HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-09-01, Page 4f, 7=16- -- 212W CTOR211 TO AROHTEOTS' __. WILLIAM I►fALCCM A PREMIUM of ata will be pee, by the Swed °l Trusts" for %be Courtse lave to eegwatat the is►ahstaate at Gfbm 'm 11lea.n) at IJeron and Bruoe, fav tb Ualted C.•uo-sss at Hurw, Pero% oboeboas Plow Sad speetfiwatwN of a ►rkt td Sem ,- 1►aI he to Dow op•eTng in tkWe be,idwe suitable fes %be Curet S Grasswer pye.w. s Weer Strsomt, eewly wppo*e delo elnd Cw.w aemsebuule of t►c+ T.wn HLeae►mie k Brothers law official a ettedtd d(Jude'sc► Ubtted. - "ack of The so= to The tapeaded to finishing the DRY QOO�, GROCERIES -out wt to exceed a Life mranur.r £ 1360, she plan to be se arranged that Ike wed CROCKERY, which be hes perebeeed bntWinr can be ea„ aded a(Ierwards. as she best =&tMse, and on the sweet favor, ,Toa area of graved upon which tba hurl able terms, and able► be a &swmiod It me h to be erected be a panllclug ram of olis pose of at such prices as cannot Ail ser sae acre and a q,.arter ourrouLJcd by Otranto secove the Support &ed Patronage of a dam un ITires sides. enwuatfet Public. The plans and epee.&►tions to be deliver- Gtodeneb. Oct. imb. IBbt. v6-a4o. ed to the subserilivr, at G„ dcnc6 C. W. no l or bef�re the let day of asepl,u.ber *.sat. Il "For rom robum ask) further tofurrsatwo cat be S DIVISION COURT8. I,re;vcd. B D. 11. RITC TIIE, Secy tt THE next Division Coor's far life Uoiird Board ,•f Grammar School. Casstwe of Ilsroe and Brace, will be held at the dates ad places followers : ('cooly Clerk's Ofrxq • G, Via" DivaLw.1 wcnch, July Che, 1853 vb 0 a Coker" lea, LK. Ells,] Goderieh. Bator- Cfabt soil Colonist l0 Copy file opt &1 tat OCIabool. Scatter WMIA9114, Ciera. mush. -- - _ .------- - .- - reGO■D nrr1fiO'' To IAA or ler Sell. Koo 'a I,.,.,. H.,psrkey, Heres Road. Mw - day 3rd October L•dwit Meyer. Esq ",Clerk. — 7&I0D olewua. 0`111IF. MAIILAN1) DISTILLERY, Walker's Tavern, Vilie a of Prsaaimege". leo wiles from the Town of G. derch, Township of Kimesrdiw, wrsday In Septem- ,bee* a no other Distillf ry within many it b, C. R. Barer, Clerk. miles of ate above. For Fart:culate apply orocavr n,st.ron. at file fierce Nianuf Offce-or to the Sub rkagea'. Treem. M.G•Ili.voy, Tuesday 13th ,erbrt ( I b. It -ter wort p+,d.) fdeptembef, Geo. Cartel, Cl. A. A. F. S:ONTuOMERY. n7791 Division. f:, d,rhh, A,•g. 41h. 1853. n26 The time end place fur boW-rg the neat e,nnnt of this Cert will Le h,d--a .4 as sous ns ,be Clerk and 1lsibilrsate appointed. ALEXANDER LEYS, al:Tw DlTwow GENERAL DEALER IN Tl.e liege ad place for holdioS the neat •itti•t j�RY G,)ndr, Grocer -evil, Ilardware, of this Can will he announced" sono es the D Crockrty, Stationery, kc., firs., &r. - Clerk Sod Bsil,ff's are appointed. (Corner Of Ilawiltun Sircet, Markct Nquarr, Satta.Tg n1 11110.. Godereh, Coram' Taeers. V,Iloge of Beyfi-Id, Monday I lune 0 h, 18L3. 029 14th Sepiember, David flood Ritchie, E,q.,-____ -- Clerk. a The S,ttiegs of the vetterd Cantle Will cum- Nr O T I C E . assets. pase.a.11, at 11 .L sorb. A. M. AT a mecttng 4the creditors of the late ARTHUR ACLANU, J. C. C. k Lert Mciptyre, hold on the lave° evadeficb, Will J*y, IS51 .6024 beth Instant, the undersigned was unaw mousy ch,•men to tet in behalf of the CAU'T'ION. wiecw of dcceseed• she having admini.tered sceordwg to law. A;I parties, therefore, IIIEREBY coation any person or persons holding claims against the aforesaid Hobert But to trust in any way my wife Anna Melnlyre, deceased. are rrquesied to band Bice u 1 will not pay the same, also not the same into lbs Subscriber on or before to board, harbor or maintain bar• as she has Ike fiat day or September next; and all left my bed sad board without toy provo- ,parties indebted to the aforesaid Robert cation %Lefever. Mclalyr•, deceased, are hereby notified Win. BiCE, Sen. that all Notes mod accounts remaining up - McGillivray, Juoe 15th, 1853. s5 -o25 settled upon the first day of September next roaming, wil I without djetinction ban placed in the hands of the Clerk cf the Division ATTACHMENT. Court for immediate collection. WSi. J. KEA VS. Attorney for (!Al" , Counties of j2Y virtu! of a ANN McINTYRE, • Administrairix. Here and flruce, Writ of At. Goderich, July 97th, 1853. 095 to aril : uchment, Issued flus of her Majesty's County Court of the United Counties of Iluron and Bruce, and 1l otice.—A Farm for Sale. Ir me directed against tl.o saute, real" well as personal, of Patrick Duggan, 90 - - absconding or concealed debtor, at the suitT OT No. 5, 5 b concession, Eastern Di• O( Onto Mccomon, 1 have seized sit the L vision, Ashfield, 100 acres of good er tale, real as well as personal. of the land, 30 of which are cleared, ler good state gaud Patrick Duggan ; end unless the said Of cultirarioo, well fenced, with a good Patrick Duggan return W,this the jurt.dic young orchard of 100 choice fruit trees ewe of the said Court, Sod put in bad to I with a well finished house, being withimi 1 the of , or cruse the same to be du. mile of a saw mill, and 3i miles of a grist chat`ad within three calendar muothe fr,,w , 01111, and within 10 miles of Gudericb, on i Ibe fret day of the publication of this oil- KOod road. For further paruculan apply lice, all the estate, rear as well as personal, to Samuel Ilagen, on the premises. of the said Pasriak Duggan, or so much A=hueld, July 20, 1853, %6o2410 Thereof as may be neceaaarv, will be field liable for she payment, benefit• or satisfac- British America Assurance tion of the said claim or claims of such s Der Plaintiff or Plain,Iffw an shall or may COMPANY. take pioce(dings against the property and adcuof the said Pau let Duggan, withm CAPITAL X100,000. six mouths from the issuing of the above Wilt. HE whole of which is taken up and J. MCDONALD, Sheriff, 1 Tlerge portion paid to and invested. tluron and Bruce. The sub-cricer still continues to gram 8het:ff•n U, Assurances, at the current rates of Premi Godarteh, 24thAiesAug., 1555. .29-3m um, against -- LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE I1tlOSTAIfT On Iluuecs, Furniture, tsouds, Product » rax and other descriptions of property, ale Farmer, Farrier L Stage MfrktKo against less E damage bar ,Ise DANGERS OF NAVIGATION QEO. W. MERCHANT'S land Cargoes or Vessels, a well 00 she In land \Vater* of this continent as bayou CZ- RATM ( KWUNG OIL we to and from the Porta of Great Britain uo.aa.u■Ls• re n• strroar err -101-11 Furmo of Application, web all requlnt As Lha =set ruawbUolfamrsslAppBmd.mOM Infurmduion, furnimhed be &Use - A W. BENNETT RICH, Agent. Godciich, June 30th, 1853. , i.22-1 Fox "alit � � - - — 4 ��` . !!`F —. T Sheriff's Sale 'bf Lands. United Count' sof BY Virtue t f ilarN and Bruer, j) Writ ill Fle f To AVtT: Facia& issued out - Her Maksly's Court of Q"eo's Beach, u to we directed ogsio.t the lauds and tem masts of J.spar Kembsll Gooding at ft Sulu of Wdltam Ilulmco, I have Ile zed as vken In execution the fo,luwing proper vis: Lob runnirg uum'.ere fusrfeem, mise( sir• and ninety acres, to the Tor To of Gud rich, contaiotur one luurth of anacre, be 11 rams m,lre orless, which lands soliten "Tboy can't Keep Hattie without it.' mists I shall of. r for sale at the C•'u Roum, in the '1's%n of Uodeiich on We x.rww. .( ~.,has Wer yaa�+I-a bik*,A .es sea ave rmrci-.t%Cel■era•d =wg Oa. w it— nesday the second d4y of November ocs veers ►away PANW4rat6e8,will Cars arurr,and r•- at the hear u( Twelve ,.f the clock none. *....:I reeks. flfrvtry Bweet.ey, Ri�AoDq W' k Rip HwL, GeIM all JOHN McUONALU, Jberrff, Ifurnn and Bruce. Evil. Oalboe. Lrackea of kinds. Fresh Wounds. Sprain. BruiwA Fla- I Sheriff's Office, t tubo Distant, Saud Cracks. Strains, lameness, Go2srlch, 2oJ Aug., 188'3. r.t6-i TswmdwW Ftet. Ser*tchew or Ormw, Ila••Re, --- ]1usaMidem. Rites of Animals, External Poo- ewuts his &l Nervous Alletxiota, F:no Bites Scalds. FARM FOR SA LE f•,r one bullar Ogews, Wtrtluwt4 Munn and T re suNcnber udera Palo j s g, (ifsp,,�sdSd Banda. Cra ,p•. Cw- 11- ima, Swellings, wyirkns menta of excellent laud, 45 4, Fee ckt log be mof she ed aed well leaced, with a good a/ dw Jdstim, Caked Bromw tt k lis. as or,harJ teanag trials. Tsa ahoy 1■ G9EAT IMPOSITION AND FRAUD' ,a ,,,.0 l on Sof Coatesetoa, lot 14,'1'on "TiTi To Pty MMANftL E .Lie nr \\'awn wh; ad sue hall welt feel T'ru ti ave b -e re■ywaed t- *a usm�rrwesrnrtt� oo �rme*s, -,.-r m.—.—.,n.: epeliydr,Ipst,.r School b--use-all the money will .lee qu red dews. F.,r parucolare apply to i! base ky1"gwe ts pea. off As■' Ixupnelur ere the premises. � s• s rAir ow"m uwvws. sar�ssaeaes�f or wwakrrw�u�l.�wkYera�■s one \w' a w a"bsa4t b Aug , 185 i sty . Tr..,� er r say sit Ag,rre Yids O,tre atsr. ri cw..sa ..r as now do�a■ ' legar■i a" swung"r a""" w W,sers w ATTACHMENT. toe =0 k"" SA Vasa swung; W &VVGNWVrmwww ir"sam^ wars sr GM4.,,�i��w ~�rm�eu�w.r Y � ay o� map• I,rLesea an � � ��r� T I Yi►tee of Uw.,Ai Counties sJpli Her" aa,( Rrcet, Wet eT Alts afam& .ss�Nt o a as �an*tmryr=ad do 6-6-rw=, CC., -' ' �g was n Abr ibr,t sum kr rr t tM To Wn: agent invoked at, It - r M 1 -et Y's Cued of Q'ne:. Basic b, F.•tale lea sspo., di om vela r" n fm m mP e—lrky at iW, werww saw M w�t�, f a. nose ..VWk. r •■gad r wyaas 1 to aro directed egefMl t&• a ell a perennial of George Beerelt. ae nv�---sworman w Somalia ais,eaaf ie••raleg or cenresled Il,rb.or,at IM �S � i iba..ame omen" tmrr woos I,rn or Js,L, BnLT: F. fof the e'IM id'Mull dam g,. ewes am as Nor M pwr►Ywr"are �,g•uw mr w•s. Mod Mare. -,&wens eAtrw♦i&Wbl"a W. NArn4 saner Mt. IL poenJt tit ebill ago, 1 base rased aU o veil'* reel .r well as nheal *f The Pe T . -fie eget gips. ane nwwwgE'gw Marr 1fr�1r w siK as " ww Haase■ BexanTT, Still unless the =elre,am bated. saw aww Lbwmmw1bVaeadmrn see &war, (;*of a Beanalt Peters witblS oke jefio tht "vel G•urt and sus n had to #amIra ar "SPswertba prrplbrwsum �mP•ri1,y sell a. o/ Lasa* the asM to M dmhal e M of *r asst rd M wW .s.&O we a %rokin Ibsen calanoti m.oalhe ffem The w Lbs ms iW retiree toy rownsay •rslwe ��' b tba Oases ley of ,M pts►Ikal:o* e.f tills NoT:ee, The Etats real " Well a personal of Oram ire doe ar y . eJ Oe f , ge week theme Q7` 11. PARAONS. Gedsrieb. it Otey M weseery, will be Held h&M gw "fy. cf.rh k Co , Port fSaress : E -erne eN the palr&Nof, benefit or bsolefseffw d it.herunsa, Ckathem: L A. Miaeboll, Lew- Sale tl•tspjL ne elet-- M •arc► Mbw Plel L Gook. kmbmowd; A. ligtsdmabm, y.FatlEhss DWI Norsay take prom •sM %kll', Raflwwing ere r Agents Vis. taro �Reawot Tb ►►Neat) wad eta of saw tyss,gs beo"t TMtble mz ssewd p tewit : Raorb is Dralmww. Pool Bath la the Iwwbg of tMobosa MhM. I T. S,ekle k Am*. "SOWkg*; k hal, ti. Mecoodi De AMM► Sem k Qr.. Torowe. Bwyl Vast. slrhntf, fit"* b or" K � c.0,16W Barrer. Neal Isle i"A. tb el• FsTtwso w Ornmmia I9dvfteb, $416 Jose. 115, � sit � ` Ca . �ll;lL `1 . i►* ',.vel:: n: HURON SIGNAL. _� a __ _- — -.- -- - - yM. !mw di G: is Wa" C A RD$• •0• talrffh jAr" Whit � b . hd l c....d Rabb ! Co.,1.1 A BY-LAW — B' T lb• GODERICII YILf.. J. Q Deers is D.M..w ►1 Tal. 1a[ Aalf�tpydltp de fans o1 Dlt. BURN 1f AM- A W M• PIPER. Co0040A ! Ds.rMr'e A11a&eae tw l�whiet the �,mr,y 4 cwrwdjon If CLIJVTON,j G*aerch.Jao. l4t►, I652. IMbt Ccr"b Oerdasr� at 0k! C�►hM. f�w"�"Zo�• of the a Road. Q Bwwa 11:'2600. pwpoav sin set (Wessel Mr. T►raitJ Stars.) s �UD.g :� ill secs gIh•ISedS RE7NOLDt •Cooted is okod"Ligh MO. �R40 � dAy-. ipoi �N Dec. lit►, lib). v6N6 C�CAI• peteboe, Ibsk, IfiSl '~� to ~aMw.otY �aTo dr►oo�M WILLIAM SHARMAN, New Piano -Forte and Music ,Meas the ■osrd d Commps BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER. gWrARLI4%HMENT. -Trd-1 + bas remaired of Ibo"W sits WUST HTa{aT, GODe;iCot, Kist Street. threw dews Wow a Yawa typal C.or I the pem of ne g J L . pewio for life isreetlen of new Be S perpared to forms► DESIGNS sed ' Ram Sf'ret, Tores1, C. W. %*ease; sed, with which doomed. the PLANS, a Lha most reasonable term. ml deem it expedient to e•mplfft Gtr&rich, Noe. ISoTar I26t. •bast CHERRY AND LM M ATI MESSRS. SMALL A PAIGE, wbseee the Ceacil have false& aloe it in Yet 11ttt iMPORTFRS and Dan" a Marc am Maitlsed Gravel Read Comps*y, a �� wbkb dishes s tab pm Pma res cuts as MuwcaL locrwoeasew Elm. be@ to nw*ea �••et of two busdrN sad fifty a ROBERT REID,•�will*� 49th. that :bay base gve•d vele "w wanaeem ►* 30OK-BELLER ! S T A T 1 O N E a, ."w..ry. u.le ammrr jG�ll, cowl, searessea, tk�t and have ass* reselve d to gtodw aal an aopposiu Bal►will'■ Heul.) Career N e*ewers,yOZ.;.;-a-U mawbe" ar■e1Yw g� ,ter (NlNted N aks•e,l and will have seDaanah Iesrtaia Of theprincipaldresle to 1►e low sold•• and Td►ol-eueei•, L oadw, C. W.- ferMoods d Yale srllaknlvkanrw@■'wrPa w iL.it Iltjlft a+i*+ w Mad, ifs► r« Wbeleeale sad Retail ewes �•g1gg base w■eaYr te..d yerm Lada article d Unocal Mwcbeodim d -arse" tts@li- ad to mak• Other local p0►lin igspro steel Beeks, Comeee sad Cle•acal BOO►• mi•,aeibealerthe *sly[ to mmmaq t saw. Iri12r C.q.w.�-r weld Nrtkelarl a•lidt m*nts. witch the town: at a awl of l iodhms sad Relies of every deeanpaisa Elora- sees tS bilFm "a base base eves■■■[ v1 ilea soil Mete•. Tlwy Y Aathar sun of twelve ►°•deed ad fid d N Ile Prcwseaa or p6■a bsaMb b ab'm• r y b► O O a S U M p T I O N e a ..&,",I.* of ,heir saw Kyle of KT Orders per Ace"i t Books. from the Trade Irlmra�is "le w Y. bet ode: sill wtsrau it is t►enfon MCN r.rr *. b.ftm GRAND SQUARE PIANO FORTES, "T ,Ceetq Meeeharu, pactuaty auadrd ser d. We mmy.bo Wrob prtba fog EtTtl ca M and h.• bite pit- Nn and szsodiewt to Taste dehanfures t ad a u4nl disease- allowed. Yw •s'■ regr .boo es• rel r t■■Ilp r Yi i ed lbounuJs of Lase y Gem sM M"olberLan of & W as m, CGL in_ the amount of two tb•sNd five bundled taenia, March 1851. 4.4 •nq k aon sit O•inf is*avbd■ L... Ladea; sad Lusaon! Wan&&, Pbsfe• Ipouods ; and where", for the payment o1 ___ _ _py��awe.�w��I !f .'.*,' .:, -. .".. premotly. J.&-'- Client- . Cal ,Street of Caaar .ad is"•s"T• Thin delp►ia the "Id debentures, sad the interest to be- - - m s�saa�rk,S dib Lf■ mswsw w medieiw "Ilk• awes of the Prost nwidies of Mears. S. dt P. ►see alw N Med. •tarp N. Valuable Property for Sale t■t{y arsarrleR sdlm gunnel Is2M .•Wy she day i• the result of sterol study gad tape- ■tock d New Tort and Boston Ptuo-r«res ll tows dos thetosn, it will ra necessary to 4d eiriw Me r o ed terminus • fit venYrs �rma�os W els■L pew ed Ahs r10laYef a Kteallbe and eapN,loe•d Physician. excellent q"hry, which they a• warns) is all rat" ar Dally, as a special Otte, over sol 1 g P Mol f 4l■s eaata,e•Panrs nrpretg . ad especially Is rcptd to Their keep- above, mod in addiline to all other nteo, fjrdulo, BraaeJo,d •ed Cedtrit! v .� er e The two principal ials if bare yes tare They will a4• ntau Ibe same eil�wy, i& fb Torr sf Codt►itl ...u.alta w r,rayYwtaMaWnt knows and eekbnled. WILD Couar BASS is1. Is aa•d sweeuer e( to" fK a somber of lbs following1853.th sums, that i• to ay: i• the so! ibalwa .ly.w•■es.as/r- . When the uresg•le of this a properly eauwtrd •■' Wghemt ever segairi•g that raruua. lite 1866. 1Dr sum of £Tb; is raeD of the THAT proper) formerly ksOwo isp ai[ oapm" ray M�ar�l ■ the be•1 mediate Lianas (•r cartel also wwo frees y" re 1854• 1366, 1856, and 1651• the sum 1 ■s the open, f CH 1, ko*wu ri&pasaD sT Coagk■stud other Palmoaary diseases• it loose" I ■aaD sad WIaST Iwo sell" real iwmrolo` of L150: and, in the year: 1868• the sum WUAJAr a movrAT, Y. a. Life pb' and sable• ilea w&rer ta espete- i of n'harww st•,d rcon are c are apt to Mar• of 19876; and whores* Ibe amount of this situated on the corner of Elgin;., ■■w •••`. rale early sad dna will two the .am solder Their Paa•Fenea are Cwe(wly melrol.d by site Il.bersie frrrac*, comman�ing Se es- eeogh, whish if neglected always leads to see of the Film' •' Mr. R. G. Paine. Professor whole ericb,rateable property of 1M Bali Teww ,noiertli. .raw of the Lake, and adj n ex,ifig ."1L SAT BY compdow. of Music, Organist d St. )man's Cathedral, of Godencb, for the financial year priced - w. was he proposed Termtsua of the Ilulralo, =NJ. PARSONS, Lu.,woar -This ie •plan ID• virisiea of ;=etor@'o� ehome dlbeo4"1"i experience "If""'w"birs (7703 Ift. 1 and wheroes fog the I -saving a' this By r the pay - Brantford and Godench Railway. For . Bete Ag eat. bei h % woollearnedo betfew, It bus f all limes, tb t .. "o.. They eft tserefefe, filly g"rulee scary las""' meet of the said interest, and for the Cre- furiber particular* apply to the prof rioter Goderieb.Jag. .4, lett. u'st urelSara of ibeen un the the premise* ° has pro,ided • restudy for retail sod every die D silos of a sinking fond for Life payment of JUDGE REED. Uewra S. A P Dae O & Eery lenge seek ease," sad tba Kovenes that we s daily bat o.` 14RASS AND WOODEN INSTRU• {M @aid debt, 'here will benrequired uupore Goderich, Aug. tat, )i53. D26 Buffalo, Brantford and Gceerich tot° Poll- its irsih. Lasswal a tlonbtleesi The •aid rateable property ae annual rale t the remedy designed by pure fav Ceasampilea. I M� R ADRILLE BAND T•LikelwwEU~ is the pound• a follows; That is to ay: RAILWAY. int heshag properties we truly weserrfal, and --------- -- -- --- • - the rapidity %n6 which it earn The wont ease■ Deeorsptson of Stringed sed W*ndea la@US. At the year 1 ab3, life sum of 9Jd. t0 lbs 63. MUSIC ESTABLISHMEI\T. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN, ,bat of Ulcerated Lomas, soothing sad subduing all ' m•ol'■ *""an rl for a complete fheDnm. posed, for each of les )sof ,Jd. the irritation, almost immediately. Is a proof of its C1' V.ohr Stnog I of a very anperise q")sty. Itbd, and 1857, IDE um of 4id. so IDs purwut to • Raolutioe of Ihs IIoud Meows. S. 6. P are &lea ill. Bet@ Agents fir pond• sad for the year 1888, the sum Of of Dtreelora, payment of the NEW ISSUE ad■p est t a this disease. P ISIM=. of WARREN'S CELEBRATED A. Bid• in the Pound. TDeae two ante:u es form a with ether are - OF SHARES of the increased Capital I vegetable 10 rediesu, forma medicine that is HARMONIUMS sed SIELODEONB. The Be it therefore enacted, by the Municipal Stock of the Buff,lo, Brantford and Goiter- rcrtsia 10cafe ,he wan, mile• of Cw.smptioo dl seweet and most Fashionable Music e" slay Council .f -be Tow& of Goderich in Coun- ieh RAlwa) Compaq is required to be made taken before the sufferer is entirely prostrated.- I be precured at tberr Eambhshtne it. Cles•i al ail assembled, under and by Vista* of the to the Treasurer of the CompaD at Oke Do not he discouraged• a sal con do so Soared M"ic-Cnsaistiag of all this celebrated Upper Canada Municipal Corporation Arlo, c. t*&* Bank of British Norte America, l�rantlord, berm. but will convince the roost sceptical Of Ontwr";.leg, CDereh ortee in five equal loszalmteDis, a follows: its real worth. Thousands of Cooeamptive per. Seemed* had ege;PisgPiero- ortes, ,Sold• sad sad it f• htrobV m &oil y authoritypas of fife q I uta is ESebuse: Piano-FwuS Toted, Re- ams, that from &0d after the passing of SOUTH SIDE DUNDAS ST., 20 per cent, o° or before the Is, day of goes have bees deceived reputedly in boysel i in I, sad for hie. this By -Low, the Manor of IDs avid Mufti - SOUTH which were Paid to be ,0ullible care•. ,Pit ei al evened shall have power and author - Opposite messrt. Rayreed F Revised, Mae next, be which h.,, p.oved .sly palliative*, but this Music ler Military flasds Italian, French and P ;Farnerr. 90 per cent cot or bcfcre its let day of midieisr i■ a1 self pallian.e bas •core her ■I- I Gefraa Oper". The swilled moa Pepe- ily, and be is hereby authorized sed Lim- `jJneaa may be had SHEET MUSIC of July next- evicted Ian � It contains so deleterious D1sgw 1&r I)allad•. Iwr.euw Boots for every Us- powered to issue, grant, and n she debes- i T y l y r trot on or before lDs tat da of h p g e I minl Instrument; Vocal 1"uweuw Books of erery description, Instruction Books Pr 1 and one trial will rove to astonishing efficacy totes of the aid Municipal Council for say for all kinds of Isatrumemi's, ice•, u she September next. better than any assertion or certifieaes in tow- lb• best Master' sym not Iso than £96, nor ezeeedicg in all cheap The latest sed moa Fashionable Dance Us - coo be had In Toronto, Boston, or New 90 per cent on or before the lel day of jag ewsompuen and all Jiwsw• of the Ls"ts t sad siim of £9500 for Lbs purposes November next, and Liver, such " Spitting of blood, Coughs, ate of all finds polkas, f)ebottlelee, Glop o. York. 90 r cent on or bofcre the let tis of pus b Lha ode and ehnt, assht-swot• Ate M"anea, Atc. Piano -Fore Ms«e by as The shave specified; prodded always, That the All kinds of MUSICAL iN'RTRU- Per J is is the -T* d cli erovowe swell a the I treat Meateow The eewnt Frese►. Genese Mayor, for the time being, shall not beue METS, from a Piano Forte duos to • January, 1854. Italica, sod En liah Publications week- a of the said debentures uniea be *ball By order, ister at of theco•ampti•eaderer.wesreeblig- t 1 Fife. ed ,o notion all to find the sigoatere afCOM- II• ha thereunto required y yeeoluUoa of the String of all kinds, and of Superior qualz- ARCH'D GILKINSON, STOCK A BROTHER on the wrapper. wirb. A Liberal DncousI to Dealers, Tnehen, sad said Municipal Council ly: is abort, everything wh ch can or may Secretary' out thin it is a worthless counterfeit. Remem- Ile@d■ of Scboolr. 17 Every article Warrant- ' And be it therefore eeeeled, )bot Ilia raid be found in a well and carefully selected 0iee of B. B. k G. Railway Co., her this, ed. Parke. at a dtsusa con base Music scot debentures abs 11 become dost sad be payst,le Music Store. Brantford, March 15, 1853. r6 n9 by Mail for t.ettef pwtap. at the vitcs of the Treasurer of toe said CARLTON'S LINIMENT FOR THE N. B.-Mrsmn. 8. A P. import from Ea. Munict al Council on the 301h day of De, The PIANOS arefrom the establish- - -- P1 LES, Ate. -It in now used is the prieeipal Pope ad sell a Cheap Lis any house ria Canada. P meals of the•following celebrated makers, hospiulo. sod to the private practice ria our August 3rd, 1853. v6oM comber, is the far e( one Lord 1858; and viz: Chicker.og, Stoddart sad Dunham, ac- TO the Settlers Of Phe Nitron 1 eussip y an immeow number of todividanle and that the isterest of she aid debse' uressbalt knowledeed to be is -e best Ota ibis part of Tract• families, firstdt Billet eerutelyfor the core Ofthe Sherifl'S Sale of Lands. ha Wlobte ball yearly oto the boor40tday of the globe, a are the S1F]LODIANS, (P:In, and also eateemitttlr and elkeirlly Pa se June nod the 30th d■) of Deeem►er i■ each faetured by Prince k Co. I�HE Undersigned begs leave to give r.o- bale credulity unless where its effee:S are wit- year, at the of ce of the Treasurer a af.re- Piuos and Melodtamis sold as cheap nee 1 ties to all those veno sway have any °res`d Enterally is ahe'ollowmteomplaieu:- Gaffed Cor*lits of l) �Y Virtas of a said, , 0o i f @ and le terms a they can a pro Dropsy Swellings. Rhemauom, Acute w Chro- Huron and Brrce,) Writ of Fieri I And be it therefore easeted,by the Seth or cured its Toronto, or from the maker* Ihoe \tf*roess to tr""Bet with the Canada Cons- tie sitting immediate rue, Son Threat. Brut- To %%'IT. ) Fauam, issued out of Ity aforesaid, that the said debentures eba!l *elves. posy that since the removal of their office met, Sprains, Bons, d:c. Sore■ and Ulcera.- Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Beach, be iswtreZ under the common Seel of the HERMAN KORDES. from this town, he has determined to open Whether fresh or of loos standing, sad fever and a alias Writ of F iert Fact&* issued, Said Municipal Council, and shall have Cow- I,ondon. January, 1859. VDES. *mi agesey office here for the benefit, of rarer. its operation upon adults sad children is out of the Paid Court, sod to me directed i Pons attached to them for the paymost of the" who may not wish" to travel to To- redaeiag rheumatic swelissg, leowoi0 eoasho, against the lands sod teoen.eot of JAS- , life msld interest, and that the w'd D@bsa- -- -- - - --- romi,o to tnosact Fbslr beat Dees d° per*oa. tightness of gte cunt by relaxation Of 'te Pani, PER KEMBALL GOODING and Isere torts sod Coryyws shall be ibapeeuvely NOTICE. From ba thorough knowledge of the Com bass Deno surprisingmaof beythea ed who bar ion. The Raltenbur at the suit of BENJAMIN Signed b the itaI r sad eoumibrsi sed b) HEREBY give notice that Mr. William pony's mode of tranacuag business common remark acts those who here Dred it is y g 1 the Piles, in •• it aeu bkea charm." it is war- BREW STER, I Dap seized and taken in , the Treasurer of she *aid Mamiicip�Couo, I Cheater Tippett, of Barfield, is not ser- (having been so loug employed in their nartd to plea any peeves Ica will tq ii. execution the following properly, Ota: 1 til, lborized by me to collect the debts or n OM .) be feels confident that he can Sid Cacrto@.-Never bay it Ionic*@ you find The Late running numbers fourteen, ninety- l Avid be it further esaetsl by life an- cgisisthe money due to his Estate -he haw- and give satisfaction to all those whomey he utile Sigeaswre of Comstock ! Brother, six sod ninety-seven in the Town of God*% I thorny efo/aud, that for the payment of traoafeIrrtd and assigned trine time require his service. Cea•eyancieg, Lead prvprieton, on the wrapper. rich, each costa Ding one fourth of ao mere, the ■aid deboutarsa and the isserest 'hero- ine atnce, a appeared In the Public Prieto of and General Agency OBico, also a list of -- be the same more or lea, being tb* pro- � on there shall be assessed levied, and Goderich, all his debts sad other property ,(ands ser sate kept, saI d a registry of there AZOR'S ORIENTAL. TURKISH WINE. potty of the said Jasper Kemball Gooding- i raised uFoo the whole rsleable Property in to me for the benefit of his Creditors- whsbing to pnrcha.e without chap m except The great reedy for ,General Ikbilily. Also, Lot running number fifty-serau , I the Paid Town of Goderich, a special which debts 1 have since placed to the hands wbere a sale is effected, when a moderate I Weekoess, Loan of Appetite. Dyspepsia, Bil- containing one-fourth of an acre, W lbs i rate, to each year me after weatioeed, over of D. H. Ritchie, Esq., Clerk of the seventh per ct;atage will be required. Boas Diseases, a certain preveati•e of Fe- ame more or less. and lot number six, and above Sad in addition to all other rates B Division Court, Bayfield, for collection, ALSZ. RoasnTsox, ttera,Aa die. T!u Win i• the most plea- eoneealo■ C. is the Town of Goderieb, whalsoevwr, a follows, that is to uy, imi who, with me the undersigoed a aloe* au land Agnes, ken ant sad rfkeusd Remedy for soy er Life nDetto corptctual sad Per many other not containing y admeuunaaot erns ser" life year 1153, a eta of 91d• i■ Phe round; It thouzed to grant receipts upon payment of Goderlcb, Jan. 25, 1853. t6 -o 1 mentioned. that has ever,lileea discovered - amid throe quarters, be the same more or i in [Set of the years 1654. 1865, isse, and ' the sate. It is w agreeable to the user that any unit taking less, being the property of the said Isate 11867 a nit of 41d. in the p000d, ted in JOHN STRACifAN,t moon prefer$ it to way Wise; while its action Raltgpbury; which lards and tenements, the Year iB6i a rate of 6s. Bid. is the .9asig*ee In the Estate of TO THE SETTLERS CIF THE on the stomach end bowels is prompt and efficteet or so moth of lbs same as ma ►e setsa t t y• 1 ary to satisfy the said claim, I way offer , pound. be it further enaeted•by the authori- ' W. C. 1'IE'PE"Cl". Ii.L'RUIs TRACT.-elnasto them tbwou bl and than, b keep- Goderich, Sept. t2od, 1853. p3S ing the organ in which the bow of the Wood a for mels at IbisCourt Room, is the Town t aforesaid, that tkis $ sw •ball take __ ITHE Caaadn Cotnysny, let it De rrmembend, formed, in a healthy sod pare sine, necessarily of Goderich, on FRIDAY, tile FIFTH da pet J 1 base prodded the best possible facility to y effiet and come into o noon imnediatel keeps the blood pare and healthful. !t of • from and after the passing ther"L DISSOLUTION (1F PARTNER- the Paid settlers t« the waaeuw d Bueiuese' srimwls0t without rnetion, asLke all skbobolit of AUGUST next, U Lbs hour of Twelve d SHIP. with their office is Teronto through the Agenu prcperatioss, which leave the Perl&ker is a state of the clock, noon. f the Back d Upper Caosds, both at Goderich of prosint, THiS WINE wade a sea- J. McDONALD, I NOTICE. '' TIIE public are hereby notified that the ■d Stratford, witboat Charges to the maid set- Ile and agreeable feelial through every ane, sod Shonff, H. k B. e 1 Copartarrmhip heretofore existing be- en. iu tonic properties an such that it will restore Sberiff's 015es, ..Tfe Slop is a Oros Copy of a By -4w to Godetieh, Feb. 6111. 1854. ,6o21f the week and debilitated to their oatmeal Strength Godertch, batt Us 1153. t •6017-6t be taken into consideration b the in the JOHN k ROBERT DONOGH, ss 1+ Innkeepers, is this day di-Paolved by mutual nod Visor. It is composed of the Pan Wise [Pint published 14th May, 18S3.T count oft Huron, Tows of ncil o the on y consent. All partes indebted to the said of many of the meat tate @old ewe pleas the 30 of ya(at ,The Council Room, he firm are requested to settle their raspeeup 10 the Materia Medical the reeeipe for POSTPONEMENT. Lbs 30th day of September built, St the accounts with John settle t who will Livealso iii .huh was obtainedfroma celebrated Turk- The above ale ha base postponed to the hoar of 19 o'clock noes. at wtroh lime aed sob " Hakim,•'-Pbys,cta,-.ad arse battle SECOND day of November next. piece The members of ibis said Municipality pay all haWities. ,i�0 a veal to ten of ns Bares lla or Woked Pe - JOHN DONIOGII, J. MoDONALD, Bhang; H. k B sit hereby required to attend. a ROBERT DONOGIL rural er before taws. Them gip this Ori Sheriff's Office THOYAB sun Clerk. Ft cul Wipe &trill: it will speak Per itself better Goderich, Aug0, 1855. t Vi-n971d Titre Clerk. ,f Goderieh, March, 9th, 1833. v6o8-fim THL subscriber bogs to inform the inba. thu any recommendation or certificate: and he , t i taste of Godentt aed iu ♦ieisiry, that who inn dt osee will ue•e� be wttkoni it. He- (+ode►Ie6, Joly 6, 1tbl. V6sl3tf J be has received a Large Supply of this La- thing me equal it ss a Diet Drink in Mt cf,• A O A R D . i. DOCTOR YOURSBLR. test improved Pattern@ of mates, or oa Shipboar4, ad So Traveller should W A N T E D. e TXBPOCgBT.�SCULAPIU3: - COOKING BOX be without it rj�HE SeS•enMn pure their Si•een huts TEACHER Wanted for a Common d OR ENERT ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. CAC -Find the same of Coemtoek sed 1 to tie isbabitests of Oederich sad ad)«e' gebool, at School Section No. 4 Coles y V11HE FORTIETH Edition, with Owe • I Brother, and the Sump of the TsrkinD Flag• our log eNstry• far the req liberal patro.npe be Hundred Engravings, showing Dish• AND PARLOUR STOVES, the label sed cork *(each bottle. Without that auwd epee them while is tensional is Goode brae, with a Second or TDIed Clow Curti- Hundred isN sed M*hformauuna of lDs HON* it cannot be secular. net. They wNN now Kau that they have seats. Immediate opplKSllw in requested• which be offers for Saps at pry redaeed All or&fv to be addnoed toComsta, k At Be*, resigned their ►piss" is Gaderieb is kveuf of For fnftbeT Information apply to i System"in every .haps sad form. To which Prw" For Cash. The em►seriber also keep* tkf. C(o 2 St. Pear's Place, New Yon. hit... m BANNERMAN ! rEROUPON; JOSEPH FiSHER,) Ie a added a Treaties am the Diseases of Fs- O° bud asusual, at bis Old Stand, a large -- 4r museum they weY sttopt*ofaN1 solicit the WK. HOLIDAY, } Truett". . I- males, being of ibis highest Imp irtance to sad very Sgpefior assortment of TIN- To Owvaas or ase DzALans r is Hoa- gas oz =@= aSwas L►enwl•re. H. PENNEBAKER. ) rt manned people, or those co.temptatisg WARE of every description. The sub- mit-C&aLT*P'n rouroan OexTrnnT. GORDON At MACKAY. Col►oms, June Roth, 1882. nil I marriage. By scriber takes this opportunity of returning &E Few The even of reeader, Split Hoof Gedsrieh. Apsd flesh, 1855-3. v6nl3 t. WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. bis sincere lbasks to the Public for thsvew Hod-bwsd door mod Ceu"rd sed reeve• — I,rt vin father be ashamed to peeesot a chant palronago ba hu roeei•ea sines he is rut' Wad*, Braises is the Flesh• Gelled IN tofweee. to the &bop we have FARM FOR SALE. 1£SCULAPIUB to hh child. It may a•s Bnetm,Craekd Heels Beraubee Ce,o [rebs i q stats that we been parebasod hem from sit early grass l Lel we y "we has ►ton In ToKaess to Goderich, k bOPse !e. w ►awe Carimale Rag -So" C•w.- The entire Bieck of Mare. GORDON OT No. 91, Huron Road. oontalsinyg man or mamas early grew*. the •cent o►It. b1 strict atleotiou to ►a&Iness, and seder- Flow the core of 11i Best, Bi*W Sperm, Bene ! MACKAT, ei sofmrieg of DRY GOODS. L 111 acres, 40 of which are abseils 'f aiorV of merited cls to the acre& r the oto pricer, to continuo to receive a share Spav n'Widgalt@adllp,ut-a eertasrer•d1• GROCE1t1ES, CROCKERY, CLOTHING. within 11 miles of Getlerseh, and I of the of I blit patronage. die , w The Saw SaSdv.aug"" teems. The fiourimbteg village of Chaten. Apply on POCKET XSCULPAIUS. Let so sue N. B.-Grarsing, Painting, Gisrirg. Pok. Cauron'• Common Pocoem W Hwwe&d a",loag we ate making thereto will nodes is the mat to out. rug from a baekared Cossh, Pa.w in per and Btll ILeg,ng, earned nn ■m hereto• Cade. The chin of wurbar @oil *ween, eompleie is ell its d"ertuenu. To the cause- W. B. MOORE. ed the Side, rlless night#, nervous lel:wge, Nrs. WILLIAM S rORY. with Lha choose of we s*a fired. base s• a eown of the ler m leiras Wen"I inhabitants Jul 1, )Bbl. sli-6t n sad the creole train of Drepeplle""auenc, Goderieb. 8'k Sept. I n49. %2n31 pYt effect apes she blood sod slowing tai& Of ps,dl , we wee" my that The fseilidw N J _-- - s ted (spit op y Their pbystelau N sol►. hone. law at thew usages they rrgeem a pssse@e tw putheing in the beet Mombasa, with M er mom n withoutTheernwluog Lbs 10th asstsuar to "tan to throw Off a1 deader of s d.twmivane Pa adlere t. the Bora GODEAICH, PORT HURON(, BARNiA CULPAiUS. Haas the minted any imps- FARM FOR GALE. flewls of the body that my have hers imbibed. Priseylr dear pnde"mwa wmsy-O*g AND DRTROI?, t dime0t, read Ibe truly useful hook, a tl - aed which. if ave STleadd tel will result is Ib Price Larp 801as. Small hobo. @"hiss r as Ttflow Water' heaess, Werra. soon, !s. AN wt.► g flablees a whit the support d a the - to bes the means of •nog tkouanud• of A VALUABLE FrNheU is Let of witless will be prevented b giving sus• of oer*i.rpbrte. ( unfortunate creatures from the very jaws of No. 38. on the tib Coe. is ILe To tit« powderw end will at say Lim@ sen wtWs BAI1NE1lMAN ! rE1lGGSON death stip of Goderich, cents-nmg 90 acres, 46 of any symptoms ofdaesse appear. ifewdis Lima Golder". )alb April, 1863. 9641 I ` Any person selling TWENTY- which mit stewed, H (►es of stumpe, it a T7'hbeeyy purify Lha blood, tenet* aB is&misd" TAe Now Leer-pr'swrs $rermarr FI E CENTS enclosed & •letter, will well watered, with a never fsilieg stream &ad memo, Iona" ties skis, am - a %be atw.a*a - reeves* rasa espy of ibis orb y esil, or lkrourh tbe centre o, the lot, a good ger. uvipne the whole lady. ee@►rsut 1l m� 410 ATTACHMENT. � Qr( 13Y fit* cope* u 111 b , seat rums* D011er. aen, a Y91 sea Orchard now ►esnnt fruit, ere waif Wil► sM sum fed' 71a Address (post p.ld.) isitwared wtt�in 10 mile of Godanch, ted ill*** is dines top" all the meerwit* SAMURL WARD. Sed, Cowwanom UR. Will YOUNQ a d the village of Bayfield. A gnod Log /keds &ad thee*'*'`'buy Mt* the ver rieeL (Iwifri Cwmitfa If BY vines d lav' m 'ihrr I i! Sprsce SI., Pki/wdtl sr. House. Is►hod amid plestersd; a Bare 41 by •p*e tte Howe the Oz, the Asa and all Her Huron and Bears oral ante o/ At. WILL ton during the prepat tsw°or :t- v"t lb, Sheds and Stable. Fur pertieulareo p tdeaegs se'mjs--*n listaw srigtme Issue w to wit: tebmomt laved 00 a follows • - Lav" Detroit Per F•►. 171b. tlydeeiag a bed Kats of the b6 d. ars "1&17 of Her Majeety's Couaty Classes for the Geder+eb every Wedsis*day m*niag, 0 f of _ ply to Andrew Dosough is the Town of cad by them. C.sli*e -ft--" f sad •Sea Usilsd Cumetiae of Huron sod Braes, amid o•slcet Led ----- TAuderich, or to the proprietor on the pas per Cedaa" C•dili" P*er&re, aed tat* w )sera" u to me directed, ogainel Life *Maie, reel" Leases Olock.eh env Tbereds, (�09D NEWS. rale*• arha•' weft ss pePee sal, of ALaaatr*t& MdwTTaa. at 1*'sleek• Rur�as funs 19 Men• o►- �sHEAP GDl)De St Port AIMrt• SAMUEL SPLANl. W t t RUBY pull r P. S. Terms easy C&ntvo -g Rove and awn Liw=mvv fa ufah•awdimig or concealed debtor, al the %host The arse pto+w•bis will G.: O eltlb Lbws will fid Hetwe. Sad kr the eon er an diseases of me rNpsetne atria of floss CSNt TbmN omsaft at Lha Qydrooday g% See Oedwleb. )Ely iStl, tiSl. vi-a!S ag QT►e O Nit iM fa*►sit, IN prices, w bsaK Ihn wTsis* t[aaNf swim"*. •&d BaMe, U«pa J. H.msnh awa�B•ajmmiM a►riv* on the hllewbg Friday %t. the 0 The Wind, 'c - -- - - few seat set mods sea Menefee. 04 -6-b- Pareal I have earned all the estate, rest N For height w P • y an ►acrd ;adG\Vhit wishes to pereba", will pies• p weak I.mbe. MW is ala ewd so top•aisa b""*. well as personal. of the sent A1e"Noder or to 1L N. t1R090til. ncall sod s" 8 L O .S' T. sable pha. am~ tL.�p,, saws. w or, hie& " Melstvve; said sale" the aid Aleseadw Golwiab, March Sits 1252. Inc- "His stock, well elected. will nit Cap bw*"- Cw%m-o mdefte fw Nes"& ad Cee- 1 s�• 9 A NOTE ► i'h*mais Grabam'Sad rFas. p f/elot n nt*n .nhig the pfWieuon of 1q a -pts. A Dougherty is hit- •f R D. Affaho- lie m ssgsre� � do � o a gm�m- 1N shad Cee►t. end pet is MII is tM se- aB,asro Awmi BTanew/t■r.-neve.* ave• t 1 WLe�fisb rattier, aed will eesa le M ears N b T I C B• Int see. AuhAvid, her E4 t.. ,Id., dated 14th Oe- el of 122 wy d tha ab*" tongiaies& They Use, w tow the wee to be di bb: Pa&►errov. somber, labt, able 18th meth after wit►1e t► -so calendar net4o from Oho (reel all - MI hate hese soma h Qwh li 0 nos. imp � ekbw lb Port THOMAS L,pUGHBRD. s&, ata atbess. with Ja trash meshed day d the IN►liatin el tole sotiss. all the ALL the' imilehtd N �� Port Albert, Sept. 1. i9H, V60M ALSO Nd amoid d geswa state. tool "will " praesel, of the &aM +' k Co. of tit ebhr" F .ave re - f.. p, - --- - A note b Jam" Harrbus amid Themee Coleslaw -IAM toe be real" Salinas yes Alexander Meletyn, or 00 matb tbor•ef es by Nits *f bad st Tbret net Lha NOTICE. Hewbise is war of R. ItAiteb"". Ad Ica Ib* on of J Cwhes Cerwwk as 'be many be seew ) will be ►alfa table for the 1�ud to all amid boom them w tlo Mhor stet sold be u 7a N., distad 1 Ilh Oetrew, Wnww d end article. Rsmemlw► Yin. r payment, =11 w wtisAatl** of eM bsArW f M firs! 0/ Jemia awtt, ro ed- ALEXANDER McJPrT1RJf. d* sgeeo IHl, payable lbtb obee,ha after late ; Ihairtloi w haus hato at a" eaeewlsiF wlwlrs. k *lame of Sud nth" pkiaiww iahaw lww to the oma a oubt-W , the I is make ever my right, Hale and •leis any peones l rfsgfa the -be w .«N d dAm, bad said fid thin plop ism" came 1. pbwdl► -Nall of wry tab fi+oeewd1�w Lbs Met of Jewrer, ifiM f will be not d Nese amid Bit*% seems&, to JAM68 to the odk,e of 'be Algw*i will be N ibUy Oahe C =omob. &a.. Mover bey Widows. the Meperty God eflbotmi of thom iasis at the •wms drat omltavwtw &r1 Ns Di. AS d /M abwm on sad wWAn a • mM Nle S is tb Mmidr d M CMMi DONAI,IISON. ►el•agiag toe the firm of Few- a ; e they aft rely payable IS lbs k Godnbb.Q w., by Moban Pmt. Mwwwi A Melst)r• withla sit rwlb /lite Alexander Mel&Uto &rad James t)o*%W mo- ossa of sbe Swbsertbw, obey sea be of ave kir the oaf the ebal t.TM. dldsiw Qesee� ! eAW G Cmbh. end •• M reels, ria t J. MODO rr11LidAti [lRi7T1 S. A. MelJIT1RE- air & Ny other pafse. BaresAsa 1. G lees le R 12&+11 b� T. t J. MODONALD, Shselt H. k L Nfnne"-Da.ro Cawtwsoolo. R. D. AITCHTSM. OWN, t, w,,%,& b T. Scars in= B►wire ORtis. � lit *.i -.a11 14t►d iRs>•t _s, OaiwrMlb Msnb Or{ ISH& vlMi •/loWla. Jaly fa, 1281. vIi-•r!4 %1 MistteS; I. Krrwi►Ylis by J. Ci[Mr is GodwrMe 1114 JeM ►tM. miSl 11r I a al