HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-06, Page 13The story in. Staff a By MRS. JOHN .TEMPEMAN. WI card party Staffa Women's Institute held successful .eard party in S.S. 4 Hibbert Wool ea',Friday eve- ning, Nov. 30. There were seven tables in play, Reins. aess .Smale„ Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Airs, Carter Kerslake were in charge of the evening. Prize winners were: ladies' high, Miss Olive Speare; low, .Mrs. Ed. 13trtson; gent's high, James Barbour; gent's low, Tom Laing; lone hands, Gordon lloggar tn. Personal items. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Miller and family entertained Mr. and Mrs, Sam 11.1eCµrdy, Kirkton, and Mr, and. Mrs, Wilbur Mil ler and Ken Tuesday evening. The occasion was Mrs, Wilbur Miller's birthday, Joining them for the evening was Mr, and Mrs, Johnny Miller and Kar- en, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dun , can and family and Mr. and Mrs, Ken Duncan and family, Kirkton. Mr, and Mrs, John Temple- man visited on Sunday evening with Mr, and. Mrs. Robert Dun- can, 'Exeter. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Miller and Karen were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hod• gert and Dianne, Thames Road. Eric Norris, OAC, Guelph, spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam .Nar- ris, ti:D.M010:14.16=C2213821161=eit Letter from Kirkton By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS I Euchre The Hall Board sponsored progressive euchre in Aberdeen Hall Wednesday evening, Nov. 28. Prize winners were: Ladies high, Mrs. L. Beckett; lone hands, Mrs, Wilfred Wilson; men's high, Harry Rodd; lone hands, Heber Shute. Personal items Mrs. Delmar Johnson is visit- ing with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cerivens and family of Ro- chester. Mr. and Mrs. George Hall, Mrs. Annie Pearson, Mrs, Mc- Cormick and Bernard visited Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Sid- ney Pearson and family of Galt. Mr. and Mrs, Burns Blackler and family visited Sunday with Air. and Mrs. Harold Henry and family of London. Flowers in the Anglican Church were placed in memory of the late Mr, .Tack Williams. Next week the guest speaker at the church service will be Rev. Jones of Seeger Hall, London. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Switzer visited friends at Kohler and Fenwick on Wednesday. Mr, Granville Sgariglia of Preston visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Switzer. Flowers in the United Church were placed in memory of the late Mrs. Harrah and Mr. Jack Williams. Fellowship club St. Paul's Fellowship Club met on-Sunday evening in the church basement, Jack Round- ell presided for the meeting, Si g h Phyical training -aids development TH.E PHYalcAl, .aPlicATIQN DEPARTMENT Tile purpose of physical education, as of all subjects, is to .aid the 'well-rounded development of all students into re- sponsible citizens, The objectives of the subject are. 1. To promote .the good health and physical fitness of all students, To, develop, fundamental skills, good posture, etc. 3. To promote an interest in physical .activity. 4, To develop llood mental health, i.e,, self ,confidence, courage and initiative, and to encourage proper attitudes to- wards ' other students, 5. To develop leadership abilities. The girls program, led by Miss L, Stegner, includes dancing, volleyball, basketball, general activities such as tumb- ling, and fundamental movements, There has been, in the past few years, a developing trend to include freedom of move- ment in the exercises. The boys' program, under Mr, C. Al. Alickle, includes such activities as fnntball, basketball, volleyball, badminton, track and field, soccer and gymnastics, * * * TRIP TO ROYAL WINTER FAIR Thursday, November 15, some of the boys from the Agriculture department of SHigh visited the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. This group included boys from 10A, 10B„ 10D, grade nine and grade 11. The group viewed the cattle exhibit, car display, flower show, end the winning of the Queen's Guineas. The day was thoroughly enjoyed, although some wished that they had been able to stay to see the horse show, 19 for dale or Rent .. CORNER LOT with large brick home, small barn, 534 Main St„ Exeter. Apply Jean W. Wein, 190 St. Vincent St,„ Stratford, 20:6;100 20 Wanted To Rent BUSINESSMAN desires 3- or 4- bedroom house, fairly modern and oil heat, Phone 235-Q141, Monday to Friday, and Times- Advocate, 235-1331 Saturdays. 6e 22 Hakes $100 Reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the placing , of false fire alarm calls to the Creditors Police Village Volunteer Fire Brigade, Signed, TRUSTEES OF CREDITON POLICE VILLAGE 29;6:13e NOTICE OF MEETING A General Meeting of the Ausable River Conservation Authority will be held on Wed- nesday, December 19, at 2:00 p.m. sharp, in the Town Hall at Parkhill. The agenda will include a discussion of the propos'ed Authority Budget for 1963, a progress report on the Park- hill Dam and year-end reports of the various Advisory Boards. FREEMAN HODGINS, Chairm 6c 23 Legal Notices . NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Nathaniel Ogden, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Nathaniel Ogden, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 24th day of October 1962, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 15th clay of December 1962, after which date the estate will he distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the. Executors, Exeter, Ont. 29:6:13c Average profit per dollar of sales was 4.9 cents in the Canadian manufacturing Indio- try in 1961; the record post- war high was 5.9 cents in 1055. Gerald Paul led in the devo- tional service assisted by Rev, Lyle Bennett. Plans were completed for the Christmas activities. A nomi- nating committee w a s ap- pointed to present a new slate of officers for '63. A social half hour followed. MANY THANKS TO THE PEOPLE OF EXETER I will try my best to measure up to your expectations. Middleton & Genttner PHONE 235.2411 EXETER SOLAR HEAT ENJOY COMPLETE HEATING SERVICE FROM Middleton 6g. Genttner YOUR B-A SOLAR HEAT DISTRIBUTOR $,s C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon., Tees., Thurs., Fri. 9 -12, 2-S Tues. and Fri. Evening, 7 - 9 By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1498 PERCY C. WRIGHT CROMARTY For the next auction sale, call the Wright Auctioneer. Phone 'Hensel' 690r22 Collect OR; J. W. CORBETT L.0,5., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON bevon Building Phone 235'1083 k Exeter Closed 'Wednesday Afternoons USBORNE & HI BERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office Exeter, Ont. Directors Millen McCurdy nit 1 hirktou President Timothy B. Toohey RR 3 Vico-President Lucait William 11. Chalk Mt 4 Mitchell E. Clayton tolquhourt RR 1 Scionte Martin Feeney Art 2 Dublin Robert C, Gardiner Int 1 Cromariy Agents Hugh ilenninger Dublin Harry Coates RR 1 Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Solicitors Mackenzie & ileyntond Exeter Sec rote r y-Treasure r Munn' Fraser Exeter Directory JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St., Across from PUC ST. MARYS PHONE 1272 G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED 'WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235.1680 SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasdnable Rates PHONE 235.0963 EXETER INuerthis Cost you less * BAUER SKATES Pot' the whole latnily Men's as low as 51.75 * SLIPPERS $1,99 & UP Children's, Misses', Boys' and Men's * CURLING BOOTS test value at $8.9i * DACK SHOES As IOW as $19.05 SKATE SHARPENINO * 'PICK UP REPAIRS Shoes left here for over 3O days will be sold, IVItuerthii SHOES 'PHONE 05:061.1 011ia*sdoitiAtitestrAinteigiliknelitrittralntglidt SPECIAL Discounts on beef and dairy concentrates UNTIL DEC. 1_5 Cash in on this 'get Acquaint. ed' offer and convert your full granary into extra profits with a Coop, balanced feeding pro, gram. Grains are deficient in sortie necessary -nutrients. Co. op Concentrates Make Op these deficiencies and give you in• creased 01111c and Meat prodLit. Hon greater profits for you. EXETER DISTRICT Pliorta 23S4081 NEW POWER for '63, Chevrolet has two new -anginas — a 230 to, in. Six 1140 bp) and a 202 cu. in. Six (165 hp). Bbth are 'equipped with 7-bearing traelishaftS, positive cranktaSe ventilation, full-flow oll filter and Oelcbtrori gen- erators. They're the newest Additions to ChevroleNtompletti line et proven performance- tested engines. motel,* -11.0 • " Two NEW set IV stens. tistlt nifty 11,A,416.6 Chevies feature independent tea spring Mint suspensions tor top comfort and inbrbiand NEW Fititb4EL Stranger, more durabla, ladder. tYlit frernee ere 'G3 Chevrolet's beckbone. Each icanit, in each tarlet, bar, .1)11 specifieauy tintered and built td *ant tha 6111660 of load And toad tonditiOni, ir*Ohavtolara stay lit Mak- ing sure that too payload pays off in 'plaits Tor you) "is :- V- • durabIlity.Standard equipment far Mediums' nd Heavies is theiirtilit's new Variable•Betii leaf spring frOlit suSpentider .Bated an Chevrolet's work-proved Vari-Ttate tear SuSpensitin, it -OM. videt better treeking and belittling with tatiutad maintenance, P14 t35.00ts0 SNELL 13ROS, LIMITED they Olds 0 torvale a -Envoy a they yruckt 'EXETER ii ri MAINTENANCE OF SHIGH The maintenance of our school is efficiently carried out by four capable janitors—Mr. R. Collingwood, Mr. G. Parker, Mr. M Beekler, Mr. T. Chambers. Mr. Beckler is in charge of the furnace and the halls, Mr. Chambers takes care of the shop and the rooms at the east end of the hall. Both of them clean the boys' gymnasium, The upstairs and the washrooms are looked after by Mr. Collingwood. The west hill and the offices are cleaned by Mr. G. Parker. The greatest problems encountered by the janitors are dust tracked in to the school by the students and gum left on desk bottoms, Each man spends about 44 hours a week at the school, a total of 176 hours, as well as overtime work whenever there is evening activity. Total annual cost of maintenance at SHDHS is over $11,000. * * The Times-Advocate, Poternber 6, 1962 Page 1/-' 74 Tenders. Wanted DRAIN TENDER ta.NDER TOWN OF. EXETER Sealed tenders will be re- eelvect by the undersigned un- til 12:00. noon, MONDAY, DEC.. 17, lea for the supply of materials and construction of the Keller Muni' •ctnni Drain consisting of ap. proximately. 500 lin, ft, of field the and other work, Plans and speeifieations may bp seen and tender forms obtained at the office of the undersigned or the Engineer, C. P. Corbett, Liman. A bid de- posit of 10%. is required. Low- est or .any tender' not neces- sarily accepted. C, V. PICKARD, Town Clerk, Exeter, Ontario. Go ematfaeralfsest Topics from Mt. Carmel Misses Arlene Desjardine, Alice ftitnmer, Carolyn Hall, Mary Ellen Ryan, Charlotte Regier and Mary Regier spent last weekend at the "Pines", Chatham, Mrs. 'Wm. Patterson and baby daughter from Fort Francis arrived by plane to spend five weeks with the fornier's fa- ther, Mr. Joseph Dietrich and relatives. Mr. Jahn Hall, Joe Houlihan and Edward Houlihan spent the weekend with their par- ents. Mr. Hubert Desjardine has sold his 50 acre farm to Mr. Roy Mawson and son Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hagis' family of London visited with their parents on Sunday in the village, Mr. Joseph Ryan is ill at his home. The OWL of Mt, Carmel par- ish are having a turkey bingo in the parish hall this Friday evening, Dee, 7. Miss Theresa Carey, RN, of London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert . Carey, Donald Mahoney is able to be out after a seige of sickness. Mrs. Gus Morrissey spent Monday in London visiting her son. Benny who is on the sick list, Sets record — Continued from page. 11 the 1962 average for the area showed on 87"0 advantage in yield, The long time average shows Russell 83 bushels and Garry 78 bushels, This year, Russell had a yield of 97 bush- els. Rodney yields About five bushels less than Garry in the area. The trial indicates that the Russell variety has some re- sistance to blackstem which makes it stand up better in years when the disease is prev- alent, Resistance to rust is about equal to Garry, Both are earlier maturing than Rodney. Russell, Garry and. Rodney make up the generally recom- mended varieties for Ontario for 1963. 1-1appenl-nl Bla nc "La;r .ay MRS. qt,APWYN HQQPER Former residents feted The social evening of the 8th line .community association was held at metropolitann. School on Friday, Nov, 30. The evening was spent in pro- gressive euchre with twelve tables in play. Those receiving Prizes were: Ladies high, Mrs, Claire Sisson; ladies IOTA hands, Mrs. Wilford Wilson; ladies low, Very). Hooper; .gents high, Gladwyn Hooper; men's lone hands, Murray Thomson; men's. low, Lloyd Thomson. A presentation was made to Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Knox who recently moved to St. Mar- YS, The address .was read by Malcolm Spence and Harold presented them with a bookcase and a lovely wail mirror, Mr. Knox thanked the community for the gifts and welcomed everyone to .call on them,. Any* time. Mrs. 'Kenneth Parkinson also. told and showed the community the leather handbag and purse of money they had for mrs. Maud mosey who also has left the community and was unable to be present. Lunch was. served by the committee in charge, Mr, and Mrs, Malcolm :Spence, Mr. and Mrs. George Carter, Personal items Miss Marietta Sommerville Was Sunday evening guest of Miss Marion Thomson, Mr, and Mrs. Claire Sisson were Sunday guests of gr. and Mrs. Fred. Fetch of ,Strathroy, Mr, and Mrs. Archie Camer- on and Howard of Watford were Friday guests .of gr. And 'Mrs. Claire sisson, Mrs, I.ottie Jones of St. Ma, rys spent Thursday and Friday with ,Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones. Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Thack- er and family visited Sunday afternoon with gr. and Mrs. Eyed RAtti§vv of a. Miss Ann Pgrisimort took mt. 14 the public school service in Main. Street United Church, Mitchell en Sunday evening. Westcoff thanks Usborne I would like to thank all the voters who sup- ported me at the polls on Monday for councillor in Usborne for 1963. F, Ward Hein * * RALPH BAILEY check these important advantages: • B•A SOLAR HEAT—scientifically compounded to give you maximum heat value and clean burn- ing efficiency, • B•A SOLAR P.AA—free anti-corrosion treatment of your fuel oil lank. • B-A BUDGET PLAN—easy payments for heating oil spread over 10 months • ANNUAL TUNE•UP PROGRAM—keeps your heating unit in peak operating condition. • DEPENDABLE DELIVERY—automatically ad- justed to weather conditions. • B•A HEATING FINANCE PLAN—for both new 'furnace installations and conversions. Low down payment—small carrying charge—five years to pay. THE NEW RELIABLES ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 235.0991 Business 0:141-SeetirtitotterseleiegisisteecigtersleSelialevrete KEN DUNCAN I • BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER. D. BELL, C. V. LAtiGirl'ON, Q.C., LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons PHONE 235.0440 EXETER DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235.0233 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For AppOiritment Ph '235.2433 MAtKENZIE tt RAYMOND AR-RISTERtp SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC CHARLES 14, MACKENZIt 13, COMM.. LL.B. PETER L. RAYMOND, 13.A. Open Monday to Friday PHONE 235.2234 EXETER 1963 Chevrolet trucks proved their mettle before they went on sale. To do this, six Chevrolets were taken across the continent for a 2,00d mile shakedown run through same of the wildest terrain in North America—the Baja Calitornia peninsula in Mexico, Chevrolet's power, performante anti depend- ability paid off —.the entire tun was -completed Without a tireakdOwn, failure or delay; and With only normal maintenance! That's how '6 Chevrolet trucks got the name "The New Reliables". This nroiren reliability Is built into every '63 Chevrolet truck. Whether you run 'em cross. country or 'min.-town, '63 thevies will deliver what they prornisel ttt the facts today, from your lotal Chevrolet truck dealer, then youll know. Chevrolet payt offl Be to see Bonanza on itte 'C8C- THANKS USBORNE ELECTORS Your support at the polls was sin. cerely appreciated, ONLY CHEVROLET OFFERS THIS 'PROVEN PAY-OFF IN POWER, PERFORMANCE AND DEPENDABILITY HE M A GENERAL morons VALUE . 1 y . IR tRUCKS V network each Sunday. OW( your local liet(hg for 'channel; arid tithe. ;04614