HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-06, Page 20at .01 Sa,1•41.N.N.1 "I• take it, sir, you're not put- Eng the stowaway In the brig." DOBBS FOR DODGE AND ALSO Guaranteed—Dependable user CARS 1962 'VALIANT 4-door, custom radio. One-year guarantee .„ $1,895 1960 DODGE 4-door, light tan, 6-cylinder with automatic transmission. One-year guarantee . . $1,695 1959 SIMCA 4-door, 4-cylinder, for real economy. 30-day guarantee ..... $ 595 1957 VOLKSWAGEN VAN, very clean, in- sulated body. 30-day guarantee . $ 495 1956 DODGE Regent Sedan, 6-cylinder, ex: cellent, „ 30-day guarantee .. .„....„.. $ 595 1955 DODGE 4-door, 6-cylinder, top condi- tion. 30-day guarantee .... $ 495 Exeter °for Sales Fred Dobbs, Prop. George 235.1130 235.1250 Fred 235.0865 ...wily 11 invostors op lard( ca c.ANARA, rirrit.ep Tep HOLMES lea Peer Wvdte. London GE 4-950.2 or Inquire at The Times- Advocate BIG 17" leg spread; holds trees up to 3" dirthi. Bright green and red sturdy steel. Water container to keep tree fresh TIP DELUXE TREE HOLDER — Larger size, bright nickel and c h r o m e trim. With special slots to hold tree lights (not Top value 49 included). 8-LIGHT INDOOR TREE LIGHT SET — Assorted colored bulbs glow brightly on your Christmas tree. Beads hold bulbs upright for fast 'tree trimming. Series type. With long cord and plug. Set of 8 .......... EXTRA BULBS 7-LIGHT INDOOR MULTIPLE LIGHT- ING SET — Each colored bulb burns in- dependently. Spring clip sockets attach easily to tree branches. Larger, brighter r'dd - on connector complete bulbs, long cord, plug and al flai, 'le set ................... 12-LIGHT INDOOR MULTIPLE LIGHTING SET 2.29 EXTRA BULBS ...... ....... -5 for .45 for .22 Fully Approved — For 110-120 Volt Circuits 12-LIGHT OUTFIT %I The .Tiniq4,,,AcivacAle, December' 6 .194 Open house 1.* :Creditor) WS, .class 'at rectory t By MR$, WB4WPOP ;entertain S ShuttIMS Rev. and Mrs. Ray Farrell of GRAND BEND the Thodford.Grand Bend Ang. Bean Parish held, open house on 'Monday evening in the newly built rectory in. Thed- ford. The Rt. Rev. G. N. Lux- ton, Bishop of Huron, blessed the rectory in a brief -cere- mony. Mrs. Luston was also a guest of honor. The ladies of the Thedford • area assisted the host and. hostess during the social part of the evening. Mrs. Ken Young and Mrs. John Aaelstyne of Grand Bend and Airs. Tom Fryer, and Airs. Horace Ma , son of Thedford poured tea and coffee at the attractively ap' pointed table. WA botch euchre party Dashwood church chooses executive der presented them with a,. set of lii.hes. Both Mr. and Airs. ?file spoke. thanking them and' inviting them to visit them in their new home. Hold evening of music The evening of music spun cored by the men of - the church was well attended when the iiarboraires from Gode. rich presented their program. A time of fellowshi and lunch was, enjoyed by the 1W() groups following the program. Mr. and Airs. Ralph Weber, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson, and Mr. and Airs. George Tie- rnan were in charge: of the lunch. INDOOR' 'TREE LIGHTS The WA of St. John's-by-the- L' ake Anglican Church held a euchre party in the Parish Hall last Friday evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. A, Mathers, Air. G. Robinson, Mrs, Ray Farrell, Mrs. A. Crown, and Ur. Ron Crown. Mrs. William Rendle was in charge of arrangements in the absenee of Mrs, Al, Plumb. Mrs. J. G. Aselstyne was in charge of prizes. The next. euchre party will be in. January on a date to be an- flounced later. Personal items The summer-like weather at Grand Bend on Sunday, Decem. ber 2, attracted many visitors to the beach, Several enjoyed boating and water skiing. The Grand Bend. Women's In. etitute were guests of Clover. dale Institute on Wednesday evening at Parkhill. Mrs. Wilma Desjardine, Mrs. Willis Gill, Mrs. Lawrence Mason, Airs, Jack Eagleson, Airs. Arnold DesJardine and Mrs, Newman Sharon, teachers of Grand Bend Public School, attended a workshop recently three consecutive Saturdays at Brooke Central School in Brooke township. Rev. Campbell Tavener is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs, Ervin Rader of Dash- wood spent Thursday with airs. Wellwood Gill and visited with other relative's in Grand Bend. Mr. and Airs. Johnston Pat- terson and family, Mrs. Ray Patterson and. Winston visited on Friday with relatives in Sarnia. Airs. Sarah Patterson is a pa. tient in Sarnia General. Hos- pital, Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R, 'Newman Sharon were PT. R. B. AL Sharon of the army medical corp. To- ronto, and Mr. and Mrs, S. G. Heslip of Lambeth, their aunt, Mrs. Young who is 95 years of age, Mr, and Mrs. John Thomp- son were Monday visitors with Mr. and airs, J. S, Thompson, Listowel and Air, and Airs. Charles McKeever, Clinton, By MRS. M. FAST OREDITON The Dorcas. Band class of the 'Crefton EIJB ettatreh visited. the .siwt-ins at the Roth Nnra. irtg- Home on Saturday ove- Ain.%, The program began with 4., sip; swag of Christmas carols arid 'prayer by Mrs. 1.01:pe .Morloels. Mrs, Emerson Wein. gave a reading followed .0. 'talk by Mrs. A. M. Schlenker, a piano solo by l‘trs, Freeman' Alorleek and areading by Mrs, Roy Retz. Treats were distributed. The glees then was invited to the home of Airs, Wellington iialst for the remainder of the evening, White gift Sunday "White Gift" Sunday was oh- .served at the United Church. Dr, and Mrs, J. E. Whiting of Hazleton, 'B.C., were present tit allow slides and talk of their *irk there. 'the "White Gift" of money was presented 'to Dr. Whiting 'to* use as he saw fit in his work at Hazleton. Plysi receive baptism Five Wants received bap- gaol at the EIJB church Sun- day. oThey, were Valerie Lynn Finkbeiner, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Donald Finkbeiner; Judith Louise Heist, daughter of ..Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Heist; Bradley Gordon Hutch- inson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hutchinson; Colleen Julie Ann Keller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Keller, and Lisa Michele Lippert, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Lippert. Personal items Mr ,and Mrs. Alfred Tilley Observed their 35th wedding anniversary on Thursday and spent: the evening at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tilley and family, of Ex- eter, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Finkbeiner visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles -Green- of Mitchell on Thursday. .Mrs, McDonald, who has spent the past couple of months with her daughter, tiaratttmostlramtrzezm . ... Topies• from WOodhanl Mrs. Carl Lippert, left Friday to visit with relatives in. Goderich. Last Tuesday evening the Crediton held their first euchre of the season. A good attendance was present. Mr. and Mrs, William Wood. all and family, Windsor, visia ed. on Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Joseph Woodall. Air. and Mrs. Robert Wilkins and family of London visited on Sunday with Air. and Mrs. Garfield Hill. Members of the .Credilon WI are asked to please note the change in date for their De- tember meeting, The meeting will be held 'December 11 at 8:15 p.m. A collection of jams .and jellies will be made for South Huron Hospital. Miss jean Jennison, Grand Bend, visited over the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hendrick, Mr. and. Mrs. William Schwartz, Alias Lillian Heist and Mrs. Emmery Pannier of Creditors , Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brown of Exeter, Mrs. Beat- rice Hess of Zurich, Mrs. Gor- don Kaitting and Airs. Dan Scbwanz of Goderien attended the funeral of their uncle, Mr, Mose Heist, at Pigeon, Mich., last Thursday. Mr, Heist had been a patient in hospital at Saginaw, Mich., for the past four years. By MRS. ERVIN L.R.A.Pg.R PASIINVOOD Officers were eleeted. for 190 by Zion Lutheran Church. President is Edward Geekstet. ter;' vicepres., Gordon Kraft; secretary, Kenneth Kraft; gen- eral financial treasurer, How- ard Dalarst general trea$iirer, Ervin Rader; mission fiutin. Oat treasurer, Lloyd Rader; mission treasurer, Hero Schroeder; non o‘f f i cers of Board of Finance, Charles Tie- man, Edwin Miller, Earl Wei,- berg, and Wilfred Becker; Board of Trustees, Leonard Restemayer, Hubert T. Miller, Harold Stire; .Board of Elders, Harry 1-layter, 'Valentine Beck- er, Charles Martene; Sunday School .superintendent, Albert Miller, assistant, Robert Hay. ter. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Allan Schmidt and Mrs. Bertha Foster of Kit- ehener spent last Sunday with Mr, and Airs. Henry Becker. Mr. and Airs. Elmer Rader and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Howe and Mary-Jo of London were Sunday visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Re- der and famila. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Thos, Hoperoft were her bro. they, Harry Hopi and wife of Clifford, also her niece, Airs, Fred Betz and husband of Wal. kerton. Last Sunday visitors were. Mr, and Airs. Fred Hop. croft and family, Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Free McGill, London, Tommy Arthur, Exe. ter and Carol Rader, Zurich. Airs. Edward 'Stelck is a pa. tient in South. Huron Hospital, Exeter. Wes E.neelaed is. a patient in St. joseph's Hospital, Loll, don, where he underwent stir. gory. m e. and Airs. :Mervyn stelae of Bradford spent the week. end with. Mr, and Airs. Ed. Stelek. Airs. liarry Ilayter is .con- fined to her home through ill- ness. Al's. Carl Maier and (laugh. ter Sheila visited Sunday with Airs. Maier's brother, Jack Culling in Westminster Hospi. tat, London, where his condi- tion has been serious. 'Petrify night A mission family night was held in Zion Lutheran Church Thursday, November, 29 spon• soloed by the stewardship com- mittee, Rev, Win. Gals was in charge of the opening and also showed a film on the Cleveland convention, Gordon Kraft introduced the guest speaker, Rev, Gerald Scholz of Alonkton who outlined the mission objectives for 1553. Orville Wessman spoke briefly, Farewell for neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfije, who have sold their farni on the 14th concession of Hay and will soon he moving to Zurich were taken by surprise Satin'. day evening when thirty neigh- hers gathered at, their home to bid them farewell, After an evening of cards and, visiting, Clifford Pepper read an address and Elmer .Ra- I ikb. ...., ... ;; .... . . .. ........ • A OUTDOOR , 1 FLOODLITE Kilf 1 n e 1 u ii e s weatherproof. i socket, wall 'bracket , earth 1 spike and 6-ft. cord and plug, v 49 With Clear Bulb. ... ............ . 1 I With Colored Bulb 0 no I complete ...„,. ........ . ..... a mg 1 .,... un.m., wre. now. .ffimise SAVE ON CHRISTMAS Message from Centralia By MRS, FRED BOWDEN MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE Personal items Miss Joanne Webb was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crago of London. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb and fam- ily were Sunday evening guests. Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Pringle of London. Mr. and Airs. Jim Bearss, of Science Hill, were Friday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Witteven, Sharon and. Brian. Mrs. L. Copeland was a guest on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Pringle of London. Alessrs. John and Nelson Morphy, Miss Margaret Welsh of. Toronto, Miss Janice Webb of Hyde Park were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Don Morphy and Bradley. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Rundle and Jack visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Culver and Kenneth of Lobo village. Mr. Ronald Denham of Tren- ton, spent a couple of days with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Chatters, and Barb- ara and attended the funeral of his aunt, the late Mrs. George Harrah of St. Marys. Mrs. Roy Brock, of Detroit, spent a couple of days this past week with her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Lloyd, Dianne and Douglas. Miss. Ruth Miller, nurse-in- training at St. Josephs Hos- pital, London, spent the week- end,with her parents, Air. and Mrs. Jim Miller. ° Air. and Mrs. Tom Earl, Kimberley and Karen, of Lon. doh, visited with Mr, and Mrs. .Tohn, Witteveen, Sharon and Brian, on Sunday evening. Miss Sharon McBride, of Kap- pen, was a guest on Sunday with Air. and Aim Jim Miller and family. IDASI-IWOOO ;Mr. and Airs. George Webber, Ma. and Mrs. Bob Webber and Ambulances Ronnie of Warren, Mich. were weekend visitors w ith Mr. and 2 Stationed at Dashavood Marry Webber. 1 et Grand Bend Mr. Terry Gilbert and Miss Eleanor Mort, of Toronto. were Players holders of St. Johns' weekend guests with Mr. and Ambulance tertificatee Mrs. Don MorPhy and Bradley. Properly Equipped Praetisie teachers this week Woodhain with firs. Ken ALSO PORTABLE OXYGEN Langford are Miss Norma El• stun and Alias Frances Innis . from Stratford Teachers' Col. lege. Personal items Mr. and Airs. Stephen Alolnar of Agincourt were Saturday visi- tors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Molnar, Mrs, Ralph Neely, of London, visited last week with her mother, who was a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cunning. ton accompanied by Miss Linda Gloor spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Vogan and family in Listowel, Miss Susan Lilley returned to her home in London on Sunday after visiting for a week with her grandmother, Mrs. Arthur McFall& Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dunn, Hurondale, Mr, and Mrs. Ches- ter Dunn and Miss Flossie Davey of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, George Dunn. Mrs. Elmer Wilson was a Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Wilson and. fam- ily in Strathroy. Jimmie Wilson was celebrating a birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Heaman and family of London, Mr. and Mrs. Reid Brown and Roxanne of Lambeth were Sunday visi- tors with Mr. and Airs. John Thompson. Mr. and. Mrs. Clare Wright and family, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. Amos Wright and with Mrs. Wright in the hospital in Exeter. Mrs. William Homey, Mr. and Airs. Orville Cann and Mr. James Earl of Exeter accompa- nied Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lam• mie to St. Thomas where they visited, on Sunday, with Air. and Airs. Laverne Ferguson and Air. Edward Ferguson, a patient in the St. Thomas hos- pital. Mrs, Amos Wright., who has been receiving treatment in the South Huron Hospital for the past ten days, returned home on Tuesday, Mr. and. Airs. William Schroe- der, Mr. Earl Schroeder ac- companied by Mrs. Herman. Dettmer, Exeter, flew to Cleve- land for the 'weekend visiting 11111111111111111111131111111111111111111110111111=111.1111111•11 Phone Dathwborl 70W or Grand Bend 20W 10111111iIIIIINImimill1.111111111.111111113111 HOFFMAN Ambulance Service Miniature Indoor Light Sets — at a price that will brighten up your Christmas Bright, gay assorted colors add glamour to your decorations , Ideal for year-round party use, too. Special "cut out" permits independent burning. Bead type fastener, With long cord and plug. ISN'T IT TR-WO? The convenient time to set 4Strjd. money .never comes to anyone. Financial success cemea to these who. plan it. Let Jittid5igr4 help you,. 20-LIGHT SET with I spare bulbs 10-LIGHT SET 99c Set includes two spore bulbs. EXTRA RULES--4 for 29e MULTIPLE 0 MOOR SET !! 7-LIGHT Set—, 249 15-LIGHT Set— 339 txtra, J3tilbs each .14; '5 for ,S9 Canadian-made heavy weather- proof wiring, safety sockets. The generous length gives greater Overage; add-on connector for extre sets; rriornmoth c 0 lore d bulbs, individual ALL YOUR BUILDING AND HOME MODERNIZATION NEEDS UNDER ONE ROOF 15 Conklin Centres In'Western Ontario. Vlitt Conklin'-s. Toy and for Savings and SeIaohorts coNKL.IN L.1.3049ER ocitROANY LIMITED 131 THAMES ROAD WEST, EXETER, PHONE• 235.14 SUGGESTION You' Get These „ply-Time Silent Nigiit joy to the World tet It Snow Winter 'Wonderland Snowflakes One 'Little Collate Jingle Bells White Christmas lark! The Herald Angers Sing Outstanding Selections! Christmas Favourites the Night Before Christmas he Herne for Christmas You Ore 'all 1 want tor Christmas We -three Kings of Orient Adeste fideilit 11 aaa\a",.....elaaaSaaae 436 Main St ..Exettr Phone 1334164 Milton hobbits 4.. Son 'Ltd, it I; •