The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-12-06, Page 2Gerry's Barber Shop MAIN STREET 2 Barbers EXETER "'Thank You For YourPatronage. IT'S OUR SIXTH ANNIVERSARY AND WE STILL ENJOY SERVING YOU were approved', inoluchng the .expeoses to attend a 1g-Week permanent appointment of Con- :pollee school At Aylmer, stable Harry- V: Bergen to the: the 1,tiririg or :Fire Chief :1.rW01; force, the underwriting or his Ford during .Rergen's: absence. m..0.,!,t,:w.,s,w,emidttq,{$,,o:;,,tovo.viciotei'eki%71Ci-ct1tO.WJEtniiltai:tttro?.AMO.c474.(111ttrIPAsitikrW:e, 'It would be more exciting if the same side didn't always win," Norm Walper Plays Santa Claus! Outstanding Gift Package WIND SONG SKIN PERFUME & COLOGNE $3.75 FOUR ASSORTED PERFUMES $3.00 THREE ASSORTED COLOGNES $4.50 COLOGNE, PERFUME, POWDER $4.50 FOR PRESTIGE GIFTS CANDIES 2,25 VA Pounds Delicious JENNY L1ND CHOCOLATES with Removable Corsages for Holiday Wear, *t*A7t$t1155=Ant-.1rss's/t1*5;t5ttaxt4sAwtssstoltis=m55rAnss Roolor packages Christmas wrapped from I lb,. Sibs, 235.1570 EXETErio FIRST MORTGAGES FARMS *iolr RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Prompt, Confidential Service THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY Established 1889 Contact Our Representative: JOHN BURKE REALTOR and INSURANCE PHONE 235.1863 EXETER YOUR CHOICE! Free Electric Blanket or Free Installation or Outside Dryer Vent OUR GIFT CERTIFICATE for a famous tallored-to-measure TIP TOP TAILORS SUIT includes HIS selection of pattern and style, PLUS FREE WHITE SHIRT FREE SOCKS AND TIE! A complete wardrobe for the price of the still alone! Here's an-offer never before made by any men's wear store in Canada— a value that satisfies every man's desire to step out in a completely new, matching ensemble. The ideal Christmas gift for any man. This spectacular gift package proves again that Walper's gives you by far the best value in men's weal'. HERE ARE TWO MORE OUTSTANDING CHRISTMAS BUYS AT WALPER'S * DELIVERED & SERVICED * S,TEMP. HEAT CONTROL * PORCELAIN DRUM * SAFETY SWITCH * AUTOMATIC TIME CLOCK CONTROL * 9.POOND DRY LOAD 1 Limited Quantity SPORT SHIRTS by Arrow, Bluestone, Currie $295 Reg, Values to $6.50 FREE '2.95 CURLING CAP with the purchase of a CURLING SWEATER NOW! See the greet new "Ernie Richardson" custom. designed curling sweater, made. of 1.001',1, Pure Botany wool, Ws the be& yell ti Pay rai.$e Ste hen t9 meet. A A BIRTHS HALSILLIE—Larry and Rosa- lie Halsillie, RCAF Station Centralia. announce the birth. of a daughter, Linda Marie, at South Huron Hospital, December 2 — a sister for Cheryl Ann. GRAHAM—Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Graham ince Eizengal, To- ronto, announce the birth of a son, Jeffery, Thomas, at, Toronto General Hospital, November 25. HODGINS—Mr. and 'qrs. Wil- liam Hudgins, George St., Lucan, announce the birth of ;a =-.a daughter, Donna Margaret, at Victoria Hospital, haven- tier 27—a sister for Linda, Brenda. Jim Joanne and Bobby. EFEBVRE — At Grace Hos- . • pita', Ottawa. November 28, - • • to Cpl.. and Mrs. George Le- fehvre (nee Kerr) a son a brother for Robert, Ronald and Valerie. .11ILLER — At Prince County Hospital, Summerside, PEI, • on November 23 to Dot and Reg Miller, formerly of '; RCAF Station Centralia, a daughtre, Cindy Lea. :MISENER—F.'L and Mrs. W. S. Misene r, Summerside, PEI, announce. the birth of a son, Richard William, at • South Huron Hospital, De- • cember 4 — a brother for Susan. "OVERHOLT — Mr, and Mrs, .4 Philip Overholt, Zurich, an- nouncc the birth of a claug.h- :' ter at South Huron Hospital, • December 2 — a sister for e Barry. SHAPTON—Dolores and Bruce • Shapton, RR 1 Exeter, an- • nounce the birth of a son at • South Huron Hospital, Do- t, cemher 5—a brother for Di- anne, Sandra. Wayne and • Janet. 7eCARDS OF THANKS — would like to thank every- one for the cards, flowers and treats I received while ill, — ;:Elaine 'Devine. 6c I wish to thank my neigh- ',hors and friends for their visits, cards and treats while la patient at Westminster .Hos- ,,;pital. Special thanks to the Royal Canadian Legion 468 Hensall United Church. — ';.Fred C. Beer. 8c CARPS. OF THANKS-- Lawrence and Leita Hill wish to express their sincere thanks and ..apprecitaion for the lovely get-well cards,. letters, flowers, treats and visits dur- ing Lawrenee's stay In. Victoria Hospital, London, and since re- turning home. 69 I wish to thank friends and relatives for cards, visits and. many kindnesses while a pa- tient in Westminster Hospital. They were much appreciated. —William Dickey. fine wish to congratulate the successful candidates of the council and school area board and to thank those who voted for me.—Morris Bern, 6c I wish to thank Miss Clay- pole and staff of South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Dr.. Gans and those who visited me and sent cards.—Mrs, Amos Wright. 6e I would like to thank all those who supported me in. Monday's election. Wishing you the season's greetings. — Thomas G. Herm We would like to thank all our friends and relatives for the lovely cards, gifts and flowers received at the time of the birth of our son, ,leffrey Wayne.—Marie and Bill Mus- ser. 6e The family of the late Mrs. Lucy Yellow wish to express their heartfelt appreciation to relatives, friends and neigh- bors for their kindnesses and floral tributes during their re- cent bereavement. I wish to say a sincere "thank you" to all my neigh- bors, friends and relatives for their kindness in remembering me with flowers, gifts, visits and cards while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. — Mrs. Mervyn Cudmore. Cc I would like to thank all my relatives, friends and neigh- bors for the get-well cards, letters, flowers, treats and visits during my stay in South Huron Hospital, Special thanks to all those who helped in any way at the time of my acci- dent, also Dr. Cans and Dr. Goddard, Rev. H. Wilson and Miss Claypole and the hospital staff. Your kindness will al- ways he remembered.—Charlie Stephen, 6c CARPS OF THANKS— / would like to thank all my relatives, friends and neigh- bors for the lovely get-well cards, flowers and visits re. (Tilled during my stay at St. Mary's Memorial Hospital and since returning home, Special thanks' to Rev. B. S. Blitz, nurses and (lectors. — Mrs Helen Hansen, ANNOUNCEMENTS On the occasion of their for- tieth wedding anniversary, Fri- day, December 14, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hotigins, will hold open house from 2 10 4 Pm. and 7 to 9 in the evening, IN MEMORIAM — ABBOTT—In loving memory of a dear mother, Annie M, Ab- bott, and hrother.in-law, A. Delve, who passed away two years ago, December 1960. God took him home, it was His will, But in our hearts they're living still. —Lovingly remembered b y Eleanor and Dave .Kestle and family. 6 9 RICHARD—In loving memory of Leslie Allan Richard, who lost .his life in an accident two years ago, December 9, 1960. Quietly remembered in silent thoughts and treasured mem- ories, —Deeply missed and ever re- membered by wife Gretta and daughters Lynne and Laurie. 69 HOPCROFT—In loving mem- ory of a dear dad, Thomas Hoperoft, who passed away nine years ago, December 10, 1953. We will always remember the way he looked, The way he spoke and smiled, The little things he said and did, Are with us all the while. Far down the lane of memor- ies, The light is never dim, Until the stars forget to shine We will remember him. —Always remembered by wife and family, Stephen cowl' has set lip a meeting with the township solicitor and owners of the New Venice Corporation in re- gards to. the levy on the Park. hi tl AA The New Venice •Corporation has been listed .as the only direct benefactors of the darn and emelt have previously annotmeed that a major portion of the costs will be assessed to them, The meeting has been set for December 17, council's final meeting of the year, In the only other major business discussed Tuesday., the council received equalized assesment figures .on the union separate school section and also endorsed a resolution from the Huron county council re- commending the establishing of a provincial park along Lake Horan, Consider radar — Continued from page 1. which no longer would be re,. gifted to chase speeders, "How about the goodwill of your town," questioned Coun- cillor Ross Taylor, who noted that it caused bad feelings in other municipalities. He was also concerned about the cost, "We're paying three good policemen to control traffic, What else do we need? I think we have to control this spend- ing—we have quite a few: com- mitments ahead of us." Be angry if caught Councillor Delbridge said he wouldn't like the idea of being given a ticket for coming into town 10 mph over. the limit. "Everybody does it. If I got caught, I'd be mad." • Councillor Bailey suggested the town should contact some surrounding municipalities who might be in favor' of sharing such equipment. Wooden supported the recom, mendation. always slow down when I come to a town with radar, I think it provides effective contra." Wright, a member ,of the cam- mitteei estimated at least .08c:, of the drivers were exceeding the speed limit as they eame down the hill to the bridge, Where the :demonstration Was given. One professional man. was clocked at 60„ mph, Council delayed decision on the suggestion that an invest', gation be made determine it other radar equipment is .avail- able at less cost- A number of - other police iii ittee recommendations THANKS For Your Support I wish to thank all the electors of the Town of Exeter, especially those who supported roe at the polls. Monday. Jack Delbridge Products Of General Motors itrt Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware PHONE 11 HENSALL 1013"1.V4r-Pier4irot4i,CtAkss' ,Ptio-te y. The 'Timos-Advocate, December 1942; VEM ANNOUNCEMENTS Payment of $2,888.00 to the 20-man brigade for services during the past year was ap, proved by council, Of' this amount, the town has recovered $1,085 in fees for runs outside the municipality,. The brig de answered 34 calls during the year, eight of then) in Osborne township. FRIGIDAIRE DRYERS TOM. URLIN Arva Call Collect GE 2-7916 Open Evenings 111 9, Saturdays 'Til S:SO for brigade ..pver costs Town council approved a ,committee recommendation of a $1.00. an hour increase. for firemen when they are out on calls. The increase will go into effect jemmy 1. The recommendation followed the brigade's request for more money to compensate for dani- .faiggehttiol el4othiiiirlge. and shoes while g The committee did not recom- mend a change In the firm een's basic stipend of $50 a year but the increase on calls raises pay ment from $2.00 to $L00 per hour. Cl Irwin Ford, whose ba- sic salary is $135 will: receive an additional $1.50 per hour, bringing his rate to $3,50 per hour, Captain Ernest Wells and As- sistant Captain Frank Creeeh,, who receive $75 each, will re- ceive $3.00 per hour while on call. Approve $2,888 riaz.riiosaia,Piert,iNkr•skr-Viisr4fir.-F)11r•N05,Piet,-talic.Oltme Cifer-VrtertNtr,Oie•tka-P4a. Give her THE MOST TREASURED NAME IN PERFUME Spray Perfume '6.25 Cologne '3.75 Spray Cologne '425 Talcum and Cologne Set '6.00 Perfume and Cologne '9.00 Wind Song Sets CHAN E L No. 5 FROM MIDDLETON'S Every Man Will Welcome! WIND SONG, 2-piece set WIND SONG, 3-piece set It $3.50 $4.50 Wolper M ehils Wear Phone 235-0991 x0o Low , eft0ftsg*PV6.01404M44-0aft*itlitiigaitiiiPiti***Oriiii*ifttorgs. toxiifrhzkriritatt ORrigil6c:r.04. I