The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-20, Page 17Saintsbury
Guild elects
On Thursday afternoon Mrs.
Dean Gibson was hostess to the
members of the Guild of St.
Patrick's church. The members
exchanged Christmas gifts. The
president, Mrs. Harry Carroll,
was assisted in the devotions by
Mrs. Earl Atkinson. Money was
voted to the WA prayer partner
and other worthy causes.
The • nominating committee
presented a slate of officers
for 1963. President is Mrs.
Maurice MacDonald; treasurer,
Mrs. Dean Gibson; vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. Harvey .Latta; secre-
tary, Mrs, Bill Johnson; cent-
a-week, Mrs. Raymond Green-
lee; birthday box, Mrs. Hugh
Davis; card sales, Mrs. Tom.
Kooy; assistant, Mrs. Lorne
Weiberg; sick fund, Mrs. M.
The hostess was assisted in
serving lunch by Mrs. Jim
Barker and Mrs, Ron Carroll.
A contest conducted by. Mrs,
Harry Carroll was won by Mrs.
Heber Davis who also won the
mystery prize donated by Mrs,
Harvey Latta.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels
and Donald, Forest, Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice MacDonald, Lu-
can, Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Dick-
ins, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkin-
son and Mr., and Mrs. Heber
Davis were guests on Friday
evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Carroll,
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis
were Monday evening guests of
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Johnston and
Mr, and Mrs. Earl. Atkinson
entertained their family on Sat.-
urday evening. They were cele-
brating the birthday of their
grandson, David Latta. Those
present were David's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta,
Carol and Kenny, also Mr. and
Mrs. Don Maguire and boys,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis,
Heather and 'Michael, were Fri-
day evening guests with their
uncle, Mr, Ern Picks, and. Mrs.
Priscilla Mack, Exeter.
Dlr. and Mrs. Tom 'Rees and
family visited Mrs, Rees' par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Clandcboye, on Sat-
urday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George Atkin-
son. and family, London, Airs.
Charlie Atkinson and Mr, and
Mrs. Joe Kemp, London, were
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Atkinson.
Mr. anc: Mts. Harry Carroll.
attended a family gathering at
the home of Mrs. .Carroll's
mother, Mrs. Henry HOdgins,
Lticati, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall and
girls Were guests at a birthday
party for Mr. Tindall's father,
Charles -Tindall, Grand
The Management and Staff of the
wish to take this opportunity to say
and wish their Friends and :Patrons
trge ss!tissrst test osesi iss rms.= rss eS,4 ..Ststa-Sa *gs. =rsicStizse
CT .11 `
b 1/4,-{
Vo you, our
friends and patrons,
we extend every good wish :for ,46
a happy holiday season, with'eur sincere
thanks for the privilege
of serving you over the years.
tat ;
Wier.SIISSAS tsreSsWeOlg.0.Ss,VSO.P.S.sr4'710,erse.salas*.titereaSti as a sraftenreataSW
To all our friends, an old-fashioned - '`Ifg?w.'''
Christmas wish, May all the joys of the
reason enrich your heart this day and forever.
The Christmas meeting of the
Crediton WI was held in the
Community flail on Tuesday,
December IL Airs, IL Hodgins
acted as ehairlady,
The program opened with. a.
number on the piano accordion
by ;Jinn Neil, The motto "'Let's
Keep Christ in. Christmas" was
given by Mrs, F. Mnrlock fol-
lowed by a solo by Judy Lain.
port, Readings were given by
Mrs. P, Noels and Mrs. R.
The speaker, Mrs. R. Hilts,
showed - a filmstrip entitled
'Each With His Own Broil',
This was followed by a duet
by Marlene King and Doreen
During the business mention
was made concerning the soth
anniversary of Institute work
in South Huron, Crediton WI
was responsible for making
arrangements for a hall and
caterers. It is to be held in
Exeter Legion Hall on Janu-
ary 28 with the Centralia
United Church serving the
A vote of thanks was given
by the West McGillivray WI
and Mrs, W. Mack replied. Due
to road conditions four other
branches, who were to be
guests, were unable to attend.
VC Sunday School party
The animal Christmas party
By MRS, 1,0.4Ng .1'13.E.$4cATOR of the United Church Sunday
School was held on Friday,
December 14 in the church
auditorium, Bev. R. S.
was chairman for a varied and
interesting program of recita-
tions, exercises, musical .num•
bets and instrumentals.
A , play entitled ."Christmas
From a Roof Top" was ;pre-
sented by 'the Christian Help-
ers Class.
Santa arrived to distribute
gifts and treats for the child-
UCW aids fund
Ladies at Crediton
aid ch ildren's unds
The LOG's Sunday School
class of James St, United.
Church played the Part of
Santa Claus to the children in
the Protestant Orphans' Home
in London Friday evening when
the ' class made its annual
Christmas visit.
For the sixth year in a row
members of the class and their
leacher, Mrs. A1. C, Fletcher,
distributed gifts to the child-
ren of the orphanage and eon-
doeteri a short entertainment
program, After the ea rol-siDg-
ing and gift unwrapping the
youngsters showed the LOG's
The tJCW Christmas meeting through the orphanage.
was held in the Sunday School The ladies of the church
rooms on December 1.1 with a. served lunch on their return.
good attendance, Mrs. Gerald
Zwicker, president, conducted
the business for the meeting.
Airs. R. Reid was in charge
of the Christmas worship per-
iod. Several carols were sung
and the scripture was read by
Mrs. Nelson Lamport, Mrs, R.
Reid gave a reading followed
by a Bible skit presented by
Mrs. Zwieker, Mrs, H. Light-
foot, Mrs, N. Lamport and
R, Reid.
A white gift offering was
taken which will he given to
the "Save the Children Fund",
Gifts were exchanged and
mystery sisters for the past
year were revealed,
Hostesses were Mrs, E. Neil,
Mrs, L, Preszcator, Mrs. C.
Kenney and Mrs. G, Hll.
Personal items
Mrs. S, Lamport left Sunday
to spend the winter with her
daughters in Detroit,
To all our friends we extend
our sincerest wishes for a
Joyous Holiday Season.
St, John's-by-the-Lake Angli•
can Church, Grand Bend held
its annual carol service and
Sunday school party on Tues-
day evening,
The reader, who look part
in the Nine Lesson service were;
William fluidic, Janice Hood,
Jamie Semple, Don, Diane. and
Ken Clarke, Diane Hood, Paddy
Penh and Mrs. Ken Young.
The parish hall was festive
with lighted tree and gifts and
candy bags were given to the
Sunday School children. Re-
freshments were served by the
ladies of the WA and the dec-
orations in the church were
arranged by the Chancel. Guild.
There will he a Holy Com-
munion service at 11.30 on.
Christmas Eve and at 11.30 on
Christmas morning,
Reuben Stebbins
Reuben Stebbins, 82, of Al-
gonac, Michigan died in Sarnia.
General Hospital, Thursday,
December 13.
Surviving are daughter's, Mrs,
Arthur (Annie) Howald, Den•
field; Irene, Toranto; sons,
Earl, Dashwood, Lloyd, London,
and Everett Parkhill; a step-
Class plays
Santa Claus
Dashwood group
makes donations
. 'The little elves who belt)
Santa in his workshop probably
came from the Scandinavian
countries. In Norway, Denniark
.: and Sweden, children art told
tf the "Toinfar", little gray-
bearded, elf-like men who hide
Presehtt Hof` boys and girls 011
Christmas Eve.
? i
Five winners,
cop two each
Vivo persons were double
whiners at Exeter Legion's
fowl bingo last week,
Mrs, Tons Smith Won two
turkeys*, Mrs. Van Oevelen,
Centralia, Lawrence itirtzet,
and Carry Norty all won both
a turkey and a chicken and
Mrs. L. Rolland won two
Other turkey winners were
David VrAyte, Mery Oranger,
Arnold Ford, Douglas Beaver%
Charles McQuillan, The turkey
debt prize went to Airs. Marg
Chicken Winters included
Fra 'n'k , Triebner, l V' Srbith,
Mrs, . R. Lamb, Mrs. Boy
I-hunter, now-nary Corry, Mrs,
North ttemnao, Mrs. M Vvrie,
E , A, riassen, Mrs. Chaa.
Corry and Mrs, Allan Pfaff.
At this joyous season, we wish the best of every.
thing for each and every one of ,you. Thank you
all for the privilege of serving you, during the year
now ending,
McStephen Auto
118,6114 WretkerS. dBMIALIA'
The Ladies' Aid of Zion Lu.
Literati .church. held their com-
bined Christmas and annual
meeting Wednesday, Dec. a.
with 37 present,.
Mrs. Milford Merner, presi-
dent, .eondueted opening ,devo,„
Lions with Rev. Wm, Cats lead-
ing in prayer. .Both monthly
and annual reports were given
by the treasurer and other of•
fivers as well as the group con-
vene-i's, revealing a busy and
successful year.
Donations were made to the
Children's Aid. The Lutheran
flour, to the mission treasury
of the church, and two college.
students, Quilting will be done
in The new year, Christmas box'
es are to be packed for the
Airs, Frvin Rader Was in
charge of the election of of-
is Mrs. Milford
Merner; vice,president, Mrs,
Ervin Rader; secretary, Mrs.
Hrnest Koehler; treasurer, Mrs,
james Hayter; flower and treat
fund secretary, Airs. Albert
card secretary, Mrs. Ru-
dolph Millet'; pianist, Airs. Ken
Keller; assistant, Mrs. Albert
Bader; Christian growth chair-
Mrs. Albert Rader; auditors,
Mrs. Clifford Salmon and Mrs.
Albert Miller. :Each group ap-
pointed a new convener,
iSollowing this a brief pro-
gram took place consisting of a
solo, a skit and the Christmas
story, Group 1 with Mrs, V.
Becker and Mrs. Ervin Devine
conveners was in charge and
conducted closing devotions and
served a Christmas lunch. Rev,
and Mrs. Gala were presented
with a Christmas gift.
Personal items
Weekend visitors with Mrs,
Lucinda Melsaac were Ronald
and Doeald Mcisaac, Pamela
Spear and Mary Jaent. She re-
turned with them to Detroit for
the winter months,
Miss Thelma Weber, of Lon-
don, spent the weekend with
Mrs. Dan Weber.
Mr, and Mrs, Ivan. Taylor
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Garnet Weiberg and family of
Waterloo spent Saturday with
L, H. Rader and other relatives.
Mrs, Fred Schrrieder was
taken to St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, by Hoffman's ambu-
lance on Sunday.
Henry Bender is a patient in
South Huron Hospital, Exeter,
with a heart attack.
William Zinkham of Kitchen-
er, husband of the former Frieda.
Krueger died Sunday, Decem-
ber 16. The funeral took place
in Kitchener on Tuesday.
(This stage
candle rites.
The Eliruvlite ,CO1T present.
,ed their eandlelighting• vesper
service on ,Sunday evening. The
girls came in procession from
the back. of the choir and sat
in the, choir loft.
Mrs. Ross Skinner led the
service assisted by Mrs. V.
Montmorency, who :gave the
meditation. s e s Marilyn
Johns and Janet Skinner took
the offering and the candle,
lighters were Misses 'Margaret
Prance, Dianne Stone and Marg.
VcW presort) play
The Eliniville VOW held their
Christmas meeting on Friday
afternoon at the church, Mrs.
Howard Pym and Mrs. Alvin
Cooper were in charge of the.
A short Christmas play,
"Christmas From a Roof-Top"
was presented by Airs, Pym,
Mrs. R. Skinner, Ruth Skinner,
Airs, G. Johns, Mrs. E. Pell-
hale, Mrs, Franklin Skinner and
Mrs, Alvin Cooper, Rev, H.
Wilson sang a Christmas solo
and Airs, Jackson Woods led in
the Bible study,
Personal items
The Elimville Sunday School
concert will be held on Satur-
day evening at the church at
S p,m. The exchange of gifts
for the classes wil' he put
under the tree and Santa will
visit at the close of the pro-
Sunday morning will be
Christmas service at the usual . hour, 10 a.m.
Mr, and Mrs. Delmer Skin-
ner and Frances Mr. and Air's.
Jilson :Lynn and family of win,
chelsea, Mr. and Mrs Allen
ohms, Shirley and Marilyn,
Air. and Mrs. Larne Elford,
Ave and Michael were Friday
evening guests of Mr. and Mrs
Philip Johns and family.
Ln southern France ".sans
tons" are better known than
Santa. 'Santoes" are clay rep.-
lie as of members of the Holy
Family, manger animals and
Since the creche, rather titan
the eve'r'green tree, is the cen-
tre of Christmas home deeora•
Ron in France, the santans
PlaY an important part.
The Times.Achrocat9, Docember 2Q 1962 Pa J:7'`
Grand Bend church
holds carol service
By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL Funeral service was held
from the T. Harry Hoffman
funeral home, Dashwood, on
Saturday, December 15 with in-
terment in Grand Bend.
Pallbearers were Roy Holt,
Art Baker, Henry Green, John-
ston and Ray Patterson, Emery
Personal items
Mrs. J, E, Skillender and in-
fant daughter left on WrInes-
day for Germany.
Mrs. F. Brisebois and Mrs,
M, Brisebois visited on Monday
with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gill he-
fore leaving for Germany on
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton
visited on Sunday with Mrs.
Sarah Patterson, who is a pa-
tient, in Sarnia General Hos-
Mrs, Harold Noonan spent a
few days last week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Gill and family,
In Northern. Eirope, where
Santa Claus arrives on a white
horse, boys and girls put out
food for the horse,
/ \
We earnestly hope
that :g. h you may enjoy , . 1 of the spiritual
gladness that comes
with the Christmas
season. tg.
Mr. and Mrs, Grant Benedict
and Kevan of Watford visited
Saturday evening with Mr. and
Mrs, Wilmar Wein and Bar-
bara, Kevan remained for a
few days,
Mr. Ben Emerson of Brace-
bridge and Mr. Eugene Fink.
beiner and Paul of Barrie
visited with Mr, and Mrs. Joe
Finkbeiner on the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. William Priest-
ly and Cheryl of Byron called
on Sunday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. L. Preszcator
and family.
Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Smith
and family attended the funeral
of Mrs. Smith's brother, Mr. daughter June, Algonac; sister,
Roy Lockhart, in Woodbridge Mrs, Ted Williams, London; `'"'`O os,aos?w,o,ci'tzr?crac?rsc?cscticvw^vsc
wAi4ttilkiVrAq,ditl,Ati*it:?AtrktIRAtiktiqkit:?tt'tTAMAi ► AND STAFF
Dashwood Ontario
h. a.
Refrigeration IS
Bruce Emerson "Thompson, `Prop. tit
PHONE 138,2183
xxii vrittrf arYro,It, tronoPt6n,Irv,rWTrinilOotrihtiti lot Of i 11 i ti v tfli 111111*W itl 1711
Please c►te!
Brute Refrigeration Anti
ittle Bealrer
ittri it( 41rtiffillt if f riff 11 I f fYiniil ifii off MII:111,01Tflff wilirte
Trot a January I, 1963 to Mareli 37
on Friday. Mrs. Smith remain. brothers, F r e cl, Vancouver.; 11 ii
ed to spend some time with Lawrence, London; Roy, Sam
the family. nia. and Delas Grand Bend.
sq$S-IsSisesslAsole‘ttsescrsalsseivsestssestzsts*a wsiws.sessqs,,scaswsitqsi,m.'svessiesss 1?: \ / 'lc IAN G. COLES
to the
citizens of
Grand Bend
PHONE 234.6311
4.014**,4 •
Joe E. Gunn
All Insurance Lines for Family & Home
iiiii*******ii*-0040.0411.4**4***4104****iiit*viiipiii***1***04**06701***flot~o*******, doss 0.6f.**Lifit4f*04,,*044k4v,4,04;.• •. . • .
from •WoodstoCit;'
wishes. to announce that
he has .opened n
New 'Barber': ...„
Shop in .
Located in the store
formerly run by'
Mark Brokenshire.:
WM.! a' 0
esstsreesssmh-erssasa-osesasa:essrosss rshAsvencsessses ci tpotaseresevass• s*silesass,hezt
ti .h
Lorne Kleinstiver •
'5". 0
it 0?:41:aCtONIS:MVAillq-PirWtr' =..t CS?..4.-0,:*:CVA'Vgi e43I:ft0S IZNtrt:?Att
p Blessings i„
i a' As Christmas blessings fill your home
And happy thoughts begin,
W :0 May Christmas hours, like window panes.
is Let warmth and sunshine in. ti' :?,
Here's to you, valued filencls and
customers i.gbod wishes by the sleigh full, plus hearty
!honks for your patronage lin'ouqhOill the year. May you
ail enjoy et holiday rieb in love, warm with friendship and
abounding in load health, good theer and good fellowship.