.1 to kicks. they were sure to cry the night long; but it , Iles drat:; said 1, ani passe 4 on to the they were well, they woke up long before Ibe 1..6 ()Wing of the cock, filmbine over me at the very moment when I had compose) my head for a short morning nap. But pa- ternal pbylosophy can well be recofcikd to the sweet mush of • crying babes`' some Ibousaads of whicb have been uaported is - to New Yolk during the present year. But the number of people taken sic in the d+ytime who send for the doctor h tatgbtr {,*• hiai Esta •a ler a i, i. ,.w. nhd. le a moot• Ince 1 bbnal.l bare pnie• 114 alit a f.,ur r s ,w 1e, 6,o pia., ..... o. •:ti.ltcaatlm,, n.u.1 Opl•n"4 guerilkm prodeced a canine . fracture of m time, a'. W ly Pd h ped yds over hse'.:iorry toils that. y iso tlreetw!a, to m ye ,a Nee ale. soh, •c u'nr low. lie is divr.ted of uR tostrol It .i *heldom ave on a comet state. - 1l is the sw tkst of all tonwlatb"ru to Is. • 'on JA's got air It ,C1-111;. flare, Buil., ee tie t:• v met .,leeJ to l• •41• e, e. In O. in, p h'r.1y, whack will ben o. >.. tas4t holt )..rain• ibis ref rem stile. AN litter edits, trader mu, luff I?ull, lieu, ! ...he eute Jur . 1 a nnetsy • s e fnrbi lap to sell le him, std a weary head tap°. the pillow with the! 1 ivswsn;r 01..1, 4*huJ Mrs h.r• bre. P that rent awaits you veld the " Burney dead or ,.t, sstd 1. w I7wie not 1 armee Ie Bat ,.o.•e •e.,.o .t.e ;a..•pe .: , !V;14,1 !.c is i.: I,- 'related ai a 11.1111. thoughts l Is 16 lane. dead or (hunk, I dont lets& pot d. j Ls . amioed the pri,mnd; t1 as 'b dsxtor.' l .y, arm ,utllaaLrc'.' ropm.JeJ Lel I IhwJLI +t I __ �_. >.• sm eat lu laic raft of his .1oeerly• 'Jug gave e..Jnct i(ia• au:it the• was a thief. I'm g!rlyou spoke when rn.n \" 1.,.emea.e.mel •'nater 1 .• , ...y. wan and acea:don to law. toe O.i tout, have eve a at beret car •rang caro 4 j win. ;i ; dead drunk, at uv nuc. 111 mast Fia.ios th,..rns was .4. *s.m,. Wts.s . Two bs 'kite et goni Iwt,., mere Imre vetted yna, that a a Inti xa.00 am., looted aft&•:." Law 4 », .1. .. 1*.r'• Mr *AM w Mk., friss 1.n a *I. 14 at IalawreMeebtar'l. (h) s8er amity w..... 1lroodh toe davit; '•periWoA.n4um ....born ...to e. NI.mrs •beeueea.ia,rdi.itfwFI.-I. )..ars "Wait ;,.I I I alt oa my b. rubes. rr ..1 .'•.reae• Ad."e •, h.,me. ,carr el .a t • ,.sr. os ora * ss ! hound the eight. '1' he. 4. the 'tram, , sl. O,d.sce tb- Menem Mu• years age, the total writings nl were' mete W flat a wunmerfel eight ! %Vert yna come A,meso a lads attitudes �I t iMr hes at A,Mwe:,• "",•••• • 'e,s.ly se dam-g.arlere dr►. 11'.1.rdehtp'. *eel y toN�h, and the lased marl - sae =•n. y • :o the ',meal its l'ttwfr has won etteeked by • nib*, beset a -fanny n '•No DO : get • r v'n.: . , - a ' as.d 1eta-1'id M 11♦n:g.•. • p.eves, tench , g •Osteal 1'elrstrsv h.poan t 111: aotLo Let tf still, and yna boll the door ap a u- ., r.Nene. •t Wee..... . ,noun ea•,ies% ilbNewnitxrt. Fete of world 'er b be+ arse caned there- utak0 hate i wit+• ' ee gretitle& led strife. to •?`, 41 ..