HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-13, Page 12The Times-Advocate, December 13, 1962 Pogo 12 •••••••••• 16 Properly For Sale 14 Wanted To Buy 13 For Sale 13 For Sale 13 For Sale 9 Services 2 Found Classified Rates HAVING PURCHASED Thomas Welsh Sons saw mill in Hen- sall and operating it now, I OM in the market for logs and standing timber in this dist- rict, paying top cash prices. Special prices on good hard maple, cherry and soft maple logs or standing timber, Cone tact: Cats Saw Mill at Hen- sall, .phone 1; or write Gats Saw Mill, 290 Ashland Ave„ London. 7:2 SPORT JACKET, bey's, size 14: to 15, new, very reason- able, Phone Mrs. Burke, e.35- 051e, . 13e ........ . . HOCKEY SKATES, boy's, size 4, with tendon guards from heel to calf, in good condition, $3,50; Sunbeam junior mixer, $3.50. Phone 2284974. 13* DRY SLAB and body wood, Apply to Robert Eagleson, Allse Craig, or phone 232.4450 Nairn, 11:22tine BOY'S BICYCLE, 26' wheel, Phone 235-2537. 130 G R IND E 11, Vessot, 101,e", Phone 24-6281, John Kabat, RR 1 Clandeboye, 13* HEREFORD STEER, on pre- mises of Clarence Cunning- ham, RR, 2 Ailsa Craig, lot 24, concession 4, McGillivray, Own- er pay have same by identify- ing And paying expenses, 13* HADCO WELL DIGGING—Ma- chine dug 1 ft• to ft, diameter in) to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira. MO 9.3761, or Luean BA 7.4680 7*tfne SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED — Immediate service, al ways available, Harold Butler, Lu' can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7- 4312 collect. 10:4tfne C, V, PICKARD 44. Word. 2? 85 ach Additional Word 3* (Minimum 8501 REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE buy,We ilhavYeoucliweinsths tPorepseallreid set eo HOUSE with low tax acreage; comfortable 3-bedroom home; desirable location; garage and pgs moosasolelds sbiaonreno;naTithliosn ;or omP eordtyer a ist e iny priced with liberal terms; quick SMALL HOUSE with new bath- room and oil burning furnace. While this is a low priced property, you will be agree- ably surprised at the comfort- able living it offers. Terms if desired. INDUSTRIAL building — 80' x 28', tile block construction, heavy duty wiring, radiant heating, While this building is particularly suited for small industry, machine shop etc., it could be converted into dwell- ing apartments. BRICK BUSINESS BLOCK — Choice location on Main St, Two stores with two apart- ments above. Whole building is centrally heated. Oil. Separate storage basements for stores. Full bathrooms and kitchens in apartments. Apartments clean and ready for occupancy. Rea- sonable price. Terms. FOR RENT—Two apartments, We also solicit your business for any type of general insur- ance. C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 235-0310 and 235-0414 ' 9 : 13tfn c HOUSE, newly decorated, with bath and other conveniences, Main St. Hensall. Reduced in price for quick sale. Apply Ross Jaques, King St,, Hen- sel'. 6:13* 01.L. SPACE HEATER, med- ium size; pressure punip, shal- low well; 2 electric guitars, Hawaiian, with amplifier, Ap- ply first house east of Conklin Lumber, 83 Highway. 6:13c ELECTRIC HEATER, suitable for use where dampness is prevalent, like new. May be seen at Drysdale Crest Hard- ware, Hensall, 6:1.30 RCA. VICTOR '"New Vista." Television and "Total Sound" Stereo, See the 1963 models. Sales and Service. Exeter Elec-, trio, 225-0730,12:13eowtfn c 4 Female Help. Wanted 20 .Off 4-Peie. by Saturday following last insertion. er. HOUSEKEEPER, 35 to 55, to live in and take charge of home for three adults, with weekends Off, Write Box P3Q, Times-Advocate, Exeter, 11:22tinc HEAVY FRESH-FROZEN ANYONE wishing whitewash- Mg or disinfecting barns for brucellosis,. contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r19 Dashwood 5:25elinc Second Insertion RECORD GIFTS—Latest hits in all types of music, plus out- standing albums for Christmas giving. Favorite artists and songs, Exeter Electric, phone 235-0730 (beside Lyric Theatre), 13:200 SPARTON SIGHT, SOUND can be yours for less money at Exeter Electric. New 1963 TV and Stereo. Sales and. Service, Exeter Electric, 235.0730, 12 ; 13e.owtfnc MARCONI MASTERPIECES — "Award" and "Citation" mo- dels in TV and Stereo. We sell and service them, Exeter Elec- tric, 235-0730 (beside Lyric Theatre). 12::13eowtfric TURKEYS TYPEWRITER, for practise use by young girl. Phone 235- 0256, 13* 21/2 PER WORD (Minimum 550) Six Insertions 2c PER Wangle (Minimum 450) Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion—Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion—Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of 1/2 inch. Limited. Quantity Phone CANN'S MILL LTD. e3e-178e 13e STENOGRAPHER SUMMER SUIT, brown, size 32. May be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners, call Hensall 276W2. 6:1$* 16 Property For Sale Custom Butchering 5-DAY WEEK For permanent position in Ex- eter office, good salary, Apply Box NAS, E x e ter Times- Advocate. 3:8tfnc CHOICE BUILDING LOT, Hill St., directly south of and over- looking Riverview Park. Apply Box 1111, Times-Advocate, 8: 23 tine UNIVERSAL lir I L K E R with double cylinder puntp and 1/2 h.p. motor, with 2 shert-tube units, complete with piping for 22 cows: good as new; priced reasonable. Colin Gillian, phone 14r4 Kirkton. 6:13c MUSKRAT FUR COAT, size 40; sacrifice. May be seen at Mid- Town Cleanere, 13c HOT WATER TANK, 30-gallon, with circulating electric heater. Apply William 3, Thomson, 226 Main St., or phone 235-1217 Exeter. 13c BEAGLE PUPS, 4 months old, Apply John Sims, RR 1 Credi- ton, phone 234-6414. 13c Cattle - Sheep - Hogs Wholesale and Retail "We guarantee the Quality" Butchering Days: every Monday and Tuesday WOODHAM MEAT MARKET Phone Kirkton 121 John C. Witteveen, Prop. 10:11tInc HOUSE, brick veneer (red), 3 bedrooms, 4-piece tiled bath- room, large living room, din- ing room and kitchen, full basement. All windows storm- ed and screened, living room thermopane, aluminum storm doors, Low down payment, mortgage on small monthly payments. Phone Fred Sim- mons 235-1854, or Eldrid. Sim- mons, 235-0526. 11:29tfnc 5 Help Wanted MAN OR WOMAN to supply established customers wit h famous nationally advertised Watkins products, No invest- ment. Earnings of $75 and up weekly possible. Full or part- time. Write to M. Beaumier, 350 St. Roth Street, Montreal 15, Quebec. 6;13:20:27c BABY BUGGY, Gendron, $20; swing set with. 3 swings, $15; baby crib, small, $5; baby bassinette, $3; small tricycle; medium tricycle. Phone 90r16 Kirkton. 6:13c Classifications • AVOID THE RUSHI I AM DOING RADIO and TV repair work. Call Jim Lay e, 293-3134 Ailsa Craig. 10:4tfnc FOR PROMPT service, seven days a week, on dead or dis abled animals, phone Ed An- drews, 863W1. Seaforth. Truck licensed under Dead Stock Dis- posal, Act, Licence No. 66C61, 11.:22tIne FOR COMPLETE grinding and mixing on the farm, contact Kirkton Mobile Feed Services, or phone Kirkton 107. Also available molasses and Master concentrates. 11:29-1:3* Shop early for the best for every member of the family, Remember — Pleasing you pleases us, WILSON'S JEWELLERY & GIFTS 13c Christmas Gifts FIGURE SKATES, ladies' CCM, deluxe model, size 7, excellent condition. Phone 235- 0361. 13* 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4, Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6, Business Opportunities 7, Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10, Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24, Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales 6 Business Opportunities 50-ACRE FARM, stone house, good barn, shed, good water supply, 39 acres plowed, 8 acres mixed hay, one acre bush, Apply Ambrose Koricina, phone 228.6278, 11:22.12:27e MEN WANTED To help us supply the ever- increasing demand for Raw- leigh Products. Are you in- terested or have you a friend who might be? This is the best paying one-man business in the country. An excellent in- come for the man who is honest and a good worker, Write to: THE W. T. RAWLEIGH COMPANY LTD., Dept. L-202-05, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 13cn JOHN DEERE FOR YEARS TO COME Ski Boots, Skis, Skates Sleighs, Toboggans, Bicycles Tricycles, Guns, Air Rifles Shotguns Largest Dealer in Sports ROLLIE'S SPORTS & CYCLE GRAND BEND Toys VALUABLE 150 acre farm with buildings, desirable loca- tion, 14 mile south of Centralia with frontage extending to No. 4 highway. Possession and terms may be arranged to suit purchaser. For further infor- mation write or phone Sid Henry, Listowel, phone 1095, evenings or Saturday. 11 29nc tine 14 Wanted To Buy I' AM BUYING picture post cards of Ontario up to 1915. If interested please write E. Tur- ner, 583 Cox-well Ave., Toronto 6, Ont. 13c BABY CRIB, large size, and mattress. Phone 235-0203. 13c Authentic miniatures of John Deere tractors, wagons, spreaders and other farm implements. Every boy loves 'cm! ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS Free estimates. We do our own installing and service what we sell. Walker Aluminum Sales, Exeter, phone 235.0722 (collect), 13c HURON TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT CO, 13c ?*:szsbmosuioNst4s4Ns sx .,geari gn4so.tm‘Plassiessse (PS—Reserve the date! Our big John Deere Day is scheduled for April 1, 1963.) PHONE 235-1115 NORTH EXETER CLOTHING—Ladies' grey suit, size 14, $5; blue dress, size 16, 55; blue cocktail dress, size 14, $13; black cocktail dress, size 14, $10; man's winter coat, size 40, $10. Can be seen at Mid- Town Cleaners, Exeter. 13e GIRLS' WINTER COATS, size 8; 1 turqoise, grey collar; 1 navy blue, trimmed with red. May be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners. 13:20c MAN'S COMBINATIONS, wool- len,. new, size 48.50; large al- umni= roasting pan. Phone 235-1607. 130 UPRIGHT PIANO, Reimers, in good condition, reasonable. Phone 228-6388 or apply 244 Algonquin Dr., RCAF Cent- ralia, 13* 9 Services ai DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL 10 Livestock For Sale For dead or disabled animals, call 1 Lost, Strayed 1.1 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, 21/2 years old, vaccinated, bred Hereford, due soon. John Ber- endsen, phone 21r4 Kirkton, 83 highway, lee miles east of Farquhar. 11:22-12:27* 8 WEANER PIGS, 9 weeks old, Joe Varley, phone 234-6249. 13e PIGS, purebred Wessex saddle- back, 6 to 8 weeks old; males $20, females $25; 2 serviceable age boars. Phone 3r13, Mel Westman, RR 3 Granton, 13:20c MARE, 5 years old, standard bred, out of Highlawn Rose, by Popular Volo, broken to ride, quiet in traffic, in fold to quarter horse; colt, 6 months, standard bred and quarter- horse breeding. Mrs. V. Postill, phone 235-1483. 13:20e PONIES—Would your children like a dappled grey pony this Christmas? We have them. Apply Don. Geiser, 313 Carling St., phone 235-1543. 13:20c 20 WEANER PIGS — Apply Glenn Jeffery, phone 235-1716. 13* 13c HEREFORD STEER, about 800 lbs. Bev. Alexander, RR 1 Hensall, phone 337W4 collect. 29:6:13* STEPLADDER, on Thursday. Dec. 6, south of Crediton, or east on town line. Finder please phone Frank Glanville, Crediton 234-6326. 13* DOG, small white Huskie, strayed from 144 Andrew St., Tuesday night. Anyone having information in regards to this dog, please phone 235-0720. 13c teeele """ "LeZeISeearelleefeeleeleetenela. DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED USED HEATING EQUIPMENT —1 stoker-fired forced air fur- nace; 1 High Boy oil-fired fur- nace; 1 Stowaway suspended oil-fired furnace; 1 basement type oil-fired furnace, nearly new; 1 conversion type oil burner; 3 circulating furnace fans. All above equipment is complete with necessary coe- trols; also various sized oil space heaters. Lindenfields Limited, phone 235-2361. FOR LADIES Phone Collect Hunter 2-7269 Licence No. 175-C-62 9;20tfnc 2- & 3-PIECE DOUBLE KNIT SUITS . . 2-PC, ORLON SUITS .... $12.95 to LADY ANNE WOOL SWEATERS . GLENAYR KITTEN SHETLAND SWEATERS .. LAMINATED CAR COATS ..... $14.95 to HANDBAGS . $2,98 to QUILTED HOUSE COATS . $5,95 to $14.95 NYLON TRICOT BABY DOLLS & SHORTIE GOWNS .. $2.98 to $5,91 SATIN-FINISHED SLIPS — $2.98 $29.00 tf, FOR ALUMINUM windows and doors, paint sales, painting and carpentering, phone Fred Hatter, 235.0686 Exeter, 11;15-12:30* PAINTING and odd carpenter jobs. Phone 228-6687 Centralia. 9 : 20tfnc ellrelfieleenfteeee,e $15.95 $5.95 NON-RUN NYLONS .. GLOVES . $1.50 $1,98 to $5.05 $12.95 13:20c .35 EVENING BAGS, GLOVES, ,95 JEWELLERY CHIFFON, VELVET & BROCADES $11 Let's TRADE Snow Tires PARTY DRESSES IN Business Directory SPECIAL VISIT OUR Baby Dept • "rEMItz nEringTrZA:Vtit.Z.3 ALVIN WALPER JOHN WARD, D.C. PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 235.0991 25To OFF CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St., across from PUC ST. MARYS PHONE 1272 ALL LADIES' & MISSES' WINTER COATS for a complete range of lovely gifts in sixes up to 3X. --r 40 WEANER PIGS, 8 and 9 weeks old, first quality, Apply H. Roosehoom, RR 2 Hensall, phone Zurich 92r13, 13c WE HAVE SEVERAL USED SIZES IN STOCK 650x13 850x14 750x14 and 650x14 G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235-1680 FOR THE HOME C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon., Tues,, Thurs., Fri, 9 - 12, 2.5 Tues. and Fri. Evening, 7 - 9 By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1498 11 Poultry For Sale LACE & DAMASK TABLECLOTHS ...,... $4,50 to $12.95 LUNCH & SUPPER SETS .... ..... ee. ...... ..... $3.75 to $6.95 TOWEL SETS w $2,25 to $6,75 BEDSPREADS $7,50 to $14.95 FANCY PILLOW CASES ................ $1,98 to $4.25 OTTAWA VALLEY BLANKETS Size 72x84 $12.95 RAYON & ORLON BLANKETS . $5.95 to '$9,95 VISCOSE BATHROOM & BEDROOM MATS $3.49 to $6.95 IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS .... .....,. ,. $6,50 Prices to fit any Budget DAYOLD & STARTED PULLETS available at all times. Get your order in early to assure you of early order dis- counts, Apply to: IL Lawrence, Hen- salt, phone 37J ilensall; or Henderson Started Chicks Ltd., Seaforth, phone 358 Seaforth, 11:15thic SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE 235.0963 EXETER WANTED ! Used 670x15's GOOD PRICES PAID! PERCY C. WRIGHT C ROMA R TY For the next auction sale, call the Wright Auctioneer. Phohe Hensall 690r22 Collect FOR MEN 75 PULLETS, Red and Rock. Murray Thompson, phone Lit,. can 227-4687. 18c BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C,, LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons PHONE 235.0440 EXETER SPORT SHIRTS ... $1.98 to $6.95 TOPCOATS $18.95 to $55.00 KNITTED ORLON SUBURBAN COATS $19.95 to $29.95 SHIRTS 55,95 to $7,95 STETSON RATS 35.95 to $8,95 WASH 'N WEAR BROADCLOTH. TIE BARS & CUFF LINK SHIRTS .. $6.00 SETS . $1.50 to $7,50 TIE RACKS ...... $1,95 to $3.95 LEATHER. GLOVES $2,98 to $7.50 SCARVES . . ............. $2,95 to $3-95 ALL-LINEN INITIALLED SOCK SETS .... . 2,98 HANKS............504 Each STETSON MINIATURE HAT AND GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR THE HAT OF HIS CHOICE DR. J. W. CORBETT L.o.s., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235-1083 Exeter Cleeed Wednesday Afternoons 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale '55 PLYMOUTH 4. door, stand- ard transmission, in good run. ping condition; '$275 or best offer. Owner leaving for Eu- rope, Phone 235-1510, 0:13e '56 PLYMOUTH tutor, stand- ard coach; '56 Vauxhall sedan; priced reasonable, Apply S. Deelstee, 3 miles east of Cent- ralia. 6:13:20* STATION WAGON, '58 Chev, 6-cylinder, autoniatic transmie- glen; asking ante' 5995. Phone Liman 227-4621, evenings only. 13e Used Car Buys 1961 CHEV 4 - door Impala Hardtop, fully equipped, real sharp. (Traded on a new Mercury.) USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office -- Exeter, Ont. Directors lkfilten MeCurdy RR 1 Kirkton President DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON LAM., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235.0233 1960 METEOR Monteath', fully equipped, ex- cellent condition. (Traded on a new Meteor.) FOR BOYS 1960 AUSTIN SEDAN, excellent snOW tires, radio. tNew car delivered in Germany,) 1950 ANGLIA, perfect second car, in perfect condition, new tires. (Traded on new MO Austin.) 1959 METEOR SEDAN, 6-cylinder, radio, two. METEOR 1,955 METEOR TUDOR, 'sharp, 1952 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, good trarisporta. Hon, ALL-WOOL, HOCKEY SWEATERS . $3,39 HOCKEY SOX $1.49 TOQUES 980 WHITE TERYLENE DRESS SHIRTS „ 83.98 WASH "N WEAR DRESS DRESS SWEATERS $3,95 to $6,85 PANTS . $4.95 to $5,95 SPORT SHIRTS ..„.. $1,98 to $3,95 SUBURBAN COATS & NYLON PARKAS $9,95 to $14-95 Timothy B. TO6hey AR, 3 Vice-I'resident Lucan William IL Chaffe RR 4 Mitchell E. Clayton ColquilOtiti AR 1 Science , Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin Robert 6, Gardiner RR. 1 Croinarty Agents Hugh tenninger" Dublin Marry 'Coates RR, I Centralia' Clayton Harris Mitchell Solicitor's Mackenzie "S4 11.aytitend Exeter teceetary4riatuter Arthur Vtager ureter N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Extent Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235.2433 13 For Sale McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS AR 1 Creditor] Behind Centralia Airport sed Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Ilearlis Guaranteed prrogg 21S-6214 SEE OUR BARGAIN COUNTE RS FOR EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IF IN DOUBT GIVE AN ATTRACTIVE GIFT CERTIFICATE MACICEN*It RAYMOND BARRISTERS, ittiLltit'ORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC tHAALts L, SIAMNtit LLE, PETER RAYMOND, S,A, bpein Motley to' Friday :PHONE l354234 EXETER F. A. May & Son South End Service WALL HEATER, forced •air, Automatic, Markel, 2.49 Vella, 2,609WattsnSed three winters, new cond i tion, original price $110, Will SOU for $55. Apply Lloyd Hoffman, Exeter, phone, 235.0963* 11129tfne RUSS AND CHUCK SNELL Phone 11$4122 V Exeter PHONE 20.0E02 EXETER eareeretereeeteeeterisese4*-efiemeereettemeekeeivieteitereeetittatifeilleetetereattleseeteetesele f