HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-13, Page 5Vets choose, 4 coMMPnt$ About Cromarty By MRS, Icgt4 McKELLAB 41 Personal .tems Mr. and Mrs, 1'. L. Scott and John . visited en Saturday with relatives in Detroit, Air, :and. Airs, Alex Gardiner visited on Thursday with. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and, family of Goderieh, Mr. and Airs. Gordon. Scott, and Mr. and: Mrs. Carter Kers- lake, .Air. and Mrs, J, Si, Scott,. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Woi'den, Mr', Alvin Worden and Mrs. Bert Fell of Staffa were guests at a party of cousins at the home of Mr. and Mr's, Harold. Coleman of Seaforth on Satur. day night. Mr. and Mrs, H. R. Currie and girls, Dorchester, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Otto Walker, Mrs, W, N, Binning and jape of Mitchell visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. K, 'McKellar, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGhee spent the weekend in Strathroy with Mr, and Mrs, Fred Watcher and family. Air, and Mrs. Otto Walker were guests at a gathering- at the home of. Air, and Mrs. Fred Watcher. of Strathroy, on Sat- urday night when Mrs, Watch- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGhee, celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary. 111:r. and Mrs, George Wal- lace entertained in honor of Mi$5 Olive Sp.eare's birthday on 'Thursday evening, On Sunday evening at 8 p.m. there will be a Christmas CGIT candlelighting service in Cromarty Church with the Exe- ter group joining Cromarty group for this service. Auxiliary quilts The meeting of the Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary held of the home of Mrs. Carter Kerslake Look the form of a AIr. John Templeman presided for a brief meeting, Mrs. Ger- ald Carey had charge of the study book and continued the study on the downtown church and its roblems. She was as-p sisted Mrs. J. Boyne, Mrs. R. Laing, Mrs. L. Elliott, Mrs. Mervin Dow and Airs, J. Tem- pieman, Mrs.- Duncan Scott favored with a solo. Sunday service The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed at the Cromarty Church service on Sunday with a large crowd in attendance and Rev. j, C. Boyne in charge. Preparatory service was held. on Friday evening when five young people, Carol Howe, Dor- othy Scott, John Scott, Robert Templeman and. Gerald Scott united by profession of faith faith, a 1 s o Mr. and Mrs. Charles Douglas by certificate. WMS The Cromarty WMS met at the home of Mrs. Calder Ale- Kaig when a Christmas pro- gram was presented. Those taking parts were, Mrs. AL La- mond, Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs. W. Harper and Mrs, K. McKel- lar, A Christmas topic was given by Mrs. E. Moore and GA net return • NO INVOLVEMENT OF TIME • NO LAND TO LEASE • NO FIXED OVERHEAD • NO BUILDING TO BUY • NO LABOUR PROBLEMS If you are interested in a ground floor money-making opportunity arid are able to make an investment of only $1,995.00 — then ACT NOW and mail the attached coupon. INN nit INK INK MI Nil INK MOIL an 1111 INK — IOW 12=n 0,7" .-- TO MR. DAVID PEZIM, REGIONAL MANAGER, WASHMOBILE 13.1`0'1`11,"`OlanstaiSto (reeatr, phone 4321945 anyiimi NAME .............. „ ........... ........... ....... ....... . ...... 41.0011.141.0.1 ........ (please print) R ADDRESS „, .............. ....... „.,„ .... minimum . fully secured C 11 By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE :.:.,Iw-edrss.tsaast.veowgiwrtms Miss Tory Coward returned to her home on Monday after having been a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, for almost a week. Mr. and Mrs. William Thom- son of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs, William Rhode, Douglas, Glenn and Calvin were Saturday evening guests with Mr, and Mrs. Milton Sleamon of Exe- ter the occasion being the birthdays of Mr. William Thom- son and. William Rohde which were on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Otte- well, Richard and Michael of Exeter were Sunday evening guests with .Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Miller, Mrs. Mac Hodgert, Laurel and Lee visited on Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Wilmer Howatt of Londesboro, A number of ladies from this community attended the Sum- mary Day for 143 pounds of meat at myth Memorial Hall on Thursday. Miss Joanne Hodgert spent the weekend with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Howatt of Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. John Ale- Lauchlan, Catherine and Da• vid of Lambeth were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery. The annual Sunday School concert will be held on Mon- day evening, Dec. 17 in the church basement. Happy Doubles banquet On Friday evening thirty- four members of the Happy Doubles Club sat down to a turkey banquet with all the trimmings. Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin con- ducted the business, it was decided to go carol singing to the shut-ins in the community on Saturday evening. Dee, 15, A Christmas worship service was concluded by Mrs, Donald Bray assisted by Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mrs. Ahner Passmore and Rev. Hugh. Wilson, The committee in charge of the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bray, Alt. and Mrs. Edwin Miller and Mr. and. Mrs. Almer Pastmore. UCW sing carols The UCW Christmas meet- ing was held on Wednesday af- ternoon with the President. Airs, William Cann was air sisted in the Christmas woe- s* service by Mrs. Reg ltod, gert, Mrs. Williaii5 Snow and Airs. Archie Etherington. Mrs. Donald Xermek gave the topic "That God It Love" Mrs. Alvin Passitore played several Chriatinas imbibers on the 'Mann. 'CliristinaS carols were sung. Jade. Simmons was elected president for 1903 at the meet.- ing of the Hensall Branch of The Canadian. Legion Wednesday evening, Dec. 5. Other officers are; vige-presj• dents, William Brawn, E. R. Davis; sgt,-at-arms, Ted Rob- erts; executive, Maurice Tudor, Jim Taylor, Wilmer Dalrymple and Wes Venner; padre, Rev, H, F, Currie, A life membership certificate was presented to Fred C. Beer by President John Skea, joint installation of Legion and. Auxiliary will be held. Jan- uary 2. Plans for the annual Christmas party Sunday, De- cember 15 were discussed. Personal items The Legion and Auxiliary will entertain their children at a Christmas party in the Legion Hall Sunday, December 16, Legion bingo jack pot this Saturday will be $115,00 in 58 calls, with two door prizes. executive 4. 0:ashwood church fetes missionaries, Elected to office at the Christmas meeting of the Men- sal' Legion Ladies Auxiliary rim$,PnwoMr•vatr"matiran Tuesday, evening, December 4, were: This week in President,' Mrs. W 1 i a in Smale; vice-presidents, Mrs. Howard Smale, Mrs, W. J. Thames Road Cameron.; secretary, Mrs. E, R. Davis; treasurer, Mrs, By- ran Kyle; sgt. at arms, Airs, Harry Horton; pianist, Mrs. Edgar Munn; assistant, Mrs. William Brown. Executive, Mrs. William For- rester, Mrs, Helen Roberts, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. ROY Smale and Mrs. Harold Camp- bell. Past president Mrs. Wit- Jiam Brown conducted the elec- tion, President Mrs. Willi a in Smale presided for the meet- ing. The Legion and Auxiliary Christmas party will be held in the Legion Hall Sunday, December 16, at 2:30 p.m. Christmas gifts will be sent to the Auxiliary's adopted vete- rans in Westminster Hospital, Legion and Auxiliary shut-ins will be given Christmas boxes. Mrs. Howard Smale won the mystery prize and Mrs. Maude Heden won the guessing com- petition, Bingo was played and and gifts were exchanged be- tween members during lunch. Decoration of the Legion Hall was in Christmas theme with walls accented with red Poinsettias and evergreens, en- hanced with an illuminated Christmas tree. Mr. and MPS. Edward Taylor of Stratford were retent visi- tors of Miss Mabelle White- NATURE KAYO'S HYDRO to fib, Nature occasionally upsets Visitors during the week with ontatio Hydro's solid teptita. Mrs. DOWson included, Mrs. Con for delivery. Wide recent-Cameron Richardson, Hensall, ly power interruptions have '11 t1 1\111. Cecil MaXv011 been caused by wildlife. In one. and Mr, Fred D,aters of Han ease, An induttriouS beaver Sail. dropped a tree tAIde hydra Mr. Charles Eyed visited ,an lii the other, a moose afternoon 'last week with Me tangled with a hydro pole. 'Tilt N. tong pole lost. Sunday visitors with Mr. Ito- hert. Thomson were, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vriestap and Mr, and Mrs. :liert; Worsten, Bosch. .Santa her Saturday Santa Clans will visit Hensall this Saturday, December 15 at 2 pan, and will distribute treats to the children of Hensall and district, Free Movies-- car- toons will be shown in the Town Hall, sponsored by Hensall businessmen, Guides enrolled The Girl Guides enrolment was held in the United Church Tuesday evening, December 4, with parents as special guests, Eleven tenderfoots were en- rolled as Canadian Girl Guides by District Commissioner Mrs, Thomas Lavender. They were: Linda Keys, Patricia. Parke, Susan ;links, Karen Mills, Bet- ty Cameron, . Linda Lowery, Cheryl hintisseau, Sharon La- very, Linda Fuss, Carolyn Cook and Janice Bonthron. Proficiency badges were pre- sented by Captain Mrs. Jim Hyde. Pioneer, cook, child care, skaters and hostess badges. went to Lois Simmons; second class, skaters, child care, Joan Simmons and Chrissie Came- ron; second class, skaters, Wendy Moir; child care, Paul- ine Bell; skaters, Marcia Little, The meeting was planned and lunch served by four girls, loan Simmons, Wendy Moir, P a u li n c Bell and Chrissie Cameron, who are working for their hostess badges. Theme was Christmas Rev. Ross MacDonald was guest speaker at the Christmas meeting of the Arnold Circle of the Presbyterian Church Mon- day evening basing his thoughts from the theme, "What Christ- mas can do for your life", President Mrs, B. Beaton who presided for the meeting thank- ed the speaker. The worship was taken by Mrs. Harold Bonthron and Mrs, MacDonald assisted by Mrs, John Skea, Miss Hannah Mur- roy, Mrs. Trevor Wilson and Mrs. Roy Bell, with the theme, Christmas Message, Yearly reports were submit- ted. Rev, MacDonald installed the new slate of officers for 1963, Mrs. H. :Bonthron, Airs. Roy Bell, Mrs. MacDonald and Mrs. John. Baker were appointed a decorating committee to dec- orate the church for Christmas. Mr. and Airs. Coleman of Springhill, N.S. who are visit- ing at the manse were guests for the evening. A Christmas luncheon was served by the hostesses Miss Hannah Murray and Airs. Roy Bell. Mr. William Boa, who resides on highway 4 south of Hensall, was taken by ambulance last Tuesday to South Huron Hos- pital following a stroke. Mr, and Mrs. Tullman of Summer Hill, N.S. visited this week with Rev. Ross MacDon- ald, Mrs. ''MacDonald and fam- ily at the manse. Mrs. Sam Dougall visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Chesney in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Laird Mickle. and Mr. 1Villiani Mickle attend- ed the funeral of the late Mrs. Lillian Garrod in Ridgetown Monday of this week. Mrs, Gar- rod Was head bookkeeper for the Mickle firm tor over 3s years, She died in Victoria Hos- pital, London, Friday of last week. Mr, Mickle was a pall- bearer. Miss Ruth Anne Trarmair, of 81. Thomas, ,spent Sunday With Mr. And Mrs, Stewart Mc- qtieen. Mr. Charles Aikido of Hamit- ion spent the weekend in Lop- -don and in Hensall with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Laird Miekie, Bob and Atm. Winners in the Christmas cake draw sponsored by the Hensall Kinette Club were Ervin Reich- art, Clinton, and Jill Mae-Ilan; Units choose `63 executive Lodge enjoys yuletide party Amber Rebekah Lodge held a Christmas party after a brief business meeting last .Werines- day evening, A program included the sing- ing of Christmas carols, read- ings by Mrs, Albert Shirr. ay and Airs, Harold Parker, solo by Mrs, William Brown accom- panied by Mrs. William Fuss, Mrs., Ken Elder presided, Gifts were exchanged from a decorated tree. Mrs, Elder, Mrs. jack -Corbett and. Mrs, Garfield 'Broderick arranged the program, A gift was donated to the Children's Shelter, Goderich, Arrangements were made to at- tend the Christmas party at Morning Star Lodge at Brussels Tuesday evening, Committee in charge of the social hour included Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Mrs. Ernie Chip- chase, Mrs. Blight Ferg assist- ed by Mrs, Joe Flynn and Mrs. Fuss, Auxiliary elects officers Kippen. The draw took place Saturday night in Irwin's store and the tickets were drawn by Mrs, Inez ,McEwen. Every tick- et was sold. Over 200 packages of pea- nuts and mixed nuts were sold by Hensall Kinsmen in their canvass of the village Thurs- day night. 1.:Kairs.r.f.a=Z7ZZIKI-iiL•22az..:112.11 COMMelitt about Kippen By MRS. NORMAN LoNfs . I Mr. David Cooper of Univer - sity of Western Ontario Spent the weekend With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cooper and Bob. gRYIN. RAPER DASHWOQD Time WSWS of the Po/Angell- cal 1,113 church held their -an- nrral turkey dinner for the bus- bands and friends in honor of the two missionaries Woodrow Macke and Anna Roloff Friday, :December 7 with Mrs. Harry Hoffman, convener. Following dinner Mrs, liar. old Kellerman was chairtadv with Mrs. Mervyn. Tieman at the piano. Airs. Howard IClumpp conducted a stag song. A male etuintette also favored. Ervin Eckstein gave humorous monologues. A male quartette, Harry Hoffman, Mervyn Tie- rnan, Jack .Gaiser, and Stanley Haist sang. Dr, H. H. Cowen of Exeter showed slides and spoke on his trip to Europe .and the Holy Land, WI hives for Christmas At the Christmas meeting of Dashwood WI donations were made: $5.00 to The War Memo- rial Hospital at London; $15,00 to the loeal chiildreifs Christ- rnas party; $10,00 to the Chil- dren's Aid at Goderich, Over ten dollars were added to the treasury with the Sunshine and gloomy fund, Eleven girls, who had re- ceived county honors in 4.11 work, were presented cups and saucers, Those able to be pre- sent were there; one. girl with provincial honors received a silver tray. Mrs, Leonard Schenk reported on the district executive meeting. Twenty-three ladies re- sponded to the roll call, "What does Christmas mean to me?" each member gave current events. This being' the annual meet- ing the various secretaries pre- sented their yearly reports. The nominating committee brought in a slate of officers for 1963. Honorary President is Airs. Sadie Scott; president, Mrs. Cal- der McKaig; vice presidents, Mrs. M. Lomond, Airs. Grace Scott; secretary, Mrs. T. L. Scott; assistants, Airs. K. Mc- Kellar; Glad Tidings secretary, Airs, Grace Scott; supply sec- retary, Airs, Sadie Scott; organ- ists, Alt's. W. Miller, Mrs. T. Wallace; Secretaries: literature, Mrs. .1. Al. Scott; welcome and wel- fare, Mrs, T, Laing, - Mrs. R. Dodds; Home Helpers, Mrs, J. Wallace, Mrs. J. Al, Scott; CG- IT leader, Mrs. At. Lamond; Explorers leader, Airs. Al. La- mond; children of the church leaders, Mrs. L. Miller, Mrs. Carter Kerslake; press re- porter, Mrs. K. McKellar; nom- inating committee, Mrs, F. Al- len and Mrs. E. Moore; audi- tors, Mrs. Grace Scott and Miss Olive Speare. The president Airs. AleKaig in a brief address expressed her thanks and appreciation to all members who had so wil- lingly given their time and tal- ents to further . the work of the society, Mrs. T. L. Scott as- sisted the hostess in serving re- fresh/1i eats, Mrs. Arnold Kiints read a. Christmas prayer. Airs, Leon- ard .Sebenk and Airs. Glen. Webb .conducted a sing .song, A Play. ."The Christmas Taran- tula". was presented by four ladies. Mrs. .Schenk and Airs. Webb sang A duel. Mrs. Er- vin Rader gave a reading. The skit for summary day was also given. Santa arrived with gifts for all. Choir supper Thirty-four in embers and friends of the choir of Zion Lutheran Church enjoyed a turkey supper Friday, Decem- ber 7 catered to by group 1 of the Ladies Aid with Mrs. Er- vin ,Devine and Mrs, V, L. Bec- ker conveners. Following supper the commit- tee in charge, Mrs. Flossie Stade, Mrs. Rudolph Miller and Robert Miller took charge, Crokinole was Played. Mrs- Howard Datars and Chas. Mar- Ione won high prizes; Airs. Ed- ward Gackstetter and Ray VanDorseelaer consolation pri- zes, Infant beptilzed Glenn Henry, infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Pfaff, was baptized in Zion Lutheran Church by :Rev, 'Wm. Gotz„ Air. and Mrs, Edward Gack- stetter were sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller of Zion spent .Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Ervin Rader and family. Herb Gaiser of Dearborn, Mich., spent the weekend with his brother, Chester, Attend funeral Mrs, Susan Merner, Mr. and Airs, A. V. Tieman, Mr, and Mrs. George Tieman, Mr, and ' Message from Blake By MISS ..EMMA F.INLAY ,,ssnessirsesmssr,ssmAtzsors.sw Mr. and. Mrs. Harold John- ston, of Zurich. visited Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Peter Gingerich, of Blake, Mr. and Mrs. William. Steckle and family, of Bayfield, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Amos Gin- gerich,terneon of, Blake on Sunday at- Mr. and. Airs. Clayton Steckle and Mary Ellen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ginger- id, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eckel and family, of 'Idensall, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Baechler and family. Mrs. Edmund Erb, Mary Lou and Pearl Ann visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Newell Geiger and John and Mrs. Mary Manson. Miss Eleanor Erb, of Kitch- ener, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gor- don Erb and family. Mr, and Mrs, William. Me- Clinches, of Varna, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ephriain Gingerich, and fam- ily, Ladies give donations At .the. LICW meeting bold at the home of Airs. Arthur rink- beiner cash donations were voted to crippled children, CARE and some 'Weal charities for Christmas, Mrs. Jack fiats and Mrs. Earl Rats .assisted by 'Mrs. Karl _Guenther and Mrs, Milton Rats conducted the devotions. The president Mrs. Jim Clarke took charge Of the business. The social NW was arranged by Alt's. Ross Pickering, Mrs. Mil- ton flats and Airs, loss Love assisted by the hostess. Personal items Recent visitors with Mr. and Airs. Robert Adams and. Bob- bie included Air. and Mrs. George Wambough and family of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Adams and Michael of London. Mr, David Sheppard. of To- ronto spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bayn- ham and family of London Mrs. Milford Merrier and lam- ily, Mrs. Ed Nadiger, Sirs. Wm. Haugh. Mrs. Garnet. lert, Airs, Elmore Daters, and Earl Daters attended the fun- eral of the late Karl Bosk at Peter's funeral home in De- troit on Saturday. Be is sur- vived by his wife, the former Venda Merrier. Mrs. A. V. Tie- man and Airs. Susan Merrier remained in Detroit for a week. were Sunday visitors with and Mrs. Wilfred De.s,jardine, Mr, Jack Ratz: was in To- math several days last..,weelc on business. lifr. and ,Mrs, Ross Dove yvero Sunday guests With Mr.,tand Mrs. tarnote Patars, Mr. and Mrs. O. C, RUSSOl at, fended the Summers banquet in London on Wednesday .en, Ping. Blue Bird - Planiond. and Wnelci'itto. RINQS We have a large selection of Clocks, Watches chine / Silverware Watch and clock Repairing a Specialty Albert Hess Jeweller and Optician ZURICH DRAIN TILE 4"---$S5 per M Feet Del'd. S"—$85 per M Feet Pel'0, 6"-4110 per M Feet Del'd, 7"-515,5 per M Feet Del'd, 8"—$185 per M Feet Dad, Above prices based on 1000 Linear Feet, in full truckloads or more, delivered within 35 mile radius of our plant. For detailed prices on all sizes tile, either delivered or F.O.B. our plant at Elginfield, write or phone RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD,, RR 2 London — Phone 227-4721 Lucan. Page 5 ember 13, 1947 Hensall and district news CQRRg5PONPENT$: Mrs, .Maude 11004,n, Phone 5 Mrs. Archie MacGregor, .Phone 56 Products Of Goners Mato,' Tri Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware PHON I 11 )4 E NSALL Hensall personals Mr. J, E. AleEwen is a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, where he will undergo eye Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bennie surgery on Thursday of this And Joanne, of Toronto, were week, weekend Visitors with the ter- Mr. Wilbert billing Under- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. went eye surgery at Victoria Sam Ranhhm, Hospital, London, Tuesday of Mrs. Edna Corbett visited last week. Over the weekend with her son- Mr. and Mrs. W, E, Hedden, in-law and daughter, Mr. and Niagara Falls, avert weekend Mrs. Harold. Parker. visitors with Herb Redden. At the Christmas meeting of UCW 'units 4 and 5 held in the church sehoolroona Thursday afternoon officers Were elected for 1963. President is Mrs. ,tames Me. Allister; vice-president, Mrs. George Armstrong; recording secretary, Mrs. R. M. Peck; treasurer, Mrs. W. B. Cross; assistant, Mrs. N. E. Cook; Pianist, Mrs. T. Sherritt, Mrs. B, T,"Rnwe conducted the tied- Potty attended the Meeting mg seriously wrong, just a tcpporary wh ich was condition caused by urinary irritation or 1)raidd • ht dcle discomfort. That' the time to Mrs. W., 13,, Cross,:livitIL nti.e. take Drodd'a Kidney Pills!Dodd's help taken by stimulate the kidneys to relieve this Mrs. Archie Roweliffe and Mrs. ;toiidition which may often cause beck , George Armstrong. ache and tired feeling. Then you feel Mrs. H. F. Currie gave a talic 'better, rest hater, work better. Get en '`"r4 Nativity", Mrs. Clare DOM* Kidney Pills now. Look for The ;McBride gave teunipet solos tok with'the red hand at all drug compelled by Miss Greta LAM, to ltiile, i..tintera.You „IT can depend ori Dodd'a.fio If You're TIRED. ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody gets ''.'tired-Otit yke " feeling, and ma ' backaches. Perhaps both' SUPER SAVE FOOD VALUES Assorted Flavors Jello Powders Va. Lb, I Ng Open 'Friday and a• today 'Evening. Bltie Bonnet Yellow Quick Margarine 2 Premium Sockeye Salmon. Crisco Shortening. I w09 Swift's _Prom T... all B.3 6 rep ti •-P s 51 59' Smoked Cottage Rolls Fresh Spare Ribs Ring Bologna Pure Pork Sausage Choice Hinds of Beef By the Quarter 5d 4i, Sunkist Navel 163's No, 1 Oranges telloNo,1 Cberries FRESH PRODUCE L AIN 1•11 ns 11111 VIM AM — MI NMI No ing MI 1Nal rase sari 101 WHOLE OR HALF FROZEN PO0f) York Fruit Pies Cherryor.Apple249' Blueberry '4.3