HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-09-01, Page 1111 BOION SIGNAL
la Primal t Paiihaboof may Dis rmd.y
gib.., Jule Dfasti e, G.dm.D.h.
Reek W Job Priebe, scented wit!
..atter..e mid diapStch.
T. elks llhl..w eigw.t -TDf
SHILLINGS per semi d laid .trier) lo
salvos., or Twelve a.d (fax Paves rasp
the eepie ti.. of the year.
No Pape isthmus reed Datil anoati tire
pad err, eases the pa1iaber Webs it 1i
adv...., t. de ...
Asy .Bvid..l is the eerastry lioesimiess
respeseiM . 1.t eta subscriber% libel re-
. seise a .eveatb copy
AB knee to the Flaw
must be pest -paid, or they wi not w hikes
out of the pest Aloe.
Term, 9f I6wrawwg.-8is bees sed
kad.,,fest i..arts., LO 2 6
Each ..k.gae.t ia.ertioa, 0 0 74
Tee lases sad osier, Leat Meer., 0 3 4
Each IDb.gseet imertios, 0 0 10
Over tea hese, lost .s. per lose, 0 0 4
Each esbaq.get Moieties, 0 0 1
er A liberal diseesst made to throe who
advertise by the year.
Advertw.eab without wntten kelewe-
tioss will be inserted .std forbid, mid
c Mrged weetravill , lad to .dvertmeaest
di.ceatia.d mead for at the time of with-
dnw0l, asks by the cosmat of the Wi-
rth er.
CA N Ited et all 1..,,, .t
Ike rr.idesee primerie
R.iert At ederwe rad 8YM
& ,.
ket Sonars, Oedrrick.
Go4.ricb, Ap'iI 29th, 11151. vi
strew, Ood.rkh.
June 1848. 21425
CABINET MAKER. Three doors Rest •
this Cauda Company's office, West -
street, Goderieh.
August 27th, 1849. 2ve30
ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Caveman -
eel., Solicitor is Clammy, kc. lou his
office as forrnarly is Stratford
Stratford, Zed Jas. 1150. 2ve49
A°g. 25th, 1851 •5A1
NOTARY PUBLIC, Committers*, Q.B.,
and Coeveyescer, Stratford.
Barrister sed Atomics it Law, 4-c,.
Gonwarc■ C. W.
JOHN BTRACHAN Barrister sad Attor-
ney at Law, Notary Public and Coovey-
Attoresy at Law. 8•I citor ,n Chan.
eery, Conveyancer.
Ooderieb, 17th Nemesia*. 1241.
Office 27, Dwrdas Street,
August 16th, 1882. •5020
orP1cE le the Post Office Beddow,
June 7th, 1 ase. .4o l9
[Market-sgvare, Gederich,I
AGENT for tbe Primeval Mutual tad
Geserel Issurene. ()See, Toronto,-,
Also Agent for the 8t. Lawrence County
Mutual, Ogdensburg, New York. Local
Agent foiSamwl Modl.ee's Old Rochester
Nursery. July 1850. 11
s West of W. E. Green's Stere, West
Street Goderteb.
Feb. 19,1852.
Agent for Ontario Marine 4. Fre Da-
latrams Co.
INSURANCE 'Meted oe Howes, Ship -
pin` sed (bode.
All kinds of Deeds cerrestly draws, sad
Boob and Aeeeeste maraud.
ORA* over the Treasury, Goderich:
July 22, 1852. 0.20
I' ORWARDER and Ce..iesion M.r-
eheat. Storebouoo Keeper, Embers!
Agent, for the sale of Wild Lends Cleared
Farms, Hoembold Furniture and Produce
of every ds.eriptioa.
Office, seri doer, North of the Kiecar-
dim. Aerate. Gd.rtebr
March 14th 1618. ve-.e
Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co.,
CAPITAL $1,000,000.
Et IRA HOPKINS, lia.iltea, Argg.oDt far
ib. Gumtree of Waterloo sad limos.
August 27, 1830. 8415
BARRiBTER. Solicitor is Clesersty,
Attnreey-st-Law, C.aveyesesr, ke.
h.. Ogee s Ostark Bendier, Kist -Mt.
opposite the Gere Desk. aid the Beak .r
British North A.eriea. poops)... 4 10
OIVIL ENGINEER .sal Pneisetal Lead
Bereey.r, Gedenek.
April 110, 1881. 54.11
THE abe«ib.r will beep resagessely se
hued et the GODERICH FANNiNU
the, Stsest. ns Mort.. seer , s
djeiD1ar Yr. Ssew Led
egN4lers iT'b.... , a
Ste* .f s leiseetel. s,r.lMNtD eel u.y
.garter artistes of the above
NM be NAL see ghee he seals=
1151. Peden. et ee append meals. 0.
hobo them patties le awns et a vote
Estase base, thea Ns leese
m t&0 klpi•aae war awe the
atall 1�"
UNA lift 1111116, elif/y1
I■ air AA CI. S
tt LT TY Da. ea Till Viet.
Hurrah for Goderich ! !
HAVE o• bad as imamate. Stock of the
vary beat Descriptio. of BOOTS end
SHOES, oe sale at the New Brick build
leg, adjoining Mr: Hare, Watel maker,
which will be Gold at the Lwreat Prices fir
Cads or approved trade; mill mod see.
(1 The highest price paid 4 Cash for
Hides and Sbeep.ktee, tie. A g I
Stock of Salop stems ea band.
Goderieb, June 11, 1853. v6420-17
Improved Farm for Sale.
BEING Lot No. 12, 2nd Concession,
Towers/1p of • Tuckeremith. Huron
Road, the property of John P. Smith, Evq.,
Costainiag 100 acre., adjoining the Budd-
ing Lot• is the rising .ad flourishing vil-
lage of Egmo.dville, the land is of first
rote quabty, beautifully situated • on the
banks of the Bayfield river, and well adapt-
ed to agricultural purpose.. For further
particulars apply on the premises (1f by let
ler pre paid) to the sobecribar.
YeKi!'op Poet Office,
Teeken•mitb, Jure 18th, 1153. •ot0-2m
(Our deer East of C. Crabb's Stirs.)
WOULD inform the inhabitants of Gods
rich end neighborhood that be is pre•
pared to make to order or otherwise, any
hied of Ladle's and Gentlemen's Fie or
Posey work, in the admit sod meet
fubio.able style. And will also forsieh
heavy Boots and Shoes, to Boit the ie
comities of those that may favor bias witb
their mature. Hid pricma will be moderate.
Godericb, July 291b, 1852. .5n29
AUCTIONEER, Accountant and Gene-
ral Agent. Books and accounts ad
lusted, and .Il kinds of Deeds drawn. -
Sates attended to any part of the country.
Letters addressed to Mitchell or Harpers
bey, will be attended to.
April 5th, 1851. vSn10-1y
THE Subscriber returns hie thanks
to the people of Godericb, sed
the surroundteg country for the libe-
ral patronage be baa received while in Abe
eh,* busing in Goderich, for (outlaw
; be takes this opportunity of inform-
kg Ida old customer', and the public at
large, that he lou commenced again i, his
*Id stand; from hie strict attention to be -
noose, be hopes to merit a continuation of
their patronage.
A Targe smartened of Ladies and Gee-
tlewa'm Boots and Shoes eonstaetly 00
bed -sold unusually low for cash.
Godericb, July 27tb, 1855, et5
N. B. Five Journeymen will Bed coeetaot
a.ploymert, ooa boots -man, two atogey-
we., and two women, mea ; men of tem-
perate habits preferred. A contract for
crimping sod making 500 pair of course
Boots will be gine to a Rood workman.
Atrcrtosexa, is prepared to attend Baled in
say part of the United Counties, on the
moot liberal term.. Apply at the First
Division Court office, or at his house, East
Street, Godericb.
N. B. -Goods and other property will be
received to sell either by private or public
e ase.
Jimmy 8, 1852. ;v4o47.
GROCERS, Wine Mercbute, Fruiterers
and Oilmen, No. 17 Dundee Street,
Londe., C. W.
Febroery 25th 1852. v6.45
HAVING during the past twoears act.
ed is the capacity of GENERAL.
AGENT for the collection of debts, desires
it to be generally uideretoon that b, will
accept the Agency for tbe collection e1
d... ie say pert of the Upper Province, be --
twee, C.barg is the Fast and Lake throe
is the West. io making this uese see -
meet, he would beg to express bio thate
to hie friends for past favours, and now re-
spectfully aliens a 'monomial, of the
All communications on bursae, saran
ed (post paid) to Ayr P. 0., North Dem.
hie., C. W., will he promptly anointed to.
April 1, 1852. .8.10
• THE 8ebesnber r.apethlly us
sesame, to the inkabia•' of
G•deriek seal ear►wdtag,•owtry,
that he W perebeeed Or Steck 1p Trades
of Mr. E. Ther.Wl.ia t\Ab4,, beer
tale, ad :nosed tbe Store lately ss..pted
by H• Bans, Taker, nett d... to Dr.
McD,.gelre sew Brie! b.ld.g, Market
8gaf,, G•dariek, where he isles& to w-
ry 0. the ROOT AND SHOE linsitaw te
all to ►mach... He ie mowed to ewe%
all wawa for *eery variety of Werk, ee
the meat r5.-. teems, sad by striae
atWti.s to besieges hopes te magi' •
,are et public petrs.sgs.
Tlbtsetse searbet Pte, paid fir Ekes
IL 111i.L.
Gdwleb, Ray 110, tau. .1.17
R�.. AND Q�dg,, sat ...Z
te th. Vf4.S eb• MeNdi Asst f1Ntw.,
Gelerieb,hem emieheis* se ehorml
meek of sad•Ise St'
he.. oho* h trgJ eon et seesalessity re -
heed prises.
TM htrkew prim le trd. w, eV
e=Im+ellee .1 rape. Allied' et
I- pelefetfl2Ma Prue We b..nknlg. a
Mgll.ld. Peh. 1/► ISIS. sg to
IT areae aa501.s.
Ye when light degoro warder through
the sones,
8eek'sg high area for doer saelodiee.
Aad finding Bose; oh, kayo tie wowed
Ad tarn ye to the trme'th.t ha.t\ sow.
Will ye be locking is the lalle. scores
For the green beauty of the parted .printf
Or will ye seek is lest years abed neat
The .p.ckled eggs it cradled,- Be ye
Gather from .11 the golden goer ceps
That blossom eves eat the winatr tide
Cometh to thee tad them, .ad .hall it
Thy wnebi.e digeted, sad 15y ee.mer
And for the aher.bsss so bogey b town
Time hat► three deog\ters: ono with droop
Mg head
Sus t• the @bestow she herself dab cast,
Vi, •4148 • wisdtag .beat; .tad Ass bath
Of marriage -raise lied wedding annuls,'
Where's ba hart's ea.e,.aw t\e be.ldck
bud; `
Aid one the last. doth with averted fdcs
And song that sheath not oat( is we'd.
Spit the seal! wrapper .d the toy basil
To swertbe the yet uabrsatbi.g:-of the
One r not for Ila., esu Moe rat not,
And ons is all nose own -..a wdlteg bride
Cleave to her bks • lora; she will tell
Things Ib.t.1.11 .,.k rote thy soul, sod
Out of t1 bur -striae hke a voice that
Aid holds the hearer with its solemn
Uncle Bill Griffis, or Uocle 8.II, as be
was commonly called, with a, irreverent
disregard of bre patronymic, did not retire
from the ship chandlery busses' till be wu
worth something more them a plow. Not
beteg blessed with a sou to continue 618
n oose and iebent fir tortoise be iavuhed all
his care and tooderame upon bra daughter.
Sweet Molly Grime, thou wort se °alike
thy papa as • canary bird is unlike a bull
dog. His face was u hard u a Daub nut-
cracker -thine es soft an a roes leaf. Hs
was tbs veriest miter to all creation -thou
d,dmt speed tby pocket money as the prince
of Wales. Ie, hes bousebolJ management
U.cls Bill w.. a consummate skin Suet;
tradiuoe says tat be used '.o soak the
backlogs is the cistern, ..d water the
lamp oil. and he was aided and shitted in
all his mineral, eche.a by a v Teeter
Laced boom keeper, who was t6 •worn
enemy of all good cheer, sed stinted from
a pure love of neediest. Yet pretty Mary
bad no right to complain of her father's
pecurioueoees, as far as else was concerned.
He sant ber to the best schools, and gavo
ber a carte blanche on the most ezpsonve
milliners, and when she walked Washers
toe street on • sunny day then, was not •
more geily dr,.e.d damsel from Cormbill to
Essex street.
OI eoures,.vertl .lee young mem is nr-
D ished leather and white kids, fell over
beaded ears ie love with ber, and tbere
was • larger number outside of the meeting
she attended o■ soaday, that darkened
the door or tey other metropclitar
Yet cold was the maid, aid tbo' legions
All drilled in O•id,a, art,
Tho' they liege's/red and ogled, protested
and defence.
Like shadow, they case, anal like shadows
tae glaseed.
From the pure polished les of her heart.
• Besides, Umel. Bill was • formidable
guardian to his attractive daughter. Did
he mot fire • charge of rock malt into Oa
isexpreeauMee of To. Bahian .6@n be
came ieresdieg witb • .reeked geitart-
Dida'i be threshes to Melt Towel for rev
i.g a raked.e et hie doer. Won't he
capable of enbeard.-ef stew idea. The
sorters of pretty Mary were all frightened
off tie course by her sgre of • father, ex •
oept • steady Tong fellow wire rejoiced is
the same of Scup... Garbe, toad who was
e ddietd te bock-ksepfeg in • wholesale
gr.eery more to Comtesrehl street. Th.
old gest teems malty hkN Bittles, be wee
es 'maid, es r«, ted es feu er iahrm•-
ties. He wse a regular woe retreat, and
so Ma em sheage wee better aeeser41.4
with the pries of sticks. Why Mety lobed
hies its more ditl4.lt to suymtere,
he wee very dodgiest la the small talk that
ladies an se fed .4, wee entad to men -
etches, distilled the epees, thought the bal.
Int h.meral, and considered wahines' Nash -
este . Ponape Me god looks eomposeatd
fee ether dneo.neaa, or whops the her
ewe of Oleg lea gate et ,tion. b1...d-
sees, Mined bar to emionnesse the *My
yang sea Coale MI wee env Icemen to
Or monies Bitilea screwed .p bee enr-
essrage to the tack d shreweS the old oh
se the .greet sewed to lain bath
" W. O,fkb," .id ha," Pee fid sew -
dig g fin ler • Issg," mid be trade up s
horrible fees„ and Dieted hes head memo -
whet err his boort.
o Dp,p/gh } said the ad .n..
*per w Papel the yews.
•' I'm is love with ber," said the uohap-
" 13eiebeg" said Mack Bill.
' Fact, rejoined Bittles.
Wbt'e your Income 1'
' Eight hundred; answered tbe appli-
' 1t won't do, my boy," said Griffin,
sbakmg hts grim locks. ' No man on a sa-
lary shall marry mey daughter. Wby, ale's
the ios.t girt is Boston, and it takes ea
petal to marry a 6ue girl. Wbeo you have
thirty thoueaad dollen to begin with, ycu
may come ties end talk with me.'
Bittles disappeared. Six months after
that, Mess Mary Grim received a letter,
with as e.donement of Uncle Sam, ac-
koowtedging the receipt of forty cents.
It res thus :
San Francisco, California, 185".1
Dearest Mary,-
Esclo.ed you will fiod a specimen of
California gold, which please hand to your
father, and oblige. Have to advise you of
ay return to Boston. Please tell your
tither that 1 hate made fifty thousand dol-
lars at the mines, and shall, wind and wea-
ther permitting, soon call upoo him to talk
over that matter, and arrange terms of
Yours to command,
Mary, as in duty bound, handed the
epistle to ber father, who was overjoyed.
Some weeks elapsed, and the return of
the steamer to New York was telegraphed.
Grin was on the qui rice 00 purpose to
see his future son-in-law.
On the day of his expected arrival, !he
met a Californian who had returned home
in the ship.
' Where's Bittles 1' be enquired.
Oh, you will see him before a great
while, replied the Californian.
Iles be been lucky 1'
' Yes; fifty thousand dollars at the low-
est calculation. Bot be's going to try a
game over you. He means to tell you that
he's been robbed of all Lis gold on the wav
home, to see if you have any generosity of
disinterestedness: to see whether you would
give your daughter to him, gold or no' gold.'
' Sly boy !' chuckled old Griffin. ' I'm
much obliged to you for the hint. I'll act
accordingly. Good morning.'
Now it happened that the Californian
was a good friend of Bittles, and that the
story of Bittle's misfortunes was absolutely
true, he having been robbed of every ounce
of his beard earned gold dust on %us way
home. So it may be supposed he called
on Griffin with a very lugubrious and wo-
begone air.
My dear boy,' said Uncle Bill, • I am
delighted to see you, and pleased to hear
of your luck. I welcome you as my son-
in-law. But what the deuce is the mat-
ter with you 1'
'Alas, Sir,' said Bittles, ' I made
$50,000 at the mines.'
Very hard luck !' interrupted the old
gentleman, chuckling.
' But oo my way home I was robbed of
every ounce, and now bow can I claim
your daughter's hand 1'
' Sampson Bittles,' said Uncle Bill, veer
cunningly,' if you haven't $50,000 you de-
serve to hare it; you've woe ked bard
enough to get it. You shall have toy
daughter,•and the marriage shall be cele-
brated to -morrow night. to aoticipatioo
of your returo, 1 have had you pubfebed.
And while you are talking to Mary, I'll
draw you a check for $50,000, so that
you may go Into partnership with suffieieot
But, sir, I am a beggar.'
' So much the better; you'll work the
harder to increase your fortune.'
' My dear sir, how can I thank you 1'
' By making my girl a good husband. -
There --go-go and tell Mary 111. oewa.'
Bittles did tell her the news, and they
were married. Ile went into business o0
the $50,000 ftrsiabed by his fatber-in-law,
a0d wee so extraordinarily prosperous, that
U.e1s Bill was more coovinced thea ever
that the story was a regular MOscNesee.
Ore. or twice be tried to repeat it, bet
14 old getlkmao always eat it short with
' I know all about it Had it pet in the
papers, tno, eh? 06, it was • terrible af-
Gfair! Lost WI! Paw tellow. Well, I
made it up to you, ted now I woe's hear
another word .bout it.' r
Wbea Cede Bill departed tee fife, les
icons..e property was foetid to be equally
divided betty..s his daughter •.d .oe-ie-
law ; to testator bequeathed to the latter
his bare to e..npe.sate him for la lose
he enstei4.d es h: retire for California.
The old inner bad tad is the fell belie)
tat Medea laver lest the Boil deet.
Hee Cm seness.-sAs.as,too bar., who
had Ire toad a, 'hteb.l .p' ageism the
rod. of a \a.ee whW When easily pent -
ed. Rhe MM.mlf akar by • memos
.wet, be eelbglImpies at W efteetdm.
.aeehme et the hese, a hind at hM and.
MOW qsd e.datW, 'A.Il, fav ase a heed
wienat W+. row OM lav aid T. a Mae reyar uviol to a team ameieg r het
iset all mem
r, dareeily. Iset a pee* to rise egiaest ft t
lwanang$dly oar a fence • few days
Mae, we noticed a little fair year-old 'lord,
of tbenreation' massing huu.el( 1m the grad•
by watching thefrolica.ma light of birds
wl.tcb were playlet around him. At magi 11
a beautiful bebehnk perched himself upas a
.drooping bough of an applause, which
extended to w.this a Is. yards of the place
where the umbra eat, .01 m'iotained Lis
poeitioo,appareetly uaeoescieua of the clues
proximity to as whom birds usually cue.
aider a daoproue neighbor.
The boy seamed aalueishal a1 hie impu-
dence, sod after regtrd..g him steadily for
a smuts or two, ob its( the toatioct n'
his baser part, he peke! up a atone lying
at bis feet, and was preparing to throw it,
dtgfdving himself carefully for a goal aim.
TIM little MU] was reac'isd backward w.ih
outaltrmtag the bird, sed Bab was w.thio
au ace of damage, whim lot his throat
,welled, and forth came Nature's plea. -
"A link -a link -• link, bob o huh, bob o
link! a no west, a no west! 1 know it -I
know it! a link -a link -1 link! da.'t
threw it !-throw it, throe," it:- k s.,ao 1
se drd't. Slowly the little arm subsided
to its natural positron, •0 1 the deaotseJ
atoll. dropped. The minstrel charmed the
murderer! We heard the enlister tbroui
out, and watched his nahararJ Light, as
did the boy, with a sorroerful couoteoance.
Aoxious to bear a 0,premtos of the li 11e
fellow's feeling, we approached him, and in-
"Wby didn't you atone ht.a, my boy?
you might hays killed him and carried bin
Imo ne)
Tae poor little fellow 1o.ke l uo douSting.
u though he suspectel our meaning, ■ol
with an impression hill s)roa. be repli-
"Couldn't cam he sing so!
\Vho will may that oar na•ure is wholly
depraved, aver tact -.r lifer that m laic
hath no charms to soothe the savage breast.
Me.ody awakened humanity, and Human-
ity -Milroy! Ti. angels who sang at the
creation whispered to the child's heart. -
The bird wu saved, aril Gil was glorified
by the deed. Duan turtle buys, don't stone
the birds.
1Voat I Saw' beard, and thought at
Chobham.-( By one s14e had serially been
LArre.)-1 saw the light Cavalry sq heavily
accountered, that it seemed a perfect farce
ever to have ordered them on active service.
1 saw the infancy dressed tosoch tortbring•
ly tight coats, that it1 appeared • bitter
mockery to bid them "stand at ease;' and
i thought that what made them smart cm
parade, must maks them anything but
smart on actual esrvice. i yaw tae troops
generally learning to stood water as well
as to stand fire: and I thought a drenching
shower rather seemed to damp their military
i thought that most of the regiments, io
attackiog a sham enemy, would be .'tack
el by a real one in the shape of rheumatism;
while many • brave fellow who never own-
ed. defeat, wou!d return to his quarters
completely weather-beaten. 1 heard young
Ensign Drawhegto■ complain that it was
a "borwid aw fa e, who's-aw-food of
Opera .ad Claa-and aw-that earthing,
to bo fawceJ to leave town for this fcroai
camp Osiers:" and i tbo ig11 this gallant
officer would feel coosidenbly mere •t
borne in the Theatre of St. Jaws, tae in
be theatre of war. 1 saw • force of Dearly
two dozen policeman, sent to keep io order
D early by ten thousand ase.; and 1 thought
that the "force" should be rather called a
"weakness" oo the part of the Government.
la short i saw an all side. sufficient ground
for thinking that there aro few S.,er fields
for °barvat:on eat at present 'ban the
field at Caubham; although, as an •re• for
military maomovn•g; it is not to be nese
pared with marl an erns re Knight. -
in 401 the Week Sea wu entirely froze.
over. 1m 763 not only tin Black Sea, but
the Straits of the Dardasellee, were frozen
over, to snow in nom places rose fifty feet
high. 1.823 the great rivers of Europe,
the Deane the E'bs, ks., were .o bard
kraus a to beer heavy etc/nos for •
so.tb. 1A 8604be Adriatic esu frozen. -
.. 991 ev.nthi.t wee troue, oho crop., to
tally failed, sed famine a.d pesl,le.ee Clea.
ed the year 1. 1007 noel of the travel-
lers is Germany were frets. to death oe
threads. 1.1124 to Po was, fro.•.
Cero.osa to the sea; the .ins seeks
Item, sad to knees.pht by t1. se-
ttee+( the from, wit\ 1rn.A.ee .,.tee. le
1216 the Dandle wee threes to the bottom
and remained long le that seta. le 1110
the steps wholly failed is Gwes.ey, whet,
wh,e\ seem yeah Went 'oldie Ragtime at
0. the q,,.rter, ►..s t. LI 1. 1108 lit.
myope failed i. S.eikd, and nab a aur.e
sassed that the pees were rained to died
o. glees, .tad may pwiked sa..raby le
the Loki.. Tb..ae real s ewer. el 1222
-8..4 ..10 uric Ommo.ly mvw.. I. 1381
she wine dMusb.'M to Ike add .re row
eat with betebw. le time It he Azede-
oh.fy solid. Mem et the beans were b lk
.1. Cemehee hoes sing the T►...., the
Me .f whim& wee Mane Ia.bes shish. le
tea .same: the cad ware' the hemi
miswrote' w.w thin yesde aro 1►0
p.d. I. mu Webs dere wets. •
the Them.., be 1114 W f74e doswnlsF
lel . ,...ern Wire hemmity
Minerd. lie Iwo.** mord ielimme t
meant. A new view of e wild& gaie-
ties, sot though: of before, it berslis
the e astonished Emus.. Thr speeker'm
e ac
.taculioe Now as tranalatt.g into petite -
.sotery English the ever -subtle sad ab
'trawled coeclustuas of the " E. H." paper.
Vast prospects r'f great social good 8a,!i
ietotbe P;.eaker's soul, and he pours Cacti,
all Lia thoughts with the fiery impulsiv-nr•,
of an enthusiast. His erguuteut becou,e•
uapaasioned; hie reaaomug blends into the
speaker's sod, and be pours forth all Li,
thoughts with the fiery un; ulsiveness of a ,
enthua.st. His argument becorn.: iii; i -
sloped; his reawuiog blends into the speak-
er's soul. This is the ignited logic -tri
Greek fire of heart -stirring eloquence- -Elie
lwgue to plead for the injured and ei'-
pressed-to speak of L.imau anguish.
This ie the man who i.;uld burn to breat;
the shackles of the dusky tribes of Africa.
Those near Lim see the tears bursting from
his ryes ; those far off hear the voice fai-
teriog with sympathy ; and the g a w;•
sensibility of a strong man Ira, magic p •., -
er over the sympathies. Ile is c=ores erg
the house with him : how Le revel. re Iii
power! Completely carr:ed away by ilii
own enthusiasms, sad by that which he Las
raised, his pulse is at fever heat, and his
heart knocking against his ribs, amidst a
tempest of cheers be site back into his seat,
exulting in the glory of erring to the very
depths the deep Tying passions of the com-
mons of England.
est ate to B.glaid, ezpo.ad to the air, was
covered to less ilea fifteen minutes with
ice ar etgbt1 of an loch thick. Io 1 sG9,and
agar. 1. 1112 the winters were remarkably
old. l0 1314 there was a fair laid on to
'ruzea Toamee.-(1luot'd Merc..ante la-
(From tree London Preu.)
Yes, there stalks Ike stately figure of
William Pitt, marching aloug the gang-
way to the Treasury bench. Ile looks
like one bunt for power, with that wide
imperial brow -that lordly air of supre-
macy -that sovereign stare at the (root of
Opposition. There is somethiag of his
sire about his carriage, but his features
hare the Grenville look, as Lis blood par-
takes of its phlegm. Ile is dressed with
elaborate formality, in Lis customary black
waistcoat and blue -body coat. And now
there is fresh noise below the gangway ;
and while the speaker is roaring " Order,
order, below the bar," in comes the much
desired Charles Fos, greatly to the relief
of the discomfitted opposition, who now
have the worst of the debate.
At last Pitt rises. All is bushed. Hs
figure seems too tall for an orator, and his
aspect is forbidding with its stern and
haughty air. Brit his voice is that of a
demigod. How gloriously it fills the ear,
as the speaker's swelling sentences are
Gently rolled forth in melli5uoss harmony.
The action is Sawing and facile, too Ultra-
ried for perfectly artistic grace, but with
enough of elocutionary art. Not only
every' word, but every syllable is distinctly
caught. If we had not beard him, we
could scarcely imagine this blended force
and harmony, this energy without discord,
this ma-vellous felicity united to imposing
stateliness. In his words, as 4 his matter,
there is no appeal to our imagination ; but
the whole man, with his air of heaven -giv-
ing lictarship, his avec-inspiring severity
of deportment, his lofty scorn for bis foes,
his evident faith in himself -justified by his
vast powers, --we say the whole man does
kindle up our imagioatioo, and vitalises our
recollection o1 Athenian and Roman his-
tory. For three hours wills uofaltenng
force be has defied his adversaries, and de-
fended his resolves ; and amidst reverbe
rating volleys of cheers, routines his seat
himself the only unmoved human beiug io
that spell bound assembly.
Well, Fos can never answer that tin
play. Yon cry, " %'bat a pity that be
spent al1 his day sauntering about ! And
last night, too, bow he wasted fon the
orgies where Capt. llorrts sung his Bac-
chanalian strains." You think that Fox
must break down, and you feel for him as
with heavy lumbcrin;; air Lc advances
slowly to the table, anal fumbles awkwardly
with hie fingers. 'Fbere be stands, amidst
a deal of silence and expectation. Look
at his careless, half -buttoned vest, his
crumpled linen, his almost slovenly attire.
\'hat is he saying 1 We caosot bear him
distinctly. He seems quite coofosed, and
his sentences are all entangled. Ah, he
must fail as his lather before him did when
battling it out" with another Pit. His
•nice, too, how different in its course acid
husky sound from the sonorous organ of
bit gifted foe. Hi• gestures also how
common -place -his whole air how ungainly
as we contrast it with the stateliness of the
last speaker. But how very sell the house.
The Opposition do not seem dispirited, nor
does the 'Treasury bench look prematerely
elated. Both aides know, by experie•re,
the nature of the moo before them. His
voice is getting more clear --he has got
rid of that unseemly ob•Irutction to has ut-
terance. We find that be n saying, in
very plain and unaffected words, that the
sinister, though adroit and artful, is, af-
ter all, very superficial io his views. He
(Charles Foe) does not avian to deny tat
a ease of apparent strength and reason may
be nude by the minister. Well, he fan-
ro-cies the we, and we are sure: iced to had
his re -stating his adversary's case. He
dees it wile clearers, preci„ion, and trans-
parent sympathy of style. The case eotdd
..l be more straitly pet for the other kit.
Thee Fcx ba pet it. Hp est1sts lineation
sad sympathy by Ibe equity a be state -
kelt. 'Tie his art which died with his.
Now lieu, he hes the etre fairly before
the home. Now the meatier is dispute is
fairly sere. Ila ! witb what overwheb.irg
veagessee, whet tevv&A& itwpelso.ity be
aetamagae the contemptible sophist: y
.f Ike ease which be lad recently just re-
stated: H. mats its atter abeedety, sed
reeds to pi.ea the whole srguaieat. He
a iIysee it ad stets web.mesh.. se-
paeetey ; he retie* again end apes to to
IBMs prnpeelttnu, saver gkdiag away with
aaekngeoes k.g..ge, w sheikiag frees a
4icsdtp. rile phis, d meetg& .serer
lie ,_. a war's ed ..?&eery, sad fee
.raised) ma that he is milder lane with
I.beesees et Piti'a tlptk..i, 14.41. V
item wkli modem as he approaches • pmt
The American Mocking Bird is the
prince of all song birds, being elloge'her
unrivalled in tie extent and variety of his
vocal powers; and besides the fakes sad
Melody of his original notes, be his the
faculty of Imitating the notes of all otiose
birds, from the humming -bird to the aegis.
Pennant states that be heard a caged ate
imitate the mewing of • cat, and tha
creaking of a sign is high winds.. Bar-
nagton says, its pipes come nearest to flit
nightingale of any bird be ever heard.
The de.ertptioo, however, given by Wil-
ma in his own inimitable another, as fa;
excels Pennant and Baroingtoo as to bird
excels it fellow songsters. -Wilson tells so
that the ease, elegance sad rapidity of his
movements, (be animation of his eye, and
the intelligence Le displays is laying up his
lessons, mark Ilse peculiarity of his ge-
nius. Hu voice is full, strong and musi-
cal, and capable of almost every module-
tios, from the clear and mellow tones of
the wood thrush to the savage scream of
the bald eagle. In measure and accents
he faltbrully follows his originals, while is
strength and sweetness of expression he
greatly improves upoo them. In bis taa-
live woods, upon a dewy morning, his Isar
rises above every competitor, for lbs. others
appear merely as inferior aeeompsoi.eots.
His own notes are b�o d and full, asd 114. .
ried seemingly beyond all limits. They
consist of short expressions of one, liars.,
or at most five or six syllables, generally
uttered with great emphasis and rapidity,
and continued with undiminished ardor 1ihr
half an hour at a time. -While mingi g be
expands bis tail, glistening with white,
+-keeping time to his own music. rtad then
buoyant gaity of Lis action is no less facia -
mating than is song. Ile sweeps mead
with- enthusiastic ecstasy ; he rowels sad
descends, as his song swells sod dies away
be bounds aloft with the celerity of ea ar-
row, as if to recover or to recal his retry
soul, expired in the last elevated straits.
A bystander might suppose that the samba
feathered tribe had assembled togelber os
a trial of skill -each striving to pro4ss*
the utmost e6ert-se perfect are his iaite
lieu.. He often deceives the vedettes,
and even birds themselves ars oft** im-
posed upon by this .dm'nble *isle. I.
confinement, be loses little of the Pewter
or energy of his song. He wkiatlealke
the Jog , Ceaser starts .p, wap his Lail,
and rums to meet bre master. -H, erica
like • hurt cinches, and the hoe berries
about wide feathers oe mid, l6 protect her'
injured brood. Ile repeats the time Medlt
him, tbough K be of e.aeiderable Ira
with perfect aecuraey. He rest ever the,
notes of the canary and the ltd hind wits '
such superior execution and @Meet, that
the mortified songsters cookie him trisieph,
by their immediate 'demo. ilia t.wd♦sam' .
fol variety, some suppose, Mimes his IO
Iiia imitation of the brows Hindi 1. 4111111
interrupted by the .naval./ of emits ; and ,
his exquisite warbles:a aQev the blue bird
are aiagled with the eeream eg 01 seal..r^;
Iowa hind th sad ilr .1 sues. Dr rim 4'
moonlight, hr►i. to tl_•- sad ttnmt ett q,fq
be imp the whole sigh bag. The hems s
ens is their entered eze.rthes, ksew flair;
the .wou ie 'frog, the reheat lay hese therm
delightfill ..la.
Alter S6kespeare, garr;.git. Mins
butes, is pert, the espiieoeeet .f the
nightingale's eon to tie shoes of the
eight ; bet if se what w we Se flail 1 O.
bird, wile le the .pea glare .f jtty, ever. `
powers sad 11tets sheers ell .smp..je s 1 •
The talent ooh. .f the Aw,,s.. tiaaehw'•`'
Ing bird ere astir le thee of The hr.o
hush. -Amdahl.,
LIMAN en east ss be applied to Wee It
p. evened 4 ellen,.d.l. Oho Daelr.rp.1ek�,
Tfmr 1e stir yet MIS ea hes the Wens&
Ucu. none reettellempalle
et 4 w refit �Ailsos