HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-08-25, Page 1i.4.
i •�
L noisiest 4. Poditi led every Thaersiq
0/101. Jtesrast iia, Qa ionalg-
gy. Beek and Jeb Ihdesia(.isaewd
wetness tad deepslch.
Mom, of Mid Arms s Sigleel•-TEN
f3HiI,I,I (}13r arises it paid *tried, is
&desepe, or Twelve and Six Peace with
the eipiratles of the year.
No paper IW..tinued until arrears re
paid up, unless the publisher thinks it his
advantage to do so.
Age ►vtduhi in the co.stry becoming
reappooM-We for six subscribers, shell re-
ceive a *meth copy gratis.
fOr AU letters addressed to the Editor
must be peat -paid, or they win sot be taken
out of the post office.
Terms of 4dvertiasfsg.-St' lines std
under, first iesertior, AO 2 6
Each subeequest iasertioe, 0 0 74
Tea lines sad usd.r, fixes i•e•r.. 0 1 4
Each subsequent i.aertaos, 0 0 10
Over ten lines, first re. per lune, 0 0 4
Each subsequent Insertion, 0 0 1
1 A liberal discosst made is those who
advertise Iry the Pear.
Advertseeteeets without written instrue.
tines will be asserted until forbid. and
charged accordingly ; and so odver;isement
discontioee(1 repaid for at the time of with-
drswel, solea by the consent of the reb-
CA N bo conspired at all baser.. ss
the rept/sweet forwrrll sef:rp•.d by
Roerrt.itedrrwrll. Esq., Fest Streee,M.r-
kat Square, Go/rriwh.
Goderieb, April 99th. 1852. vs
IP aa5aaeS.
street, Goderseb.
Juane 1948. 2.025
21/1";•.,Z.41111110111140, ..7
CABiNETMAKER, Three doors Earin
the Canada Company's office, Went..
street, Dederick.
Aururt 27th. 1849. 151110
ATTORNEY AT LAW. ono Cosveyee-
eer, Solicitor io Ch•neer , lee. has kis
office a formerly in Stratford.
Stratford. 2nd Jas. 1160. 2,049
Aa(. 2Stb, 1852. w6a31
Hurrah for Gctderich 1 1
I_IAVE ne hand •n henteaee Stork of the
very keel DeveripIIoe of BOOTS sod
SHOES. on sale al ibe New Brick build
tag, adjoining Mr. Hare, Welch maker,
tablets wolf be solo at ilia Lowest Price, for
Cash or approved tied*. call and see.
07"Tbe hiebesi price paid in Cash for
Hider sed tihrrepekinr, ke. A general
Bleck of findings always o.. heed.
Goderieb, June 11, 1803. ven20-ly
Improl'ed Farm for Sale.
BF.ING Lot No. 12. 2.d Conreeton,
'1'ow.rl ip of Tuck.rsmith, Doren
Road, the prnperi y of Joke P. South, E -q.,
eee.ainieg 100 befell, adjoireg the Budd•
ieg bots is the ri.iog and 800ilsbine ell
lags of Eg.,oedydles, the land is of first
rale' quality, be.uttlolly situated os the
Movie of the Bayfi.Id river, and well adapt-
ed to agricultural purpmes. For further
particulars apply on the emollient (if by let
ler pee paid) to Ibe.ub.rrttur.
McKillop Poet office,
Teekers'-iih, June 1311., 1153. s0141 -3a.•
(0sr door East of C.'rrate's Stove)
WOUI.D in!orm te•inhabirent• of Grade
rich end aighborhood that M is pre-
pared to make to order or oth•rwire. any
kind of Ladi's and Gentlemen's Fore or
Fancy work, in the neafe-t and menti
feeluonahle .I,le. And will oleo furni.h
heavy Boots and Sheep, to .rut the ne
cresol,. of shoe. that mar favor him with
their custom. Elie pries will be mod.rst•.
Goderiek, July 29.11, 1869. v51.29
air rear. e1•01001T•
There ws• a lonely ark.
That scud .'.r waters dark ;
And wide atuuod
Not one tall tries war vera,
No Bower, nor leaf of green,
All -ill were druwr'd.
Thea a soft wing was spread,
Awl o'er the bitlnwe dread
A meek dose flew;
But o• that shoreline tide,
No tiro g tog rhe opted,
• Tu cheer tier view.
There wee so chirpier sound,
O'er that wale watery bound
To soothe her woe :
But the cold .ur,•e..pread
Their covering o'er the dead,
Now rank below.
So to the ark olio Bed,
With near, drooping bead,
To seek for rest
Christ is thy ark, my lure,
Thou art the tined doer, -
Fly to hie breast.
JOHN J. E. LINTON0 �C('Tlr)NF.ER. Aeene•n+.rl and G.,N��OTARY PUBLIC, Commissioner Q.B., rat Arent. Boo'.. end et -tenets ed
1••ad Conveyancer, Stratford. and ell Mode of Deed. Arse -v. -
8.4m amended in any pit .•1 the reunir•.
Let t.'..AAr...ed in Mitchell or Herpur-
bev. will 11..'t.nd.d to.
Anrd 6th, 1893. •Ae10-le
Barrister and Autosite at Law, 4-c,.
Gopsaicn C. W.
JOHN STHACHAN B,rrieterand Atter.
oey at Law, Notary Public and C.•uvey-
Atteroey at Law, Solicitor tit Chaos
eery, Conveyancer.
Goderich, 17th November, 1351.
OP* 27, Dundas Street,
Augest ISib, 1901. v5o20
.. J. MOORE,
OFFICE in the Poet Office Buildings,
June 7th, 1853. v41n19
[Market square, Gedrrick.]
AGENT for the Pru,rncil Mutual end
General Inseranre Office. Toronto,-
oronto;Alco Agent for the St. Lawrence County
Mutual, Ogdensburg, New York. Lees]
Agent for Samuel Mom.leoe's Old Rochester
Nursery. July 1850. la
THE Sub.crtb• r returns hire thank•
to the p.••ple of Dederreb, sad
the wrroundieg country for the libe-
ral patronage he has reeete•d while in the
above b.,'•••• in 0"done►, for femme,
years ; be take this opportunity of inform -
log his old customer., end the pub c st
large. that be bee commenced again i. hi.
*1d stand; from bit strict aIteet.on to bu-
siness, be hoped to merit • coutiouattue of
their petrosa je.
A large asaurtmeat of Ladies and Geo
Oilmen'. Boole end Shoes constantly en
hand -sold unusually law for cath.
Goderieh, Jill! 271h, 1838.
N. B. rise Journeymen will find remittent
empleymer1. one boots man, two atngey-
men, and own women• men ; min of ten,
potato habits pr.frrred. A contract for
erimping and Disking 50O pair of emirs..
Bitola w t11 he green to a pond w..rkntsn.
A. NA8MYTH. one door
West of W. E. Gracia Store, West
Street Goderieb.
Feb. *9, 1862. v111 -e4
Agent for Ontario Marine 4- Fire In-
surance Co.
INSURANCR effected os Houses, Ship-
ping cod Goods.
All kind. of Deeds correctly drawn, and
book. and Aeceests adjtl.ted.
Office over the Tretaury, Goderich.
July 22. 11152.
iuI� ORW n.
ARDER end CantieeiOR 1der-
chest, Btorehoure Keeper, general
Agent, for the este of Wild Lands Cleared
Farms, Hrneehold Furniture and Produce
of every deeerlptioa.
Mee, seat door, North of the Kincar-
dine Aortae. GeA.ricb, veep
Mareb 14th teas.
Thar mai mess lead • happy life,
Wt..... free from Matrimonial shalom,
Who Is directed by a wife.
is awe t* bad r Iso his fates.
Adam could Sed no Solid Peace
Mies E,s was siren bin. lore • matt,.
Uettl hr saw • wmnan'v Tare
Adam bay in a bappy site.
1n all the /emote nee appear,
Hypocrisy, Deep aid Pride,
Truth darned of the heart siuoere,
Neer koowo is woman to esids.
What tongue is able to enfold,
The falsehood that in women dwell.
The worth to woman we behold
1. almost imperceptible.
Carved be the ho•h.h mos. I say.
Who changes tr. m his Bitriknen:
Who will sot yie'd to wood.'. sway,
Is sure of perieci blessedness.
t•.dtsd you foiled but • tow charted legs,
awl • tall, baked, brick, c'un.aey standing
in then midst, like an obelisk!
The .e ohbor., fa answer to hie nume-
rous sequins, could only teal bim that the
mouse was burnt several weeks back, •oil
that the owner, accused oftnceat erian hit
gone to the Blame;; so for the lodgers,
*any immigraets had lived there, and they
del not r.o .imt ser any one of the name art
Campbell. Aod a month spent in rain so-
deavnrs to discover his wife, Ceinub:II,
nigh he tin broken, returned borne. Ilia i4.a
w.s, that Janet and her child had Callen
victims of the cholera, which that year MS -
ed to • fngkiful Oxt.•t in Canada. To
distract his ette' from the loos he had suss
mined, his ap;tlmeJ ht.ntelf dd.gootly .o the
••are of his farm• Accustomed to lam our
from childhood, he (uuoJ not the to.l of
terming so greet ur so prow load as ming
who a eine to time country wish a feetihunJ
red pomade, coil imp M I. to realise a co U.e
tone, by paying for it. As Soul tcarol
ttst the only way to succeed:was by place
tog his own •boulders to the wheel, and to
e few years he found himself not only com-
fortably ofT, but respected by alt riving in
his ae:ghborbood. As years rolled on, he
add d to his acrea,tmprovod oma etoek,eett led
tits suns aJvautageou Is, and was, in 1900,
a bale, hearty man of'.izty-three years so
Last year, 1953, hie e!J •.1 son, J roes,
Mid come 10 Toronto with a supply ul but
ter, eggs, fowls kr.., far' th• market -
Jatued,w.,u to 005 abase fire and thirty,
aving diepoeed ()flue stock, called at a
bumble dwelling in tote of the, back streets
to deliver some butter p.lrchased (r: ham
ter day. Jo entetiog the Louse wh the
roil., he taw, seated ray the door step, •
fitting girl sewing. See ng that she was
y trod looking, he s dated her with • goy
'good afternoon.' She looked up (rum her
work, and gave hon a anul.as, cud.
lie was a• once calico by her cheer(al
Q ' W,.hina to do ih. I.diei judice. read the
fir., and third. o•cn d and (•earth hoes, when the
trim teem,* will tome to tight.
AocTrossaa, 10 prepared to attend Sales in
507 part .f the United Counties, on the
most liberal term.. Apply at the First
Dir,aios Cdurt office, or at bill douse, E..'
Street, Goderich.
N. B. -Goods and oilier property will be
received to sell either by private or public
January 8, 1862.
Farmers' Mutual insurance Co.,
CAPITAL $1,000,000.
I ZRA HOPKINS, llawdten, Ags.t for
aa -AA ih.Casettes of Waterloo cad Ilnros.
Aogwt 97, 1850. 8.15
a Tale
loo. The morrow will be a hoppy d•,
when be Beds a deegbtet, sod our brother
a staler. We lang %much' OUT ,ulnar deal
but didna think her chill was living. Ye'l
yang out rime Janet*"
"No, not. 1 cannot. Oh, should yonr
father nut be intoe -no, nu! -take my Bud.
and should 1 be his child-" I'o.r Janet
could not forbear at the thought of the hap-
piness that might be before her; and per
haps wee ing as match lest she 'should b.
disappointed. Iler brusher reluctantly al-
lowed her in remain, yet forced on her a
hundred dollars before testing. to buy any-
thing she a igbt tie to hied of *hits( he wa.
sway .
11 ere proal needed, the G•'ie Bible w'as
uSctent fur the old 11140. what is • ru..ple
nil d.,s had the ph -assure of umbrae ng her
ioagtuet, end, anal then. uns•eo caugh-
Such is the simple marine, of • few
facts. recorded plainly, and, in subatsnee,
vuibfolly. Let the reader pause, and Col
eider if we are not ; m .1,11,1r . 1 i f r l t.1 •
Iland w'tose outbee we cannot trace, yei
el•de might we sometimes see and ackoow
ledge to be ol. roomful.
handanwe lace, said:
Ye wale arae/ hustle.'
'Oh, I bare a great deal to do; et a re
plied, once more looking in he,. face. 11.
started, h•+ knew n tt w+r, bit an tode6
able emotion caused his heart to beat q tick
ere, he beeline tOtereeleJ.
ere- ct ••line ye nano to help ye P' hu
- .,ked.
• No; nor have I coy tans to help. I am
"As orpb.er'
"I never sew either father or mo-
wo shall say thus God did not d. -react
thi• meeting! 1 tweak n tt profanely, for 1
relate the truth: and who .hilt ray that G d
1 out prompt Janes Campbell to pursue
these queeltune, to rise up in his heart an
to.tiucuve feeling that before hint rtuud a
relation. Iluw much ore wooderlul,.iore
interesitng areincrients in real lite than
any 6ctitio scene a writer can event.-
11.s very nem corset:on wad her name, son
on her reply -Jam' Ca.upbait,' she telt her-
s. if seized in his arnt• and k diel. Th,
pour girl win; •t • loos 10 account for the.
strange proceeding, bat he 1..14 her 1.11 hn
was certain 'Nay were tootber sod sister.
cod kt•red her agate. Ile would rut leave
rurouto:hat eton.ng, bit remained to
near her hi.tury, w h.cb she thud rele-
••I only reme•nber my Merge living with
a hind old lady oeaf Nua4.r•. I often
.bought that rhe m.gnt be in sums way re-
lated to ole, for Ili a child, It •pprarrd
strange 11.1 any one Dot a in !alive caul 1
take sit much 1 Arrest its any welfare. , Tur
aervanis keg tinily told me that I was an
orph.u, wtt:o,ut a rngle friend in the world
54041 our mistress, fur 1, *Mot I grew up
derived as datry.ma.J, and when 1.1.0(1
perms tied, mode memoir u.efol mutter*. -
I wet often called her ".1.110 h.tuse keeper,"
',tech term wit always applied to me when
pleased. I had been taught to read and
write, and could, etre cud. 'keep her ac-
count.' as well as she 93.001,1 herself." 1
was very happy, and love) her much.-
When sown fifteen I was calla) uy her one
day to Ler room and told what little I ere r
Isnot of my history. 1 was but 1 fe•v
mouths old when my mother diel of tn6••
nsauun 01 the lou4., in ibo winter r.1 '33, .1
a ioJf ug bone wa ch was ',aril/ slier•
ward. auroid down, an l my m1., rads, who
netrd el nay mother'. death Aral my 11nhar-
yy cond.t..en, ktnJ,y otfareJ 10 titre care et
me. All she ever learned of my m •her,
w _. that her game was Joest Campmel,-
and et. I was ca11ei a' er her; Oho also gave
baa ,n10 le 0 311 wo.oS 1 bay. cae ten,
pr.eemed, though 1 scams/ read a bawd se it
sacepi, ••dried Caespbelbhts book to Jaw;
1817;' written toss& lhseover. My moa
suer. forted me aver barn.), ing the hope •.1
diecovering s.iy relation., th , igh eh* said
ay lather m,gnt be 11(104, and if so, the
B,bte would at once .Jent..'y me a* be
daughter. A year bick,•n, k•nd pratan1al,
bo is sour vwtag *id and faeol , .n4
poorer i. 411•41410,61•111000, teas ,ono. ehe was
Min eeiee&erry to part wit's me 1 wansr-
mtdtsgly moot ben barons note to two ur
three lades., bake exerted theme/ternis 01)
favor, smog me coa.unt ut.ploy.0I..t Iv
,ey be este. Iedee.d, for the k Now or
.0y deer (reed 0a timers, ass 16040Ase u(
YOr..s.. 16111 sees. by.. Ln.stly treiat-
lul, k.LsM wool.(. through there,
lO1M11 tial u1.pOsdedS
tt bt9MtatM Ly. !. ware strewglb Mei sh rose p►osigi(.bfy b Ureic
w1w1N,' . ` pab
• bt os nog tilt p.f'ii.e�j 3,14‘ trend
tam UAraN &ow �►%i fsmo :.itblea rr 4 smelts vd .4,101aii. .:
babes 111 areNttl f the berm sows we we. Mber% ll.m tI $e Ant' acini#. *res.,•
in tl•e North of Scotland herd a huml.le
colter, Jimir-,who, with hie wire Janet
barely aubeiated on the produce of a few
erre, of barren land which was rented at en
ezberb toot rate from the Laird. A few
cattle thee once hod, but these &roappear
ed f0 answer to repeated call. for rent and
food. To add to their difficulties. they saw
growing up among, theta a anm.ruus f
ly;four boys already graced the hsarth;
and the cotter saw that they an 1 he mti•t
strive orelse seek another home, where
nappy they might enat, freed from the
dread of actual starvation. Mine were the
debates that the gudemun and writ had on
the wetter, a('er ore ch hlren had retired to
rt it on • heather co •ch whieh was spread
nut in one corner iftheir hut. Jsmte, the
telt stout highlander, whose bone and mut
ole were like son, who laboured cheerfully
Irom '.gray down" to ".tow/ eve,'• bah,
toiled and sieved heroically for his family,
.till had a woman's beam. "Na, no' he
would exclaim, •1 canna' leave bonny Scot-
land, here we've lived an' here let us dee.'
The good wife, however, through car,•(..I
thrifi had preserved • few brig'%guineas in
the otd stock ng bene.th the herr h, had
,.ore ebergy; her heart was air tai;, she
looked to Cha future, 'ear beiro•,' she tole
1u r husband, 'must gang awn soon, we,
have na work liar them Isere, an they m n1na
oe idle; and Janet used such strong argu-
ments, urging, so s•ren,ou.ly, on the Im-
mediate eoeesalty of removing to soothe
land, that he at last consented.-Disuwtn g
of their smell Bock of sheep snJ a couple 01
posies they bad, they (ouoi their golden
0wre aogmeeted to sea ly a hundred, with
these, oiler .bedding many otter tears at
parting from their home and f lend., they
embarked a1 Aaerdeen, June lit, 1853 a.J
sal sail the following morning, which one
it ts uosecesaary to describe the dangers
they e.cuustered 10 creams( the Atlantic,
it er ,ueeaul to say that baying been toe. -
ie about toe little better t►u togs/ week..
el loaded .a New 1'e•k ea 3Usa Joiy, ail
well and.uaag, will the exception ii their
fever/es chow Medea the voyage uut -
Her se it allies -or, to follow teem en 10011
t doers jar usey fro N ,w York to Nisgsre
al *moolattereuwr they arrived is .tugu.t
Hera it *re bended that Ce.rpami 1000.0
t.a.e she w.i., sono wt cot le • It stole el
health to fallow her ba.baad to toe back -
ho tak.sg the boyo, 110 lounges.
cel wuore wan a.ee, a tard*j little /cube
take is.. deltlibt.J betad'hoot a eum-
(rseloo for tsar latae.. eeJ seralre(17 Ieh boa
sutl e• Yre. Canpsoil was lodged to
►albee+ poor buardtsg boodle, where see
pee birth tea daughter a kw days atter
Mr beeb.00'* deportees. 1
Campbell •(tor gang to Dentition west
to the tuws.aip ■1 K.4.141.14,/, wbero h.
psrvoietwil • ream of seg Isere* es / wood
Mom* Aero" lbs en0n.• .rid wtnte: is
abieaseig • perigee w1 steeling • Nsey,-y
le1140, be Active hese be, teat be reseed
841.0 some WOO. Nal wen comet, wear
w stow ANA 401. ibe seems f ewes
NW b, relYe.t4 w iVVater.•l..' Roe While
a.1 Noes... Pete Cipi$41! 1Y Mi
.teat bast. 11.11 hew 'by �.t4 wtltids4
W. & R. SiMPSON,
GROCERS, Wine Merehante. Freer/moo
rad O Imes, No. 17 Dusts* Street,
London, C. W.
February 3518 1852.
1BAVING during the pat two Tema set -
.d in the capacity of GENERAL.
AGENT for the collection of debt., desire.
it to be generally underatnnn that he will
accept the Agency kr the collection of
dime in any pari of the Upper Prurinr., be-
tween t'obour( in the Emit mad Lake Memo
is the Wert. in making tbir ennmtnee
moot, he would beg to express him thank.
to his Meade for part revelers, and now re
sprelfully solicits a conllsuaeee of thr
All commpniestione on husis.p., addrna
.d (poet paid) to Ayr P. O.. North Pews
fries, C. W.. will he promptly speeded to.
April 1, 1881. vent0
B ARRISTEI. delisltes (e Cbaseery,
AJte•reey-•.1-Lash CeuSsyseeer, ke.
ke. 08ke r Oster,* 11.1114rage, Ring -Mt.
eppeelte Me Gore Reek. sed the desk of
British North America. Hoot trots. 4 10
'IYML IN011'LLE& .ail Pruitt/octal Load
\/ $arveystt, Goderrob.
April $0, 1111. 54511
TIIN .abeerlber will beep ee.et*et es
fa bead et the 0Oi1161WIC1! 'me II11U
BIMd. AIM PUMP tACTU$.X. es. Ar•
tb0e tsar the Varlet
t �eeare. and
ifirdattig ( *Here Teaser 1,
sob---" t leretes.hio yowl
Woos Me arkele,
fie 4111*
Y : 1 eki1* *octavo
air M1tL M
'>�o t►.d; 41e M a�pe.hll •.waw. M
*WWI I oaaas asba. atsoma & .M le •1 I
:I Yo sol is bbss�Mils 4+• MN
. saattes155a,a. wail ovroit9' W
'jr .
nearer yet, until they bad reached the base
Of the eldf, and then, singing a loud war-
•ong, they rushed swiftly up the narrow
steep path.
But the young chieftain's arm was strong
and his arrows swift and sharp, and hi
braves resolved to fight to the death ; so
one after another as their enemies ►ad al-
most gained the summit they were pierced
by the unerring shafts of the archers above,
and fell back lifeless amid their corm aui-
ous below.
And then, failing in this attempt, with
half their band lying bleeding among them,
the survivors closed in dark, serried ranks
arwmd the base and with sullen release aid
ineioeibte determination, awaited the lin-
gering death of their victims is the gloo-
my, desolate fortress above.
Day after day, the red sun rest• in the
orient, whectla across the buraieg horizon
at mid-day Singing dgwn scorching beams,
and at twhigbt throwing long, lengthen-
ing shadows over water, wood, and rolling
prarie, but to these on the t:igh cliff too re-
lief carne.
Still, the withering attnbeams fell apron
thrtn, dryin,r, up their very life blood ; still
those gigantic shadows creeping closer and
closer about :heir hearts. They were star-
And there, at the very base of the reek,
est silent sod immoveable as the firs ohn.1
shrouded them from the tierce suit's rays
that implacable chieftain surrounded by his
warriors. Neither lore,wuercy nor pity
cutered (,. flinty heart. Ills bitterest
foe had stolen Iris fairest flower -his only
child -the daughter of a race of kings,
had left his wigwam for %hal of his enemy.
Vengeance oil them both -the bitter foe
and the faithless daughter 1
White, wan, emaciated, they waulered
about the brow of the cliff, like. ghosts
from the far off hunting ground, of their
race. a Stroup warriors who had not quailed
in the direst, dradiiest combat, now sank
down lite reeds before the breath of fa -
'nine. l3rave chiefs who would have
lau_lu d io derision at the arrow or the
Vi4 mMrid hoe i. obs Wbs.
trod le miser teen :
Ih•y mowed the hoed, that Fleeted No
The bright sad bluumiag Cowart.
Asa ..w, ii is sad, full at by the pole
seo.Nght, were f0.. wee, ghostly figures
gfdisg to ..d he epos the chi', with 'lark
plumes Bootleg epos lbs bight wind ; and
*ref and mos, the spectral forma of the Io-
dise sod bar dusky warrior lover, stand
spun the brisk, sod, and in low wailing
voices chant their death doge ere they go
alar, to tail togetber is Ilse Great Spir-
it's hunting ground.. 'f has faits ' The
Legend of Starved Rock.'
in the Far West,' where the broad rol-
ling praries stretch away -for rules in bil-
lowy undulations -where -bold mountainous
cliffs rise abruptly to the attire sky, crown-
ed with dark firs and cedars, not far from
the head waters of navigation on the Illin-
ois [liver, and lowering up from the brink
of the stream, rises, o Starved Bock."
Its walls are of dark grey stone, half
veiled with clambering sada vines and trail-
ing mosses, -as of some old dilapidated cas-
tle, relict of feudal times, stands buried in
the drapery which iong ages have woven
arouud it, and broken parapets of stinted
cedar and fir, frown threateningly at the
daring adventurer woo attempts to scale its
p.ecipitnd's stens. A narrow, almost per-
peoltcula- path, on the opposite side of the
titer is revealed, as you stake a circuit of
the base of the cliff ; sod here, he who
reaches the highest elevation of the
• /lock,' ran ascend.
There is a fugitive tale, commemorating
the events which gave this wild chime
strange a name. cumiog down to us from
those tunes when the red man was sole
lord of rock, and miner anal rolling prarie,
a little record of the Indian race, which
we now weave anew, and again relate,
•'Phe Legend of jtarve'd'Ltock."
Long years a cone the brave and noble
[udian chief, Oconee, healer cel a powerful
tiibe inhabiting the surrounding region,
saw and loved the gentle maiden, Utah,
daughter of his rival chieftain.
Oronee was young and brave, at bis bell
hung the teali,, of a hundred of his foes,
whom he had slain is the battle fray ; his
a. to was strong, and his eye was like the
mountain eagle's, and no warrior in the
chase could brine down the fleet deer, or
tierce panther so surely as he.
Utah was young and fair, with eyes like
the evening star, and dusky locks like the
gathering shades ' f night. She loved the
brave Oronee, and when he MU her that
art his wigwnu were the so test lure, and
for her he would chase the deer aol bring
down the eagle in his eight, and asked her
to share his lodge -then she tented from
her stern father and went with the young
Ne-pow-ra parsed his daubh•er from his
wigwam. When he came bark at night
from the toil, of the chase she sprang not
forth to meet him, when be came from the
battle field. or the deadly ambush, eahult-
ing in victory, she came not ((nit to side
with bin braves the war •nngs of his race.
The daughter of a chieftain was in the
wigwam of his deadly for. ile could not
brook the insult ; and gathering his bold,
Beet warnors about lion, told theme, be-
side the enancil tire, Ili' wrong he had suf-
fered, anti bade them follow him.
Day atter day, nigh: after night, saw
Diann oa the 11113 US alta Bating enemy,
aided over by the heavens at and the
rest wiles beneath.
Westward, the stars of night guided
weir footsteps; sal westward through the
tangled wild wood, the sunbeams rsveelieg
broken shruhs and trampled leaves and
mosses, gave token that they were ou the
(rail. ll
On tlae
(with day 11.e eagle gale of the
fisgutieesl saw the waving plumes of 'heir
punsters is the dislwece. Before them
rose bold and high, the Mtge roek an the
brink of ate [tfinolk=-betth,d them, rante
the enraged fatter with obs Mere* warriors
of his tube. Upus Bee said Statr•i their
mild tries of rt iJsS S and 1111114"01110, WTI*
sero0 and nearer, tooted *ow eagle
'Eke persued thief, withIsis dusky mad.-
den and a sent basil hf foll1 owers. gad to
the acridly formas - N the tooter elf
(iE Sobecnber respectfully ee-
l'nnnneee 10 the Inha►INnt, rat
OoJerleh es.1 eerroundls/ a merry.
that he nae perehaed the Stack •n Trade,
kc., of Mr. E. Tbnrrtell. In the abase bu.i•
WNW, end opened the Store lately oe'repn•d
b i4. 11..'.', Teller, roxt dotes ,e Ile.
McDoogall's new Britt huddee, Market
&gear., Godeneh, where he tweeds to can
ry os lb* BOOT AND PIM b.Meees re
NI IY braneb e. He 1. ptlepsre4 an enemir.
N1 order* for 'warp warily e1 Wer , Mw
obs meat reeenneble term*, •Sd by oriel
atNN5tle• to bn.ts.w bopail to ORM e
*ben of **Al* palr+eagp.
The highest market price paid for !Woo
ao4 8.13.
Goderieb, May 10, 1468. .aa17
R AND CUPPRR rhe ITN, nest deer
totem View* Hisao* tal Wait
ipmsa4- •r•
notelet. tatee
iMrM Ylt+/1M nim entep s►-
.i: tk ale
III/.s tui d hsps. A11 btwd►ol
Mo -obi. Ila9fsba/ .aN
. 11111
. r
By .11r. McCrea. at (E r ,arr '
a (_f b,
Grrlph• Jere 10 ]
Taking a soil naturally favorable, r made
s' by artificial meas limier -draining. sub -
soiling, sed lime, marl, clay,.rir sand.j pre-
pare the ground for the reception of the
seed. 1 would vary somewhat Iron the
filth eoir.e,abifl, and grow two crops tach
of wheat peas and otos. and four of clover
sad grass, with one naked fallow in eleven
year*. Thns:-
1st year -Fallow from sod.
lad do- set tuauured for 1 year.
.3rd do -teas \'In
4th do -Oats and eeedrj.
Mob do -Clover and Grass plaster if
8th do-- do do S mown.
714 do -Pea. on sod. Soli do -Wheat
with lime. 9th do --Oats and seeded.
10th do --Clover and Grass plaster if
111b do- do tau mown.
At the end of this course, sac land has
bete once immured 55d once Timed with
from GO to 100 bushels of lime per aere,
ail will be in a better state than it worked
on the fire course shill, and ininured once
is *be sou:se with the apa.e coatieg. The
wheat clop will follow a naked fallow, or
peas on a sod of two years /oyer. In tate
to:mi•r I would plough once [m the wrist;
in prefr.reare to the fall] a VII
six to
eight inches deep, and u•e the cultivator as
olten as may be oeede 1 during the summer
to keep down grass or wends. ronnmml it
shallow at first, sono not to dist*: b the grace
under until the bad is in that state of de -
comp sition considered necesser r when
cross ploughing is practiced, when it may
be worked In the depth of five or six inch-
es. In some soils it will be necessary to
facilitate surface drainage; butt in prima*
sum -soils, the cultivator will do all IhP work
atter the first ',toughing. in ploghaing the
sod for pcas,sueh a pique -halo -told be used as
will cut a furrow with a good shnulder,anli
pack tight, so as to cover the sec,I well and
prevent the grass springing. One good
lu'rols should then ba plowed for wheat,
and tiler s,irea•l and seed sown quiesly, bar-
rowin4 all in together.
The best tune for sowing will general!, be
scatp.ae knife, now felt fiercer, keener the first half of Se; temw'oer, the plants re -
panes than poisoned shaft or merciless to- 1 quiring the intermediate time before set-
ting in of the winter to get suJHeut root
to protect them against heaving ice tea
spring. '
'POO inttch Bare cannot he taken in se-
lecting pure seed from a dilTerent soil to
that on which art is to be sown, as elprri-
rnal.awk ever iuliclel. \Veth plenty
around them they were starving.
The red deer left off browstnz in its
leafy covert •n4 came down to drink the
clear waters below; but no•mnrael of re- encs las proved tint even pure seed will
Dison could pass their liars -no deo, of that ( oeca,ion rliy pru.luce a crop with e d will
cool water could lava (heir aw, %len >m of tar injdre tlae samnpl., Baredonut./ Iso
parched tongues. The deer !aimed u; the taken to prepare it by vitro) or bine, I pre-
fer livid of the river-snatfed the I Iry the tatter male weal enough to bean
cool orceze and thin catciun"r a' him ae an egg, the light grain :o be floated olio and
• 0 6 P o
seed hull in strip 13 to ,^1 I..rs accordm;
of the dusky figures, Ilium; to nod fro,
to iM htrJaeit. If brine is Jivcolo:e1 it
tossed its antlers, and darted away to the should not be used for .tcepina a aecnn 1
greenwood again ; the bright waters danced parcel; when require/ for imm:Jiafe sow -
onward beneath, with a wild mocking free -
a mitts q•nek lime will mike i• acsUer.
l'hr quantity Of ares/ per acre should he
dons, as they bent J own their despairing I yariej acrnrding to soil and time of sowia..
gaze; and there, below sat those dire,
stern warriors, like statutes dirk and tin-
moveabhe. Oa, it was horrible !
and winter killing, preventing the former
And then the Indian maiden came to the by the circulation of air between the rows.
brink of the precipice, with her long dart' ant the latter by the small interveniu;;
hair, streaming like the tolls of n rent rile' constantly working down as well as
down and pleated
airing an opportunity of stirring betweru
Kanner on tire wind, bent do
with agonizing gestures and frame entrea-
ties to Ler sire, whom she saw fur, far be-
low. Het never a tone of tenderness, or
Could the drill be used it would effect a
great savu•g of seen, as well as secure the
cin,. in a me-awre agaimt risk from rust
in sprin„thereby pulverising, the soil, and
giving it an absorbent power to attract
folklore and food fro.n the atmosphere.
to bnadca.t r,wia., the seed should be
a token of reconciliation went up from that smru directly after plougbinr, so that it
be -
proud insulted soul. lie hal chosen the 'fore theoy .. i ,vashed down by the rain; or
ii sown on the level, cultivated in, all ne-
c.asary surface drains opened, and well har-
rusteJ in the spring-, as sten •t the land is
dry. 1 world recommend cutting rather
green, the •arn;de being heat -test, the loss
less from handling, and the yield greatest
per at: n:, b sides gamine a few Jays more
about --nn wailing voice broke the silence. time in harvest. Slmtkiug, the *heaves
resume./ be small, and of a uniform size, and
But one of the bre•:•igrd worries c•caped; pair set 0, nith a sufficient •.are at the
bottom to allow free passage for the air up
the Pentre of the stook and brought toge-
ther se, as to be as sharp along (hi top as
poteible, thtt the rap sheaves oily rover
all the ears. Carting is *amity commenced
loo soon, in are gears beiaj iajure.l ia the
baro than is the field.
Indians revers;e.
Day after Jay that doomed banal thinned
away, until at li•rth limine ulone reigned
conq'terer ,inn the summit of the cliff.
Uay by day they wa.,tel, and at last all
was still. No ghostly furnts waotle.ed
and lie desccnlirig in the shale of Light to
a shelving prof-cti• n not far above lite
river, (fang himself down auto the wati r,
where his faithful squaw awaited him in ber
light canoe, and rrreirc,I him as he arose.
Then pauJllag .,l.:utly down tl o stream,
and ih•.n e u baa a:w': they 1tried Seedy
into the da. k dense forests, awl theta ea.
cast to tell hail- tribe the drealtul tate.
Whoa all was Atte upon the wm:rtil the
avenged chieftain col bit bead as:ended.
The Indian'♦ wrath was a,.pease'1-bis vena
g•ance had indeed be••er teerible. 'Chars
they lay upon the gray rock, those wasted
■krletou-like wallets, all Nark and Nig;
and there, too, the ledwn insides had died
in the arrps of bet lover, her white (see,
oh so horrible 1e, look upon! her long
otrcataia j hair alike her bridal veil cad
a. •
Tn.y m'.wd h r whoa the eveaio j abide,
Fel •1Jiy in t m grp•iw 1,
('(0 erne o1 heft •,iota•• ea 51
'Las break the *Sams real .4.
try motel her when 11.1 elver fuss,
A .owe tram. 1 o b'u. el brave. 1
F..r •'r• won ge'wt to wide their nib(.
Bullet ea oke efiimetatee OMNI.
7'ho? mewed bee when the balmy lHots
cr..igsing Natty fair 1
1l brwjbt the ensnarer of bei .0'01
tj•to (b Ilutehg'iN"
Tier .diad her rises Goa "Noe, 1.101
!Loop ors a gladwea. Issas 1
MM p.epnt.tere Imre* waMie$ /bore.
Ta erred; Ise sots, of (lee.
IliNITS ABET tistttrttls.--/For sev-
eral years paw, we have 61,7101 the lel-
lowing plait of ,treetiug carriage harness
with so mach etl.tfort and soceess that we
hew' e..cleled to recommend it to you fur
worbaa,7 asdear-Age brra.w.
I'b, whole tb'n'S oily be c ,o ris.d is
is (eft weeds t With bot waler,s'utp, kneels -
e,, end scrapers make yosr is-1mss perfect-
ly .1318. Next situ•ate oil t tasty, •
*ter proof el:btie polish eel blaekee-
f., jtM11 ii*,.., iso two &tail i. yW
Wm lettri H8 es g fibers swi-
sh*. • pews.
=sot 4* Mooing. Tabs yawn
aril far as yon
rim onho ///foil/ ars• lab .r
hired, an T' pelf S'sihhsg sire;--eeds eget
them, ..d let Shell atasd all ,igbt. Is the
mer. •. tat w wet break ere sok s.or
tmw.nb elm est the some sen, bad okl.
''3 Mtoo d bosrA, M Owe et• omit bilsfd.
Of* frlwh' WW1' and 10N rob the Net
of grime and dirt effeach.,ute 6f the hnMb•
bre. Sorsedi'rea N w 500.1.ary to M a
old kali& to aef.ps pith. Pare Hob
thousb s stestwnd ekes. wow ad
so tib. MIN Opium' long moo..
e %soil
n/ 101164bird;,-MIE
' eA ,+iN M seer iron. Shope s /•'41‘ •
1 f