HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-27, Page 2AN,
As toe sing a farewell to the old year ...
we raise our voices to add a heartfelt "thanks"
. and to wish success to you in the New Year!
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Nee 2 The Times•Adyocate, Decp.rninr 27, 1962
continued from page 1
presented by grade 12 students
under the direction of M. C.
Sanders. The cast on Thursday
night was made up of pupils of
12A and on Friday was changed
• The plot centred. around Fred-
:die Frump ((Bill Dinnin and
Doug Russell) who was suffer-
ing from a common malady of
young men his age — love! Tile
-target of his affection was M-
lle Katzfelter (Bonnie Turvey
and .lielen Hendrick) who had
no interest in him because
:Grandma 'Frump (Sandra ,Dory
and Ann Creery) had completely
captured her imagination with
tales of feuding days when
young men were romantically
• Freddie decided that the only
.say to attract Effie would be to
pretend that there was a feud Men's Club Christmas party between the Katzfelters and the
'Frumps With the help o f Hi. The Men's Club of Zion Luth-
ram Katzfeller (John Mac- eran Church held a Christmas
:Naughton and John Snell) and Party Wednesday, Dec. 19 with
Cora Mae Frump (Lynda Tie- their wives as guests. Bob Hay-
inan and ,loan Dettmer) he sue- ter. Leonard Restemayer, and
everted not only in making Effie Bill Becker were the ones in
:6cheve there was a feud but charge.
actually started a "lively" bat- Christmas carols opened the
between the families, Ma program followed by crokinole.
'rump (Carol Brown and Carol Mr. and Mrs, Albert Miller
Taylor), Pa (Eric Wolfe and were high winners while Rev,
Brian Sanders) and all their Wm. Getz and V. L. Becker
yjningt ones (Faye Becker, Faye were consolation winners. A.
Schlenker, Bill Wright and Ge- pooled lunch was served.
bald Merner and Sharon. Light- Confirmation class party
'Not. Rosalie Hicks. John Na- The junior and senior confir-
gel, Carolyn Hands, Dick Cent- illation class of Zion Lutheran
ter anti Brian Mustard). start Church held their annual Christ-
fighting against Pa Katzfelter etas party Friday evening with
and his, the parents as guests. Rev.
;In an attempt to stop the Wm. Getz. led in a Sing song.
ft:Sailing Cora Mae hides the am- Group games were played, The
Munition in the store, Freddie, class conducted closing devo;
unaware of this, starts a fire in awls after which hot chocolate
dry. his father's coat. The stove and donuts were served.
explodes and everyone believes Santa Claus
Freddie to be dead. Freddie re• Santa Clsus made a hurried adpears from outside and the visit to .Dashwood Saturday al•
folding stops. The hannv faro - ternoon. Arriving at the fire hall
iittss decided that Effie and,_ on a gaily decorated fire truck
'F endue would he married the he was greeted by many local
next year and Hiram and ('nra and district childeen. President
Mile were to he married imme- of the men's club, Ski Baker,
welcomed everyone and Alvin
Mliorettes perform Walper was in charge of a brief
The z;1.1,s .lee club sang program, Chocolate milk and
ps,:y our i.s, Th ings, and "Among packages were distributed to
iT Souvenirs", followed by the all children.
• Christmas programs
The Christina., service at the
Evangelical LB church was pre-
Town topics seatedSunday evening to a.
large audience.
lrs rINcle Grady. Main St., The kindergarten and primary
fsdbprl by phone with her two and lunar classes presented re-
tisters in Sydney. Australia, on citations, solos, exercises, and
Christmas Day, singing by the junior choir,
B. Al. Francis left by A cantata called "Good Will.
Diane on Wednesday for Mount to Men" was presented consist-
Ttla. Florida, to Npend the witi• ing n speaking parts, solos, and
tyre months. the choir singing, presenting
included all exterior, deeora, Penhale, onus commercial unit market, a Another former winner Mr, tions; in previous years it has Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tanner
field upon which it has given former resident • ,t .; and. Mrs. Eugene Beave., 34.. been restricts,' to the best deco- and family, Guelph, with Atr.
Foiktie second year in a row, the mother of a large district family has wan the more emphasis in recent years,
Airiother large family wins Exeter's Ib
rich. BR 3 Dashwood, receives $200 in merchandise certificates from Mrs, Edith as a whole." said the vice ednesday, he con es was sponsore Y
Boyle. chairman of the merchants' committee. Winning ticket was drawn by Mayor president. "The unemployment December 19. town council, who awarded
'Eldrisi Simmons. left. Mr. and Mrs, Dietrich have seven children, six of them girls, office at Goderieh reports the
She was the former Eva turkeys as Prizes. This is :the
number of unemployed is less 1-licks and was born in Devon-
-T-A photo than in previous years.'' shire, England, in 1873, a
Sees improvement
and five
and Mrs, William Ethertngton,
• prize m Exeter Businessmen 's Association Christmas draw, Mrs. Pius Diet. to be good for H uron coun ty of Exeter, teErv,di
former) Andrew
prize. ew
St" revived third rated door, • 'The general outlook appears
. Hospital, London, W Ttt d b
. .
majorettes, dressed in blaCk
outfits and top hats, who pre-
sented a routine entitled "Mu-
sic Makers",
Another girls vocal group ren-
dered "The Little Drummer
Boy" a popular carol and "Hey
Look Me Over" from a Broad-
way musical.
Final dance routine, two
Israeli folk numbers, was per-
formed by girls of grade 11,
and s two sons, Dengla$ and
to capture a greater propor- Carting St., a former door first year the competition has Fred, Colborne, with Mr, L.
It Hon of the travel trailer and Mrs, Eva Peter .. • .
Hits hydro pole,
A •22.year-old London man '
ham Northeott,Mrs. WiBlain and Mrs. Joe E, Carter and — Csontinned freln Page 1.
, . , , ,, s , : ' ' - - - • VISITORS - - YULETIDE VSITORS Cautious ent(icisiasm
I,. appears to have been AS " - - ' driver injured ,,A1r$, Annie Geddes, Mr. Wil• Mrs. Will Fergtison, town, Mr.
although no decision has been egredpueanst, ISTStherefairralWbralls sAe,ANs.
snot, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs, Edith, Olandeboyes and Mr, reached yet. c h ange d nitte ll of its sma ll er suffered back injuries :Saturday William Geddes, London, with and Mrs. Archie Parsons, Kip.
One of the district's largest and added tour or five men to off a hydro pole at the corner shall.
equipment for larger vehicles when his car struck and broke Mr, and Mrs. William Mar• pea, op 130:Ong day.
Mr. and Mrs, Eli Christie,
sales at least steady
employers, General C 0 a c h its staff during 1962. of Main and • George streets, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dyk. Harley and DaYid and Mrs. H.
ed. it plans for at least as good Pusinessmen happy
near the brewers' warehouse, stra, fatty, Thellna And Garry, Vickery, London, Air, and Mrs. Works of Canada ltd., intheat•
Exeter 13usinessmews Assoeo. f Nfsil M, Ne'11.1 atitt lost control.GuelPill Air, and Mrs, Tent Laverne Chrialie, Robert and
. o his caroffer struckat- - Garry,
Warren May, president of a year as 19152 and it may turn Vanden Bosch And of R 0 0 a 1 d, Toro**, Mr. Pon
Charles Fiford, viee-preaident t r 1 Mare '"exceptionally s f ,ti Both, travel, and Miss Ruth Doyle, Hamil. and, Mrs. William j, Thomson, a t e 30, ea at 1. were
Christmas other driven by Jim Wallace, GreenSvalct Gerald. Dykstr a ThestiSen, Kitchener, with Mr.
ton; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller
out a hit better. riots, termed the
and comptroller, said: "We goad". ling north on NO, 4, Newman. was hospitalized in Dykstra and family, .town, with and family, Thames Road, Mr. find consumer demand is about ...E very one pee ta lk ed t o h as
Mr, and Mrs. Harry De Vries. the Mrs, Warren Brock with
We don't foresee any 'gloom
the same level as last year. said it's been an excellent year London for the better part of
period' nor one of significant tintthee,obeHste ssj'iviecaht:dd for
lt wouldrne a da .'" anAdir.Pa4Vela irttlepatoln;alAdIr S, Maint(111 Hon.latWte,r'As .brSottrelsIvear rtanadndfaillAii rlys.
Mrs. Clarence WiSrm, Linda Stewart, London Township, expansion 9ither." 1962 be hard to predict for 1963 but:
and Brenda, town, with .1Yir- Mr. and Mrs, Harris Weals "We had a good year in "I think there's an up-trend—
Three win birds ,C o , —not an exceptional one —but and Mrs Charles Coward, Sarnia, Mr, and Mrs id West, people seem to be 'ming with
we were able to provide fairly a freer hand than they have Mr. and Mrs, Lee Witmer Ottawa, with Mrs. Harriet
helps to smooth out our pr)
1-- "have been very as 1-
Huron, Carling and Andrew ancl Mrs' qeraid Pearl " aad Ilcw ta Ca tgarY a n d 5 P "t' family with Mr, and Mrs. Wes Christmas with their son-in-law
mereial units than ever which the Association, said sales
Mr. Fiford indicated
tv Skey:tietInle'ts beTexthetgW4 ri: m r, and grs, Arnold oaek, and t1=1.*81Nriaizmr, duetion schedule. Witmer, as we are concerned."
the "It would appear to me that . • 4 r. •
consistent employITI"t- Wo been for some time." and Ronnie, Tillsonburg,. Mr. West, prod uce d a few more corn- Earl Russell, treasurer of „ and Mrs, Preston Dearing, Mr Mr. and Mrs, J, Tranuair for ecorations
stetter, Guelph; Mr, and Mrs, Mr. grid Mrs, George Nether everything is bright for the : ,
First prize went to Mr. and William Motz, Crediton, with. Sr. and: air, and Mrs, George, firm was tending toward more. com i ng year hut ,you can never
standardization of its .product t e ll wh a t will h a pp en a t this Mrs. Dnuglai Harness; 149 Mr, and Mrs, Will HorneY, 'Bethel* jr„ in Ottawa with
but it will not offer more op- ear l y st a ge ,,, Huron West. Sunday visitors were Mr, and Mr, and Mrs, Bother,
Lions for its basic units, He „, Second prize was won by Mr, ,Mr. and Mrs. Harry P'enhale
said the firm to 1963 will try and Mrs, F. W. Husttable, 255
mobile. home manufacturing
daughter of the late Mr., and A W. Hodgert Ross Tuckey, manager of Mrs, Stephen Hicks, She came
to Canada in 1880 and settled Tuckey Beverages Ltd. ex- district farmer near Exeter, later living in E x-pects a "bigger and 'better
year" in 1963, although he eter.
not ed soft dri n k s sa l es were Following her marriage to
dependent upon the weather, Harold Peter they farmed in
"Territory for territory, our Elma Township and about 24
sales are away up compared Years ago retired to Atwood,
to last year and we expect a Mr, Peter died in .1949. Eight
further improvement in 1963." years ago Mrs. Peter went to
The Exeter firm dropped its reside with her sister Mrs. John
London franchise during 1962 Leary in Mitchell and later
but indicated the increase in with her son, Stanley, at Hyde
its local territory almost made Park ,
up for the loss. She was a member of. Atwood.
The Tuckey firm introduced United Church and took an ac-
two new products in '62-16-oz. Live part in all organizations of
Pepsi-Cola and Teem—both of the chtuch.
Surviving, are one son, which "have measured up to Stan-
expectations as far as sales ley., and six grandchildren.
are concerned." Funeral services were held at
the Peebles funeral home, At-
Looking for increase wood, with Rev. A. Jackson of-
Kongskilde Ltd. and ,W Farm ficiating. Burial was in Elma
Machinery Ltd., the new Dan- Centre cemetery.
ish farm implement firm which Mrs, Lilian Blair, Robert
has established its Canadian Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
headquarters on No. 83 high- King, Mr. and Mrs. Hedley
the story of the birth of Jesus way, expects sales to increase May, Mrs. Ross Hodgert and
in Bethlehem as experienced by in 1963, Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Hicks at-
the people of that day, "Taking into consideration tended the funeral on Friday.
.The Lutheran Church Christ- that it was a promotion, year,"
etas program was presented said Manager Eric ravlev,
Monday evening to a capacity "the past year has been a good
audience. The theme was "Light one. I don't think we can com-
a candle for the Savior", The plain. We feel we have a good
children gave -recitations and year ahead of us."
songs, He indicated most of the
YP sings carols firm's machinery has done
The youth of the Dishwood "very well' in '62 and expects
EUB church went carolling to the addition of new lines in
the shut-in members and friends 1963 will help to spur sales,
'of the congregation Wednesday The firm will introduce a
evening, later returning to the two-wheeled .farm wagon which
church for lunch, will serve as a manure spread-
' Mrs. Ken AleCrae, Mrs. Jack er and a self-unloader forage
Geiser and Mrs. Merrill James box. It also will introduce. a
were in charge of the evening, corn header for its side-mount-
Personal items ed -flail harvester, another
George Tiernan has returned versatile machine which ern
home from St. Joseph's HesPl. serve as a forage harvester,
tal, London. stalk shredder and harvester
-Christmas visitors of combine straw, The corn
Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd. Weida . head, Mr, Gravlev says, has
and family of Detroit with done "extremely well" in dif-
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Howe and f
beereennt trcierwntries where it has Mrs. Louisa Schlundt.
Mary-Jo-and Miss Rtithanne Ra- As these new machines in-
der of London and Mr. and dicatc, the firm stresses versa-
Mrs. Fred Miller of Zion with Why in its couipm.ent in the
Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Rader and belief that this will permit
family. farmers to cut down on the
Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Stormes number of and amount of in-
and David of St. Thomas with vestment in machines.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. M, Tiernan and The Koneskilde Triple K
Lynda. cultivator anti grain blower
Mr. and Mrs. herd Miller with both have sold well during
Mr. and firs, Harty Bassow -1962 and "we expect sales to
and Emma of Zurich, increase next year," Air. Gray-
lest said, "Jt's. the same with
tso. .sir s f"ent-•moneted swatbea
and the ,IF grain binder which
is doing esneciallv well in
Like most other people in Quebec and Northern Ontario."
the area, The Times-Advocate Confirms retail hike
staff enjoyed Christmas. and B. W. Tuckey, president of
tas-tase Day holidays this Guenther Tuekey Transports.
week.. Ltd... confirms the yuletide
That's why it's impossible surge in retail business here.
to include all of the district "We were (suite busy right tin
yuletide news in this issue. to Christmas with less-than-
We'll Attempt" to catch up truckload freight," he said. Manager and Staff
next week, The transport business general.
H S 'spectacular'
dressed in blue dresses trimmed
with pink.
The grade 13 skits and the
finale by the massed Glee Clubs
singing "Teddy Bear's Picnic"
and "Monastery Garden" clim-
axed the program,
This program was preceded
by the presenting of athletic,
scholastic and ei t izenship
awards to students by SHDHS
board members.
Active Christmas
in. Dashwood area
Our sincere
wiehr• for your
heoith end
prooperity in 'hi, New Year.
%A MUM, at
Exeter Branch
Greene's Variety Store
"The Friendly Store"
As the old year draws
to a close we hope that the
arrival of 1963 will mean for you
365 days of good health, and good fortune.
Smyth's Shoe Store
Phone 235.1933
Archibald William G. Hod-
gert, 80, formerly of Exeter,
died on Tuesday, December 25,
in Huronview Home, Clinton,
where he had made his home
the past three months,
Mr. Hodgert. 'farmed - near
Russeldale until moving to
Exeter in 1931. Mrs. Hodgert
died January 28, 1958.
Survivors are sons, Gordon
Hodgert, Exeter, Mervyn Hod-
gert, Bornholme; daughters,
Mrs. Jack (Jean) Madge, EN-
eter, Mrs, Clayton (Verna)
Colquhoun, Science Hill, and
Lloyd Russell, St. Marys
Funeral services were held
at the Hopper-Hockey funeral
home on Thursday, December
27 conducted by Rev. S. E.
Lewis with interment; in Roy's
Pallbearers were Whitney
Coates, Earl Dick, Mac and
Reg Hodgert, Don Bray and
Ken Dow.
ivet6 guvt,
Mur heralds are sounding a
Fanfare of heartiest wishes
..!m• the coining year Thank
pri, one and ail, for ti our
Greetings from your friendly local Merchants
Best of hick, health, pros•
perity to you all. May '63
be yotir banner year
fulfill all your finest expect.
• s
. '
A .› ,' • 'op!, ..4:
.,.‘ eit „,.4.0
' '''
, —
We put the finishing touch
to Our New Year's Greet,.
ings. eboek full . of ronfid.
'Once that all the good thin,gS
the wish for you will Collie
'Iron. bent, AttOSS. hap-
Meouraefueer'S Lite
14Natic, 7.55.039i t xater
1,93` •44 '
1 8
. i , ,,..:.►:
- ,„„„. . ,,,,, •
...• • . . . .•• ....
,, ,
We lake- tnis opportunity to
wish you a wenderftil NeW
Year, and to sinterely iliank
you for , your wonderful
friendshin in the past,
Real Estee 8, Wto Abet
Phone, 23$.0110 Ai(afee
\., ,,,- ,,,, .,,.
) 4—
A - ••
, 41, 7' s Y . '
- /
'Co you and yours,' hearty
New Year's greegs, It's
ear wish That 1116:1 ma*
bring you all the -things
you're wishing for - . good,
frieurls, good health and good
' GARFIELD THOMSON ; Eletliitvin "
fihon4 13$•”/t t xefer
..._. Li , ... . P
114 i
.C% AV
Ring ant the Old
,in a Nelv Year
ant :surprises and
rant and yours.
Mil :filff
/ ..-•- - .. --
. .
and ring .
full, Of pleas. ,..
JO, for
s'9 Y
t' EM
\•; ,,\.• .••• 1 ." "i -
.........- --. ..►„• p,P,
5-,. - A •N, —,.' 4
May We take this 'happiest
time of year to Wish yoti
continued success Mid hantii-
rinas ... and express our
horn, .16 eniey serving you
in "631.
,. = '
hou r
,,,i1 i
izimni ...-1 ,,...1 ri_____ _ 1:4, ..- 1
:- ..:i.,74,5i
HAPPY $140,
New Year
Annotticing: the One. the
-only Year 10631 May it be
one? of health, 'success and
happiness for all OUP gebrl
Miss A, L., Attveso, Peopi ”
C. *. Athociri, MAnOer
% Al •- .
* -
We've but One, thought
this Otte day., thiS one
— to wish All of you every-
thing good in 63, We hope
to serve you„ all yeat
and SIaH
' ssassarisar.