HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-06, Page 8. ..... • •.• • " • , • •
The Times-Advocate, Decem,Per .6, 1962
-Farrow nips Elliott
ro share top , honors
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Comfortable bucket seats'
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Pontiac * Buick « Vau3chall GMC Trucks * Bedford"Vans
"The New Car King of Huron County"
Topics from
Personal items
Mrs. Klahre joined with for-
mer business associates on Sat-
urday when Miss Claire Arkell
of London entertained at a
luncheon party in Simpson's
Arcadian Roam.
Mr, Richard Hodgins is a pa-
tient in St, Marys Memorial
Mr. Allen Hodgins attended
the 4-11 banquet on Friday
evening at St. Marys Presbyte-
rian- church,
Mr;and Mrs. Alex Baillie and
Ma. Cora Morley were Thurs-
day' guests with Mrs, Minnie
Squire, Kirkton.
Mrs. Melville Gunning visited
in. Exeter on Tuesday with Miss
Elhr Towle.
.M.r, and Mrs. Arnold Sher-
win; London, visited on. Sun-
daY. with Mrs. Cora Morley. .
r. and Mrs. Don Pullen,
Guelph, visited on Sunday with
Mr and Mrs. Milne Pullen.
:qr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith,
Gwiin Eleanor and Keith of
Shallow Lake were Sunday 'visi-
tors.' with Mr. and Mrs. La-
verne Morley..
Aft, and Mrs. Alex Bantle
spent the weekend in London
visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
ThoS. Simpson and. Miss Cora
Nuttycomb, London, and Mr.
and:,. Mrs. Bill McNaughton of
The LTCW will meet on Thurs-
day;:afternoon in the church.
Arr. and Mrs. Alton Neil, Mr.
and-Airs. Ken Hodgson, Mr. and
MrS: William Morley were Sat-
urday night guests of Mr. and
:Mrs; Gerald Hern, Zion. The
dinner was honoring the birth-
days of Mrs. Morley, Mr. Ger-
ald ',Herz and son Larry.
Mrr. and Mrs. Gordon John-
Son,. and family visited Friday
ening with Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Johnson, London.
!'the comforts
',P0/1011.4 Items.
Teams .alter 's good year Heather and Michael', Were Sat-
Air, and Airs. Hugh Davis, name
urday evening guests at the
• home of Air .and Mrs. Howard in rec b-ball loop
KAY STARTS. 'TONIGHT the social hour,
\WA notes'.
TWa of last week's leaders
Maintained their position in the
tnen,s curling rage, but Sandy
Billott'S foursome were 'heeded
their first loss to drop back
into third spot in. Tuesday's
Claude Farrow handed the
Elliott squad their first defeat
with „close 817 setback to
move into a tie for first place
with Art .•Cann, who picked up
.n win in an extra end after
tying Bob. Jeffrey 10-1Q.
The wins gave the two rinks.
R , total of 35. points, four more
than last week's leaders, who
have only a two-point lead on
a rink skipped by Harvey Pol-
in Monday, night action, Glenn
Mickle continued his . relentless
quest for top honors by scoring
another 14-point win with a 13.2
decision over Tom Vickerman.
The win gave Mickle's rink
a total of 41. points, seven.
more than Ken McLaughlin's,
second place outfit. Ken Otte-
well holds third place with 32,
two, less than McLaughlin,
while John ,Gent411 is in fourth.
with points,
A third straight win by Lee
Webber enabled him to hold his
grasp on first place in, the
Thursday evening group, but
Lee Learn kept pace only two
Points behind with his third
win as well.
Webber pleked up 13 points
with his 13.6 win over Bill
Allan, while Learn had to set•
tle for 12 with a 12-4 decision
over Lorne Passmore,
Mae Hodgert m o v e d into
third plaee in the group with
Clarence Down who dropped to
30 points, three more than
fourth following his 9.6 loss to
Harry Snell,
Honor's for the most lopsided.
win of the week went to Alig ,
kle's rink with their easy win
over Vickerman,
Results are as follows:
John (Ionian 10-Don Graham 4
Ken Otrewell 10-Dick ;terms]) 7
K, McLaughlin 10-D., Roelason
Glenn Mickle 13-T. Vickerman 2
Busche 11-Carman 00.1111
Passmore 9-41, McTavish
Bev 31argtin ln-B. Middleton 1,7r1 Brady 11-17111 MacLean n Charlie Smith 15-Ernie cerson 10
A. Western' Seld on 4
Claude Farrow X.-Sandy Elliot 7
Art Cann 10-Bob ;Jeffrey 10
Allan Elston 12-Harvey Cowen 6
Harvey Pollen 11-Carr Cann 6
Russ Snell 7-Ed Fink 6
Bill Lamport 12-ftos Taylor 7
Mae Hodgert 12-H, Truernner 3
Lee Learn 12-h, Passmore 4
Charlie Shane g--•M. Sanders S
Harry Snell 9-Clarence Down 6 B. Stantalie 5-Ralph Bailey 7 '
Lee IVehber 13-Bill Allan 6
There was only one minor
change in the ladies' curling
race this week as the rinks
reached the half way mark in
their battle for the Exeter
Dairy trophy.
Each of the four leaders from
last week maintained their
winning ways, but C a t h
Southcott moved into sole pos-
session of top spot in the Tues-
day play with her close 8.6 win
over Barb Bell.
The win gave her 11 points,
while Bernice Cann dropped
back to second by only picking
up .10 points in her win over
Jessie Shane, However, the
Cann rink is only one point be-
hind the leaders,
Maida Geiser maintained her
unbeaten string in Wednesday
night action with a hard-
fought 5.4 win over Helen Jer-
myn and she now leads Helen
Burton's second place squad by
six points,
Maxine Graham is in third
Report on
Airs. Allan Collie of London
spent several days lost week
with her daughter, Airs. Pon
Adams, Mr.. Adams and grand ,
sons, Mark and. Brock.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank. Moreno
of Detroit visited on Monday
with .the Morere, families.
Mrs. George Sherritt
turned to her home at Calgary,
Alberta, on Friday after spend-
ing several weeks visiting with
relatives here and in other
parts of Ontario.
Mr, and Airs, Hugh Norm
attended the funeral of Airs.
morene uncle Mr. Milton Stew-
art at Seaforth on Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love ac-
eompanied by Miss May Hod-
gins - and Mr. Mansel Hodgins
spent Friday at Petrolia and
Mr. and Airs. Elgin Webb,
Air. and Airs. • Mansell, Mason
of Grand Bend and Air, and
Mrs, Emery Mason from West-
ern Canada were Friday eve-
ning guests with Mr, and Airs.
Arthur Finkbeiner.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Russell
and family spent the weekend
with relatives in St. Catherines
and attended a surprise birth-
day party tor Mrs. Russil's
mother, Airs, Edgar Webb,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love of
Exeter visited Sunday with
Air, and Mrs. Ross Love.
Mr, and. Mrs, Chris Baum-
garten and Mrs. Alice Mason
were. Sunday visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. Charlie Brown at
Mr, and Mrs. John Lovie of
the Mollard Line visited Sun-
day with Mrs. M. Baker.
Air. Allan Merner of Sea•
forth spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheppard.
spot, two points behind the
Burton foursome.
Thursday's leaders also had
a narrow escape as they man-
aged only a 7-6 win over Dor-
othy Elder, but Janie McDow-
ell's four now lead the division
by four points.
Lois Learn also eked out a
7.6 win in her match but
dropped back three more points
to what she was last week. In
third spot is Audrey McDon-
ald's rink with 26 points, while
Helen Mickle and Lois Otte-
well are still in contention with
25 and 24 respectively,
The scores of last week are
as follows:
Ellen Xnitt ht 7-Willa Wuerth 4
'Bernice Cann 10-Jessie Shane 5
C, Southrott S.-Barb Bell 6
Kay .Eiston 12-Lois Hem g
jean Pecille 13-Lee Dobbs 5
Edith Boyle 9 (n')-T4 Seigner I
iiaxine Graham 10-M, Martin 7
Helen Burton g-Edna, Busche
Maida. Raiser 5-1-Telen jermyn 4
Lois Otteivell 9-Verna Pink 2
.1, McDowell 7-Dorothy Elder 6
A. 'McDonald 9-m, Fletcher 5
Lola Learn 7-Helen Welsh-. 6
The L7seter rec basketball.
loop opens tonight (Thursday/
with no major changes except
an apparent deviations in :mot,.
als one squad,
Instead of the .Trivitt Me.
morial Angels., a squad with
the unexplained name of Moon-
shiners will eavert in the four,
learn loop.
at Legion 'bingo.
Mrs. Wilfred. Doupe won two
turkeys at the Legion bingo.
last Wednesday evening in the
Legion Hail, Airs, Matthew
Finkbeiner won a turkey and
two chickens and Mrs, William
Haley took home both a turkey
and a chicken,
Other turkey winners were
Mrs. Wedge, Mrs, Van 0.ev..
elen, Mrs. Mat'g Edwards,
Bert Ca seuza a, Mrs, Len
Dilkes and Miss Sharon Far-
reit, Centralia.
Also winning chickens were
Bob Sockett, Don Aevro, Mrs,
Lorne Finkbeiner, Ray Smith,
Wart-en Sanders, Mrs. Wil-
son, Greg Wragg, Mrs. Ross
Embley, Mrs. Norm Heaman,
Roy Pepper, Bob Kirk, Hugh
Patterson and Charles Glan-
ville, Hensall.
There were 105 in attend-
Budget from
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Weiberg
spent part of last week with
their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. John Kumnich of
Mrs. Al. H. Elston visited a
few days during the past week
with Mrs. R, W. James and.
Miss C. Johnston in St. Thomas
and called on other friends
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
John McAllister on Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Triebner and
son Teddy of Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner
and family were guests of Air,
and Mrs, Alvin Pym, Exeter,
on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Blair and
family were guests of Mr. Ern-
est Hicks and Mrs. Priscilla
Penwarden of Exeter on Friday,
Mrs. Murray Abbott and
Mrs. Mervin Elston were guests
of Mrs. Karl Weiberg and Mrs.
Lorne Weiberg on Tuesday,
Visitors during the week with
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Elston
were their cousins, Mr. and
Airs. Humphrey Arthur, St.
Marys, and Mr. and Mrs, Ar-
dean Randall of Wyoming.
One of the other squads. has. also changed its name from the
Scarlet Raiders to the Flying
Farmers and they. will cone..
Pete with the Zurich Hustlers
and the Perapetic Pedagogues,
carrying the same names as
last season,
b elare r teeaaenhl s T 1%1 sYtt a )4 n g°11titb Ifs;
the SIIDHS gym and spectators
are welcomed with no admission
being charged. First game gets
under way at 7;00 p.m., while
the. second tilt starts at $:15
Interested players are still
invited to join any of the
The first night's action sees
the defending Zurich Hustlers
tackling the Moonshiners in the
first game, while the .1:1-Pers
go against the Flying Farmers
in tile second tilt,
The complete schedule is as
SCHTOULE, 1962•63
6-'m oons hI ne rs vs. 'Hustlers -p•rs vs. r, mirmers
rarmers vs, Moonshiners
Hustlers va, P-P's
20-No Games
27-t'. 'Fa rmers cs. :u hallers
Moonshiners vs, P.P's
a-Hustlers vs. :51 onus:hitters
P-P's as, 10, Fanners
10-MoonshIners vs. P. Farmers
H ustl ors vs. B-P's
17-p-1"s Vs, MoonshIners
Jo, Farmers vs, Hustlers
24-Hustlers va, :1-a1oonshiners
F, Farmers Va. P-P's
11-P.t'a vs. Hustlers
'Moon sh ne rs vs. F. Farmers
On Tuesday .afternoon. the.
members of St. _Patrick's. WA.
met at the home of Airs. Heber
Davis for their Christmas geth-
ming, Rev, and Airs, L. Ben-
nett led in the devotional period.
The trea.mrer, Mrs, l']arl. At-
kinson, reported all commit-
ments met .and the balance
voted to the church fund. Airs,
Maurice McDonald showed
surplus in the sick fund. Airs,.
Harvey Latta read the eNtra ,,
cent,a.day .contributions and
the treasurer of the birthday
box, Airs, Earl Greenlee, read
her report.
The ladies quilted and Airs,
Clarence Davis and Airs, Earl
Greenlee assizted the hostess at
McDonald, fAlCao.
On Thursday afternoon Airs.
Dean Gibson sponsored a brush
demonstration at the parish
hall, the funds to go to the.
Guild treasurer of the church.
Airs. Lawrence ..Cen•
(retie, was the demonstrator,
Jack i1.ndIrA,Irasi.:,ti.,.;: r A1,31,rtosr,i Abbott,ipeak,r1:17
were Sunday guests with Mr.
asM r.airAt'no.Aliti ssFir oby4, St, Thom-
Spent .Sunday with Miss. 4Q1111*
.son's, sister And brother-M-14w,
\b'14.-.$ noc. iriaM
on Su
(14O1,1. s4%ainncgt.
Mt. and Mrs. Stan .Zachar
called on the Johnsons.
Only minor changes
in ladies' competition
7-Hustlers vs. F, Farmers
Moonshiners vs. P-P's By MRS. M. E LSTON 74-Moonshiners vs. Rustlers
P-P's vs. F, Farmers 2 _,Hust i ers P-P's
F. Farmers vs, MoonshIners
26-F, Farmers vs. Hustlers
P-P's vs. Moonshiners
Dining facilities for banquets
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Top Quality Coal
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Both trimmed and untrimmed collars. Sizes 8
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Sale $21,00 to $54,00 1,
Just Arrived!
Shetland Sweaters
Another shipment of the famous Glen Ayr C:
Kitten Shetland Sweaters in all of the Ir
popular shades, $8.95 to $12.95 rt.
Lady=Ann Botany Wool shrink-proof
Long-sieeve pullOvers $5.05
Long.sleeve cardigans $6,95
Let Him Choose
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Give him a Stetson min-
iature hat and gift cer,
tificate for the hat of his
choice $5.95 to $8.95.
Ladies' Curling Sweaters $17.95
Stretch Slacks $12.05 to $19,95
Glen Ayr Kitten
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