HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-29, Page 12Action starts! ASSURED WITH A DELCO BATTERY 10.70 6-VOLT BATTERY AS LOW AS Come In For A FREE BATTERY CHECK . . Let Us Do It Before the Weatherman Does! OTHER FEATURES WINTER SPECIALS • INSTALL SNOW TIRES $1.25 • SAFE-T-CHECK INSPECTION FREE • ENGINE TUNE-UP SPECIAL $4.80 Snell Bros. Ltd. PHONE 235.0660 EXETER eaeetereeereeeeeerzereeaseeealeveleeellerWesetfe-elesteereereetemeeteerell Give Her Westinghouse A Westinghouse Autenialic Electric Clothes Dryer will saVe yam wife bouts of ironing time-com- pletely eliminates the danger of pneumonia, colds, frostbite and backache. Saves you money, (eXelltSiVe direct aft drying). $139.00 Priced ftom With tradO PLUSi t rAc Eteetrie lllafiket, Velee $29,45, BEAVERS CREST 1.1= HARDWARE Om AVOoilvAi Vet set eteiseeeet'etr eiee oes WAS Weiwesteas feeds r ci ette V.41/0 rtapee 12 The Timee•Adeetea10$ November 2?., 1962 8 Situations Wanted I AM DOING RADIO and TV repair work. Call Jim Laye, 293-3134 Ailsa Craig. 10:4tfnc WANTED; Reliable man as dealer in Huron County. Ex• perienee not necessary. A fine 10 opportunity to step into old profitable business where Raw. leigh products have been sold for years, Big profits, Products furnished on credit. Write Raw- paid by Saturday following leigh's, Dept. IC-202 163, 4005 e last insertion. Richelieu,. Montreal, 29cn Y'EARLLNG STEER, Hereford, white face, underside right ear rOrked. missing from lot 10, concession 4. Usborne, since :lune. Phone 39r16 Kirkton (col- leete William Pincombe. 2e* ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for .V,.',A13.10LNG STEER, St. Jo- brucellosis, contact Bill Wet• sepb's airport pasture, white son, phone 37r19 Dashwood, spot on face, notch in right 5:25,tfne ear. Anyone knowing where- eilbet$, phone collect 43r11, Dashwood, Ron Desjardine, 29e 2 Words e. ,,Eaell Additional Word (Minimum 85e) 20c Off Second Insertion k 21/2 PER WEIRD t 111munum 550 ) Six Insertions 2c PER WORE) (Minimum 45e) Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First' Insertion-Per Inch $1,40 See*Oncl Insertion-Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted in multiples of 1/2 inch. Classifications *4 1; Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3- Male Help Wanted Female Help Wanted 5 Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 1.1.. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 12. For Sale 14. Wanted To Buy 15,- Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17, Property For Rent 18,.. For Rent 19.'; For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21, Property Wanted F22. Notices ,23. Legal Notices :24. Tenders Wanted .25. Auction Sales 1 Lost, Strayed S3RAYED onto Lot 2, Con, 2, .Biddulph„ 2 yearling heifers. (Amer may have same by id . 'ratifying and paying for this doe Ondrejicka, phone Ex- eter 235-2218. 15 : 22: 29, BLACK STEER, weighing arpund 700 lbs., strayed from lot 9, concession 2, Usborne, approximately 2 weeks ago, Phone collect 235-1347. 29c RED COW and red calf, str”.• ed •frnm lot- 3, concession 12, Stephen Township. Martin Cl Rnurke, RR 3 Dash.wnorl. 29c WOULD THE PARTY who re- moved rubber mat from silo door of Excler Legion Satur- day night, please return to avoid further trouble. 29e 4 Female Help Wanted TIOUSEKEEPER, 33 to 55. to live in and take charge of home for three adults, with weekends off. Write Box P3Q, Times-Advorale, Exeter. 11:22tfne STENOGRAPHER SEWING, miscellaneous, and square dance elothing, ineluci ing shirts; also heavy sweat• ers knitted. Mrs. M. Bowles, phone 235-0434. 29' 10 Livestock For Sale 70 WEANER PIGS, first (mat- fly. Please call after 6 pm, Bert Box, RR. 1 Woodham. 22:29e 4 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, ready to breed, Can be seen any time. Cooper Forrest, lot 15, conces- sion 15, Usborne, 21/2 miles northeast of Kirkton. 20* WEANER PIGS, top quality, 35 to 40 lbs, Apply Arnold Steb- bins, 11.11 2 Grand Bend, phone 47r11 Grand Bend. 29:6c PIGS, York, chunks and wean- ers, good. Gebrge Link, RR 2 Dashwood, phone 34r3, 29* 19 WEANER. PIGS - Apply Glenn Jeffery, RR 3 Exeter, phone 235-1716. 29c DURHAM HEIFERS, due in December. Apply 2. McCann, Mount Carmel. 29c DAYOLD & STARTED PULLETS available at all times, Get your order in early to assure you of early order dis- counts. Apply to: H. Lawrence, Hen- sall, phone 37J Hensall; or Henderson Started Chicks Ltd., Seaforth, phone 358 Seaforth. 11:15tinc 1961 DODGE, automatic trans- mission, radio, dark blue, red interior, actual miles guaran- teed, A-i. shape. Apply Konas- Kilde Limited. Exeter. 29c '55 CHEV coach, in good run- ning condition, needs body work, $150; trade for pigs, guitar, etc. Phone Hensall 275W1.. 29* 13 For Sale McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed PHONE 228-6214 MIXED SLAB WOOD, 830,00 truckload, delivered Apply to Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, or phone 232.4450 Nairn. 3:22tine MITCHEL CIDER and apple butter mill wit operate Tues- day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from now on until November 23, Terms strictly cash, Fred Hennick & Son, proprietors. 8:15: 22: 29nc 54' MOBILE HOME, 20th Cen. tury, 3-bedroom, 2 years old. Phone 234-6311 Crediton. 11:81fne 1 ONLY - chesterfield and chair, regular $109, Tuesday night special $125; 1 only - da.venport and swivel rocker, regular $150, Tuesday night special $119, Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St., Exeter. 29e IT'S NOT HARP TO BUY TOYS FOR GROWING BOYSI We have the most complete selection of Chemistry Sets, Kenner Bridge & Turnpike and Girder & Panel Sets and every- thing for the boy who wants something new and different, Action Gaines-Archery, Sports and Body Building Equipment. Electric Trains for Dad and the lad-and planes that: fly for-the little guy. We hate to boast but we have the most; for the girl in the family, too. If she likes to bake or lace a shoe, or sew and keep house like mothers do. make your little darling's dream come true, by shopping in our Basement Toytown. BEAVERS CREST HARDWARE Phone 235-1033 Exeter 29:6:13:20c WALL HEATER, -forced air, automatic, Markel, 240 volts, 3,000 watts, used three winters, new condition, original price $110, will sell for $55. Apply Lloyd Hoffman; Exeter, phone 235-0963, 11; 29tfne CHEST OF DRAWERS, bed and studio couch; cheap. Mrs. Earl Rata, phone 165r5 Dash- wood. 29, TABLE POTATOES, good, 75 lb. bag, $1,40; reduced price on 10 bags or over. Greenway General Store, phone Parkhill 294-6482. 29c KITCHEN STOVE, coal and wood; 4-burner Calroid electric stove; Finlay oil healer; ena- mel annex; mahogany Royal cupboard; large oak buffet; end table; sideboard; leather rocker; kitchen suite; floor lamp; dishes, etc. Mrs. Verde Moulton, Dashwood. 29c ADDING MACHINE, used, in good condition. Phone 235-2800. 29: tic BEAN COOKER, electric, wir- ing and switches, complete unit, Apply to Art Brophey, RR 3 Parkhill, phone 238.2606, 29e WATER CONDITIONER, used 6 months. Phone 128 Hensall, between 1 and 6 p.m. 29:6c 14 Wanted To Buy HAVING PURCHASED Thomas Welsh & Sons saw mill in Hen- salt and operating it now, I am in the market for logs and standing timber in this dist- rict, paying top cash prices. Special prices on good hard maple, cherry and soft maple logs or standing timber, Con- tact: Guts Saw Mill at Hen- salt, phone 1: or write Gets Saw Mill, 290 Ashland Ave„ London 1:26tfne 16 Property For Sale W. C. PEARCE, REALTOR. 86 Anne St., Phone 235.1402 Farms of 100 to 300 acres, Stores, general and hardware. Houses, brick duplex. Frame 5-bed for one family or 3-bed plus furnished apart- ment, 3-piece bath, oil heat, insulated, storms, screens all reund, attached garage. RUSS BRODERICK, Salesman Box 124 Phone 235-Q477 11 :15tfnc HOUSE, brick veneer (red), 3 bedrooms, 4-piece tiled bath- room, large living room, din- ing room and kitchen, full basement. All windows storm- ed and screened, living roam thermopane, aluminum storm doors. Low down payment, mortgage on small monthly payments. Phone Fred Sim- mons 2354854, or Eldrid Sim- mons, 235-0526. 1.1:29tfric STORE on Main Street, op- posite the Exeter post office. Apply at Exeter Times-Advo- cate. 9:113f, APARTMENT, furnished, up- per, heated, running water; no pets, Apply 68 Sanders St. E,, Exeter. 1111tfne SMALL APARTMENT avail- able December I Apply 1.6 John St. E. or phone 235-0382. 11:1tfnc APARTMENT, in Grand Bend, 4 large rooms, furnished, heat- ed, television, ample cupboard' space, $75 a month, Rollie Sports & • Cycle, phone 78 Grand Bend. 11:22tfnc 2 APARTMENTS-2 bedrooms, one furnished, one unfurnish- ed, modern and comfortable, Available Nov. 30, 1962. Phone 235-2012, after 6 p.m. 11:22tfnc APARTMENT, 1-bedroom, fur- nished, living room, dining room and kitchen, bath, hard- wood floors, close to down- town, Apply 27 Gidley St., phone 235.1371, 22:29:6:13c APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, preferably for adults. Avail- able December 15. 94 Sanders St, West, phone 235.2425, 22:29e APARTMENT, suitable for 2. Apply Fink's Meat Market, Ex- eter, or phone 235.1313, 22:29e LUCAN-House, 3 bedrooms, 3- piece; bath, brick-sided garage, garden. Harry Arnold, phone 227-4428. 29c APARTMENT, suitable for two people, heat and hot water sup- plied, Apply Penhale Apts., 70 John St. east. 11;29tfne APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, 3-piece bath; no children. Phone 235- 2800. 11:29tfnc HOUSE, in Exeter, suitable for 2 apartments, equipped with stove and refrigerator, oil fur- nace. Available December 1, Apply 321 Huron St. W., Ex- eter. 29:6* SPACIOUS APARTMENT, 2- bedroom, 3.piece bath with shower, modern kitchen and living room, stoani heated, at Elmart Apt's, Main St Exeter, Apply Art Gaiser, phone 235- 1505 days, 235.2754 nights, 11;291(11c APARTMENT, 3-goon, main finer, furnished, healed, cenl. rally located in Exeter, Apply 365 William St. ot phew, 235- 077e. II; ?Arne CEMENT MIXER-By day or vt eek, Apply Hutoti Colotcrete Applicators. Phone Exeter 23$- ].603, 22:2ee 19 For Sale or Rent 22 Notices TOWN OF EXETER Election And all electors are hereby requested to govern them- selves accordingly. Exeter, Ont,, Nov. 27, 1962. CLARENCE V. PICKARD, Returning Officer. 29c TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Election Public notice is hereby given that an election will be held to choose Four Councillors and Three. School Area Trustees, on MONDAY, DEC, 3, 1962 when polls shall be opened from 9 o'clock a.m. until 5 o'clock p.m. at the following places with the undermention- ed officers in charge as fixed by township by-law via: Poll No. 1 - School House No. 4 Eden; Fred Ford, DRO; Harry Coates, Poll Clerk, Poll No. 2 - Residence of Lloyd Stewart; Charles Jeffery, DRO; Lloyd Ballantyne, Poll Clerk. Poll. No, 3 - School House No, 1 Hurondale; Harry Jef- fery, DRO; Evan Sims, Poll Clerk. Poll No, 4 - Public Hall, Farquhar; Robert Mayer, DRO; Reg 1-lodger!:, Poll. Clerk. Poll No. 5 - Township Hall, Eliniville; Laverne Skinner, DRO; Alvin Cooper, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 6 - Residence of Ross Horn; Ross Hern, DRO; Everard Miller, Poll Clerk, Poll No. 7 - Kirkton Public Library; Lorne Marshall, DRO; James Miller, Poll Clerk. RR 1 Hensall, Nov. 28, 1962. H. H. G. STRANG, Clerk 29c 5040 16.1. ho a b4•4utitul Areal tliamoh-d, 1 r, S d Ob4 for 'oha year at 22 Notices TOWN OF :EXETER COLLECTION OF TAXES I will be in the Town Hall on the dates and during the hours listed below for the collection of taxes for the Town of Exeter, Please arrange to make payment on .or before these dates to avoid penalty. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30 9:30 to 12 1:30 to 5 7;20 to 9 p.m. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1 9;30 to 12 ERIC CARSCADDEN Tax Collector 22:29c 22 Notices $100 Reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of. the person or persons responsible for the placing of false fire alarm calls to the Crediton Police Village VOlentoet Fire Brigade. Signed, TRUSTEES OF CREDITON POLICE VILLAGE 29:6:13e KISSES FROM 40 MISSES Classified Rates 6 Business Opportunities 9 Services WOMAN desires work house cleaning, preferably at Cent. ratio PMQ. Call Mrs. William Dickey, Kirkton 22r11, 29* 9 Services HADCO WELL DIGGLNG-Ma chine dug 1 ft. to ft. diameter up to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira MO 9-3761, or Lucan BA 7-4680. 6:7,tfric FOR PROMPT, dependable TV service, call Lucan Radio and TV, phone 227-4432. 10:18.11:29c SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED - Immediate service, always available. Harold Butler, Lu- PAINTING and odd carpenter jobs. Phone 228-6687 Centralia, 9:20tfnc DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For dead or disabled animals, call DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED Phone Collect Hunter 2-7269 Licence No. 175-C-62 9:20tfnc FOR ALUMINUM windows and. doors, paint sales, painting and carpentering, phone Fred Hatter,. 35-0686 Exeter. 11:15-12:30" Custom Butchering , Cattle - Sheep - Hogs ,,.Wholesale and Retail "We guarantee the Quality" Butchering Days: every Monday and Tuesday WOODHAM MEAT MARKET Phone Kirkton 121 John C, Witteveen, Prop. 10:Mine ALUMINUM AWNINGS • DOORS WINDOWS Nov is the time In order your self-storing aluminum windows and doors to ensure delivery and installation before winter. Call us for free estimates. We do our own installing and ser- vice, what we sell. WALKER. ALUMINUM SALES EXETER -.6- HEREFORD STEER. about 800 FINANCE your car on our 6'; the. Boy. Alexander, RR 1 discount plan. Phone Commerc- Hensall, phone 337W4 collect. ial Credit Plan, (333 Dundas 29:6:13* Street, London, GE 3.1746. t5:22:290 0 L. STEIN HEIFERS, 21 e years old. vaccinated, bred Hereford, due soon. John Ber- endsen, phone 2174 Kirkton, 83 highway, 11 4 miles east of LADY available to work full Farquhar. 11..29-1 9 .27 time, 2 weeks in December; office or sales preferred. Phone Mrs. E, Bowland, 228.6374, 22:29c can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7- 4312 collect. 10:4tfnc 11 Poultry For Sale VALUABLE 150 acre farm with buildings, in very desir- able location, 14 mile south of Centralia, with frontage ex- tending to No, 4 highway. Possession and terms may be 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale arranged to suit purchaser. For further information write 1962 VOLKSWAGEN delivery or phone Sid Henry, Listowel, van, Phone 235.1362. 29' phone 1095, evenings or Satur- day. 11.: 291in c COMPLETE SET of Americana Encyclopedias; very reason- able. Phone 228-6969. 29nc BOY SCOUT Christmas trees are now available at Beaver Lumber. 22:29c DRY SLAB and body wood. Apply to Robert Eagleson, C. V. PICKARD Ailsa Craig, or phone 232.4450 11:22Une Nairn. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE VIKING SEPARATORS AND REPAIRS We have clients prepared to 22:29e VIKING MILKERS buy. U you wish to sell, see Phone 2a5.0722 (Collect) •, 5.0,eY WEEK 2 Units Installed $498.00 us. For permanents 'psalm) in Ex -" — Third Unit .$13n.on EXtra HOUSE with low tax acreage; etel....offiee, good salary. Apply FOR PROMPT service, seven Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith & comfortable 3-bedroom home; Bnxl-NAS, E x e ter Times• days a week, on dead or dls. . W e lding Shop. e enee fi e ld desirable location; garage arid Advoeate 3:8411e .abled animals, phone Ed An. p nw1 0:25.. small barn, This property is in — •.. . --.............—..- Brews, 863W1 Seaforth, Truck g o n d condition; moderately STEADY. full - lime mother's priced with liberal terms; quick (1 licensed under Dead Stock Dis. tight housekeeping; must he pOsal Act, ',Wilco No. 66C61. APPLIANCE BARGAINS possess ion, helper for baby.sitting an- villilig' to move to London, - - 11:22tfnc Deluxe Westinghouse I.,nu n dro. SMALL HOUSE with new bath. liver, ;in Salary for qualified Mat and Dryer, like new, both room and oil burning furnace. g. While this is a low priced perelM, o30 a week. Phone Mrs, Basements Waterproofed for 5205; erte used Westin Jarlepearson, Zurich 145. 29c ., And Beautified house Laundromat, In good Property, you will be agree. - ,,-• Choice of 16 Colors condition, special $135; used Ably surprised at the comfort- 24" Westinghouse e I c e t r 1 e able living it offers. Terms if LADIES OF ALL AGES Free estimates on request range, $45, desired, Begin tow to turn your spare - • - BEAVERS CREST INDUSTRIAL building - 80' x anywhere in Western Ontario. 2 tile block consttuttioti, hours into cash, Nen-restricted HURON COLORCRETE HAROWARE 29c heavy duty wiring, radiant area',s :for 'Beauty Counselor. APPLICATORS ... • healleg. While this building is pi-ridge's. We carry a complete Dial Collect 2354693, Exeter ANOTHER, good particularly suited for small used dining industry, machine shop etc • it line et Christmas gifts. High , , _ .2.2:29e room suit e. This onel: i n wia i, 13 For Sale . „ . DRESSER wardrobe, $10; also 50-ACRE FARM, stone house, 4-drawer chest, $5.00; need re- good barn, shed, good water finishin g. Phone 228-6816. 29c supply, 39 acres plOWC4, eeres mixed hay, one acre bush, Apply Ambrose .Korleina, phone 228-6278. 11;e2.12:27, 16 Property For Sale OIL BURNER, Finlay, with pipes, in good condition, Call Kirkton 22111, 29* n could be converter) into dWell- eniumissions paid. Immediate poR c0MPLETE grieding 'arid hit t.sletti abtlercilronoincie and e C111(klitic°Inien fur- ing allartmell1:•5 openings in Luc ”' 1)ainvc>eti ' mixin g on die farm ' ecml'aef' eiture, used refrigerator, elec- BRICK BUSINESS BLOCK - credible, Deesee, wieeheisee Kirkton Mobile Feed ServiTs, trie range and a real good rhoite location nn Main Si. ;and .,,Rrinsley areae. Write or Or P Il °11° .1C"irkiMl 107. t tSci, Wringer washer. Seedy Elliot, Two stores with two apart. available molasses and5 as ei M • Si/-,. , t r ,r,;.itt collect, Airs. Rut h G a i ser, _____,,,,.;,,,,„,;29.4:3,0 4,44 :lain :o ., .,>,e. e . _ 29c meets above. Whole bUilding is C."11 "in't 6 1 ('' 1-1 centrally healed. 011. Separate PR 2 crrelden. 2344;401. 0 Lel• . - DOGS, beagle and terrier, one.storage.basements Tar stores le B.1 norm only. ,2,30, ' ed `reasonable. ,Tames 'Cunning` Fun batorooms a nd kitchens in , .13USII WOOD.CUTTING clone' '' t A • ' • • 18 Fig Rent — with chain saw, ;Saturdays only. tram,• 10 1 et nde h 0 1,,, r, • • ' ' 227-4580. • A 0Y e P •-n,,,,, apartmeets. Apartments 'clean Phone 234.6379 'Crediton 29* HousEKttOtk .. . . _ 17 end really for 'occupancy. Rea• ble price, Mature woman to take over INVISIBL'E MENDING '-' Make 2 BATHROOM SINKS, 1 bath s°na ' Tarns, holes, tuts, teats and burns lob with legs; 2 toilets; 1 water Fort RENT-'rwe apartments. duties of inederri, welch adjust-disapPeat from suits Clothing heater; 8' 2.tube fluorescent' ed tolid01). Wine; ildren, and fabrics, Save your &Mag.' light fixture with 6 tubes. Ap. We also solicit vont business 10, 11, 18; live in; 'permanent ed• garments by having than Ply 244 Main St., phone 235. - ' let any type, of genttal lesur, if satisfaetory; Please write invisibly therided. Fred esti. Thee. ,, 29e -mire rilateS, 1VOM'a Piek•elfi And do” • ---- ' ------' t. V, '01tKARD, REALTOR stating qualifivations to Mt. D. livery. Norte collect to Mr. C, 2 B011,0 COATS, end grey, size W. Irvine, PO Bnx 384, Leh. lc•M etch St Exeter Latour, Dashwond 1.61re, after 16.18; nee tereken, ,he 14: •-• - 4 ; don, or telephone (F1 44701. 3 pin., Monday to Friday, 9 •elleao. Yleor fureate, in good Phones 235-0310 and 235-0414 0:13lInt 20* le 9 weekend's. 29C tenditian, Phone 234.6412, •20e that an election will be held in CHOICE :BUILDING LOT, Hill the Town of Exeter to choose a St., directly south of and over- Deputy-Reeve and Six Council- looking Riverview Park, Apply lots for the years 1963 - and Box 1111, Times-Advocate. 1964, on 3:e3tfac MONDAY, DEC. 3, 1962 when polls shall be opened from 9 o'clock a,m. until 6 o'clock pm. at the following places with the undermention- ed officers in .charge as fixed by town by-law: Poll No, 1A - at residence of Allan Fraser, 483 Main Street S.; jack Carr, DRO; Hazel Heywood, Poll Clerk, Poll No, 113 - at residence of Allan Fraser, 483 Main Street 5,; Alvin Pym, DRO; Edna Taylor, Poll Clerk. Poll No, 2A - at Town Hall, 322 Main St, S.; Asa Penhale, DRO; Grace Worm, Poll Clerk. Poll No, 213 - at Town Hall, 322 Main St. S.; Edna Sim- mons, DRO; Ethel Cushman, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 3A - at residence of Lesume Desjardine, 157 Main St. S.; Sarah Laing, DRO; Grace McKnight, Poll Clerk. Poll No, 3B - at residence of Lesume Desjardine, 157 Main St. S.; William Allison, DRO; Lois Learn, Poll Clerk. 17 Property For Rent Poll No, 4 - at residence of Mrs. Priscilla Hewitt, 156 Main APARTMENT, in Exeter, fur- St. N.; Norman Hackney, DRO; nished, 3 rooms, heated, 4- Labelle Harness, Poll Clerk. piece bath; no pets please; It should be noted that when available now. Apply 169 Wit- a proposed candidate :is not Bain St, or phone 235-0736, present at the nomination evenings. 8:16*tfnc meeting, his nomination paper will not be valid unless there ROOM-Phone 235.0382 Exeter, is evidence satisfactory to the 10:11thic returning officer that the pro- posed candidate consents to be so nominated. MODERN HOME, 2-bedeootri, furnished, in Grand Bend, welts:0%0e efteeeicess iieeisee teei yearly occupancy desired, Rea- .sonable rent. Available Dec. 1, Apply Exeter Times.Advoeate, phone 2354331, 11; 29tfne , f (., it 1 Al HOUSE, 3-bedroom, newly re. Robinson, phone 62r10 Xirkton, decorated. in Woodham, avail- able immediately, Contact Bob 29c If' tiiiiilf4A , APARTMENT, 3.rootri furnish- 't 11 ot141111..___ ' ' la eeleme-_. eft, heated, self-contained, pri- entrance; no pets, Apply -ea '...'---- - ....--r-e,,fP 145 Victoria St. W., Exeter. "I don't know If he has money 29 1' -I've never seen him with anything but credit cards:: ClORNE11. LOT With large brick home, small bare, $3.4 Main St., Exele.r.Apple dean Weill. 109 St, Vintent SI, Stretford, 29:6; *(4i044 OP460A+"At404igt1 OSi HOW TO WIN ... a.