The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-20, Page 19Thames 'Road club goes carol • • singing rry Snider WiTH HIS grITIR! STAFF- WISH EVERYONE A VERY And A Prosperous And . HAPPY NEW YEAR! XETER ' '4 ,h1 ..41r 4 . • le4 4141tay this Christmas bring every happiness to all of our many friends.,. Sales Dept • CAL WEIN Parts Dept • HOWARD McDONALD • CY BLOMMAERT Tractor Sales • TED SNIDER Accounts Depit • BETTY COATES Body Der*. • ARCHIE, SCOTT • EARL GACKSTETTER • LLOYD MOORE ofOc=%•-s =?gro.ttil:2:4i-orld..1:,tt'w.Atcktii.if*.kivt4tzit,40,tgr=ig-trridc -;;%ti.g,f.kift -g a a ti .A a A lM Christmas comes but once a year...and always such a happy time for all of us to wish all of you and your families every Christmas joy! DASHWOOD LOCKER Phone 98-W SERVICE Phone 98-W V a 'fama rrTA 1745TAI7m.4 Zr'ZX r-Ft 4.1 7;t74ct r.•ttrArxvf•xtirwoltqlgrry mr•rIft .t4,6•::2i,••44!•4. 11?X* , Christmas comes, and renews the glorious inspiration of that Holy Night long ago. To all, we wish a season . rich in many blessings. Gould & glory AND STAFF PHONE 235.0270 EXETER r. t. cm a it fi rons.i s Dashwood . IPITIO.W•11Kr• Deri*VPr,41;t4 0 41: Phone 60-W tgt•vm-144rtv:si 0,slott•orte JUST TO SAY,. tf. At g iif. L. i3ecke May you Christmas happiness, share abundantly In the many joys of and may every hour of the New Year hold good health and prosperity for you. as T+F FOR YOUR FRIENDLY PATRONAGE DURING 4' THE PAST YEAR iT A j I A A Seldon Fuels /is the Beason for IA to wish one grid all a memorable and retry Ohrisbnas. • bitiactorti Menagerrient And Staff of E XETER DISTRICT. CO.NOP Ti 1 AMES ROAD Or MRS,. ROBERT RUNDLE 'Mite Pift service cOmbhied White •Gift son,- !Pe WAS ,held a week ago Sun.. .day Moreing whet. Air. Victor Jeffery, superintendent was in charge of the service assisted Hugh Wilson. The: junior girls class read the ..serinitire lesson in unison, Mrs, Albe tiodgert read the story "The Children firing Their Gifts". Pnclay School concert The annual. Sunday School Christmas eonvert was held in the church basement with a good crowd in all matinee. Mr. Victor JefferY was the chair' man.. of 0117 program which consisted of recitations, dia. loeues and choruses, Miss 'Su- san Allen sang A solo, Mr. Jim Alien favoured with several violin selectaans_ aecoolPahled by his sister Phyllis. Rev. Much Wilson spoke a few words. Santa Claus arrived and distributed gifts from a well laden tree. Personal items Mrs. Jack Borland returned home recently from Mount }tope after staying with her father, Mr. E. J. Willard while her mother was a patient in the hospital, Mrs, is at her home in Mount „Dope now some- what; improved. Alr,. and Mrs. Charles Miller of Exeter, Air. and Mrs. Dave Glover of Manitoba were P'riday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Mr. aed Mrs, Lorne Elford, At'it and: Miehael of .11tIllinville visited on Sunday evening with Air. and Mrs. Lloyd. Knight. Miss Sharon Pit,$$MOVP is a pFati ent in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, .having undergone surg- ery on her knee on Saturday. Quite a number from this community attended the recep- tion And. dance for Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clarke of Sebring. ville at flusseldale Halt ors Fri. day evening, Seventeen member's of the Happy .Doubles Club went (tarot singing to the shet•ins in the hospital and in the community on Saturday • evening. They later returned. to the manse for lunch. Mrs, Evil Baynes, Airs, Eaccy, Air, and Airs. Robert Box of Wellborn visited on Sunday with Mr. and Airs. William. El- ford. Mr. and Mrs. William Snow, Billy, Bobby and Jimmy visit- ed ora Sunday with Mrs, Lorne Luker of Rev. 'Hugh and Airs. Wilson attended a family gathering at the home of 'heir nephew, and 'Airs, John Eedy of St. Marys on Saturday, Mrs. George Robbereeth, Ver- non, David, Ronnie and Sharon of Reston, New Brunswick, are visiting this week with the for- eier's sister Mrs, William Johns, aad Mr. Johns. -Mr, and Airs, Sandy Elliot of Exeter and their son, Flowa rd, of Chatham, visited on Sunday with Mrs,' Jennie Moore, The rite of baptism will be ad- ministered to babies on Sunday morning during the church service, Thames Road school concert will be held in the church base- ment on Friday evening, Dec, 21. .Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann had their annual Christmas gathering on Saturday evening. They entertained Air. and Mrs. Earl Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Merkley of London, Mr.. and Airs. William Jeffery, Mr, and Mrs. Carman Cann of Exe- ter and Mr, and Mrs. William Cann, 100F SOCIAL The Exeter MOE enjoyed a social evening Tuesday follow- ing the regular meeting, Allan Fletcher, NG, presided for the business session after which Norman Sianiake,' head of the social committee, pro- vided hot turkey-burgers to- gether with all the trimmings to about 70 persons present. F',-1,ect. slate, at Kirkton ay MRS. 1104.gR, .PAY1$ KIRK .1. ON The .Ghristinas meeting of the Class That .Counis was held: at the house of Alq• itlillott last Thursday evening, Mrs. Roy McCurdy had .eharge of the Worship service assisted by Airs. Fred Roger. Mrs. Elliott favored with a solo, Airs, Roger Urquhart, pre- sented the slate of ollieers Tor the coming year. President is Mrs, Cart Mills; Vice-presidPas, Mrs, Reg Morrison Airs, George Durgin:- secretary, Mrs, Jack Robinson; assistant, Mrs, Lorne Marshall; pianist, Airs. T. El- liott; assistant, Mrs. Earl \Vat- son; treasurer, Airs. Ross Rob- inson- An exchange of Christmas gifts and lunch ,closed the meet- ing, Guild and WA St. Paul's Anglican Church Guild and WA was held Thurs• day evening at the rectory, .Mrs, Lyle Bennett condected. the worship service. Rev, L, Bennett presided for the WA, meeting, Annual re- ports were given. Mrs, William Wa.glioro pre- sided for the Guild meeting. Mrs, Jack Roundel' gave a reading, After the business of the meeting lunch was served by Airs, Burns Blackler„ •Mrs. .1, .Roundell, Mrs. Waghorn and hostess, SS' concert St. Paul's Anglican Church Sunday School held its Christ• arras social for the children Sat- urday, Dec, 15, The program opened by sing• ing Christmas carols followed by solos by Ken, Jane, Robert and Mary Blacklei; a quartette, Philip, Wendy, Robert and Jane Blackler; piano solos, Terri Paul, Phhlip Blackler, Tom and Bob Bennett; dance numbers by Wendy Blackler, Patricia, Mark and Elma. Roundeil; rec- itation by Brent Blackler, Lunch was served and Santa Paid his annual visit. Floral club elects slate The annual meeting of the Kirkton Horticultural Society was held in Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton, with a good attend- ance, Each member present re- ceived a half dozen gladioli bulbs, The meeting opened with sing- ing several Christmas carols led by Mrs, Fred johns and ac- vorononied by Mrs. :flocking at the piano. President, Mrs'. Jinn AitteDotigall conducted the .btisi. nest. Mr Fred Smitham of London. gave 'a a talk on, dahlias and tu- berous begooias and .showed pielores. of lhi garden and flaw- ruts. All present were to. gather around the tables. which. weit( tastefully decorated. for Christmas and l u n c h seas served.. Officers. for 1143 are; past president, Mrs, Jinn AitteDou. PIC presideni, MD. Ross Mar- shall; vice presidents, Airs. John Barnett,. "Airs, John Dern; Itt!7,e,<AZWAV.V.Mi,Cti• Topics 'from Woodham By MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE UCW meeting The EMIT meeting was held in the basement of the church on Tuesday evening with Miss Jean Copeland in charge of the worship service. The theme was the "Three Wise Men". Mrs. Ted Insley assisted and readings were giv- en by Mrs. Don Alorphy, Mrs. Jack Thomson, Airs. Oscar Brine and Mrs. Ira McCurdy, Mrs, John Wareham read a Christmas story and several carols were sung. Many articles were brought for tire baby's layette which is to be sent to the London Res- cue Mission. Personal items Air, and Airs, David Glover, of Roland, Manitoba, spent a few days with M and Airs. Jim Miller and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hopper, of Seaford.), visited with Mr, and Airs. John. Witteveen and fam- ily Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robin- son, Gordon, Graham and Ali- Oldie, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods and Bob of Elimville. Air, and Mrs. Robert Robin-s" an d family visited during the past week with Mr. and. Mrs. Marvin Streich who have recently movul to Hanover. Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Brine and. Mr, and Airs. Den Brine were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stephens of An- derson, Ot,tcWir#115i1 -44:i.g• ; I A cm • fY plans :party. 'Tho Tim.ef,Ao.y.oca.te, ,P,goomkor go, .190: for N ew y ear t 4 imitrimeorgeaviwoit§vcr,oftgoteloutossoiardm*Klocst.snwrtorollesocystotoltvorsoreoveiilgiog Members. of Janus St. AWN. elt,19-ed a turkey dinner prior to their meeting on Monday pve- Mans were outlined for a New Year's Eve party to he held in thi church with group games and contests and a mid- night devotional service fol. lowed by a .smorgasbord sup- per. Clarence Down led in the ,dc- votional period and Rev. S. 4, Lewis gavt a Christmas rues- sage. Christmas .carols were led by President Carfrey Cana with Ray Mills at the piano. The UCW !served the dinner, ti • • JOHN WATSON • LESTER HEYWOOD tarry Snider Motot Where Your Patronage Is. Appreciated oft tatqWereAtter seartersiVeregt.trolet-loektietitreiterseter ertereetti Orteroler rie,erlett afterellsiagek011:- ertlattivtartetirReaVerormO'rtAlte.e0 YAV3.0-P,O-S ACErt-Artqb04441-bAttAin,"Mg4-NO-WILA;"1,0. `AUerr.P"ProA47547;143-PirAO5.57.044 1$ is Two year' direetors, Mrs, El. son Lynn, Miss lean Copeland, Airs. Norman Brock, Mrs. Clar- eirce Schreeder, Mrs. Fred Swit4er; one year directors, Mrs. Wallace Selves, Airs. Cal- 51-1°. TREATS vin Christie, Mrs, Alden Wil• Spanish children, at Epiph• lianas, Mrs. Russell Morrison, any, expect the Three Kings to Mrs. Boyne; 'secretary, bring them gifts, and they set r ervice . ept Mrs. llumphreys, assistant out shoes filled with straw or - Mrs. Jim Willis; auditors Mr, grain for the horses the Kings • REG MeDONALD • JERRY CAMPBELL ocio:::40F•SW•agt cfra!"10M&VMPt-CVAT and Airs. Leon .P' • GORD PRICE • DALTON SKINN4.11, day To one and all, our best Or4sto mmt wishes for a happy holiday. MR. AND MRS. HUGH BOYLE 131 THAMES ROAD WEST, EXETER, PHONE 235.1422 NOS. 83 & 21 HIGHWAY, GRAND BEND, PHONE 2382374 in..•;1,0x7eats,42..etenwizvro, 0).a Vfir..T;40, FLO O. A HARDWAR E. Pme-saitsAlutrats1.21 PHONE 235.2511 'BRADY CLEANERS ond Loundefetio Ltd, PHONE 1154111 MAIN tlIttt EXETER COAL COKE = OIL CEMENT Phone 13$4314 Ei(Olor 10801eles.-04ersiaOlAtatteteieeeWeitteeroftatiliferfirklittereitevelieletatilsostrelawreteinifitiriallititaiWerikestearliorsePterg•irteilettatelirsitirstiloortoe* triktatt4 •itrterietti*kinrnrii40.10040.01101.*e•ea,,,iseleioeotee'el*rittoe•t0e•oitirk.stme ietwe.tiwiettstoe•ottreses.o.s•toore.i.4.0re.ogeateevootttersoweveto