The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-27, Page 5family unites
at Legion. Hall
The Legion Hall, Hensall,
was the setting Christmas Day
for a family gathering when
Airs, Violet. Schwalm of Hensall
had all members of her family
home for the festive occasion.
Present were her 11 sons and
daughters, 23 grandchildren and
nine great-grandchildren,
Sixty sat down to dinner and
supper with turkey the main
item on the menu. The Christ-
mas cake was made by Mrs.
Violet Schwalm who will be '79
years of age in May of 1963,
and decorated by her daughter,
Airs, Harold Hans-en, Stratford,
Mrs, Schwalm was the recipi-
ent of many, gifts from her
family and to her daughters
and daughters-in-law she pre-
sented. each with pillow slips
with crochet trim made by her-
The family enjoyed a social.
get-to-gether and. a period of
carol singing with Harold Han-
sen at the piano.
Present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Austin Schwalm and Susan,
M. and Mrs, Harold Hansen,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hansen
and Sandra, M r s. Mervyn
Schwalm and Robert, all of
Stratford; .Air, and Mrs, Arthur
O'Hara and Peter, Belleville;
Sgt. and Mrs. Donald Perdue,
Danny; Mike and Keven, Kings-
ton; Sgt. and Mrs. Karl
Schwalm, Ricky and Terry (just
returned from Germany);
Mr, and. Mrs. jack McFar-
lane, St. Thomas; Mr, and. Mrs.
Lee Schwalm, 'Elaine, David
and. Brian, Hamilton; Mr. and
Mrs, Wm, Wayne, Shirley and.
Kenneth, Peachland, B.C.; Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm,
Patricia, Barbara, Margery
and Charles; Mr. and Mrs.
Robert. :McKenzie, Jack and
Ronald; Mr, Ray Schwalm; Mr.
and. Mrs. Glenn. McKenzie,
Gordon, Tommy and Lorraine,
liensall; Mr, and Mrs. Gary
Wright, Lori and Roger, Kitch-
ener; Mrs. Paula. White, Jen-
nifer, Patricia and. Robert, To-
onto; Mr. and Mrs, Alf Pfaff,
wins shoot
At the Boxing Day trap shoot
t Kippen sponsored by Kippen
Gun Club John Anderson, Hen-
sail, won the Labatt handicap
trophy with a score of 45 out of
Lloyd Venner, also of Hensall,
also had 45 put of 50 but An-
derson defeated him in the
Patients cheered
Patients at Queensway Nurs-
ing Home enjoyed visits from
several organizations over the
holiday season who cheered
them up with carol singing
and treats,
Visiting the Nursing Home
was the last Hensall Brownie
Pack who sang and presented
tray favours for patients and
staff for their Christmas. dinner
Sunday afternoon the YPS of
the 'United Church sang carols
and brought treats and a Sun-
day School class from St.
James Street United. Church,
Exeter, paid a visit.
Tuckersmith SS
stages concert
,Jerry Traquair acted as
chairman for the annual Christ-
inns concert of SS I Tucker-
smith Friday afternoon with.
Christmas decorations forming
an attractive background.
A program arranged by the
teacher, Mrs, Laurabelle Rei-
chert, was presented which in-
eluded recitations by Jerry
Traquair, Nancy Forrest, jer-
ry Branderhorst, Nancy Tra-
quair, Catherine Fotheringham
and Jim Fotheringham; choral.
reading, four plays, choruses
and carols.
Mrs. Malcolm Dougall ac-
companied at the piano for the
musical numbers. The. children
received gifts and treats.
"Harry finds small talk
This New Year's Eve... when it's
ne for the road"...
Pine whisky, in moderation, plays
an. iMportant part in the art of
gracious living.
knowing when to make ei "gracious
refusal" plays an equally great part
in the art of sensible living.
This is especially true when the
New Year's party is breaking up .. •
when you're about to drive home
and someone suggests, "now
about one for the road?"
This New Year's Eve) if you are doing
the driving, say: "Yes, I'll have one
for the road. nut, please
make it coffee!"
Ialst `'W' C) 71tiikt
Products Of
Genera' Motors
Sales with
Blue Bird
Diamond and Wadding
We have a large selection of
Clocks, JeWellery l, Watchei
China, Silverware
Watch and Clock Repairing
e SpecialtV
Albert Hess
Jeweller and, Optician
a. 7rXf.:sa la Ray Jaques and Steven, Gran- Browmes cheer ton, with Mr. and Mrs. $'red
nursing home Centralia Comments' BTivrd.enanadnciAll\risa.rgAaIrsFith' EsaerY,
Air. and Airs. D. Roger and
Danny, Air. Lome Keller and A Christmas program con-
dueled by the 1st Hensall Brow-
Alr. Donald Fisher wit I
nies concluded the 162 season.' '11-'7"r-Jrr:'7';27'.2i."i;:'' • :•!'f5tX6':ar.:4;7-ilrr53 and Mrs. Jack Essery andi Hensall
and ,district news
Mrs, .Maude FiedOen, Phone S.
Mrs, Archie .MacGregor, Phone Sb
Hensall personals
Mr. j. E. McEwen, who has lodges. Mrs, Leona. Parke was
been a patient in, Victoria Hos- convener of this project.
pital, London, returned home Mrs, Pearl Shaddick, who has
on Thursday. been a patient in St. Joseph's
Mrs. Margaret Vair of Bruce- Hospital, London, returned home
field is a patient in Scott Mem- Saturday.
orial Hospital, Seaforth. Christmas visitors Mr. Grant Ryckman of Chia- With Mrs. Errna Lowery and elhurst is a patient in St, Jo-
sephs Hospital, London. Linda were Mr. and Mrs, Mur-
Brintnell, David and Bren- Attending the funeral of the ray late Mr. Fred Kennings were: da, Exeter; Mr, and Mrs. Jim
Hyde and Lisa, Hensall; Mr.
Mrs. Lloyd Redden and son and Mrs, Robert Keys, Kim
Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Kay and and Greg, St, Marys; Mrs, Gni-Steve, St, Catharines; Miss Mae ole Harvey, Oshawa.
Kennings, Mr. and Mrs, Pat
Flannery, alias Margaret Smith, Mr. James AfeEwen, Toronto,
Mr. Richard Tipping, London; with Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Alc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick McKellar, Ewen. Mr. and Mrs. Ross ,links, Marilyn Smith and. George
Smith, Thedford. Gail and Billy, with relatives in
t• Thomas, Christmas guests at the, Tres- S Miss Viola Lemmoti, Toronto, byterian manse with Rev, and Mrs. Ross MacDonald and tam. Mr. Preston Lemmon, London,
fly are Mr. and. Mrs. W. A. Sea- with Mrs, Leona Parke and
ton and Gary of Brockville. Patricia.„ „
Mr. and Mrs. Win. C. Smith, i'Ll% and Mrs. Jack Lewis,
Janie and Scott, are spending Sarnia, with the latter's par-
th e yul e tid e holid a ys with th e ents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
letters parents at North Branch, Spencer and Greg.
Mich, Rev. H. F. Currie, Mrs. Cur-
rie and family in Hamilton. Mrs. Lou Simpson is spending Mr. and Mars. Laird. Aliekle, the Christmas holidays with
Members of her, family in 78ir to. Bob and Ann in London.
ingham, and Royal Oak, Mich. With Mr. and Mts. N. E. Cook
Messrs. Charles Mickle, Ian w er eandMrs. 62 ry„,, taCnaar - Akinden and Bruee Grainger', lett. Bryan, Diane and nt-
Special guest for the afternoon Wins draw s. Was former Brown Owl. Mrs. —
Earl Rowe,
les, directed a playlet "Die blanket, on the free ,Utrislmas
best day of taoyear, tile draw at Shoebottom s garage.
Hives presented a nativity ,Christmas visitors
scene while singing "Away in Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Vegan
a manger ,, led by sixes Der- and family, Mr, and Airs. Roy
(AO Ktpfer. Julie Heal and Wen- Vogan and Mr. Thomas. Grant
sly Webster read Christmas ale. .of Listowel, Air, and Mrs. Ho-
ries. ward Cuimington and family of
"The Gift Bainger" a play Elimville with Mr. and Mrs.
written by sitter Beth Cook, Fred Cunnington,
was the contribution of the Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shoe-
Fairies. The Gnomes sang a bottom and family, 1‘1)% and
medley of Christmas songs ac- Mrs, Leonard. Shoebottont and
companied on the piano by see- Larry, Mr, and Airs. Ronald
under Mary Mock. Shoebottom and boys, Mr.
Then the Brownie s with t h e i r and Mrs. Willard Shoebottom
Cynthia and Mr. Robert leaders Wig several 'Brownie and
songs for the patients and staff Shoebottom of London, Mr.
of the Queensway Nursing and Mrs, F. C. Shoebottom of
f.selonntseed, themlte B‘tv.eitthveltersAyalfsoavoporres- P.,,larrs':Y.BaSyennd with Mr. an d Shoebottom and tam-
for- their Christmas dinner,
made ender the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Eaton
Tawny owl, Airs, Jack Dry.,,, and Bonnie, Mr, and Mrs. Don
dale, The first meeting of the ffeaman and family, London,
New Year will be January 8. Mr, and Mrs, Reid. Brown and
The liensall Brownies and Roxanne, Lambeth, with. Air,
Guides 'presented two poinset- and. Mrs. John Thompson,
tia plants to the United Church :Miss Elsie White of Sudbury,
and Mrs. Clarence Young, as a token of thanks for being
allowed to hold their meeting's. Carolyn and Kevin of Mill-
in the church schoolrooms, brook with Mr, and Mrs,
Frank Osborne,
Mr,' and Mrs. Wm. Elliott,
David and Lois May, Miss Ag-
nes Anderson, Mn, and alrs,
Clarence McDowell and Janet
with Mr. and Mrs. Murray El-
liott on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks
Guides, guests
mark season
with Air. and MPS. Prank Hicks it y,op Sunday' onmrSun,adnady,mrs. Urban Pfile
in4Mr;nadn isdhAeirryst, LDyonnna,ldanPaick:111::
Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar i3 rian Laird, of London with
Greb and Glen of Zurich And Mr. and Airs. Kenneth Hod,
Slinason M Ga ir'e jb,°4'AliCr. FQaall"'Atirlts%
gins and family on Christmas
The story' In
hiRs. HgBER •PAM-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dabs
Sletei r Waneci Wednesday evening Lean were
guests with Mr, And Mrs, Fred
Dobbs jr, On Thursday Mr,
and Airs. Dobbs Jr., accompa-
nied Ale- H. S. McLean. on. a
trip to Florida.
On Saturday evening nr,, and.
:A'lt's. Heber Davis. held their
Christmas family party, Those
present were Mrs. Rd. Dick.
ins, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs, Jim.
Barker, Joan, Gary And Jean,
Mr. and Airs. Earl Greenlee,
Larry, Leslie and Air. • Ivan
Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. 1•-high Da"
.vis. Heather and Michael, Mr,
and Airs, Jim Young and Jef-
frey, .Lttean, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Tindall., Nancy and Marylou.
Airs. Cliff Ings, London,
Mr and Mrs. Harry Carroll
and 'Wayne with Mr. and mrs.
Ron Carroll Sunday evening.
Sunday .afternoon church
service was held at St. Pat.
rick's Church with a good at-
tendance in spite of the drifted
roads, Rev, Lyle Bennett 'was
in charge of the service. The
flowers were in memory of the
late James Cronyn, front his
Christmas visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis
had Mr. Gote Wennerstrom,
Mrs. Myrtle Isaac and Marjo-
rie, London, as their guests,
Air. and Airs. Ivan 'Stanley,
Denfield and Mr, and Mrs. He-
ber Davis with Mr, and Mrs,
Harry Carroll, Monday and.
Tuesday evening guests with
Mr.tiranand Mrs. Robt, Coleman, L
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hearnati,
Barrie, with. Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Rees and family nn Sun-
(Antler university students andsfreY' Toronto; Mr. and .Ails.
residents of Medway trail, 'Lon- Douglas' Cook, Beth, Cathy and
den, left by_motor Sunday at- ennifer, Mr. and Mrs. %Melt ttrriooti tot whore they Cook and Carolyn, Hensall.
will spend their Christmas va- Mr. and Alt's. Drew Fowler
ration. They plan to fly froth and family, London, Mr. And,
there, to the llaharoas to Mrs. Harry Rotten, Hensall,
spend a couple of days and with Mr, and Mrs. E. 1. Da-
will return New ?ears Day. vis, Michael and. Kay,
Mr. and Mrs',Mr. and Mrs. Wes Veinier,
and John spent Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert johns,
Christmas with the kites Sig. :Edward and Larry, Exeter,
tar and brother-in'law, Mr. Mrs. Bert Vernier of Thoteld,
a nd Mae, dark Robertson and guest at the. johna home, With
tardily, Galt. Pamela remainedAhd Mrs. Charles Cassar,
for * visit, London.
The !Legion Ladies Auxiliary Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Zeiler.
packed and delivered several Robbie and 'Michael, with the
ChriatinaS baskets 'to sick and latter's parents in 'Windsor.
shut in nibinhera. in Charge of air, and Mrs. 000rgt, 140.
the project, were Mrs. Grant with their daughter and sondii.
Bisbaelt and Mrs. Howard law, Mr. and Airs. .1. L. Ale-
Singe, Cloy and fancily, Toronto,
Aft, and Mrs. Laird Mickle Mr. Gordon Love and Sett,
held their family dinner On Clarence of Alberta, who is
fifth* Day and those firetent visiting his father with kit
Or the occasion Were Mr. and Robert and Mrs. Graliatn and
Mr.S. Rest MacMillan and Da. family Th. Ottawa.
'id, .Kitehener, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Margaret. Maittaaeatt and
judith and Mr'. Wilfr ed laanta aali with
John. Mrs. Forenee JoYni, and friends in London, 'Rob and Ann at home. airs. Marjorie Henn and fait-
New Year's service will be ily, Tiverton, Airs, Robert Reid,
held Stinday, December 30 at :Kincardine, Mr. a ti d Mi's,
11 A.M. arid Sacrament of Holy' George Jackson And Brian, Lon-
Communion will be, observed don, Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Reid,
1st Sunday of the New Year, Exeter, with Mr. And Mts. Clar-
January 6. elite :Reid and Allan.
Legion jackpot flOt Saturday Miss Dorothy VarnthAr,
will be worth $120.66 in A9 Ron Farnithar. Mr. And Airs.
rails with two deer laritea. Ed Knox and family, All of To.
Mielyacl DaviS, Jelin God. rorito, Mr and 'Itti'L Aubrey
'lard, John Toy it, Torn Nellands Familiar, Exeter, with Mrs,
And Norman Naafi& brought Charles rarnullAr.
cheer 10 residents or' me Mr, and Mrs. Edward MI-
lag by singing Chriattrias ear. land, Toronto, Mr, Utile Web.
The money they received -stet, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Wat.
amounting to $5.00 will be for- sen t Scaferth. Mrs, Fred Law.
warded to CARE, rondo, michotio, With Mr. and
Thirty-five Ciaalaaanaar 'plants Mrs. C. Christie And Catherine
and treats, and two cheques
Vae, giy6Ti nut to sick and shut. M r. and Mrs. boti Robinson,
& hit by the CPretittnitite London, with the Tatter's lulu
of :Amber Rebekah And 100F Hier, Mrs. W. B, Cross,
Mr, Joe White of 'Seatortis
J ane smith, surer or on pi x„ was the winner of the; electric
William Slavin
district farmer
Public funeral services for
the late William ,T, Slavin, Lon-
don, 66, will be held from the
Bonthron funeral home, Hensall.
on Friday, Dec. 28 at 2 p.m.
with interment in McTaggart's
Mr. Slavin, who was unmar-
ried, moved to London from
Chiselhurst where he had
Survivors are three brothers;
Thomas, ,Kippen; Glenn, Gode-
rich and Fred, Clinton,
Wins blanket
Airs, A. Scholl was winner of
an electric blanket in a draw
at irwin's Ladies Wear, The
ticket. was drawn by Mrs. Jim
Miss Carol Varley also won a
blanket at the same atom the
ticket was drawn by Miss Elaine
ji tmh Love an d m aim " of Ex,„ Miss Wilda Pollack of Kit-
of Grand Rend. Air. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Sboehoi-
of Parkhill on boxing day with Haas week.
And Wayne.
Alt's. Peter flavelle and Lori Lorne Picks for the weekend,
Hodgson and. Kay of WA , t0111 of Parry Sound whit their
rodeo, Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson, son, Air. and. Mrs, flay Shoe-
Exeter and miss Sonia Ritchie bottom, and family for .Christ-
cter and Miss Florenee Porter, 't'nener with Mr. and Airs.
Air. and Mrs. Wm. Haddock, 1.” Drought.
foot and Don, Mn, and Mrs,
Air—and Airs. Kenneth Greh Air. and Mrs-:Douglas Ger-
W. Essery and Robbie, Mr, Ro b ert an d Jean, Mt', and
fly, Air, Lorne Keller, Mr. and
Mrs. Ron. Swartz and girls, Hensall,
Mrs. J. Essery and fam. Mrs. George Dunn with Misses
Danny, st, Marys, Au', and . Rev, D. Al. and Airs. Guest
B, Rader,
Percy Webber of Exeter' with
Air. and Airs. Alvin Essery,
Mr. and. Airs. Dave Roger and
mr, G eorge Bayri h am with Tonto with Air, and Mrs, Vie.
Mr. and Airs, Harold Light' Visiting away for Christmas
Dashwood and 11r, and Dr. .and. Airs. J. A. Guest
main, Ricky and George of To.
Greta and Amy Laramie in
Mr. and Airs. Ray Lanamie,
Mr, and Airs. Frank Hicks. L' o na.nd Mrs',
aa nndd, faf inamillyiyi.n.
Mr, and airs. N, Morgan and George Hicks with Mr. and
family of Melbourne, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lee in Ansa ('Tai'„
Mrs. Hugh Rundle and family Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred llua.
of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. B. table and Billie with Mr. and
Morgan and family, St. Marys, Mrs, Stan Love in Exeter.
and Mr. Earl Miller with Mr.
and. Airs. Lloyd Morgan and Mrs. Elmer Wilson with her son, Mr. and. Mrs. Doug. Wil- Marilyn on Boxing Day. son and family in Strathroy.
Mr. and airs, Wm, Quinton Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Hod-
and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. gins, Keith and Manikay with
Lilley and family, Mr, Jerry Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Mitchell
Bestard, Miss Bonnie Free- • and family in West Lorne.
mark, Air, Al Champion of Lon- Air. and Airs. Amos Wright
don, Mr. Phil. Johnson of with Air, and Mrs. Ralph Neely
`Glanworth. Airs. Samson Alc- and family in London.
Falls, Mr. and Airs, Gerald 'Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shoebot-
McFalls, Exeter, Mr, a n d tom and family with Mrs. Al.
Mrs. Gerald Glenn and Randal Johnson and air, Frank John-
of Chiselhurst with Airs. Ar- son at Fanshawe on Boxing
thui- McFalls and Helen. Day.
A Christmas party was held Mr. and Mrs, Robert Tripp Air. and Mrs, Wm. 'Elliott,
by the Local Association of and family, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- David and Lois May with Mr.
Girl Guides and their guests at man Tripp and family, Mr. and and Airs, Fred Dixon in Lon-
the United Church Tuesday eye- Airs. B. Ford with their par- don.
ning, Dec. 18, with 45 present:, ents, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Mr. and leis. S. Molnar at
Entertainment ill c 1 u d e d a Tripp. ., the home of Airs. Keddes in
Christmas skit with roles ,pot'- Mr, and Mrs. 'Prank Smyth St. Thomas.
(rayed by Chrissie Cameron, and Joanne. Mr. and Airs. David Wright of London is
Cheryl Mousseau, Linda Low- Doug. Thcander and Duane of spending the Christmas holi-
cry, Brenda Noakes, Heather Hanover, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh clays with his grandparents
Reid, narrator Cheryl Little, Theander. Ingrid and Paul, Mr. All, and Mrs. Amos Wright,
A recreational p e r i o d of Carl Tbeander, Miss Shirley Mr, and Airs. Russell Schrne
games was directed by Joan Ryan with 'Mr. Banton Smyth der and Billie spent Christmas
and Lois Simmons, Wendy Moir, and :Beverly. with Air, and Airs, Sam Sem-
Chrissie Cameron, Marcia Lit- Air, and Mrs. R. Paynter and pin and family in London.
tie. Members exchanged gifts David, Kirkton, Alr, and Mrs•. Air. and Mrs. Jchn Thompson
and a Christmas lunch was Wm. Allison, :Jimmie and Deb. spent. Boxing Day with Mr. and.
served. hie, Ansa Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Roy Robinson at Britton
Page 5 Pocemher. 274 1942
Baptismal rites
at yule service
At a special Christmas serv-
ice in the United Church Sun-
day morning the rites of bap-
tism were administered to
Paul Douglas, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Erie Mansfield; and Al-
lan Elgin, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wrn. Roweliffe, For his
sermon topic Rev, H. Cur-
vie spoke on "Hydrogen Fear
or Heavenly Faith,”
The junior and. senior choir,
rendered special music and so-
loists were Miss Mary Good,
win, William Mickle and Sam
Rannie, Robert Mickle pre-
sided at the organ consol for
the prelude and closing of the
service and Mrs. Robert Pryde
played throughout the service,
Christmas Eve Holy Commu-
nion was observed on Monday
Commissioner honored
At a meeting of the PUC held
Wednesday, December 19, Mr.
Walter Spencer, who has held
the position as commissioner
for 15 years, was made the
presentation of a gold wrist
watch in appreciation of his
valuable services, Reeve Nor-
man Jones spoke and made the
Bingo winner
Mr. Sim Roobol. of Hensall
was the lucky winner of $50,00
in a draw at the Legion Bingo
Saturday night, sponsored by
the Legion Ladies Auxiliary.
Mrs, E. R. Davis was con-
.vener of tickets, and Michael
Davis sold the winning ticket
which was drawn by the Lion
President john Skea,
Cake winners
Winners in the Christmas
cake draw held at Crest hard-
ware Saturday afternoon were
.R,oy Bell, Hensall; Mrs.
Orville Jones, Queensway Nur-
sing Home, Henson and Mrs.
W. ,1, F. 'Bell, ,Kippen, Mrs.
Bell drew the winning tickets.
The project was sponsored by
Kippen East WI, Mrs. ;lames
Drummond was ticket con-
Win IGA contest
Winners of letter to Santa
Claus contestat, Darling's
Hensall, have been an-
nounced: girls, first prize, two-
wheel bike, Jayne Williams,
Hensall; second, doll buggy,
Brenda Pepper, Hensall; third,
walking doll stroller, Karen
Kyle, Hensall;
Boys, first prize, two wheel
bike, John Hummel, RR Zu-
rich; second, wagon, David.
Soudant, Varna; third, electric
hockey game, Larry Denomtne,
St. Joseph,
Fractures collar bone
Billy Chipchase, 14, son of
Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Chipchase,
is recuperating from a 'frac-
tured collar bone he suffered
when he fell while skating at
the local rink last Wednesday,
He spent a few days in Clin-
ton Public hospital,
Billy, who is an ardent hoc•
key player with the Hensall
Midgets, will be out of action
from six to eight weeks.