HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-13, Page 7'0,0:005 .,
' .4.,..,.
Holiday Specials
"52 'VALIANT 4-Door Sedan, radio, local-
ly owned, low mileage $1,895.00
150 DODGE 4-Door Sedan, the famous 6.
cylinder with Torque-Flight . „ .. $1,595.00
'57 VOLKSWAGEN VAN $ 495,00
Exeter Motor Sales
Fred Do1345, Prop,
George 235.1130 235-1250 Fre d 235.0865
The Times-Aelvtnett, pcomber 13, 1962
As the holiday season approaches, adverse
weather conditions sometimes place a maximum.
burden on our staff to maintain our high level of
service to our retail store customers.
To avoid serious congestion at our stores
during this peak sales period, we respectively
suggest that our customers purchase their require-
ments as early as possible,
Curlers! Ifs Here.
"Ernie Richardson"
curling Sweater
This new curling garment sets a new stand-
ard of style and excellence for the curling
world. Custom-designed for Ernie Richard-
son himself, this sweater is being acclaimed
by top curlers across Canada. Made of pure
Botany wool, it allows more freedom of
movement, embodies a special 3.way collar
and has a neat dressy appearance on on- off
the ice, Without a doubt, this is the world's
finest curling sweater. In pullover or card.
igen style, in a variety of smart colors,
Milverton 'Topnotchers held Tbe lilt was a nip •and tuck
onto their lead le the Big Plight, affair all the way and it wasn't
bolt this week, but Seeforth until the final minute when
Pitilmsberg hung right with Bryan Pfaff lifted a puck into
the powerful leaders and trail the empty net that the outcome
by only two points, was certain.
The Topnotchers, posting a Lucan - Merton started the
13-3 drubbing over the tailend scoring off at the 8;08 11• '1 of
.Mitehell Bed Devils, ran. their the :first period when Ken Loft
Ivies to five for 10 points, but finished off a play with Don
they have played one more Fletcher and navvy Wraith, but
game than their two closest Wib Bender got it right back
for the homesters in 17 seconds,
Philipsburg remains the only The visitors look another orie.
Undefeated team in the loth goal margin iii the 11:23 mark
and served notice this week with Dusty Allis beating Jim
that they weren't apt to chenge Uhri,g after taking a pass ie.
this without a considerable :front of the net from - Barry
struggle by some of their op. Iteare,
position, But nee again the Chevs
Faeing Lucae-Ilderton's slow- battled back to even the count
starting Combines, the Chews twilh Jim Deering blinking the
nested a 5.3 win and then came light behind Keith Scarborough
back by tripping the ']'owners
7-5 right in •Seaforth.
Seaforth kept pace however
with an easy 9.2 win over Clip-
Ion, in a game marred by
game miseanducts to Seaforth's
,Ken ,Doig and Bob Meehan of
the Thunderbolts for a Wild
stick-swinging duel in the final
Area squads lose
?tickle's foursome was
the only one able to hold its
lead in the three divisions of
the Alen's Curling league this
week as a new leader appeared
in the Thursday group and. a
former one regained 'top spot
in. Tuesday's action,
Miekle scored a hard-fought
13-9 win over Carman Cann to
pick up another 12 points and
run his total to 53, This is nine
more than Ken Oilowell's sec-
ond place squad and an even
dozen over John Conran and
Hiss Patricia Carey of Lon-
don visited over the weekend
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
doe Carey,
Mrs, Michael Ryan Sr. is vis-
iting her daughter and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Mc-
Carthy of Maidstone.
Rev. Father Hugh Fleming,
PP of Aylmer has been dis-
: e arn, E I tuot L
.... :rtacs
this ineoting.
Baby Baed will be guests :At
404 POr,,, lt at the rhumb. Thft It
A A,
— ,
The Ellinville Women's insti.
.M. , „ , i C...ki. e:,!$. at top - •• .te .,„,„ to .the Lisborne
t o In To wnshi p School Board of 1902
.., banquet et the Elintville gall
:New leaders popped up in The results ..e.e as follows; On ThersdeY evening when they
two of the. ladies' .eurling races lie%. t. 're le--itere sieTevish r, were eptertateed by the tege.h.
this week, while Maide Geiser l e i k "" '311'."1"1-4.nr"'"" ''°""` 9' :er of the staff,• ,o, ac. Ths..he ,,. —N. Pas/11110re 7 . extended her lead in th e third i sm, th el em 11,-1), gee ists0,, s ' Mc. and Mrs. .linward PYin., • ,
to to hig Minis With her fourth
straight win.
rI a,1 ,faha in 11—Dick .lermyi1 1-1 Joan, limn faid Elaine visited ri midi-noon Moi ,a‘Igli1111 011 Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, lc" mvpu it Vieicpriortn 5 A !vi a Ern of Exe t er, .c :run
Mil CI Purl% 7 Inn My. and Mrs, Norman Jaques, $11k0.1 IT " Harry and Shirley visited on 'wetly Storlmi 7- .than tin s7100. snarl st •.and Mrs• 11 (...; viii —E1)%111 Sundaywith 1 E.1 4 RD 5S Skim er,
H ifi' 12 4 '1'41'41' 81.1111 " The Ellin viile cOrr held their
C(11,1" 011 7 Pi o!, •101.11.4'1, Triwii mer Moen 7 meeting at lb.: church on Thurs. ix,. '&411. rt Lose wf.h.ber is day evening. Miss Marilyn
1q1ane. 1 7) T. Va3'111 n" Johnsh ad char wei ge of the r- 11111 SinninIst, 17 A' Down 4 Norio Sanderm ; Bailey \ ship Assisted by Janet Skin- t:es:4 Tayier a ner. Diane Stone led in staging tee Lampert 11— mac Doib,-,er, el and f ollowi ng t h e meeti n g p rae..
lice was held for the vesper
service and their pageant.
The pupils from 1.1 $ b r e
Township a r c presenting a
Christmas Musical at the South
Huron 'District :High School on
Thursday evening (tonight) at
8:30 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hogan
of Merlin spent the 'weekend
Centralia Hawks. were handed with Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Ho-
-their fourth loss in five outings gan and family,
in Forest Thursday, dropping a
7-2 verdict to the surging Fly-
Jim Bloomfield, the former
Sarnia junior star, paced the
onslaught with three goals
which turned out, to be enough
to single-handedly beat the vis-
iting Hawks.
Single tallies in the tilt were
picked up by Ken Mathews,
Don McGregor, Pete Sisler and ch arged from St, Joseph's Hos.
Dave McEachren. pital, London. Del Killen and Andre Demers
were the lone snipers for the Turkey bingo
Centralia six. Over 130 persons competed
Forest took a commanding for the turkey bingo held in
5.0 lead in the first period of parish hall last. Friday eve-
the game and never were thing. respite of snowy weather
threatened as the visitors man- all visitors were keen players
aged only one goal in the see- and enjoyed a pleasant night.
cod and third stanlas. Turkey winners were; WS.
It was a rough and tumble *lobe Moser; Margaret Me-
affair most of the way as, the ('ann; Sandra O'Rourke, Mrs.
referees handed out 17 penal- flagis, Leona rd Dietrich,
ties, nine to the visitors. Charles Dietrich, Mrs. Bill Mc-
Cann, Terry O'Brien, Mrs,
Clem McCann, Mrs. Gordon
Ratz, Anne Regier, .Mrs, Pat
The two area intermediate
squads gave their fans little
to cheer about this week es the
Combines lost their only outing
to Philipsburg and the Centralia
Hawks were whipped by ,For-
However, one. of them will get
back on the winning track this
week as they face each other
in a game in the Exeter arena
It will be one of two games
for both clubs as the Combines
travel to Clinton to tackle the
Thunderbolts in a Sunday after-
noon game and the Hawks mo-
tor to Mitchell on Tuesday for
a tilt with the winless Bed
The team facing the toughest
schedule of . the week will be
the Seaforth six, who tackle
Philipsburg on Friday and then
move into Alliverton on Tues-
Forest clip
CE Hawks
Chevs trip
L-1 squad
The surprising Philipsburg
('hers kept their win streak in-
tact in Big Eight play this
il.eck with a hard-.fought 5-3
win over Luean-Ilderton. Com •
hints in New Hamburg Wed.
in the last minute of play in
the opening stanza,
The Chcvs wasted little time
in taking their first lead in the
game when. Gary Pfaff dented
the twine at the 55 second mark
of the second. frame and he.
pushed. the lead to 4-2 at the
14-16 mark,
Lueen-liderlon fought to get
hack in the tilt And their ef-
forts were finally rewarded
when Stu O'Neil took a pass
from Loa with four minutes
remaining in the game pull
to within one goal.
They lifted Keith Scarborough
in favor of an extra forward,
but the move backfired when
Pfaff grabbed the puck and
fired it into the mesh to pull
the game out of reach of last
year's loop champions.
Bev Morgan who are tied for
Last week's second place rink
skipped by Ken McLaughlin
dropped lo fourth with a 10.6
defeat at the hands of Bob Mid-
Tuesday night's action re-
mained the closest of all three
divisions as Sandy Elliot re-
gained the lead with a 12.6 win
over Charlie Smith to run his
total up to 43 points,
Russ Snell upset Art Cann by
a convincing 12-2 margin to
move into second place, iust
two points behind the leaders,
Sharing third place, one point
behind Snell, are rinks skipped
by Harvey Pollen and Claude
Farrow, while Wally Seldon is
fifth with 39 points.
A head-on clash between the
two leaders in Thursday's ac-
tion saw Lee Learn pick up a
close 14-13 win over Lee Web-
her to replace the latter at the
top of the loop with 47 points.
However, despite the loss,
Webber is stilt in contention
Lamport is a distant third with
only six points back while Bill
35 points.
Sharing fourth place are rinks
skipped by Charlie Shane and
Mac Hodgert, each with 34
Honors for the most lopsided
wins of the 'week went to Bill.
Stanlake for his 17.4 win over
Clarence Down and Charlie
Shane's 15.2 decision over Lorne
The results are as follows:
are:sie :mane s.exiis- l'asiOn 2
14:10) WAterth.
Ellett hero F
11r-,rnivo Cam & lathy Southcnit 4 Ti ilalser 13—Maxtne nraharn 1
1We,1 ormyrt 11-4.1dna Husvlin
1. Soigner 7-1-elett 13urfort
MRIT Marlin S—Lee :Dobbs 5
Joan Per,111(1 '13--a11111 1303,1R 3
Helen MI6:1e :It McDowell t
'f.nix (lumen 101(Itner 6
Lois Loam., ii---.Perna. Yin lc 7
non, I bY lOIder , Mon0010,1 ;
Sullivan jr., Mr, Ruzzabtmg.
Share wealth winners for
money were John Rock, a
garet Ann Hogan, MrS. Bill
McCann, Joanne Dietrich, 'Ger-
ry Glavin, Frank Glanville,
Mrs. Gerald O'Rourke, Mrs.
Gordon Ratz, Mrs. Clem Mc-
Cann, Mr. Muller. Turkey door
prize went to Gerald Thomp-
son of Ailsa Craig,
Bernice Cann's foursome,
which has been bouncing aro.und
the lop ell!" Cathy Southcott in
Tuesday's play took over the top
spot when she downed thn
Southeolt four by a score of
The win gave the new lead-
ers a. total of 43 points, six
more titan Ellen .Knight's squad
who moved into second with a
9.5 win over Lois Heim
The Southeott quartet dropped'
back to third with 36 points.
five more than Barb Bell's
fourth place squad,
Maida Gaiser's rink had an
easy time in holding their lead
in Wednesday's play as they
drubbed Maxine Graham's en-
try by the tune of 13-4. This
gave her an edge of 10 points
over' Helen jermyn's entry who
held second with 34 points.
jean Pecille scored a 13-3 win
over Edith Boyle to jump into
third spot, while Helen Burton
and Laurette Seigner trail in
fourth with 30 points each,
Lois Learn followed her hus-
band's example to move into
the leadership in the Thursday
afternoon grouping by tripping
Verna Fink's squad by a nnat-
ural" score of 11,7,
I wish to take this, opportup-
ity to thank all those who sup-
ported me so well at the polls
and assisted me in. being elect-
ed to council,
it was sincerely appreciated.
L... face .ce tontot
Topnotchers retain
area crews drop games
Topics from
Mt. Carmel
Personal items
The teachers and pupils of
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel school
are holding their annual Christ-
nas concert Wednesday eve-
ning., Dec. 19 in the Parish
Distaff curling race
has two new leaders
Topics from
White Cyift service
The White Gift service was HAY
held on Sunday in a combined
service et the usual church ELECTORS
Mr. .Elson Lynn, S u 1h d a y
School superintendent had
charge of the service assisted
by Rev, If. Wilson- The scrip-
ture lesson was given by Mrs.
Montmoreney's Sunday School
Blass, Mrs. Philip 'Hera read
the story, "The Children Bring It was sincerely appreci-
Their Gifts." aced. by me,
The church and the Christmas
tree were decorated by the CG1T
Personal items
1 wish to express my
appreciation for your sup-
port .at the polls on Mon-
Hay Residents • 0
would like to take. this opportunity to
thank all those who supported me at the polls in
Monday's election.
At the same 'time, I wish to express my
appreciation to all those who have assisted me in
serving the township as reeve for the past seven
Your support has been sincerely appreciated.
Lee Learn, local curling champion,
models the new "Ernie Richard-
son" 1000 0 Pure Botany Wool
sweater which has lust arrived
at Walper's. Try one on yourself
there's none finer,
This save her a total of 40
points, °two more than Helen.
pickle who kept pace with a
14.1 drubbing over Janie life-
Dowall's squad who held the
lead last week.
The loss dropped the Mc-'
Dowell. rink into a tie for third The F,Iimville 'HOW will hold.
Place with Lois Ottewell, each their December meeting on Fri.
team having picked tip 35 points
to date.
I would like to thank the
for their support at the
polls on Monday.
The Pick
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When you buy a sift Certificate
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