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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-20, Page 9
14.itw ';later Tony Val Ale-AU ,r4o)i Dixon .22 22. tr•wenoo :,11'gr.Obert I" 46.15 .1-1(X)Pel. 10 no,rri!rl Wins 1-1.01)1.,Pr „ ...... 11 Fr ink IZO/1141r . 1% 20 chnheiroti pits t M. Mover 541, I iodgers Iii. Pen hals oSA blot Todd i.q ( T"a rr,nliar 641) Slitter 1144) . 63 root 11/1 41 , Tkv:,:lers 56 Oil , EttilFi 41 White Roses 4 Hot Toil (liPs 44 1 'ra ,*Priaol:s 45 Wohstrot tturs :34 nod zPrq Is 1'1110%011S traittesltai...64,4s• HUGE BOX! 2 1 71 POunds Celebrity Chocolates C.1-leittm8s. Wrappod .69 XI ntipi n 4. 4,'f. Vr1444^ 2437).. ....„ 6 44 5 41 We/leas-a . . Nilo 114,61%8 Si A 1,1, 1 14414 tis•lis;.. 37 54 W., 113 Ii a a 0.15el (f e.ta,',13); , . - .. 0. 1 ,a ,11 ee' ustr: 41,•- tolieri s. 12841 n.` mo,ou !.wales' Ilig;11 tiae. ro,,r,rts 161171 Wood aril 16161 Alen's high .0441e: .7. TA -Walla Men's high [6P.41 4eIrle! 7C. 3;r54or44 CQLLEENS Top }-11 e. 151 144' 15'Ir.gilings (B. Sewinail FAr , hlr rlP Shots II,, .141ako 5751 Toe Tapperg c!nokaworth 8°21 0 n 2 I • Lowoopp, tr.. Ilroo, 640) , „ a xips .-Ar.s 1F''. Walker 4751 • g illowet ie...... .. 711 114ile/opera ....., ................ „ , 64 Poi .% Bees ,.22.. MEN'S',LEAGUE 1.4rIltRo11s 69 111e ”A" GROUP ![iglu) C ,1,'e ,, /50 Might.) MII/A •. 41,4 1 1 igh Lippe/a 5.1 Who ['tires .. - ... 0 .Inp), Ails 41 proppo 1 tea :14 Sputniks Jolly . Six . 115 la high sing4+.: NI, Koller 13,611 iii gh trij4.1e: A, Sehroed et' 15751 LADIES' INTERTOWN (41dor 0 h t51. ?Moore 0211 . 7 S11.4110114 IT, I1(114rPS 'M.) o (limn:I Ir. M.P.isaar,,, `71131 .. 5 St, ..11a1444 ( E. Mum) 7111 ) ...., 2 1.',...,pt er (1.1. Parq(har 642) ...... 5 Zuripli 1.1. L'ornell 4991 ..... 2 5.11 1 1'llen III. At E' Prs 780 s cypeutoi. 1.61. (4101 P1' 8771 2 Clinton 111 i 1 oriert. h .... ............. 45 14' ' I."r e d i \r loaril 1 41 . 52 45 14llsol or 4 A ((rat ford :II Alltellell 34 7,1trielt . . . 12 Iligh triple.: M. Moore frInde., rigth i 123 Fligh single: 0, 14.1sery (('redit/ ton. 20. /jigs average: T. Murray 1St, Mao s) 22 6 MIXED LEAGUE 2 011ie], ens 6251 7 2 White 11 ni4P,s IP. Wells (54n) „ n 4 coot Cats 611. Edwards 6711, . 6 (1r1ds 'n Ends (E. Peters 533) , `NI stet's 1.11. 1hiraild 727, crook (+Op el; a I .61. .14rintnell FRIDAY NITERS Night engsiss 1.1. Latreniere 4231 4 The Earlyonss 1:11. Bridges 455) 71 S. F lttatrault 532) .. 8 The Jokers (B. Saucier 477) 2 -Floppo (R. Eahner 5641 4 Top s 1.61. BOtVie:q 419: 3 V.1.51z?44ar0 0411610:, og4 71?Airi6t14i t;Zi 110( Re( F I lint t)ar!itig 3:12) 5 rre Ka nor. '7. Zona/. b,i2 t 2 MIXED LEAGUE S Over Par's (M. I...PA 'is, 0 4'. 71ex/stash: Ili. Sprague 608) I (r 0A in standings, 0 e C„ 11) Tig,,,s 03, ram p b e n 2ssy. ...... „ 5 1 v1,1111.01 , 4: Morgan. 586.i . 2 f•Tiari,f. (3,0,1ya . _ . 56 _Blue .1.as (\5', Edwards 244) ..„ o T,P5 111. 1111 ' lei 5,21 1 ..krno1d 7-11ake ... ..... ..... . SI"‘ ..,, SIP Hawks I. 14augli 213) . . 5 1\''hiti/ hs) a 11., wo r,d wa 1.d. m ) ; joic.1,. [Beaman .... , . 34 1,,..p,4111. 141..1144.111.0. ..... 24 1i:11o...it:on ..o..ous.... ...... .......• 35 141:iuuroilis . . . 25 l'i ,i0dinitrquirs . . - - .•-• - , . 25 141.1 .alitel' Kings 21 4 '.' i • *Tat itestai1rant. .„ .... 1,11 jfign ,In-011. : ,frt! I tarti iig 4,7.,;21 it", • 14 r/It:**.rs . IR Mutat . . . .. .. . .. 12 riff. .P..atere :44 grivii tiro $11hts .. itig h eine.: 12f.8, 8(4311 11'4,40; N. s- ll'Iopl ,sitrat . ..7 7.o hr:,, t7 0.,.f.,s 443 ...4t0r6Y- 21)14 -.'•, .... LADIES'LADIES'LEAGUEAquE 1.1•14 14 661g .1 li- Joi, ,0,:ing (1:51: Pu gl rYtalft- tb". Hcaro L'''19). i • 51 "I rth 4°111/' in," Parliklg (21.4 3 14,1'611t.0s. 4M. Zqbal 14 ill 11 . ...... 45 141inihe,ls I.S. 11'.a.yi et. VP) .•... 4A Ed.tgil.ilt Or, Newts 3$i , 49 ('. cm, Cs 1.1. ithrupQn.) 10:1 , . 48 S.,0ini'i 1.61. I teorgo 2331 . 4.2 1is ,iir...wh.. 1-4. NThh.c.istlit 143.115 iii;;') Fropos 1Fr. lis.r(h 1711 343 , 1.,P3II0 Nerl OE I 1 ), Fluter 3A7; 12 7 bi,,,,,,-,,AR oil, lindot,A, ;2411 31 , , 'The ('lrmr.P I.T. Y.3i315 174) 10 1 • , i igi, ginglf, R. :I.l1 oroy ,:!111) 3. HIllifhh all:61'1114e ; (.43. Il.St13,1-Tavith.68(24f4 ii „ OMPARE SAVE... EXETER LANES ftlliarPs Vairlialtm p24 ... • ...2 I'lliskies (ll. ilunlpel 611 21 11.14/1,41s. CI. 10111er 742) repass 1,1, Coughlin 6551 Rfligors 111. 1 Wo(ol Kr00. A&-II Sitecial3 IL.. 11 eylv.orgi. 654 1 S 1/,1i1,./4,4ist I L, Hol love 70'1 ) . 71 411.111a141A IS, Nagel 647) 2222.. 1 1-0,116.10 111, flak.or 652 ) ..... 4 Sltpertest. it'. Poore 5441 44 .B.tg, Six Vral•up n64) .... 4 Tittelesim,t tII. OS1.1811d 5451 0 111); .`.4,X 1477111 . . 42 nogh.ols +45131) 111111arck )40324) SR 1:ingpin% 1.425541) 56 .9.'radesiton 144.1651 34 VBXJAis (149931 iii Itingors f4;i31 7.1' S,wertr.st 441131 • 5..&11 Spot' ials (436151 Spat es (44476 21) hIpti ,3o 11 130711) 15 fillSkIPS (411311 . 13 .6" GROUP .51.111oh en (S. Silva 577, 4 Fu .11.eFalls 563) 'riger.s Finlaytkon 5:96) 2 1''a1r13nes Ertward,,, 666) . 2 canners Q. He 1 6201 4 1..ark8 trs, Mattson 571 , Tlo:Didlpyx, 111. Ma tlte., e 522, „14m, llods 117 , pa.t t prsoti 537 / N., • E. Sc e'st. II •1.4tivar 333) .fia..nkmop is I PI, NVolfA. 5621 1.0c,'AP1:1 .12 7 1 4 'Sextons n, yona IA 4251 , :I-sir/pen Tigers )1.4171) . 42 Crystal Lo5.3'ers 033141 Larks 1424111 Car.14'6"A '14147011 .„.. 44 X, E. Su pert ES, (•.445.3) 33 r..a.l'ilmonts (1311451 . 11 7.11.11anen 1431201 31 TaiCat.eP 034761 , 311 Flm•Didle)'s (44163.01 I-1,11 1Ptd. 104561 . 14 St erting Fitros 37644) . 16 \VP-0011S 10511571 15 14i,gh HO.y15,(Ad,.' high [vit)Ie 1,. lioliove 1751) Ft lrlerl- srf)re; B. 1MrflO)lft lrl MEN'S INTERTOWN I(.3 e'er (1. Tur k ey4 ,5875 9 rind 01' eh 1,11t1.0 Row; (43M et.sr 1 tphy $/x (5314 . ' .71)11i851 Dominion Hotel tgiia It! P.. ( pat 153351 Clinton :s; (3314 I 4 oroderioh Chapin:1 n 611.141 it bn JIm's Selerts 14.52:1) Ti.',X0 Pr ,I1010* Six .• 94 c:intoa .1 SP2P(11.S (Todprieh 0118.111)1a n Goclerio.h. Little .8 . 0:A:ton ('laud NIP P F.IxetAr (Thew -her Tueltt'Y Zurich -rtnrainion tint el ingbarn R. Goodyears ..• 54 61 58 41 38 3 Nigh t eligaiss . 53 Fiopim tea '45 't'op 41 \'1111 .Iniors 32 .... „.. . Alley (Silk . 20 11 is 11 R. Calmar 42121 141Pli Palmer SENIOR BOYS A GIRLS Stripers IS. A. f.inclonfleld 31;.1 3. 0001 04111 P .1101'al$ . (1i, (Thoar 410) • 5 ('(meta l's, ..1140ttIpson 4111 . A tol»s •11/P0.1ta ,l'P 4511 .. 5 1);%4114„m1t ('l's III, Wolfe .321) A tom.; . A% 44 1rikettx liliONs-PM-DOWn4 4 11 0,121111 CO .3 ............ 23 /".,01 . 14 Comet ,: High single- I'. KoF4.110 (234 811311 dottlna' 8, (Sr pena,re. 6436) JUNIOR BOYS GIRLS )yroliborg t.l. (31'as,10.1. Pin-1;115u er 15, .11Oore 344 / . 2 .1.4",t..$ 11t. T41.14414 .2751- ,. v.:airds1 111 nea11,0/. 3144 ..... .- DO,I.g.P4 . 2i . 1L I'1114:0.111,1 , 1,, rigpit 14 JO!.Bugle: )1ea era 11131) (limb rrs c;;b4# BANTAM GIRLS I 1' at Null ir 1121 or 1•,16 4 x1 Ca11(1.11011 t ra(Ipl1o,1 4)wia 1,1. J'erst.t.un 201 • 2 Spail 413. l" t' insa . s 1,tarks 'rt. Whiting 44I1 ri BANTAM BOYS ' : 41 • Flight pi14.;14.! Ji111 1,4.1.'114." 11150 PEE WEBS ].Infix 41' 47,ovt.r 1:«. Eitkpluitlie4 (.1..p 1 lar1 :4A 21W . i•rostoli:oo 1 P M• h2.14Ite i• Zebra., Jrtlifthnfl 104 isrotstulP(Pm ht (:r, (A F, 11'. V.,;7J 3' Dotoiltel 1•17, versona t $14.14.04 1,144•Ity Six 81 4'141'3' j31ghtn flripsloy BOMbers n' 41'I'd t "at s Don oint5. I'g .. 1'1 141441:4os. Dittik 00V1:4$ 73 13/a.,'S panthers C }11g+( \ , 4397 High liodalps/ 6731j .rara'1t4.4Y'rXr7r,';::•.•.,•- • ;:.',...4...E.V.00311190111MItraIrklitsertIVM1,.. BOWLING STATISTIC A Th Time.s-Advocate, .PeconAior 19.67 ,P*010, (2147, !)en's ai35 sinFift: J. LoRd'r \161's high :411:ler (646) Sigh single: B. Durand ,?115 I ka.dleg' high triple: R. Durand (727) YOUR OWN COMPARISONS IN SHOPPING AROUND WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT OUR PRICES CAN'T BE BEAT. YES, YOU'LL KNOW THAT YOU SAVE SAFELY AT CANADIAN TIRE. as Minute Gifts! 1. )01 Kt' s .... 4' 1115 '1 ;: 011101tatIrog ..... oinatiA, , ........ ...... . 2 9 I.JCAN LANES . 2. a. , 14 11051116 . 14 tang's: 4"aziiphell 11291 .1-1.1gh 041!0554.13 1237) Nigrvs. LgApp.E. L-z•Ino 1to irt H f,t. si l ty 41,, •Figaix 522 14unhc‘r (cgs 41, Nurse 5192) Puffin ,. IV. Nf.: 0.11 .14lioniroolo, It -b::Ings R4(1) p gri.14 iti. 'arriy,1 $14 WildoarS 1.1. (3.1.1d11011: 21171 . GB LANES LADIES' LEAGUE wa%pe Switzer 4124 7 811.01,11qe 416) 0 lin. shots S. hroeder Sint 4 Ilrirmon , Gals .41. Nneal0 54) 3 +41 41unno1g .. 5 Whis.1 toga ;"• 23 r i re.'ra°1<rxl+ / N. Trot* 541$i 2 ... „ 1.0g1rp,o-1 sr. fr• nal e''rs 1)82). . TOP Tapj)P1 4. WPe.ernerp /\1 CIO 6041 41 High sing:e. B. ...".:44wr ria 1 1.1441 r:,-sto. ... , 53 High 1 r1P'e• - B. Vew.mari (4330, I. 1414 ra., hors ....... .. 49 High average; A, IN , 41F1 0791 I owt011411741111 ..... ............. 41 risri t Imo cia's ............1111, 443 AILSA CRAIG MEN 4.4.,,s .....,. 40 1' • totiehahhf•ic , „., .... „ . :,..., „ 11',3 I.uc^liv Six 1 86' li. a...or, i,, .',1 2" fio7 Sbrats 24 B. Panthers (.1, itrir.r) 5411) .. 2 11 o>. • e.1 r. pi s B. Bennherr (F.I.eP 6851 A H!p. «i 416 O. flunnIng 5241) Oh try Eigh rs irt Co )14‘. 43717) 1 Hist trip e P. n o.,,,,lip zA2, -gss.ig.irstweAtxsotixsrXxsgso0.04xo6SrseSrS17A-Sfsxf121r*11ter.113411115111 5(4111'eek1Ie,5re4ttr1104SIA'kral1A(IA9''rrlslrPfl5X1011r0377'Vkva431•'"'...e1rqllgP1F4*01.13r gr26S'=1 OF Christmas Bonus Buys! Get discount Prices PLUS the EXTRA. Bonus Discount Coupons (up to 5cYo), that you spend as money. Around Town $7.98 - Fast, effic- lent, with automatic safety control. 1500-watt element. Chrome on copper, black handle, 2-quart cap- acity. With cord and plug, ELECTRIC KETTLE And a 4 'LADIES' 'LEAGUE "A" GROUP Alprry •Nlaids ( R,. Sangster 576 .N:11;111 Farquhar 6211 1‘.1,..iss:‘ Six IR. conp.-,5110 526) .5 Happy. e.$a.13 IJ, Lovell 5181 2 noJet t Marks 5321 PIlla (3', Hunter-Ducar 6111 , We' itor, (S Ca: 4 Nvel' 374) Be Pops I:1, Pool es 512 1 ... II 11045 Gunn Ksn 1 ,..„ 4104. hogs Sn€0.1 5851 1,. Strike,. IE. 8lorarnal,rt 5451 f. poppei (P. Baugh 5831 -Pen 'Poppeqes . lia•POY Gala • SR -Pills , 432 Frisl<.4" ; 511 'Flol!ettos7 ..... $1 'Tra ilers • 19 Hoi 'Doge Merry Mid • .47 lie Bora.....................42 lAieky Strikes .... ... -Hawks 31 WPP FIOPP3 il tgh single: 111, 04111111 Fligh tt`ipte; Bt. Gunn to5ot "B" GROUP W Ca,re,s (R. ilPad 6361 1 randir appers I1', Stogg 5501 2 Bess I If. Thrtzel 4741 High Itloj.es. R'ilhs'wett4.•r 50.1 SPUt1111,s R. Reid 5211 . 111g/My Mn'e, 1E. Morley 841) 2. Jay .11`",s I J. I-lodgEna 571 4 , Jolly Six 10, Skinner 8571, .. 111 or.et Les IN, Pe43114.10. 6651 7 t)roppeltea IA, Schrof,dr 675) 0 .4 Electric Can Opener Suggested Retail $14.95 .. Prob- ably one of the most top-rated gift ideas this Christmas. Fingertip ease -of operation. Baked enamel. with. triple • chrome trim, Magnet holds tin top securely. Exceptional ,..;;;44,4sr. • 4 ELECTRIC FRY PAN Suggested Retail S16.00 * Fully immersible. Heavy gauge polished aluminum, for fast, even heating, Vented cover for baking, roasting, etc. Complete with removable tem- perature control. ' 4 Steam 'n Dry IRON Was $16,98---Brand Name: Larger sole plate. lightweight. 21 steam vents fort' greater ironing ease. On" off steam control switch.• Auto- matic heat selector. St. Nick started stocking rites St. Nicholas, the early bishop who was the first Santa Claus, is also credited with original. ing the custom of hanging tip Christmas stoeltings. According to legend. he wish. ed to provide' dowries for the three daughters of a banitrupt merchant, Since he wanted the giftS 16 be anitmytnal$, he tossed hhs of gold down the merchant's chimney. Accide it- tally, the .gold into stock- ings the girls had hung b' the fireplace to drY. PA dual handicap is that, though St, Nicholas lived in the fourth century, stockings were not made with feet until the ilth Century - but the Christ- mas' stocking story is still a happy loom, "HO HO HO" TO ALL OUR WONDERFUL FRIENDS Waiper's Men's . Wear We'd like td thank all our good , friends for \ their loyal 0 patronage and wish them much joy thronOont the holidays.' livorStIottsnfl40.14ixt411%*#?AosIl1:1111Otat4a elo.4s401441•940 c1414ts'm:l4 cltizl'atn-trAt .4 hs Automatic Toaster t Economy Model-Special. $9.77 g Save $3.22 - imagine getting a fully adottatic "pop-up" toaster at -0) such an amazingly chrome styling, • Shuts off when toast is made the Why you mint it. tt Was $12,98 Powerful 3-speed type -to lake the chore out of mix- ing, Whipping, etc. Compact, light- weight. Chrome beaters, ejector button, Complete with cord and plug. Elec. HAND MIXER. Gift .Appliances CTC Savings! Complete Line of Famous Discount Priced! - Big family size --fresh, hot toast, and plenty of it, Thermostatically color-controll- ed for uniform toasting, Sparkling chrome with contrasting cool black handles. 4-slice TOASTER "shine-Master" 3-Speed POLISHER 49 • 95 lt'ST AtLEAsEri '!'rte all-neon' 1551 3-brash 1.;.ter.rir 67 Polisher with "Boating" counter-rotating brushes 4121 give hard‘tood, hno;CAnn And tue floors tievt lasting brill.ari,F DP , ,-Igneci to get into tight corners, under furniture bumper gives extra prOteetion. Handsome baked enamei f.n7sr. Complete with 3 polishing* bruehes and 3 lambsw 0,11 oqfinr. pads . General Electric Polisher 29.88 436 MAIN STREET -"Jai EXETER Phoolls41.66 I iltoli Robbins & :Son Lid. ASSOCIATE STORE Electric Percolator Suggested Retail $13.95 - Nutt"- matieall percolates in :30 seconds, to brew 4 to 8 cups of full-fimored rich aromatic unfree, Durable alum- inum. plastic base. Filters supplied. Save The Safe Way!, Everyone! Exeter Farm equipmenti • R. b, Jeriliyet OS To erry Chris iK'; .r.strimexcii-heect*rftelliritiftiteAttietiliktiteieeer-IestitOtteitisr• itteit3Of• *.iitl447kakiedioliktie.iittecisthrmsetetelt , PHONE 23S4386 • EXETER . *40.4****/**---ro***4*. '..•leiti(xiitt****Ate4tAie,Atitkiiti