HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-20, Page 20 ••• ... Fags 20 December 20, 19.62 Lucas Returns to Lucan (Opposite Council Chambers) Sat., Dec. 22 2t30 p,m. 7 Draws for Valuable Vouchers Free Candy For All Children SPONSORED. BY THE 'LUCAN 'BUSINESSMEN a'gio,404 .o.4.4**440.410-te***.oggiggilorottig*• RECREATION STAFF—Norman Carter, left, and Stew, art Park constitute Lucas's new recreation team, Mr, Park, who recently operated' a dairy in. Petrolia, is the. new assistant recreation director, Norman carter, who came from Belleville in September, is the director, As a young man, Carter was a competitor in the Olympic Games in London in 1.040„ , —Culbert photo Recreation news Invitation turns Into surprise fete Mrs, Ron Crozier, Mrs. Perry Charsley, Mrs. George Paul and Cecil Neil were co-host- esses, for a real surprise party for- ,Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rnbb in honor of their 32nd wedding anniversary, Saterday. Xs a "blind", Mr. and .Mrs. Robb. were invited to Mrs. Ron Squire's for the evening and when' they were called home and the door opened all the lights in the house were flashed on at once and cries of 'Happy Anniversary" filled the air. The 22 friends present had a wonderful evening, Mr. and Mrs. Robb were presented with a hand carved table lamp, Mrs. Dave•.Park reading the address and,.1,1rs. Charsley making the presentation. Church news ANGLICAN There will be the dedication of the beautiful window in mem- ory of Mrs. Ashworth next Sun- day, December 23 and also be the nine lesson carol service. A carol service and Holy Communion service will be held Christmas Eve at 11 p.m. D. A. Ashworth, who is donating the proceeds of the sale of Christmas trees to the church, is nearly sold out. New officers At the meeting of the Ladies Guild held in the parish hall last Monday Miss Line. Abbott, head of the nominating com- mittee, presented the slate of officers for 1963. President is Mrs. Joe O'Neil; vice -.president, Mrs. James Davis; secretary, Mrs. Harvey Hodgins; treasurer, Mrs. Kay 1%in; group leaders, Mrs. Allan Ryan, Mrs, Evan Hodgins, Mrs. Herman Young, Mrs. Aljoe Cul- bert and Miss Lina Abbott; rec- tory committee, Mrs. J o e O'Neil, Mrs. Erwin Scott, Mrs. Charlie Haggar and Mrs. Cliff Shipley. It was decided to serve re- freshments- after the vestry meeting, January 14. As bowl- ing prevents the young women of the congregation attending a Guild meeting on a Monday night, it was decided to change the date to the third Wednes- day in each month and to make December, January, Februray and March afternoon meetings at 2.30 p.m. and all other months 8.15 p.m. The report on the recent ba- zaar was most gratifing as the net proceeds exceeded last ;ear's, UNITED CHURCH Sunday service At the 11 o'clock service the Rev. G. W. Saeh spoke on,"13e not , anxious, your Heavenly Father knoweth", and also bap- tized Ronald Stuart Barr, son of Thomas and Marion Jeanette Barr; Ruth Ellen Townsend, daughter of Harold Angus and Margaret Lillian Townsend, and Scott MacDonald Heath, son of Roger Crawford and Margaret Anne Heath, Mowers in the church were in memory of Mrs, Robert Downey and the former pastor, the Rev, E. M. Cook, Vesper service The church was decorated with Christmas tree and lighted candles in every window for the `— Please turn to page 21 caya.z7541.1fe, c?.tio.%-za We'd like to put our wishes for ajoyful holiday in your stock. mg. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year one and all. PAUL'S SUPERIOR MARKET Phone 227-4482 Liman r"I'MAitt?,<VO.q3 v!' .P.Nti late •eea# Yu t di, Jr Mrs, Cliff Cronkite, proprietress of Pat's Beauty Salon,, Alice St., Lucan, extends beat Christ. in as greetings 'to her new patrons in Lucan and vicinity, PAT'S BEAUTY SALON Phone 22.4821 Lucan "s"'" For Appointments riii*NeVosW,11$4,,,imeliest4emtrweAkaAi=UisilrYoltam;iieiviieli4144*.0.04iiiaxiisaliSt t t iT f t A Central RestaurantDonald G. Banting f I Insurance Agency Established 1936 LUCAN ALL GOOD WISHES FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE NEW YEAR From the proprietor of the And best wishes to our clients and friends, We 1: appreciate the privilege of serving you. Also con- 0. gratulations to Fred Darling and his IGA store. COMMITTEE Norman Carter Stewart Park a~tt r'gse7tstvtac?Ett?cie?cuts:Ni wOtt1 We hope your Yuletide is as happy and jolly as old St. Nick himself. Heartfelt wishes for a Merry Christmas and many more. bulthest Ave, iii WOK Phone 227,4466 r,t(0:4****reegkiitelooiethae.* ***4-40.4 tgAienotgoertgt, Aktp.tivocc:iema,re,.****46- Phone :x274274Lucan for 14.11r6tie towing A fair crowd braved the cold. stormy night last Wednesday to attend the Lions Club Christ- mas bingo at the community centre, This time there were no chickens. In case of a split, each winner received a small turkey, The winners were: Mrs, Ger- ald Isaac, Richard Cowan, Mrs, Cecil Neil and Mrs. Sheridan Revington, Mrs. Pat Crudge, Mrs, Mabel Ryan, Mrs, Harold McFalls a n d Mrs, Charles Skolly, Mrs. Les Woodward, Paul Stoney, Mrs. Harold Mc- Falls and Mrs. Richard Gled- hill. Share the Wealth (38 ,00) was split between Ruth Haidysh and Mrs. George Paul, Share the Wealth (top line $2), Mrs, Glen Haskett, (bottom line $2), Cindy .Bowerman, (full card $4), Mrs. Charles Skolly, big turkey, ,James Barker, special turkey, Benny Kelly and Paul. Stem', So the big winners of the night were Mrs. Skolly, who won a turkey and part of Share the Wealth, Mrs. Harold Mc- Falls and Paul Steacy, who each won two turkeys. Messrs. Clarence Haskett and Les Woodward were in charge of the bingo. Another bingo is planned for some time in January, Personal items Mrs. Aljoe Culbert met with a serious eye accident last week which is keeping her confined to her home. Messrs, Gerald Hamilton, Don Pettigrew and. Bob Abra played for a dance at Maple Lodge school Friday night. Mr. Erwin Scott, who is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, is making satisfactory recovery but Mr. James Little, a patient in Westminster Hospital for the past two weeks, is not so well, Celebrate 25th .anniversary Mr. and Mrs, Gordon White, VVi.n.ners set head of Margaret St., Lucan, were guests 01, honor at a 25th for yule feast wedding anniversary, held in. the Orange Hall at .Chesley, Dec. 8, The family gathering of 100 guests was sponsored by Mrs. Whitehead's lour brothers and sisters, Messrs, Arnold, Raymond, Willard and Edgar Sacks and Mrs. Edwina Peglo, all of the Chesley district. Mr, and Mrs, Charles Glenn, Mr, and Mrs. Don Eirtzel, Joan and Stanley Whitehead of Lu- can and Mr. and Mrs, George Atkinson at London presented their parents with a rocking chair while Chesley relatives and friends presented the "oride and groom" with a purse of money as well as individual gift s. Th e even ing was spen t i n t h e playing of progressive euchre. Sir, and Mrs, Whitehead, the. former Aleda Sachs, were mar- ried in the Chesley Lutheran church, 25 years ago, by the Rev, Harry Bates. The best, man, Mrs, Whitehead's broth- er, Arnold Sacks, was present at the celebration but the bridesmaid, her sister, Wilma, is now deceased, After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead lived in Walker- ton for 11 years before coming to Lucan 14 years ago. For a short time Mr, White- head was Lucan's constable but is now a mechanic in a London service station. Once again the festive sea- son is upon us quicker than we all realize, I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the Arena Board, Stewart Park. and myself to wish you all you wish yourselves for the Christ- mas season. Some of the activities are at a seasonal lull at present but they will be in full swing after the holidays. Those that are continuing during the holidays will be figure skating on Box- ing Day, the regular Saturday night dances. The Combines play host to Forest on Decem- ber 21 at 8:30 p.m.; also on Friday, December 21, at 9:00 p,m., the Lucan Junior D Christmas dance at the arena. The pre-teens hold their regu- lar 'dance on Wednesday, De- cember 19, and there will be a special joint senior and pre- teens dance during the holi- days on Thursday, December 27, at 9:00 p.m., with lunch and prizes. On Friday of last week the Lucan Legion pee wees played host to the London Tecumsehs All Stars in an exhibition game. This game ended in a 1.1 tie with Lucan's goal being scored by Mike Anderson. The local squad is to be congratulated for their fine showing against a star-studded visiting team. The response to the call ler participants of both junior and adult age for the proposed table tennis club is, so far, By NORM 'CARTER. duite encouraging, So any of you good folks who would like to play organized table tennis once a week, please leave your name and phone number with me or at the office, We will endeavour to get this under way directly after the holidays, Finally here is the schedule fpr the Lucan-Ilderton Lions House League for Saturday, December 22: Pee wees, 2 to '3 p.m., Canadiens vs. Hawks, 3 to 4 p.m„ Red Wings vs, Rangers, 4 to 5 pan., Bruins vs. Maple Leafs; bantams, 5 Lucan ':trficsiiscussivekei4e.N04,4:01:,0A0...o,fo.pAia,piizve:a.ekwo-Nig.vio.r,'.o.riin,Nia*a 44.0?:Aioltietkretizitel§-ontieseose.etislestettlirserosiottvie' witro• Lanyard rites held: by COT At the CLIP meeting in the church schoolroom last Tues day a lanyard prespotation, was itineatdtyc AtennlieLT‘ivi S,ig‘sysIN;oorlbliikvai itilgd reachN the age of 15 have be- em sf,optoo14,§ F1',§ come members of the senior CWT. The leader Mrs, Murray Hodgins, assisted by president, Louise (*brave, and secretary, pll.aetsgottltraettkifiCobleigh, made the Ingrid Theander was in charge of the Christmas worship serv , ice and in place of the usual game period ;Judy Coughlin brought her view-master pro. Jeetor to the meeting and show- ed pictures of Canada and the Owing to other activities in the village it was found nem- irtritz4;t54;15.044,0,.0;40 ,iiitagittvipxwexrienlivo,cie,„024,8"i,04,404g aary to change the date of the, 'a• Christmas party from Dec, 19 to Dec, 22, The party will be- gin with ,a toboggan party at 2 p.m, followed by a pot-luck nipper, Patricia Cobleigh, Nancy Park and Marilyn I-learn were named a committee to ptly- chase gifts for the branch's Christmas welfare project, A '41 cuestionnaire in connection with 3, the 1963 program was completed by the girls, Personal items .t : MERRY CHRISTMAS! , Bt Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Cummins 1 In these two words we wish to express our an- and family, of Toronto, were . predation for your unwavering goodwill and Calvin Haskell: .and family, friendship. weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Don Ranting, who under- A went surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital last week, is making satisfactory recovery. While he Gift Shop to 6 p.m., Bisons vs, Orioles, ' 6 to 7 p,m„ Hornets vs. In- 1 dians; midgets, Beavers vs. Yi Maroons, 7 to 8 p.m, A Phone 227.4632 is hospitalized, his secretam iNord0100 Mrs. 'Kay .F,igan„ is keeping' the office open, Mrs. Bob Coleman on Satur' day night bold a family gather- ing for Mr, and Mrs, W, Garrett awl Jock and ;Mr, and Sirs, Don MeTagg402 in honor of ,leek and Don's, birthdays, JOHN BURKE LTD. & DEVON BLDG. EXETER 235..1863 Call JB at General Insurance Reel Estate mortesges Treasure Chest Mrs. 4. S. Radcliffe FOR Snow Removal of DRIVEWAYS and LOTS Ray Hayter Phone Lucan 227-4710 Box 134, Lucan 011AlelllelarielM910A111,111. Irving Lodge picks officers At a meeting in the lodge rooms Thursday the Irving Ma- sonic Lodge 154 elected Harold Cartwright, now of London, as Worshipful Master, Other officers include: Sr. W, Calvin Haskell; Jr. W, J. Ai, Murray; chaplain, C. E. Robb; secretary, J. C. Murdy; treasurer, M. H, Hodgins; DC E, R. Hodgins; S D, James Young; J D, Rudy Engel; I G, Clarence Hardy; tyler, Jens An- derson; S S, Ivan Hearn; J S, Don Hodgins; organist, Robert Hamilton. t WAt'W:ktigktvt.t.co.ttroNizittisft'ssitt t 1„ t ',1,. t I f g,, ; In f. J 4 A iv 'tZ and t 1 t "THANK YOU" t t t 1 v. A g a. for your friendly patronage 1 A since coming to. Lucan. I Don Simpson 0, 1 Phone 227-4862 Lucan RC -, A t And Building Supplies Ltd. i § THE DAVIS HARDWARE „t :1 .1 Lucan -1 .!: Phone 227-4277 i Phone 227-4242 Lucan ..l: 4?'Aittigto-lstcwt-esiosome. se,clier,ftweaco,,ttawtoyg%iv.ej ; ,41.!.,.,,,1,4i.,,,:?,,..,.,,it,,,w,,,,,,,p,..citl,4,,mr,.,v,, ,„4,,,,!,,,i.,,,A.,,,,,t4 04,,, lit% ism.% og ria1444iAvtglit•Iti4A0114et-tp ;45 1:i:es ;SriFi:. W4cg140.4.ial$164e4404;i:ccAiV;i13 ; '4 •ki '.1 M*13% '.1111-.e'f•cll'414141,413r4 cNI:r, cIttl ''ft'4rAi '2% °A1Alt 4rAillttEtti-utti A. Vs3,hila.P42 Or'al)tiet V).2. V;a1, Vet V511:4Us §;ixt Vitt,:41 RanSa,i* *a 'Ns 0,01401XS:liNist 01 1/ 1,,i,,,pgsrii..r).4w.ow,04..,0iya,.;;,;a0,...1:14.,;,..§4.4.e..44.44.4:40.0..10 iv f - - 4. (._-----*-- 4 HAPPY t e GRANT'S \-- REPAIR SHOP e C I lucan Fina Station Staff t 1 It is our sincerest, wish that the spiritual beauty :5t 1 NEW YEAR Sincerely yours, and festive joy of the Christmas season light up g; i 1 Phone 227-4728 t 1 Graiit and his Father We Aim T° Please -- I your days with bright hope and happiness. TO ALL i w -it ‘,, OTPitt*t:r413Mitrrsi or,:t ,z?'i 074 'r4i VTtilr'4 se% tarno t eqtti PM et% otti crilistkt a% IN t 1 It has been a pleasure to serve you in '62, and t r.ti.hcAiss.4e p,$•r*Jachils 4,o4:1;04;st .§.ie.P.i:uKts•Vmmi.lisvietoksi oft atki two:A strA titAlttti.Wci otgorxt sol!cfrwrevi *Aswan 1 t we pledge ourselves to do the same in *63. t t .C. Haskett & Son. ,J„ We have added a new line. Now we can su l k; 1 S A N T A f a f i Phone 227-4211 L k ,„ g you with Kellogg Mink Feeds, bagged or bulk, ocan 1 ppy . f j g' I • 4, it C LA U S .,,:., . ,...,...,,,„,..,...,,,..„.,...,,,„.„_,,,.,,„.„„,,,,,,..,, ft You are invited to visit our modern coin-operated .! .4, riawilogweraiiisissioi,skost.;$4ess,,am.atoesa.veo W laundry with the 10-lb. washers, We never close. fe k g . iv 1 w I Whatever it is, small or big, we can built It t Call fora price. 01.tk•UPS; ttb t. Seniktakes and sinil-Vant With For your trucking, local long h Moe' Class D and F kente. , We are agenft .for Brewery .Warehousing .in Utah f from the ; and district. Turn' your empties oath. t GREETINGS FROM tEC, MARIE & GEORGE at • H. Lewis LUCAN LTD, / 1 1 The. Lucan Recreation Commit- tee Director and Assistant ex- tend best Christmas greetings to all lovers of sport and arena activities. tt LUCAN RECREATION era fo4ii44;ilipAkr, rii:5,Piotist.;:iii:14iez•V20,;i4,4044ea..5.iii.1::4:51,1%**atfigrbt '0, I f We wish to extend season's greetings to all bowlers A at our lanes and extend a welcome to bowl and t.: ,14, have fun here during the festive season. .. ,If f 4 le 4: H. It ,L. . , • t, THE LUCAN LANES xi 1 an' Phone 227.4236 Fred Coombes, Manager 1 -. A I 1ti^::?!t-lq:tt.c!".7.,Oriv.Ni vfltvolIt'tsq?4'Mgva.ltivitti '01IttivIltitrgrotlAtaNifIt4ilift. ea•tilta-52.1: - • - - c'iihz•Vps.N;o•PAisa3%*124i,ittlttia4elki;g3.5iikaliViiicriea.Mect411.2, 0 I . i 'CHRISTMAS GREETINGS" • 1 1 . , Just to say 1 MERRY CHRISTMAS in 4 and A THANK YOU 4. 1 for your friendly patronage . during the past year. Phone 2274741 Lucan ‘steloeveieeft,sercts%-t irNiar ettfaftle*i-tft-tftttr.e.-Aztesitkiz%tftei, vaiiptalaulfam-vie4iaavisk.aaemsaiatwamaieseeswes.vievAkesaa%4a4 ieetettaki-eakieteretteee-cte-igteeteceerelessaeateetre*eilereneematioreivekieterint .se,ei-ezaaLaceks.etaiemaaPiato•viewea.T*44a1e-seisAie,414.,.vaaa ar. h. mtvg To all our new friends since recently taking over the Koffee Kup Restaurant, Lucan, we extend the warmest wishes for a holy and festive season, Phone Tom Weller 227-4489 For Reservations t!,41 MERRY CHRISTMAS b. t and At this joyous Christmas season we extend to 4: everybody our heartfelt wishes for a happy holiday and a properous New Year, Langford Lumber t Warmer than ever And cheerier too Are the Holiday Wishes We're sending to you, SMITH. SUNOCO .STATION ..STAFF