HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-13, Page 18Page a• "'" .:APF.s,nrfivai.gtwm:zaam: EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Larry Talbot, Pastor Sunday, December 16, 1962 9:45 a.m. — Sunday School for all ages 11:00 a.m,—Morning Worship. 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Friday, December 14, 8 p.m. Sunday School Christmas Program Everybody Welcome ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASH WOOD Pastor: Rev. William Gatz 10:00 a.m.—Bible Class 11:00 a.m.—Divine Service Sermon Theme; "God's Min- isters" 2:00 p.m.—Sunday School EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASH WOOD Minister: Rev. M. J. James, LA., S.D. 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School Sunday, December 23 7:30 p.m. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM will include a Cantata Good Will To Men" ST. PETER'S CHURCH Highway 44 Sunday, December 16 Third Sunday of Advent 11;00 a.m. — Holy Mass Tuesday, December 18 8:30 p.m. — Slovak Service Pastor: Rev. J. E. Kelly EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In Bethel Reformed Church Huron St. E. Pastor: W. Stephenson 2;00 p.m.—Sunday School 3;00 pan,—Worship Service Sermon; "The Announcement to Mary" Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Nursery for young children, CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister: A, J. Stienstra, B.A., S.D. 10:00 a.m.—Worship in English 2:15 P.171 .—WOFShip in Dutch 6:15 p.m.—Back to God Flour (680 Ke.) THAmet, ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH mikes .donations. At the meeting of Wean WI held in the Community Memo. riat Centre Thursday afternoon five dollars was voted to the Canadian Cystic Fibrosia Vona dation, four dollars to the Ade- laide Hoodless Homestead Fund, one dollars to Pennies for Friendship .and one dollar to the. Northern Canada institute District fund, Mrs,. Percy Charsley, Mrs. ira H, ,George and Airs. Cecil Robb were named a committee to plan an "opportunity sale" as A. money malting project, The motto, "The friendship road must be often used, or it will fall into disuse", was dis- cussed by Airs. 1Villia.in Brown. lee, who is also eheirman of the Women's Service of the Cancer. Society. As the latter, Mrs. Brownlee told of two can- cer cases, one in Lucan and one in Ciandeboye, and what was being done to assist bOth. patients, also a report on the making of bandages. Mrs, Sheridan Revington, the Good Music by "THE RAMBLERS" Everyone Welcome Christmas Contata "THE CHORUS IN THE SKY" Presented by a Choir of Girls from Exeter, Huron Park and Zurich. CAVEN CHURCH Sun., Dec. 16 8:00 p.m. Mrs. L. Kleinstiver, Accompanist Directed by Ron Heimrich ' ..,• etoeeneestottieetstoei•eedate 44, School Orchestra Singing! • Carol of the Drum • Hey, Look Me Over • May You Always Dancing! e Oslo Waltz • Harmonica • Hot Pretzels Drama! Majorettes Thursday, Dec. 20 Intermediate Certificates Secondary School Graduation Diplomas Board of Education Awards • "Feudin' Mountain Boys" Friday, Dec. 21 . Honor Graduation Diplomas Commercial Diplomas Lions Club Awards Student Council Awards etc. Program Starts 8:00 p.m. ADULTS 50e CHILDREN 25e Reserve Tickets Can Be Purchased From Students Social Hour For Former Graduates After Friday Program in Cafeteria Spo Township Hall-Crediton ADMISSION 50 FOR 15 ROUNDS OF CHICKENS 10 SPECIAL ROUNDS FOR TURKEYS TURKEY DOOR PRIZE sored by Crediton Community Parks Board V; EXETER LEGION in Fowl Bingo Wed., December 19 Exeter Legion Hall Monster Fowl BINGO Friday, December 21 9:00 p.m, Starting at 0:00 pm 15 ROUNDS OF CHICKEN Admission 50¢ 10 ROUNDS OF TURKEY Cards 10¢ Each 2 for 250 TURKEY DOOR PRIZE Plan your next MEETING OR PARTY IN THE Sherwood Room AT THE Green Forest Motel MIGHWAY 21 PHONE 14 GRAND BEND but' beautiful surroundings cost you no more and .r .:;Services are moderately priced. E'''SPF,CIALIZE IN WEDDINGS en doritintiously 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m Daily president. gave two Christmas readings and two .Christmas carols were sung. Roll. call was answered: by presenting a gift for ''The tattle Red Door" and by relating "My Funniest Experience" (held over from the Nov-01)5er meet- Mg. Mrs, Cordon Bolting and Mrs. N. W. Wasnidge volun- teered to listen to Farm Forum broadcast November 4 and to bring A. report to the FebruraY meeting, Following the meeting, dona- tions brought in by the mem- bers, were sold as a money- making :project to help meet the. 'cost of replacing arena trees, destroyed by the mice last winter. The sale netted. $16,45, A draw On a bottle of syrup, donated by Mrs. Harold Corbett, was won by Mrs, G. B, Nicholson. Following refreshments, Pro- vided by Mrs. Ira carting, con- vener, and her assistants, Aire. J, R, Murray, Mrs, Guy Ity.an and Mrs, Harold Hodgins, Air, Tom Beet' of the Public School staff sang a solo accompanied by Mrs H. B. Langford, DANCE Crediton COMMUNITY HALL Critical of marketing: The. forum stet al the home fur his produce, Tiles commended the work of of Air. ant' Alt's. Wollington the bean liarketine board but Heist in town and. will hold A rsltrehog asnsedd.oille isis.alisfaction over -Christmas meeting at the homeI boards. arkei lit tng of, Mr. and Mrs. ..George burn rleNt, week, Forum members gave a crib. eel look at marketing methods Monday night and decided they were not satisfied with the pies. cut method of marketing their products although information was not lacking. Opinions were divided on ways to. obtain a fair price for their products, Some thought marketing hoards were un- necessary and each farmer should take what he can get Personal items Mrs. Dan Lewis of Ailsa Craig has returned home after spend- ing a days with her sister, Mrs. Gordon Banting, and Mr, BA tiling. COMING EVENTS. • • IOOF—All members of Exeter Lodge No, 67, 100F, arc cord. ially invited to attend the Christmas party in the Exeter lodge rooms on December 18, 1962. Allan Fletcher, Noble Grand; Percy Meralls, Ree, See'y. 13c BAKE SALE and Tea, Satur- day, December 15, 3 p.m,, for- mer Interior Shop, Main St., Exeter. Sponsored by Exeter Chapter OES. 13c This aturday ght! Your favorite entertainers of Radio, Stage and Television THE ALL-STAR 1GHT HAWKS CLARE CE PETRIE Exeter Legion Hall South Huron District High School Presents Its Annual Variety Program and Commencement Exercises I Ti ew evue Mr, Dave Ashworth, to assist the church funds, is again sell- ing Christmas trees this year at his home on Alice St. Dedication The beautiful stain glass win- dow installed by the family of the late Mrs. D, A, Ashworth will be dedicated on Sunday, Dec, 23, Her son-in-law, Rev. E, C. Attwell, now of Ottawa, will take the service, UNITED CHURCH Mr, Cliff Culbert, SS superin- tendent, was in charge of the White Gift service at 11 a.m. on Sunday. He was assisted by David Stanley and Eleanor Walker who read the lessons and by Sandra McLellan, Bert Walk- er, Lois Hodgins and David Carpenter who carried the bas- kets of gifts up to the altar, The junior choir sang, The pas- tor told the story. The gifts were shipped to the Saugeen Reserve on Monday, Bible Study A number of members of the church attended the 7 p.m. Bible study period when the pastor, the Rev. G. W, Sach, discussed "The Word and the Way". This was followed by a meeting of the Young People who practised for the annual CGIT vesper service to be held next Sunday at 7.30 p.m. Couples Club Speaking on "The Making of Wills" Mr. Fraser L. Thomp- son of London was the guest speaker at the Couples Club meeting held in the church school room November 23. Mr. Stuart McLelland's and Mr. Harold Butler's group were in charge of the meeting and assisted the pastor, the Rev, G. W. Sach (who took "The Word and the Way") with the worship service. Durity, the business session the club agreed to be in charge of purchasing and decorating a Christmas tree for the church, Airs, Don Pettigrew present- ed a slate of officers which will be reported following the in- stallation at the meeting Dec. 27. Laymen's banquet Rev, and Mrs. G. IV. Sach and Air, and Mrs. Wilbert Stan- ley were among those who at- tended the laymen's banquet held in the Richards Memorial Church, London, where the guest speaker was the Rev. W. Tonge, recently returned from Hong Kong. Airs. J. IV. Lockyer and Mrs. J, 0. Andersen's unit 3 of the LICW presented the film "Land of the Morning Calm" (a Kor- ean picture) in the church schoolroom, PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS WA At the WA meeting held last Wednesday at the home of the president Mrs. Howard Currie, Mrs. Maine Eizenga, taking as her theme ''Labourers in the Vineyard", was the speaker. During the workshop period, two parcels were packed to be sent to Alaska and Africa, Y P Members of the YP were given slips of paper on enter. ing the meeting triday, assign- ing what each one was to do. Mr. Ed. Butler's read "Speak on. David", Airs. Curries' ''Speak on John 3-16 and Margaret Eizenga's "Sing a We, The president, Paul Graham, conducted a Bible question pe- riod on the book of St. Luse. It was decided to continue the sword drill for a few weeks longer. Sunday service At the .morning service the Rev. E. A. Gagnon spoke on the text "Let us lay aside every weight and the sin which cloth so easily beset us", The junior choir sang. Holy Communion was administered at this serv- ice, At the evening service Mr. Gagnon's topic was "Giving and Possessing". The senior choir sang two Christmas num- bers, Euchre & Dance HENSALL ARENA Friday, Dec. 14 8:30 km. Orchestra: "THE COLLEGIANS" Draw for CHRISTMAS CAKES Sponsored by Kippen East Women's Institute LYRIC THEATR PHONE 235.2911 EXETER 2 Shows Nightly Starting 7:30 p,m. Saturday Matinee 2:00 p.m. COMING SOON! * 'OERONIMO" * STOOGES IN ORBIT" VIOLENT Pt(5131.0 EJaititig. Western. lag,tr.• ... ;. . .. . ' •.;.••••-.. • • • FREE. MATINEE SATURDAY FOR CHILDREN" • XV •p THURS., FRI., SAT.F 13,D ,4,C.15 MON. TUES., WED. 18 , 1 , DEC, SWINGING! LOVING] SINGING 6 BIG SONG HITSI The MIRISCH C0114,1Y, ELVIS prieSiey asKiD °Naha Al,, so Me RCA Woe, CP Record gµ...v.rmyt 200 MENtitd- ONE -GIRL TRAPPED in a RING of STEEL! \j1 UNCONQUERABLE BARBARIANS OF THE SEA it The Thre;,•AcIvOcate, .C2econikter 11. 1901 • • - r • • • • • • ' • 4, • - • • ....;•:".'!"•I'''"•1111001:73-nr.-77:1" .an, istrict news *::72:1Le;,•••••4;i:;.: '' . ,, ... X.ersonal items. Mr. Erwin Seott is a patient St. Joseph's Hospital but is Improving, • Miss Barbara. Cowburn of St. Joseph's Hospital was a week- end guest of Mr, and Mrs. Joe D*Ned, • Mr, Allan Scott of Lucan and. Ir, A. C, Magoffin now of Woodstock, attended the feed convention held at the seaway Hotel, Toronto, last Wednesday And Thursday. Mrs. G. E. Nicholson has re- turned home after spending a few days with her brother, Mr, Cecil Green and family of De- Mrs. A. Al. liedden, who was a. patient in Smith Huron Hos. pital for six weeks, is able to he home. 'Delores and Douglas Murray, children of Air. and Mrs, Jack Murray of London, spent the weekend with their grandmoth- Mrs. R. J. Murray, while their parents were in Toronto. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Abbott included Mr. and Mrs, H. A, Mullins and family of London, Mrs, Henry Hod- gins, Miss Sophia Richards and Mrs. W. J. A/10'as of Lucan last Sunday and Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Tindall and Melody and A,lr. and Mrs. Bill Ebel of Lis- towel on Sunday. fMr. and Mrs. Cecil Armitage and Sheila were Sunday guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Ross Schram Arkona, JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH key. S. E. Lewis, M.A., B,D. Minister Mt. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. -Prganist and Choirmaster 10 , A.M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL .,11 Departments 11:-A.M.—MORNING SERVICE ADVENT THEMES Mien the Son of Man cometh wilt he find faith on the earth?" Anthem by the Choir. Nursery for babies and Jr. Congregation for children 4, and 6 years. 7 :t'.III.—VESPER. SERVICE The CGIT invite you to this ipvely Christmas Vesper Ser- vice which they provide each year. The girls and their leaders will conduct each part of the service. All Are Welcome BAYFIELD : BAPTIST CHURCH PaSior: T. Leslie Hobbins, B.A. Sunday, December 16 10:00 a.m.—Bible Study 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon: "God With Us" 7:311 p.m.—Evangelistic Service "-Ordinance of Believers Bap. tism" Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting "Revival Notes" "Welcome to Worship" BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East R. Van Farowe, Minister MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev, R. S. Hiltz, B.A., M.Th Organist: F. Wiltlfong, A.L.C.M. 111:00. a.m.—Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.—White Gift Service S t;'r m o "Two Wonderful "Babiet" —St. Luke 1;57 -2:1' (Envelopes for Overseas Re- lief: And child to be sponsor. ed.1 Nursery provided. "Come and. Worship 'with us." Church activities ANGLICAN WA At the meeting of the Wom. an's Auxiliary held at the home of Mrs. Frank Hardy last Wed- nesday afternoon past president, Mrs, T. C. McFarlane, presid- ed for the election of officers. Honorary president. is Mrs. E. 0. Lancaster; president, Mrs. Erwin Scott; vice-presi- dents, Airs, Frank Hardy, Mrs. P. 0.. King; secretary, Airs, Win..Brownlee; treasurer, Airs. Jack AlerdY; Little Helpers' secretary, Mrs. Jack Murdy; Living Message, Mrs. Harold Coursey; D or c a s secretary, Airs. H, S. Stanley and Mrs. T. A, Hodgins; educational sec- retary, Mrs. Harold Hodgins; social service, Mrs, Harold Corbett; life membership, Airs. Bob Coleman; delegates to the annual meeting, Airs. Harold Hodgins and Airs, Wes Atkin- son. After the election Of officers the eclucationdl secretary, Airs. Harold Hodgins read the touch- ing story "Why the Chimes Rang". Airs, H. D. Ankers and Miss Line Abbott were the lunch committee to assist the hostess, The January meeting will be held January 9 at the rectory. Evening Auxiliary At the Evening Auxiliary . . ..0.CfMZ•laNa. ... ;JZ.1 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main at Hill St., Exeter Minister: Rev, John C. Boyne, B.A., S.D. Organist: Mrs. Murray Keys Sunday, December 16 WHITE GIFT SUNDAY 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Church Service You are invited to worship with us. WMS Annual Meeting, Thurs- day, 'December 13, 8 p.m, Young People's Night, Satur- day, December 15, 8 to 11, in the ,church basement. Pot tuck Supper for the Young People Monday, Decem- ber-17, at 8 p.m., in the church basement. CG1T Candlelighting Service in the Cromarty Church. Sun- da y„, December 16, at 8:30 p.m. Cifristmas Sunday Carol Ser- vice in our church, December 23. at 8 p.m. 10;30 a.ni.—Merning Service (Dutch) 11:45 a.m.—Sunday School and Catechism 8:00 P.m.—Evening Service (English) ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren '4R .E.DITON :A, M., Schlenker, Paster Sunday, December 16 10:00 A,Iti....Morning Worship 11415 a,tri,,.4unday &hoot .806 p.tii.—Bible Study ADMISSION 75¢ Everyone Welcome LUCAN JUNIOR HOCKEY Christmas Dance Friday, Dec. 21 Dancing 9-1 MUSIC BY CANADIAN PLAYBOYS' ORCHESTRA (The band with the different sound) DOOR PRIZE — SPOT PRIZE $1.00 Per Person Presentatkin & Dance Russeldale Hall Fri., Dec. 14 FOR MR. AND MRS. KENNETH CLARKE meeting at the home of Mrs. Rowe Hodgins the officers for 1963 were elected. Honorary President is Mrs. E. 0, Lancaster; president, Mrs. Don Ankers; .dent, Mrs. Dwight Henderson; secretary, Mrs.. Calvin Haskett; treasurer, Mrs. Nay Egad; Dorcas. secretary, Mrs, Mert Culbert; prayer partner, Mrs, Pat. Crudge, The sum of $10 was voted to the new prayer partner and $35 to missions, Mrs. Norman Hardy read a Christmas story. It was decided to answer the January roll call with a gift of children's clothes or a toy, .Hostesses were Mrs. Jack Steacy, Mrs. Pat Crudge and Mrs, J. W. Smith, Selling trees S. M. Saucier, Pastor THE ANGLICAN CIPtURCH OF CANADA 10:30 a'nL—Worship Service 11:115 a.m.—Sunday School and TriVitt Meniorial, Exeter Adult Bible Class Key( eiren de vries, Rector All Are Welcome Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, December 16, 1982 Third Sunday in Advent 8:0 'A.M.—Quiet, Communion 10;00' a.m. — Senior Sunday School 11:001;a.m.—Morning Prayer Junior Sunday Scheel 5;00 p.th.—gvelisollg 7:00 ji,m, Annual Christhas .Sunday Seitool Party Fri., Dec. 14 Music by "THE SWING. SLICKERS"