HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-13, Page 15Marriages and DeathS 75p (Marriages and deaths are reported without charge in news columns, This charge applies only to list- ling under Announcements,) :np Announcements RATES v. Births No Charge ' Engagemvits, Cards of Thanks t: In. Mamoriams (4-line verse) .BIRTHS , ANDERSEN Air, and Mrs. J, 0, Andersen, Lucan, are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Ellen Barbara Voigt, at Victoria Hospital, London, November 16, BEAHDET—Mr, and Mrs, Ed- mond Bcauclet, RCAF Station Centralia, announce the birth of a son, .Joseph Richard, at South Huron Hospital, De. pember t3 — a brother for Mark, CARRAGIIER — Mr. and Mrs, Frank Carragher, RCAF Sta. tien Centralia, announce the birth of twin sons at South Huron Hospital, December 9, COWAN — Mr, and Mrs. Don Cowan, Exeter, announce the birth of a daughter, Janet Ruth Ann. at South Huron Hospital, December 10 — a sister for Chrisy, LATTA—Bob and Mary Latta, RR 1 Clandeboye, wish to announce the birth of a son, Douglas William, at St, Jo- seph's Hospital, Decem her 9 —a brother for ,Jim, loanne and Donald. MOLNAR—To Mr. and Mrs, S. Molnar, Hensall, the gift of a second son, at South Huron Hospital, December 10, .SOUDANT—Mr. and Mrs. Gus Soudant, fiR 2 Zurich, an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter, Theresa Louise, at South Huron Hospital, December 9. TAR.S1TANO—To Dr. and Mrs. Gerald 'l'arsitano, the former Pearla 1-fern, Fort Ord, Cali- fornia, the birth of a daugh- ter, Pamela Ann, November 14. ENGAGEMENTS—, Mr. and Mrs. John Webster, Exeter, wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Angela Elaine, to Mr. Albert Vandeworp, son of Mrs. Evert Vandeworp and the late Mr. Vandeworp, Exeter. The wedding to take place on Saturday, January 5, 1963, at 4 o'clock, in Bethel Reformed Church, Huron Street East, Exeter, Ontario. 13nc CARDS OF THANKS — I wish to thank my rela- tives, friends and neighbors for the lovely get-well cards, flowers and visits received while I was a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital and since re- turning home. Special thanks to Dr. Ecker, Dr. D. A, Mc- Kenzie, Rev. H. Wilson, Rev. Livingston, nurses and staff of second floor, St, Joseph's Hos- pital.—Mrs. William Elford. 13* The family of the late Earl Parsons wish to express their sincere appreciation to their relatives, friends and neighbors for the messages of sympathy, beautiful floral tributes and the many acts of kindness shown them during their recent sad bereavement, Special thanks to Rev. Lewis, Dr. Read, South Huron Hospital staff, B Wing at Westminster Hospital, Exeter Legion Branch 167, Din- /ley funeral home and to all the ladies who so graciously helped in every way. 13* I would like to thank all my neighbors, friends and rela- tives for the lovely get-well cards, letters, flowers and gifts received during my stay ...in South Huron District Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Eckcr, Rev, Lewis, Miss Claypole and the hospital staff,—Mrs. Clin- ton Sweet. 13* We would like to express our sincere thanks to those who remembered our auntie, Mrs. Alice ;Josephine Geddes, with visits, cards and treats while she Was a patient at the Roth nursing borne. Your thought• fulness and expressions of sym- pathy at the time of her death were deeply appreciated, —Mrs, Olivia Hodgins and Mr. Charlie O'Brien. 13* I wish tie thank all those wile so kindly remembered int with cards, flowers, treats and visits while I was a _fiatieht in South !loon Hospital and Siii re- turning home. ,and thanks to MISS Claypole and her staff, the Exeter Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, Dr. Ecker and the Harvey ambulance seryiet,—Milton W. Pfaff. 13* The family of the late Mr. 11. W. P. Beavers, wish to con. voy their heartfet thanks for all the kindnesses and antes. sitina of S','lnpathy shown in their recent bereavement, IS" I wish to Sincerely thank all my relatives, friendt and tfoighber$ who remembered Avith visiLs, cards and flouters T was a patient in \sic Hospital, — Mrs. Alin Pventator. 13c Mr, arid Mfrs. Almer Tletidrie 4h t.o thank all their vela. 0 -es, friends and neitolhors, flowers and Cards rectiv- pit on their got-ten wedding an- 'IVerSary Tuesday evening, '"ittiither 4, AitemoRIAM.,..... NtiLmiti loving memory_ot my :dear husband, Albert d- ward Veil, who 'Passed away One year ago, Detember 19, 1961„ What, WOW I give to clasp his hand, His how race see, To hear his voice and see his er stir `That Meant SO Mich to Md. I dream or you, dear loved One, Atta ttt your sniffing Toe. Mid klieW that you are happy In our Father's chosen place. rercienibered and sadly trussed by 'Nis wife Surprise couple on anniversary SHig Magi . sellers Mr. ..and Mrs. Gordon ?artier were .:taken by serprise on the occasion of their 40tH wedding anniversary when their' son and receive prizes. daughter-in-law and relatives gathered at their home .and presented Them 'with a table, tri-light lamp and Set .0. dishes. P.13.14g$ ,f9R 'Ttig MAGAZINE CAMPAIGN, 'the evening was spent in An assembly of the students of Sitigh was held Friday 7$0' .contests .and reminiscing and afternoon, December 7, when prizes for the magazine cant- $1.00 lunch was provided including paign were awarded by the student council. Those who won were; Peter McFalls, who was given a. an anniversary cake, tape recorder; Brian Hogarth, a transistor radio; .David John- Relatives were present from ston, A Man's watch; Shirley Genttner, a lady's watch; George. Port Credit, Mitchell, Strat- Taylor, a pen and pencil set; Clare Skinner, a ring binder; ford, St, Marys, Grand Bend, Marilyn Gardiner, desk set; Marion Kerslake, a ,stuffed Hensall, Cromarty and Huron phatit; Steve Elder, a salesmanship trophy; Tony Leversedge, dale, a sports hag; Iris Marshall, a leather billfold; Glen Shipman, Douglas Mawson, BR 8 PaVli, a stuffed penguin; Jane pettmer, a bug-a-bear, and Mary hill, was best man and Norman Co.hrane, who won an identificaiton bracelet. Steeper and Wayne Parsons. Margaret Salmon of 10D won a tape recorder In a draw ushered; from names of students who sold over $30,00 worth of sub. seriptions, From draws from the names of those who sold three subscriptions or more, Joan Essery obtained a tape recorder; Jim Coates, a stuffed poodle; Marilyn Galloway, a. travel kit; Ken Richert, a camera; Larry Hearth, a football; Town topics Elaine Powe, a pen and pencil set; Jane Southcott, a stuffed. donkey and Linda Stire, a stuffed cat, Mr. Louis Day is a patient in PLANS FOR COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Westminster Hospital, London, Thursday and Friday nights, December 20 and 21, the having undergone surgery on annual commencement exercises will be held in the auditorium Tuesday. of SHigh, On both nights the program will include skits by Dr, and Mrs, J. W. Tanner, grade 13, a play put on by grade 12, music by the school .Robbie and Rickie, Guelph, orchestra and. the glee club and dances by girls in grades spent the weekend with the lat- 9, 10, 11 and 12. ter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thursday night the intermediate certificates will be William Ellerington, awarded to those pupils who completed grade 10, and second- David Johnston, son of Mr. ary school graduation diplomas to those who completed grade' and. Mrs. Lorne Johnston, un- 12. Also to be presented are the board of education awards. derwent an operation Tuesday The awards to be given on Friday include honor gradua- and will be a patient in War tion diplomas, student council and other special awards. and Memorial Hospital tor seyeral weeks, shields for academic achievement" Mrs. J. H. Jones underwent ^17 ...• t!,.. 'f.- suraery in Victoria Hospital, Lotidon, on Friday, Mrs, Bruno EXAMS FROM A TEACHER'S VIEWPOINT Morawetz, Toronto, is visiting Although most pupils dread the prospects of writing in town with h er f ath er J. If . examinations, a considerable amount of work must be done by Jones and with her mother in their teachers both in the setting and the marking of them. hospital. The first step in making up the exam is the obtaining of Mrs. Clinton Sweet has re _ old exam papers to find out the general types of questions to turned to her home from Smith be asked and the time it took the students to write the Huron Hospital. exam. After referring to the work taken and the proportion of the marks to be assigned to each part, of this work, the questions are then written and revised, It is often more dlr. TRIPLE CELEBRATION Three c o u p 1 e s celebrated ficult to set an exam than to mark it because precision is t, h e i r wedding anniversaries needed in diction to make what is wanted clear, jointly over the weekend in De- For judging the answers, a marking scheme is devised. trail. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Wuerth, Some of the teachers mark the best papers first and revise town; Mr, and Mrs, Roy Swartz, the marking if necessary. From then on the work is, as Mr. Crediton, joined with Mr. and George Wright puts it, ''sheer drudgery", although one teacher Mrs, Joseph Swartz in Detroit I spoke to enjoys it. Before the final marks are recorded, term for the occasion. marks must be added to the exam mark obtained., `11 oaR „swifter Maxwell House Instant Coffee 10-0Z. JAR 20s' OFF 119 Betty Crocker Pie Crust Mix 80 COUPON Bread and Butter Pickles YORK SWEET 16.0Z, JARS Chase & Sanborn Coffee Pineapple Juice KING OF HAWAII Margarine TULIP OR GOLDEN DEW King Size Tide 300 OFF Snowflake Shortening 10p OFF DEAL Early Garden Sweet Peas DEL MONTE 1$-OZ, TINS FOR Kam Luncheon Meat 12.OUNCE TIN Maple Leaf Canned Hams Krunchee Potato Chips 14-0Z. BAG • MEAT VALUES 2 POUNDS tler. Ground Beef BONED 4 ROLLED FRESH Pork Loins FRESH Chicken Legs MAPLE LEAF Minced Ham LoafL. 594 Order Your Christmas FROZEN FOOD FEATURE Turkey Now SUPREME 2 LB We will be having some Swift's Premium best—and avoid disappointment. and fresh turkeys. Order early to get the Poly Corn 45 Butterball Turkeys, as well as other frezeri FRESH PRODUCE Sunkist Navel Orangeszizt3es btlz 5,5g California Jumbo 24's CeteryStallts 23' 235,0212 .Pree Delivery' The TimesAchrecate, December 13, 1962 ag The Gift ,Of Gpod .Heqlth Tfi WITH CHRISTMAS SEALS ViArF.N1g4,151§..FO'FfikcArc*W4"5190V4V0-.0. AVAVAXOttOttttrigAl•PAS dN MEMORIAM, SARARAS.-111. loving memory of my dear nephew, Leonard Samos, who passed away one year ago, December 12, Happy and helpful, always eon. tent, Loved and respected wherever he went. Always so thoughtful, loving and kind, 1-lis life was a pattern to those left behind. —Ever remembered by his aunt, Mrs, Harry Taylor, and family. 13* TINNEY—ln ever loving mem- ory of a dear father, grand- father and great grandfather, Matthew Tinney, who passed away five years ago, Decem- ber 16, 1957. He was a lather and grand. father, so very rare, Content in his home and al- ways there; He 'guided our path, he helped us along, If we follow in his footsteps, We shall never go wrong, We smile with the world, But never forget In our garden of memories He lives with us yet. —A tribute of love and re- membrance by his family, grandchildren and great grandchildren. 13* Why not decorate your front doorway this Christmas Tall glowing candles are a lovely addition to any doorway as a symbol of the Christmas spirit. Candles can be made from sections of pipe, plastic or mailing tubes, and wired with an outdoor Christmas light string inside so that red light can be used for the flame. a 1 1 /2 -LB. TINS 1-LB. BAG 48-0Z. TIN 1-LB. PKG. 21/2 -LB, PLASTIC 2 I PKG. FOR FOR 314 43c 674 28c 45c 1.19 69c 35` 43c 1.49 59c FRESH Met , Apples ,,..."_,...,:. 3 This year, plug in for a merrier Christmas by giving famous General Electric gifts the gifts that keep on giving easier, better living for many years to come. Choose GE appliances . the presents with the happiest futures . . , at RUSSELL ELEC. TRIC. 3 DAYS LEFT FOR FREE BLANKET OFFER • t, Don't miss out on the Sunshine Special—a free $29.95 Electric Blanket with every GE Dryer. Two grand gifts in onel But hurry! Offer ends Dec. 15. Buy GE, the Check-Rated Dryer with the best features. GE Two-Cycle High Speed Dryer • , ...... ... • ••• • — . . Handsome ' Hampstead 23"Console Wi%\%1M.:P..MINMrN AssMaAstsN.W.s..*$.il *Mignsts~:W *;',MW..11C4` • The pleasing, function- al lines of this hand- some console will en-' hance any room d6cor. The 23" CGE "Day= light Blue" picture tube, exclusive "Glare, jecter", a nd front- mounted speaker will provide satisfying sight and sound enioytnent. WITH YOUR WORKING TRADE '22 Trade TV For Christmas We need used sets! We can give you a handsome allowance for your present set beiause there's a good 'demand for used models right nowt Don't waif Olney see us today. GE Elettrit Kettles GE fry •Pans •GE Portable ;Mixer More GE Appliance Gifts GE Automatic Toasters $19/5 $9,75 to 16,75 $18,45 to 24,95 11 SELL E„,LE YOUR. tioutENOLD APPOAlit FOR SALES tow *i*****ifi**i*O*i*ai 4014'0.1*'4*4*I*0011%.***4104 0,4011,6 416004414t