The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-20, Page 21,Kirkton. UCW hascarol sing. By ,.MM .HAROLD DAVIS KIRKTON The 'LlCW held a Christmas Meeting at the home of Mrs. I Elliott on Wed., Dec. 12. Airs, W. Kirkby WAS leader for the carol service. Scripture passages telling the Christmas story were read by members interapersed with .Cerels. Solos were sung by Mrs. T. Elliott. and Airs. Clayton Ross. Airs, Fred Switzer played an instru- mental while the offering WAS received. Mrs. Raymond Payn- .ter read a story. The business portion of the meeting was conducted by the president. Lunch was served by the fourth line group, Bowl off Friday night Lucan's bowling league held the mas .bovvi-off. Winners of the two turkeys were Frank Rosser of Detifield and. Mrs. Dorothy Lightfoot of Ailsa Craig while the chocolate winners were Jake Edwards of Ailsa Craig, Peter Shipley of lateen and; Airs. Florence Me- Roberts of Granton. mixed Christ- • e • 4 Oak:, •••••• ,Napt , • y Coining to you this Yuletide are out wsnoest holiday greetings and good wishei for fora jOyets. tettell. h' a 44 this festive tirne of year we went to Pause toe a moment to ear Thank YOU for vomit* t*Sfeetiste—and i'eta.jytiti ha'm 4 *Ott. II*Opy Solkleyt a RUSSELL ELECTRIC YOUR. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE DEALER FOR SALES WITH SERVICE EXETER f PHONE 235.050S f Niso*to*Iii.**66:40***. EXETER T„he Tirrie•Adyccete, becember 20, 19 Ng, V; *)v •,a 'rs* '- / •"` . , 4L7.1 00 9 TO ALI, •QUI3 FRIENDS, NM -1130f3.$ AND PATRONS. WUERTH'S SHOES, Phone 235.0611 keil!ierteeeeelleenesitreeneseeeniqeot.,,...,.. Lticallites May not mine for Hew will this new IGA store gold but otost of them began effect the eonintunitY? Well to "mining" for gold stamps last all those who have been in the Thursday, teriday and Saturday habit of going to London ,every. Shen Luean*s new IGA, store weekend to do their shopping held its official opening. Three in the big stores there. it will void atermy .days did .not pre- be a gas and time saver and vent the people of the emu- should help the other Lucan =pity frem participating in stores, as no doubt, these pen- wet bargains as .90 bread, 90 pie will now buy more in Lu- margarine and 90 ice-cream. can. What a storel Only those with As foe the general Dahlia they a vivid imagination. could ever' will no doubt, lake advantage visualize the possibility of eon- of any spepial bargains offered veiling the Lucian :Motor Sales by the IGA but when prices are building hit°. such a modern up- the same they will, le all like- to-date groceteria. And big! ithood, contittue to patronize the Were the clerks not so co-op- grocers who. have 'served them erative in directing the public so faithfully' in the past. customers would have need- sett a "road map" to locate the various departments. .Roomy aisles, stocked shelves. large cards advertising seeeiei bargains, made shopping a pleasure, • Being .directly across from the new post office the building is ideally situated, foe everyone goes for the mail each morn- ing< Soon there will he a .beat- .ee path between both buildings. ' The large parking area at the front and side, proved a real, boon to motorists in last week's storm, when both sides of Main St. were parked with cars. Church news Continued from page 20 *1962 national Christmas CGIT vesper service. The leader, Airs, Murray Rod- gins, assisted by the CGIT presi- dent, Louise Cochrane, Jed in the worship service with mem- bers of the Lu.can-Clandeboye YPU leading in the music. ITelen Sigewoeth, Margaret and Pat Coblejgb lit the candles and Ingrid Theander, Roberta Cecil- rane, Betty Ann Lewis and Daisy Cobleigh took up the col- lection, which will go to the support of the National CGIT committee of the Canadian Council of Churches. Explorers were present, Following the vesper service the Lucan-Clandeboye YPC7 held a meeting in the schoolroom. During the 'business session it was decided to hold a bake sale December 22, the place to be decided later and also to "adopt" a child from Korea or Thursday, 18 members of the Hong Kong. A. number of carols 1,:eNV met in the church school- were sung. The next meeting room for a pot luck luncheon, will he held at the borne of Mrs. Murray Hodg,ins, in Bob Eaton 'on December 30. charge of the worship service, A Christmas Eve carol serv- 'showed a film strip depicting ice will he held, the Christmas story. The pas- ENTECOSTAL HOLINESS -tor "Rev. G. W, Stich, as guest 'speaker, spoke on the theme, Christmas concert .."The promise that a Christ -child would be born", Five dotlars was voted to the War Memorial Hospital, Mrs, George Paul. as presby- „terial vice-president, was in 'charge of the election of or- .ficers. Past president is Mrs. C, It, George; president, Mrs. T.-A ,Watson; vice-presidents, Mrs. Chas, Sovereign, Mrs. R. Stutt; recording 'secretary, Mrs. Ron Squire; corresponding 'secretary, Mrs. Ivan Hearn; treasurer, Mrs. Roger Heath; Christian Citizenship and Social Senior choir Action, .Mrs. Dave Park; C(nn- On Saturday night the senior minify, Friendship and. Visit- choir t The Life-liners Chorale) ing, Airs. Cecil Robb; Co-opera .- attended a Youth for Christ ;Fe e,,,s "s-ae•ee,.. Pion in. Christian. Education and service in the Legion Hall, Clin- 'Missionary Education, N r s. ton, and presented the spectac- oe • Murray. Hedgins; finance, Aire, tdar musicale "God's Gift”, de- C. H. George; flowers, Mrs. H. pitting the Christmas story. ,Ireetreetesraeareteeereterepeneereteeesteeae•seseseteeee.eestiersesatoseeereeeveeleserver.., Pick executive In 1922 Lucan's famous Irish Nine ball team won an On- tario baseball championship, To here those atilt Jiving in Lu- can and vicinity celebrate their 40th anniversary Mr. Mike B. Langford; Literature and communica- tion, Mrs. John Park; manse, Mrs. Sheridan Revington; mem- bership. Mrs. George Paul; nomination, Airs, Alex Young; periodicals, Mrs, 'Jens Ander- sen; press and publicity, Mrs. George Carpentert programs, Mrs. Ross McRoberts; social functions, Mrs. George Thom- son; stewardship and recruit- ing. Mrs. jack Lankin; supply and social assistance, Mrs, Erie Yonne: unit leaders, Mrs. j. W. Cockyer. Mrs. Chas. Sove- reign and Mrs. Sheridan Rev- ington: Mrs, George Carpenter and Mrs, Jens Andersen. Yp V Superintendent. Mr. Ed, But- ler, Friday night was MC for a program of recitations, solos. choir numbers and plays. All the children did well but spe- cial mention might be made..of Mrs, Clayton Abbott's two -ntun- hers, "The Family Prayer" scene by the beginners, with three-year-old Trudy Eizenga. singing "Away in a Manger" and also the Young People's comic skit, "The Scrooge • Di- sease", enjoy reunion here 1922 ball champs • Bober, proprietor of the Central Hotel, had them appear on his float at the Santa Claus, parade and later entertained them at tbe hotel, together with Mr. Heber MeFalls who played on the 1902 team and Mr. PT. B. Langford Who played on the 1912 team, Alem5ers of the 1922 team present included Messrs. old Rodgins (manager), Fred. Langford, Ernie Crawley, Al- fred George, Clarence Ward here, one of the :most solemn. and impressive funeral: sow- ices ever .held in Lucan when the pastor. the Rev. G. W. Seth officiated for the funeral of the Rev. B. Al. Cook (751 who died in St. Joseph's Hospital, two days after suffering a stroke. Mr. Saeh was as:its:led by Rev. W. C. Parrett, Secretary of the Middlesex ',Presbytery, who read 'the scripture, Rev, A. L. ascot? of Tatistock, who spoke touchingly Of ". his 30. years' friendship with Mr, Cook, the Rev— R. D. Crosby of St, Marys. president of the Lon- don Conference.. who gave the address, the Rev. john r1 P. Nichols of London, 'chairman of the Middlesex- Presbytery., who offered prayers and the Rev, Dr. Ellin G. Turnbull of Cale' • • vary Church, London, who read the following obituary. "Rev. Ernest Mark Cook, B. Th. was horn Dee. 3, 1887 at Hants, England. As a young roan he came t'O' Canada where he was employed On a , farm and the railroad. In his twenties he registered at Albert College, Belleville, from where he ma- triculated in 1916, in. his 29th year and was received as a probationer for the ,311ithodist Church. He was appointed to pastoral work. in the Peterborough ells- trict and enrolled as a student at Victoria College, graduating and Duncan Ross — in 1920, He was ordained at Following the parade the Whitby Tune 1920 and the Sol- group went into the Community lowing August he married .Latta Memorial Centre and were con- V. Knox at South Dummer. gratulated by Reeve Ivan. Hearn One son David predeceased Mr. and other friends before going Cook but Robert of Dartmouth, back to the hotel. Here Mr. Art N,S., Edythe of Toronto and McLean, now of London, was Arthur (Bud) as well as.431:le MC for, a program of reminis- grandchild survive him, Nrs. tenses, Practically everyone Cook died suddenly in July, took part in this program and' 1961. had something to recall of those For the first 25 years of his happy baseball, days, after which. ministry, Mr, Cook served at Mr. Bober served refreshments South Dummer and Westwood, to the players and their friends. Wesley in Peterborough Pres- rt)004}.44,40;hie 0e04, No seaseureussxesaaaeatemeaseaseseassasel bmistmat getti;gs A MINISTER PIES 0 • • Rev- E, M. Cook To all our friends in Lucan and vicinity during MIKE BOBOR, and STAFF k this holy and festive season, CENTRAL HOTEL, LUCAN Phone 227-4464 Impressive rites held for minister At 2 p.m, Seturday, Dee, 15 bytery, Beneroft, Ivanhoe, En.. was held, io the United Cherch niakillen, Cansecon. Fraser- vine And Foxboro. fn 1,945 he came to Guilds in Kent Pres-bytery where he served for five years and then completed his ministry in A six-year pastorate at Liman and Claodeboye, re- tiring in 195e to his home op- posite the church. Air. Cook took .his full place in the councils of the ..church serving as convener of the .Presbytery Committee. presid- ing over the Peterkirough Pres- bytery awl. the Kent PresbterY for a year's chairmanship, in 1944 he was granted a Board of Home :Mission bursary for rural church study in the t'S." Dr. Turnbull then paid tribute to Mr. ('ook as a man. and a minister. Sitting in the group in the side seats were 14 ether .ministera. Pallbearers included Messrs. Robert Hamilton, Ivan Hearn, Wilbert and Ivan Stanley, KN." mil Thompson and George Simpson+ The :•Purdy was, in charge rangernents. litAti•ogiO oN'stT'ikaKt-zWroNs?,410,4tFiktaq't4 LW* tqtki 0,§01F.fizi 0,14'1ftirft of,AticOs-VdtterCe Tip th an the Funeral Herne of funeral ar- Sem:vases. Many thanks for giving us the opportunity to serve you in 1962. Hope we continue to be so favored in 1963. Happy holidays( ieweeeratteereesensteateessteswesseetes neeesseteicoreeenneseteles1 HURON COLORCRETE' APPLICATORS AND STAFF 1.4 "glib" tilkEttdAltit EXETER t PHONE 115,I3I ooi*tih i•*o*oi.t4*;•kts.saou•oa;eo.oioko4o4e::*•t:ti,io4.4i***iii4ko,Aiit.**sio;*Aiuoit-oiii=t*mpmww,tiomt,. :tr, „t . 'i .., & Sons ,:).. 0..P'• , :.., g v: RR 1 Centralia .:,i. : el :..e.. Phone 228-6641 Centralia ' k ` ' ,.. s`'. ;10444,N. vt•-•mittoomrotl tovN oarovatcgti*T r troriwo-ivtt.frot ''' ' A .t. , k.' t. t; km in‘ k s „ • ,1 Pontiac * Acadian * Buick * Vauxhall * GMC ; AF K Taylor Motors Ltd. BUD'S .FINA .SERVICE and MATHERS BRO' S. PHONE ZURICH 74 EXETER 235.1800 May the heart-warming spirit of Christmas shine upon you throughout the year. E. L. Chaffe From All Of Us At The Exeter Branch theee for you th;* itriatrties tae One of Oesoundine joy end tool and on those dear to ,yoth ) , 1:0,4i.0*.kecotetmoki...momytopworsorgiontii,04,..w.4.0voirliww.gtv.,,v a. NTK.k-VM.177"1"-" VT gl C warmth art owr heo.rta '''' '44 ! we unah met. ?many friary/4,c the t :0 vary happiest of Holatitty ,¤ : 1-1 OL1.AY. ,. , ,,.. t RLETI\ GS a A Le ; . smilig MOM g 11‘11111111" . a' il )4V!4'',.`tilld'IP ,ti.tmilczwro ,4 ..=ftriv.zroNtisFAxigttoll;PRile,trzlWle*ifirwMtrafg , it C ti North-End B-A • AUB GRAPER ' Phone 235-1910 Exeter.. +s re dtti A5 happy families everywhere gather together oelekorase this most festive of seasons, we sake FJeas4n) le enieocrorag to yc'v our hope *et 64 the lays of Christmas Alt your home. Smyth's Shoe Store MANAGEMENT and STAFF JAMES GLASGOW MEL DOUGLAS MRS. M. SWEET Phone 235-1933 Exeter triPterlytrOt*Wattrvy,011rteo!.trszNzec7 all our good friends and patron And a Happy New Yea r Front Ilia Rethers Staff ow soVeaterSteer,Veet Opening. of .!market starts 'gold rus-hl. Happy Yule FROM "THE CAR KING OF HURON COUNTY" and staff at 14; Caldwell's North End Supertest Phone 235-2930 Exeter ?ti eesSeaSeseteveeereeorkeoeiesittitwr.iateStsteseonlrogitiree