HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-06, Page 16'Can this wonderful balmy weather hang out until 'Satur- day?" is the $64 question asked by the .Businessmen of Lucan and all the residents of the vil• la ge. A temperature near 60 may not look very Christmasy for a Santa Claus. part...de but it would be grand. for those standing to watch one, Guild aids rectory fond The Ladies' Guild of Holy Trinity Church held its meeting last Monday evening with the president, Mrs. Joe O'Neil in. the chair, Reports on the tulle; dinner and the Lions Club dinner were given. The number attending the former was down, due to other dinners in the i icinitY, the change of date and the amount of sickness, The sum of $100 was voted to the rectory fund. Owing to the regular date for the December meeting falling so near Christmas and the week previous being the Lions Club dinner, it was found necessary to decide on Dec. to for the next meeting. Mrs. Wm. Brown• lee, Mrs. Will Haskett and Miss Line Abbott were named a nominating committee to bring in a slate of 1963 officers at this meeting, STOP 'N SHOP at the Davis Hardware Lay-away for Christmas with our wide assortment of gifts and. toys, Tickets , on a store draw, with *very dollar purchase, wilt be drawn at 9 p.m., Mon- day, December 24. First prize, electric fry-pan er set of dishes; second prize, cream and sugar set; third prize', set of 8 glasses, DO 9 your shopping at the little store, with gifts galore. Our •selections are suitable for everyone on your Christmas shopping list. We also have a lay-away plan. WATCH FOR OUR .VALUABLE DRAW, DECEMBER 24 1 Ticket with each $1.00 Purchase The Treasure Chest Mr's. J. S. Radcliffe, Prop. Phone Lucan 227.4632 and district news NOW .Q.REN. PAT'S .Beauty Salon ALICE ST., LUCAN 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN PAIR STYLING WATCH FOR SPECIALS IN NEXT WEEKS PAPER EVENINGS .BY APPOINTMENT C. CRONKITE Proprietress Best Wishes for success TO MERT and MURIEL, CULBERT on the opening of their Decorating Centre We are happy to supply them with a complete line of • CIL PAINTS • WALLPAPER • DRAPES Channer's 104 Dunclas Si., London Western Ontario's Decorating Centre SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2:30 pxn. tt 11,21.10604t :4*.4 •'••i • r ii-ttlittti*titdi4easitroraftmtittoifoet -- • + Paints + Sunworthy wallpaper + Li g ht Fixtures For Every Room .+ Floor Tile + Wall Tile + Murals + Ru g s + .Drapes Heartiest Att4 WE ARE PLEASED TO SUPPLY THE FINEST IN , • WALL COVERINGS • MURALS • SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS • SCENICS • WALLTEX-WASIIABLE WALL CANVASS TO MR, MERT CULBERT on the GRAND OPENING of his DECORATING CENTRE "Just Say Empire — It Covers Everything" EMPIRE WALLPAPER AND PAINT LTD, London, Ont. $5 Dunsias Street A New Rage 1 December 6, 1967 trii27r.lta.-•-•••••,.•-•-• • • Snow here for Santa? 'hone 227,425'. gerrespon.denti Miss i.ina Abbott Friends harvest corn for injured A month ago Air. Joseph Has- kelt, e Lucan district farmer'. got his arm in lus combine and is sttU a patient in St. Joseph's hospital, with his arm still in a cast. Last Monday two kind neigh- bors, Air. U.. AlcLaughlin and Mr. Pat O'Shea, Look over and harvested Mr. lieskell's six. acres of corn, the former using Mr. Baskett's corn picker and the latter his own machine. words and not of deeds .is like a garden full of weeds", Come In Rest and - Dine at the Lucan Coffee Shop after the SANTA CLAUS PARADE SATURDAY, DEC. 8 Try our Special Doughnuts and. Tarts TOM WELLED, Proprietor Tax regulations SUPERIOR. Food Market Christmas Draw 100 lbs. of Granulated Sugar Christmas Cake Luca HEARN WINS CO ;TEST---!vat] 'Hearn, left, Stineess• fully tlefended his chief magistrate's post against Coun- cillor Charles Corbett in Monday's election. Mr. Hearn is a possible candidate for Middlesex warden this coal- ing year. Mr. Corbett is the third generation of prom- inent municipal men; both his father and grandfather were wardens of the county, Wayne Culbert photo Church activities '{X 4.5z 1---XRDEHLER CHESTERFIELD, Brown REG, $229 4-- NOW $149 1--2 PIIMCE 4-CUSHIOitl CHESTERFIELD Brown frieze RM $285 — NOW $250 Walnut Finish XOUFMAN 3-PIECE BEDROOM SET REG, $249.50 — NOW $240 TV SNACK TABLES WITH SPACE SA VER STANDS REG, SIS,,S AND 416.95 » NOW $12 While They Last! 13 ONLY—TRI.LIGHT LAMPS SPECIAL $1•00 '10 0 Discount on All Reclinin g chairs & Clothes Hampers Haskett & Son FURNITURE LUCAN frii****octitootott400k,t*totooettotce400doloctoosit ging drains near the parish hall to relieve flooding in the base• mord, The Sunday School staff is Planning a Christmas party December 10 for the children. PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS Sunday services Sorday morning the Rev. E. A. Gagnon spoke on "No Comp- romise" and in the evening on "He was despised and rejected of men". Paul Graham and Miss Margaret Eizenga sang a duet, On Wednesday evening the T. L. Osborne film, "Java liar- vest" was shown by the Rev„ and Airs. Erickson, co-evange- lists for the T, L. Osborne As- sociation of Tulle, Oklahoma. Young People, [10' Mall from the Strathroy Pentecostal Holiness Church, was the guest speaker at the Young People's meeting Friday evening, He spoke on the theme "Filled with all the fullness of God" and also sang a solo, The mixed quartette and Airs, Ed. Butler also sang, The Bible Sword contest for the month of November was com- pleted with the winner to be announced next Friday. UNITED CHURCH The church's former pastor, the Rev, E. M. Cook was the guest speaker at the morning service, taking as his text, "Saved or Lost Together", The pastor. Rev, G. W. Snell, con ducted services at Chalmers 'United Church, Woodstock. Next Sunday will he White Gilt Sunday. Toys and gifts will be seal to the Indians on the Saugeen Reserve. CGIT A meeting of the CGIT was held in the church schoolroom last Tuesday with the leader, Airs, Murray Hodgins, in charge. Theew orship service was taken by Betty Ann Lewis. The five enior girls were named a committee to be in charge of the ,games on Satur- day. It is expected 51.5 or more will be realized from the lin- gerie party itself, plus dona- tions being handed in. A 'raw for exchange of gifts Timely hint fr.tage--;7a, 7:441 surz..Nr-',r4..efesso-opl)e.,Torei, Judging by the spring -like ‘7• •• weather it is hard to realize ell Now the "Big Parade" " Christmas is just around the e. is history, drop in corner. When you. are making 4,, at Grant's in Lucan, out yew' Christmas list, don't which is in full swing for :11 forget to send a T.A stiberip- s.1 for Christmas. lion. to y-our absent son. (laugh- ,74 ter or friend. tt- it will mean much to them 11 Lay Away for the next 12 months to Icarus what is going on in 11)0 old worry of trying to choose home town anti will. save you y SI -0 0 the zs 's a suitable gift. Ring Lucan our Gift 227-4255 for particulars, of Watches, Rings, Clocks, Flatware, Dresser Sots h., Qvvollery New & Used _Admiral TV Sets 77 JOHN BURKE LTD. GRANT'S WATCH & TV DEVON BLDG, 4 Lucan 2274812 1 RepAirt SHOP EXETER 3 For Service t d 44 ot ot rot wt -.`otreohottovseote.tee.,,to:otte.wAitot,.'o..-1,se-to*-o-onomAt.olettO 0"-k'm;$04%'4-esgt-*.A.'kat"0:5:0*03:14*.e4)No.;,jA-Itt4z1:Peolurza74-#.tlizsei,'14.1S,0,?s,o.ext...raeae.io,,,;^rie....*•,..., 11, Lucca) Business Men Present THE LUCAN Santa Claus Parad featurincj the Sarnia. Lionettes Band Majorettes, Floats Clowns & Santa. Claus 11.84:$ hears talk on wills Edward H. Lager. London lawyer. (who also has an of- lice in Lueani was the gue.:t speaker at the meeting of the Lucan Home and School As- sociation, held in the kinder• garter room, last Wednesday. evening. Mr. Unger gave an intere,• ing and instruethe talk on the necessity of everyone making a will and how' a will should be made. A number of those pres- ent took advantage of the ques- tion and a.nswer period, follow- ing his talk. ANGLICAN Bible Society elects officers Rev. W. Sach of the Unit- ed Church, who is the min- isterial president, called a meet• ing of representatives from the Lucan churches, in the Anglican parish hall, last Wednesday when officers for the Bible So- ciety were named. leresident is Airs. Clarence Haskett, secretary, Mrs. How- ard Currie and. treasurer, Airs. Cliff Abbott. Rev, Andrew Brndjar of Lon• don was the guest speaker. speaking on the necessity of increasing the number of Bibles printed. He also displayed Bible Society literature. March 4-16 was the time set for a Bible Society canvass, to be made in Lucan and vicinity. Bazaar and tea The Ladies's Guild held its an- nual bazaar and tea in the church basemen, Saturday with a good attendance. Rev. and Airs. E. 0. Lancaster and the Guild president, Airs. Joe O'Neil received at the door and the treasurer, Mrs. :Kay Egan, was in charge of admission. in the kitchen were Airs. Allan Ryan, Mrs, Charles Ilae,• gar, Airs. Harvey liodgins and Mrs. 'Erwin Scott. Serving were Mrs. James Freeman. Airs. Jack Steacy, Mrs. Meet Culbert, Airs. Charlie Corbett. and Misses Susan Shipway and Edna Ryan. Election history Not only Ilitt the Village, of Litcalt make headline 'news last, week, but it shall 'probably go down ia history as the first •eonurionity in Ontario to. hold two nominations and two elec• does inside a period 'of three weeks. When . the first nomination was held Noventher .13, lvxan Hearn and Charlie Corbett qua lifi e d to min fur' reeve, which 'necessitated the first election, Deeember i. .1lowever, only three of those nominated for the council qual- ified, which meant a second nomination. `this in itself was an unique situation, never be. fog's experienced here. At the second nomination, heist Friday, Jack Larkin and Airs, Perry Charsley qualified that night and. Thomas Weller on Saturday so a second election is scheduled for December 10 to elect a rourth eouneitior, at the Christmas party, Dec, 10, was made. A two dollar do- nation was made to the TB Christmas seals campaign. The last lesson on the second jour- ney of St. Paul was given by Mrs. liodgins. On Saturday the CG1T met again in the schoolroom to re- pair church hymnaries and to address envelopes for the church Christmas bulletin, following which they practised for the vesper service to be held Dec. 16 at 7:30 p,m, At 5 inin, they were joined by nine CGIT and leader, Alga, Brute Grant and Airs, (Pete) Bryant from Granton. Games before amid after a box lunch were en- joyed by (he combined groups. Mrs. E. R. Pitt and 'Airs. Burns Smith assisted in the serving. A skating party, was then held. at the arena from 8 to .10 p.m. YPU The Luean-Clandeboye Y F' was held at the borne of Robert Donaldson with the, president, Dana Culbert in the chair, a( 7.30 p.m. Sunday evening. Plans were made for a Christ•tt mas dance at the Community Centre, Dec. 14 at 8,30 p.m. with admission 500,Plans were also made for a number of the members to attend a con- ference in Toronto, Dec. 27-30, The YPU will lead in the music at the CGIT vesper service, Dec. 16, .1va Stanley led in the worship service, Marilyn Gut - hart, Gary Revington and Frank Egan provided refreshments, BEST WISHES io ,CULBERTS DECORATING CENTRE It was our pleasure to supply the BUILDING MATERIALS for this modern store. Langford Lumber LUCAN BERM'G FOR HOME DECORATING DROP IN AFTER THE SANTA CLAUS PARADE See our Specials All Poi Your Convenience At 1.0 The meeting of Bier 1V1 was held al the home of Mrs W. Hodgins •Viednesday, Nov. it, with Cameron Somerville of Strathroy as guest speaker. Mr. Somerville spoke on the Changes in the law which have been made recently in regard to succession duties. Ilc also spoke on income tax regula.• Hons. Mrs. W. F. Hodgins and Mrs. Allan McNair reported on the area convention 'recently held in London. Airs. Emerson Stanley Pre• vision, in seeing that home- sented the motto, "A man of work is done. Last year no ex- change of gifts was permitted exeept iii the kindergarten. Let ters have again been sent to each home to ascertain the parents' feelings in the !natter this year, but hzie not been returned yet. A standing vote was taken at the meeting and the majority were not. in favor of an excl•ange, There will be no Christmas concert this year but a number of short programs and Christmas carols to which the parents are welcome. The attendance cup Went to Airs. Cobleigh's room. Mothers of children in Alr. ft.Neil's room with Airs. Rudy Engel as comencr, formed thr lunch committee Mrs, Vat Fancy Fruit Basiel Cruder. Airs. lack Ekon and Airs. Jae!: Arnold assistedwith 1 Ticket With Each $1 Purchase, Dec, 10 • Dec. 21 the ser\ GEORGE 11 PAUL. Proprietor, Lucan The president. Alrs. James Freeman was in charge of the meeting. She read the. Home topic at Birr WI and School Ten Commandments and also displayed a .number of hooks on the Roberts' Plan The sum of $5 was again voted for the Children's Me- morial hospital, London Mrs. Rudy Engel was pre. seated with a small gift in ap• preciation of her work as the past president. Principal Robert Jenkins spoke briefly, stating that ex- ams were over and reports would go out Dec, 7 also that Dec. 11 was the date chosen for -parent and teacher" inter- views. lie again stressed the importance of parental super• Nursing home changes hands General insurance Real eslatt Mortgages Booth conveners were: home balm", Mrs. Harold Corbett, AJrs. Ito. Bow man. Mr:,. liar- old llodgins and Airs. Harold t.'nursey; fancy work, Airs. Wes Atkinson, Airs William Brown- lee and Airs. Will Haskell: Country store. Airs. Herman Young: touch and take, Mrs. Evan Hodgins: evening uxil- i a ry dolls and .candy. Airs. Clarence Haskell and Airs. Cal- Air. Clarence Haskell. has re. sin Haeketl: groceries and cake rently purchased the Biddiek draws. Miss Lina Nursing Home on Main 'St., Lin Janis Freefan drew the ticket can, which is to lie the [Ware for the hox of groceries and site for the Haskett & Son. Helen Shipway for the cake. Funeral Home. lie gets posses- The lucky "InneN were Mr' sion an 1, 1063. However it Rose Atkinson anti Mrs. Harvey will not he opened until rends a• Hudgins, tions and decorating, hae, been _ New drains completed. Air, and Airs. Haskell and A number of men of the con• family plan to Inc. to thg apaje• gregation, under Ihe supervision mein; abos e the funeral home, of Mr. Erw'n Scott, are dig• TO MERT and MURIEL CULBERT on the opening of their DECORATING CENTRE Harry Hardy GENERAL INSURANCE LUCAN FRANCIS STREET LUCAN • 1 GAL. OF PAINT PAINT BRUSH WALLPAPER FOR ANY ROOM IN YOUR, HOME All Orders Taken on Opening bay SAT,, DEC. 13 ti• PHONE 227.4766 FREE DRAW Lucan native dies in Detroit Mrs. 411a0S May Moore, 53. died. Tuesday. Nov, 27 at her Mogul: in. Petrol]. Funeral. sea- lees svot'e held in the McCabe EtillerAl home, Detroit, Thurs.- day, Nov. 29. Following 0'0111'3. tiON interment was in ,Detroit Monday, Dec. 3, Mrs, MOOre is survived by one _daughter, Alt's. Day .(Shar- anl and one grandson, Scott Coining of Los Angeles, her mother, Airs, Eli McLean of St. Petersburg, Florida, and two sisters, Mrs. Roy (Made- low) Taylor, Windsor, Airs, Lloyd Coyle of Rick- mot Corners. Daughter of the late Mr. Ed. MC140411, .sect Mrs, MeLean, Mrs. Moore spent her early life in Lucan, going to Detroit 36 years ago where she operated. a beauty parlor for 30 years, (Her daughter, All's, cembesi, was named "Miss Michigan" a few years ago. Mr, and Mrs, Calvin Ilaskett of Lucian and Mrs. Jack Cum- mins of Toronto attended the funeral, Air, and Mrs. Apt Mc- Lean and Air, and Mrs. William Walkout (tile former helm) Mc- Naughton of London) visited the funeral home on Wednesday, oint 111M grotirltri="Filt. OPENS IN LucAn! 100fo OFF CULBERT'S DECORATING CENTRE