HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-06, Page 15Comedy aces Canadian-born international stars of comedy, Johnny Wayne and Frank Shuster—depicted above by Canadian cartoonist Duncan Macpherson—will star on TV hi Canada, the U.S, and Great Britain this season. They have contracted for four one-hour specials on CBC-TV, six appearances with Ed Sullivan and a BBC-TV special. Exeter results Poll 1 2 3 4 Total DEPUTY-REEVE Musser, William Farrow, Claude COUNCIL Delbridge, Jack Wright, Fred Wooden, Joseph Bailey, Ralph Taylor, Ross Ferguson, Norman. Boyle, Clarence Sherman, Lee 133 237 123 48 541 115 185 123 26 449 210 366 198 56 830 184 364 199 55 802 154 296 182 48 680 166 302 162 48 678 167 288 171 46 672 116 193 111 49 459 71 138 85 30 324 51 93 69 21 234 Osborne results Constabe foils. theft ROMP Constable Berl Sehree, der, formerly of the Centralia area, and now serving in Ver. non, B.C., was instrumental to bringing nett to that eommil- pity s increased Crime rate re- cently,. On a routine cheek, the $11- D14.$.gradeate surprised three Ontari o men who were attempt- ing to burn out a safe in a Wood. .manufacturing firm's office, and captured one as they at- tempted to resist arrest, The other two were later picked up by the' Romp and they 'pleaded guilty to the at- tempted theft charges as 'Well as a charge of breaking into an auto wrecking firm to acquire the tools for their work. Earlier the same week, the RCMP detachment had cap- Mrs. A. Geddes resident of Hay Mrs, Albert Luther Geddes, 88, .Carling St,, died at the Exeter Nursing Home Friday, November 30, having been at the home for the past year. $he was the former Alice Josephine O'Brien, She and her husband. farmed in Hay Town- ship until retiring to Exeter 15 years ago, Mr, Geddes died in 1956. The funeral service was con- ducted by Rev, Bren deVries at the Dinne.y funeral home, Exeter, Monday, December 3, with interment in Exeter ceme- tery. Pallbearers were Earl and Percy Campbell, George Arm- strong, Ted and Milford Prouty. Thank You The. Tirnes!Acivocai.P, •.Pecernber 6, 1907 Poot IF lured two Vancouver Med who Woman to bridge-drib were later 'sentenced to three .berst have 010 most giar4, years in jail On similar theft rntons. recipe for goulab...,a1I charges,.I b4re ...to do is. mention it to Schroeder toS been with the ht,tshand' Au?, ROMP for the past 30 years. `Let's cat ent." Graduate N Range Washer Drier' Refrigerator - Kettle Razor Po/Of -Fools Polisher Lamps Clock Pry Pan Broiler Electric Casserole Fan Steam iron Electric Blanket Vacuum TV—Portable Slender Mixer (portable) Mixer (table) Record'Player Bottle Warme r Electric Train Projector (slide) Table Lamp Radio Percolator Toaster o C it/0y .buys sup hes for b. sement shelter We are organized in Exeter, but the man chosen tannot continue—when organized again is there any Way the man chosen has money coming from county or local expenses?"" Mr. Mael)opaid: "The major- ity should conic from the dienty, and toward the end of this month I will be asking organized communities for an outline of what they want to do, involving expenditure, And that will be included in my budget." Mrs., Mooney, deputy-reeve of Goderich: "1 have been asked how the alert is going to be given in Goderich,'" Mr, MacDonald: "1 do not know, I suggested the same as in the Wing,hem group, that is, returning to the old 'fire bell: and also the Presbyterian church has a carillon loud speaker, Initially, the. thing will be bell anti fire bell." To Reeve Valentine Becker of Hay, Mr, MacDonald said that Heronview at Clinton "is probably the most adequately secure building in the county, The whole staff could move in and function from the base- ment. Emergency hospitals will be in Wingham and Code- rich high schools. 1 have sur , veyed only three hospitals, and Wingham, is most advanc- ed," "At no time have I heard. any a district which Includes Bruce, of the EMU co•,ordinators Say Grey, Middlesex, Wellington and there would not be casualties," Lambton. A continuous simply said Reeve Morgan Agnew of of publipations hes been .estah- Chinon in presenting 19 Huron lished in eAeh library. We had county. _council the report .9c exhibits at the trade fairs in .emergency measures commit- Wingham and Goderich. tee, "We are bound to have ens- . "A new bylaw has been Pass, nallies, but we can Minimize ed, based on our experience, them a great deal if we enerate and of course is still on trial, on our own, Self-preservation is "Zooe Cl of the Royal can, predominant among us all." ettia.n Legion has pledged full The chairman related smile support in emergency, and St. Incidents experienced at the John Ambulance in the western. front ..n wartime to illustrate 'area. his point, "Mr.. MacNatighton spoke to "We would appreciate it if me in Clinton last evening and the planning committee would said that this had set, quite have a little more ce-operar an example at the provincial tion," he said. "Of course it level was net clear in people's minds "We have bit both sides of what to do' This is very ""s' a pendulum swing in the past sary thing, If you listened last year, We heard it expressed night to the London program by at one time that EMC) was not the Middlesex co-ordinator, you needed, and then in the will see it is a complicated at- Khreshchey-Cuban crisis the fair, There is much to do to enthusiasm went the other keep roads open, because there way , Bo th were good f or us, will be much going through and showed how adequately or when the all-clear is sounded." inadequately we were prepared The initial warning," Hut', at municipal level and the in-on co-ordinator Murray Mac- dividual family unit, We have Donald said later, "is just to gained much, turn on your radio and make .,,There are only two or three any preparations not previously shelters in our county, I would attended to, Then there will be say there are hundreds of an announcement from the basements and first floors pre- Prime Minister, or the Premier, pared. There has been a lot or failing him the warden," of gain from these crises,. Mr. Agnew's committee has which could well be a bless- agreed to purchase for the ing in disguise. Now the In- courthouse basement food sup- diens and Chinese are going to plies for 14 days, pressere.style h ave a cease fire, but in -both lamps, stove, beds, etc., suffi- trouble spots the parties are dent for personnel numbering still armed with lethal wea- 30. It has been agreed that lel- pons. Khrushchev has a pacific ephone jacks will be installed, aim, but it is domination of and that six transistor radios the world. We had a few hunt- will be purchased, to be distri- ers killed this fall, and by ac- buted throughoutythe county, cident we could have a war, "It has been clarified," stated because both international the committee report, "that im• hunters have their weapons mediately an alert should take still. place, everyone is to take cover "1 think we can safely say until the "all clear' is given. we are not behind any of the Previously we were all under other counties. 1 forecast that the impression that the key this year we would have a personnel were to man the fairly cheap year. We did not basement of the courthouse in spend our full budget, but event of an emergency; how- feel now we have the exper• ever, this is not the case. The ience we shoUld in the coming basement into be manned when year spend every penny we the 'all clear' is given, and pee- can get. After two years, cost pie are able to come out from should go down," cover for a short period of time Reeve Roy Adair: "When we at least and are to await their set up this local organization— instructions," In adopting the report, coun.- ell approved the following rec- ommendation: "That the co-or- dinator first of all endeavor to stimulate the organization of an emergency measures program at the local level and to advise the members of the planning committee the names of their counterparts as soon as the local areas have been organized, Then it will be the duty of the plan- ning committee personnel to or- ganize their duties in co-opera- tion with the co-ordinator and the people so named by him," "The community group orga- nization," said Mr. MacDonald, "has had one year of opera- tion, and is now in operation to a degree in Goderich and Wing- ham and to a lesser degree in Exele r. The communication plan has been approved. Emer• gent headquarters of the county should be completed by the end of December. Reception area plans are resolved and approved by zone and province and. are being used as a guide by the province, A survey of popula- tion has been done by age, trade and sex, buildings completed for accommodation and a sur- .James Hamilton, son of Mr. vey made as to hospital .accom- and Mrs. Gordon Hamilton, modation. Hensall, grade 12 graduate of "From the public education SHDHS, received recently his pOint of view,. more than 50 diploma for successfully corn , hooks have been given to groups pleting the business adminis• this year, Visits to towns, meet- tration course at Wells Aca- ing municipal officials, have deny, London. He is an ac- been eornpleted. There have countant with. Jas. Wright and been 12 television programs to Co., Lohdon, WIDE RANGE +110 HEATING and COOLING Year luxury .10 Save 2()% on fuel -.P.PmplotO .comfort- toom,to-toom 'TRADEMIAIRI( ftltql#TgligP Lennox equipment Is used in the ,homes of tomorrow — beCatlee they provide complete comfort along with exceptional economy. The fuel savings of Lennox May surprise you, But because the luXtiry features ,of 4ennox are designed to trim Poste as much as they are to deliver complete comfort, your .gavinea add up to or more. Coat, oil, gas and electric furnaces to choose from, Of' In combination with summer air con• ditioning units, Phone for complete inforniation and free estimates. Lindenfields Limited Phone 235.2361 Exeter PUT BEAUTY at their feet this Christmas Discussing the new composite. school of Clinton, with. SHDHS board Tuesday night, Principal H. L. Sturgis reported that all, the partcipating principals have agreed to make their grade nine courses as uniform as possible, He pointed out the principals expected most of the interested. students to make their decision regarding attending the Clinton school after they had taken one year at their own high school, and the uniformity would keep all of them on an even basis if they decided to go to Clinton. A uniform standard of pro- motion has also been set up, but as changes are expected to be made, he did not outline the plan. Sturgis recommended that SHDHS continue to offer their one-year special commercial course for at least another year, although a similar course would. be offered at Clinton, He said it would be unfair to the present students in grade 11 who had intended to Lake the course at SHDHS to be forced. to go to the composite school, However, he said he expected. the special commercial course would, disappear from the local. school eventually. Secretary - treasurer E, D. Howey pointed out it would be better for those interested in commercial to enroll in the Clinton course rather than take the one-year "quickie" course at. SHDHS, The principal agreed pointing out that certain skills were hi- volved and they would be more efficient if spread over a longer term rather than in one year only. Sturgis also reported that either the commercial option or the shop and home economics could be dropped at .SHDHS, be- cause only those few students taking five options could take Standardize HS courses both these options. "We could eliminate one or the other," he said, "but I'd be rather hesitant about doing any- thing as violent as that at the present," Members retire Following the meeting, Chair- Poll COUNCIL Westcott, Roy Hers, Ward Duncan, Ken Etherington, Archie Skinner, Delmer McBride, Walter Reynolds, Lloyd. SCHOOL TRUSTEES Simpson, Ken Prout, Gerald Hers, Thomas Knight, Lloyd Hers, Morris Cudmore, Harold 90 87 56 45 81 44 58 41 45 31 68 98 51 61 29 51 39 76 51 28 76 58 72 58 40 40 35 28 56 42 29 26 77 48 41 83 53 44 22 40 29 27 21 40 37 52 26 18 24 36 43 42 82 64 31 29 80 58 42 16 56 40 15 44 40 39 61 72 32 20 31 62 31 33 47 33 16 55 54 24 18 43 39 13 20 40 50 55 39 14 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 man Larry Snider paid tribute to the work of Car/ Cann and Joe Regier, who are retiring from the board at the end of the year. Cann has been the Exeter Public school representative for several years, while Regier has represented the separate schools, Total 461 395 350 331 319 298 218 327 307 308 273 246 235 CLARENCE "DERRY" Your Thank You.. I wish to thank all the voters in Exeter who turned out to the polls, with special thanks to those who supported me. I wish to extend my best wishes to the successful can- didates for their coming term, GRAND BEND ELECTORS was sincerely appreciated. A A STEWART WEBB support; at the polls BOYLE ii :S. ' 4rote Olvs eFa isV;ocircas a tri:nrcltroNrarialv4P.KalfalnlAlviiiiftnre itatx =f:tet*1 a rt Harding' carpet For your own family and those special friends, choose a gift they will enjoy 'for years to come. Give a Harding carpet made with Cumu1oft continuous filament nylon. These Cumuloft nylon carpets give years of lasting wear, resilience and resistance to stain absorption. When you give a Harding carpet, your thoughtfulness will be remembered—Christmas. after Christmas, after Christmas. See your Harding dealer soon—there's still plenty of time for installation before Christmas. ASK ABOUT OUR GIFT CERTIFICATE PLAN If you're not sure of color or pattern, give Harding Carpet Gift Certificates. Ask your Harding dealer for details. MAIN STREET SEE OU R EXTENSIVE STOCK OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS D1NNEY FURNITURE EXETER 44, et v.dki .-4"3 ;TM AS :Tt•ti 410i %%OM%tTAA'ActieczekcItNI?'.titirtkttiiii%oetiontivfterrttilitirt4Ler,OrAtettices CHRISTMAS CARDS YOUR NAME Personalized Cards try ,douth Anil Intonational' "When you care enough to send the very best" Come in and take your pick from our stunning selection of Christmas cards . boxed assortments by Coutt's Hallmark here's your handy hint list This Christmas, make sure you're one of the lucky people who receive electrical presents. Modern'electric appliances am miracles of efficiency. They're beautifully designed and WA So little to Use, Just check the appliances you want on this handy list (these are just a few ... you may want to make your own list) and leave it, where it will be noticed, Over the bathroom mirror is a good place, Four large volumes of distinctive designs. Choose at your convenience, but order early. pitase, 4t<okxwbor...o4emas&a.. live better ELECTRI CALM.. the safe clean modern way! Exeter Public Utilities Commission H. L. 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Ford, Fairlanei `PSICOil ?Ind Ford Truelcs