HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-08-25, Page 4,W1P411111a w-mr-tr 7- - -- - To 14.4 or to Sell. TO ARCHITECTS GARIN). 44, • ....-... .- 311 RE lIAITLAND DISTILLERY. A PREIIIIUM of 286 wilt 1. piles by a log, wets how 1151,,,,, Di Gogengo. A& tha &oast ..1 Trustees for t he *'..,i' la • these le eel tithes Dlettllery withis toasty Gleseither School of Ilerou sail 'goer, lot Mike ef Hie above. Per pan. ulars apply 114 heal piens sad ippeelleatioss ui a beet ea Ibis Iffers• Mimed Ofikee. or to 114 Sub buildtag •uireble fur . ha Comet y lirssomeo awroller (.1 by Water post mid.) Scheel mad Comoros ISchrowle ut the Ti. A. r. ILON'l GOMEGY. ol Goderteh ullolltd. (kilatIcb, Awg. 4111, 1403. .dl The sues lit foe espeweed is Ant•biof the 141 0. awl 10 retired is obit ereestime C1368, DIVISION COURTS. 011 the plea t* be so •rrbeged that tbr ....... anildieg cell be i air licked aftorormda„ Ttie &tee of 'mooed upon which the bold ral the Cann q Gtnseral Qstarter Ses- es or to be erected is • patailt logician ol aims 4 ths Pesten Adele* ot Goth rich, die acre and 1 quarter surioui.ded by mree.• Ma lied for tits United Contuses cl . •• lords itithrio HURON SOD BRUCS, tie al 11W11015 ty Tbe plan. and opt e.lIcationis 40 be deliver Ally, 1853. id to the subitentour. at Goof -rich (. W. O. I. 18 081)E8ED, That la rataaare. or before 4)44 Il date uf September . ca . with 11 • WIWI of the Alb tsetse!. the 1110111 whom arty 161tber islormstioat call to Court de sole take isle comideration the it•celled• great letteree of the r0p.,101...• througlesell D. II. BM 111E, ti•e'y Bo.rd 01 tithottoar &hoof. the Untied Counties of Huron mod 8..... and printed to a re% Winn of the boundaries. ,C°81" CI.'" °ffite' t limits sod retest of the mineral Dimmer. ...Wench, Jul. trio, toog .5 .25 Courts, obit their Namber be added In Globe sod Cofer tat tu col., for olio within' Her oitid Uoited Coutitiee. and slim eic to h, -.------- - - --- --- - -- that 'ha lime' •nd pieces hit holding the same be new derided i.prin-W her...win IT 18 ORDERED. Th.1 the following glik011.E1) mid Raw [oilseed Oil , phial be the boundaries aad extern, of the A/ Fite Whale Oil Fiat V Dimashq' CerlIT R., the amid Unger, Machttery and ()live Oil: Covt,r Coe, ties, wrs:-Tio eeriest of that part 01 Cold ;r d Oil; tr• Tow nohlp Or Grderieit to ll• North '1 Pale Seal hlil; Ihe Cat Lime and the Duren Itos.1. until Vernmh ImTurpent re: the mew wieet• the road ollow•nce bee aeon For sale by the t3 14 Arid 14114 11: Onetael..011, 111410 Soo. h BENJAMIN PARSONS. alowg tlill mod C..nerostoll to the rivet Bays Dreggitt, Wept Street. Gederiek. field, then along thei river to the London road in a Northeast dtrecion. Together with the Too noble of Colborne. Oils! Oils! tits! IT 19 ORDERED, That the following shall toe the 10ur/1mm. and extent of Ow Osceola Diem r Covate for the mid United Comelier., vie: --To conaist of the Town - rhino of Tockermmith, Morrie, Grey;Turebery an I llowek. IT IS ORDERED, - .1 hat the following ehall be the boundaries end *xteitt 11.• TIIIID DIVISIoN COURT for tho mud United Counties, irt2:1'0 consult of the fel:m.1ot Townships of the 1 routit• of Btoce-Arran, Dant, Bruce. Carrick. •Cultior, Ehterslie, Greenock, Duren, Kincardene. (with the excepti-d) of the first four South • 6 Concrete, na of the sAiit Townehip of Kin- "tr&-Kitmftr:;,&--kgewysnrd tewiship of Satageeet TbI,Court inett.•tbref 'woe* ;denier the year. IT IS ORDERED, TkAt the forowing vha'l 10 *h. .41.., es and 'fleet rif the FOURTM Pl•Iftrld COURT Int the said Unit ed Counties,' s::.;-Toreririet of tbe Town- ships of Biddulpb and IT IS ORDERED, - That 'he follovring AO be the boutidartes and extent of the ..0 Finn DIVISION COURT for the Mid United Coutaitor, ms: -To conimit. ef the follow- ieg Tow oships of Stepheu anti Uthorne and that portion n' the Townithip of flat to the East of the 6th ond 7114 Contretemps .1 1)'. raid Township of Hoy. IT 19 ORDERED, That the follnwing @ hall hot the boundsnes end extent et the • DIVIelod COU•T for the Paid United Carotin, viv-To cones( uf the Town stelae of A•hfield and Wawanosh, •nd the first four South Cuscessions of the ToWII• ship of Kielce*. gURollto,L4_SION A Cash for Wheat AT the GopEaleil btu.. WM. flodetech, 141h. ISM 140611 L--_=;:fr.„="--1211FatOtr"-----'.•....-tr.2/1:ra.....1G.=:=1:0.11==-•••••••••- ......- -1........„ be Pad & Co . soil Bebe & Ca t lle Iww6se Norporhes by at IlleDersaid & Coi . 1i. ilattobog i Csammile a Brotherho Alossitee Re eerie am „kip c „rows" of As ii A. BigY -L.,, :W 1 IX Dean M Delseswee by Tina. Ifor 'or fer AlifbeersiNat up Dr15440011W1 4 w&I he gone. tii 011 &nom Is &Yield by C. nem c 11,4 r.disooloot is:b.,.....41 Gardsesi a' BelPir Comers by M. q Garrick i • * S2900, er "Trees there,* Set suad wham,. a" 8,4 ,i,. 0,4,,,41:64.1,1, IV HER 8 Ike Illorompal Council ot tedelited' h.toTaoyiLit. petpiltit:t4:: iPkr"ederehee ogioloy.ii.o.1(6311. REYNOLDS & CO. to the motroof of Nor howOrtrie pieuteder se41 New Piano -Forte and. Music the Board .1 Con ems ei ee Treefeee, bait, riveted of the maid Meat. where** Pl ESTAII_LII-HAIENT. c,pal Comore, Hie MO a1 els bombed Kind Street. three deers was ef nvat :71.....Nsodee,r,metimia1.11sh:etakit,..a.ferh:eatio;ade...n.fiaarrewn.wipiboylle;coelt:PLI. Sgreel, Tonal., C. W. MESSRS. SMALL & PAIGE, slimness the Coveted hasty taken stork io the IMPORT' R8 and Destme la Wow etas klettlated Gravel Road Ces.pesy, no the 1 Mosem. Isestuasotws. Faro , bee to arimmocier sessio•, et two lender° rad Shy peueds; ow 1,rf h••• 'Wiled Owl' 44•`• Wonweek aled hay. sloe nook i d t grade sod fe•Wld (....sowl on shove.. tied .III ham" cememaillt•.eertsin of Om princtpal trireme in the leave, :1:::::111:w8":1"17Wh::::kil. 11141::::::'""'"".1: lifsi-e4thet.r simusissr.ofethilarretri:al'itirinuelbr.; •latuill."1118; etie • a al••.••1 "."6"14.1."(.'",".__,.,gril. 1114111.. s Ile.. it,. 1...i; al a cost .1 me adeopiclipe..e.i..a tof thrir erth myle of em he Mai tnownes toof C U a1.400.Lunde, ; sad Lt. e•azi & Waste, Mohr GRAND SQUARE PIONO-FORT:14,..„.. ear, at d era. lent to hwoo, &boiler's le the gnome* el two thou•and five hicadred poor& : •nd sliere.e. for the payment of p tied.: end. wharfed', ii is i briefore wee - the said debentures, .rd the interest te be- Ides.r.. S & P. Ise. also nn hand, a largo coo. due theri000, it • ill be emosetery t• ot..eit of N.• If.itk •ntf &mop Piano-F...1es. ell paw. 4 a"'" 1LIURN11,01. CLINTON, blIstron Roud. (West of Mr. Thomism' !Lai e.) Dee. 13414, 1669. ORA& WILL1ANI SHARMAN, BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER. 1% i.sx bianst-t. Gun. amts. IS prepared to loutish DESIGNS mi. 40 et, ths, o.fo the moat reasoitab.e omit Goderteh. Nur. 18tb. 111511. o6ri43 ••••• , JUDSON'S EMEXICAL =LW! COP so_ KoBE ET R Ella. nOOK•SELLER & STAT10f4E8. toppmite Hotel ) C4•411C11 IhIptl•• 1104 Toilcoi-alreeta, Ionodo•. C. W - Itchnol Itookr, Common Clasaical Beak Stadia, sod Rolle e of every dew:winos Eater led u•16. 13' Opter• for Arcata. I Beek.. from the Trade Coisowy Merehmity,peoessaity •tter.ded mot • liberal Memoir I allowed. Leads., March 1851. 4.4 Valuable Property for Sale iieljeheing 114. preptsed mw... of tAe beitelek firoatio. stied Godes teA ifeniC,:sst,4.the Iowa Gedrrreb. ---• 2,111AT poilerty formeoly kr/own o• the CiOln R11'11 111)1)4 1„ ailuated on tbe corner of Elgin at., •,,, 11 bares fatten, etonthiss.derg rn el. 14•1111.e 11,11% el the Like, sad &dimmer ... row god Tairothos of Ito 111.4,,1.. o Bra, tio d at i linder h Rooks ay. Fut ALEXANDER LEYS, ,,16.; ast ply to the propletor 31 D3E REED. Gumlo, Grocer ee. !heavier.% Godes lib A. r. 1.4. 1153. 126 Crockerv,Siatmogri,ke., Corner of How& ou Si reel, Mirky( biome, Goderich. Joue t5 h, 18.53. n22 GENERAL DEALER IN TO. aws4 innoballa Wish Diedlie• Plomeht nires• alfalwell waistrowls 4 Ma nuosranarg sum awe* bs ware too 'Mein14 saeowwary ler Ur frogetner tonalar tato • rinica, swegel. .4 40.1 isedialwel whasw sr Stiriti&; AIL Time aie paw Iwo ham leeks sapposso of meow Imellktag Wood Inall limb weer Was as alos east VI wellides wor bream in. midi. aisles 4 esle Is akomot 0jtray sne enwpstellos &Wee thaw nee wag .104.. Waft l• WORD to the* alb way eiss4.107. sad One to tho whole mama rowned viz? geared et Um• Ws. Ur 4 OM ;el= he• fo. anio non 'war 4 Wow Diakenno alionwo. es *War awl. tyros mtess ma tie blest Tomo sati Agee, In.1.010a. BMW M., ..4l. short owoli ail awns.. ow. riot to thole aossin• twaily Ww54. b. eithost thin. ..by their thinly wale servo laa awl exposes say kw wont AAAAA LD DT • WILLIAM la MOVIAT, 04 D. ••1.• 'foal ONERAY LINSWORTI Tias cuaa 00 Cowls, Cobb, Ilwarsams, tpIg I et' Mel. Sigel Sweats, Wain, User Unifiable, lad I; CONSUMPTION. DE E11111 can be amid Ina bees pm - vetoed in tbees•eds 145 samia's ogre restedy. J•Jams'is ral ratroet .f Canine owl LitinitertetiT. The medieise eel he Itore, de pores remidies ef th• day is the r...11 4 carets, softly ow) •Epei ul • to...wit& mod eaperwaced Phyaicma. 'the t.o friar ipal neredleate 10.r loin knit sod rel. -comet Vi too Curse, Mama. Whe• 14,r titer. h al ibte 40piefwelp ecoseted to lite he toed e,we kerth• 14.ranee o eerie FOR SALE BY i Sae Agellio Goderich,Jan. i4, 1/13. Buffalo, Brartferd rird Ccnc1; *RAILWAY. MUSIC ESTABLISHMENT. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that 4.‘ meowing to • Rmolution ef the Booms of Directors. payola% I of the NEW ISSUE OF SHARES id the inereared Capita Stork of the tkif 1., Brantford sed Gook r eh Rollaway Cenipay ts uqolr..d to be ioad• 4.. the Trenerrer of the C011 pony, at 1*. B,nk Brood Nirfil. Al114 re.. Bronotottl. in five retool !retain; nit, as toll, %to; SOUTH 3411.E BUNIMS ST., per f ent, on or Moore the 1.1 day Oppos,le Mew.. Raper, d rt. Rcartor,d, M.y next. r''20 font t n or before tbe Iet clay 01 , arrters. Witelin may he had 8'4:ET MUSIC of July vett. 20 per cent on or before the let day of r.ery t'P•C11111.1..1•1.1111Cilon B,,k. for all kris of Interim en s. 14c, 11P cheap Sr n ber next. 20 per cent on or before the 1s1 day of so ran be had 111 Toronto, Buono, or New November 'trot. Yoik. A'l k-nris of MUSICAL INR I Re- 20 ,or rent on or bolero the 1s1 day ot 1IENTS, from a Plano Fate door) to • Jantrari 1864. By oArdRerc'D GILKINSON,, II 1,4'.. By of all ktridsr. and of Pilrfrirr goon 4,: short, etery'hing oh eh can or may f • °Mee of B. B G. Its Iwo, Co., he found in • weil and carefully Pelt c.ed MtIPIC St -re. • Braittiord, March 15, 14*53. .6 r9 The PI 0, NOS NIP from II e ertahli.h.. on M. of the f. o 1. e r.lahrated titahrre, .z; Ctorkering, Soot& ri end Denham, Be.' To the Settlers of the Huron N 0 1' IC . T a noting( nir the creditors of the late • heti AlcIr tyre, held no the tsv.ft tieth inetaril, the 11n•lerupned %van unapt mously ehooen to act in behalf of the widow of dace-m.41%4th hostel11 aelbicsi• treed occordag to law. A:I part's.% thereloro. holchig chows against the •foresaid Robert McIntyre, decersed, ate m quested to hand the Mane 1010 the Stitiscribu- oit or before the firi•I doe o' September next; at.r1 •Il patios intiebted to the •formaid R0 hem 51.1lotsr , deemed. aro herebv n.IIi that all ond account. remaining un - mo '1,1 upon the fit •t der .0 September 1.424 emoting, will withoot thatirction he plac. In the hand• of the Clerk f the Diiision C..t.rt tor inttptdisio WS, J. KEAYS. Attorney for ANN MeIN'I'YRF:, AhininistratriS. Goderich 3..4e 27,44. 1853. e3 oticc:-A Farm fur Side. L01' No. 6, 6 li comet ..:on. E•ttern Di. Teem, Ashfield, 100 acres of gond i•nd, 30 of which are cleared. ii. oor.,1 olio, - of motor. me, well fenced, vital a goad young orchard of 100 choice flat titer. with.' well finielted huitoe,leino within 1 trit'e of a -saw n.111, and 3i mile. of • poet mill, mid within 10 oules to Gridertch, en a. gond road. For further particulars •pplY A-Itoeld, Jay 20, 1853. v6c24 lei I HEREBY otve notice that Mr. William to Samuel Ilsgen, on the premises. IT 18 ORDERED, That the following shall he the bouoderwe and 'tote' of the Cheeler Tippet!, ot Ras 6. Id. IP not au. Scvacorn Dor:riots COURT for 414, said thoriz0,1 by Ille 10 collect the deht• or re United Countiee, vixo.--To contest uf the British and American. Assurance eeiv5 in0 nineey due to hi. E.I.,.-he hie - Township ef S eeley and that portion of tog tranotterrud ..nd ..signed mow 111110 the Township of Goderich to the Smith ..1 COMPANY. ewe, as appeared in the Public Prints of the Ca Lore •ort Duren rnad, to till the...... Godertch, •Il his debts and ether property mime joihs the read between the 13114 and CAPITAL X100,000. to ore for the bear fit of his Creditors 1.1(14 Co -cessions of the Township of - re hick debts I hate 5100e placed in the hand. gris taken up and a .1 1). II. Roane, E.g.. Cleo li. ot the .eventh oi Gerieb, thence along the mod Corice.eion ---- road. unto the manse jam the river 11a) field. .1. hog. portion paid to aed lotested. Division Court. Bat field. 'for collection, oho, with nie the undersigned is alone au thence •Ionr the said river to bike Our, n; The •ob-cric.r • ili continues to grant thotiged to grant receipt, upon payment of together IMIth til that portton of th• Town A.stiratme., at the corr. et r Wes of Picea- the same. Mils of thy tu the West of the 6144 and Orli, •s........t 7th Concessions of the Geld Township al LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE . . JOHN STRACHAN, Day. On /1..,,..s, Fornoure, ovooy, Produce, ofisicovm,.71.4 TtAier pt.:settle.. of d and other recriplion• of pray...fly, •Ito IT IS ORDERED, That the slid sr - 'getout lose or tlainage hy the Ooderith, Sept. 12nd:1832. 235 re ngemen t of the boundarter, lonits and •x • 1)A5IAGES CF NAVIGATION tent of the sever•I Division COORTs @hall (ID Catgut/ or Vrettb., se wo 11 W. i h• In. DISSOLUTION ()F PARTNER - comp into operation miter the holding of land %Voters of this continent as boson(' SHIP that next 01.50.07 Courts for these Untied sea to and from the Port. of Great Brasov . • Counties, and that the same be advertised Forms of Application, with all requisite Tug pablie aro hereby notified 'that the g for six inlertioo • in the Duren Signal information. fern,. ed he Cibpatteer•kip heretofore ex,stiwbe- fiewspaper. W. BENNETT RICII, Agent. '...n JOIN k ROBERT DONOGII. ay By the Contr. Dude, icb, Jose 301e, 1863. 1.14_17 Innkeeper', to doe day dissolved by mutes' ' DAN. LIZARS, c newel. Alf genies iedeht ed• to -4)4I00,4 Clerk of the Peace arm ate requested to vett* their rawest:We Doom aPd Bruce. Sheriff's Sale of Lands. -,..•,,,,iii• omit Jobe Dusegls* who will ekes Dees nf thpay aIl 1,1511ittetr. e Clerk of the Prace, I ,Goderich, 11114 July', 1833. c n24 -41t United CountilJOHN Dt1NtX111.ies of ltY Virtoe rf a ...-. 44..... .04 Bruer, A'. Writ .1 Fier' ROBERT DONOG H. DIVISION COURTS. 'l'o %% Or: Fachis isrited out , l Goderich, Mareh.•9111, 1533. eltuft-fim Her 111siesty'eC.•011 ot griesn'• Bench, •od THE *eat Dielsies Comm rot the United Careaties of Halms mid Rome, will be held at to cue difocted a(a.n.t the hied. and tene. Me times and pWees fellewisg meats of Jasper Reo,bati Gooding st th. t mese revutros • 1 auti ot %Vinton. Dollar., 1 trove oe.sed end OR ENERY ONE 1118 OWN PHYSICIAN. Colborne los, [It. Ellie.] Ood.rich, Bette. oIte: ii to execution the to lowing pruner') 4,1111i FORTIE:1',I Ed 'ion, whit Om da1y1ot October. Sctrlet Willyz lo iams, col . Iltiniirett Eng raVIngp, .hwing DIvOill- ip,tl• runeirg usimters fourteen, 'thief, altecoeD D1111141. .e. and NI,...1,.....•totos of the Human Zoos'. Hotel. Ilarparbey, Flores Road, Tam. er. and 'timely *tree, iii the 'I'irs a ty ti .. o $,‚.‚.o. in ,tere rthats 5114 41.1111). To oli-Ch day 16th Atigest.!Luderlg Meyer, Esq.,Cierk. ech, cosit•totor one fourth ..1 an acre, b., t40 10150 DIVIS1101i. •aree to. IS or lees, which ialida and 'ewe im added • Treatotte on the lItserees or F..... Walker's Tavern, Village of Peeests•gme, ret oho I •111111 off., for gale si the C lot male.. being .4 the htghert 'importance to Township of Linea-di...Thursday 1st Sepieno Room, In the Tcon of Dodo. fell 00 %Ved rearmed people, or (hone epotemplating her, C. B.. Barker. Clerk. needs), the eecond day itf Noven.ber am. marriage. By 1VILLIANI YOUNG, N. D. /COUTO PIVI•inal. •1 the h Mr .ii liWelve ii(ire rim k noon. Irtesseses T . Mt Gilivray, Tuesday 13th JOIN McDONALI), She. iff, Lel en father be ',Hoer d to presen‘ • lientenaber, Gee. Carter, Clerk' . Iltirtin and Bruce. £81 ULAPIUS to hi, child. It may 11040 11411110 1,1•121014. She'll'''. Office, him limn an early gots.... Let no youeg llo• time and plant kr hold.ag the sem !Moine Godericb, Ileil Aug., 185341el1812( mon outvotes!) enter into the secret obi.. 4 this Clout ftoll be anan•need as soon as the -groom, of enamor' file without reading the FA R3I FOR SALE. 8,4 to./ owe • haflinied Colo It, Paie in POCKET af..SCULPAIUS. Let no one Clerk sad Bathes me appointed. store tomason'pie sub•criber otters for •sle 01,5 hundred the Sole, restless nt.:1.1.., n. r ',is reel loge. • '11•• firm aid plum tor born.$ the welt 5,,,,5i .1 ,141. Conte will he od as mos am the serrs ot excl limit hold, 45 a..res . ker.. sad the whole *1,10 04 Dyspept IC Pellf•1101,•. Clerk sad Beilire ate appolmed. rid anu well beefed, with s good log Mon, mad given up by their phy aortae. be smolt' an orchard hearric fruit. Ti., state litior 00 no1111 to without eekt11111111 Ilha &S- errature Dlerillo•. le !Milted on 3,,i Concert/ion, I..* 14.1'04 n CU M.MUS. Days the toorriod say mtge. Csesets' Toyota, Vila... of Ba.6.-14. Moeda, Off') 01 Wawa. osh, amid one hall 0111S form a dimeno, rr•d the truly ust-tol both, loa 11 Illiki Roptesehm. David Hood Iltitehle, Leg.. Clerk. t4chool hoose -.11 the matey will be re ha• hors 1111 Ib. 100. of .priog obottomedo of iiu red dotal... 7„r 0.141c00,10 ../11,1, 0 11 , villlf.11,1011119 Cre•toreil ERMA th• 'miry jial• id The altilege a( oho aiseeal Coon's Will ettarl• proprietor op the premiere. 4.... psesseidly at 11 &clash. g, M. jr.th ARTIIUR ACLAND, J. C. C. Vh'swaimoh, 4th Aug , 1851. •38 erriny veto.° senthog TWENTIr- Oodryielh, 1111th July, 1853..6.94 FIN t.NTS eteltmed is a Wod et, t . E ',eel., "11*04)7 of trite work he 11.404.10 CAUTION. ATTACH M EN'1'. 41(11 004,455 .01 he sent for *AC D.411111. ..-. Address (poet pio,111.1..) I %V 14. vouNG:1;_rt IlltRZSY emitter may person or pane., WM to morel is mit oily my wile Ant -a Harem eat 8,.,...apm w..1 ..4 Alt.ch- United Counties of ,111141Yll VI, lee Of • 1'0 Wt*: .... nt leveed ni 1 or Fire. 17th. ,Are I 52 Sprees SI, Pkiledelphiel , WWII' 1 sill tent pay 1)41 55510, 01.. 4,4 lIor Moiety's C..411, .1 44.0.11.. &of b, 004 Ie board. barb., or me tot auFer. se etre hos kn.? 104 i.4 beard uth trI say prose- i• on* toft'•'04 all'11., 10 • E-1•1* real a• eel*, • bitterer. well as perrosal efl-..,.t G..rgo Remelt, es eh- ec4ndisg or concealed Ihrb.or, at the soft Wat. BICE, Boo. mcGolinst. J..i e344. ism. as -836 01 Jogs Bsimeriin, 4.4 the sow of l'birty hie P'54' ten emit age, 1 hate armed .11 th• 'slats, real se well aa pateunal of the raid II3IT ST02.2111 Denten Botadviirrt, end cuilsom the itei-. Georg. Se•nett reture webis th•ititt.d e• WILLIAM NIALCOM 1:0111 • ('le Nal C,•ert ged pet to bed to th 5011 ti, or cam,. oho semi to be dischsrgre Bane kerma be etritmist oho 4.10)4' et • "them three ealsed.e t000the 4080 the flr.1 see Meted Cove:see of Home. Perth day of it* political too 11 i los Pluton, riti at* Snows tbat be le wow 57.1111 lo Mem tho motto real se well es poromeat re be 12= we West attest. mewl, 01P001, • sad George ikeiret to or oo moth thereof se k ilketbere Law AL., a opteedid Hely be wreeseery, will be lielel 11000 lot et..411 of la• raffaslit, Week to estietortoto of th. NOTICE. ..si Mom. to thew**. owell Mbar Pueliiii pm tr ;Goo pm. Cillt0f111111151 or Phuatillb as Isbell or ao.y tette pr.weed- 1 A I•LEANDIR 111eINTIRR, de ego* sod CROCESItY. sraiel be Owe perebersed age 'goon tbe property 0.4 eltete of We • to wk. soot .1 nem, mi. ...4 ia.p. at 0. betis ...bela. so... ‘be se" i.e.,. mad wore apoinaso milks eon atiretbe et Woe. of toowtof Noroduaod t4So.obbakoeirewootirmir to; :bee 1."Ahl W.: Ii *me, owe erten& 14. 2. koorostwed to sbe weterog tem**, of at poets proles es earneet lest to al. SleOuNALn* A losietealf Melanie* a04 dower Dee saps*. Illet etspissei int papaws* el • diP cer. lion* b 8.....• A. eINT11111- Witemps-1)...e C. seseimbe. • M 0e. 111.1k ISMI. 04.s*. toogenek. Pub hp*, 106., I ste-ts. 0044s9, Magee obs, lbw lees Febire. g gum .• t. kn. wit d to ht. ti -e h..I ,•n • his part of •he olohe. so are th. 111 ELODIA NS. inacti- tart tor.] by Priv- cr $4. Co. Piano. and Melodian• Feld on cheap an d on la favoroble terms itt thcy con he prm eu ted in Toronto, or from the makers them- oelve.. HERMAN KORDES. Londe% January. 1851. .61,3 In. NOTICE. DOI' OR l'OFRSID P. THE POCKET XSCULAPIUS: •seellent quality. which dui, C•ti *01 011,1 in all re-pems, mid especially in rreatd to met, ing is taw. They will aim imam the mode *anon •ed eereetrons of tone kor a n•mher raise ant oaqv, as • •pecial root, oeer ao4 shove. •ad le oddilite. or, all ether rates, the following rums, *bat is to say: i• the Titer MD. th• f .C15; in each of Ilso years, atheist ever sequoia, that it ie. ye. r. 1854. lab& 1858. and 1857. the sore (.n....11s•ohl:,411",d8".1.:*.P:11:716176.11f,":1.4.'0.1•111""ele,17 ' olo.h•thrwe good repaistioa. are •pt to Ism of f2675; ••/1 II livesa the spmest of th• ease mad mare use which many ins.th.n.sts, ✓ ot. prove tt• troth. Lamgvrert ilk droohIll•• .!Til." P'••0-Fart.s. am ca,,,4,01, eroe,....d by °I.1158, std. in the tear 1868. the suns fiRASS AND WOODEN INSTRU. the mid rateable preperty on annum rate Illi• molly. wd alone .111 1...I. lb. worn r..14 Pr ..., of 0,, ri,,,,. .. )4, R. G. Nil.. 1,,...a....„ wool, thtiroble property of the raid Tows eievh. IthsCla II DrAl•Cle41 aloe). lead. to Cum ef mge,e. 0,...,4,, .,, 81. y„,,,„.... c „h„d,,,i. of Gmfertch, hir the Rommel year pieced.. 71:,,,Pi.d..."8.1...ty -Thi. i• a pion, the firnlef ef Toronto," WIWI/ profemconal earaertence enable. "'If 160 I •••ind 0. 1111,1 By Lew. wive * ',1, • lia".• ." hat 4.4tr. it ha. l'e•0 mid br him tn jodee of the esalitie• to am inatroment• , £'7 03 18s. fel., ond *14.r,.. lot ire pay - he Mote vareed mes ot vin it..,.., that ii mo me They ean therefmo, folly gviersutee every 10•Ifil. . went ef the mid interest, and for tho ere. hair pro•ided o teilooly for each sod emr. di.- ,,,,,r,„ mire .,,,,d ,,i 4,,,,,. , anon of a 'Mile( ford for Ire piques( of ram." sad met 11140P•riee lime life d•oly ...de, ps,...,.. st. a p boo, aim a ,,,,ry hue. wed' ,1he i,sid debi, there will be ;retired 'woe tbe remedy destined by 5541144. kg C"Pe1ePsteP. PA VNTS. FOlt MILI1A1tY. AMATEUR, ha 14.1111.•• er"Perlie• am Dole worealerlal. mod sad QUADRILLE BANDS.. Likewi.. e miry , f.::, 1:7,e p%. uaaad'I 8.553,1°01,1;"14n: b.:11 !,.;i1. °mile' the repithiy r oh vthieh .1 cans thrown.. ears Dr....ioono a Stringed and Wood's issue- e of VIcmated Lear. mothies mod salvdese .41'mon. ,.c..00,, kr • cnmplete Orchertm. 1,,poned, for each of the years 1854, 1863. irritation, e1140.1 immediately. is • proof of its *3 1(1,1,,, 84,.....1 . very popvtier gelidity. 111,66. and 1837. the ruin of 414 in tbe MS. & P. •.r.•1.0 the litt•le Aa. -at• lot Poord. •11 " w .1 1.the Je1863, the DOM a "T'Piwin holot"..7.alholI iiir:.:17C7SI:Aln•41 elon, nook eiher perm ihe. ..I. of W A RREN'S CFLEHRATED as PO. .n th• pound. ' Ir ....weight.. tomedieor•• how • eliedielee th•' iv HA RMIPNII,11414 end MEI.ODEOIS41. The Bo II rhoopit,,o reacted, hy tho Moak*, n.,..e.7.hL":4'.r:((".•^Pi"11 Ieerett sodmom note..able dnote Cep Collect' of h• T... n . f G••terteh in Conn- :ita.(...h.t,.::::„1;p..,r.:de_i. "I• Do net he doe......wed. • lifer (so do me IN'llsere7;"durie5-1 etho.olt:i•FtiaZ•ol'i'hauw.11 "ii:e. eerie:7rd ell mr•nit.led. ender and by votue of tbe homy, lois will rorailton the toms seeptical of 0..,....., alan, C. arch Mork. Upper Cattad• Memorial Crrporatinn Arts, same. that from arid after the pouted' Of 1 ; ..; ,I, rt.at oath. Thomanti. of Communion.. p.e. sereeri kere, p.aan.F....,.. floaah,. fwd. end I sod it it. heteh• enveted hy author ty or u• .....,,....,et.....h•-steknk d.....c,.......didir.tedio.lvinstitiph........moR "...Lir; ,.i:ol..r,hhoiTc.e• P.m.s•Futies Timed, Re - Otte By-L.w. the 111mror of the •-td Muni. hn, which ham. jt.teveti gettly pollts...... hut thi• Mmic for Military Rands, 1.11.., Ftereh and , veal C. v era ohall have p, over and itathor-v roitlicim i4 504 .45144 Ill'he'tl, IA' • eon. tor .1- Geon -an Opera.. Tbe nese*t and mem pow- I tty. sod he ts hrrelty 61111.011VA bed Mato Knoll lane. It entrain• on (14•14,16egil...11 1., B&W,. yomenetten Books '1,11' V.I..% Mr,. 1 pus reed 2,. 1e,,,. V.- Pt, 50.4 11 .140 &ben. .....i ! 1 a.d e4.4.4.,,,, rhea any ,,,,, non er irertifie•t•• in e•r- the heft kI5I,....,,.orre. , font Ill• -1 lee• that. 425 ref 0 mo edirg ill NH .I.4:' 1. m, 611 Will rope agesseetehise efficacy rood fmorsolest; Vocel lasitactioa Book. of . lure. of *1-. ..id Mot IC11. I C.,..reil lor any mpitos and all disease% a the Longo The homoond mem Foiddenstile De... Mo. II,. ..,d .n. .,4 .,... grl , 2500 for the porweee Ind Liver. moth an 141.1.2iiie ef Wood. Conch., ofe of an him. Polka.. Sch. niche.. Gslop.a. , -have areclied; pro•Mml Mossy.. that the .A. a D am in th'' 5-d- .001 .44.0. 046'-vw.100. are' Marra.... &e. Piano -Forte hImie Its so the CCATION _.r.,,,„,...,..,,.... movell an the *mat Mas'.,. Th. newmt Freech. Gom'.4.,.,m. •you r, for the rn. Maid. thfll not toroth i merest 4 the cnommpria. eufferer.e,•teohliff.. Nil", ..11...„1,,,t, yout,/,,..,ieee r,,,,..,;,red ,.„6.„. gay 01 I h• ..,d dr t erne" • ut.teee he shall ed to entoinn el In 6.4444., sietm. ore ..(('0'd. Ip. be ther.....o.. omitted by moultious of the STOCK & 880111 711 tt, ih• wrapper. wi•h• A Liberal Di•cmn. in Dealer.. Teacher.. sad I fond Monictival Cottrell. nut 441. 11 is • warble,' counterfeit. Remem- Wed. .4 8,44..).. ET Eve., article Womeat• And be it 'Leo 1..1e erect•.i, that the .,id her this. ed. Pare,. at • ifiet•ece me have Haste ere, delestur. • o14.11 b. e..ree due and he pewit le - by Med ler Letter pemoite •i • the . Pre of the Toe...tor, of temasud CARLTON'S LINIMENT FOR TIIE N R.-Nlemrs• 8. & I'. import from Er. Prfooippal toured no 24 4. 301h dit. of De.' pt 1.Es. 4,-. -I t i• nem It Ped i • . OW prigbei Pi I role ond 4.41 a5 rhesp 40 107 boner in Ca..rola , . , , ,_ , hmrpitata. aad ra the arrsare waffler. in 0111 s,,..•• x0c. JOSN ,fi 06 reamer. III the v ear . f ,'.'rui-ird 18.4); and • that the t ,, 1 of 4,1mod dr ben•it ries shall o.....try h• m isomer'', moniker ot rerti•irfrolla and him pav.b e haff yearly ..n the 30,1. day a Tract. familten. firm & nom eerm.der for the, rare ef oh. Sheriff's Sale of Lands •ns Swe llIE Linderrigned beg* leave to ri., rm. 1. 41). err...lulus 5.1.4. 1.11..r. it. eff.e'S are oil. Pim. mut riim. •treasi.elv •sol •Iimirodiy air to Virtue of ta j.,..,,nde.•ed the 10th d., oi Drren,ber in each year, al the t•ffice of the Treasurer aIs •fore. 4,,,.,1,e., to ttatiotict o oh the Canalla Com- p,,..ettioe immerliot. mire, Sore Theo'. Broi- wo to all those 0*).05. 113.11 Diel..44.,,, Rloonatisev. Arno. nr Chi.. itirititritornd odB enIuali•rricof To WIT: eliif lot.s. IPP(14,1 1,111 .4Wt" °I Fw" 'And be 11 therefore emieted,he the author - ...or -4 Fat...ally la th.!"..linwinecomplitiatai-- of QiieenS Ranch, Ity .f'-...d,I hat the raid debenterer obeli pone that einee the resno•al of their i,ffiee re.. Roma., Kama, 8e, Serra aml /tie, be lormer; ...dm the common Niel of the Der fillaymty's Cour. from Doe tow n, he ha, determined to open Whet he. freoh-of of long vowelise, toed hoof •nJ art MIAs Writ of Pier. Facies teamed seed Monimpol Courted. MI ithall ham. Coro - p an agency office here fur the benefit af warm III, openesemi Wells sod eh. to hee is out of the said Court. and tme three!. d ores- wart ed in them for .44. 71111414.110 of those who mils not errs to ir.vei t.. To. , redoeme rs.' .hrom ...e •Ilrelinev, lanno.of eolith.. agoinot 14.• hinds and ten.. eat of J AS- 2)4. 0514 interest, and trot the .a.ri Dawn - thew to tran; ttttttttt hominess in !Pte.'', I 'igh"""'• ^4 1" ei"'" " 04•10" 1" °I. the ne'rc , PER EN KBALL GOODWet and Coopess shall he reep ING and leo", ectively • From his thorough knowledge 01 the C""' 1:.*,.....47..o......k.7 1.1:17...!..:eb:Pir.i"n".... el TO1'S.: Matte, bort. so the volt of BENJASItN . , pany's mode '-1 t ,InZ b"""• .o. NI... 1., • 1, ...,. bk. • Aro.... It it, sou- BREWSTER. I have seised 'led taken in ...seed by the M.sor god rmuntert.igned by the Treasurer of the said Humetpal Coups (having been PO long etnoloyed in their i re,,,„„. ,,, ei„,,,,,,,,," ,,.„,„ it., .1111,, ,,. '''.. execution the following properOy, W.Z: CI . Office) iill Gel. confident that h• can aid (.01.„.o. -yd...., 1,„, 1. „Ie.. 7,,„ g„,t ,h„ Lots running numbers fourteen,ninety- hie .4. 4. oirmatere el Cioweisek & beethelo eta and tonetomeren in the Town of Gude, Arid be it further enacted by the &ti- thed, y aforesaid. that for the poi ment of pr. primer', srelive wrslinr. rich, each eonta sing on• fourth of in acre. be the .anie 111011e or IPP.. being the pro- the mid debento rim sad the tntereat there.. on them .hall be meowed levied, and nerty of the sold Jasper Ken,bati Gooding. raised. or nn the whnle rateahle propertv in Al.o. Lot runs -ng number fifty-oeven, rontsining one-fourth et an acre, Ire the the raid Town at Gotterieh. as • special rate. at esch year as after mentioned, over mune more or leer: and lot number PM cot cesium C. in the Tosco of G clench, and above. mid is addition to oll other rates whateoevor. as foilowe. that Is 10 oar, 15 containing by adincsourement nine iterse iho year 1853, • rat• ••f 214. to the tamed; •nd three goartive, be the !Me mote or ip each of the mia•• 1851 11155. 1856. and mee, Immo the p operty of the mod loose i Rattrohory; which lands and tenemente. 1667 • rate of 411'. in th• rood, end In or in niech of the pan e as troy be 0005 p .1 l',40 f,Yd 7 I 85 8 a rat• uf 68. "II' is "Is 55,7 1,, ..,ig. 1h...i.1 ci.i., 1 'holt Orli A,A ba, it f -,,,,,o,,, mimed.b, Gm anthead., for sale at the Coort R....., in the Town I, aformatd, that *Ms By•:.se rhi.II take I of Gorierieh. On FRIDAY, the FIF I It day ee J. MeDONALD, ;nee, mid come into Operation immediately rrom i of AUGUST next, at the bout uf Twelve and alter the parsng thereof. of the cluck, noon. C Goderieh. 5t h Ma y, 1853. ,6nhe taken into ciinsseeration by the Mantel - The stove islie9rUlleleConeCo-f • Br -law to • t Sheriff's Office, bionic H. k B. .. (First published *4114 .Cay,1853.1174" polity of the Tows of Goderich to the .t POSTPONEMENT I contr.', el Duren, t the Council Room, on • 1. 1 '14. 3014 .4sy of Sentimnber next, at the :4 Th. shove sale 10. 14,'.,, puetpuned to the heur ef 19 o'clock noon, lit wh eh lime and ..; • place the member. of Ih• mod Municipality 1 SECOND dor of November next. J. McDONALD, Sherif, II. lo. B. aro bomb, required se a, t•orl. THOMAS KYDD, Goderieh, An16..n97Id And 10. 1856. i • Shores Office ./ . TeserCerk Goderieh, July 5. 1833 ,fseluii and give satiefaction to all 'hove w moo require his eertice. Cent/lancing. Land snd General Agency,Office. Mao a 11,4 nI teed. Illf sale kept . •nd • revelry 01 1)4114. wt. -Piing In ',Weller* without change except where • sale is etToetrad, when a moderate per eentage will be regotted. ROIIIRRTPON, Lund Arent. &Lc • Doderich. Ito. 95.1853. 6-e 1 TO THE SETTLERS OF TIIE HURON TRACT. f1711113 Canada ConMaay. 14,2 4, 14-11.02.4(10024. Wore provided the beet po•Pible faCtilly le die mid Settlern kr the tionraction of Roemer with AM* office in Teronin through the Agents r Ow a sok of Upper Coned., both at Dertench ad Ilirstferd, without chirps to the said met- ers. Gederieht Feb. 6th, 1651 1,68211 AZOBil ORIENTAL TURKISH WINE. -Th• relit remedy ter Gemost Debitity. Week none. Leas Anwar. Dytherois. Sa- lines Dame.% • emmi. prematitre 4 7. - 'rte. ate. ire Th. mast ;deem am sad offietsal R-netio ler lief el the stime emmosists. aod for sios•y other foot w esinned, tlat hes ever twee dornered - It a Po lifreitable so th• lb.! troy Nog it 10.1 prefers it Is say WM.; white 114 oetioe • ghp stomach tool prnmpt toad f 15C1.1.1 elem..iss them thormehly roof diva, by fc.op. Mg the rt•arrn at which the Woe ot the hloodis fion...d. in heal.hy and curs sop.. memo...only the blood mon sod health:el. 1'l. • o,immot onetime. mal.k.•II atchoholic p▪ r.parsones, %hie). th• remak.r is a we0 • e re. re, TIII6 WINE s•od• a gee - 'Ile and mg...fable feeliecihroti,th every nerve, and itsteoie propertiett are mirth that it swill restore the mot Mid dehilitmed te their satand Strength sod Firs. I% ito wesposed el the Pere Nisei el of the ron-t thole load tare pleat. Is tb• Mmoris Medics, the recethe fee which Imo ohoitemi Gorr. • ee'ebraled Tuiti- on!, 11.1.1m.”-Phyoc4.s,-and or• Mode 1. eq.ovite te• et say klansperilla tar Blood Po. rifier ever refete bonen. Th.. gem this On motel Wise • triol: it w;11 awash fer imell better ;has asp receo.rmodatios or eeri.ficste; sad oe who ones ii oace vievet tar without it. No- thing coo mood it as a Diet Drink in hnt cli- mates. move 8otorboat-4, sad no Traveller should be otithnot C•CTIoP.-Frstl the SIM/ Corraraelt .04 Rooter...4 the Stiimp '.1 .14. Turkish Flag, oo the lohel and cork ofewli bottle. %Volvos% that e•naor he gen•sse. All orders ,.,l*' iii4clretee4 le C0171016. k & Bro- ther, No 2 80 Peter'. Place, New Yotk. f1;13,c, To Owatasue Aste Dem.'s' IP Hon fas IrOtraDVIll OetrralitoT. For the ewe Tossder, Solo flout. Itoco.4,00u.4 oed Contracted imd ish Fem. Wooed., Bruises in the Fleet.. 0M1.4 Reeks, t'rocked Heel.. Scratch.., CS... 1[mM.. dre.... memo. Carlmer Ri.e.Ros. C•i.. - tb• este R isg. Reim. Mood Swine, Bar (;OD NEWS. CHEAP C MS at Port Albert.r olio crols there emu 410* C.The •ult, ids fe.h.on, the prteetyW the mind, tie e%WhO t• perebese, will pleats. .1111 call •gid Pee Elle stock, sell sehreted, .4111 551* Cep a•p,•. • Bestoe &Pe STITIloWIRAT -Dere* mire P.1.1111/0/1. V. T I 10 11 A :4 1O770888D. Port Albert, Rept. 11. 1854. •11.311 rLalIE subscriber bey to inform the inha- Wits of Goderich •ed its vicinity, that h• ha• rece:ved • Lorge Supply 01 the La- test Improved Paltetns of COOKING, B 0 X AND PARLOUR STOVES, which be afore !or Bale at very reduc-d Prices for Cash. The polo...ember s1-0 teem en hand se utast, at Iti• Old $tiind, a large col very superior assortment of TIN- WARE of every deecription. The PO... scriber takes this opportenity of returning his Piece,. (14.0145*0 the Public for the very liberal patronage be har. remelted mot, he ha* been in hummers tn Goderit-h,31. bbr, he strict 511004 1022 to hu•Inesr, and mode, - cite piece, to commie to receive a share Spsite,Wisdsalls ei dfloh•t-s certain timed,. of "obi's: patronage. N. IL -Graining, Painting, Glavirg. Pa- C11.1.1010111 Coercing)* Wartralia 11nnors•ed " Bei ii"„iaa, 0„ as Castle. The cheeses of weather sad serwoo. Per a • • won oho 'Mose el so. food Red. ha.. •ery fro,. WILLIAM STORY. sr Ill eiWri opros the Mood aoti einem. $.14. .l Grolerich. 6 h S•pl. 1849. .2..31 boom. It to le the., chore.. •,, ....mi.... sm... 40 hone 4.0' soy if ooder 444 0•411 Ilhe body ihol met My. lone im.4. sod which, 4 twe eneadmil to, will riessIt to ob. TAM. Wooer. therm, Worms. Bons, &e. All ma width wIn be prevented hy giving arm thew peosirra. rood • ill in ithy time C51.010, Isp somptems 1d4.lP mower, if weed i• firm. They pear elm Weed, rearove all iii&imatlen sod &met, looses the skim. eleaeor the al,r.ef-d onironio the *Ink bail,. eamMitte item to elo war. wort limb the fem. feed. settee of these morde15 1S direr' spas ellit the ammime gboodr mod merrier* 'Ivey have the POIRO efreet e pos the Herm. the Os. th. A.m., sod en file. tilmweire evivonal•-•11 dememes 11•10,11111 fro* or Prwke1-1 • bre tome a the tweed. me 'reedit, ...if be these. Cootwo ..-- Remember led deb 0. Cseure's Congisms Pitardera, ead rake et, maim. resume% Slays asd Bora Lenses, Re Home.. sod hoe ewe a all Armee, 4 moo wr hewn obit portly. eaten., seciiiestes. and • woeireerea eon& anneln, ionisation. w eed 1,1014, .54.010 wed for aroms arrrower. osAdl. emetsed &gm. sore.. or an his& •• lespoos. Ceolasse• ertIole• Isir Henn mid Cat. ole ire ~11 Ise& 41* ore* sea eveywaiNsol. • gootA sed w.11 woo le 96 meet mo01 11118 err of 'be atom. eseogkests Thee boor ho.o eyed ly isesosso, eke. pope*** *ad **erewol obe won smarked impt auld.4 fousem FA H F41 K :SALE. A VALUABLE Fteohold &tote, Lot ca Me. 39. o the 61h Cert. in the To.. Alip Gloderich. coniamiur 80 .Cr... 45 of wheel ent clewed, 86 km el stomp., 11 iv weft e•teired, *oh • .4.4•1 faiOrir IP matt* of lbw too a 0.4 gar den, a Yining Orchard so* bear*, (roll, ettosied ei• thin 10 miles oi Gaieneb, of tr* village of Illayfierld. A go.oi Log Plate', lathed and ola.tirrod: a Bee al hr MR Sheds 8.a141es. Fur particulars .p ply to Aodrew Dohough ba 114 Too). ot Godetheb, or to the propriebee oe the pre nose*. 81MIMILIIPLAN. P. S. Trews itally Goderierh, Judy *6.14, DM. e5*99 LOST. A ROTE by Tame. Ovetreefeeel Wo.. LI` Doweberty Isisso ad a D. fee 1.4 11. &I, der 1 f 'seer, 1554. plebe,' Mb meet*. am et% ,l7.80 A *ate 143 3.2.54 Uawkiew ibed ?beats Dee lose le frof.# of E. D. Atrekaires, eel lbw b. Is. 44. dare ulliassew. tos8 los..ete tali op* is sew ilhoe soy patime Priemeog tbe ewes tie Ilse tare of ilk ellemol ••••41t4Is Its vs* sstoss vs oses or Ore/ ow se et imo ASTOISIMIL 'pea lobby 4544•14. 1e1, 1 12.6. 14-01111 Cae0assi.-19.0.es* ba gerstooe Woes yes *41 .11e wow of 1 Cala* Cillbssiot ea she Orseppee swish embilibti womb. ei.a. 011 thellorlad WW945,1111141 legiuswoott ousurou- t* brae. lea veil Ire Ile Mum A Oweemok. ,01Azti . . htAA As Ogee- sealialue, rid V. 11 0"Cirtea* 41417.149 • bp lIkellte▪ lk is 1apowit54 bp J. Orme * A CARD. "inn E B•Serobers return their siscom thanks 1 to the inhanitants landerielv sad athma- the eoontry. for the very lib.ral petroomre he- alowed ppne thmo while is 141. 41.0.1 is Cmde- nab. They wootd e0n. state that they ham •mittmed their ho.is. ie Onderich in Merges BANNERMAN & FERGUSON: tor *horn they oneld reeppoletly the .ame exteeded toappontiffortied GORDON & IdACRAY• Gederich, April 201b, t853. .6.13 tif IN reference t- o the above we have In olAtte that Ise teriVil pot', homed the entire Steck of Mower. GORDON & MACKAY. ea...Moine of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. CROI EERY. CLOTHING,. the • nn the irony, adritcosanse krone. The o rkliolnas we are making thereto, ertll feeder it eomplme ie all ie. deraortments. 1 o the wow. men .1,44. Isle Firrn is well es the el.h.biessis creerally, world my ihat tiw &eddies leg pn.elloeff.. purchasing is the hint Mmkets. with • deuembeiticia to adhere la thr 440.40•11111 Ptiocipim of oer predecessor.. senvely-Oise Poe., lArgo &Ire. Small Profit.. thimbles es wi h eerfefene. te solicit the rapport of • 16/1. caning publ.e. PANNERMAN & rummest Orwierleh, &hi April. 1851. ellng1 • WANTED. A TEACHER %V•eted for • Common 'cm` School, m School seetwo No. 4 Col.. oyes.. wroth • Secood or Third Chios Certo Ilea,•. Immediate application rxquested• Put (iambi; stnEi,ir rnr.,,,tiooi;liEsnnky to WM. 110i.IDA Y. Trustees. Colberstle. It ON Et hi Ai 85K EIR. • ntt FARM FOR SALE. LOTNo 91. Due o Rood, motet/tier III seem, 40 of which ere ebermd, withts 1 mites of Godeoch, and II uf the lourithing village of Chilton. Apply en Ila premises te W. B. MOORE. July 1, 1853• •23-41 OODERICH, PORT HURON, SARNIA AND DETROIT. tin:2a .4 4.01 • k ne Neer Leer.preestere Steamer ATTACHMENT. BIBBY, Moiled flownlki of 12Y 'Wee Pry- SAIIMIL WARD. 2o1, Ceirwarretio, ,Heo..78 :ausi Breve. gni! wnts of At. WILL tom 01•14*4 10•••••4 ••••^19. lachinerot Mewed mit a• lefletwy: - Leeeee Detrott for of Der Craw, Coors 1,,, lb. Gmbeeieb Peery Winlosseday esersteg, at 9 Utoilmei""ide""knerterTilatgatilli.lil":170.4een1•810,""10:01.8eds ..eloablget• derloriwb Amery Thermion, wen - well se peremed, oy cycomm000 Ida Irene, fur at 1 re'efoelt. *ism 19 haver.. sr:.p..tabserradrone. .ingurtamiste.sateshecerhatobart.teTh. atnfattirs.. .4.0.6118aoldeet,teseessirwiliessomi,pr.vosowthtitte. .4.. .414Y* Patron*, I have sieteed all the estate, mile* ar ns,"4116'h. wil°11.41"1 Ilr'll."44•P'0% h"eta Bates, Noreen J. Hanoliem see Beeheitte Melotyre relent erillds the jureedieties et Goioo04. mem, sloe. MARLTON. NOTICE. well as precomel, of tlais veld Al•ootta" ....-. with* Hiram televise &sieve febn the Bee occilarYorogr,limobloi eil:0146"1,,,,,y7"11 .4 *94. lir. 41Pihei ,10." al° AI'Llio C..164....0 44.4.4"1441eierieetePa""semg. •1111:11:: meem.i., mei"... e, 54 weill amis.( a, Iff Woo pflowdl we Wok .550S% are re- pal.7...eb.olim"...t. beinsuli; *a? besatisfh.14 greed to trek NW Woe 10.. eettled are or Mao Illeet ea Awe 'ewe. eed ell wee, plideitillk u AAA sof map tole •Ila 51101 of ktreefisp. teak worn liewsefied • ea dm resit swirebbobasesitt *,to ekire,11_51 'tamers of 'we)4pikes p g)ob1oem.rsismaAwmkbmews.eseeler,.*44* i ifleooeelaie mNteOes beDbie -ktr. N_o,0,,iw freibtjtbi6e, r tot it'''' ; Sigtten. kik weeser. . illeass, be milee.r..A.. arrra• .....„ tibestwa, fled Awe, Isle i oaf s• esdimbibiste strerstasi,1714 q • 5