HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-29, Page 16Correspondents Miss Lina Abbott Phone 227,42.55
and district news
At the -VP missionary meet-
ing on Friday the president.
Paul. Graham spoke on "Why
be mission minded?" For some
years the Lucan Young People
have been helping to support a
'young missionary couple in
Argentina by sending them $10
every month.
The second meeting of the
Sunshine Hour was held Friday
night prior to the YP meeting,
with an increased attendance.
The pastor, the Rev. E. A.
Gagnon, spoke on "Spiritual
Gifts' ;in the morning and
"Holding unto God's Promise"
etc (he evening. At the latter
service the ladies' trio, Mrs
Clayton Abbott. Mrs. jade
-Eizenga and Miss Lorraine
,Graham sang.
Fourteen members of The
Messengers were out Saturday
for their Meeting. Mrs. Stuart
,:sicLellan was in charge of the
worship service on stewardship
,and also of the games which
followed the second chapter of
the study book, "Sun Piet and
the Street Boy", taken by Mrs.
J. W. Lockyer.
The lingerie party sponsored
by the Lucan CGIT and held
in the church sehoolroont Fri-
day was a financial success for
the group.
The Graaton CGIT will he
guests at a skating party next
Saturday following a box lunch
at the church. The CGIT will
hold their vesper service at
ao p.ni , Sunday, Dee, 16 and
the atnual Christmas concert
at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, Dee
Church service
Sunday being Visitation Sun-
'ay the Pastor, the Rev. G. W.
Sach took as his text. "Be not
anxious:, your Heavenly Father
tollowieg the service the
tOW provided refreshments for
the 20 elders, stewards and
ethers who were to make the
o very-member canvass. Atm
S heridan Tievington as lunch
reonvener WilF, assisted by The
1.*C1-17 president, Mrs. f', H.
G"terge, Mrs. Alex Young .and
'Alm John Park,
'Topic;;, from.
Mt Carmel
Persona, liJOrn$,
WePli.erld guests with their
perents Unfurled Mr, Paul Diet.
deb, Eleanor Dietrien, AlarY
McKeever, Vincent flyen and
Donald O'Rourke.
Three student Wolters from.
London Teachers College are
practise teaching at Our Lady
of Mt. CArinel, School week.
amid Airs. Joseph Carey
and girls spent Saturday last
witil Mr'
and Mr's- Wilfred
Helm and fatuity in KiLehener
amid watched. the .Christmes pA-
Tade in that city.
Mr, Tom O'Rourke is greatly
improved in. St, Joseph's Hos-
pital after being injured two
woks ago by a cattle beast in
the barn,
Air. and Airs, Hubert Mc-
Keever and Mrs. Kathleen
Houlihan visited relatives in
Detroit last weekend.
Air, and Mrs. Malcolm FON
And. family of RCAF Centralia
spen ,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Norman Ryan and family.
Mr. Raymond, student teaeb-
er . is boarding with Aim'. and
Airs. Pat Sullivan Sr.
Fire safety
Lions' topic
Rees, tenants, •were 'Pat PCer
paring the .children for bed:
it hen -the lire started
smokei (.atarcl ilt841t 'ellr'as.b.t.P ItItrtieneRri eet.oe,
family have been
the Davis family s
utratsi'llng with
chimney • be built.
Call Ma. at
General triweenco
Real .4stitt
DEVON 01,1:10.
Voters of
After three years of office as Reeve in
the village I would like to thank all ratepayers
for their support and co-operation in the past. In
my term a few of the highlights accomplished by
my efforts were:
1, Lucan Provincial Police Detachment established.
2. New Post Office Building erected and opened
oh Main St. in place of old buildings.
3. Porte property bought and changed into good
municipal building,
4, Reassessment of village completed at. very little
cost to taxpayer.
5, New ends put under highway over Benn drain
and new sideways at same location with no cost
to Lucan. taxpayers.
6. County rebate subsidy for street work raised
from 25 to 50 percent.
With this record for my three years in
office I feel qualified to ask the voters of Lucan
to vote
Hearn X
and we'll get more things done,
Your support would be sincerely appreciated.
Lucan Election
A poll shall. be open from 8;00 a.m, until 7:00 p.m.
in the Leman Council Chambers
For the Electing of p Reeve,
A Second Nomination
A meeting of the Electors of the Village of Lncan
will be held in the
ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1962, AT 11;00 P,M,
for time purpose. of nominating candidates for the
office of one eouneiller,
11 more than one candidate is nominated, in
election will be herd on
when a poll shall be open in the Village Council Cham-
bers ,from 6:00 a.m. until 7;00 p,m,, to receive the votes
of the electors,
All electors are hereby requested to take notice
And govern themselves accordingly.
Al, L. GIBSON, Clerk November 24, 1962.
Mr and Mrs. Arnold Morley
and family and Mr. and Mrs,
Cecil Armitage were guests at
the Allison-Eggert wedding in
the Greenway United Church
Air, William Bottle of Con-
quest, .Sask, who has been visit-
ing his sister and brother-in-
law, Air. and Mrs. Cecil Robb
has gone on to Brockville. Prior
to earning to LUCAn he was visit-
Air. Ben Farrell of Kincardine,
who accompanied him to Lu-
Mr. and Airs. Walter Ross and
Mr. James Ross of Thamesville
called on Lucan friends last
Air. and Airs. Morris Darling,
of London, were Sunday guests
of Air. and Mrs, Cecil Armitage.
Mr. and Mrs. Hetiry Mueller,
Debbie and Michael were week-
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hearn and
family have moved to St.
Marys, Alt'. Hearn 11-as suf-
ficiently recovered from his
serious leg injury to take a
position with a dry cleaning
Mr. and Airs. Lawrence Bene-
dict and the latter's mother,
Mrs, Edwards, were guests of
Airs. Bob Coleman Sunday,
Airs, Annie Fairies Friday at-
tended the Stratford ITS core-
mencement exercises held in
the Shakespearean Theatre
where her granddaughter, Linda
Fairies, was one of the go
Grath, 13 graduates. Following
the program Linda entertained
some 60 of her friends.
After a .week's visul with Mr.
and lire, Kirk Montgomery and
family, Mrs. Norman Walker
has returned home to Owen
Mr. And Mrs, William Brown•
lee and Miss Madly% Brown-
lee spent last weekend in Raw•
ilion, guests of Mr. and Airs
P. ,l. Laverty and family,
Linda and Barbara England.
11 and three year-old daughters
of Mr. and Airs. Thomas
land of Elizabeth St, had their
tonsils removed at St. Joseph's
firepital November 15. Linda
had to miss her Christmas
Sunda Mrs. lloy Hamilton
entertained the following guests
in honor of her son Gerald's
birthday: Air. and Ales,
Haskell of Dtefield, Mr, and
Airs, E.irl Dixon of Ailsa ('dig
and. Altos Teresa KorevArir of
Ellen and jeweler Snient,
small children of Di'. ,and Airs.
Start-in Smout, have re-
turned home after spentheg
few days itliii their grand-
pis ( slate
The new officers ter the "Lu-
can Business Alen include'
President, Allan Scott; viee-
tresidents. Don Smith, Jim
Young: treas e r, Georr.rte
Young; secretary, Steve Storey
At present the. 00 is par-
ticularly Clans Making plans for
it Santa 'Clans pantie, Dec. 8,
Did you now ,,,
that S1,006 put into Investors Mutual In
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BACKACHE? ..not me!
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Free Ticket with EVERY tojldr Purchase
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Drop In Now To Get
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(Phone 01 dors Accepted)
Pogo 16 November 294, 1942;
, .
The 7th Expedition of the TA-
ean-Clandeboye Explorers was
held in the church schoolroom
last Tucsdiy with Margaret
Sach taking the worship serve
ice and the story. During the
craft period, pot holders were
knit for the Bunny Tea, next
ISri ng,
The rector, the Rev, E. 0,
Lancaster, was able to take the
Set vice Sunday morning. Being
the last Sunday before Advent
e stint On 1116 Gospel and
"pistie stressing the iMpertanee
pf tb6 Advent reason,
Lucan to 'vote for reeve
but council seat vacant
ship but she withdrew.
Elected to council by ac-
clamation were Mrs. Reilly.
Harvey Langford and Russell
Bowman. Another nomination
meeting will he held Friday
night for the fourth position
on council,
('evil Lewis was named by
aeclamation to the hydro corn-
mission and school trustees
elected were Airs. Elizabe.lh
Goddard, Albert 'W. Thompson
and Keith .Dickson.
Candidates speak
Both candidates Inc chief
magistrate gave excellent re-
ports at the nomination meet-
Mg at the Legion hall Friday
night, Mr. Corbett enlarged on
his qualifications, past achieve-
ments. and plans for the vil-
lage if elected.
Mr. Hearn gave a short
resume of the past year's
activities and a report of fu-
ture plans. He thanked the
Hockey cronds, elide still
very sparse, are beginning to
gain in numbers, The Lucan-
Ilderton Combines, the local.
Intermediate MA entry, drew
a fair crowd Friday. when they
came up with a good. win
Against 'Centralia RCAF. Next
Friday they play host to Clin-
ton RCAF in the same loop. A
punt] game is forecast and
should be well north the time
and admission.
The response to the Figure
Skating Class has been beyond
all expectations. So much su
that the participants will have
to be split into two groups.
Classes will begin on 'Wednes-
day, December. 5 and continue
for a period of 12 weeks. The
first class will be every Wed-
nesday at 6 p.m, and the sec-
ond dess will commence at
7 p.m. All these who have sign-
ed forms for this activity will
he notified to which class they
hate been assigned. The stlb-
';ctiption will he eec per lesson
payable at the door each night
of the lesson. It must he 'empha-
sized that the students must
Pay their 25e to gain admission
The Lucan Lions Club hold
their regular monthly dance 'to-
morrow. Friday. The regular
Saturday night dances still.' the
Canadian Playboys :Orchestra
Are continuing to hold their
The Lucan-lIdeiton Lions Club
Hotkey house League has An•
othee full slate of -games on tap
for Ibis Saturday commencing
at 2 p.m. Althotigh I might
teem repetitious it would be, a
OM idea, tor the parents of
these boys in show more inter-
est in supporting these hockey
Lucan Lueettliderton Combleee
hockey team, to raise IunJs fur
their 1962•03 aetivittes, .sponsoe•
ed a turkey tinnier alio draw
for $1,000 at the .vommuelty
centre last iiVedneedey .evening
The arena ladies' committee
catered for the dinner.
Ernie Hard of ,aderton won
$2A for the first ticket .drawn.
For each 25th ticket $25 was given. They were Les meGut ,
London; Ralph :Lit/Peet,
Lucan; ,Gcerge Hyde
Park; Bill Froals, ,Lucan: Ed
Hall and .three friends,
ton; Willi= Baeten, Exeter;
Heern .and MarY5;
B. 11. Ball, Don Mills: Ross
O'Neil, clamlebo.yet John Park.
and N. lleyter, Lucan; Harry
MeNaeghten, London,
The last name to be drawn
was to have been the wineer
of the $1,000 but the owners of
electors for their eo-o oration the last three tickets decided, lather to spin, than for two of in the past. diem receive .nothing, The three
A number of ratepayers corn- lucky people (by a strange co-
ntented that Lucan was forth- incidence) were all from Luean
"ate tohave t wo a ble eandi" din-1 Van But 'e Marshall l, Jack Mar dates for the position. Said and • • Airs. Don .Larkin,one: "Both are line young men
and many Lucanites will have Mrs, J.. F. Sadleir
difficulty in making a choice Airs, Sadleir, ei,l, di e d
on December 3." Friday, Nov. 23 in Sarnia Hos-
Monday the polling booth at pital,
conned chambers will he open Funeral services were held
from g a.m. to 7 p.m. (not 9 on Monday, Nov. 20 from the
a.m. to 6 p.m, as advertised). I.D. J. Robb funeral home. Say-
Also nominated for council, nia, with interment at Lake-
hut who did not qualify. were view cemelerx,
Cecil Lewis, Bill Smith, Arthur Mrs, Sadleir, the former Leah
Bell and Mr. Hearn. Air. :Johnson, was the wife of the
Hearn also was nominated to late Dr. Fred. Sadleir who spent
the hydro commission, his early life in Lucan while his
Silver anniversary father was station agent here.
She is survived by three
Mrs. Glen ProM of RR I adopted) children, Mrs. Nelson
Centralia Saturday e n tertain e d (Elsie) Allen and Charles and
members33 of her family from William Sadleir, all of Sarnia,
Lucan, London and Exeter , in one sister, Mrs, Bertha Rouson
honor of her parents, Mr. and of Vancouver, B.C. and one
Mrs, Cecil Neil of Main Sl., brother, Dr, Kenneth Jotinson,
Lucan, who were celebrating of Winnipeg.
their silver wedding anniver-
Following a fowl dinner, pro-
gressive euchre was enjoyed.
High score -prizes went to the
"bride" and to Mr. George
Neil, and low score prize to figure skating
Mrs. George Shiptvay.
During the evening Mr. and.
Mrs, Neil were presented with
a clothes dryer,
Personal items
This year the Legion Auxil-
iary decided to sponsor the
figure skating class and pros-
pects are most promising with
sufficient children enrolled al-
Mrs, Sheridan Revington ready to form two classes. Miss
spent Friday in London, the Marnie Campion of London has
guest of her mother, Mrs. Harry been engaged as instructress.
AleFalls, In the afternoon both Classes will be held every
attended the bazaar in Wesley Wednesday for 12 weeks begin-
United Church. ring Wed,, Dec. 5, the first
Mr. and Mrs. George Hodgins group from 6 to 7 p.m. and
of Lucan and Air, and Airs. An- the second froni 7 to 8 p.m,
drew Thomson of Clande•boye A fee of 25e per lesson will be
were Sunday guests of Mr. and charged, the same to be paid
Airs. Ralph Smith and (mils each, week before going on the
of Wallaceburg. ice.
Three split
Auxiliary plans
Arthur Brighton, of the, Lon-
don Fire Department, was the
guest speaker at the, Lions Club
dinner meeting in the Anglican
church basement last Monday
evening, Mr. Brighton spoke on
fire prevention and stressed the
importance of child training
and education in making chil-
dren conscious of the dangers
of fire and how they too, can
assist in preventing fires. and family and Mr, and Airs,
At the conclusion of his talk Don Fairbairn, London.
Mr, Brighton was made an bon- Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis
orary member of the Lucan were guess on Sunday evening
Lions. with Mrs, Olivia Hodgins, Exe•
December 12 was the date ter,
set for the, next turkey bingo Mr. and Airs, Murray Abbott,
when tickets will again be sold Centralia, were guests with Air,
on a large turkey. Good re- and Mt-s. 'Clarence Davis .fol.-
ports were received on the lowing the service at the
House League Hockey but more church,
coaches and managers are Mr, and Airs, Robert Magic
Messrs. Pat Crudge and Alike
Bo-bar were presented with their
membership button,
Miss Lina Abbott's group of Comments about
the Ladies' Guild catered for
the dinner,
lekeine,t. . • • ame..14eZteV=ekee:%;.,
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Hoist After a lengthy illness Miss tended the Allison-Eggert
Annie wed-Gertrude Dempsey died d at her home here, Sunday, Nos', ding at Greenway United church
The Right Reverend
Appleyard MC, BA, hl), Bishop
.of. Georgian Day, was present
At the morning service at St.
Patrick's Church. on Sunday
where he confirmed 19 condi-
elates prepared by BO,. Lyle
Bennett rector of the church.
Mrs. Norman Hodgins, Gran-
ton, es organist, accompanied
the .choir' front St, Thomas
Church, Grauten, who assisted
St, l'etriek't choir with the
'Itytnns and anthem, The Bishop
congratelat.A. the .eongregation
on the appearance of the
eluirele since having it re-dee-
orated end with new earpelieg,
paAri sh haoeili pour followed in the
al'ebse f : ito.11diotiktvi cnIgas\sv,e1Je olle ulh a-c=E1 i* George
nno°1:' , (1a KellyPeOre'Ccov ril-
nor, William Erie johnson,
Betty RIO johnson, William
Charles .lelders;
junior class; Alvin Frederick.
Weiberg, La.try Alexander
Greenlee, Kevin lames O'Con-
nor, Michael Locider, Thomas
Alexander Bennett, Judith Marie
Pennington, Sharon .Elizabeth
Davis and Carol Ann Latta,
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, Garfield Latta,
London, and Mr. and Mrs, Earl
Atkinson, parents of Mr, and
Mrs, Harvey Latta spent Sun-
day with them following the
ser vice,
A and Airs, Bill Johnson
entertained following the serv-
ice, Airs. Mary Johnson, Gail
and ..Frank, London, Arnold
Firby, St. Thomas, Air. and.
Mrs, Horace Lake, Grand Gend,
Mrs. Kay Fairbairn and Barb-
ara, London, Mr, Alvin Basset,
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Scrimshaw
Confirms d .candiates
at Sainsbury .church
Crediton East
personal items
mother, Mrs, Wes Atkinson,
Weekend guests with Air. and
Alt's. Wilbert. Stanley included
Air. and Airs. Peter Wiseman
and family of Agincourt, Air,
and Mrs. Andrew Elder and
family of Toronto and Mr, and
Airs, George Stanley and fain-
ily of Hamilton. The family
gathering was joined by Mr,
and Airs, Fred Featherstone
and family of London, on Satur-
day and by Mr, and Mrs. George
Adams and family of Birr, out
Mrs, Will. Haskctt who spent
a week with her son, Mr, Art
Haskett and family of Toronto,
has returned home,
Mrs. Jack Davey of Wood-
stock was a weekend guests of
Mr. and Airs. Calvin liaskett.
Airs. Rufus Thompson is holi-
daying with her son, Air, George
Thompson and renilly of St.
After spending a week with
her son, Mr. Cyril Lee of Lon-
doe, Mrs. Thomas Lee had as
a guest last week her sister-in-
law, Mrs. James Weir of Mar-
lette, Alich e
Mr. arid Mrs, Don AleTAggart„
of London were Sunday guests
of Mrs. ;Bob Coleman.
Mrs. Alex Colvin and small
son, Paul, were weekend guests
of Mr, And Mrs, 'U. F. Stanley.
Air. Don. Banting, who has
been in St. Joseph's Hospital
for sonic lime for a check-up,
returned home on Saturday And
looks and feels much better.
Mr, Arne Itodgins of London
took his sister, Mrt. Amite Fair-
les, to l4arristnn on Friday to
spend the winker with her
datighter, Mrs, Douglas King
Over 460
get X-ray
A successful sert-ey was
held at the Lucan Community
Memorial Centre, Nov. 14 and
10. Over 460 residents from Lu-
can and vicinity took advan-
(age of the free TV X4-ey
Airs, Sheridan Revinglon, as
chairman, was assisted by Mrt,
Jack Sleitey, Mrs. John Park,
Mrs. Il. B. Langford,. Mrs, jade
Lankin,IMrs, A. E. Reilly, ht's.
Batt'. Nagle, Mrs. Erie ?Ming,
Airs. William Alcithargey, Mrs.
William McLaughlin, Airs, De-
lores Munn, Mrs, Harold Egan,
Airs, Melee Dewan, Mrs. ,the
Wheilltan and Airs, Jac Vlii
Exeter native
dies after Hines
The body rested in her neph-
ew's funeral, home (Jack
Murdy) Lucan until 2 p.m,
Tuesday, Nov. 27 when the Rev.
W, Sach of the Lucan Unit-
ed Church, conducted funeral
Pallbearers included Robert
Avery, Stanley Hicks, Will Es-
sery, Morris and Jack Murdy
and Cecil Robb, Interment was
in Exeter cemetery.
She is survived by one sister,
Mrs, Alma Price (with whom
she lived here) and two neph-
ews, Jack Murdy of Lucan, and
Morris Murdy of Kitchener.
Daughter of the late Andrew
and Mary Dempsey, she was
born near Exeter and lived in
Exeter for a short time before
moving to Toronto. She moved
to Lucan last January. She was
a member of the United Church,
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, Allan Tindall
(the former Rowena Abbott) of
Wiarton entertained on Sunday
in honor of the latter's birthday.
Guests. included and Mrs.
Cliff Abbott and Sir,Dave Me-
Falls, Lucan, Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Tindall, Grand Bend,
Air. and Airs, Duncan Tindall
And Melody of Listowel and
Air, and Aim Charles Ebel, also
of. Listowel.
Airs, Cliff Shipley entertained
with a birthday dinner for Mr,
Harvey Hudgins who is still a
patient in St. Marys Hospital,
London, His daughter, Mrs, 1-1,
A. Chown, brought him out
from the hespital for. the day.
Air. Clime, Bill AM. Bob joined
the. party fee the evening.
and Mrs, Jack Bizenga
and „Ninny of St, 'Thomas were
weekeeel guests of Alt, and
Mrs, Clayton Abbott,
Mrs. Warner jileRtibettt of
the Dresden High School staff
spent the weekend at her Maine
Mr, KAI') is again .a pas
tieet Rt. St. •lose1ih's Hrispitale
4"—$55 per M Feet Del'd.
S"—$85 per M Feet Derd.
4"—$110 per M Feet Del'd,
7"—$1SS per M Feet Del'd,
8"—$185 per M Feet bard.
Above peieet based ell 1000
Linear Feet, in full triiekloade
or more, delivered within 35
mile, radius of our plant. For
detailed prices on all Sizrs tile.
either delivered or F.0.13. our
plant at Elginfiald, Write or
phone flYbALL BItiCK 8, 111.E
LTD., RR. 2 London Phorie
227.4721 Lutan.
.Lneari will go to the polls
Monday to elect a reeve. At
the same time, it must have
another nomination meeting to.
fill a vacant council seat.
Reeve Ivan Hearn is being
opposed by Councillor Charles
Corbett in a straight two-man
race. Mrs. Gladys Reilly also
was nominated for the reeve-
Three-car crash
hospitalizes man
Constable Don Pettigrew of
the -I.-peen detachment of the
Provincial Police, is investigat-
ing a three-car crash north of
Arva Thursday night, which
sent Charles Rosborough,
of no fixed address, to St. Jos-
eph's Hospital. The cars were
driven by Karl Parr, London,
Douglas Ursbott, RR 1 Eder-
ton, and Donald F. Larkin, RR
1, Grand Bend.
Two of the cars had slopped
for a two truck, which was
pulling a ear from the ditch,
when the bumper-to-bumper col-
lision occurred. Mr. Rosbor.
bilge, a passenger. received un-
determined hack injuries,
Car accident
Friday, Jacquelyn ink b el-
ner, 12, of RR 3 Lucan, suffer-
ed cuts over the left eye when
a car driven by Louis Jack
Finkbeiner, 45, of the same ad-
dress was in collision with a
car driven by Ronald Edward
Goff, 23, of London on Welling-
ten Rd., London. Police report
damage was extensive,
No damage at chimney fires
After some months' respite,
the Lucan Fire Dep't was rail-
...ed out last Tuesday night to a
Chimney fire at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Torn Rees, Con.
Biddulph. No damage was
done to the house. On Thurs-
day they were called to an.
.other chimney fire-at the home
of Mr. Arthur Hodgins, Clan-
Junior Farmers
plan workshop
Ruth Dickinson. RR 2 Den-
field, president of the Middle-
sex jr. Farmers' Association,
reports that four workshops, at
two-week intervals, will begin
in mid-January for the pur-
pose of personality develop-
The directors met in the Mid-
dlesex County Municipal Build-
ing, Thursday evening to draft
this and other winter activities,
which will include a public
speaking contest scheduled for
December 6 in the county build-
ing. All 12 Middlesex clubs are
expected to take part. Joanne
Goarly, RR 1 Belton, will he
in charge.
Award night will be held ,fan,
18 at the annual banquet Feb.
15, both at Ilderton with Rev,
Clifford Waite of London, guest
speaker at the latter. A skating
party was also planned for Dec.
Lucan firm wins tax concession
Capital cost allowance for the
Langford Lumber and Builders'
Supplies Ltd., Lucan, was in-
creased to $14,600 from $1.0.000
last Wednesday by the Tax Ap-
peal Board of Caned -a,
In its third day of sittings
in the law building at the ihn-
versity of Western Ontario, the
board allowed the capital cost
appeal and referred the matter
back to the minister of nation-
al revenue. John W, Cram of
London, appearing for the lt-
een firm, argued that a value
of 310.000 placed on the property
was too low so an allowance
of $14,600 was finaly agreed
Appointed, appraiser
Interprovincial Pipe Lines,
who operate the longest crude
oil pipe line in the world, have
engaged Harold Corbett as prop-
erty appraiser on a new line
from Peter's Corners to Buffalo.
New York.
When completed this line will
supply Canadian crude oil from
western Canada to refineries in
New York State.
And John, Guelph, .were. guests
with Air, and Mrs, Fred; Dobbs.
eir, and Mrs, Bob. Tindall and
girls visited on Saturday with
Al,', and Alt's. .Charles
(hand Bend, ..and on .$1111(laY
with Air, and Mrs. Howard
Clark, Shipka.
Mr, and Airs—jack PickinS
were guests at the borne of
Mr, and Mrs, Ralph 'Matson,.
London, on Sunday for the 25th
wedding .anntVersary of Mr. and
Aire, Jim Beckett, of Kitchener.
Fire in chimney
On. Tuesday evening the fire
engine from 1.,ucan was :vatted
to extinguish A ehinteey tire en.
on Saturday.
Mr. and Airs. William Henley,
of Exeter, spent Monday with
Air, and Mrs. William Matz,
Mrs, Alec Hamilton, of Grand
Bend, spent Tuesday with her
mother, Mrs. Harry Lewis and
Mrs. Beth Hatherly and
daughter, Mrs. Harold Glues,
of London visited Saturday with
Air, and Mrs. William Motz.