The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-20, Page 10, • , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • ,, , ,,,
Fagg 10 ,Peceml4er igQ, 1962 Kippen WI SS pupils 'present
treats tots: Christmas pageant. The Christmas meeting at ensall
and district news
Mrs. Maude Hecident Phone
Mrs. Archie MacGregor, phone Sfj
.combinfo, ;rob Fop*.
npusitu-zorio: 01, .41n 4#
crushed Forest la,n torido night
in Shamrock Junior
It was .the .CombineS tgath
straight win, They've lost one.
Earl 'Wegner, .Gerard Dyer.
holt and. Steve KYle triggered,
three goals apiece with Ron
',Livermore, Larry
Bedard mid. Paul Draper Adding.
singica. Dennis Mock handled
g3 shots in posting Ws tirs1
Atua a OW season.
S propron.
The animal :Sunday Sehaol
Chrisimas program was held ltt
the Sunday School rooms of
Caravel „ ,Clutrch. Sunday evening
with a largo attendance. Jim
Dougall was chairman. Each
olE,SS ventributed lintlibera• Which
„included recitations, pageants.
And carols.
A Christmas film, -"To Each
A Gift" Was •shown by Rev.
Voss MacDonald, 'Lunen was
served autt gifts distributed.
. , ,,,,,,,,
Santa treats
400 kids
All of us
wish yow
And prior to the presentation
of the pageant Mrs. Clare Mc.
Bride and Robert Forrest fa-
vored with trumpet duets. The
junior .enoir OeCupled the choir
loft and sang several numbers
under direction of Mrs.
Currie .and Miss Greta Lammie.
A vocal duet was given by Lin-
da Lenaghan and Joyce Flynn.
Rev. H, F, Currie was ebair-
man for the evening, The Unit-
Church Women under super-
vision of Mr. Bill Gibson was
in charge of the decorations.
The church Was filled for the
Kippen :Kest WI was held on
Thursday afternoon, December.
13 ,at the home of Mrs. Winston
Workman, Due to weather nue-
dstioes and telephone .corntew
.ineations the attendance was cut
to 21 members and. 15 visitors,
including the, pre school ghil-
dren who entertained. The ghil-
dren entertaining were Linda
Bell, Joan Finkbeiner, Donnie
'Sararas And Dwight Henderson
with recitations.
A colleetion for the Children's
Aid Shelter at Goderish amount
.ed to $8.50 with Airs, Percy
Harris the winner of the Christ-
mas cake draw,
WI hears
yule appeal
Message from Santa arrived in Hensall Sat-
urday afternoon in pomp and
ceremony in the local fire truck
driven by Fire Chief Byran
Kyle for the annual Christmas
party for the children of Hen-
sall and district, Reeve Wil-
liam Jones welcomed Santa.
Fair hundred bags of treats
were given out by Chief of Po-
lice h.. R. Davis and. Clerk Earl
Campbell; and 300 bottles of
chocolate milk donated by Hur-
ondale Dairy were handed out
by Messrs. Geddes, H, Love,
W. Shepherd, R. M. Peek, E.
Smith, T. Kyle Sr. and G. Fol-
lick, members of the euchre
club who play daily in the town
Four hundred viewed car-
toons in the town hall in charge
of Bill Fuss. This project was
sponsored by the local business,.
Decorations in .Chriatmas spo-
of formed an attractive setting
at the United .Church Sunday.
evening„ December 1$. for the
Presentation of a pageant "The
Nativity" preseeted by the
scholars of the Sunday School
under direction of Mrs. Verne
Alderdice and Mr§, Lorne Hay
assisted by the Sunday School
Main roles. in the pageant'
Were taken by Donna White-
tiptoe as Mary; John Goddard
AS Joseph; Ricky Buchanan as
innkeeper; Janie Smith as inn-
keeper's wife; Paul Drysdale
as Sampel; 'Robert "Taylor,
Michael Davis, Peter Williams
and Jerry Tudor as shepherds;
Brenda Noakes and Ruth. Cud-
more as angels; Keith Hays as
Brian Staillie sang a. solo, By MISS EMMA F INLAY
Plan canvass
end of January
At the Christmas meeting of
the Kinette Club of Hensall
held at the home of Mrs,
Homer Campbell last Wednes-
day, a letter was read from
the March of Dimes stating
that January 28 is to be the
date of the official canvass,
The March of Dimes commit-
tee was formed. Chairman is
Mrs, John Baker; recruiting
chairman, Mrs, Robert Baker
Jr.; supply, Mrs. William Cle-
ment; publicity, Mrs. William
Fuss; finance, Mrs. Homer
President Mrs, John Heal
chaired the business. The ref-
fie brought by Mrs. Homer
Campbell was won by Mrs.
Ross Jinks.
Following the meeting a
social hour of cards was en-
joyed with Mrs, John Deitz
and Mrs. William. Mickle win-
ning prizes.
Prepare treats
for ill in district
L.,..?'-.•••• •
Personal items
Mr, Hugh McBride, of Lan.
don, visited Wednesday last
with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Alg
Bride and Mr, and, Mrs, John
McBride and Joanne.
Mrs, Mary Manson has re-
turned home after visiting with
her family in Midland, Toren-.
to and Dudes.
Mr. and Mrs. William Oesch
and family of Varna, visited
Sunday afternoon with Mrs.
Lizzie Gesell of Blake.
Hensall personals
ttitcltrzrgrott6vAtttces , •MwoltkiiiAttsr,tAtttssOrtmtetwallovt/
A Happy
Boxing Day Trap Shoot will
be held Wednesday, December
26 at 1 p.m, for the 50-bird
handicap Labatt Trophy; other
events time permitting. Open
to everyone. Sponsored by Kip-
pen Gun Club.
LAC and Mrs. Harold Gay,
Lorea and Barbara, left on
Thursday for Sydney, N.S.
where. Mr. Gay has been post-
Jerry MeClinchey left on
Thursday by plane to spend
Christmas with Mr, and Mrs.
Bill Shupe and family at Cham-
paign, Ill.
Mrs. C. Cook left by plane
on Wednesday, Dec. 19 for Los
Angeles, California, to spend
the winter months with her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. Chellew and
Mrs, Pearl Shaddick, who un-
derwent surgery at St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, last Wednes-
day, is doing nicely.
Mrs. John Henderson was
taken by Bonthron ambulance
Friday afternoon to Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital with a heart con-
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones
are spending Christmas with
members of their family in To-
Mrs. Grace Harpole left
Thursday for Stittsville, near
Ottawa, to spend the winter
months with her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. D. H.
Peacock and family.
The ladies of Carmel Presby-
terian Church met at the home
of Mrs. Basil Edwards Tuesday
afternoon and packed nine
Christmas boxes for the sick
and shut-ins of the congrega-
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Love
Chiselhurst, UCW held a
Christmas meeting Tuesday
afternoon with president Mrs,
Percy Harris presiding, The
theme of 'the worship period,
"Candles of the Lord" in the
form of a candlelighting serv-
ice was in charge of Mrs. Wil-
liam Brintnell, Taking part were
Mrs. Brintnell, .Mrs. T. Brint-
nell, Mrs, Ben ,Stoneman, Mrs. •
B. Taylor, Mrs. Gibson and
Mrs. Harris.
The ladies will pack Christ-
boxes for the sick and Special Christmas services
shut ins of the congregation, will be held in the United
and Mrs, Alvin Cole and Mrs. Church Sunday, December 23,
George Boa will convene the at 11 a.m. when sacrament of
packing of treats for the chit- infant baptism will be observed.
dren of the congregation at the Christmas Es, communion will
annual Christmas party, Fri- be held Monday, December 24
day, December 21. at 7 p.m.
The group voted $25 to the At Carmel church at the eve-
White Gift service held Sunday, 'ling service the CGIT will pre-
Dec. 16. sent a candlelighting service,
IteMesitesetersilessetereNsiStereseesetsiesseessesesisesessessse:esesiesill' 4
Mrs. William lien demon-
strated a lovely Christmas cen-
terpiece prepared by Mrs, Clar-
ence .Smillie before the meet-
It was decided to postpone
the euchre and dance planned
for December 14, The Christ-
mas cake draw will be held
Saturday, December 22 al..
pan. in Drysdale's store,
The sixtieth anniversary of
South Huron District WI is to
be held on January L8, 1963 in
Exeter Legion Hall with a ban-
quet at 6,30 p.m, Kippen is re-
sponsible for the anniversary
cake, it was decided to cut out
gift giving to club leaders and
county honor girls, Provincial
Honour girls will receive a re-
ward for their efforts and guest.
spe way.
a kers will be paid mileage
The agriculture meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs.
William Bell January 16, 1963,
Santa Claus arrived in spite
of the snow and delighted both
young and old. Lunch commit-
tee was Mrs. Robert Bell, Mrs.
Ross Sararas, Mrs. Robert
Kinsman, Mrs. Tony VanLoon,
Mrs. Vivan Cooper, Mrs. Alex
MacGregor and Mrs. Glenn
Rev. IL F. Currie was guest
speaker at the Christmas meet-
ing of liensall WI last Wednes-
day evening presenting an in-
spiring message stressing the
fact that "we need to put Christ
back into Christmas and we
should look beyond faith for the
claims of Christ," The speaker
was introduced by Mrs. R. M.
Peck and thanked by Mrs. B,
Despite the weather and road
condition there was a splendid
attendance of 28 members and
guests at the meeting presided
over by Mrs. Fred Beer. Mem-
bars answered the roll call with
a cash donation for their adopt-
ed child in Austria.
Mrs. Harry Caldwell gave an
informative talk on 143 lbs. of
meat, project of the Women's
Institutes. Mrs. Orville Jones
conducted a period of carol
singing with Miss Greta Lam-
mie at the piano and Christmas
greetings from different branch-
es were. read by the secretary,
Mrs. Wilbert Dulling.
The Legion hall was attractive
in Christmas motif with a dec-
orated tree, red poinsettias and
evergreens accented the walls
and the table, covered with a
lace cloth centered a red poin-
settia. Decorating committee
was Mrs. Laird Mickle and
Mrs. James McAllister.
In charge of lunch were Mrs.
Florence Joynt, Mrs. Alice
Joynt, Mrs. C. Cook, Mrs. W.
0. Goodwin, Mrs. Dining and
Mrs. Emma Shepherd. Program.
convenors were Mrs. R. M.
Peck and Miss Greta Lammie.
Hostesses, Mrs. J. McAllister
and Mrs. L. Mickle.
Milton Love.
The Legion bingo jack pot
this Saturday night will be $115
in 58 calls, with two door prizes.
The bingo, which was in prog-
ress last Saturday night, was
cancelled owing to the sudden
death of Mr. Fred Kennings.
Mrs. Guth Voth and Jim of
Royal Oak, Mich. were week-
end visitors with Aire. Lou
Mr. and Mrs, Laird Mickle at-
tended The Little Theatre in
London last Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Moir
and Garry have taken up resi-
dence in the apartment recent-
ly vacated by Mr. and Mrs.
William Crowell on Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Little, Mar-
cia and Cheryl, spent the week,
end in Windsor with Mrs.
Little's sister, Mrs. Alvin Ulch.
Vets' children
receive candy
Children of the Hensel Le-
gion and Auxiliary were enter-
tained to a Christmas party in
the Legion 'Hall Sunday after-
noon, attended by 80 children
and parents.
Santa made an appearance
and gave out gifts and candy to
the children. Cartoons were en-
joyed by the youngsters with
the projector in charge of Jack
Mrs. William Smale end Mrs,
Gordon „Munn, who were in
charge of the project, packaged
133 gifts and candy bags. Chil-
dren unable to be present will
receive their gifts at a later
Hensall Sales
AND HEATING Jack Morrissey Mel Graham
Vic Hargreaves
Fred Kennings
dies at bingo
Fred Kennings, 83, died sud-
denly on Saturday, December
15 while attending a bingo game
in Legion Hall,
A resident of Hensel]. for 40
years, and a native of Dash-
wood area, he was a painter by
trade. Mrs. Kennings prede-
ceased him in March 1944,
Surviving are three 'daugh-
ters, Mrs. Lloyd (Pearl) Red-
den, St. Catharines, Mrs, Al-
fred (Margaret) Smith, Hensall,
Miss Mae Kennings, London; a
sister, Mrs. Mary Gable, South
River, Ont.; 12 grandchildren,
nine great-grandchildren,
Funeral service was held at
2 pin, Tuesday at the Bonthron
funeral home conducted by Rev,
II, F. Currie with interment in
Hensall Union cemetery.
Pallbearers were Jack Sim-
mons, Tom Smale, William
Smale, Frank Harburn, E. T.
Rowe and Garnet tMousseau.
Phone 36 HENSALL, PHONE 235 Hensall
•Crossing crash
damage $300
An accident on Nelson street
at the intersection of Queen
and Nelson, Hensall, last Wed-
nesday afternoon caused dam-
ages estimated at $300,
Anthony Rieny Van Loom,
RR 2 Kippen, travelling south
on Nelson, Milton Love pro-
ceeding east on Queen St. came
in collision at the intersection.
Chief of police E. R. Davis
Combines win over St. Marys
Hensall-Zurich Combines, trip-
ped the St. Marys Legion 9.3
here Wednesday night in a
Shamrock Junior "D" hockey
league game,
Craig Chapman led the Com-
bines with two goals. Earl Wag-
ner, Bob Johnston, Gerard
Overholt, Bill Shaddick, Ron
Livermore, Bill Murney and
Bruce Horton accounted for the
Maurice Greason, Wayne Mc-
Kenney and Bruce Graham
were St. Marys scorers,
..,..,-,..0411i.h.1W0001.0,04.161,AM*11.***4*111 SgeriesliemAie- 17e0.1:lesSAIStSesneeeSectSieseelsiSi iiiii4S#sltiestet it4Sio-eieWSerSes•Wets
and babe of San Francisco vis- qsror:ti•mttoptt. onot wttftiqi;rol'Atorrk
ited during the past week with
their aunt, Mrs. John E. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Joe De Loge,
of Sarnia, visited over the week-
end with the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman.
Mrs. William Soldan, who
was a patient in. South Huron
Hospital, Exeter. was able to
return to her home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Love,
of Toronto, were recent visitors
with the former's father, Mr.
e extend glad greetings
to an our friends and neighbors.
15-0x. pkg.
Grade A
AL'S MEAT VALUES May you find happiness with your
near and dear ones, and Indy
heart's content be
*mono your holiday gilts.
at Competitive
UCW appoints
new .president
Mrs. Walter Spencer is ac-
cepting the presidency of Heti',
sail UCW succeeding Mrs. B.
Bowe, who has accepted an of-
fice in Huron Presbytery._ This
was announced at the Christ-
mas 1:01.11,7 meeting in the church
Miss Sharon Strong. Seaforth,
was guest soloist and the junior
choir under the direction of
Mrs, Robert Pryde sang Christ-
mas carols between.. verses of
a poem read by Mrs. Ernie
Mrs. Chinchase, who presided
for the program, was assisted
itt the worship by Miss Mary
(ioodwin, Mrs, J. Taylor and
Airs. S. Rannie.
The business portion al the
tneetitig and lunch was served
in the Sunday School rooms.
4-0t. lar
Half Gallons
R obin Hood 19-oz. pkgs.
Cake Mixe. 2-51'
Heinz kringle
1-pound box
Solden Hour
Deinionte Patio, Quality
Cream Corn
Or Peas 1 Garbage
2, P-bk 51c
Pickle Slices
Ice Cream
Fanty Quality
Juice Ft114 29,
We 'wish to extend to
one and all, a Very
Merry Christmas
and a Happy, Pros'
porous New Year
will be rnade on
in the afternoon only.
Please co-operate by plea:
' iris'iris'your trees out for this:
George Parker
fill Shaddick
ifia:o.0404apoi ltrotorgwvesvedtkoot4
;,7,4.memoomitittvo itO*1004******iti teivOttittc********tiiteoft000zOiteOg ilkfttiOdi ' 041,4**06tOft*totte - 0404Hott.fott4fOooi ' 's0t6en ..'avsstoitt-skiiitt41,0