HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-09-01, Page 2t
liaise sof.
Ire have had u master -
of the fin, •1 weather,
i►e heavy rip..... of freight, they w'II be
et a posuiw 1.•pwl�e lit Um op sit .t time.
gea•lernee ,s ems target, impel u. g ler
;he purpu.e of repo slag the hoped of
hetet, ,n Canada. ie.. It. Gordue Neo
.tics Use Laus.ees hewer gad slprl�
glee/ to the frf+M
UM of the gads tl.er .me...'., wUM lls• Mlr.(as/tet
sed ✓ r r u( elf tied. of crop., of howte` the best besndo of ►beep iii Ibe
The Iaetset has commeseed is the mall, P,,v.oc
hat it w171 s;ot be. general is Lao:asbire Ie sddi/toa is lett ilapur' dna' kir. R.
g 0rdw1•arlwsapletlt d b
for nel'elsr f ulaigbt, thou •b actor rain eCr c eat lie
e g ease *I the etre description, pwcsred hogs
will AS -et well week. A lop crop n Mr. Lemma, meditator to the Royal Agit
nei Vieth" after es had a seed titre, so cold cu,l..tat Society of Scellaud-the sample.
a t%.1.4e 1111Mh . lied 00 wet a emitter retinue. of
but if we see r.1117 epltedid.
Void lo.sute in thus lot'
Ar oo
akaeN re
a eretinue. u( Ile Foca W• P
rtehosiat weather, it won -Jse.a•Laty fair hc:ag t►a inioori.i .,n. lle,ne eiur.'oo
one' I Ireeure the 9.,est erre:a of shetp that
The gematstt) weather of the past week i were en tr had is R. claw', and deserve
bas bad a areal kens&ial iolveace w ilia ver; Vaal u.dit let Mew eaterprt.e.-
gnin crepe is Mie west, and .the wheat 1L,i. woe,
Lae vest Las etleeneeceJ io many parts of 1 gee
1)eenasln:e edgier the most cheerful mew -1 AR1:IVAL OF '111E ♦RABIA•
gat Mar spared peas gar e.sesedill w
paces. On the 516, in the Exttrr marker,
some pirate maples aples of this year's wheat
were ealioited. 1f the pt aunt hoe wea-
ther tbuc:J coalaue, there is every proba-
bility of the harvest b. •ng a tuost atun-
dant oce. The crejs, generally, ale sir
tine cooditiow. The barley m many places
looks as premising as could be wished.
The potato disease has attacked the leaves
find stalks m many snstaucte, but the tu-
bers are not materially affected, col the
trop being exceedingly abundant, Ih. loss
las been very immaterial as yet.
lRliLa RD.
The weather continues splendid for ag-
ricultural purposes, sad, with au isolated
comptaat, all the account of the coiditioo
sof the potato represent the erop as haring
so far escaped the fatal disease ot 1»•46,
'1'be great majority of our harvest reports
continue In the most encouraging tone, and
each day that we n)w advance without the
n.anifestatiow of the pirate blight adds ma-
teria!:y to the security which people feel
oa .be subject.
It has beeu already mentioned that a few
complaints of the reappearance of the fa-
tal pestilence in the potato crop lad come
from certain districts in Cork, Kerry and
CLre. As regards the first tamed locality
the reports slice the clave of the last week
Imre been rather more unfavorable, and
from the concurrent testimony of private
letters and the local journals there stems
but little room to dcubt that a portion of
the crop has been .harked by the old
The bar harvest throughout the North
7 4`ehh District has been a very heavy one,
Mkt we regret that much 1120 been spoiled
and ran ted in bad condition, in consequ.-nee
of the very wet and uusetiled weather.
'clic !Willie was thick and luxuriant, and
the crop would have proved a splendid- one
had Dot the screre rains so debarred field
operation• that hay making could mot be
carried on. A great deal has, however,
been secured in condition, while much will
prore valueless. The cereal crops are
fooling well, and, !Look' line weather be
granted, a good harvest will be secured
1 he early vats have not filled so well, but
f r the laterrain an abundant yield is an-
trcipated. Large breadths ot potatoes
hate been soww�d until a short time ago
all bad eocapcdli5s disease. The seem 0,c
has spread, the harness being geuerally af-
fected. rise weather will prevent the es-
The weather in Scotland has Leen till
the ek cold arid boisterous, but ace
has ; and If it continues fat or -
able, harvesting on the early soils will be
general in a fortnight Bence. Some reheat
has been cut and roma superior iu quality
to last year's produce. The yield of wheat
in Scotla$dAs exp[et.d to turn out below
jaws jdirley and oafs premise fair
crops: toes are partially diseased.
The result of (be wlwat harvest is now
generally known, and the returns from the
districts which simply l'aris are more fa•
rorablr than was expected. In the I:eigh-
borlaod of alantereau the -wheat in the
valleys was alone laid by Ile heavy ruins,
which may amodot to j -20th of the en-
tire crop. 'Ile produce is sati)factory,
both as to quantity and quality, in the cn•
tire district from \loulereau to Nemnurs,
enversiug Vikemer 1) rmellr•, and 'I'unry-
Ferotles. lo the Beam:, the best wheat
country in France, the heavy rains hare.
caused great injury, and the prodore ie es-
timated at env -(bird lees Irmo that of a
good ordinary year. On the other laud,
the barley and oats in these districts are
unusually ,tri, aril the produce is far be-
yond that of a fair average crop.
Accesets from Madrid, of the 'Ili in -
Nast, slate slut the crops throo.:hset the
cowry are moat abundant, and test bir-
vcst cared with excellent weather. --11',1.
sae► 4 Snmith.
Yesterday we had the pleuure of visitacg
the aelendfd fern, of Me•ere R•.bert are
IVNhen Gordo-, aerated 'bo,, 9 mile.
Routh of Paris, for the p• rises° of peeing
a Int of enetbdcwne which the •pinte4 pre
pewits + are, at a very great snreof.just
unspnricd from Englai d.
The tom coati*rd' of ono Ram and eleven
Ewe.. They were pert -hated at eery Ile
prtees fr.., Mr. W. Rigden, of Meta, pear
Br•ghten, Eeglard, Mr. Medea rd' a meet
eweeeestul breeder of Nouibdo•wu, and her
tabes the .nu prise fns 'his d►.erry term of
Rbeep at the N. Agretetteral ltoeriy'e
Show. of 131, 18St, .ed .1." at Ike oboe
beta at Gloucestershire last July, he eh
larged the emend Ariane lr taws over two
years old, fur the lather of i1m ram he sold
ee Yeera Gorden. The al.eep were ship
ped Omen ',modem *s rhe 411t of Jena fast.
and hate ped • testy ling page et to
week.. sed soh arrived at Puse toot rn-
day. A very large qusat.ty ./ bay soil
toreros pet on beat.' by Mr. Gerdes.
het is a ranee, a! the extreme length
e/ shitpd' ' N eft ren es.; the ober p
being hept pine by feeding thew with the
strew ..t of the 4.1. 04.'., ,d the .
age pieSISigreno. They er's..ensl7 are
Mews momihn.., bet awl' r tat esperl
ecce{ ears el shed► owners they will me
I1 Wan the Ine*etton 1e bare tibia
1lamkt the PrwMelal AgrIeedieral
f fed le treneeeeme o1 toe *be*
the Moa bee hewn glees sp.
R, r• has oleo selected free
id Me. DangM«, of Aibebtase-
Meidtsalett alltwslnpees Lewes
n eve Ram sed .1.... Ewer. -
Meek et . 4llemelpa. we. ..ea 1M
s. ala w N M Helene, Pew.-
11110440f 1 N M ler
R. Al lfe/el et Korot?* Shows el
Istat sod I**33. When ,ser reader.
Ma tee sewer twee b'N►1 .•
Naw YORK, Aug. 23.
'fl:c AraGia from Liverpool, Auo. et13,
..r teed at 7 this moraiag.
.he reports seeing a Inge steamebip
sl. pie on Naotueketshoals, supposed to be
it c 1'r•erfic.
Our latest •rlrtilgeoce Irons Nantucket
is by the staamcr which left there at 9 A.
M., for .Neer Bedford, and which makes no
mention of i1. 1 lie neat news, up to 9
morulas, will reach 1)oston late this
evening, abed we doubtless shall hate full
The '•Fr. uklin ' was out off Cowes of
the night of the 1016.
'the Great Britain .ailed fur Aus-
tralia ou the 1 lib, and bets ate peadiog on
her postage and the clipper ship Suuereign
Notting, definite has transpired on the
Turhisb question. but the belief is list it
was term:nating peacefully. Defiaate sews
was expected from. St. Yetersburgh to
rer:b LonJou on the 15th or 16th. 'f be
Loudon Moroing Post asserts that the
Principalities will be vacated the first week
iu September by !tensa, and soon after the
British and French fleets wit' leave the
'punish waters.
Funds have materially improved, bet
market continued dull-
The great naval review by Queen Vic-
toria, at Pur ts.goutb, had taken place.--
Nothiug Jeliutte from France. The
wheat crops were m and averaged only a
two-thirds crop.
'the Missionary (King's) affair, at
Greece' was drawing to a satisfactory con-
'1'be overland Mail was telegraphed.
The steamship Jllonumental City was
wrecled on her passage (ruin Poi Philip
to Sydney, and 35 passengers perished.
'l be Arab ship, with the bombay mail os
board foundered ; 174 Lascars were
The King of Ara outs mere peacefully
disposed towards the liritn6.
Chinese Imperialists were prepar.sg to
take arms. •1 be iowrgeut forces were
within 4 days march'of Pekin. A private
telegraph says they bad beaten' back an
Imperial fleet before Nankin and lad con-
cluded not to attack Canton till September.
Losoos, Aug. 13.
Despattbet from Sl. Petersburg, dated
5th, have beers received 5 Parra. They
stale that tiie Emperor has defertely ac-
cepted the i:roposition of the four Powers.
A de'; atch from 'Trieste states that tbe
Porte accepted without modification a treaty
drawn u,. at Vienna. An extraordisary
ambassador was to leave Constantinople
for St. Petersburg with the Sultan's deci-
sion as sop, the ltussian troops were or-
dered to evacuate the Principalities. 'A
letter from C'ouatantitople to July 21st,
says there is intense excitement there iu
consequence o! the refusal of the Ilospodars
of Moldavia and Wallachia to obey the
•uinn:otis to repair to Constantinople. ---
The old 'fu,lish party here so indignant
that fears were entertained for the safety of
the city.
1Vbcat was freely offered at the reJue-
Iion of Tuesday without finding purchasers.
FI- ur steady at former prices, but business
u ni :o dr Corn, whether on the spot, or to
arrive,Iitlle rw ulred• fur. Genesee and
Olio white wheal 7s. 6d. a 7s. 8d. and
7s. 9d. ; \\•esters e28*.,•..26s6.1.-Froris-
reos-ileefawl Pork, .:moot nothing eking
Bacon, better demand. Lard dearer. -
Sales 56s, a 57s. sod a few barrels rise
59s. Supply in few Lands. T,aDow declined
6d. a 7d. per cwt. -
Retiree, A.; 24.
A letter Lem Prince Edward's !stood,
of August 15, states that the American
schemer Stnrli;M, Ind been brought in
there a prize for fishing within bounds, -
I tat the American Consul protested against
the jurisdiction of the Admiralty Court
ih:re. on the [;round teat she was taken In
Canadian seat, r', --that the Captain of the
Detestation then espre.aed Lis determin-
ation to take ber to Qnr•bee, but epees the
Captain of the Starlight promising to be
more tarsier in future, he released tier u;.ou
payment of tests.
I'be Whaling schooner S. R Soper,
whose two lost boats Brews had such a nar-
row escape from destr.atios-one of them,
containing the mates aid fire men, being
Sin. days teen mew ocean sithoait food or
water, before she reached the land) arnred
here this morning, being ton short handed
to eoritinu• the voyage. Tho men who
were .*posed to ouch term ibis 'offerings are
doing well.
Professor 1'. Bache, of the Harvard Col-
lege, died yeslerdsy. •
Ilameax, N. S., Ang. 24.
By prorate advices from St. Jobe's, N.
F'., we learn that, foe °ewe eaetplaine
r•wsoe, the works on the Newfoundland
1•Ject:ie Telegraph line hare been sus-
pended, end Mr. (Nabors', the Superinten-
dent, bee left the prequel*.
A osbserip iso, eatowting to above
$500, was raised at St. John's fou rho re-
lief of the effecters Gera.s p•smwgers, by
tit wreebod Charlet Clarke, (pre
wisely r.pere.d,) frees limbevve. Ile
Glversseras ale reveled a p..eg* for
veer is lee brig Fowls le Quebec. ah►'.
Nsw Y oas, Aea
The Cricket Match belwee. the .Yew
tl whets and the CiMdia.e resulted Y the
victory et the New Vergers.
Auitwe's, Avg. fid.
New (Mewwl papers of Friday smile -
horde, see reverted. 14. U .ta ewe
*me is mien is the eed'+tien Ief W ties,
ther, steaospisre, or daily relent of deaths
10 utliesta. egg hope at present for the
• htemral of l epidemic. The fever wow
4fltsai4 in all parts of the city; 400 ii
clergies of ty000 daily have beta otthar'ed
and tat wale he burned is the grave prods
mad other infectious localities. Mr. MelN:i
horsy formerly of Baruurq s hotel sod Iafe
teal, of the S Chest., New (Oilcans, has
died of the fever. 'I bre Post :thirster at
New Orleans Lad orrkrrsielosiog the post-
ufce at four P. u., during (Le prrraknee
of the frier.
The Alabama, Florida, auJ Mississippi
papers complain of excessive rains doing
Vetat'ttji{rr to tit tottun etap.
Nsw ORLca, e, Aug. 26.
The total number of interments eliding
this morning is':5b, of obic6 ':2J were of
yellow fever.
b!0. ' Aug. 37.
The !Raver Las bila arrested by the
Vrg:lar.ea Cuuai:tee, and .o sated co Lail.
('oc,'sant, Aug. 27.
A sole °treed Lame, who has been rore-
man fa Ras den W igl,i. prudent depart
ureut, bar been arrea'ed ua a charge of
.tesla g frnpre.tiune frees the Plate of the
Otto 8 -ate Bark. Thele seems to be no
'oubt of his guilt; mid that 11 wag through
'.uu the stolen notes ii circulation were ob-
CLTrroaaa, Aug• *7.
N. w Orleans papers u1 Sunday bate
bees received. The mortality for the
week wee 1875, of which 1969 we • of yel
ow hiker.
SAL,.., Mac.., Aug. 27.
Later dates Irons Moaterido and Beano*
Acres h.se been ricei.ed by the b,rk Ed-
w ard. Geo. Quite°, Governor of the
Pro; lace of Ripest, died on the 28th of
Nsw Yoga *7,
The Steam Etderodo, will tike the pier*
of the Cherokee, saddled on Friday, with
mail* and passengers fur Havanna and ICew
Che llratbeldcfor Soo hamptnn,aad Bre.
mein, sated a aeon sith 127 pausogera
and Ita,0t.0, in gold.
ICS IN THE SOVrH.-A gentleman who
had been jet the Ice trade at'St. 'Thomas,
relates some funny auecdoles about the
natives there, and the idea they have of
the -.Boston, bard water." ' Ile once sold
■ Iwp to a Gentleman, who sent a Colour-
ed serrent for it with directions to have it
kept for tbe diener relate. The serveot
took it Lome, and enquired of the cook how
It was to be prepared, after considerable
discussion in the kitchen Cabinet. it was
decided to hare it bored. At dinner the
gentleman called for it,' and was ie high
glee, for he had drank iced Champagne u
etre stales, and be felt a mighty hankering
for a second trial of the same beverage. -
Soon Sambo r ade hi • appeara ce, with
eyes rolling on the optside, and grinning
like a frightened monkey. "N"Itere's. ibe
lee Sambo 1" demanded the gentleman,
" 0 lorry massy !" replied Sambo, •1
put um in de pot and boil more clan hall
an hour, and when 1 went to look for um
he was gone."
Music. \I.Julelin, the celebrated origina-
tor of "monster concerts" will commence
operations at Castle Garden, New York,
on the 29th of the present month. His
orchestra will comprise forty of the best
Eurcpean soloists, among whom are Bot-
tesini, Koenig, Collipet, Lavigne, Needle,
\Viaterboftom, Hill, \Iollin1au-, Lonnien-
berg, Getchart,'liugbes,and other celebra-
ted names. The remainder of the orchestra
(which will be very full) is to be made up
from our resident instrumentalists Anna
Zerr is the only vocalist announced. SIr
n • most accomplished and attractive art-
iste.-- f Musical R'orhl.
RoGcns' Ctncus.-King-aeon, Aug. IS. -
Last night about haiC•pa.-t 11 o'clock, after
the performanee at Spalding S Rogers'
':arcus at'tuartsvaHe had cl2cd, a man
named.McAlon was stabbed M' a hanger-
on of the circus company. McAlon was
a pedlar. lle died almost irstantly,;.nd
leaves a wife and five children. Very little
cause is said tn.have been given for this
atrocious crime.
The L- rdon Patrot, of r he 4,h inrt., eon
tains a report of Mr. li ugh's first Temper -
acre Lettuce to Exeter Ilt,l, on mho evea-
,nR' of the •lnd ,ns'act. The chair ;tat oc-
cupied by Mr. Buckingham., and the large
bill was well filled. Mr. Gough went to
England an compiusce wlb an. invitation
from the -I.' ndon Teu.peracce League,"
and is r xpecte.l to reaa:s there about thew
menthe. 1t et Bald that all hax'rd of die-
epp•tnteent with Mr. Ga•gh'• perform-
ance. was dupe•Iad by iia brit lecture.
FATAL Aec•tnrsr AT FRa.v, --Yesterday
afternoon, J. Marto and Ms':nln, McUus
a!J, two young men reaid og in Fard:u, bad
.:one to sheet page ns in the vic:n:tr of the
village, baring urly • •ir.gle t.'wlirg rice*
between them. Marin was is the act o1
taking aim at a Lick of permit on the
wiry, w two Mr Donald rt.lnkrng that the
piece waP p :,ted too high, caught hold of
Mt barrel with rho ,-. L u atiun, "Yee're
aiming too high," at the mcm'nt the try -
act wise p'Jed, and r, carred the %tote
charge into hie heart. Ih. Mutch watt
epce'Dly sea the spot. but 'death bad been
.n.taetaneons. Mcl,oa'J weft ireotch•
man, of Rood character; be had been ate•
prayed at a saw Mill in the village, said sae
unmarried.-[Guel,sh Herald.
Eery -ram TextioaAPH moat 11-araILoo
TO 6TalTroRn.-Mr. Snow, the gentleman
en •xttuatvcly toneceted end ,'1'elrgroph,
1. A'noreo, proposes to eorstruet a Tele
graphic bee `'rem Waterloo via B_rie%,
1'eteraborg, Hamburg, sod Belts Corriere to
Nlratfurd, connected with the Grandl'runk
Telegraph Ike at Berrie, snJ5 us atwitter
ruses us 9.11 seers a ehuw
set for tanunee
eorUmuseeatioa 04th etel7 Ci , mob, e1
.dl.ge or eoneeq.:eMe see Amertea. Mr.
Sou* will !mold a hoe as above providing
the towns thrreigh which its to pen gad.
'eke the inti, k respired-uye. sloe
rg £123, lla,o►urg LUG,
Heti • Corsets CM, aid Stratlore ,C360. -
rhe whole 1i to be in wotkrig order by
loth °tiotrer er set, if the 'se notary sub-
scripuewe are received by are 1.t et Rep-
aembee. 8eb.cruptross playable ea Ise
work goes 00 -we (00,1(1 weep 1..e poise
are os the (reets, one fourth whoa the,
.re op, nee Levee wbre obit etre le up, Red
.tow fourth Mom is operttiss.
Wo h.pe owe fused, Is Perth a.J Ws:
mol will serf lel lbs epportroray slip, bat
os Ito eostrare i.awedset,ir nee raw Tory
•aodeats .0►seriptl.s 'refired .1 thea. -
We Its set hesitate ode tweet se aywg tbal
ib. Ilse sell pay the stockholder* wen, el
'Sedhag a ttb0rat pereestage. Tao ewwep.
-es ore bee of .. tp hot be activeSolis.
w et well, steer the mw. N Me Gra,1 Pretest
Beltway, N wase► the tairmessee a d Ci..
eaten' lie hate ousted eb1d Grouted hew
eves,.a eve.sa.si, N telegrapinseg
u . MIR
weft b.tb se seise-sp feeti*s dpe
1130, reserve
Iles owe., wired M Mdtepeseablr le
the Tetra
.l the sagltseers sM Cu-
mulate, and ohm the yeti era 00 teeth
ed a W Metres hems tbladme dot g tee
kopek, them mus* he a takgripk, tees t
the eteck►uldere when to mil eat *key cu
reobs* a high perru.a o''b.4 shares.
leen .111 arra the Jamie lush -
seems leer seek., tied well be versed 40
r.00iee the sebierepUone. We would be
happy to weooar brerhrea e1 the Hamburg
(Ass, ear sad Petah News enlarge on thin
cueject. _Berfi is Trlrgeepk.
Tee ismael 1' -I) of 101
Suez Isou.e.-Loul.sue.i. Ate). 16.-
A slimmed C•ltfunrao, who hat reached
I.Mpedeveti g,,w shoo f*4tuWieg-suesust
of the tabu Battle ►Thore rot ...rude* bav-
Ing occulted bet ween the Sioux and Pawnee
lad an.,
The 6ouix sere aided is the war by rhe
Cbeytnrea I0 hags, sad the cumt:lied turves
were about 6.Ct0 strung. The Pawnees
were ssei.ltd by the toast, Nate, and i'ot-
tawaUourioey numbering is all about 3,000.
The nppwing forces met shout fi:ty note.
from Furl Kearney, and the really lasted all
day, reauliiag to the los., oa both sides, of
from See tons handred killed. The Llcoux
rally. though eke moat numerous, was des
rt meted.
A pesos who has come ie from Fort La-
ramie °aye that the above 'exotica Is exag-
gerated; but say. Ihst a gloat demonstration
was made, and had mot the Pottawattomoee
..lerf.red the Pewseee would bike been de
reeled. lis abiska that hundreds aoaaeed of
thinned' would be aearer the mark as to
the actual Dumber engaged, aid tbe nom-
ber killed swam doubtless also much exagger-
AWrtL DEar,ecrios.-Letters to July
2.2from Puerto Cabello prove that the
earthquake of the 15th July at Cumana
was one of the most disastrous that ever
occured in South America.
The first shock was so violent, that al-
though it continued its vibrations only two
minutes, it destroyed every house but one
io a prmcipal part of the city. Many ie -
habitants of the portion which contained the
more opulent were buried ,n the ruins. -
600 soldiers in the barricks were among the
victims, with almost all the officers of the
revolution. Tbe eartbqueke was. felt in
Barcelona, and destroyed three large build-
ings, including the barracks, just after 700
soldiers bad lett them. All along the coast
of Venezuela, shocks were felt, but no mid' -
chief was known. Cumana is a city of 5000
Inbabitanb, lying on the gulf of (ariaco,
al the mouth of the \laranare.. It is the
oldest European city On the Ameriean coo- I
tient, having been founded in 15_23.
Tbe Ludy Eglinton was to have sailed
on the lsth inst., and is cousequently only
a few days out, but may, we thak, be ex-
pected by about the end of the month.-.
The Gamma has peen withdrawn ; the
Sarah Sands will no doubt be withdrawn ;
and probably 0e'Cleopatre' may succeed.
We do not anticipate much ameodmeut in
the arrangements this season, but by the
opening of the Spring the line will be es- .
i tablisbed oo a better basis. During winter
I the steamers will sail to Portland, and as I
that city is connected with Montreal, Bos-
ton and New York, by rail, we shall hare i
1 more frequent visits. to the meantime we
i hare every reason to believe that the moo
satisfactory arrangements are befog made
for running a hoe of lint class vessels. -
A St. Louis lady who not long since mar-
ried a :Mormon and emigrated to the Salt
Lake city, calls it a" first tate place for a
new settlement," nolwitlistaudag sickness
in the family and loss of cows, she is com-
fortable and contented. About Brigham
Young baring 90 many wires, she says
" the number twenty-five is nght, and 1
can tell you be is about the best man lin-
ing. No man is allowed to have more than
I one except he Can well look after them.
!Everything here, is tbe Salt Leke, is pure
and holy. 'Phomas has no thoughts of any
marc wives! Every man eau do as he
likes ;clout it."
wall, New York highlands, on (le 4th
ins;„ at the commencement of a thunder
storm, on a mound near the hotel, sat
two ladies, Mn. Wells and :Miss Gilmour,
conversing and reading, They had been
requested to " come in," and the latter re-
plied she " would in a minute or so." On
came the Eery car, and here leaving its
wily track, coursed the body of this young
lady on its paisage to the earth. Litt was
extinct in nearly a moment. A sa 1 meel-
ing awaits ber i: other, :rho l"mods nothing
of the fate of her child. Her companion
is likely to recover. -N. Y. Tribune,
Aug. 16.
-Oma day during the present week, the
can on the Watertown 1 allroad were
stopped between that pla'e and Cape \'to-
cetat. he the multitude of graasbeppen on
the track. Now, don't, dear rewder.sep-
peae for a motaest that there was an em-
beakeiat d lee critters -neither set it
does ie 700r diary as in infernal newspa-
per he. Bat to ezplsiw-the nils were so
thickly eotered with them, and the caa
wheels •mashed them ro beautifully betercee
a hop and a jump, that it had the elect of
grease cm the rads, ssak:g the wheels tors
swiftly, while the Iran remained rtatiocary.
This was witnessed by several g.etktew
of the first respectability, sad is true. els
wino there is strength."-( Vernon. I'raw-
A assume Pure to fVw Jan At Twee
re. -0a the *young eeWedleseday,etie srd
Met.. a eov.pIraey wee eppert0wly die-.
covered is tee jar!, having few let *hint that
murder of atm piny awl the Itheraesen et
the praonlrs. It sppeeta that ]It. Aller
leek the ahem ea d.eeeep: k that icer tam
lapleereeto reed by the pwiNwrra while at
work wee esse.eg. sed hitt ea aerea be -
mg med. tie este woesT.sed .eeresee is
1M erten .I the cosines weer fl..st.-
The whet* Orel was thee develeded he s
mere prle*we?, wan ire► ..4 Mr. A • tient
Inert, -two male prate erve bed metered tele
• Mgt* t* mere" the jadeite wed hie aeelal-
MHO Taal •••Wi'g-td' leek op the twee
inmateso •01011111111teeer era oreeps. Thee
seemed, Yr. Atlee leek eeeeaar, ae.-
. em ter eeppemeteg the o.erpheay end
.verrngthe dept. !.r thee ppsetlpees,
►eying *reed htewelf and bra e.ple/.ts. be
presi_ied d'1 ase* fa tae priepep,.' reeds,
.4. pereedeleg that ted ,1101 bed belga dm.
se*.red. wad that sesieteew wash. be see-
laaq et sew sebsnetsd. What amber
bee Noe Wee tsbee. we Mee Int
� �rvlalf.
A L.
BUaaT TO DaATu.-I. Northampton
whsle several period's were peormg tato
the gutter • gaudily o(urksat 4
bed bees sensed, a miaebe vous iad it
ea firer whish C harks Cummm %MO
hind that he died. lip tRM
as 42 years of age, sad a
maker.-LBostoo traveller,
Aug. 15.
A resume i1•'aotiAl:T KILL[D.-A bal-
loon ascent took place at Moet de Mame
ou the 20th, a yoeeg woman 21 years
old named Emma 1'erdier, lbs dacghler
of a gardener, being the serowaut. The
balloon rose majestically, sad u the wea-
ther warperfecily calm, nes apprehensions
were ent.rtaiued rot oily accident The
next day, however, the inhabitants were
much shocked at learning that the young
woman bad 'Allen to the ground is about
21 hours after ber ascent, a1 Montesquieu
a village 70 miles distant, and was killed
ou the spot. Frees what was afterwards
ascertained, it appeared that some lay-mak-
ersoear Montesquieu were startleo at see-
ing a white body fall to the earth ata short
distance'rom thew. They found it to be
the body of a young womau dressed to
white. She had fallen head loremasst &her
head was split open. At no great distance
was to be seen the anebor of the balooe fixed
in an oak, a long piece of rope being at-
tached to the iron. The bal000 was sero
rising rapidly and floating away. It is sup-
posed that on the young woman attempting
to effect her descent, the anchor caught to
the (rept, and, gave such a shock to tbe
wickerwork basket ia which she was silting
that elle lost her balance and fell out. No-
thing bad been heard of the baloon.-Gal-
igwant's Message.
On Moeda, the 12th September instant
the By -Laws framed for the purpose of
raising £30,000 for gravelling the Huron
Bayfield and Loudon roads, and for raising
£2000 for erecting a court house will be
submitted to the rate payers in the several
town and township municipalities. The
people will then bare an opportunity of de-
cidmgwhether they will continue to travel
the muddy, rough, corduroy and billy roads
as at present, for an iudefinite period yet
to come,or whether the boon to be obtained
and the improved circumstances and pros-
pect of these Coited Counties, will war-
raat them in makic.g exertions towards re -
mot Mg the difficulties which have hitherto
prevented agreeable and profitable locomo-
tion and have so long kept these fire coun-
ties far behind +hat they ought to be. \Ve
believe if tbe honest unprejudiced opinion
of all the rate payers in these Counties
could be recorded there would be oo diffi-
culty in obtaining a decided Tote in favor
of these Ily-Laws. But it is a well known
fact that while much apathy exists among
the friends of improvement the enemies of
the good work are making unweary-
ing exertions to throw every possible ob-
stacle in its way. We are not afraid 01
toe result at the Township Meetings, i'
those friendly to Use proposed improvements
do their duty, by dissemminating correct
mforesa tion upon this subject among their
neighbours and also take care that they are
themselves present early at lee place of
Meeting. No BCStNEsS St1Ot:LD BE AL-
CCASION:The object to be attained is worth at least
this much of their cos,Jeration.
The gravelling of the leading roads
through our counties is certainly, an object
next only in importance to cur Pailroad.-
it has been urged by the opponents of
improvement that the Railway precludes
the necessity nl gravel roads and that the
latter would be useless and nuprofitable af-
ter the completion of the former. We on
the contrary believe with the friends, of the
prnycct, that gravel roads are absolutely
necessary to enable the Counties to enjoy
the fall advantages offered by the Railroad.
It is true that a small portion of the
road from Clinton to Garronbrool is some-
what parallel to the railroad, but even that
short piece of road, which in many plseea
is neurally bad, as certainly much in want
of improvement and if gravelled, would,
besides greatly facilitating the approaches
to the railway stations at Clinton end Ifar-
purl.ey, afford a desirable connecting link
with the gravel roads of Perth now in pro-
gress of construction. No man of sense
will deny the cast beubts which mast un-
doubtedly scree from the gravelling of tbe
other portions of the road. these are incon-
trovertible and we are folly persuaded that
by economical and prudent managetne0t
the roads will sot only pay their own expen-
se's bet even prove a source of profit direct-
ly to the Comities. The indirect profta
which mat result from the under iag
are too numerous and important to be at-
eelated here, hit they w,ll suggest MOM. -
safes to eremy retketive wired. M est
the Kaden of toll which in so eeetiad'e3y
preesnted by se)feib and ignorant isdiritlD-
as the great bugbear of ravel reads,
we that our iat.Aigent yeom.s wilt not
safer it to weigh for a meant ageing
what they wih gem i* ramble time is
proceeding to market, iterated teed► aid
deereess of weir sed leer, besides the
edeu4age ed d.nsiag Me .t ti,. labor sew
e peaM, 0e the Mang reek le other
Ilene sub se met er impre,emeet.
With a eleed ter de Casa Heise By-
law, we mime tare nam tet be tae►
Aims. gas deebt ..I ale geed ast.ee ell
the ralepaysrs wiLQtteethem to.wi.t 10 11
Sir swam tole ratted ref this ptlrpee
r Vey Meer w somperisos wile the 'b-
leat to begeited sad we hope as the scan
of cameo deceacy that act rate payer will
be fogad, however ate► .-hied le eeoa.-
ay, who will oppose it. The Caere Hoene
must be bad -lie the Courts meet be held is
some other locality.
It also is a well known (act, that it
would be more eeouotnical to the Counties
to build the Court hetet with mashie
othces coocected, that to bare resort to
the miserable shills which have hitherto
been adopted. We trust that the great
TWELFTH will settle these wportant Ties -
tions in a way suitable in every respect to the
growing requirements dear thriving and
prosperous 1;oucties. The noble aetioo of
our late junior County Perth is well wor-
thy of imitation in these matters. She has
stolen a march upon us,let us not be found
very far in the rear,
.! 1 i a ill l
tessera of feet rights a the ase mealy.
Lei tum tibeosr seat petty slle�isese
See 41111111111d1141111111111d11ea epee y wfee'Maul begs bw-
*! table; eel hit Aim, se they
'd0•"e rem the mesege.oeee of ea end
here dosedId detYuet eseablinkmea', be-
easeMs 4g. teal are it tills'
w Ms pipel.al eppliawe
hitdeep herto tea Nmeesed-a pptu vete
tasPMped ler it. .sppeeudea of
►r, W the ewpp.rt of ea neem oh•
We some time ago received a comm imi-
tation from this galactose which tee did
e st consider of sulbeient importeace to pub-
lish, but we find that he bas eaused what
appears to be • copy of that commuaicatioa
to be inserted in the coleuses of the Globe
w which probably it is better suited, and is
,.tech be accuses us of ignorance of the
feeling abroad in our Counties regarding
! the rotes of our representative. Ile says
Use electors of these Townships are octavo -
office -holders nor office -seekers, and that
"consequently there is so likelihood of a
clamp coming over them" but that the
THE HOLY ALLIANCE. change was with Mr. Cameron. And
The Globe disappointed of the object of leaviog out Mr., C's. political votes Le pro -
its former tont.. hostility to the present ad -
• to accuse that gentleman of haniig
ministration has now come out as fully Wen-
violated bis principles on religious ones, and
tibied with an Alliance, having for its o4- Joins is 16e cry of the"holy alliance"
ject the maims of the I'rotestaats of Lower howlersagainst t.im. Sir. Cameron was
Canada with thou of Upper Canada ageast I gal pledged to any religious question except
the Roman Catholic portion of our fellow Clergy Reserves one, towards which
subjects -the priocipal (eaters of which alconsistency of conduct will not be call-
-fiance ire, tbat while Ibe cry of'' No Pope- ed io question, his vote on Ibe Three
ry" is to be the watchword, the Clergy Re- fRiven Cathedral Bill has been amply ex-
servas are to be bald in abeyance. The Plaine) and with regard to true Sectarian
Woke has got into ratber an unpleasant School clause that existed prior to his eke -
fix with these same u allutana" T1ewa, which I tion, and be distlnc try elated when offering
have encountered the jeKbstihty ofd'ealy himself to Huron that a was intended to
the whole of etre press. Jleave it as it was for the present. So much
The ease was lately atatdby the Lead- , for the railing accusations of this u Phari-
saical brawler."
As to his assumption of superior know-
ledge of the "feelings" of the people of tbe
Counties it is altogether gratituous as with-
out doubt weha,e fully as goon! opportunities
Once more we repeat that the case II of ascertaining those feelings as the writer,
against itis as plain as man could desire- ; akd of course consider that we have a right
far too plain, oo doubt, for the comfort of
those immediately concerned. We state' (0 express our own candid convic-
first, as a thing admitted, that an Alliance 1 tions. Would Mr. Lope's "feel -
has been formed in Lower Canada, cool- 1 in gs " n hare beea little mere favorable
Melly for the protection of Protestantism, d the Post Office had been removed freakreally to wage a bitter proscriptive war
against Catholicism. We state, serdndly its Present situation, to \Vuremscills 1
as a lion koowo to hundreds of our citizens It would no doubt hare been a great
er, tkur-
"Tbe Globe refuses to recognize allege -
Cons, and then complains that we do Dot
advance them. It closes its eyes, and
then whines that it does not see.
that efforts bare been and are being made conreoience and seri soolbesg !"
to extend -the organization into \Vestern
Canada, and that to this end the support of !cfr The following letter from Moe
Mr: Brown and Mr. Gowan has been in-
voked surd obtained. \Ve state, thirdly, as A. Mr \lorrieon lately the successful
a thug which Mr. Middleton, proprieter and m.ch esteemed teacb'r of the Female
of the Quebec "Gazette" and an taformal School in this Towo was read before ber
agent of the alliac ce, can be Called to prone, tormera rho here last week. \I a ire it
that for the more effectual prosecution oftls ! P P ' g
plans, tbe Alliance will bold the Clergy an Insertion believing that it will be accep-
Reserves in abeyance, as a question subor- table as coming from one who bas done
dioale to other and sectarian purpost.s.- much toward. putting Female education
\1-e state, fourthly, as a thing which the ' in our Town upon an improved basis. -
'Globe' will not dare to deny, that the j
'Globe' bad full knowledge of Mr. Middle• Vices A. ]1lormdxi is now a 'reacher in
ton's mission,used some trouble to furtber bit t!ie Central School, Hamilton and we are
objects, and, unless wilfully deaf, as it is now bapPy to hear is soeceedine.'admirablp.-
wilfully blind --cannot be ignorant of his de- j We wish her still further success:
elaratioot upon the point at issue. We i Mr DEAR PUPILS: --1I, n n:w seven
stale, fifthly, as a thing that may be reason- 'months since 1' was separated from poo, and
ably and justifiably inferred from these facts
that the Globe, harmg,identrtied itself with I as I esteemed you as the most precious
the Alliasee-after a full opportunity of onrreae eveber ctlatmitted ei uuldrnstIiareot is not
cberuh a
learning its principles, purposes, and plans dear and pleasing remembrance of Tou.-
-has entered into a bargain by which a Anil though I bare no longer the pleasure
No Popery agitation Is to be carried on,
while the vital question of the Reserves is ofaddressingati4, ,von in person, yet 1 fondly
held m abeyauee.+> hope.that the recollection of that voice
\Ve hope that the Globe will be enabled whieh tae so frequently and familiarly round -
to discern both the letter and the spirit of ed salutary instruction in your ears, will
these statements. We make them as plain enable you to accept an expression of my
as the English language will enable w to kind regard for you, even when I can eery
do, with a eery faint hope that the Globel toured it in writing.
will show us as distinctly how they can irk I was induced to lease you tic, trust,
reconciled with its profession of political the laudable desire to better my own situ -
anon in life, and pertain extend the sphere
of my usefulness, and, so far my success
The following le an abstract from the has been at least equal to my expectation.
remarks of the Spectator on this subject : But even in elle milst of my arduous duties;
1\ a hare already expressed surprise 'amid the labours of an institution contain -
"at the rowdiness of the Globe to enter into ing tt rels•e or tecta'teen hundred pupils of a
the proposed arrangement, which if persist-
respechorit clav,and even mobile edsnor-
in by our contemporary, must result m ling with authority through splendid Balls
complete stultification of the rioci les - and epacous galleries, I often have to muse
recently through the Glebe, and i °n the happy days I spent wish you, and
1 when an action or an answer or any occur -
ie the House by Mr. Brown; but it seems rcncc in my classes reminds me of some-
tke Glebe is anxious to inaugurate anew thins which I was accustomed to see or
state of political existence, being tired of hearin our own little school at Godericb, I
the unsuccessful opposition be is now wag- I feel di lighted with the recollection.
mg against the Ministry unaided and 'rhe hand of death has lately invaded our
alone.' ' happy circle, and I learn, has taken away
We might adduce many other illustra- my beloved isabetla. It wererain to a* -
tions of tbe kind of reception which thea tempt an espresoion of my feeltnbn on hear -
views have met with, but for the present ung of thin painful dispensation -a written
we will close with a few remarks taken express in particular would convey
very faintt representation. But it was the
from tbe Examiner, which says :- will of God, and however painful the be-
reavement may be, we must submit and:en-
u,,,n17,17 deavor to improve tbe apparently severe
which (*trembly • &IMP at the orgsniaattew 1 lesson by preparing to meet death ta faithli
of • polities1 party for the define* of Pros ! and confidence when be Mall call on ear
litatantiem. But hot them benne; the of us for call be testa. I hope you are all
wheat. te ho!low. The otters% leaders i•
the movement ar• reent deur/roue men Min ! making proficiency in roar respective stu-
tb• Ctede. 11 ▪ Ina the eeentenanee of me*
Ask to expect from mice • redress s grids. e-- •
,pleasure to hear of your intellectual im-
vrho are now, mid have always beta the
tee" je the Lee," preeiess, is ss sou yeournereaseeprewst atelteao(c..ther m.e:cellence or rot
most bitter enemies of religious thirty. -
deludes. The oat; redrent with such ems teemed natiefrieedket iledlle hied ismodoeobeofdmieynt esto.
who is well qualified to
impart May- ealsalde lemmas for your He -
• flet le ankh of your success and we' rare
&pee& oe your own diligeece and good eon -
dna, I woad sey, be attire, um union.
pimentos and obedieet, sod yea will suc-
ceed. Ale Mead I ever visit lz:14
Godeviele, believe me. my Ant etre
be to visit you in year school and I trent
yen will still be able to reeognise me ae
year former afeetiesat• ember.
Heniltes. August 23,4, 1853.
is the iterabltehneent of deadliest met end
the enseteleat ef dreahliture for doses she
(Metre to froeferm.
Pettiest useerethee wheln she at the
nen liseln ere lawarsably le be mistmelet
We wilt yield le sum meet deer* te mate •
bayit so sympathy with seek time •
meet; issy more thee vell sheen(' have ertilb
Quaker se afediediet Cherameret. The,
eve motes saws. le the mew of hberal MAI
ea is se ego ems ratlike, liberty mu
cognise the away Newt! seinuity east she
deems el eeeeeteeeeee.4bey edeitedeetl the
tiechenty el see WS Se authority a/
eafrequetly tem ate tie scum of NSW
Let Sidemen ass be liasemene rpee-
&vend able apeektre ant expeeted to let
lefew Lore At:Stmt.-TM Beak of
bas ie eastammlat ism the eetahlieh-
W et tit ea Armee et Illedeach. Tim