HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-13, Page 1317 Properly For Renl . .„ APARTMENT, in Exeter, fer- ensiled, 3. rooms, heated, 4, piece bath; no pets ,please; available new, Apply 169 Wit-. ham. St. or phone 235 0758., evenings. 3;18 .tfne STORE on Main Street, op- posite the Exeter post office. Apply At Exeter 'Timpe-Advo- eate„ -9:t1efe ROOM—Phone 23.5-0e8e Exeter, 10:11.tfne . . „.. APARTMENT, in Grand .Bend, 4 large rooms, furnished, heat- cc!, television, ample cupboard space, $75 a month. Rollie Sports & -Cycle, phone 78 Grond Bend, 11:2etfne APARTMENT, 1-bedroom, fur- nished, living room, dining room and kitchen, bath, hard- wood floors, close to down- town. Apply 27 Gidley St., phone 235-1371. 22;29;0:lac APARTMENT, suitable for two people, heat and hot water sup- plied. Apply Penhale Apts,, 70 John St, east. 11:29tfne APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, 3-piece bath, Phone 235-2800, 11:29Hne MODERN HOME. 2-bedroom, furnished, in Grand Bend, yearly occupancy desired. Rea- sonable rent, Available Dec, 1. Apply Exeter Times-Advocate, phone 235-1331. 11; 29tfne MODERN APARTMENT, 2. bedroom, 3-piece bath with shower, modern kitchen and living room, steam heated, at Elmart Apt's, Main St., Exeter. Apply Art Geiser, phone 235- 1505 days, 235.2754 nights, 11:29tfnc APARTMENT, 3-room, main floor, furnished, heated, cent- rally located in Exeter, Apply 365 William St, or phone 235- 0776. 11:29tfne LOWER APARTMENT, 3-room, heated, private entrance, avail- able mid-December. Apply 512 Main St., Exeter, phone 235- 2836. 12:6tinc HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, oil heat, garage. Apply John Burke Ltd., Devon Bldg., Main St., Exeter. 12:6tine APARTMENT, modern, 2-bed• room, main floor, self contain- ed, all utilities paid. Phone 234-6301, Lorne Hodge, Credi. ton. 6:13c APARTMENT, 3 rooms and bath, unfurnished, all utilities paid, available Jan. 1. Apply Exeter Times-Advocate, Box 13c HOUSE, cement block, 3 bed- rooms, 4-piece bath, oil heat- ed. Phone 227-4258 Luc-an. 13c MODERN HOUSE, 2-bedroom, in Exeter. Available Feb. 1, Phone 235-0395. 12:13thic APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, un- furnished, modern and com- fortable. Available immediate- ly. The former Simmons Apart- ment Bldg., phone 235.2012, after 6 p.m. 12:13thic APARTMENT, spacious, main floor, heated, modern, 2-bed- room, laundry room, available Feb. 1, Apply at 45 Huron St, E., Exeter, phone 235-0565. 134. 18 For Rent ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS —Beavers Crest Hardware, phone 235-1033, Exeter. 12:13tfne 19 For Sale or Rent CORNER LOT with large brick home, small barn, 534 Main St., Exeter. Apply Jean W. Wein, 199 St. Vincent St., Stratford, 29:6:13c 22 Nolices 25 Atiction Sales important AUCTION Of Real .Estate, .Household. Effects & Misc. Items. On the premises, at el.31eAKE The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by POOP auction on TUESDAY, DECEMBE R at 100 p.m, REAL ESTATE: Consists of N.13, Part ..of Lot ed,. Township of Fla on on which is situated a two-storey frame dwelling, Large living and dining room, bedroom, kitchen and utility room, Second floor-4 bedrooms and clothes closets. Full size basement. Also small barn Buildings in good state of re- pair, Property nicely situated. Ample garden land. Inspection invited. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, Balance in 30 days, Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS; 3- piece c hesterfield suite, like new; solid oak dining room suite consisting of extension. table, 6 chairs, buffet and china cabinet, in brand new condition; Heintzman piano and bench; Kenmore space heater, equipped with fan, like new; 250 gal, oil tank; Quebec heater; 45 gal, oil drum; Phi electric radio; kitchen table and chairs; wood kitchen sink; daybed; kitchen cabinet; wicker baskets; modern 3- piece bedroom suite; 2 steel bedsteads; oak bedstead; dres- sers; commodes; feather ticks; plastic flower stand; coal-oil lamps; electric heater; oak rockers; ironing board; elec- tric lamps; kitchen utensils; electric clock; copper boiler; pillows; galvanized tubs; kit- chen range; mats; crocks; 12 cord slab wood; 2 lawn mow- ers; garden tools; wheelbar- row; 2-wheel trailer, No reserve, everything will he sold to settle estate. Please Note; Sale will be held inside dwelling, TERMS: Cash, MRS. ELLA WESTBROOK, Executor for the estate of the late Gustav Bohn. GERALD GINGERICH, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 13c Club leaders — Continued from page 14 George Underwood, Simon Hal- Jahn, Maurice Hallahan, Ron McMichael, John Strong, John Clark, Chester Finnigan, Tom Todd, Andrew Gaunt, George Kennedy, Muriel Maxwell, Hensall, was one of three members who re- ceived 12 project certificates. Others were Charles Brya, and Malcolm Stewart. Kenneth Pap- ple, RR 5 Seaforth, received the major award in this category— an 18-project certificate. quick, easy way to make hot chocolate It's simple! All you do is heat our flavorful chocolate milk. No messy packages, no mixing—and you've never tasted better. Try it! HOMO MILK • SKIM MILK • BUTTERMILK COTTAGE CHEESE a CREAM • MINVITINE (900 Calorie Food Supplement) CHOCOLATE, MILK 25 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture, Electrical Appliances, Dishes & Glassware will be held on lot 30, con. 8, BLANSHARD TOWNSHIP, 21/2 miles south-east of Woodham, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 Commencing at 1:30 p.m. The following:, Frigidaire electric stove; Dominion wash- er; MC refrigerator, 9 cu, ft.; GE kettle; electric fry pan; pop-up toaster; power lawn mower; large space heater; 2 small space heaters; twin beds, spring-filled mattresses; dress- er; vanity; oak bed, springs and mattress; 2 chests of drawers; large glass cupboard; dining table and chairs; chaise lounge; .samsonite card table; china cabinet; chesterfield bed; folding ironing board; sewing machine; kitchen drop leaf table; chrome table and 4 chairs; churn; quantity of dishes, glassware, also forks, hoes, shovels, etc; poultry equipment, No Reserve as farm is sold. MRS. IJAUDE MOSSEY, Prop. E, NAIRN & SON, Auctioneer. 13c Davies Grant Denning Benn ;-• 'CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS , Municipal Auditors 0 ' DEVON BUILDING. PH 235-0120 EXETER • Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. eeeisinfee -senieeeieiateeteeleiseeteteletiesftstesee Free 22" WALKING Doll! "BABY BULOVA" With Any Bulova Watch $10 Value — It walks, goes to sleep, unbreakable, hair can be combed and waved. MEN'S & LADIES' 17, 4E37.50 JEWEL BULOVA WATCHES NIP WITH YOUR FREE DOLL S. B. Taylor JEWELLER Main St., Exeter Harry Hamilton extends congratulation to Fred Darling on the opening of his new 1GA STORE in Lucan We were pleased to build the shelving, meat cutting facilities and other conveniences for the new maeket,, Harry Hamilton PHONE 2384103 'GRAND 81ND Carpentry' S 0 S S IR 0 • 0 Mothers Bros, Offers Motorists A Complete SERVICE CENTRE For All Their Needs! NEW CARS The Happy-go-Liveliest Cars of the, year . PLYMOUTH and VALIANT . , backed by Chrysler's new 5-year or 5,000 mile polder train warranty. • U ED CARS .our 'taro selection of beauties includes a '62 PLYMOUTH suburban and. a '62 CHRYS• LER with, onlyS,000 miles plus SEVERAL OLDER dARS for economical tratisportii* Hon, Mothers Bros, Photic 115,1$2$ E xeter YOUR..SERVICE CENTlRE t'1"' ' ••• ,t.4 "This must be the place!" BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES • SER""':E • INSTALLATION John Beane J R. BRUCEFIELD Phone HU 2-9250 Collect LAS ANC to get your FREE ELECT IC LANKET! Now V offers you the worlds first Electronic Control Dryer in the low price field New Maytag Dryer measures the moisture in clothes, turns itself off when clothes are dried exactly right This is Americas most advanced dryer! A totally different kind of dryer that won't overdry, won't bake in wrinkles. No ma'• ter what the load, clothes come out fluffy rind soft, needing far less ironing. Push the button that describes the re- sults you want, The new Highlander flee- Ironic Control Dryer has buttons for Regu- lar Fabrics, Wash 'n Wears— even a button for Damp Dry. And, if you have drapes or pillows to be dusted or fluffed out, push the button ',larked "Air fluff." New M AYTAG Highlander Dryer with Electronic Control 72 electronic "fingers" on 'the baffles in the drum measure the moisture in your clothes. When they're dried exactly right, off goes the heatt This means softer clothes with less wrinkles and makes ironing easier and foster. MODEL DE-500 Sandy Elliot Furniture and Appliances YOUR EXCLUSIVE MAYTAG tiEALER, Phone 235.0585 1 • •• Exeter "Something a b o u I women" and stated that women are be- was the topic of an OFA address. ing ehallenged in this day and given by Mrs. Ellen Armstrong, age more than ever before. "We member of CBC board of di- cannot just think but must Nye rectors and former- Western the courage to act when the Canada Lady Director of the, time is right to do so," worked wi th var i ous groups, groups, Premlnent oversee Having worked pon i e d ou t th a t th e Mrs. Ariestronge commented. thi n gs aecom pli see e were no t on, sonic of the things she had done by one 'person alone but observed while overseas, She by th e un it ed e ff or t of all eon• spoke of the attitudes of some cereal. e gl ec said she was happy of the people who live tries in live in see that the men and women that have now gamed their of the Federation of Agriculture independence. meet together to discuss their in Singapore, they have three problems and to work out their women members of parliament, solutions. one being the minister of health, Going back in hisiory, she re• and great strides have been called that it was not until 1017 made since she took over this that women in Canada had the portfolio• right to vote and this was made In Ceylon, they now have a possible through the efforts of woman prime minister, her bus- five women from Alberta who band having been assassinated went to Great Britain to obtain while holding that office, She is this right, This is history end working herd to raise the the names of these women can standard of living of the people be found in the public. archives in the villages, in Ottawa, She pointed out that here in Today men and women are Canada the postmaster general on an equal basis, she said. Women want to accept respell. sibility and be equal partners with their men and she felt men were better off having their help; whether in the home, in the community, or seeking new legislation, She referred to the theme of the OFA conven- tion, "The Challenge of Change" Federation news ops refute attacks Women's leadership urged of OFA official on tax contributions Co-eive C e"oprae ineoaer other ountrie.e that we have suffering .one of the most vigor- ous attacks which has ever been. launched upon .01-1r. dem- erotic institutions," Dr. IL S. Staples, president of the Co- Operative Union of Cenada„ told more than 900 persons Ale tending the annual banquet of the United Co-operatives of OD- lario in Toronto's Royal York. ;Hotel recently. "It sometimes seems that there is a concentrated at- tempt to isolate the eteopera- tivee from the accepted see.- tors of the Canadian economy, to condemn us who. believe in the co-operative way to outer darkness as though they were morally reprehensible or the victims of some dreaded dis- ease," Dr, Staples said. "Co-operatives do not have and do not want treatment which is not based on a fair and firm application of the law," he said, "A co-operative and profit-business exist for a fundamentally different pur• pose, They cannot be forced into the same economic mold. studied. It may be there is AO country in the world that dis- criminates against eo-operee fives like Canada does." In spelling out the policy of Co-oPerative Union of Canada on the matter .of income taxa- tion, Dr. Staples said, "We should clearly establish the fact that co-op eratives have no objection to 'paying taxes on income at the same rates as those applicable to oth er ear- orations . of similar size and in comparable lines of business. Any part of the annual surplus of the co-operative which its members decide should be re- tained as a general reserve would, be regarded as the in , come of the corporation and taxable," There was certainly no „de sire on the part of co-opera- tives or members of co-ops to evade their responsibilities. in the field of income Tax, said Dr. Staples, "We who are in co-operatives in Canada do wish to carry our fair share of the costs of maintaining Canada, but the fear is that the apportionment of these costs will be made in a man- full scale offensive tgiAg launched against the .move,, Merit by the new .organization —Equitable :TAMPA Tax Found, Olen—which had been spark- ed by the Retail Merchants • TM' caictuated to. .cheek the ,Association ef Cenada, The- at growth of co-operatives." kie tack he noted has been featur, warned the delegates attending ed by "statements Which Are the UCO annual meeting that too often inaccurate, mislead there was a real danger facing ing, unfair and At U.11104 co-operatives in the light of the Lamatory," HENSALL Hurondale $100 Reward Dairy PHONE 27 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the placing of false fire alarm calls to the Crediton Police Village Volunteer rite Brigade, Signed, TRUSTEES or can tToN POLICE VILLAGE 29:6:13e 23 legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Nathaniel Ogden, deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of Nathaniel. Ogden, late of the Town of Exeter, hi the County of :Huron, Gefillernan, who died en or about the 24th day of October 1.002, are ectittired to file particulars of same With 'Pell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 15th day of December 1962, after which date the estate will be distributed havihg regard Only to those 'dahlia of Which notice has been received. Laughton, Solicitors rot the Executors, Exeter, Ont. 29:6:13c Health ? Soo .your elector first, tiring your prescription to MibbLETON'S DRUGS is a woman— Honourable Ellen Fairclough. She spoke of the Members of a ca operative great work of the late Eleanor establish their organization to Roosevelt, and of Jacqueline provide themselves with a ser- Kennedy and, of course, th e vice at cituscproppie,ersiedoesnit made ," Queen, She mentioned one wom- an who was a professional hell- several key points in setting fighter, the record straight; regarding To illustrate the many walks the statement that co-ops are of life followed by women, she not paying their share of in- referred to the CBC program, come tax. These points were: the "World of Women", Three L Most co-operatives in Can- women did a great deal to. ads pay income tax (the ex. wards the production of the pro- ception to this being new co- grain which covered the many ops in their first three years walks of life followed by women of operation.) —from housewives to bank man. 2. The only co-operatives in agers. It is no longer a man's Canada which pay no income world, she said. tax are those which have no Mrs. Armstrong felt there income' were many reasons why there 3, The Lax rates are the are not more women in public same for all corporations, sim- affairs and she cited three rea- ilar i . n size and type, both co- sons that have been given: u). op and non co-op. women won't run; (2), women 4.. No co-operative can ac- won't vote for women; (3). quire ,general reserves out of women won't take defeat, savings without paying income She disagreed with the third tax' point for she felt there were Revealing studies many women who would let Dr, Staples pointed out that nothing stop them once they the CUC in preparing a pre- had made up their minds to do sentation for the forthcoming a job. Royal, Commission on Taxation In the 4-II clubs and in the had made some very revealing Junior Farmer organizations discoveries. "It has come to she felt there were many young light," he said, "that co- people with a great deal of po- operatives in Canada are in levee! who, if given under- less favorable position with re- standing and a helping hand, spect -to income taxation than couldprove an asset to farm are the co-operatives in the organizations, She pointed out that farm or- ganizations were making a mis- take by working separately, She stressed the need for combined effort and the necessity of keep- ing farm people well informed. She challenged the women to get out and work with the men to .continue with the work of making agriculture the respect- ed profession that it is. Mrs. W. W. Garrett urged • SHELL PRODUCTS The famous gasoline with TCP and a com- • plete line of high-quality lubricants. • BODY WORK We have the equipment4i, and know-how to keep your car in ishow,roolnu condition, ALIGNMENT and WHEEL BALANCE You owe it to yourself and your family to make sure your car is in a safe operating condition, • SNOW TIRES By Goodyear that take the worry' out of dangerous Winter driving, TOWING SERVICE S We give prompt attention to all calls to get you back on the road. Poc. 7902 Page ' 15 women delegates to invite the members of the Women's Com- mittee to their county meetings to explain the work of the OFA, She announced the officers for the coining year: chairman, Mrs. Ella MacGregor Moose Creek; •vice - chairman, Mrs. Peter Timmins,, RR 6 Perth; secretary, Mrs, "Ross Armitage, 145 Prospect, Newmarket.