HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-13, Page 91 ti i1 0 King fro;rrs Sys4iors, ins, 1942. Vold ngkis rocor4. "Every time Henry gets a cold, it settles in his head," Greenway group elects executive Crediton entertains community seniors • Would you ,be. interested in haying $10,000 in Koh 20 yeera from now? It's easy, the Investors way. investors avno76calo or **seise. 0..1 01 IIIP TED HOLMES 146 Ogee Park Circle, London Pa 4.9508 or enquire et Ttizt Time*. ,Adygoate The Times,Mvocatei f.:)oesrctiler 13, 1962 Pagrit: Salalfaiaaisaisleaeeissarassassasteseisaatitazataa ssa.fiassaasiesitassaaaaseaaisazs give her a HOOVER this Christmas r s'doe, THE SMART FLOAT, ON-AIR. MODEL 069 , Cleaner ONLY S 5 9.8 8 N. THE MODEL 5336 " Floor Polisher DNLY $32.88. Russell Electric n '1 PHONE 235.0505 EXETER 011.111011.1.11110.• -•••••••nomm.w.M14.11.11.11,111,11. MO% Mastercraft MAPLE SKIS Selected maple construction combines lightness, balance, strength, and style; eye catching blue lacquer finish gives a fast-running, smooth all season base, "Chalet" Senior Release binding, Sizes 53.4 ft. to 7 ft. Kiddies' SKI OUTFIT Toddlers too can enjoy all the fun and thrills of skiing. Every feature sealed for children, Natural finish polished w o o cl, leatherette har- a ness, ski poles. ip e DeMond Imported SKIS Exceptional control on hard pack snow and ice. Fully laminated. Pull length steel edges, Metal tip protectors. Plastic lacquer finish. Sen- ior Aspen safety binding. Sizes 4 5 6.1e, 6,ae En o. .9 Car-Top SKI CARRIER Space is no problem with this lightweight carrier ",holds 6 pairs of skis). Rust- proof channel - steel cress- bars and uprights, rubber rings hold skis and poles in place. With sue- 5 lion cups and 95 anchor straps, ., , , Accessories For The Ski tntnustasti ski GLOVES — Genuine black skeeskin 'palm eitd fingers with Wool cuffs. Small, medium oe large, rir. . 4,79 03001r PRESS — Strong channel steel, rugged bidiVidual Tyrol toe'clamps. Fully *inflatable..„ . oTaKoo Ski WAXES *No, 144 ebnibbitition pack, ..... ... 175 .1 WaX tot •mediffin iniOW nom. ... !aaastaaS.a'a.failaaaaasaialssassatsta, • ssaafa)..,a,...aa t asssaaili. Mattereraft SKt POLES — A fine aelection tor the beginner to the skilmt enthusiast, . Priced 15w from . 1;79 to 9;95 Italian Style ski HOOTS Comfortable hoot. Civality black calf, tusitioned ankle 'sitting. sizeaaloes 6 to 12, Ladles' 4 to ................... ...... , ... 17*95 aaaStaaaaaata '436. Exeter Pilot% .104'.11 .60.. & Son Ltd, eraiiiiathearerier - Fat Keystone SNOW-MUD ALL FIRSTS All neat No retread. tto t'new-treare nr "'second;", Ero p 111W for slire..fricitod trat't:ori wmi Prier shown for Tube-Tape 750/14 tubeless $10.45 -E—a A . 95 PAIRS NO TRADE NEEDED 6 ( $12 rather s to 0 ($z ells959 88 Installation and Guaranteed Wheel Balancing Included. Prices quoted are for Thbe-type — Tubeless $2.00 extra, •01:166t-On..6,11-tt soiler-tlex tOnsfrueflOti r al Vied In 70% et all new cat tires, "WhIter.thatiMhite" Slim. Line wall* '-. built with 'Hynalen", by Do. Pont Of danada Llontod. RUeigEd deep•trdAd for belier frAttinn plUt longer mileage. insured against Road Hazards, includ• 1ng blowootai eecidants, etc., un to 41 months. MOtleit Snow 'tires on Brand Nov; Orthal eiLltiltty — At RA THE :PRICE voted..exPect to 'pay', TO lit Chevrolet, Plymouth, Dodge, Corvair, etc. A8 Lour AS Clandeboye groups choose executives By MRS. J. H. PATP.N. a:L.014./30'4 The WA and Guild of St. james Church met at the borne of Airs. ..4)1110 Lewis, WA president, Mrs; Andy Carter Wes. in the chair for the WA meeting when annual .ire- ports were givee, showing that all pledges .had been met and .51nall balance on hand. hey. E. 0. Lancaster con- ducted .the .election of officers. President is Mrs. Andy Carter; vice-president, !lira. 4.m. i i y Tomes and Mrs. Robert Latta; seeretary.treasurer, MrSi.:' kart O'Neil; D es committee Airs, Aimee liendrie (convener) Mrs. Alvin Cunningham, and Mrs. Jack Hewitt; pianist, Mrs, James Paton. Mrs. James Cunningham was elected president of the, Guild meeting which followed; Vice- president .is Mrs, Art Cunning- ham; secretary-treasurer,. Mrs. Cecil Carter; assistant, Mrs. Ray Hodgins; pianist, Mrs. Pa. ton; visiting committee, Mrs. Ernie . Lewis and Mrs. Carl O'Neil; Plans were made for the Sunday School party to be held December 14. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Cecil Carter and Mrs. Wil- fred Cunningham. WI donee: gifts At the meeting of Clandehoye WI at the home of Mrs. Dons ald Pettigrew white gifts don- ated were in money to be used to buy fruit for the Lucan Lodge patients for Christmas. Mrs. Alan. Hitt won the prize in the members' display and competition of Christmas ideas and decoration for the home, Roll call, sing, say or play, was answered with a great va- riety of readings and poems by 14 members, The hostess contest, naming the contents of 12 different jars, was won by Mrs. Wilmer Scott. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Maurice Simpson, Mrs. Wilmer Scott and Mrs, Hiram Thompson, Family party Mr, and Mrs, Ken. Carter en- tertained Mrs. Carter's mother, Mrs. Thomas Lee of Lucan, and. her brothers and sisters to a turkey dinner on Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Park- er, ifarriston, Mrs. Olive Mitch- ell, Air, and. Mrs. Cyril Lee and Mr. amid Mrs, Stancyl Lee of London, Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Lee and Mr. and Mrs, George Lee, Brinsley. Attends school area banquet Mr. and airs. Mervin Carter were guests at Elimville when the School Area of Usborne en. tertained the teachers in the area Thursday evening. UCW bake sale The UCW held a bake sale and tea on Friday afternoon at the church with a variety or home baked foods, The weather turned out very stormy with the attendance much smaller than anticipated., Reports are that many bought their own baking and 'visitors bought more than Usual, The ladies donated home made candy to help the Sunday School fund which brought $20, The bake sale and tea re- ceipts were $85.00. LOBA Christmas party The members of Victoria Lodge .LOB,A. 387 :Liman held their Christmas party at the hdme of Alt. and Mrs. J. Paton on Saturday evening. Names of the members had been, drawn previous and the gifts were exchanged, Mrs, Leonard Smith, who has filled the Office of WM fOr two years, presented each member With a personal gift, - From a table covered with festive Cloth centred with a nativity scene and red candles, refreshments were served. CHURCH NEWS St. James At St. ,lames Churth the rec- tor the Rev, E. 0, Lancaster spoke on the second Sunday in Advent, Bible Sunday, The Service with Holy Communion was administered, Garage Sunday And Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wed- nesday afternoon and dur. ing the evening throtigh• out the week. Huriter.Duvar Ltd. DON ROOTH ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR nomettor 4 COMMIS', ,a1 irtlit.att eel Motors, Contrc.is ightanp 70 Huron St Wost 235-0282 The. Stinday School party is On. Friday evening at the church. United Church The Rev, G. W. 'Sects, Min- ister, followed the service for White Gift Sunday giving a, story for the children. Sunday School party is on Thursday night at the church. Y.C.W. plan for .Christmas The tICW meeting was field at the home ofaalra. Willialia Darling with President Airs. Wilmer Scott in the chair and 12 members present. Alereb,ers appointed to .pre- pare the „communion in 1963 were; January, Mrs. Arthur Hodgins; April, Mrs. Arthur Simpson; July, Mrs. George Simpson and October, Airs, David Kestle. Airs. Alex Macintosh had charge of time devotions with Miss A. Northgrave and Mrs, Wilmer Scott who gave .read- ings and carol singing was en- joyed, It was decided to send cards to. the sick and boxes to stint- ins at Christmas. Small candles were lighted and prayers for Christmas closed the meeting. Mrs. Peter Voisin and Mrs. Wilson assisted the hostess. Personal items Mr, and Mrs, Bill Downing, Karen and Joan, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. M- iner Hendrie. Karen left on Sunday to start the six weeks' course aL Byron, Sanatorium, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paton of London, who have returned from a flight to Cleveland visit- ing relatives, visited the Paton family Sunday afternoon. Mr, and. Mrs, Arthur Lee, Cary, LindaaBarbara and Jessie. and Miss Tibby Wright of Lon- don, who stayed over till Sun- day, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sigsworth and family on Saturday. Other visitors last week were Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, Bobbie and Glen of Lon- don, Mrs. Ada McDonald, Mrs. Malcolm Allison, Mrs. Bob Allison and Mrs. Melvin Allison of RR 3 Allsa Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banting of Lucan, Mrs. L. C. Harrison of Lon- don visited Mr. and airs. M- eier Hendrie on Tuesday. Rev. Harrison has been ill but is im proving, "Now I see why they could do it so cheaply." By MRS. C. WOODBURN GREEN WAY The UCW met at the-home of airs. Bryden Taylor with Airs, Jas. Geromette in charge of the worship service. Airs. Gero.. mette took "Christmas in Child- hood Days" as her theme and read several Christmas poems. Duets were sung by Marilyn Scale and Johnnie Smithers and also by Miss Evelyn Curls and Mrs, Harvey Eagleson. The president, Mrs. Joe her ner, took charge of the busi- ness period. Mrs. Joe Eagleson asked that used postage stamps he turned in to her for the Bible Society Por missionary work. Airs, H. Harlton read a letter concerning used nylons and asked that members save. theirs. The treasurer gave a very gratifying financial report for the first year of the new or- ganization. Mrs. Bryden Tay- or gave a reading and mem- bers answered the roll by "A Childhood Memory of Christ- mas" which created much reminiscing. The January meet- ing will be held at the home of Airs, Carman Woodburn on January 9. 'Phe nominating committee brought in a slate of• officers for 1963. President is Airs. Joe Hor- ner; vice-presidents, Mrs. Law- rence Curts, Mrs. Carman Woodburn; treasurer, Airs. Ken R. o c k: recording secretary, Airs. Jas. Geromette: corres- ponding secretary, Mrs. Car- man Woodburn; community friendship and visiting conven- er, Mrs. Lloyd Brantley, west, airs. Harvey Walper, east, Mrs, Eldon Steeper, nnrth, Airs. Paul Eagleson, south, Mrs. Harold. Brophey. Christian citizenship, Mrs. Bryden Taylor; stewardship and recruiting, Mrs, Jim Eag- leson; literature secretary, Airs. Roy Whiting; cards, Miss Evelyn Cuts; program .corn. mitlee, Mrs, T, Isaac and Mrs. Herbert Marlton, Airs. Lloyd Brophey; group leaders, north; Airs. Ed. Stewardson; south, Mrs, Elton Curts; east, Mrs. Ed. Bullock, West, Mrs, Cecil Smithers, supply, group lead- ers; pianist, Miss Evelyn Curls; Community friendship, Airs, Harvey Walper; finance com- mittee. Mrs. Ken Rock, Mrs. Jas. Geromette, Mrs. Carman IV oodbur n, Mrs. Lawrence Cuts; manse committee, Mrs. Ken Rock, Mrs. Harald 'Bro- phey, Mrs, Lawrence Curts; kitchen committee, Mrs, Ervin Eggert and Mrs, Bus Layer- well: auditors, Mrs. Jim Eag- leson and airs. Cecil Smithers. Personal items White Gift service will he held in the United Church on Sun- clay when gifts of clothing and canned goods will be received for the Salvation. Army and money donations for the Al ae Al fund. Mr. and Airs, 'Bob Baird and daughter and air. and Mrs. Clare Ritchie and son, of Sar- nia, spent the weekend with Mr, and Airs. Lawrence Curts. Mrs. W. Freele, of Ilderton, spent a couple of days last week with her sister, Mrs. Harold McDonald and Mr. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs,- Fred Allison of Lieury visited on Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Ervin Eg- gert. Mr, and airs. Ross Pickering PRESZCATOR CREINTON Over fifty senior citizens of the community were entertain- ewdecidiiy,D .at Community•the cs on Fallowing01 est spe aoi.etur r, ,Aely r, dt:inirivieerr„. Bell of Exeter, gave an ing talk on the importance of our senior citizens to the .com , inunity. Messrs. Russell and William Schroeder played a mouth or- gan duet; Mrs. Earl Neil gave a reading, Miss Doreen Kenney and Miss Judy Lamport favored with vocal duets. Prizes for the couple having an anniversary closest to that dale was won by Mr, and Airs, William Oestricher, Mr, and. Airs. .Garfield. Hill won the. prize for the most grandchil. dren, havhig 25, Mrs. Isaac Gower won the prize for the lucky chair, WSWS Christmas meeting The WSWS Christmas meet- ing, with PleetiOn of officers for 1963, was held Thursday eve. ning in the ElJ13 church. The program opened with music., Airs. littgo Schenk act- ing as chairlady. Others taking part were Mrs. Ervin Ratz, Mrs, Nelson Schenk, Mrs. Chris Dinney and Airs. A, Al, Schlen- ker; vocal duet by Karen Fink- beiner and Margaret Heist and piano solo by Fay Schlenker, During the business conduct- ed by the president Mrs. Gor- don Ratz a Christmas offering was received which is to go to Rev. Donald Pletch in Africa. Fifty dollars was voted to the current fund and fifty dollars to the missions of the church. A slate of officers which was presented by the nominating committee was voted on for the coining year, President is Airs. Gordon Ratz; vice-presidents, Airs. G. E. Wenzel, Mrs. Freeman Mor- lock; secretary, Airs, Wilmer Wein; asst, Airs. Emerson Wein; corresponding secretary, Airs. Lorne Morlock; WSWS treasurer, Mrs. Ervin Rat",; Ladies' Aid treasurer, Airs. Ross .Kreuger; Convenors, good cheer. Mrs, Nelson Schenk; social, Mrs, G. E, Wenzel; parsonage, Mrs. R. Krueger; membership and at- tendance, Mrs. W. Weber:- greeting cards. Mrs. Al. Faist: and family of Shipka visited with Me. and Mrs. Cecil Smith- ers and Johnnie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Edmund O'Neil and Terry have moved to Park- hill and Mr. Gordon Mawson has bought. Mr. O'Neil's house at Corbett. Sunday School concert of the United Church will be held De- cember 18. Pianist, Mrs. E, Fahrner; asst, Mrs. ,G. Finitheiner. Secretaries, Spiritual Life, Mrs. A. M. :Schlenker; Steward- ship, Mrs. L. Lamport; mis- sionary .edttcation, Mrs. A. Wein; social relations, Mrs, E. lien- thick; missionary education for children, Mrs. l.. 1"tnkbeiner, Mrs. W. 'Weber and Rev. A. M. Schlenker. The installation of officers was conducted by Rev. A, M. Schlenker, A social hpur was spent, Open house Airs, ft, Molitor announced that open house would be held at Crediton Public School on Monday, Dec. 17 from 3:00 to 4,ma000 p,m. nytoy, repaired The Christian Helpers class of the United Church spent a. busy week repairinr: ,B(1. ing ready toys for age. The response 1 -quest for used toys was a.,laz- ing and sincerely appreciated. Personal items Airs, Alvin .Finkbeiner and Sandra and Air. and Mrs. Har- old Fain-tier attended the Haisl- Cesson wedding in Fernvicts on Saturday, Summary Day for the WI short course was held in Blyth on Thursday, Dec. 6. Those at- tending from the Crediton WJ were Mrs, R. Reid, Mrs, E. Lamport, airs. E. Fahrner, Airs. P. .130ulianne, Airs. C. Kenney and Mrs, R. Krueger. Air. E. Guettinger left Sun- day to spend the winter with his family in Detroit, Mr, Isaac! Gower is a patient in South Huron Hospital. Sunday visitors with Air. and airs. G. E. Wenzel were. Air, and Airs, Alex Wolfe of Lisle. wel and Mr. and Airs. Wesley Kurtz of Milbank, Mrs. Lorne Preszcator has taken over the correspondence for The Exeter Times-Advocate due to the illness of Mrs., Al. Faist,