HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-06, Page 14• ty. 1'141,14 • Th.„ Tknes.A4)(gcafe, DecetrOblr T#61
a 11) IsPah.a
Py MRS. J. M. 4.
were goened alike in (wise
velvet with matching headdres-
ses. They carried white mums,
('arol Lee. Shepherd Was flow-
er girl dressed in white and car-
ried a basket of white mums.
Michael McKenzie was ring
Duncan Thomson, RR 5 Park-
hill, was best man and David
Hutchinson and Earl Allison
For travelling the bride wore
a beige and brown wool dress,
beige accessories, black shor-
tie coat and corsage of yel-
low roses.
The couple will reside at RR
3 Ailsa Craig,
Cloverdale Wi entertained
two neighboring branche s.
Grand. Bend 4V1 and Keyser
WI at a meeting held at the
Parkhill Library,
An inspirational talk on
`Hands" was given by Mrs.
\V, Barnes. who pointed out
that, although the emphasis at;
the present time is on brains
and intellect, it is hands that
carry out the work 'She said
"No one should be despised for
doing manual work—there is a
healing power found in working
with hands." She closed her
talk eeidi the beautiful story of
the artist Albert Durcr and his
famous picture of “P'raying
Mrs, Milmn Perdy, provincial
board director, spoke on "Wom-
en on the Stage of Life". She
emphasized that everyone has
a part to play, no matter how
a role and, if one doesn't
'take the part, the whole produc-,
Wen is marred and incomplete.
She encouraged everyone to
say "I'll try" when asked to do
something for a group and, not
only benefit the community.
but dee elop one's own talents,
A colorful display of floral
and table arrangements for
Christmas and other- occasions
was arranged and explained by
Mrs, R. Morenr. Grand Bend.
Two members of Keyser Insti-
tute. Mits, W, Wilson and Mrs.
A. Garry .contributed a piano
duet. Mrs. Stan Mollard con-
vened the program.
President Mrs Iiaroid Bro-
phey welcomed the guests and
conducted a brief hueiness pe-
riod. information on the dif-
ferent types of blankets and
their care as given in the CAC
bulletin was eummarized by
_lire. Fi'ed Heaman A report
on the Meadow Hill cemetery
was presented by Mre. Bruce
Friendship topic
of local sorority
At the Chrtetmee meeting of
Bete Sigma Phi held at the
home of Mrs. it, 14. Read Mon-
day evening Miss Norma West-
gate thseuesed tile topic "(ha-
mm and Receiciug
Plane te, (TR finalized for the
'Christmas Ira 'a lie held Fri-
day, December' 7.
Christmas giti.s from sPeroI
pale were dietribuled. Assist-
ing the hostess were Mrs, Bob-
-eft Fletcher, Mrs R. C. Din-
ned, Mrs J. Wooden and Mrs.
William King.
Ifs Not
Too Late . •
if you order your garment
this week. That will give us
time to measure you for your
foundation garments to com-
pliment your Christmas and
New Year apparel.
Mrs, Valeria Armstrong
89 Arno St., Exeter Phone 235-1920
Combine shredded carrot, po-
tato and apple, Add brown sugar
and mix 'thoroughly. Mix and
sift dry ingredients. MCI suet,
bread crumbs, raisins and cur-
rants and mix welt. Combine
mixtures thoroughly Turn into
a six-cup greased bowl. Cover
with aluminum foil and tie
BR INSLEY securely,
Sir. and Sirs, Donald Newey
of London planned a surprise
dinner at their home on the
occasion of the 25th. wedding
anniversary of Mr, and Mrs.
Jack Trevithick, They were
presented with a wall mirror
and an entree dish.
Guests included Mr. and Mrs. •
Fete group
at Brinsley
Steam on rack over boiling
water in steamer for 3 to 34
hours. Add, extra boiling water
when necessary. Eight to 10
Before serving, reheat by
steaming for ,z to 1 hour.
Home Sweet
We have a good supply of
Hand made, washable, many colors to choose from.
(Notice to our customers--We again hand-tie
all the tassels for longer wear.l
• Our location—one block east of Main street
in Exeter North
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
HOURS: Tues, Wed, & Sat,, 9-6; Thurs, & Fri., 9.9
Proprietress: Pauline Hendrick
PHONE 235-2951 400 MAIN ST., EXETER.
From Dec. 6 to 15
watts of poise', imbibe a. 1a-ainp fuse has a capacity of 1.650
watts which means you Vail ar-
vie e at the safe number of
Millis to use on one circuit if
you mu B eauty Lo u n g eltiply the number of
Cgthy1 $
lights by 6i beeause twee:0101cl '
circuits are served by 15-amp 244 MAIN 5T, PH 235,1533 fuses: bearing in mind ether ,.. ts Appliances\virtter using:10..entiis in thtc nstaalrnioe rerms , COI - Sets T.
Cil.T .it,
show a marked increase of fires
thl ett ae outgo telicieuipegeelfl itsiva-end useeNtio,ar TUe5ISA:d4Tylwtrc 'Frairiv:nYingf; °°"ly closed 51,ttPrday
hazards introduced by the hob- CATHY ROBBINS, prep.
Santa, OA *tit ink.*
Sht meis, eett4 en,
colors rod ienote. Md beet
Them to Whets, Ana tabfies,
Regular $20.00 „ NOW $10.00
Regular S18.50 .... NOW $ R. V$
Regular $15.00 NOW $ 7.50
Regular $12.50 ......... ...... NOW $ 0,25
Take Advantage Of these Outstanding Offers TO Have A New
Coiffure Pot. the Festive Seasati teniing Up,
Z iNti
Sheila M. Eggert. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, Ervin E. Eg-
gert, RR 3 Parkhill. exchanged
marriage vows with Frederick
R. Allison, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Laverne Allison. RR 3
Ailsa Craig in a double ring
ceremony performed in Green-
way United Church, Saturday.
November 24 at 2 o'clock. by
Rev C. A. Brittain,
A basket of white mums and
deep pink, carnations and
ferns formed the background
for the ceremony. Miss Evelyn
Curts, RR 3 Parkhill, played
the wedding music and accom-
panied the soloists, Misses
Darlene and Marlene Frayne,
:Exeter, who sang '"Phe Wed-
ding Prayer" and "I'll Walk
Beside, '
Given in marriage by her
!ether the bride chose a floor.
length gown of organza over
taffeta with lily point sleeves
and scalloped neckline trim-
med with sequins. The skirt
was highlighted with a wide
self bow, A pearl crown held
her illusion veil and she car-
ried a bouquet of red roses.
Mrs. Don McLellan, Exeter.
as matron of honor and Mrs.
Duncan Thomson. RR 5 Park-
hill and Miss Ruby Allison, RR
3 Ailsa Craig as bridesmaids
Exchange vows
'at Sarnia church
Mrs. Lyle Attridge. Oakville.
and Alwyn Dayman, Grand
Bend, exchanged marriage
voy,,e in the chapel of Devine
trnited Church, Sarnia, on Sat-
: urday. December 1 at 5 p.m.
d, with Rev. Johns officiating.
A wedding dinner for the im-
mediate families was held at
the Sahara Motel with a re-'
ception following at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Kilbreath,
nephew and niece of the groom.
ee Mr, and Mrs. Dayman will
make their home in Grand
Attending the wedding were
Mr, and Mrs. Morris Turner,
-' Oakville, who spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Day-
nein. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Hager and Claude Hager, De-
troit, Mr. and Mrs. Crescent
et,De:yman, Exeter. and Mr, and
eMis. Wes Dayman, Bahia.
Evening vows
tfor area couple
-:-Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clar ence
eFeltz have taken up residence
ege; RR 4 Mitchell following
their marriage on Saturday.
iNbvember 10 in an evening
ceremony. performed by the
,rev. A. H. Daynard in floY's
:United Church where pink and
Athite mums formed the set-
Mrs. Elmer Dow played
le,),•aditieinal wedding music. The
?1:ide was Dorothy Marlene
Zebev, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs,
Mateey Dow, Cromarty, and.
jeer husband is a son of. Mr.
eand.Mes, Wilfred Feltz, RR 4
e7.3the bride, given in marriage
kkt her father, wore a 'floor-
length gown of white nylon
chiffon Over bridal satin styled
!with a portrait neckline end
lily Pettit. sleeves. The fitted
bodite and barque waistline.
were trimmed with imported
lace accented with iridescent
heads, A full crown adorned
with crystals and pearls held
h'elt scalloped slightly bnuf-
#arit veil of, silk illusion net and
the, a bouquet of red
'Miss ,Teyee Dew. Cromarty,
gas maid of Minor, in a two
piece drest of blue brocade
fiellietied on princess lines.
Rer flowers were while mime
atria red roses.
Mrs„ Harold 'Feltz of Stret-
lord attended the. groom and
Oiere were Floyd Dow and
-Ralph Felts,
The reception was held at the
hoine of the :bride's parents.
Leaving far a trip to the States
the bride Wore a black sheath
with ettetehing accessories.
One commuter to another:
"Kind of a morning AO Makes
enti glad 'you're halt eliee,
isn't it?" .
(The Reader's Digest)
III Health?
See, your cloctoe /tree.
Bring your peescriptiort to
There are many variations
in recipes for .Christmas fruit
cake. Ingredients may tars' de -
pending on customs of the area
in which the original calte was,
made. In some parts of Eng-
land, it is customary to eat the
"Yule cake" on Christmas eve,
Cheese and ale usually accom-
pans it and it is considered
unlucky to cut either cake or
cheese before Christmas eve,
One superstition that has been
handed down to us in Canada
is the one for "a happy month,"
You wilt have ax many happy
months in the eomtng year as
you have pieces of fruit cake.
'Ole Consumer Section, Can-
ada Department of Agriculture
have tested a colorful light fruit
rake. It has a deliciou; blend
of flat ors and can he eaten
within a few days alter mak-
ing, if desired. For easier cut-
ting chill it in the refrigerator
for a few hours before cutting.
Light Fruit Cake
'2 cup diced eilron peel
(about 4 ounces
1 cup halved glace cherries
(about 8 ounces
3 cups white raisins (about
1 pound,
cup diced candied pine-
apple (about 4 ounces)
1 cup blanched slis ered al-
monde ;about 4 ounces
2 cups dessicated coconut
eabont S ounces)
Caven group
chooses slate
Officers for 1063 were elected
arid installed by Rev, John
Boyne at the meeting of Caren
Congregational Circle held at
the manse Tuesday evening.
President is Mrs. Art Whil-
smith; vice-president, Mrs. John
Burke; secretary, 'Mrs. Graham.
Mason; treasurer, Mrs. H. If,
Strang and pianists, Mrs. Wil-
liam Sillery and Mrs, David.
The program consisted of
Christmas carols and different
readings whit:, told of the origin
of some Christmas traditions
and how Christmas is celebrat-
ed in other lands, Mrs. C. Ere-
man, Mrs. A, Whilsmith, Mrs.
Ken Bridges and Sirs. 5. b.
:eryde assisted with 'these.
Mrs, John Corbett led in the
devotional with Christmas being
the theme. Rev. Boyne spoke
briefly on the hope, faith and
love which the Christmas sea-
son brings.
Mrs, Alvin Moir reported that
the Christmas Fair held on. De-
cember 1 was a success netting
the group over $300. President
Mrs. Strang was in the chair,
Yule traditions
topic at Caven
Rev. John Boyne was the
speaker at the annual meeting
of the Gordon Evening Auxil-
iary giving a Christmas mes-
Mrs, Boyne gave the history'
of Christmas and the different
ways in which it has been ob-
served. Everyone joined in
singing Christmas carols.
Mrs. Jim ell presented the
report of the nominating com-
mittee, President for 1963 is
Mrs. Alex Meikle; vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. Hugh Patterson;
secretary and press. Mrs. Jim
Bell: treasurer, Miss Donna
Secretaries: literature and
library, Miss Carolyn Simpson:
glad tidings and supply, Mrs.
Ken Campbell; welcome and
welfare, Sirs, Andy Miller.
The meeting was held at the
home of Mrs. John Pryde and
she was assisted by Mrs. Ken
Campbell during the social
grated rind and nice tried-
ium. oranges
cup hotter
3 eggs,
tp vanilla
1 2 tp almond extract
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
tp baking powder
tp salt
cop mirk
Cumb.ne the prepared fruits,
almonds, coconut, grated orange
ring and juice. Stir thoroughly,
('over and allow to stand, over-
('ream the butter, add sugar
and create well together. Add
the eggs, one at a time beating
well alter each addition. Stir
in flavorings.
Mix and sift flour, baking
powder and salt, Stir into bat-
ter alternately with milk. Add
fruit and nut mixture and com-
bine thoroughly, Turn mixture
into pans and bake in slow oven
(215'.) about 2 to 2 3/4 hours.
Allow' cakes to cool complete-
ly in parts set on cake rack, Re-
move cakes from pans, wrap
closely in heavy waxed paper
or aluminum foil and store in a
cool place.
Christmas Pudding
Christmas or plum pudding
has always been an important
part of the English Christmas.
The story goes, that centuries
ago, an English king and his
party of hunters were lost in
the woods on Christmas eve.
The poor cook, ..faced with.
scanty provisions for a Christ-
mas eve dinner, put everything
he had together in the cooking
pat and thus made the first
Christmas pudding,
According to an old supersti-
tion bad luck follows the greedy
who nibble puddings before
the Christmas feast.
Steamed Carrot Pudding
A Canadian version of the
old fashioned plum pudding is
steamed carrot pudding, It is
inexpensive, light and not too
Harvey Walper and family,
Ruth and Neil Trevithick, Mrs.
Edwin Johnson and Billie, Miss
Dorothy Eedy and Mr. George
Neil who also celebrated his
Personal items
Sir. and era's. Melvin Tee.
vithick, of Tilbury, visited with
relatives here,
Mr, and Mrs. David Morley
left for Florida on Friday.
Mr. Irving Neil of Chauvin,
Alberta visited with Airs. Wal-
ter Morley and family recently.
Many from this district at-
tended the Mawson-Voisire wed-
ding at Clandeboye United
on Saturday.
rerinsley Cnited Church an-
nual Christmas concert is to be
held on Saturday evening, Dec,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rowe re-
ceived word of the death of
their aunt, Mrs, Ferguson, at
Miss Barbara Glenn spent the
weekend With Miss Betty Bow-
Gift wrap
WI topic
At the meeting of Ilurondale
WI held in Caven l'resiwtertan
('hutch last Wednesday after-
:1)0011 Mr and Mrs. Toni :Mac-
Millan demonstrated Chris:Inas
;;aft wrapping,
During the business conduct-
eel by President Mrs. Hares
Donell, Mrs, Riney Keller,
Me . nougat' and Mrs. Edwin
Millet' were named a cennroit.
tee to look after decorating the
3,egion Ilall for celebralieg the
60th .anniversary of South Huron
WI. to he held sometime in
Mee. Lloyd Balleetyne ee-
ported on time short course 143
lbs. of Meat, Three meetings
had been held and summary
clay is being held at Myth De-
cember 6, Mrs. William Sillery
gave an interesting report of
the London. Area convention,
An invitetion was accepted
from Crediton to meet with.
its members December 11 at
8.15 p.m.
Hostess -Mrs. Harry Strang
was assisted by Mrs, Roylance
Westeott, Mrs, Arthur Rundle,
Mrs. William Westlake, Mrs.
Robert jeffery and Mrs, Frank
The December meeting will
he held at SS 5 Usborne on Fri-
day, December 28 at 2 p.m,
rich, so should be a .favorite
with the whole family,
1 cup finely shredded raw
1 cup finely shredded raw,
',t cup finely shredded raw
peeled apple
1 cup firmly packed brown
to cup sifted all-purpose four
1 tp baking soda
tp salt
1 tp cinnamon
is tp nutmeg
ea tp allspice
cup finely chopped suet
1 cup soft stale bread crumbs
1 cup seedless raisins
1 cup currants.
Mutual Aid Fire Chief Irwin.
Ford has issued .advice to all
householders about .Christmas
season fire hazards:
"In actual, tests, it was, ob-
served that the. average Christ-
mas tree look only 18 seconds
to burn furiously to charred
wood," 1fr Ford said. '"I'his IS
only one of the additional fire
hazards we bring into our
homes during the festive sea-
Sum" Ile named the others as
ppper decorations, gift wrap-
pings, .candles and the greater
load placed on, electrical eir-
cuits through the use of deem:-
ative lights and displays.
Tlw fire chief emphasized the
importance of buying a green,
fresh .tree and keeping It in a
cool place until the time came
to set it up. Maio a fresh
diagonal cut in the tree trunk
and stand it firmly in water,
Plain water is satisfactory in
the container in which the .trunk
of the tree rests but it is most
important to keep this filled
during the tree's stay in the
All tree light cards should be
thoroughly inspected. for frays
and short circuits before they
are . put on the Christmas „tree,
Look for the Canadian gland-
arils Azsociation seal of ap-
proval as the light cords you
may purchase, which is your
assurance that they are safe
from fire and shock hazards,
The average tree bulb uses (ii
Town topics
Mr. and Mrs, John Bruce,
Seaforth, Messrs, Jack and
Stanley Bruce, Miami, Man.,
were Tuesday evening guests of
Mrs, Frank Bruce,
Mr. and, Mrs. Russell. Weaver
visited on Sunday in Hamilton
with Mr, and Sirs. Orville Klee
and son Robert.
Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Cox and.
Michael, spent the weekend
with the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Foster Cox, in Toron-
COR.R.ECTION — Pallbearers
for the funeral of the late Mrs.
J. Yellow on Tuesday, Novem-
ber 27 should have read:
Messrs. Ed, Yellow, Mervyn
Dayman, Robert Frayne, Mel-
vin King, Bert Bissett and Lloyd
Ten years ago less than two-
thirds of Ontario homes had
mechanical refrigeration of any
kind. In 1961, 97 per cent were
equipped with electrical re-
That yule tree.
in 18 ..secondsH,•
day season, "It should lac the
aim of everyone to ensure a
thhaeppf>tiT efi ll;eie.r 'stsaid,C1:1:alSnirt4h174
can he clone by observing a
few stinvIc precaution.."
44414 =4ta'AtvA*44:4,*11*44-*44z-lko4sidNo.Nro--4***41a-.74;0-40.4aots...4,40 re draWeA4kNe3446,404044.4/k0A
Mr, MacMillan showed a film
on the topic and Mrs. MacMil-
lan demonstrated gift wrapping
r„tving many helpful hints. Mrs.
Bruce Cann favored with solos.
Mrs. Robert 'Mayer presided
(;cease and line bottom and for the program.
sides of two 6-inch square fruit
cake pans or two loaf pans
,x5ix2i I with two layers of.
heavy paper and one of waxed
paper. then grease again.
gift perfect..
make her happy'
with new
tie 4 Sutt4t$14i Santo ***IN*
het a handbag Item tius 1146.-
tiny tallattinn, fine tells, -tut
Vahreit,ttsoli straws,-bosi Ottust
Any hOut, any day,
is The good testing drink
theft kick Imo' it boat to
grow on,
From Now Until betetrther
h .
Phone 235;14;51 Mehl Street' Exefet
, ieeteriateieettertereeeitieteilietel*********(fteetieektreeerreter emeeettetiA**tetr*-44iteieeereetieeteetOteettiteeetitteeetieetkeiMeiletieet$
Easiest way
to best,tasting
Exeter 'Dairy
tl$.1144. Gaily Delivery
WelVe '§dy.Cind gold bprentitirti
to cheese as gifts, 'wit) so ofeffy
you'll woof "fa lotiodo youtself. And
*by fast, at these little Prided
iteeetee teee „ • • oditioos."''' a• • --eie,eeoeiieye•eee-rsteeeee.eeeft"eesefiseeefr*.
tt a