HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-13, Page 10..frrpg.-RANo.g+/+ millowomujipaisi_mwo. 11EATINta and -C;QQWNG. Yoar -Wyna: Ioxory 54via .RQ% on fuel •mk Complete comfort, room-to-room. lomeseitx Lennox ermignnent T used in the homes of tomorrow. — because they provide complete comfort olong with exceptional economy. The fuel eavings of Lennox may 'eurprise you. Dut because the luxury feettircs of Lennox arc designed to trim costs as much as they are to iiypr complete comfort, your savols add un to $.50,0 or more, Coal, oil, gas and electric furnaces, to choose front, or in comblmtlon with eNmmer air eon. ditioning units. Phone for complete nil orate tiOn and ri'Pe estima lea, 1,itnited Phono 25S.334I gssoter Stiett1 /4S.Pliese"Peesss:SesSIViieV,StrelestStel-FISMensitiMellierMASielestraStitilWeititgliiiitteelts"et LEIV Order Early t . *, '11"g B E pi Zt le LL ifs t. me plc Cot liar 1/41/4 13 bet, alo; left the T pale of t relic ent: 4.11 Her A pyre of s Don as St st. is eh ei tA a ..!`3 ??. tt a.. t others who may wish to sup- port the project to inalie their donations as soon es possible. Contributions may be left at the Bank of Montreal in Dash- wood or Grand Bend or with 1,01110 .Kleinstiver, secretary of the .committee. Meanwhile, ail outside wort except landscaping has been completed. Materials will be purchased in the near future for completion, of the interior. The following contribains are recognized this week: Goodyear Tire Co. Ltd. London 2.5.00 Lorne Brown Motors Ltd., Clinton 25,00 Clarence Parke, Zurich . 2.00 Loose Rader, Zurich 2.00 Elgin R. Webb, Graed Bend 10.00 W. 11. Itods;son List, Exeter 25,00 Jones, ItecNatighton Seeds Exeter Herbert Willert Exeter Branch 167 Canadian Legion Cliff Russell D. H. MacGregor RR 8 Parkhill Ivan Sharpe Atilt Sweitzer Russell Mellen Lyle Steeper Woodrow L, Davidson Exeter William Schroeder, Cents'alla 66 era.,Wepb,-r-a 1212 "I wish you'd stop referring to me as your better one-and- a-helf l" lost, died in Park-wood }los' pital Friday after .being. in an griOnsciDlls and seini.conselons ,condition for almost seven Months. A bread salesman, .affOrd was found in his truck ,near Rielstaa on Slay 3,1, suffering front a brain hemorrhage. lie remained 'nueonscions U n i July when au operation result. ed in his becoming partially VOntiViOtla. Until recently be was in Victoria Hospital, A softball pitcher, he played fora number of legal teams and was an active bowler, He Was employed in London 'before coming to :Exeter and worked at RCAF Statism Centralia for a period, Funeral service Monday was conducted by Rev. C, Boyne, of Cavell. Presbyterian Church, in the R. C. Dinney funeral home. Pall hearers were Jim Scott, Bob :Haugh, Ross Ham- ilton, Bill Musser, Dick Harris and Gerry Cormaels. Burial was in Exeter cemetery, Surviving besides his wife, the former Barbara Austin, are two sons, James and Donald; one daughter, Nancy; his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Samuel Gifford, London; sister, Mrs. John (Ruth) Morgan, Toronto, and brother, Russell, Sarnia,. 20 00 10.00 100,00 40.00 10.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 5,00 5.00 Local doctors host to county Local doc1.or s and their wives were hosts to the doctors of the Huron County Medical Association and their wives at a banquet at the Dominion House, Zurich, Wednesday eve- ning. Hugh Bremner, -CM,- TV news commentator was the speaker for the evening TOWN TOPIC Mr, Milton Pfaff has returned to his home from South Huron Hospital where he has been a patient for the past few weeks. GIFTS FOR EVERYONE! YARDLEY SETS FOR LADIES, $1.75, $2, $3, $10 YARDLEY SETS FOR MEN, $1.85, $2.75, $3, $6.50 WIND SONG & sTRADWARI COLOGNES AND PERFUMES, $2.75, $2.50, $3,75, $4.50, $3,50 EVENING IN PARIS SETS $1.10, $1.35, $2,10, $4,00 CHANEL NO. 5 COLOGNES & PERFUMES $3.50, $5.25, $6.25, $9,00 BILLFOLDS FOR MEN AND LADIES $2,25, $3,00, $3.95, $5.95, $6.25 No Christmas is complete with out a box of JENNY LIND CANDY $1,35 lb. — $2,25 — $2.70 — $4.00 THANK YOU We appreciate. the patience and under- standing shown by our patrons during the ex- tensive renovation and alteration at the front of the store, It's nearly finished now and will allow us to ~give you Much better service and convenience in the future. T RH HOLIDAY AMS Exeter :Frozen Foods , for the ENTIRE FAMILY, Many styles to choose from. Some lined with genuine Shearling, See g the ever-popular KAUFMAN FOAMTREADS and the all-new "SHAGGY DOGS", g SNOW BOOTS for a gift that you will be remembered by the cold days ahead. Ladies' styles come in black, g brown and green its nylon, suede, loather g, and genuine waterproofed, Your choice of heels •—• illusion, stack or flat, 4 FOR THE 'CT' MAN IN YOUR LIFE , we suggest a pair of HARTT or SCOTT McHALE SHOES. A gift certificate for him that will mean eis that he can tonne in after the holiday and be properly g fitted. g SKATES there's still time to trade in those second. band skates on a new pair. TOP PRICES, ALLOWED. g LUGGAGE SPECIAL a, two-piece ladies" set by MeBRINE at only $21.9. Many others from which to choose, TRAVEL SHOE-SIIINIE KITS g By KIWI, Completes 'anyone's wardrobe, .S, YTHS' SHOE STORE intNg*M.***rAtiOrilitigvikt"Nr titan Otraikti*Mttzftt*ttittiMriMAtits+ tiiiltr Vielgetti 's SazKYo*SstYo .-itat t1/4sttVe'Reltt OME GI Ti from PPE "The store that Quality built" Platform Rocker by Kroehler A "performance tested" Kroehler rocker that combines cozy comfort with handsome design. Cover is 10% nylon frieze 'is a choice of colors, Satisfaction guaranteed with Kroehler'S warranty P6licY' 1005; Nylon Cover 9 95 Shriller to Illustration Smoke Stands 7.50 T L nips '6 50 EVERY HOME CAN use SEVERAL! Lovely Brass Stands Modern and sophisticated, sturdy and well-made, our brass stands serve as,magazine racks, TV and Record. Player Stands, Serving Wagons etc, as low as $2.69 Hopper-Hockey FuRNITugg - OPEN APTEIZN00148' OURINO titttMttit FOOT STOOLS from s,SO issokStRiletsstileitiftlf:40/11 04ii6tettIA*SO4-041$***040/40kttr6********AtOkiti6i*Atift0.400iki•Ot*****ittOtOg***** 0..4.00,10 Tho.: l'Imo5,-A4v000to, December 13, 1902 Arkpna druggist dies in hospital Orville D. Huntley, 61, of Ar- km,a, father. of Exeter drugs gist, William Huntley, died m Victoria HOSpitill,,LondOn, on Sunday,. December O. Surviving besides 'his wife and William are one daughter, Mrs- Don (Eleinei Charlton, till Springs, two suns, Robert of Bra.malea and Bruce of Lon- don; seven .gramlehildren and a sister, Mrs. Henry Rivers, itrathroy. Funeral service was held Wednesdey, at the Douglas Gil- funeral home, Medford, :1th interment to Arlsona eem- .erY• Dashwood canvass Sportsman dies of hemorrhage ikist $800 'short Bleke E. alfford, 34, local softball and bosvling enthes- CONSERVATION CROSS—This gabion groyne, in Nor- folk Park, was one of a number viewed by Ausable Authority members on a recent tour. Made of stones held together by wire, it helps control lakeshore erosion. Lake erosion control inspected by A" RCA Tim Au s a b l e Authority's securing ideas to apply to prob. Flood Control Advisory Board lent sites in their own water- went on a field trip to the Big shed, the board left for home, Creek region and Otter Creek Upcoming, events concerning Conservation Authority areas the Ausable Authority include to inspect the work that is be- a hoard meeting on December mg done there in the line of 13 and executive and full erosion control projects. authority meetings to wind up The first stop was i at a the year and discuss a pro• s 'stream bank protection job n posed budget for 1953, to he the village of Norwich, where held on December 19 at Park- gabion baskets have been used hill Town Hall. to' stabilize an eroding stream bank. One hundred and four feet of bank is protected by eight four-metre baskets plac- ed •end to end. The total cost of this work was $863, which. included the cost of the bas- kets, plus hauling and labour. Just before the noon meal the group visited the Long Point Provincial Park at Port .Rowan where they were shown the facilities which the depart• ment provides for hunters during the duck season. They also inspected an enclosed compound where wild geese are fed and banded during their fall migration. Lake erosioi, control After eating in Port Rowan where the field officer of the authorities, Dave Adlam, join. ed the tour, the board proceed- ed to view the attempts at lakeshore erosion control at the Balthes property in Houghton Township. Here the Lake Erie shoreline has been subjected to severe undercutting as a result of storms off the lake, and the authority has installed three groynes, each 150 feet long, made of rock-filled gabion bas• kets. The effect of these struc- tures is one of causing the waves to "break" before they reach the beach and as a re- sult erosion is lessened and additional beach area is built up between the groynes. The next stop was at the Backus Mill Conservation Area, where the board saw how gully erosion is retarded through the use of crown vetch as a vegetative cover. This legume is quite adaptable to droughty sandy soils and will Terflain green and thrifty even into the month of December. A drop inlet type of gully corn trol structure utilizing railway ties and rip•rap was also viewed at this location. Aftera very profitable day Christmas Turkeys Chickens .Ducks and Geese Dashwood.'s community cen- tre campaign has just 5900 to. go. to teach its immediate ob- jective. Canvassers have collected over 0,000 of the $5,000 figure required to finance construction of the community hall, With much of the canvass completed, however, officials fear - the last 20';i of the .objec- (lee will be the toughest to col- lect. This week they urged any who have been missed nod Floodlights highlight holiday decorations which is also supplied. For the best effect, 150-watt floodlemps should be placed as far heels from the house as possible, up to about eight feet. Low-lying shrubbery is ideal for concealing the floodlamps. Colors must be selected with care. Blue lights are ineffects - lye on anything but white or buff exteriors, and turn red brick an unattractive purplish brown. Red light on red brick provides a warm and cosy look, and contrasts well with surrounding snow, An interesting architectural feature, such as a corner or a gable, or a decoration, can be highlighted, but the rest of the house should be bathed in light as well, Use similar wats tage lamps for all floodlighting, with a white lamp for accent and pastel color for the re- maining lamps. Lighting equipment should be approved for use outdoors by the Canadian Standards As- sociation, and identified by the CSA certification mark, a large "C" enclosing the letters "SA". Outdoor lights have weather- proof sockets to protect them from moisture, and heavier torn and Mary spent Saturday wiring than required for indoor evening with Mrs. M. Johnson lighting, Weatherproof outdoor and Mr, Frank Johnson at Fan- outlets, installed by an elee- shawe, trician, are also recommended. Mrs. Andrew Hicks returned home on Sunday after visiting for the past few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A. Copeland in Windsor. Mr. Richard Shoebottom was a weekend visitor with his cou- sin, Mr. Larry Johnson hs Lon- don. Mrs. Arthur McFalls visited over the weekend at the home of her daughters, Mrs. R. Ut- ley and Mrs. W. Quinton in London, Sirs. Quinton accom- panied her mother home and is spending a few days with her. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shoebot- tom, Ann, Danny and Mary The bingo was under the sup- were visitors with Mr. and envision of the Legion Auxiliary Mrs. George Budden in Wood- and the only other double win- stock on Sunday. ner was Mrs, Marj Edwards The Sunday School Christmas who won two turkeys' entertainment will be held in Other chicken winners' in- the, schoolroom of the church eluded: Frank Triebner, Ted on Tuesday evening, Dec. 18. Pooley, Mrs, W. Reeves, Mrs. L, Davey, Mrs, R. Pepper, Mrs, W, Doupe, Reg Dick, Eric This Christmas, if you wa nt Swartzerdrhber, Ed Horn, Mrs, your home to say "Merry A. Harvie, Mrs, Classen and Christmas" for you, outline Ray Miller. your windows, doors and roof Turkey winners were: Mrs, with strings of colorful Christ- C. Corey, Sirs, N. Hearean„ ma.s lights. Remember that Mrs, B, Sockett, Mrs, N. Nor- when using strings of lights, ry, Mrs, Dclby, Mrs, L, Hea- the order of brightness is man and David Frayne. white,e yellow, red, green and The turkey door prize ryasbl won by Mrs Matt Finkbeiner. rsw•wetssiiesits-ste,ssseastess,sses-nessestsseissssestssisesssessso-sysits 11'• 11 rz Is li GIFT CENTRE (1' Cosy Bedroom SLIPPERS 4 By MRS. FRED BOWDEN C NTRALIA, The highlight of the week was the bazaar and lea spon- sored by the UCW and held in the schoolroom of the church on Wednesday afternoon, Visitors were welcomed by Mrs. D. M. Guest and the UCW president, Mrs. Ross McFalls. Mrs. Earl Heist and Mrs. El- mer Powe poured lea. The social committee enli- vened by Mrs. K. Greb with Mrs. .1. Essery, Mrs. R. Blair, Mrs. R. Breen, Miss. Margaret Cook and Mrs. Frank Hicks as assistants were in charge of the arrangements. The decorations were worthy of mention and depicted an old fashioned Christmas. Girls receive Lanyards Linda Dickey, Ann Shoebot- tom, Elaine Squire, Joanne Hicks and Jean Smith received lanyards at the regular meet- ing of the CGIT in the school- room of the church on Thurs- day evening. Mrs. Harry Wilson demon- strated the making of Christ- mas bows. The remainder of the time was spent in practising for the annual vesper service on Sun- day evening, Dec. 16. Candy Sale The girls Willing Workers class held a house to house home-made candy sale on Sat- urday afternoon and donated the proceeds to the CNIB fund. .Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Ray SI-umbels West!ts r•n1/45 1•0'-tra':treieltqwri-tvi The trend in outdoor Christ- mas lighting and decorating is now to floodlighting, used alone or to highlight a single, effective theme. According to Ontario ilydro's Lighting Service, simplicity is the key to effective outdoor Christmas lighting. For outdoor floodlighting, .11ydro's Lighting Service re- commends Par-38 floodlamps, which are available in white with removable colored caps, as well as in a range of per- manent colors. Also available this season are floodlight kits, which contain a 100-watt color- ed outdoor floodlamp and six feet of weather-proof cord. The lamps can he hung, or placed in the ground on a spike Old-time yule decor highlights bazaar Man and wife win three fowl Mr. arid Mrs. Joe were the big winners in the weekly bingo at the Exeter Le- gion Hall as they took home three fowl in time for their fes- tive feasting. Joe bad the winning cards during two of the chicken bin- goes and his wife climaxed the night during the play for the turkeys. YOUR it in If these The holders of 'the winning tickets on the Exeter Kinsmen's WORLD SERIES POOL have until December 31 to claim their prizes. Winning 'tickets on games three and five have not been turned in, tickets are not turned in by this time, the Kinsmen will consider them as donations for Corn-. munity Service Work. PHONE 23$..n4o cK IA, Hall MA114 $ MAIN STREBT tios' sttitrAstio*ottomthtftwoftt~okarr iftwotuthotottei4 ktuviAtootiromwm,ate, oftwowthsiscrt EXETER teiStMlsfasatesSWAWSi