Huron Signal, 1853-08-25, Page 3t
• '
letleryes will receive a draft on lire Bask
of Eeigia.d for SBA sig., any of the Banks
is Unice Cased& will each it.
1 Wive cleared about £ 100 sig. over and
above my ezpeoaes since 1 landed in Mel -
bemire and 11. !lotion has sent borne
.£100 6tg. Remember we to all inquiring
OD Tuesday last there was a complimen-
tary Dipper given to Mesar,. Rance and
Brother, proprietors of the extensive Steam
Flour and Saw Mills here, in respect to their
spirited enterprise to just getting into ope-
ration one of the meat extensive and com-
plete structure of the kind in this section 01
Canada West, as well as in respect to Mr.
Joseph Whitehead, Contractor and Su-
rerintel.deot of the western section of the
Buffalo, Brantford and Gnderieh Railroad,
fur his courteous, affable and successful
loanagctneot of the same. James Gordon,
Esq., in the chair, and Ross Robertson,
Esq., in the vice -chair ; Dr. W. Chalk,
•be Warden, sat on the right of the chair,
the guests of the evening, as well as Messrs.
Morrell, J. W. James and A. Burton,
Engineers, and their resiiectivc friends,
taking their seats w order (numbering
about fifty) sat down to a moat sumptuous
Mr.\\'m. Rattenbur
in a style seldom surpassed; having feasted
to satisfaction and the cloth being removed,
the table was then covered with Wines
and Liquors of the very best quality. 'rhe
" Queen," " Prince Albert," "'rhe T:oyal
termly,' " Lord Elgin our Governor Gene-
ral," which *as responded to most enthusi-
astically. Gare [prefaced by a concise
and appropriate speech] "The Guests
of the evening in their order which
yeas responded to with rapturous applause,
and icplied to in a most happy manner by
those gentleman respectively, and followed
by excellent songs, &c , &c., many of the
Cotnpany being good singers. Thu. the
eons'ival party kept it up till the '• wee short
hour aynnt twelve" in our rapidly improv-
ing•.-lfnton,destined in a short period to
become not only a village, but a Town of
considerable importance. in a few weeks
there will be 4 general stoles, 2 Hotels,
Steam )lills,2 Blacksmith and2 Waggon -
making establishment, 3 Shoe -shops, two
'tailors shops, 1 Fanning -mill establishment
together with Carpenters, joiners, &e.,
&c., in healthy operation.
(Washington, Aug. 12.
Despatches from tom. Is eery, dated
hangai, May 16th, state lhatshe expected
to sad immediately to Japan. lle had
beard that the Japanese were preparing to
receive him in a friendly manner, although
they were strengthening their fortifica-
Riogold exploring expedition was at
:Madeira, July 10, and was about to sail for
Table bay. The Wodlen mills on James'
Biter. near Richmond, were burned on
Tursday night. Loss estimated at $200,
000. Insured $76,000.
haxelf• flour mills near he. were dame•
gid to the amount of $5,000. Between
two atd three hundred operatives were
thrown out of employment.
r.aTR0 now T0B r*NUIYO osmosis,.
We learn by a' arrival at G:•,ueester,
that the schooner *Starlight,' ' of Gloucester,
was brought to by a shot from the 'Dona■.
talion,' and afterwards boarded and takeo
Into Gaspe. This happened in Magdalen
Bay. The schooner 'ILghiander' had been
previously seized by the same 'teenier, but
afterwards re:eaerd. The echnonors'Mary
•Mile: and 'Iletin Praetor' were alert chas-
ed not of the (fay by an English cutter. -
'Phis r.ewi is causing great exalemcot in
liloue' ser.
The Hos. Jobe Row bee latintaed by
t elegrsph that he will he to Bellamitle Oe
Tetrads, neat, lard 10.1.01 when there is
no doubt he will b• received with whom -
lam. Mr. Rows will be •eeompenied by
Mrs.,*. Jar kilos and Belts of the greet
English Railway firm of Jackson and Pito,
Brame)! sod Bette, .Ino Robert Stepheoron.
&q•, M• P., tree of th•moet emtosot Eat
(tab Engessers. It is pleasing to see lb.
uoaoiwtty that appear• to ex st 1.. all
handy, to giv• Mr. Ito,. and Ib.
,d luring. re •n enthusiastic reception. 11
must be generally admitted ,bat Mr. Rom
has reflected emu'ecl services to this Pro-
vince in hie railroad negot:at,cee, but ea
'rectally in having weceeded 'acorn/deo-mg
the contract for be Grant Junction R.1t
rued from &•Iletitle to Pete'b..rr ugh -an
undertaking which, when completed. will
confer l•e.lculsbl. advantage. on this tows
and county. Whi!s w• are •are Mr. Rows
cannot beotherwise 'ban highly gratified
at the apparent denr• maode•ted on the
tart of all peleical parties to do h m honor
in cocsid•ratioo of his services, we are sure
he will feel not leis •o at seeing .
grand turn out of the arurdy and Indepen-
(11 * yeomanry of the County of IIaating•,
cath their fine horses and elegant carria-
ges. Such a display a this will be per
haps the most pleating festuee to the de -
monstrance, se it will c.r{tloce the dheum-
gui.hed cspltail.ts that they are about to
invest their money no a country which .e
anything but that barren wilderness It has
been represented to be by persons at a
at a di.ta attendance of our
face. A oil a tendaa
t. r
able fanners on this occasion will *how
Messrs. Jackson k Co that they are nut
expending their capula! on a barren and un
productive section of Canada. but on one
rich IL natural remourer•,and that all that
* now required rd
in railroads, to renderthee
repourres directly r•moner.tiye, and to
makeo. os erou•
u ak Canada ton ofths m t p p
and wealthy Countries under the sun. ° The
Luwouttee appeloted to make •rrang.-
ioeat. have engaged • tent from Rochester
capable o1 contnning from two to three
heusaod perronr, which is to be fitted up
o • most comfortable sivle with table• sod
go, sea s. The fact that prepersttone
are beteg made for the ad,nimon of Ladles
to the henq„et will of itself be a rt:flicient
gua'at,•ee that the attar will pies 11' with
great rclat. We underetatel that a brass
bend from Kingston teas been rngsged for
the occasion. There have toren so lets
than 400 complimentary tickets sent to
different parties; in this number is included
the carious railroad directory, heads of the
various departments, mayors of the adj on•
Ing clues and towns a., well as the heeds
of neves! of the mnnle'palittee. kc., ahile
a large number of gentlemen connec'ed
wish the Preis. wilt also be ir'v.•ed. We
have litho doubt, from the spirit wilt,
ehieh this demonstration Is teetered tato
by all pante., th■t Tuesday 'next will be
one of the reveal d.y• ever witnessed to
Belleville. -Hastings Chronicle.
REAPING MACHINES are coming ex-
itnsinely into use in this locality. A, far-
mer from the county of Simcoe was in the
city yesterday to receive and convey north-
ward i.alf-a-dozen of them, which had been
imported tc order front the States ; and
we have observed others landed on the
wharves daily. About Toronto these ma-
chines appear destined to encounter the
hostility of unreasoning ignorance, which
opposes them as our operative tailors op-
posed Sewing machines, because they su-
persede much manual labour. A gentle -
mien who introdnred a reaper into a large
wheat field, near the western boundary of
the city, yesterday, was unceremoniously
abandoned by the laborers whoin be had
brought together for the purpose of har-
vest. They would not work by the side
of the obnoxious cootrivance.
R. R. -Oyer seventy persons direct from
the lands of whips and chains, arrived at
Amherstbnrg last week, safely without ac-
cident on the road although hotly pursued."
In addition to the above we have had se-
veral arrivals in Windsor from Virginia and
Kentucky during the past week, and among
171. andswire tie Allinle+dr d Cas►wsil ej
IMPORTANT TO THOUSANDS. a*. U1dimi comm. if Brrww sail
M TE'R'N EXTRACT OE ROCK ROSE. J3rsaaar fir brysar 11V alYa1,. nifty
aN Iaveivabli remedy for all Se•rfuleee nommod aka cradatike
dowsers. Indierstino, Sault Rile**, Cewsiditdsfed 111firesisipsi Lain nowt,
Rick Headache, Camber. Meister Sere tMe pwrrgsg el O' BJI Gravel
Sleuth, and G 1 Debdily, and ws a Pur Runa wadi taw wanly Brollies, mid
rine, of the blood,* avngnelled. appecacAea thereto, unease Use said
flu' To he en0vucal that is i. the mat
United Caetwtsrs.
,•lusbl• medicine of IM des, you have only
to read the testimony of ire a Oscy. As a WHEN E.111 by ca Act of the Prevalent'
Parhatneet, Istk Victor's, chew 1J,
*t111e1N, '• Ara Aet le establieb • vitriol'
W ird blua.*ipal Less Fool for Upper Ca -
e mail," it is .meet•) •• That ti 'hall be law•
feel lee to Corporation el any City •r
Cewty by by law to an•bnrixo ser sum of
mew, 10 be ►alrmi on the credit of the
C• Muetelpal Less F.•.d, and mo• sucb aunt or so much thereof
as way be lowed aseereare 10 defray the
test of mskieg or ie"peo.isg amp Bridge.
Mae eleameised. Gravel er Pleeb d Rued
Family Medenn• it la invaluable. and see
ahueb en parrots should be wiibee*.
Tb. Reck Rose ham gdsod • rep lateen.
at home and shored, aIieh no other medi-
cine has ever done in the same length of
According, to the ...intone of amuse.,
physician., the Rook Rotte pestI .e nagMl
•d in Caner Scnrfn'a in its varnws fortes!
The Rick Ileadael e. In• and
Chronic eases, may berefind a soyerrige
The Canker and Nursing Sore Month! alible er wit►wt *0*. M.reipatpy but the
to numerous cases, have been speedily cur- maktag sir reproving .hien( will be..fi1
ed. the lahabuaa*r el moth County or City."
For sale b♦ Aso w the gravelling cf 0.o Road
RFNJAMIN PARSONS. Drnrrie'. ke. keowe ae the Hume Road free" the Tuwo
Wholesale and Re'ail Arent for Gnderieh of Gdeneb to weer• the fame joins the
■nd vicinity, and generil dealer in Drugs Comity of Perth, the Road knows as tb.
and Medicine•. Paints. Oils. fro . free London Road from the Village of Clint •o
Also by MCD T. Id k Co.. Ilarpurhey:
David MrKen•trick. Kineardiw• : J. Gaird•
nee, Bayfield: R. Thwaite.. Glutei.
Pamphlets groti..
Wholesale Ageot for ('simile.
n • o :Stanley
wn.h o .
t thrones t► T i f
R GG. theses a
J. C. R 1
I.npnrtor nfgenaine Rrili.ii mod Am•rienn Brucefi.lJ, wou!J greatly benefit
Poiret Medici e■ King Street, [heretic's •
b ►un*. of tee sad ,
d Cows
C tVr6n9d tree ; coil whereas!the labsblhn s within
the pfd Counties are desirous of hasiug *h.
sa1J R. aJ• graded and gravelled, and the
e eeteesry Bridge. and .pproachee thereto,
batt, sad are •ICmg that a .octal rum o:
meoey be ►•arrowed epos the credit of the
'1 t i unAaue-
ht rd Mu• e t Lase F
snare a
C t»
IOW, for the rurpn.e of making aril cur -
pletr.g the same, and the•, ,f •eceseery the
wbeb rateable properly both real and pt r.
metal wieben the United Conal..s of 'Wren
and Bruce shall be taxed for tie period of
thirty years front Ibe first day of January
meat. fur the pewee of redeeming the in
lereet sad rnneipal of such Loan ; and
whereas it will rc.;utrs itio .nm of Thirty
Tbous•rt4 rented. to maks * hs aforoeaid
Reeds. slid Bridges thereon.
1!e 11 therefore enacted by 'the Municipal
Cew.e11 of 11.e United Couotiee of Huron
and B'oce. and n .r hereby enacted by the that may he required (runt time to lime by
authority of tbe same, that the Warden of the said Receiver Grn.r.I in term* of the
the said Eased Caesium, under and. by sir. above nientiuued Act.
toe of the before mentwoed Act, shall raise --
the nom of Tbirtr Thousand Pound■ oo the NOTICE..
The above ie a true copy of • By i.ew to
he taken No eonaiderati'n by the plonc'
bel Council of the Untied Cu.iniiet of Ila
ran and Bruce, at the Huron Hotel, Gude
nth, an Tuesday, the ,nth day of Septem-
ber, 1e53, (the dive of the firer publicat on
'of ten eau! By Law in the Huron Signal
Newspaper. being the 18th day of Aug est.
Ihm "h day of
. that n 1
..d ha
i P
September, 1853, a general meeting of the
qualified Municipal eleelori will he held for
the purpneonf considering the said Bylaw
end eeprosrng or dl.appruv'ne of the same
-for the T"wi'e!lln of ,rlahfeld, at the
house of Richard noisy, Senior, 5th c'•n.
eeseton-for the Towerhln of Biddalpl.. a:
the tavern of Patrick \Irl:hares.. London
V. have much pleasure in announciog
the receipt o.'a telegram from the county
w.rden mating that the bylaw has been
finally sancr.,ned by the government.
The contracts for the Stratford and Shak-
spere road will be let next Friday, and the
other toads will be let asiuen ss the enet
neer receives definite tnslrt.ctlone from the
warden. This will be in a few d....
It will be de..rable that the Stratford sed
Sbskapere road and the worst pens of the
other roads should be finished this fall, but
u w'11 be ,mpo..lble to finish the whole, by
Out tame. le to there(„re necesrary forth••
warden and engineer to consult as to what
per's. sh.ul' ne finethed thus fat/. end this
cannot be done until-*, the warden returoe
Morn Quebec. We are assured there will
be no unnecessary delay. -Perth News.
to the Town hay of Leader., awl the Road
free Hes Tos• of Geeercb to Brucefield,
ppenieg., between the br.t and •m
eend con-
cee•.w0e . f the Toe ester. of Gmletweb.
through the Village of Bayfield, sed from
C)NRUMPTiON.-F.very body berm
it a fl.tter•ng di• it esmroenews
sol prerres•ee •n inwidi+•tele, ,bat before
one i• aware of ut, the ' •sage are a mime of
eleers, then a sudden imposers or change
from heat iq cold, pr.•duce& as 'nfiame"a-
lion, and in • (.w d•.• or weeks, it i• said.
he or she died of Con.umption. For all
troubled with cough o• lung complaint, we
would refer to "the adserlieernent nn the
outside of thn paper of J"d•.m'• Cheesiest
extract of •'Cherry and Lune wort." wh'ch
ie said to be a ceruse curs for this awful
Walter Esq., Secretary of the Board of
I'nderwrititers of this city, has received
a letter of which the following is a copy. --
It was picked up on the beach at Long-
Brauch on the 6th inst :
"AT SEA, July 5, 1853.
"Ship Mingo on fire -50 passengers
burnt. -Captain Is very ill. In half an
hour we will he lost.
John Irratleborough,of Worcester, Mass.
Ship )lingo -L. S. Moore. Command-
aut.-[N. Y. Evening Post.
GODERICH, Aug. 25. 1853.
Flour from 21s to 22s 6d per bbl.
Fall Wheat, to 30 to 3s 6d, per bush.
Spring. 2s 10d to 3s per bushel.
Oats, is Sd to Is 91.. per 34 lbs.
Pork, $15 per barrel
Hams, 7 ;d per pound.
Butter, 6d to 7d, per Ib.
New ' t)ttt'Stiucut'.
O THL Wm.o
.,. GnDaR*c.
`!•' for 10.001 BaaR[L.. and
60,000 Rosn.0 far Guam, ice. L an Fund Act, to be expended to making
Apply to T. NICHOLLS. ard b'. I•t,eg tee before mentioned Roads
Co.aerioa Amar. and Bridge", which said num of Thirty
7f! Tnnuvod Poem., sha'I be repaid with m-
ien -et at the •xwral:on of *holy yearn from
N O T 1 1' F.. the dale of lbs Brat payment, on account of
the said Lean, received ir..m the Receiver
ALL parties iad-bled is .he Estate of the late General nn the authority of nue By-Lsw.
! And J, T
tb• sea of the United Camellias aforemaidf:
wall wirerru. It will regaire the sum u1
Tern Thousand Pomade to build the fame
sad arw.rens the inhabitants sei'bi• the reel
Untied Cunene., are der/trona of basing tb•
saw Court (louse built, 'adore wdLrn ibat
a •penial sum of money belt rreeed epee
Ilia infill of the Consohdalyd Municipal
Lunn Fund af.r•ead, for the purpose fat
Melding rind ftn,.i. ng the smote. and that
all the rate.ble, real and personal property
twelve the said Untied Cotton,* ekee1d be
taxed for the period d thirty yea., (rum
Co, first der of January next for the per -
pose of tedeem'ng the uiure:t and pr'orl-
p.l of the mod Lorne.
And wk it will require the sem of
TWO Tbuu.and 10 bmlJ .fail cum•
plot* the said Court Doose and titbit... and
it will require the one h'tedred and
w itty pounda to M rated a•auatly upon all
'b• rateable real ata personal row rte
within the said United Coublau to pay the
euro of eight per cent -tai 1CJ•'rn* the tai-
eereeI, and form a .irking filed fur 'i.e
redemption til the tithe -teal- n addmon to
any further tum or runts that nut be re -
Stationery and Fancy Gyoov/s Emporium,
MaRaaT, F,tUl.I. Coes.w ug, WART IT ea [1•
11. 11. itEY\OLDS & CO.
THY. Coder.ig.,J moot rppyed.,l'y rent erre ala they a.
Abe..•.', with the rn...t rv,o..!r10 ,..A •shed r •.. -
DRUU.St. CHEMICALS, PA'I LN r Sit {e{('I Nk aI: Pk RF'
\VARF:• JE55 ELK Y. Arc. ilei., &c
F heir lung •aper,e.ce is the t'omp. i idi.[ .• d M.,a .rin' mg ,!.1ar+n 0.1,
Thede.. they C•0 1,1111 eoulidese• .rsu.r the Pebtia tL.t P,.a'u.acrvocal Kai L. •'m i•a' .
wit hr d'.p.n-ed wi h tweeters, e•,1 e.•N*f utaw
The DI14Ga, CHEMICALS. tad ether geode ,ompr:vier 1'. •:r !trek. bsribe•e
rare treat Jnr twat mincer, as J for ser .:y a,.J cumpinieurw, •'i:t run;vie ten. r.•b'y ••
oil. red in tine asigab.•brr,rl.
The. ttot.maros• wo.kl direct repreisl attention. to their Sr en ei P•Msl. 1'
:.' JDItY.1' S 31,AZO32�7:37• M eet.J Irons d.. Ina., p,aphtar ■fad rp•,rose.l Patei.l
'he nay, •veil which ale re earel..s.d *ben . genuine aniel• w rr,y.!:,-.I.
They w,eeld el n awu•ynee w Fenner*, Ste.r.F'• tad orb... ti,.r:• der.
teat they he..,.. hen.i for sal. a ►WLJ.J ••.or,meut .f 110Rr F: ►►V (.AT'i I E [ . 1.
wb'ci, they wi.l *anent p•ep.•rd leen the pare•a1 51.4 may* ..aeu!s'Int0.1 met, tial.
Ti.ri, Sleek of PERFESIF:RY. Spuoar.. T,..t Geed.. Fahey Foe vet ,a.•. ea r,
q.Ired from time to time by the 11, ceisrr I Laysele. N'aterr, ilia swirl, g,1 etisee •' J ws.1 rrl.rit t. tic. 'o 1* t lay t.
General of ibe Province in terms of the ha'rre
above cited Municipal Loan Fend Art.
Be it therefore enacted by hetMunicipal
Courted of that !Jetted C.unli.e of Heron
and Bruce. and It is hereby enacted by Ili•
an'houty of the • tme, That the Wardnnof
the aid Uni'e,i Counties ander and by vir-
tue of the before n.ention.d act ,hail rater
the sum of Two Thoti.snd Poued• on the
cred.t of the Consolidated Municipal Loan
('and Act'lo be ex:,•nded in liet!Li:ng and
r,•v More
finishing the Court 11.•113P and , Ci
• r m of Two IY
. i col n�h paid sum T
c1 al the
P• anile shall be repaid with ureter.
.xpirs: inn of thirty year. from the dale
the fir,* Vavment, on sccetint of the sat I
Loan, rte. teed from the. Reviver General,
0o the authority of Ili'. Be law.
acts that f
And be h enacted d
2. A r
security for the due payment n( the in -
'street and principal of the said Loan, titer..
-hall be reirrd annually upon all the rate -
Lin real and personal pmpor'v wi'h.n the
.aul Utiited ('oonties during tee eent:n•l-
srce of the eeid Loan, in addition to 0::
ether rates • r axes hr.pneed, or 'o be im-
posed .upon the rateable property of the
said Uuiled Counties, the sum of on.
hundred and slaty pound., sv".•ch .a d
r the Receiver
, i. neer to I e K
shall be paid num p
General toy the County Treasurer on the
first day of January in each year,
together with curb other 10111 or monis
United Counties of nY virtue of a
Huron a id Bruce, Writ of At -
(o wit : tachment, Issued
Dot of her Majesty's County Court of the
United Counties of Huron and Bruce, sad
In me directed against the estate, real as
well -as personal, of P,trick Duggan, an
ab.condinp or cnncealed debtor, at the rut
of 0i.en McCarron, 1 have seised all the
Ang. 24, 1853.
Mr. JAMES GENTLF.S• eaher by New this Tree
M be it enacted, That h
or Bonk scenes*. are requested to tall end ret- surerfor the time Dong, of the said Ue ted
Ile the same forthwith: end Moe. having claime..Comatte•, shall on the fie*' der of. January
anew lee •seal Er •• • ae desired *o precept in earth *ear o• -fattener and at tach !mei a
them for sdjustmest
At the Office of the Receiver General of the Pr•.since •leap
GEO. M. TRCEMAN. respire during the ruetiou►nce of the feud
Markel. 8geari. Lan pay over to the said R.avver Geoe-
Goderich, Aug• 22nd. 1e53. last(
O/ GODERICH on Lake Huron, and
in the Village of MITCHELL on *bee. mentioned Act.
the Huron Dotal -12 miles 3. And be it enacted. That (or afrurding
Nest of Slralfi.rd. additional security for the due pat ment of
the 'rimiest end prraetpol of the seed Loan
THE CANADA COMP.ANY will nffee there shall be ratted .nnuatly weds all the
for deposal at Pnblle Auet:nn deems 1 rateable real and personal property within
the month of OCTOBER nix'. a CON- the wed United Countie., during the con-
31i)ERABLE nu ober of 1.0'1'3 equaled "nuance of the sa•J Lore., in addition lo all
in the Town of GODF,RICH, and in the , other rates or rases imposed. or to be um
Village of MITCHELL. Full perrlettlarsposed upon the rateable property •f the
and condition., wit. be duly n•bi:-h.d, and ii.1 Un ted Counties, rich sum or sures
may be had on or after the I.t September ibat may be required from tame to tette by
next upon application to the Company's the Reerver General of ibo Province in
Office. or to their Agencies at Gudench, or terms of the there coed net. fn addition to
Stratford. the profits rrwntionedio the preceding Inc
Ca*i*Da COMPANY'S Omca. 1 nos \1 this By. Law.
Toronto, 120 August, 1853. n28 -7t
(Cr Toronto, London, Hamilton, Wood N(YI'ICE. •
which were two of the most perilous es- ...we, retl ►w wN1 as perenosl, fat the
c,pey. 7"kyy series:%l ;10.1"t1"4"1aT \faarir twee - eni'uniten .t►a mit
Patrick Doggan returi* withi8 the j'iri+dic-
tion of the said Court, and pet in bail to
the actin , or emote the same en be dies
charged w'lhin three calendar months from
the first day of the pt'bheonon of this •1-.
lice, all the estate. real as well as per.onal,
of the said Patrick Duggan, or en ranch
thereof as may be fusee rrrrr , will b. held
liable (or the payment, benefit, or satrefse
two of the Pala el•im or claims of ouch
other Plaintiff or Plaintiffs as &hall or may
tako proceedings again* the preparty and
effects of the said Pau•ek Duggan, within
rix months from the issuing of *be above
J. McDONALD, Sheriff;
H ren and Bruce.
--II -- 8horiff". Office,
°blench, 11th Aug.,1183 . .29-3m
rat a 1 profi•., dividends, rent., toll. ur te-
niae' recet•ed on arcoant of 1 ,e at,re..•d Read -for the Tuwoolep el Colborne. al
R••ad. "and Andre by th. said Treasurer, the School Ilot on, 8th cetera•ten-for the
or se much there"( an may be it -gourd by Town of Coderich, at *h. Huron Ilett! -
the nod Receiver G.oeral in terms of the for the Tnwnehtn of Gode.ich. at 51r. M •
chirnn's. 29, Madlend entice...en-fn' the
Township of Hay, at Mr. William Wrl-
ane'e. London Road -for the Townships of
linnet and Morris, at the School Iluese.
Village of l'lun'on-for the Townships of
.'fcKilfop and Grey, school holies, Nn. 1
31cKollop-fur the Township of Mr Gan..
m -ay, Finnagan's Ta•e, n, London Read -
for the Township of SM'. fey, at Cooper's
Tavern, Bayfield Road -for the Townehte
of Stephen, at the school Mouse, No 1,
fnr' c,n.-fur the Tonnoltip of T•ckersmilb
at Mr. John Walker's, Mill Road -for the
Township of Urborne. at Mr. Taylor's,
School House. Lo^don I(.'ad-for the
Townst ip of H•awanosh ■t lot 17. ip the
6,h ennee.eion-and fur the '1'".n•lep of
Kincardine, united to ell the 1 n.roing
stuck. Galt and Kingston papers jp copy ' The above s a true copy of a 11 L.w to 'I'own.htps of the County n( Deice. et the
until 30th September next. be takes lit.. con, .4., ', n by the \tumid- Tavern of Mr... Franey 1Valker, Kincar-
by intender( owe there.
Tl:.y can •'.o reenni'ueod with e.w-6leaee their Stork of STATi('NFRY. e'1 s
Fools -Cap, Yet and 1�etr l'.,irrr+, g,!1 qu•tiiire: plain nerd furry }:••r.' •.
(fend Amount Beeke.t every desniyuoa. with • %Airy:t• of Ari:e' et" * '* \I✓..• ,
sn.l inpaeed, all which they ■r• d-tnmi,ot to &sp.... of cheap ler co -h.
1u'eediag pa -L -.yrs til 1)sos• *dl find the
AI! r: c e . MEM . If . T.4 .
their beat market se • men.ber of the firm a goahfied phy.ic.aa tied Siege. • (De el
rid been.• aetly in atieod•uce.
from the deck of a steamboat while she
wan underway down the Ohio river des -
used with them for the New Orleans slave
market, and nothing saved them from the
auction block but plunging themselves head
long into the dashing waves of that river
st midnight tad thence swimming to shore.
THE KALOOLA11.--The British steamer
Kaloolab, plying, between this place and
I'enetaoguishenet or Sturgeon Bay, broke
lir r crank pin on her way up last week. --
She was some distance below Manitou -
awning where the accident occurred, and
they were obliged to send back to'1'oron-
to to repair the damages, while som. of the
passengers came tb this place in bark ca-
noes Rod other small boats. We learn
from Amus McDonnell, Esq., who came
up this morning from the steamer, that
Capt. McGregor, expected to lose only
one trip, sod would be on hand to leave
here on her r•�gta1ar nip the first of seat
week. -Lake Superior four.
Co.Toes Exr•wnrroaa,o C . .-Mr.
Haiw* ,eked. whether to ronsequence of
tbie repeal 10 the Nevi/atm, i..., the
Coolest Hosea OEeer• is Coned*, mate -
tabled by lb* Impanel Oevaraw•st ata rate
of 5111.000 pee aeeem, were in be abelwh
ed1 Ti's eha •.1010' ei the M.eb.q.ser re-
phad that a eerrawpeede00Shad tske.e$llaee
with the Caesium eel bermes, the It col
oldeb M baled "weld ►a le sera that gran
her part, U set the elle* of Ike• Dae".
est .-
- psi Counri' of the United Count lee of Jane.
TO CO." TR•tI CTORS. ran and Bruce at the Moran 11 -nil, Gide D. II. RITCIIIE,
I rich, .n Tai. -day, the teeth dee of Srp'ee,i County Clerk.
hE R•Ihsrriher will reeaire tenders on
bar. 1653. f he date yl the firet pelt! canon hired lher3 J day of Atig.,
Tbrhalf of the Municipal Council of the
United Counties of Huron and Brute. for
comply ung t:ie erection of a Wire Cable
Sumo -ninon Bridge over the Riser Mat lend
st Goolerich.
Abutments on each side of the River
are already bnilt,,that wilt anpa.r .a loon
dation• fur building the Towers upon•
A great g•tantity M materials •n:' obi. for
being mad in the constriction of the Ru Ire.
cunsteting of stone, nmh•r. wire and fro• ,
are either on the snot ear will ahoy lylbe de-
livered. which the eootraetor eau have at a
Plana of the intrndnd Work can be seen
at the County OlJcr., G .derteb soy time
after the fire, week tit S.pnem0.r, end the
tender.. will he o:.ened on \ the
21st dal of September next a t the Horan
ilotel Goderueh. In the meantime .ay ttla�• of Cont., --for ,beTuwothips of
information can he received from tie Sob- Millen., and Greg, sehrul house, N...1,
acrimbber. H. e• McK'll..p-fur the Townrhtn mf ,11cOilli
County Clerk. trey, Fl.nagarla Tavern, Landon KoeJ-
oust oust Oto !
Bf)1LED an I Raw Linseed 011 ,
1� Fina Whale Oil :
Machinery and Olive Oil;
Cold premed Castor Oil;
Pale Real Oil;
Varate\ laTorpeanne:
For sale by
Druggist, West Street, Gederieb•
STRATF:D tram ilia Twos 404.
PA* sae or •boa rhe 101 iwa.,
• •s Ref, COW. Rod d whip, hl.
Weltnti anil *beta: bheded se ,h,hoes olds Ore
sr ig
IR D. - *s payee •iesse ewe la-
fermenea es will {sed to av
hey tllsr.ry wilt be
suitably wrll 1.
ALR>t. rhos SSTSON.
Q ie1, WA Les. tea std
of *b• said Br Law in the Huron Signal
New.pape-, being +le 1Sih Jsy .1 'A..gest.
1853) andtbat on Mend•v. tee 1315 d.y'•1
Septembe', 1951. st the beer of teen "'clock
in the (•re000n. s grerral meeting' of true
q•ta'.fi.d Muneepai electors ,aae0i be hell for
t' e ;slums'. of eon* dieing the said By law
and .ppro.,ng or J.sspprov:nz of the same
-for *4e Town -Fro of .•)sh1l-Id, at the
tours* of R chard F.elay. S. mot. 5th y in.
cersion-for ter. t
To edito • f Biddulph al
.he rave•.. of P.:r -ck Udlhagy. LonJuulb
Road -for t' e T"worhtp of Coo. sae, .'
.he ScherI Howie 31h enrcesn"n-far. the
'Powe of G•drrich. at the throe Mod -
for the Tewnst.ip of Oederieh. a Mr. Al
chomps 29 Maitland C.ocepemn-tor the
Township of flay. at Mr.1Vi'liam S5'
inn., London Ro J -for the Toa n.hips of
pod .Mems •t the 8 hoot 11uu•e.
Gndrneh Ang. IRth, 18.53 foe tee Township of Stanley. at Couper •
(17`Coleniel 4- Globe to copy all tM 17th Tavern, Bayfield Road --far tee Te ser .hi p
Sept. of Stephen. at the reboot honer, N••. 1.
fed coo. -for th. To.n.hip of rocker -
k. e1 Mr, John Willow'. M'11 Road -
TD PRINTER'S AND PUpLISHERB. for the T..w.aMp of Galore, al .11r. Tay
,A Oi�EA / t/ekft(AA Mr's Scheel 11 was.
Landon Brut -for the
TRF'8ebieriOFi offers 1m pri••te 8x1•, ei Tuwaah•p of M'owu.ah ■' 1s0 17 in th'•
Wa.hingion Printiwg Pins (Cime•eaII ' St', enne.•non---and for ten Toa n•hln 01
m•,e(.rtar-) with • f.11 sown wow of N•we-I Ji.eerd..e, rine-1 In ail the remaining'eatioe of . gond Nitre a. .parer. (eA'ih. l (reee.r.. 'epe ilMrt.he FCreui*v 1nV( .BIkrerrKelnt ctahre
paper mcenrl, and •••ry.h•ng
m first rale a..nrnrwnt of or••••••td
Job Type of ih. lied .'vitt. F.•ry *busy iso 1). H. RITChIF..
overly sew and will be .old cheap if applied feel County Clerk.
~O�' ` TFatse ib. 1r•I da of Awful', 11153.
G. M. TR(JF.MA:e, y g
Oed.neh, A.g. 23.1. 18.33. 229if +
Saw -Mill and Shingle Machine.,
WANTED iwmedutely,for Messrs. J. 8
Wsnde.forde k Co'• Sew hl:il, a
good Sawyer. wen anderased• tak•ag
charge of • Malley Asw,-..also two se -
titre yr"'ng melt to work • shingle mech.'s.
If •eq'utn rd with m•thn•ery wolf bo pre..
tarred. -?one Beed apply who egoi*I lar-
nish good Mumontal• as to eharaetor. Ap
ply to
g'r•lawee, Aug. 18, 1863.
''1IiF. Directors of ibis Sweiety tett, snot*
at Ili British Exchange Hetet sae Re -
nerds, E,e leg lia f71h toot • lo dfepnss 4
melt of their Fonda aa may be thew se the
heeds of ilia Treanorer, .ilber by prebse
mg how say ntembsr wake( le soft be
'twee N • ares uaaa awoke amuse* .(steak
paid SP, no by we, ei Irmo M Itawsswt'we,
se the Dlroctere may deem teens adee.segs-
ries tie the e*e:r y .
1'. 1(, S. 11. B. S.
Ooderieb, Aeg et 13*0, $$I- ire-• »•
R. 13r REYNOLDS & (•)o
rr Pr.ieripti'far comp ended accuse! sol t:etp•ucia.
Ge fetich, Daly '28th. le:.3
iinuLi[iE11 Ot\DRU
y nr•:hased the G,Jrricb Punodry, 1'•.
ill' 4rtiog p
-fat •i r+rrr r.•
In .epr.i• rhrlr ft
u nets and the p+•bite, tS,• tl.ey a cn
on the Foundry Bnsint•a In a'1 its Br.o,"..; 10 r•.n•trnel Oro 01
Saw 1liIle • sal *n myon! :retire ' 1'hreshrg Maeh•Pry. Severe,-
evere,-.Plough. and all other Agftruln,r•I lu,plru rota n elute: in thls sienna of the Prcnri t
TIP,' ata0 iet.nd teeing more !.,pelt into the Slntebustnrs.,00! e(1' naw hrt,n,•
ere k•uIt , tux and Parlor S'nt.,' ' f the Intent Pattern. and most apprncrd nnnetplcr.
The buemevs will be carred or, by tl:eun'WILtrl IA\l 'rORY., under the rw' 1 Stwy le C.-
(t (lRGI 1.. \IARm non.
• t(OBERT Rt;'NC'IM .,..N.
Mr. Rnhert Runcimen will cnn.(urt the Bus facia and from fat. (.ng pract'cal eaoor ,
vnr, in the e••rsen,relon of aullr, machinery and agrru!tunl • i'n !:emeot•, and Ir. • ,
his thrrcogh knowledge of all the lutes• itnrruteu,:n1A 10 euc1:, fac's0.rfilett of herr,
n¢ para ewe
h th.Tunrr.
N. B. Apprentices wanted in the mnul'in _anJ nmiiltwru/'it departn.ents,
1SY' ...a• ��s' t•4t r
F .`tib'it'G. t
jt�llCalC.`aP1.. y w se .. �-' :1 • -- +, ' •'�i��^�, ,s.r`�r _ ..
GEO. M. 'I'RUEMAN, IIEAI)ofthe RAl1.R .
11ork•t Square, G'.de.ick.
S prepared to a'leh,l Sale. in any pall rn r t"bac"h •r he, ^^'v an heed and for
( ` .ale at bar ri E\\ t;LN F.RAL (TOR .y
•'. f the Uorted C'uuouc•, c6n18 Market. Place, Cedrrcb, ■ fety
1•ttock of Fa * y StSlap:o:D'y G ndp.'1'eav
Crewel -me, Hardware, Crockery. &a, ke,
U :1g, %' A 11 O Als..•nn heel andel-tar sale aIthtere to pc -
R' INSURANCE •for Stuck of Bran'tr,. Wones.Gin & R" n.
\l:\[ll\E AND FI5N 11V.I Rc
1 •t
tit. e • d
o of
Worth the site.,
I n F
Well CO\11'aNY..
It.corp r.,t,dby..rt.f Proritil P"rliamen Tascrnkeroers. .
Capital -1:100,000. •
Also . n'hand. and.`ot sa!e Punts,
(ILIAD OFFICE AT -II:i MILTON.._k1C m.!••w Gln -s.
Ale' on hani Isfurlale-Sfvthee,;nettle,
Dlatl. 11.1-:Z•,k.•o &c.. ke.
Hugh C. d:•ker. key. Al.11. !Merritt, Fxq. • 1
M. 1V. Itruanr, •• J. F. Monro, Gndericb, .0th Juan, 1953. ttia*ts
P. Vg, Carrel:, " Jatner . SAll,, •' 4
11. C. trllnn, it ('tam A.:tadller. '•
Jam's \Iclnlyre, " E. C. 'I'hnms., " 1' BARGAINS!! U. li AI S ! !
Janice Jlathie.on, " John Wilson, THE Snhienber having been nppeinled Fr`. 1)
G00°, l(tady•M.C
d• .rtbine
Agent at Godrrch. for the oboe, high and Bnut. and Shona. 11,,W Sell:nor Oft;
ly reepectabte Company, re preperei to !n' a Few (lays drily. at the iI"ron unset,
rff•ct Insurance at the most it exorable Gnderieh. escry vsnrty of DRY' GOODS.
ra:.s u on II...ees, Shipping and Goed.. Ready -Motto Cl:,lhit g, and • large af.ort-
P meat of 1 0O'I'S and SIl(E,. *tile! 0'1,1
TH(11A1 ti1CI1(oLLsJ, Agent. i
Gnderieh, 15th Sept., 165.3, c5'i34 ties Id tier Cash, at 11* is went prices.
' C..II and sec., Aug. {*b, 1853. sial'
SALE 15• EXCt1:1 \t;E STA BEES,
EAST S Gahx Rlfn, C. '. '.
►�sI;C Stihribcre wou'd
reseecrfully an-
nounce to the public
that having formed •
(:opariner.hp in ties
.hose to tine-., ami prof
erred entirely new C.1
regret. fi'.t-rate
111 -ret ., .anent drlvrr."an l alter,t:ve Mai
lets, they ano pr. • pare 1 to tn,a Ilio want*
of the con,mw,.ly m every way app.rutn'
Ing to their bus,neos. Extra Car ogee for
j tut nee • tern:shod on the.h..rtcst o�tice.
Th.•y have oleo eetatli•hcd • •recular
1V her. Doren, Ca mare., 11*rn.o., WVag-
gon., kr., con be bn.ight, .t Id ' r • k^Lang
ed 1' .11 time.; and any ;''rano haying aro
ere. for exchange or sale will n'ect wtM
gored bargune at this establishment.
Tire charges 1 .r Leery here will its es
cheap if not cheaper,ll an at any mootar e.-
tebl,•hment either in Gn'!erich or London.
11'\ppltee'fnn fist."., Carri'rw.
&c., to he outdo at the O:(ice, in the Su -
hl., or fat ten II•rrnn 1I.4e; 1
Go,lerieh, Aug. 100, 1833. r27tf
Irfwo Journeymen «'*►fatal.
A iIY-LAN• ~ M•k,r will tied tans
Erupt...writ and rend rigs.
T. authors:, IAO Municipal Council
of I ,t ,h•• Gt ollF.RICH 1Rf ' P: r
the United Couwlir's r,/' Iluo and AND CIIAtiltDFR cu All
Bruce to Morrow the sum of Taw thou- JAS. 1'. of .
scared Pounds on the credit of ler Cow- O•deri b, .\og IOM,. 1 g53. n27i f
eduletetd•ypal Loan Fiord. for j
t/seet of Grni'/s$g a Court, -.-
Liaise n County Oros 1"r the use N 0 1' i C E .
.w rd Cowwtacs ri�rurand. -
of the C
WI'EREAM hp an Act of the Pr"vo(•
cis! Parl.aaeei, le 1 V twill,
*:sap, fl en i ..N ' A" Act to esubh•h
C.on..ld.ts4 31•00eopsi lean Fund, for U
C1111/1110" n re enacted .' Tual it shall M
Meld fee the trap'semen of any Courtly,
Ot . !section -sled r..., Toweahp or
Village, b/ Br law I. ear hors. any sum el
rmiwey 1• be velem! of the errata of the sold•itdetrd M.aiespel Lona Fowl. •.d to
leps.pwtesseb,s�e.,m�, �etse�e• woe% thereof as
may be food wq..a', N defray the 11
Paean d beide/ er Mp,H'ag any gaol at
Ne slaw* CO lea ova of seek aaretpl
tg .mated wit IN sdmiwmtee-
Men e( Janet•. it to eeseeeety that a Cawd 4i0.
b .4 i t1 N .a . st►ewld be b011te fst aire
11171 '4100 ta4 en: LQ •
ogiargoH'ral Street. C„derieh, at the sign
of *b. t'rrioging
A1)11.8 nt
8 and G..*lrrn Iai
:ett to the How..
IJGven'till n akeerip first re+• )t..'► & Ste...,
Aol as they're good, wily should -we draw nock,
So aow lor his .hop-hurr•n, clear the trek 1'
Ills Boots keep mar bit from wet and from cold,
fit w vying ter some y, o will Lire to he old:
R.•id-o tf'ry I•rt Inu2, w I.y .hnubl we drew each.
So auw ter bar 2Shop-liners!', etear the ir•ck:
Ile has Grad ie ibis Teem then two yeanerd
m o.
Thank. h.. firma for the r custom:, it increases
The work linealwhy ehnuld we draw ha. k..
So sow for Green's Shop -hurrah, clear tee
r s .AME into the enclnatre n('he •uhaeri
tel her of 1.•t No. ! Soothe'', B naJry.
1 ul,.lr p of lj.b aro0 s}oul the 13W '•t
July last a light brow• 111tree sheet 9 et
10 yeere •'IJ. The saw ver 1• eq 'rated 'r
pinny proper,- pay ear. ears .n.1 tete hien
array •
Ushers, Aog-t7 h,__*33. •42.01•51
m ESSRS. Andrew and :\hr.'Iom Danngy
having recently, perces-rd Oto said
Ir n, eased fitted 1t tie a et. l': to rrr..mmn.
foie 'I'r.vel1.•re, and the tnbIc 1•. eeeeral.
\,•J he l''g craned' ter tee p,trou.tge ex•
eroded tow.r,le the',, in 'cors gene by.
n •n• pal alt • r, 10101, 11 ce of the tame.
N. It -G .1 1. q :"re nn b•u,d. Gu',d
I Stables and an a Ier,'r•r .ager.
.\NII:I K V. l!O `;:).^.; I,
Aillt*5 tt1 1'r�ulitl.
G . .27,',! ,. . 1- s G ! 5
Two j••orn•vm•C . •Nerd
G....4'mb. lame S0 1,. 1ele3
I'r:rtlerty in Grtat Ur;1.11:1 anti
S .becriLrr (Cr. r• superior faci:ili(0
L tor t c rrc.ryery of churl• in Owen
:• raveled, baninr. unmlr.•oe ewree;'• mien tea
brrr, he.ided n.. k n.. )•. rennet vie.t■ f,r
Diet Burp Re. Sumo esteem'akale charger of
of Ilia neem •:• 'Rrf rorens arid lat'hey
oformat•ou had on R,•p'ir.n
No. 1, Royal F..ychar.g'(1 *'dings.
Lordon, -C. W., 0G*h'May It:L3. i6afft
F!ar9n Library .4sco('iati•m and ,
Atte '/uutit3' fntiidrrtt.
IMIF: Sri bseribers to •.hn all, n
, ve lnstit
Iran are Infonr 1 that it -c Librars M-
eows, lion
0eows,elion with ,he Society to how 116
w-.k'ng or•Iar sol f• open In ,h. 11,11 of
11c Sine of 'l'eu•per.nrr, emery 1Ver'ntr-
lay evening at 8 .t clock. w -.,n the I, bra.
rue, Mr. Nicholls. wi I he to •ttim:ance
for one hour race enenini.
By older of the. Ea. rnflva Con,nutur.
R. 1t LiiNN111.10, Chi.
G iderich, J ily 15, 1953. s6•'_5
ASC/1001. Tl:A('111.11 for lichen N.'. 3.
I,nk• Rhore'f,•nd. A.I.Ii•LI, Ile will
teepee a seco.J or thief class crr.,fesIe.
Apply *o slcf:REG')R,
1 KF.�NF.TiC
or KEVNt.1.11 McKI.NZlE.
'1'acsri rs
A.t.GelJ, July 21, 1!151. •6.2311
Fon S.% I.E.
N Fee,llent Brick Ito*. with I of OR
1�, shi"
Rnr•10e o01 yLenen4d sa1e.1 t' .sal.\..r,.. niotCF•.t gnare,e-
For paitieulare anp!v 1..
R11.1.4\I \1ALCO'i.
Golerich, Noy. 3,d 1852.vbee41
' TIOTI(*E1. .
(sAMP, into the mein•ore ,•f this Sub•e$.
- her oa Int No. a. 0-d ener•e•f.w,
Town.hip sal R'rnt41'. 1Aflnn e••,0*!, (:•
t\'. to Jon. It.* peals n*y 11ere,•nprm•rd
in he 1 n, 9 'std, .hof i 111 hams
'u gh, as
Iecge m.,k '•n Ib. a..r hilt, pn'l,.-
v4 by • rim', aril ..•me smart whet spr'ts.a
err back. The nu Rer '. reit .e'.•; t'. irrr P
ar.p.rty pay eharge• aro! lskt l''e •t'.t t stn
ear, W5l. BARK0:R.
Steehen, A' •e• * h, 1-53. Pe'7-1',,
%b diva armee of Ikal Estate.
IILE TIIR le MN ham' g'Premed Inatree
lye tion• .o pee ,.00 RNt Rotate 1" One
••wend the Taws •f (i-iferteer, sa..ld n -
qesat e11 peteaoe homier Iola ..t F•rw,• for
sale le twill 11 (sae Orbe end Wee* a *mom.
tins of Iles preprriy sed were of nave.
Osdwfeh, Awe. 17.0*, 1 s411 . tin
AV A N 'I' k; 1) ,
ity a Pear•, -al Farmer, s wiwe'1 favor 1.
Ifs*, tome 30 t. fie *ever
.trawl. 1 .r •.,.h a 1►1101 .•1 y•O•i e• w.•• ie
.erarJ no, out mors thaw 1-1 tail••s tree
famirmi•h. Any meow, h•,tn 4)5
as let by enrolee,' •1 *1,1e (� er, b Mee'
emit p.'.I, sr „,Mvireo* will 'newel wt•,
prnfM at1.M,nrArd:••M F. C. 8.
A,od,.feh, .slag 7g,'. RM. ltf7tf
elt,e ra
Srt.t !' u.rS(r/1 !
JUST 111 t'EIVF;11. bin `cat•.>:et •':1.-
-801471 r, 3'.2,0 Ibis. Feet.
C. ('R.5(18.
Jit!y 2n, 1153. s6•,_'10
1 STUN:; eott1ce wf!h a•v• n ronin*
, n • three mrd h It even 11t to it,
'•cn •:t (E .,l.-rtch.; 1' line wee o, the rn...t
0:1,4nh:: to -Rectal tie the r ver M+:' 11. d, e
ucvar tailor.' spun,", 'loud lbruur:e the to..
Apply to
BOBr.RT P:1It;ih;:
II (;.J•1 .1;, • . 1113. .5 • 21
N c w Goods
'TIDE Fuber'brr is sow ie -resile* ,atf
t:choon r Annexari. a .•f 'h. (tag► s.
•",l best .sees t".rtkl a•r S'r.\PI.E As*
FANCY ' 000D!, rye" bio.ybt Is ON
mark;': nil whteh 1., el 1 rill MVC !
•,r infantry reediest.. rt. rap,* 1., TWrNrlf
PE.R CENT. ,baa has ewer bete , 1.1 is
Ooduteb before. Cry pe:•tag IM e, -west
style .,• 45..• i e. B 101.4 awl''
fill per.. a.rin. ar Sbawls, 1i •ca !•, sr^e
(lar. IIII•.
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