HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-06, Page 18Page 1 The Tirees,AcIvece1.0, December" 0, 1962 ..... . ......... ••• CHURCH DIRECTORY ....... THAMES ROAD. MENNONITE CHURCH: M. Sander, Pieter- 11):30, a,111,-Worship Service 14:18 a.ITI ,SIthdey School and Adult Bible Class All Are Welcome JAMES STREET UNi:TECI. CHURCH Rev. S. E. Lewis, te,D, Minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, Aew4c.M., Organist and Choirmaster 10 A,M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments 11 A,M.—MORN1NG SERVICE ADVENT THEMES "And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not put it out." Anthem by the Choir Nursery for babies, junior '—Congregation for children 4- 6 years. 7:30 P.M.—SERVICE ee PIC- TURE "The Will of Augusta Nash" This is an outstanding church Picture on stewardship, pro. duced by the Berkley Studios ezeif the United Church of ,..Canada, All Welcome EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Bethel Reformed Church Huron St. E. , Pastor: W. Stephenson iO p,m.—Sunday School 3e00 p.m.—Worship Service Sermon: "The Herald of Christ" 8 p.m,—Prayer Service :VeleSery for young children. EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Larry Talbot, Pastor Sunday, December 9, 1962 Services of Inspiration and Blessing 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a,m.—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Wed., 8:00 p.m. — Prayer and Bible Study Fri., 8 p.m—Young People's A hearty welcome to all. ZION CHURCH Evangelical. United. Brethren CREDITON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, December 9 Observance of Universal Bible Sunday in the interest of The Bible Society,) 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:15 a.m,—Sunday School 8:00 p,m,—Bible Study COMING EVENTS COOKIE SALE—Exeter Guides and Brownies will call house- to-house selling Guide cookies, Saturday, Dee. 8. Sponsored by Exeter LA. 29:6c PRESENTATION and dance for Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clark. Russeldale Hall, Friday, December 14, 6c FOWL BINGO—Crediton Park Committee are holding a fowl bingo on December 21 in the Crediton Community Hall. 6c RECEPTION and dance. Creel- iron Community Hall, Saturday, December 8, for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collett (nee Phyllis Hohneri. Admission 50' a per- eon. Ladies please bring lunch. 6c THEATRE PARTY—One night only, Thurs., Feb, 21, 1963. "The Pleasure Of His Company", Marring Fred Astaire and Deb- hie Reynolds, sponsored by Exeter Chapter No. 222, OES; proceeds local hospital project. 6c DANCE — Crediton Community Hall. Friday, December 14. Music by "The Swing Slick- tc CHRISTMAS MEETING, Wo• men's Auxiliary to South Hur- on Hospital, Tuesday, Decem- ber 7I, at 2:30 p.m., Auxiliary moms tAtine St. entrance, hospitalt. Miss Cle,yeiole and staff will he hostesses for this meeting. 6c 'THURSDAY, DEC, 13—Christ- mas party, Huron County Reg- istered Nurses Associetion for members and non-members at the Nurses Residence, Clinton. al 8 p.m. 6c EUCHRE & DANCE, sponsor- ed by Kippen East Women's Institute, Friday, December 14, Hensall Arena, 8:30 p.m. Orchestra, 'The Collegians". fie in Lucan. on Dec. 8, 'Air's. Downing visited her Parents, Air wed Mrs. Maier Hendrie on Sunday. Mrs. -.Jim -Sigsworth returned home from St. Joseph's .1:Nona! on. Saturday :much - improved., Flew has sold hie 100 acre farm to Mr. V. A, $0;fried, MEETING OR PARTY IN THE Sherwood Room AT THE Starting at 9:00 p.tiL 15 ROUNDS OF CHICKEN Admission 500 10 ROUNDS OF TURKEY Cards 100 Each 3 for 250 TURKEY DOOR PRIZE lokv Plan your next BANQUET Green Forest Motel HIGHWAY 21 PHONE 14 GRAND BEND Our beautifid surroundings cost you no more and our ,services :tire m9deratel priced. SPECIALIZE,, IN WEDDINGS continuously . 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m Daily "He *taxied oit. 74. ahoestring entl It. broke." PHONE 235.2911 EXETER LY R IC THEATRE 2 Shows Nightly Steeling 7;30 p.m. Saturday Matinee /:00 p.m. THURS., FRI., AT 6c,Ti .t.1 IRVING BEIVLIM r ISIOPIII""*""'"(4"' DANNY 13.0StMARY VE0A- CROSBY.KAM*abONEY—tELLEN Colon byletwiNteoLog DEAN )AGGtR.Z4 IRVING RtRLIN'ittkgrotioll',im'ff'MIGNAtitIIRill Nunihiri Wiii° wee sew)* ft lees sr Itewt AlfCi MN OWL NOM PMIIIA Mil earl RA* 4 I BMW RA starring. ANNE BANCROVT ihtroduting PAM DUKE VICTOR JORY thiraraigrs COMING * Klb GALAHAb * THREE STOOGES ........ . . SOON! * GERONIMO IN ORBIT MONK , TUES„ WED, DEC. 10, 11, 12 SO TENDER . e.SO RIME*, JOY SO TOUCHED WITH LOVE! Bingo! -:.ifeeeeeete Silver Dollar Bingo $300 In. Cash. PRIZES TWELVE CONSOLATION GAMES 'PRIZES TONIGHT (THURS., DEC: 6 - A:30 p.'m) RECREATION CENTRE RCAF CENTRALIA tv-dryone yeicOme Come and Bring a Friend ADMISSION $1.00 Pay your admission with a Silver Dollar and get .an extra card FREE! A AA OaCt& 114 i. FREE MATINEE tiATURDAY FOR CHILDREN . OF' SloiflGRr' • • .• • ' EVANGELICAL. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH c.t.otiwpDD Minister; ,fpm, B.D.. Sunday, December 9 10;00 A .)13.,--MOrnittg WOrShiP 11:15 R.111.—Sunday School 8;00 p.m.—Bible Study ZION • LUTHERAN CHURCH PAel-feemop Pastor; Rev, William Getz 10;00 aen.—Bible Class 11:00 a.m.—Divine Service Sermon Theme: "'the One- ness of God's People" 2:00 p.m.—Sunday School BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron street East R, Van Ferowe, Minister 10:30 aeu.—Morning Service (Dutch) "Receiving the Christ of Christmas" 11:45 a.m,—Sunday School and Catechism 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service (English) "The Good Shepherd and His Sheep" CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister: A. J, Stienstra, S.D. 10:00 a.m.—Worship in English 2:15 p.m.—Worship in Dutch 6:15 p,m,—Back to God Hour (680 Kc.) THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, December 9, 1062 Second Sunday in Advent 8:00 a.m.—Quiet Communion (Corporate communion and breakfast for the men of the parish.) 10:00 a.m. — Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer Nursery and Junior Sunday School. 7:00 p.m.—Evensong 8:00 p.m.—AYPA Resolutions referred to mem- bers by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture annual conven- tion on November 14, 1. Representation on market. ing boards. Whereas the steady change in our agricultural industry has brought about many new devel- opments and trends in volume of production, the area of pro- duction, and numbers of pro- ducers, often completely dis- rupting previously accepted re- gional representation on mar- keting boards and commodity groups; Therefore be it resolved that steps be taken and provisions made under the regulations and authority of our marketing leg- islation to provide for demo- cratic and equitable. representa• tion on marketing hoards ac- cording to: I. Volume of production 2. Number of producers 1 Changes in production area. 2,—Re personnel on market- hug boards. Whereas it is extremely im- portant that the marketing boards and plans, either exist- ing or proposed, receive the maximum degree of support and confidence of the producers: Therefore be it resolved that steps he taken that will ensure that all personnel on marketing boards are legitimate produc- ers of the product involved, 3,— -Re destruction of farm buildings and equipment.. Whereas it has been mite ap- parent and most appalling the amount of wilful destruction of farm buildings and equipment mkt cAvot, PRE0BYTERIAN CHURCH Main at 'Hill et., .Eae,tee Minister: Rev.. Jelin C, Boyne, 144,, Orgeniete Mrs, Murray Keys Communion Sunday, Dee, 9 10 aan,—SLINDAY- 'SCHOOL .a.m.—C1-11JRCH .SERVICE You are invited to worship with us. CG1T each Wednesday at 7 p.m, Choir practice each Thursday at 7:30 p„111, White Gift Service next Sun- day, -December 16, WielS annual meeting, Thers- day, December 13, at 8 pep., in the church. ST. PETER'S CHURCH Highway #4 Saturday, December /1 9:15 aan.—Holy Mass Sunday, December 9 Second Sunday of Advent 9:00 a,m,—Holy Mass Pester: Rev. J. E. Kelly BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor; T, Leslie Hobbins, B.A. Sunday, December 9 10:00 a,m.—Bible Study 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon: "Playing with a Loaded Bomb" 7:30 p.me—Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m,—Prayer Meeting "Revival Notes" "Welcome to Worship" MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. R, S. Hiltz, B.A., M,Th. Organist: Mrs. F. Wildfong, 10:00 a.m,--Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Worship Sermon: God and Ordinary People—St. Luke 1: 39-56 Wed., Dec. 12, 7:30 p.m,—Sun- day School Christmas Night. Proceeds for a child to be sponsored by the Sunday School. Public invited, Dec. 16 — White Gift Service Dec. 23, 11 a.m.—The Wonder of .Jesus. 7:30 p.m.—Carol service presented by Hi-C, junior and senior choirs. Nursery provided. "Come and worship with us." in several parts of rural On- tario: And whereas this same prob- lem is occurring in the entire Dominion of Canada, and is therefore of prime importance to all citizens; And whereas the penalty or punishment for such acts are almost nil and not sufficiently enforced, th u s encouraging further crimes of this nature: Therefore we, of the women's committee of the OFA, recom- mend that a heavier penalty for the person or persons re- sponsible for the said wilful destruction be strictly enforced in the province. And further recommend to the members and executive of the OFA that this resolution be forwarded to the attorney gen- eral of Ontario and to the On- tario Farm Safety Council an- nual conference at Guelph in February 1963. f Provided by the Huron Federation of Agritulturee By ,MR4, Continued from page 17 who at the time .of the funeral was a .Patient in $t:. Joseph's Hosp:tal; one daughter,. Mrs, William finch, Gibraltar, Mich, They lived in the village in the house .whore Mrs. Toni Col- lies lives And moved to Lon- don about 10 years ago, They were members of St, James 'church. Rev, Houghton of St. David's took the service with about 65 senior citizens attending. Plower A. ehower was held on 'Tues• day evening in the schoolroom of the United church for the former Doris Margaret Voisin, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Peter Voisin, RR 2 Ailsa Craig, who exchanged vows with Mr,. Lloyd Laverne Mawson, son of Mr. and Aire. Gordon Alawson, of Parkhill, in the Clandeboye United Church or Saturday, Dec. 1, Convenors for the shower were Airs. Charlie Cocbrane, Mrs. Alex McIntosh, Miss Aggie Northgrave, Mrs. Ralph Lynn. Program included Mrs. Clar- ence Carter giving several se- lections on her piano accordion, reading by Mrs, Macintosh, The guest of honor received an occasional chair, magazine rack and other miscellaneous items, Previously, another shower was held at the .Brinsley Com- munity Halt. Personal items The, United Church ladies are, having a tea and bake sale on Friday afternoon at, 2 p.m, in the school room. Mr, Charlie liarlton of Re- gina called on the Paton fam- ily on Friday. He is spending some time with Dr. Hodguis and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Simp- son in London, Mr. and. Mrs. Rea Adams of London were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ilea Neil. Later they all visited Mr. and Airs, Ansley Neil in Exeter on Sunday. The Clandeboye -Lucan Y P met at the home of Jim Donald- son for the first part of their meeting going to the church basement Sunday evening for the second part, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Carter spent Sunday in Windsor, guests of Airs. McKernan and Miss Etta Carter. Euchre party Maple Lodge community held a. progressive euchre party with LEGION 3 H, PATON committee in charge Air, and Airs. Lyle 1.4e, Don Hughes,. Airs. Ted ilotson and Mr, and Jack Whitmore, Prizes for ladles' high went to Mrs. Orville .Dixon; Thee hands, Airs. Clarence Reece; gents' high, Maurice Dupuis; low, Gary .Dixon, Music was supplied by Mr, Don Pettigrew and assistants, Air, Wes Watson was time caller, Church news Al the United Church here a former pastor, the Rev. E. Al, Cook, took the service with Miss Betty McIntyre of Lucan play, ing for time eervice, The Rev, and Mrs, G. W, Sach were away, At St„ James, the Rev. 0, Lancaster stressed, it being Advent Seeday, the need for preparation to understand the true spirit of Christmas. On Sunday, Dec. 9 service of Holy Communion will be held at 2:30. Personal items (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs, William Walker Arena Activities FRIDAY, DEC, 7 8:30—WATFORD ATOMS vs. EXETER JR, HAWKS SATURDAY, DEC. 8 1:30-3;00—Public Skating 3:00.10:00—Public Skating SUNDAY, DEC. 9 2:00.4:00—Public Skating Annual TURKEY BINGO MT. CARMEL Wed., Dec. 12 12 Regular Games Door Prize ADMISSION $1.00 Sponsored by Holy Name Society Christmas Tea 61. Sale in the former INTERIOR SHOP Friday, Dec. 7 from 7 to 10 p.m, CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES AND BAKING Sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi Sorority of London And. Nina O'Neil have returned front a motor trip When ,they Yieited Kentucky and Tenn, AIr,,Austin 131cc has returned home much improved from his stay In Victoria Hospital, William Lewis of London had a, cataract removed from her P,Yt: in St. Joseph's Hos- pital on Nov. 19. Air. Irving Neil of .Cheitein, Alberta, spent , some time with his cousin, Mr, Arthur ,Simp- son and family and other rela- tives in the community. lee left to spend the .winter in '.Elorida, Mrs. Milton Biehi and son Royce of Sebringville ,eatled on. the Paton family on -Wednes- day. The bake the ,the. United in the writeop of their meeting was set for Dec. 8. Later it was changed to Dec. 7 due to the Santo. Claus parade. Presentation & DANCE FOR MR. AND MRS. FRED ALLISON (nee Sheila Eggert) WEST McGILLIVRAY HALL Friday, Dec. 7 Music by the "RAMBLERS" Dancing at 9:30 Everyone Welcome Christmas Musical EXETER HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Thurs,, Dec. 13 8:00 pal, Presented by 1151x:true pupils. Directed by Mr. A. E. Furtney, Stratford Silver Collection ANNUAL Turkey. BINGO MOUNT CARMEL HALL Friday, Dec 7 8:80 pan. 14 ROUNDS TURKEY bOOR PRIZE Admission $1.06 Sponsored by Catholic Women's lieague OFA urges changes in marketing boards FEATHER BINGO GRAND BEND LEGION HALL Fri., Dec. 7 8:15 p.m. Admission 25 10 Games $1.00 SPECIAL GAMES AND DOOR PRIZE Everyone Welcome News .01 Clandeboye ANNUAL CHRISTMAS Turkey Bingo Sponsored by the Lucan Lions Club Lucan Community Centre Wed., December 12 8:00 p.m. Admission $1.00 — 10 Free Games Extra Cards 10?. — 3 tot' 25 "SHARE - THE - WEALTH" SPECIAL GAME'S 1)11,AW ON A BIG TURKEY S This Saturday Night! Your favorite entertainers of Radio, Stage and Television THE ALL-STAR NIGHT HAWKS CLARENCE PETRIE Exeter Legion Hall 3' •