HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-06, Page 5.LOCAL SERVICE' 3% CREDIT TOWARD PURCHASE OF TOYS CHRISTMAS SAVING I Delivered and Guaranteed RYSDALE CREST Phone 11 Hensall Hardware Yoor Prigidahlt bailor for ildrisAll, Exeter and Surrounding Districts tttiotte-eteieae*iet.*te!*it.(wotita.erie,t•totp'to;((ee;-raeitto'eaeoara'•ttnte,ettattiieateotge.-e*etm'eao,t*tnno*tier,ts•*onireteee*''''," Youcanitioi • _•-•••,- O'IF you feos, . 'Pr . „ ALL1IN These slays most people wort 'under preesure, worry 'More, sleep lees. This Strilii on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose—harder to regain, Today'stenseliving,olierwork,.worry-4. • any of these may affect 'florins] kidney' action: When kidneys get Out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the *Olen. Then backache, disturbed rest, "tired-out" feeling often follow,,That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney rills, Dedd'eatiftmlate the kidneys to normal. itction. Then .yeie 'fe0 'better-sleep better.-Werk hotter. Aek for Dodd'a • Kidney fills at all drug counter, tt• ....wee-nies enrolled AL the Brownie enrolment ceremony held. In the. base- ment of the Hensall United Church on. Tuesday, November 27, at 4 p.m,, Brown Owl, Mrs. :Robert Cook assisted by Tawny Owl, Mrs, Jack Drysdale, enrolled the seven Tweenies into the First Hensall Brownie Pack. They were: Carmen Currie, Allison Fiford, Shirley Smale, Julie Heal, Pauline Allan, Shelley Bonthron and Cathy Fuss, District Commissioner Mrs. Thomas Lavender, assist- ed by Tawny Owl, made pre- sentations of Golden Bars to Jackie Simmons, iris Alex- ander, Sandra Munn and Joyce Johnston. Beth Cook received her Gol- den Hand. Athletes badges were given to Joyce Johnston, Dorothy Kipfer, Linda May, Mary Mock and Margaret Allan. Skaters badges were re- ceived by Beth Cook, Margaret Allan, Cathy McEwen and Peggy Vanstone, A game, "The Magic Car- pet", .was played by the Brownies .under the direction of sixer Janie Smith, During pow wow everyone enjoyed Mrs, Lavender's timely Christ- mas story, "The True Tree of Christmas", specially written for the enrolment. At the colse of the program, Madam Commissioner took the salute. Fractures leg Sandy Ingram, fiye-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ing- ram, fell while playing in the barn at his home and fractured his leg. He was taken to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, for X-rays and treatment. Cromarty fetes .pairs By .KAN. ..fAcKg14,A.R. CIIOMARTY A few neighbors surprised Mr. and Mrs.- Filiner Chappel on Tuesday evening, November 27; the occasion being their 25th w ,d,ct i .31 g anniversary.. gttelire was played during the evening, An address was read by Mrs. Harvey Dow and Mrs. Chappet was presented with a silver comport by Mrs. Wes- ley Russell .and Pilmer re. eeived. a sterling sliver tie- Mr. and Mrs. Chappel made suitable replies- M►s. C. Meicaig presented Mrs, Ernie' Harburn 'with a box of .checo. totes as it was also her birth. clay. Personal items ,Mr, Jack Currie of Winnipeg called on many old 'friends and acquaintances in this vicinity .last week, Mrs, T, .L. Scott was guest speaker at the Tit ankoff ering meeting of Caves) WMS, Exe- ter, which was held recently. The young folk of the com- munity serenaded the newly weds Mr. and Mr. Reg. Fin- layon on Saturday night and enjoyed a chivari party. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doug- las and family were at ftlmbro on- Saturday attending the fun- eral of Mr. Douglas' father, the late Mr, Walter Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jef- ferson of Munro visited on Sat- urday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing. Mr, and Mrs, Don. Richt and family of Sebringville were. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Airs, John Jefferson. bell, Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Wm. Smale and Mrs, Kyle were prize winners. Airs. Pearl Shaddick is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. Charles Eckel is also a patient, Mr. William Henry is a pa- tient in Clinton Public Hospital, Mr, and Mrs. Victor Blatch- ford of Arkona were guests on. Friday with Mr, and Mrs. C. L. finks. Hensall Kinsmen are sponsor- ing their annual peanut drive this Thursday, 'December 6 commencing a canvass of the village at 7 p.m. ......... iiriessege from Report on Thames Road gy MRS. WILLIAM RQHDE Blake - At a recent draw at the J.GA Mr, and. Mrs. Roy Nickels, store in. Hensall Mrs, Ross Sharon and Alan of London vis- Love was a winner of 1,000 lied, recently with Airs. Jennie stamps, Mrs. William Kyle 425 Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Wit- and Mrs, Robert McGregor Liam Snow. 425, Air, and Mrs. Lloyd Knight and Linda were guests on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cowdrey of. Metropolitan, People from Elimville and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones Thames Road churches met at and boys visited Friday eve- the manse on Monday evening ning with Mr. and Mrs, Keith to learn of the new study "The McBride of the Goshen Line and Word and the Way", on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Love of the Parr Line, Mr, and Mrs. Elzar Mous- seats and Mr, and Mrs. W. L. DRAIN TILE tAill)eltli,s,mspicehn.t the weekend in De- Mr, and Mrs. John Long, of Owen Sound, visited Tuesday and Wednesday with Mr. and. Mrs, N. Long. Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrotig of Staffa and Mr. Robert Baker, Hensall, were Saturday visitors. Visitors during the week with. Mrs, E. Dawson included Mr. and Airs. James Aitcheson, Sea- forth, Mr. William Clarke, Brucefield, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Winthrop. Airs, Jack Borland is in Mr. and. Mrs, Grant Love, of Mount Hope staying with her Caro, Mich., visited recently father, Mr, E, J. Willard, while with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mc- her mother is in the hospital. Bride and Sharon and other rel- atives. Mrs, Jim Love, of the Parr Line, spent Wednesday in To- ronto. 4"—$55 per M Feet Del'd. 5"—$85 per M Feet Del'd, 6"—$110 per M Feet Del'd. 7"—$155 per M Feet Del'd. 8"—$185 per M Feet Del'd. Above prices based on 1000 Linear Feet, in full truckloads or more, delivered within 35 mile radius of our plant. For detailed prices on all sizes tile, either delivered or F.O.B. our plant at Elginfield, write or phone RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD., RR 2 London — Phone 227-4721 Lucan, Wieners PEAMEALED Back Bacon ASSORTED 6-0Z. VAC-PAKS Cold Cuts 4111% F AE C 17 GOLDEN YELLOW Bananas NO, I 29c CALIFORNIA 24'S NO, I Lettuce 2 a 29' MAXWELL HOUSE 4e OFt PACK Coffee 1-La B 65c ROSE BRAND Margarine 2 B 5 t 4 AL's HENSALL 2-lbs, SLICED 690 LB« 65 P '••••• ... Carmel WM$ elects officers Mrs. 4arl. 'CaniPPell Att34(1.0(1 for the Christmas nieetin_„.0 tit C r I P W resbyterian M' Uhl Monday: evening. A life membership .certifi. gate was presented . to. Mrs. ,00nit Uwe. Mrs, 'Campbell. was assisted by Miss liA3111A31 141,14rrab Mrs. l'grOy and Mrs. Edgar ;Monti Iter0 Campbell, Mrs. Len in 1110 devotionaL Mrs. Itoss MacDonald gave the •Christmas message. Christmas boxes will be packed at the home of Mrs. Basil. Edwards Wednesday, De- cember 12, The officers for 1963 will be: President, Mrs., Earl Camp- bell; vice president, Mrs, Per- cy Campbell; secretary, Mrs, Harvey Hyde; treasurer, Mrs. Edgar Munn; supply secretary, Mrs. Basil Edwards; Glad Tidings, Mrs. E, Munn; home helper, Mrs. Stewart McQueen; pianist, Mrs, Edgar Minn. Ladies Aid followed and of- ficers for 1963 are: President, Miss Hannah Murray; vice- presidents, Mrs, John Soldan and Mrs. Frank Wright; secre- tary, Mrs. R. A. Orr; treas- urer,. Mrs, Clarence Volland; group leaders, Mrs. Frank Wright; Mrs, Harvey Hyde and Mrs. John Soldan„ Personal items Miss Beth Murdock of Bruce- field was taken by Bonthron ambulance Sunday evening to Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. Fred Kennings returned home on Monday of this week after a months vacation spent with his daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Heddee and family, St. Catha• sines, Mr, Orville liedden, St. Cath- arines, visited over the week- end with his brother, Herb Fled- den. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bonthron left .Friday by motor to spend. their winter vacation in Flor- ida. The beautiful large Christ- mas tree illuminated with nu- merous colored lights on the lawn of the Be-N-jay Beauty Salon is being much admired, Attending the 30th anniver- sary birthday party of Clinton Auxiliary Wednesday, Nov. 28 were Mrs. Garnet Allan, Mrs. Howard Smale, Mrs. Gordon Munn, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Harry Horton Mrs. Grant Bis- back, Mrs. Harold Campbell, Mrs. William Forrester, Mrs, William Smale, Mrs. Byran Kyle from Hensall, Mrs. Camp- egtvw*,41:41.01-merete!,Atoteteteivsi. ;44, PLUS FREE Electric Blanket ONLY 0 "A s LEFT 1 To Get The Double Dividend! Frigid airs QUALITY DRYER Page .5 .P.o.c.orh.her .4., 1942 mall and district news. CORR E SPONDENTS. Mrs, Maude .friodclon, Phone 5 Mr.s, Archie MacGregor, Phone 56 UCW bazaar realizes $500 Decorations in snowflake mo- tif formed an attractive setting in the Sunday School rooms of Itensall United Church Satur- day, December 1 for the UCW snowflake bazaar, Red poinsel, las, honey and evergreens ac- cented the windows and autumn flowers flanked by red tapers in silver holders decorated the tea tables. The bazaar was a success with over $500 cleared, Patrons attended from Almonte, Mich,, London, Stratford, Seaforth, Clinton, Centralia, Exeter, Kip- pers, Brucefiled, Thames Road and Zurich. Mrs. E. T. Rowe, president, and Mrs, H, F. Cur- rie formed the reception com- mittee, and Mrs, Currie gave. the welcome address. Floral ar- rangements were by the five units. Conveners of booths were, fancy work and aprons, unit .1, Mrs. E, Chipchase, leader; bake table, unit 2, Mrs. Jack Drysdale; Christmas novelties and knitting, unit 3, Mrs. Dave. Kyle; attic treasures and candy, unit 4, Mrs, James McAllister; tea room, unit 5, Mrs. W. B. Cross and Mrs, N. E. Cook; bid- den treasures, Mrs. C, Chris- tie. Personal items Mr, Ferris Canlelen, of Cooks- spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Chapman. Mr. Robert Lambie, who has been a patient in Westminster Hospital, London, for several weeks, underwent an appendix operation last week. Mrs. Edna Corbett was a weekend visitor with her son- in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Archie MacGregor. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chaffe and Joey, of Mitchell, were re- cent visitors with Mrs. Chaffe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett. Mrs. 'William Soldan is a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Visitors with Mrs. Hugh Mc- Murtrie were her sisters, Mrs. A, E. Northey of Cameron, and Mrs. Ross Dick of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex .McAlurtrie of Toronto. Sugar and spice — Continued from page 4 at. this nude painting, Judic- iously. Rocking a bit on the heels. Pursing the in thoughtfully. Squinting care- fully with the head cocked on one side. I figured that was what a Man of distinction would be doing while he wait- ed for his wife. The salesman hovered dis- creetly. Asked him how much it was. He said seven-fifty. Told him I'd take it. He want- ed to know if I'd like a cheque form. Told him I'd pay cash. Pulled out a ten-spot. Simul- taneously discovered that he meant seven hundred and fifty And that my wife was standing two feet behind me. * * ti* was still trying to convince her that I was interested only in the. remarkable tone of the painting, when wo ran into old John Meisel, Hadn't seen him since the days when the mob Used to arrive at Our plaPe with a case of suds, a salami, a guitar and a number of rid• lotions but, refreshing ideas. le's a university professor now. What did we talk about? Old times? Our teaching sobs? World affairs? The new book lie's written? Nope. He has squirrels in his attic too, and we spent a happy and profit- les two.hour lunch discussing means of eliminating the little brutes without being cruel. An interesting day. And all because I bought smile nets winter Outerwear. it's the first lime my wife has let me go to the Pity in the winter for four years. $3,000 TO $12,000 PER YEAR LEARN HOW easily you can make $3,000 to $12,000 per year At homed Get this NEW Book "A small Business of your own". SEND $2.00 (refund- able) Relex Inc.; 10 E-, St. James, Montreal; Glue. Kinette group treats families The Kinette Club entertained their husbands and families at a t iristrnas party in the local auditorium of the arena Sun- day afternoon. Following an hour of skating a smorgasbord turkey dinner with all the trimmings was served, Santa was present to distribute gifts and treats to the children, At the meeting of the Nineties at the home of Mrs. William. Clement a donation was voted to the Salvation Army, Mrs. John Deitz, convenor of ways and means, reported that the Christmas cakes would be on display in. Irwin's Ladies Wear Window for the week be- fore the draw which will take place Saturday, December 8, Mrs. Les Parker was a guest from the Exeter Kinettes. The next meeting will be held De- cember 12. See pits of Hawaii At their Christmas meeting held Monday evening UCW unit 3 under the leadership of Mrs. Dave Kyle entertained their husbands and several guests, Mrs, Jack Corbett was in charge of the devotional se- ries, For entertainment Mrs, Doug Cook and. Walter Spencer pro- vided a humorous skit, Mrs. Robert Pryde, a piano solo: Mrs. Wm. Fuss a vocal solo, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Fuss showed films of Hawaii, A so- cial hour and lunch concluded the evening. Personal items Mrs. Glenn Goff and daugh- ter, of Sarnia, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ian Mc- Allister and. Mr, and Mrs, James McAllister. Mr. James MeEwen, of To- ronto, spent the weekend at his home here, LIBBY'S FANCY Cream Corn OR LIBBY'S Fancy Peas 15-01. TINS tilli A "c 43 f° I 4 7 Joy LIQUID DETERGENT FREE CORSAGE 24-01, 8 9 c Javex Liquid Bleach 32.02. 23 c Fleecy Laundry Rinse 32,07:,,, 9 c * 9-Lb. Dry Load * Automatic Time Clock Control * Safety Switch * Porcelain Drum * 5-Temperature Heat Control $179 uaelf,i•to•sts-a?Lti..gativISivgrotierosOiges• t*SigWorreittgA „t.il,u2lItetafutiqtAtslMs:?Pit MODEL DDA-62 Personal. Items Mrs. William ThonISOn of Exeter, Mrs. William. Rohde visited with their cousin, Mrs. Clarence Moir of St. Marys who is a Memo rialtepnitl, 1.1;4 Maryson lerirjay afternoon. M1% and. Airs, Afnicr „raw more, David, Dennis, Darlene and Pals were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Miss Dixon ,of :tiuronvieW, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pyro spent lehls4y..isirel. withMrs' Ginger :Miss .14'1;141 .0.afii .tClreldjts,Artlitir.Heard the weekend with Miss Pearl nia over :the :past weekend. and family, ,of. Anderson, were Vanstone at Rondeau Park. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wanner of Sarnia 04 .S44- day evening. a ..ao nqn Ils...131.uinika,sor,nia;‘1;; evening h :OrtryjpodrMi eelSrisb: MmrsTM:neAtei:Fas1 :ohLnlaarr Sunday guests with Mr. and -No rich, d illiam Mrs. George Kellett, of Exeter, v 11It s, Riney isited ur _daTyl:e wi th tahk e Yvonne ee cGhionoale entruber and. Dale Beckert in Air. and. Mrs. Warren Brock charge of the meeting. of Exeter, Miss Hazel Stewart Monday. f ri en d s And n eigh. osvfi Byron.. av4edredr'llu.rEsddawyingu:isiltls. Bobnn attended his funeral On et!' bore of the late Mr. Gustov Blue Bird Comments. about Kippen By MRS, NORMAN LONG. Personal items Ala Elferd return- ed borne from St. Joseph's Hos. ,pital, London, on Saturday after having been a patient there for a week. Mrs. Ernest Pym visited with her brother and sinter-in-law, Mr, and Airs. George Andrew, of Longwood on Thursday and Friday. Diamond and Wedding RINGS We have a large selection of Clocks,, Jewellery, Watches' China, Silverware Watch and Clock Repairing e Specialty Albert Hess Jeweller and Optician ZURICH Be-N-Jay BEAUTY SALON Phone 236 Hensel' • TINTING • SETTING • STYLING Tues., Wed. & Sat,, 9 to 6 Thurs. & Fri., 9 to 9 WE FEATURE School Girl Perms—$6.00 Regular $8.50 The New Styles Wing or T-B • n atom, low... ptices Steaks 7519)