HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-29, Page 7let US Help You Ety Giving Your Vehicle A FREE-SAFETY CHECK Using modern eqUipment by our qualified mechanics. PHONE NOW FOR AN APPOINTMENT • Rinks skipped by Glenn Mickle and Sandy Elliot con- tinued their masterful one- sided "wins in men's curling action this week to open up leads in two of the three divi- sions. Elliot scored a decisive 13-4 win over Allan Elston to pick up 14 points and run his total for the first two weeks to 27 and first place in the Tues- day night draw. The Mickle rink racked tip an identical total with 13 points picked up on an 11.5 win over Dick Jermyn to head the keen play in Monday's eom.petitien. Leader in Thursday's play is Lee Webber who has 24 points following his 1.1-8 victory over borne Passmore's foursome this week which gave him 11 paints,. Runners-up in the Monday grouping behind Mickle are Ken McLaughlin with 25 points and Ken. Ottewell with 23, Following closely on Elliot's heels are Wally Seldon's rink with 25 points and Art Cann. with 24. Claude Farrow and Bob Jeffrey are still very much in the race with totals of 23 and 22 respectively. Webber's nearest rivals are Lee Learn and Clarence Down with 22 points each, while Morley Sanders is in fourth. spot with 20. Most of the scores were very close again this week with the most lopsided win going to fiord McTavish with his 14.2 margin over Carmen Cann. The week's scores are as follows: MEN'S CURLING SCORES MrTavish 14.--Carman Cane 3 Bev Morgan 7-D, Passmore Although we see countless shooting stars in the skies, only 23 meteorites have been recovered in Canada. The larg- est, weighing 386 pounds, hit at Iron Springs, Alberta, in 1869. Wuerthis Cost you less! * BAUER SKATES For the whole family Men's AS low as $7.15 SLIPPERS $1;90 & UP Children's, Misses', Boy& and Men's * CURUNG BOOTS Best value at -$8.05 DAdK SHOES As low AS -$1.t05 SKATE SHARPENING * PICK UP REPALR Shoes left here for over 30 days Will 466 Sold, Witertlis SHOES PHONE 235.0611 tokimotiwilawortsto,Akkoowea- H-Z. six climb to.. second Exeter club still winless move into second place with 19 scoring points, Strathroy's Ken. Fadelle holds down third piece with 17 points, What's the niatter with the Exeter junior flaw ks? With a record of 'seven straight losses, it would appear they have tine of the weakest teams in their three-year his- tory and won't afford much ,competition for the other seven Distaff' race "a r s, however, a look at the' line- ups in their seven atarts StasY.S. dos e weals that this may not neces- sarily be the case as they have set to ice a full team due to studies, accidents, injuries and employment, Juniors. hospitals: not opponents' •nits eideet on their way tal .the game. At Forest Still playing withs eto a practice against a team that had been on the ice for close to a month, the locals dropped a 13-2 decision.. .Missing. front the lineup was Dale Tur- vey, whose tough grade 13 grind does not allow .1a an to play mid- week away games: Jean UV 11 Archildon, and Rick Boyle were both sic ahliptigh they at- tempted to play; Fred Wells suffered e head injury and left the game. Belmont at Exeter - With a full loam on the bee for the first time. And with one practise un- der' :heir belts, the Hawks OOP- ped a heart-breaking 6.5 loss due mainla to the spectacular .,neteundmg of T$riali Moore in the, visitor's vets. At 5trativoy - The junior Rockets copped the verdict with an A-2 Margin, The hawks were playing without the services of TOrveYl Fred Wells, who lead received a slight concussion In the Forest :game: Bbll Deyweed who was sitting ant A one-game suspeasion. Bob Jones was in- jured in 'he second period and was joined by Lester Heywood who sustained a leg injury. St. Alan's at 'Exeter -- The Hawks were whipped 7-3 in a game they played without the help of Wells, who was still re- euperating from his head in- jury, At. Belmont - T he locals 'ere shaded 4-3 despite the fact they were playing without any regular defeeseman. Gerald McBride was celebrating a new arrival to his family; B"1 Heys wood had to work due to a breakdown in his employ'er's ,lanie McDowell holds first place in the Thursday competi- tion, but is closely followed by Helen pickle's rink who have 21 points and Lois Learn with 20. Les Parker was elected pres- wit(, joi inmpretkitsianskti.pepneicl b a ined k een 'dent of the Exeter Curling L o i s Club at the annual sharehold- Ottewell, Janie McDowell and ers' meeting at the rink, Wed- Kay Elston having to go to an nesdaY. extra end to break ties, while lie succeeds Bill Cann, who four other matches ended with has beld the office for the Past margins of two points or less, Year. The results are as follows: Another ardent curler, Bill LADIES, CURLING. SCORES r. Southern t 7 --Willa, Wurrth 6 Kat. Liston fa *Wen Knight 5 Bernice Cann 6, Lois Hern 3 ,lasale Shane 12--.-Rarh Bell 4 m ania, fts.,Isar 6-4rary Martin 4 ii0en .1ertnyn 7-ilelen Burton Busrhe 9-.Edith no.tle Imitretta, Stegner 1.11-1,ee Dobbs .lean Berne 0, -Marine Graham Lois Ottawell S-A, McDonald 6 Helen Miekle 9--Verna, Fink 6 l ors Learn 8-Dorothy 'Bider 4 Janie Mr,Dowell 7-M, Pletcher H-Z crew cop pair on foes' ice surface Lamport, was elected vice-pres- ident of the group, while Bob Fletcher will hold the post of second vice-president. Directors named at the meet- 5 ing were as follows: Maurice a (Pete) Coates, Harold, Elder 7 John Goman, Harry Jeffrey Roy Lamport, Tony Page, liar: ry Sherwood and. Laurette Seigs ner. At Watford - 'Tice locals took to the ice without a regular practice and lost 10.3. They played half the game without the services of three players who were involved iii a car ae- on the losers' own lee, Satur- day, It was sweet revenge for the Combines whose only blemish so far this year was a 3-3 draw with the Atoms in Hensel'. The high-flying charges of Red Loader built up a 6-0 lead in. the first period and in creased it to nine before the homesters could come tip with their three markers in the last half of the middle period. Bill Shaddick followed Kyle closely for scoring honors as lie increased his league leading point supremacy with three goals and two assists. Ron Livermore picked up two of the other Hensall markers, while Harold Jacques and Ge- rard Overholt snipped a tally each. Bill Ellison, Larry Burns and Ray Menders. accounted for the Atoms goals against Dennis Mock, Hens allaZuri eh also won the penalty parade, picking up 11 of the 19 infractions, including a misconduct to Larry Bedard, Name slate for curlers `63 Atitliat:I ttszral. bodges We Will lie Pleased To Demeitititat4 • Promoting Safety this week (National Safety Week) and Every Week I SEE AND DRIVE OUR Mickle, Elliott rinks maintain 'big' win in iw 13n*rhe 6. --T. V:ekern.An Ken Ottewell iS Fr, Middleton 13 K. Mc (..s.ughlin 10-John Comae 3 Roelof*oe 10-Don Graham 9 C4' enn :Nitride 11-Dirk Serrn:rn 5 Ilarvey Pollen Harvey Cowen 2 5e!don 3 -1:011 ManLean Bob Jeffrey 33-Eld MAI; 2 Art Cann 8-41d. Brady 5 Ruch Snell 0-A. Nirencort Sandy 13-Allan Elston 4 olaude Farrow 0-Ernle Verson carrf Cann 12-Charlie Smith 7 Oarenre Down 11-Mar 1-lodger. MeriFT Sanders Stanlalsr Ralph Bailey 7---Harry Seen 3 Rosa Taylor 11 Truemner 0 lee Learn 13-Bill Allan 5 Lee Webber 11T.. 1-,ssrnora Charlie. Shan*: Lamport *StArrY s CorettarisHAIMITON a otaNssoo • CORONAO0 • DOMINION 1000 ••NIKING • IA FRIGIOAINE • GENERAL ELECTRIC • 'INGLIS • KELVINATOR • LLONAFtli Four rinks ran their point totals to 23 in ladies' curling action this week to lake over • Faithful fans all agree that supremacy in the three dial- the Hawks can skate with the sions, hest in the league, but urifortio Bernice Cone and Cathy ;lately with players nilssing they Southeolt each scored their have been forced to juggle their second straight win in Tues. lineup continually and this has day's grouping to share first been one of the big reasons place with a five-point margin for their disappointing showing over the nearest team skipped to date, by Willa Wuerth. A brief review of Their set en The Southeolt foursome edg- games shows the following ed the }Werth. rink 7-6, while facts: the Cann group came out on the big end of a 6.3 margin With Lois Here, ]]aids Gaisei"s 6.4 win .nver Mary Martin gave her first place in Wednesday's play, but she is still only one point ahead of Helen Jermyn who scored a 7.5 decision over Helen :Burton, a 4,"...()0.. a Or' Another Gingerich Guaranteed VALUE : TOYS! The biggest selection at the best prices. See cot yourself', GIFTS 1 . A big storeful of gifts for MO and women At the lowest prices in the country. '1 FREE! with every $10 purchase on any Item in our store„ ingergh's Sales 4. SerVit6 12140-WE 34 ZURICH %:1 IMO V MO V Ma ' anga Two Hawk defeats push total to seven cog Strathroy junior Rockets, attack most of the game, went down to their seventh ward tines to handle the de- ice, Friday, dropping an excit- some stellar net play by John m g7-2 margi n to the loom leads Wade, thwarted the Belmont of the play, but were very inept ter teamed up with Jim Hamb- straight defeat on their home Pensive chores, and along with true indication of the game, lead at the 17:15 mark of the many occasions lost the puck neat passing play, as they tried to deke the last They extended their lead to defender instead, of shooting, two goals near the 5:00 mina four stalwarts, Captain Bob an open (owner behind Wade. es the Hawks carried their share first period when Roy Schuso the winless crew as they finish- when Lee Brookes drifted in ed up without the services of from his centre spot to pick Jones, the team's leading scar- The hawks finally hit the leO injury and _Fred Wells is of the period when captain Bob by defensive leader, Gerald. Mc- and Rick Boyle to cut the score In the Strathroy zone and on ley to blink the red light on a Bride, and steady Rick Boyle. to. 2-1. er, missed the game due to a scoring .column in the last half still, recuperating from a con- Jones, the team's 1 e a d in g eussion, They were joined later scorer, teamed up with Frank ped pucks with their heads and his own end and then passed Hospital for repairs, lone defender over to the wing had to be taken to South Huron to his brother who pulled one Paul Rose heat John Wade with in on the other side, 1-0 lead at the 7:10 mark when onto Jones' stick as he sailed a low drive into an open corner The Hawks came out in the to three goals -with tallies by 20 minutes to knot the count Dave Robinson and Ken Fa- as Gerry Chapman teamed up delle in the next seven minutes. with steady Frank Boyle to play with Rick Boyle at the Moore. 6:56 mark of the middle frame However, the homesters and they increased the margin early minutes of the final to put the homesters on the broke the tie minutes later on. score sheet, but John Morgan a tally by Wayne Cornish and. made it 4-1 on a play with upped their lead to two goals Rose at the 15:18 mark, on a three-way passing play two goals when he scored the to within one goal when Mike young midget star picked up midgets, took a. pass from. an. Gary Parsons cut the lead to The Hawks managed to pia niftiest goal of the night. The Cushman, brought Up from the the puck at centre and after other midget star, Gary Par- being dumped, regained control sons, to beat Moore with five Strathroy 'players and then top- Exeter continued to apply ped the solo effort off by heat- the pressure in the final min- ing Lanny Moore from an al- tiles but couldn't get the equal.- and worked his way past four minutes remaining in the tilt. most impossible angle at the tact'. side of the net. The contest was a cleanly pest the lead to 5-2 near the end ing up two of. the three minor of the period and the Rockets penalties were never threatened after Players missing from the each tallied once in the final Lester Heywood and Jean Guy period for the unbeaten visiting Marchildon. that. locals' lineup included: Gerald The final score was not a The boats jumped into a 1.0 Injuries continued to plague Me mark of the middle frame The visitors jumped into a. and dumped a perfect pass Boyle and McBride both stop- Rick brought the puck out of Dale Turvey finished off a dent the twine behind Brian Exactly one minute later, finished off by Lee Nelles, flowerer, Ron Carrothers up- played affair with Exeter pick- Cam Brady and John Morgan McBride, Dale Turvey, Bill and hard luck Exeter hawks Seymour moved off their for- six, Strathroy picked up 12 of the 16 penalties called in the tilt HYDRO IN THE SKY which included miscominets to Ontario Hydro's fleet of nine Stratham a n d Thomas and. helicopters puts in about 4,000 Frank Boyle of, the Hawks, and hours of flying time a year. five minute majors to Lester The mileage involved equals a Heywood and Bill Brady in the trip seven times around the fnal minutes, world, Use of helicopters on Thomas received his 10 min- Commission Operations saves Idea for -slashing an Exeter more than $1,000,000 each year. spectator across the arm during a melee along the east side of the rink. 13ELMONT WiteS SOUEAKER Exeter's winless junior Rawks (ravelled to . Belmont, Wednes- day, with only 12 men and none of. their four regular de• fenattriere but atilt tame up with one of their better games As they. Were edged only 4.3, Don CeoPer, Robert Marebils den, flick Boyle and Terry agodeavereatasesootaasetateeiettoraO The TIMOPAtivecete, Ngvernher 29, 1962 Page7. roacbioery: Jean ..Guy narebii, Site Sidelines: Gerald McBride .don was studying; Lester WY- was injured in the first period wood had temporarily quit the .and Itick. Boyle was put out of team; Dale Torrey was .atudys action in the final period. All of this explains moat of Strathroy at Exeter ana The the itavii-;s' troubles, .and there Rockets eont,Mued their winning is no telling what they may. rho streak with a 1.2 win. Bob when they get a full jilICLII) out Jones was out with a leg ins to tackle aurae of their Bhema jury; 'Fred Wells was still On rock eumpetitora, Although Forest junior Lake- sides managed to hold Hensall- Zurich's top snipers off the scoresheet, 'Monday, the de- fending champs still managed to come up with a 6.3 decision in Forest. T 1t e Overholt-Wagner-Willert line took over the scoring du- ties as neither Bill Shaddick or Steve Kyle picked up any points. Operholt banged in a pair of markers to lead the cause, white Wagner and Willert pot- ted one each. The other tallies came off the sticks of Bob John- ston and John Parley, Terry Martin scored all Forest's goals against sub- goalie, Harry Moir, The hosts held a 24 lead throughout most of the first period before Overholt knotted the count in the last few min- utes and the Combines left the ice at the end of the second with a 4.2 margin, They upped it to 5.2 after only one minute of play in the final period and then traded gOale in the last half of the final. KYLE POTS FOUR With Steve Kale setting the pace with four goals, the lien- rall-Zurich Combines rolled to their fourth win with an 11.3 verdict over the Watford Atoms . . . Have a part to play in Exeter Motor Sales Fred (Dobbs,. Prop, Georg e DS-MO 235.1250 Fred 13ri,6865 '63 Valiant Leading in Sates Beyond Our Owii Expectations. W . Proof of QUALITY and PERFORMANCE Vote For Lee Sherman X "THE MAN WHO GETS THINGS DONE" The Shamrock loop's defend- 111.4 junior champs, liensall, Zurich Conthines„ moved one step farther up the ladder .this week and now trail the front- running SirelbroY junior 11.oebt. ets by Wily two points. Butt' glubs picked tip .a pair of wins this week to keep their loss • colemns free of any Wept.- ishes and the L'o.mbines have still. Played, one less game than the leeders. St. i.liary.s Legion are in sole Possession of third place .follow- ing their 4.4 draw With Watford in their only action. Forest and Belmont have each recorded Tam wins in the popular group- ing, but the 'IsAkesittes have a onespolet edge by virtue of a lone tie, The Fleeter, Hawks, haling ditlieulties keeping their players healthy, dropped ltro more de- visions this week to remain mired in the cellar with seven. straight losses. They trail lanean, ii ho were idle this week due to exams, by only two points (hough and are only five behind the list- less Watford Atoms. Jack _Seymour's crew ahould. have -two good athances of mov- log out of the cellar when they host Forest on Friday And then tackle, the Lucen six on their home ice, Tuesday. Shaddick hot Bill. Shaddick, the defending scoring champion from the Combines, continued his prolific scoring with five points ths week to extend his total to 28 points in their six gamest. Hia keenest. competitor is lineniate Steve Kyle., who bag- ged :four goals and an assist against Watford, Saturday., to IL C GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 4 AND 5 YEAR TERMS r=4;4"1144'4140440-4104asaa-fa a-Oses-taaa-fraaasaaa-Oaraaaasaaaikaaaarataseaaaa&baetaaa laSeaSS Attractive piefurs I are not expensive! I 0 4 a Phone 235-1990 HopperigH FURNITURE and they make distinctive Christmas gifts See our BEAUTIFUL REPRODUCTIONS Framed in wood . as low as '7'.50 Oil Paintings ,...from only 94,00 Where Quality Is Economy Exeter ck BUYAN ELECTRIC CLOTHES OR Elbow GET A FREE ELECTRIC MAKE EVERY DAY A DRYING DAY ELECTRICALIY.THAN ,COSTS LESS A NIL LOAD TO OPERATE! ECONOMICAL • .,AME,'ESS • a GAPE • IIRE..Cittl-Y AUTOMATIC CHOOSE FROM ANY ate THESE FAMOUS BRANDS * MAXWELL MAYTAG McCLARY*FASY • PHIL•CO•ESEM51)t RCA WHIRLPOOL *SIMPLICITY • Soinp5oe's*,KENMOR *SPEEO '00E0,1 'THOR *Cc co VISCOUNT *WESTINGHOUSE -Sit^Pswit-Uars s baaaitaat sera Sta. • ruaetaseeAe OtaerkAisseee '4* A Tt'sA diuAdTY • OONVERTIGLi: CON ToLrkeO COtERIVE* • '..!..A.14 OZ. WASH£C4 ANC, OSIEO OtHER tiNE :MAK% AtSTOPIAr cak2-LY aaa 95VALUEll THis oFtR 4066 AT 'THE STORES 6I5MA1iINdlli1$ 5YM WM- NoV.3Pti Tci tee. ierti Exeter Public Utilities Commission PHONE 1.3$41Stt MAIN STREit