HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-06, Page 17IT'S '",,1 CHRISTMAS NOW t\ rrvngv CAN TDB HELP. FINANCE YOUR BUSINESS ? .10At *,1,1.40,0;.,"" lande aye couple marks anniversary PerMAI Items Airs, C. A. Calder and Mrs. Ada Jennings. of London were. Sunday enests of Mrs, T. C.. N elearlants. Meine Eizenga, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Mzenga and Miss Vicky gizenga ,spent last week.- end in Toronto -guests of Mr. and Ales, Cordon Tellerson and visaed Airs, M, A. •Grahain and new baby, ;Jeffery Thomas, at the Toronto General Hospital, Mrs, Garry Crrahant tthe for- mer Wilda. Armitage) visited Lucan relatives last .week prior to leaving to join her husband in Germany for three years. Sunday guests with Mr. and Airs, Louis Kilmer were Mr. and Airs, Leslie Phillips of Kitehener, Air, and. Airs* Wil- liam Kilmer and family of To- ronto and Mr. and Mrs, John Houston and family of London. Randy Paul, son of Mr. and. Mrs. George Paul, who has been a patient in Victoria hospital for scene time, is able to be home again and hopes to return to Medway school this week. Last Monday Airs. Cecil Neil entertained of her neigh- bors in honor of her 25th wed- ding anniversary and was pre- sented with a beautiful plant, Mr, i)on Simpson, proprietor of th^ Koffee Kup Restaurant, has moved into tee apartment above the restaurant. Airs. C. N. O'Neil and son Louie of Montgomery, Pa., have returned home after spending a few days with Alp. and Mrs. Karl O'Neil, Air, and Mrs, Cecil Robb were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. James Bawtenheimer and fam- ily of Sarnia. Mrs. Alex Colvin, who left her small son Paul with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, U. F. Stanley for a' week, took him and his grandmother home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Cronkite 13-year-old Bryan and 12-year- old Wendy, have moved into the House recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Bob Drennan and fam- ily on Alice SI, Mrs. Cronkite is opening up a beauty parlor in her home. Bette, Sherry and :Fred Smith, now of Wallacehurg, and chil- dren of Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Smith, sprang a surprise en their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hodgins, when they made an unexpected visit Sun- day. Elizabeth and Susan Brom- wich, small. children of Air. and Airs. Al Bromwich, spent last weekend with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brom- wich of London. Air, ,John 11, Casey of Wind- sor, formerly of Concession 4 Biddolph called o n Lucan friends on Aloeclas. Mr, and Al.r.s Cecil Armitage and family and Air, Levi Darling were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Morris Darling of London. Thank You I .wish to express my sincere appreciation to all those who supported me at the polls on Monday, 1 hope it will give you some satisfaction to know that I have not given up and will keep on trying. Lee Sherman R-ecreation activities' By NORM CARTER :hockey is still drawing poor crowds to the arena, This seems to be the sFritie in mo.,t; inunici- r Although the sport has lost none of its popularity for the players, spectators seem to have found other interests for their leisure time. However, the Lucan-llderton Corn pines have tucked another win under their belts and will no doubt collect quite a few more wins before playoff time rolls around, Their next home st,trt, is not until December 21, so maybe we will see a few more out for that game, The Lucan Junior I) club ap- pear to, be improving with every game and 1 am sure they will be a bone of contention be- fore too many more games ore Played , Their next tilt will be against .Belmont ou Tuesday, Dec, .11 at 8,30 p.m. Pre-Teen town members held their dance on Wednesday of last week and allhougn there were not many in attendance a good lime war, had by all, They are anxiously awaiting next Saturday's Lucan Santa Claus parade so that, they may proud- ly show the work they have put into the building of their float. The building of the cooling• system swimming pool is pre- gressing satisfactory as most of you, who have stopped to see, will agree. On Wednesday, Dec. 12 the Lucan Lions Club are holding 0,heir Christmas turkey bingo al, the arena. AL the time this article is published the first of the figure *skating classes will be history. ,lodging by the registrations for this activity, it looks as though. Miss Manioc Campion is going to be worked hard to cope with the participation of these class- es, Finally, here is the schedule for the Lucan Ilderton Lions House League for next Satur- day; 2 p.m., Pee Wees, Red Wings vs, Maple Leafs; 3 p.m., Pee Wees Canadiens vs. Ran- gers; 4 p.m,, Pee Woes, Bruins vs. hawks; 5 p.m., Bantams, Bisons vs. Orioles; (3 p.m., Bantams, Hornets vs, Indians; 7 p.m., Midgets, Beavers vs. Maroons, "".;7•,•r• •.,st s, • Warden's banquet Among the 250 persons t tending the annual . Middlesex Warden's turkey banquet, in the West MiddieNeX. Memorial Cen- tre at Strathroy Saturday eve. •ning were .and Mrs. Austin. liodgins, Mr, and Airs, Ivan Hearn, .Ate, and Airs, Cecil Lewis, Mr, Charles Corbett and Airs, liarold Corbett, all of Lu- can, and Mr. and Airs, .Harold Wallace of Granton, Rev, I, (I, Pollock of lite Strathroy United Church was the guest speaker, 'flie banquet, was held in lion- or of Warden Morley Bowe of Metcalfe township, Attend opening of parliament Among those who attended the. opening of the Legislature at Queen's Park, Toronto, last Tuesday and ,Lieutenant-Cover- nor and Mrs, J. Keiller Mac• bay's tea in the. Lieutenant, Governor's suite were. lion. John P. Bobarts, Premier of Ontario, and Mrs, Roberts, who helped receive the guests, the Minister of Agriculture, William A. Stewart, and Mrs, Stewart of Denfield, and their guests, Dr. and Mrs. Fred Boycs of Parkhill, Mrs. Harold Corbett and her son, Mrs, Charles Cor- bett of ,Lucan, Attend TV taping Among those attending the taping of the CFP11, TV program "Take. 'Your Choice", last Sat- urday night when the Ladies' Guild of Dresden won $115 were 'MI's. Warner McRoberts, Mrs. Irving Gibson, Mrs. Wes Atkinson, Mrs, J, it, Murray, Mrs, Lionel Kendrick, Mrs. Al Bromwich, Airs, Herb Stretton and. Miss Lina Abbott all of Lucan and Mrs. Kendrick's mother, Mrs. Mae .La mend of Cromarty. This program will appear on TV next Saturday night, Dec, Personal items Last Saturday a junior bowl- ing tournament was held be- tween the Lucan Juniors and the London Fleetway 40. A re , turn tournament will he held in London next Saturday, Dec. 8 at 9 a.m.. Dr. and Airs. S. J. .Morrison and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Airs. Ralph Rum- melt anti family. Mr. and Mrs. Benny Saulnier, formerly of Lucan now of Rock- wood, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Ross. Miss Beverley House, Wind- sor, was a .weekend guest of Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Abbott, 13y MRS. J, H, PATPN CLAN D BOW: Mr. ,and Mrs. Miner itendrie celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Tuesday, Dec, 4 with open house in the eve :Ding at their home, RR Clan. deboye. The couple received from the neighbors an upholstered "arm chair, golden mums, a gift from the Ladies' Guild of St, James church and other gifts and flowers. On. Sunday afternoon a family turkey (honer was. enjoyed, Guests included their only daughter, MeZ and her husband, Air, and Airs, Bill Downing and their two granddaughters, Miss- es Karen, student nurse at the Chatham General hospital, and. Joan of Chath am; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cunningham, Mrs. Omar Cunningham, Mrs. Coro 'McLean and Mr. Kllwood Re- gan of St. Petersburg, tondo and Mrs. Emma Neale of Dor- chester, Mr, Hendrie was the only son of the late Mr, anti Mrs. An- drew ilenrY of Biddulph town• ship of •a fainily of four, three sisters, the late Mr's, ,Jennie Haskett, Airs, Cora McLean and the late Mrs, Lillie MeNaugli. ton, Mrs. liendrie was •te tor. mer Bertha Cunningham, only daughter of the late Mr. and Airs, Flannery Cunningh a m McGillivray township, and had one brother, the late Moore Cu nningham. fbe couple were married December 4, 1912 in St. James church by the rector, the Rev, William Love. They took LIP residence on the groom's farm, McGillivray township, where they farmed until a few years ago when they rented the land but still reside there, one mile south of the village. W it f r e d Cunningham, cousin of the 'bride, was the best man and was able to at- tend the dinner, also Mrs. Mc- Lean who also was there Se years ago, Mr. Hendrie was always in• torested in tractors and did custom threshing for many Mrs, liendrie is a member of St, rames church, past president of the WA and Guild oft. ,lames church where she taught SundaySchool many years, She also is noted .for her fine crochet work, knitting and quilt work, retiring tea at open .1101t$T. Tram a table centred with white and yellow mums and roses was Airs. Calvin Plaskett. Little Ellen Whitinere attended the guest book and Airs. Bill Down- leg, Chatham, welcomed the guests. Other assistants were Mrs. Jaek Whilmors Jr., Miss Eliza- both Riddell, Miss Gayle Whit. more and Airs. Wilmer Scott. James Hodgson A former resident here, James Plod„ son, 83, of London, died at St. Joseph's Hospital on Nov, 20, Funeral service was held in the Evans funeral home, Lon, don, with interment in Wood. land cemetery. Ple is survived by his wife, — Please turn to page IA My thanks I wish to thank tit those who supported me at the polls on Monday for the first two-year term as coun- cillor. I will do my utmost to serve you. Norman Ferguson And Aerial Installed hi • •.'•*?4•0f1 t‘'CS'M,Z*;,'" \-vt:,114,50,7*. Lucan and district news, • VT.Olrfri•s7.t-tsStmIt's/sitsTolcsel-trefttssqlsTsiv"VmSwrOrt/terit.strrs:s• eross•reotreeeF,st--str,.etesesmrs-ssi,streN„c,sz,*m...q.:, To the Electors of Exeter , I wish to extend my sincere thanks for your support at the polls on Mon- day. I will endeavour to do my best, Bill Musser ...at Graham Arthur's FREE Transistor Radio Every'63 Studebaker PURCHASED 5EFORE CHRISTMAS • The Only 'car in its Price 'MSS NOI.' MALT 011 M.ollO.y Saving Unit Body ,t3T CONSTRIICTED ON A BRIDGE-TYPE 1.1EAVY DUTY STEEL, :14*RAME. This is the only type of :frame that will stand up to the. salt Used by toad departments in our 11'CA. Take A Te,st.1"rivo Todoyl GRAHAM ARTHUR MOTORS ONLY $3,99 EACH -a' • UNFINISHED FURITURE • SWIVEL ROCKERS w.14troktftmAztq =?!rs‘•11.•••ftwra!,t FIVE-PIECE CHROME Kitchen Set Coninieft with 1-plate selling of ChineWerit and Dinneosfaes,, REG, $99 , FOR ONLY •Millls.•*•4010staitaie.4.*4.-001•*.••S--*/k***i.Ot,' Space Savers as tow as $39 ;EissistiOosstetetsssrtstsrstmistsAstestrosfs-ssattetelettaissO-ossistilfaamst . WE SELL EASY AUTOMATIC tt Washers 6( Dryers OHONE 2354373 EXETER SPOcial Pikes to Christm#41 The Tres,Mverete, December ,O, 190Z PPle.1? If you are engaged in a business--or if you plan to start one--and required financing is not available else- where on reasonable terms and conditions, you are invited to discuss your needs with the Industrial Development Bank, For further information, write for this descriptive booklet, visit an IDB office, or consult your auditor, lawyer or chartered banker. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT SANK 22 BRANCH OFFICES ACROSS CANADA, KITCHENER WATERLOO, WATERLOO SQUARE BUILDING Tel: 744-4186 STUDENT'S S.PIECE WHEAT TONE CHROME sl e WOOD ROCKING CHAIRS to CARD TABLES AIPRItftifttUT.V.▪ 4ett% JUVENILE CHROME ROCKERS HIGH CHAIRS 'EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY CRIB MATTRESSES — CRIB BUMPERS CARRIAGE PADS PLAYPENS PLAYPtlg ,PAD$ Dro • and set Our g:tieti IEMAN'S FURNITURE DASHWOOD .0?Y Starts Thursday, December — Through To Christmas • N. Ar..*.,'-•!kcl•SVICI'4670CiONOOTWIRiteiFt*CiltIVZ MTVPMV*W'S‘VMAtVitik? '-'7.,§M1.31,7M-4,0rVttrAk*1 ,o BRAEMORE FRENCH PROVINCIAL TWO-PIECE TURQUOISE THREE-PIECE W4 Wir;";'41-tie• .4ekfl •"-ez. be,P,I:4?,..11*4;‘,"`.;"i"0...1,4441 •:•1 IEMAN'S FURNITURE."'DASHWO *.tz MAIAl'otatkitt?'-stIO't tit tt.:%wkit-N-te!.• IS•ttr,t0-.A01.kW:korftsst10R4maitkiittivrAti•A•40::•eNtior:Artrta•I;trtrcq,Ailaz;;•tios•vmtomtvqi;:gt.-414 tvtiox:,r.,.(stv*ittrAvit soNi-lks Dais-era. f,. i I Set Of 3 Tables ,.. q TWo End Tables A nd t Offset Tahle ; Desk and Chair 1, Kitchen Set , „ „. REG. $36 FOR t REG. $2630 FOR $19.75 i oi REG. $110 FOR ONLY $69 $25 ,,, ..,..„,.„,,t,„,,„„4.,„,,,, Wle Mt4 Ac WA Ott Mt OAAIrrtkl e'N' ; lf. or . .simoress Antrowell•-cl'Avoltent-tvwgAn Ott ',-.2rpoNTATN , -r drys.;-, -4% ca cr a Gsrs•oft - t% rive q.4% +040. 041:11* • A ILLUMINATED SMOKERS • CAtDDY 'TEA CART'S WALNUT A 'i 'tk ii ,t. ) 1 2-Pc. Chesterfield I Chesterfield Suites ;,' Bedroom Suites , I 1 0 REG. $299 . . . NOW $239 a ; REG. $189 . . . FOR $149 il PRICED FROM S108 UP :0 ) ,i eta-r to uri•e.74,%trtm*it*;:c%14(t'mNi-t;NIt',•tiltt-04'.m142,•112';; ,Ilt•iqNotg.eS.semeoTOIsmotitottslitoP.=ssvAsswrs-nrmq'rskr.,,tsa rarC 'i! tr?,,1 Mr" CVNI'V-'1,411P`trMt =?A'VV:Srt%ft ,t(1,99,•M',4 0,,wt*VegnA .'"ftiM 'Y TWO ONLY BEDROOM 4, :0 ?r, 11 HERE'S A REAL BUY i1 SPECIAL PRICES ON HOOVER 7/ Iv Barrel Chairs t Sklar Floater s+, Vacuum Cleaners .,,, .„2. ONLY $49.00 i & Floor Polishers sg,' / A tl'SI 'g'' mo..t•Kcrwr,ka-t-vreqtrm: 'N,4 wki vwt-zrgi ,Ti4 -:a--rm,.t,w3r,crtsftleivantorkalr.s,rlitekirs•RwEaltrm mtvew,T.•-tv,toq,,olt'wr.scretsoless-wsa w*.a ...trt rs.r. v;" t-:":. "..-,.,4,'-' .,,.1rArk.).-- r•kT,43. 411-et:o. Kitchen and Dinette Suites from '69.00 up 1 i 0/,'Wq V 't •.a tr' k 4-',"ti trc% act tg4zi :06 '07.i4 zalk% ql%ivft v.4 IPtttiV$11A4 OM: vr.,.0 wilOte,••AttitIktrot:trIgtealli•Ity4PAYVA•Vt43 OA tt", ts•s wrri4 wsl. a '410tisq,14's 01:v e4a,•M-,4 ttrkt ;r-st ,ta 7c.i'tem, 's'cr 0•AlIttC•ii:;.44 4V,M-Vtirarrig ?I' KROEHLER 1 WALL i TRI—LITE 6,. A A 4 ti FANCY RECLINER 1 MIRRORS i LAMP t ‘‘ TABLE LAMP ,„ w, 1 g .., tk ,,,, V. . REG, S,85, FOR $74.50 A : I ReG 2Ci FOR $10, REG. $26 FOR $10 A FROM $3.00 UP P 'rg '0 s'Irtzz•IVA•ctia,t,04%.064.0•NOOANZ,N04;044'eg1/4 1 NP-NA:PiA4.01Avs•NA-1/41VNALWA•Tii,4,1947041e ,' Ivtiv6Vr410Msiv,T, tIrcx telCrtP'si zft txursv,s•of%ivIss-c..?:41.0.0 T.,,rts 4rt.bi.44AIN3yp sy,61, t 'Ne.svo.ei,tsci A. GOOSE-NECK i TABLE 4 We have a complete selection of TI It A LAMP 1 SMALLER •g . ALL LAM PS LAMP 'is A A ARTICLES 1 OFF REG. SlS FOR. $5 i n FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS A REG. $20 FOR $6 g , ,rt,",o,,m,,..m,r,,,:,,,k,..,*o,,...,,,..,o,,..J.NoAtste,ls%tssts'setstes,••esto•e,Ptsi:koot.o.mrsrrst•-sssssr.tszsssrot estitstsmsse,evv,li tswess.w'til e•ste,t 4eft eNStvtl 01'.ks' r#M 0`tt1P44.0VMW4 — SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF TOYS — „.i ,, f I?: Fern Stands FROM $600 UP For the Children Mattresses - $29, up l (WOorl anti Chrome) .tift****.otkotoioijoitloptte*Aititilio*otkit1*ot***444Noott, tOttINd.'Pt1105 JUVENILE TABLE end CHAIR SETS Bed Springs $15, up 5 eenit,Askt414emettitortsitetior•ot4.etts'Oetotetore.oln•ssilort CHARIOT Magazine Rack Complete with Glosses anti Ito BIlickat tstfkOns4ttsOtt(s*;ittftktiekOtA*l*t•'tsit•'Okst'O.,Vts'Osktstse-estttiseti.ez'i-sls.ts,4is,s*stigSsstsfes"o-ses*ts*qi,o*;iftts*0•**.ty.okoeytitt*, efokliittalittiste-PittattetttivislowitissisnItitrsererffyltriiitltisitt04184.40 0214•11fillOsilitlioffiffifresstriOte2ClikrisiliWitsititis... .'ssiktittorrititilbssitsstroe,rra.voso•Osis*.•1-00fitoshistlwittrivestsseihmessleielttliotsisitles.. " ' litiskitittiltstinistreettstssy, • ' •