HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-22, Page 18matie.all,y named to the exeett-
These include reeve, Bill
Sturdevant; Lions president, Ted
Stanlake; and Legion president,
Borden Clark. In following
years, their successors will also
serve on the C of C.
Other °Myers named were as
follows: first vice - president,
Glen Grindley; second vice.
president, Dr. E. A. McMaster;
secretary, Mrs. Slaudie Mac-
Donald, treasurer, Don Robert.
son; directors, Harold Klapp,
John Young, Cam Chapman,
Jack Hood, Mrs. Mary RaVelle,
Mrs. C. Kennedy, Emerson Des-
Jardine, Rome Grenier, Henry
Menard, Murray Douglas, John
Nanore and W. F. B. MacLar-
Ontario official presides
Performing the installation of
the new officers was the guest
speaker, F. A. Knight, a di-
ector of the Ontario Chamber
of Commerce,
The Stratford man spoke on
"How important the Chamber
of Commerce is to its Com-
He congratulated the Grand
Bend group for its past en-
deavors and urged it to con-
tinue the fine work in promot-
ing the community and Cham-
ber of Commerce work.
Over 60 persons attended the
dinner and plans were made for
another general meeting on
Tuesday, December 4, at which
time plans for the coming year
will be made.
Tentative plans were also
made for a social Christmas
party for members of• the re-
sort promotion group.
on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Mogk and John.
Mr. and Sirs, Robert Tindall
and girls were Saturday evening
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Heber
Davis and Sunday guests with
the former's sister and brother-
in-law, Sir, and Mrs. Ross Mc-
Falls and boys. Mr. Tindall
was observing his birthday.
Mr, and Sirs. Frank Squire,
Granton, were visitors on Wed-
nesday evening with their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Sirs, Jack Dickins.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Elliott an.d
Craig, London, were. Sunday
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Har.
vey Latta and family.
Sir. and Mr-s, Mervin Elston
and, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis
were Sunday evening guests
with their cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. George McGavin and Mr,
and Mrs. Bruce McLean, Sea-
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson
and boys visited with Mrs. John-
son's brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Fairbairn,
London, Saturday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rees and
Earlene were guests on Satur-
day evening with their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Rees.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Carroll
visited on Sunday with the Tat-
ter's grandmother Mrs. Mary
Bertram, Exeter.
Total expenditure on new and
repair construction work in
Canada in 1961 was $7,039,000,-
000, of which one-third went
for payroll, and the construc-
tion industry employed about
500,000 workers.
Mr. Howard Johns, of Elim- attended
ville. and Rev, Hugh Wilson Bend on
Presbytery in Grand
o~fisCs r;. t aFt'r-Lt
Hand and Body Lotion for
smooth-as-satin hands and
after-bath use. Blue Grass, Juno
$1.25, $2.25 & $4.25
Bath Mit makes hardest water
fra grarksoftos sine. Blue Grass,
June Geranium. $1.25
Blue Grass Duet. Puff-Puff
busting Paikdorandlong.lasting
round of Bath Soap. $3.00
Golden Tree Ball Its filigree de-
sign to shoW the luxurious Bath
Soap within. Blue Grass, June
Gerenium. $1.25
flarmonySet, triple deliglitwith
Lipstick, matching Nall Lacquer
and Cream Rotige, $2.50
.e„ Gift Wrap
Service For
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Prompt, Confidential Service
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Contact Our Representative:
A wonderful and practical
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RAMCREST ..... 60x84 $12.50
72x84 $15.95
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PASHIONTONE 72x84 $19,95
FLORAL TINT 72x84 $22.50
VICEROY '72x84 $22.50
iss.itisosi2e4;:ss aiiisyses4tseastiesses.ufiesisores4s,es4,,ss4tosee.seseaplesraseteersNes. eeeezvessseietr ' .
Your Family
Is Ready ...
We're Brimful of Exciting Gifts Galore
Use Our Layaway Service
A small deposit will hold any article of your choice until Christ-
mas. You may use our convenient weekly payment plan to ease
your Christmas budget.
For Ladies
• Dresses
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Open Wednesday Afternoons
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Menrs Suits
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Worth This Coupon
I On a made-to-measure suit OR. any of our I
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coals (Reg. $69.95) and wool browns, char-
coals and greys (Reg. $59.95).
amommom tam.. mama mommam *ow. mommor ommar loor• mamma
Kin World Series Pool
One winning ticket for tile 1962 series has
not been presented for payment. If the holder does
not claim the $100.00 prize before December 1,
1962. the money will he placed in the Exeter Kins-
men's Club playground fund,
'Beavers Basement Toytown cer-
tainly is popular," says Santa. "It
wasn't long ago I crammed it full
of toys and now I've delivered an-
other load. I guess people
love the 'big
1 ,
HARDWAR I'litme X35.1033 E
5 Conklin Centres In Western Ontario
Plan improvements
at :,Crediton library
Ory Wassmann was elected to
his fourth term as president of
the Grand Bend and Area.
Chamber of Commerce at their
annual meeting at the Hotel
Imperial last Monday.
The energetic resort operator
will head an enlarged executive
this year after several changes
were made in the group's by-
They agreed unanimously to
Install two vice-presidents and
increased their directors from
eight to 15 with. the heads of
three other groups being auto-
The story in
Ladies cut quilt blocks
',Mrs. Karl Weiberg lent her
home on Tuesday afternoon for
the WA meeting. There were
12 ladies present. Mrs, Wei-
-berg, Mrs. Tom Kooy, Mrs.
Raymond Greenlee and Mrs,
Clarence Davis 'assisted the
president, Sirs, Heber Davis,
In the devotional period.
Plans were made for lunch
to be served following the con-
firmation service to be held in
St, Patrick's Church at 11.15
o'clock on. November 25. Bish-
op Harold Appleyard will be
present to confirm the 14 candi-
The Bishop is to be celebrant
at Holy Communion service in
St. Thomas Church, Granton, at
9,30 on the same Sunday.
The afternooa was spent in
cutting quilt blocks. A mystery
prize donated by Mrs. Weiberg
was won by Mrs. Heber Davis.
Airs. Weiberg was assisted by
Mrs. Harry Carroll and Mrs.
Earl Atkinson during the social
Prepare for quilting
On Thursday afternoon the
ladies of St. Patrick's Guild
met at the borne of Mrs. Clar-
ence Davis. The president Sirs.
Harty Carroll was in charge of
devotions, assisted by several
of the members.
The mystery prize donated by
Mrs. Ron Carroll was won by
Mrs. Harvey Latta,
The ladies cut quilt, blocks
during the afternoon. The host-
ess was assisted by Mrs. Maur-
ice MacDonald and. Mrs. Harry
Carroll during the social. hour.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. George Atkin-
son and family, London, were
Sunday guests with Mr, and
airs. Hugh Davis,
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hudgins,
London, were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson,
A good representation from
this community attended the
fowl dinner at Centralia United
Church last Wednesday eve-
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson
were Tuesday evening guests
with Mr. and Mrs. ob Cole-
man, Lucan.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs at-
tended the Guelph Hospital
Alumnae dance on Friday eve-
ning and were accompanied by
Dr. and Mrs. George Lindsay
of Simeoe. They were guests
This week in.
Thames Road
Mr, and Mrs, Tom Murdoek
and Jeffery of Blenheim mov-
ed into the house of Mr,
Thomas Ballantyne on Thurs-
day -of last week.
Rev. 'Hugh Wilson, Mrs.
Jack Borland, Mrs. Barry
Miller, Mrs. Edwin 'Miller, Sirs,
Floyd Stewart and Mrs. Wil-
liam Rohde attended the Christ-
ian Education Institute held in
the Myth United Church Wed-
uesday evening last.
Air. and Mrs. Blake Mc-
Keen and Sharon. of Learning-
ton spent the weekend with
their sondn-law and daughter,.
Mr. and Airs. Torn Murdoek.
Mr. and Sirs, Donald Bray,
Robert, Janet and Ruth were
Saturday evening guests with
Mr, and Sirs. Reg Hodgert.
Mr. and Sirs. George An-
drew, Ruth and Betty, Long-
wood, Mr, and Mrs. Allan
Wanner and Shirley of Sarnia
were Sunday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Pym.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brazier,
:Michele and. Carol Lynn, Brant-
ford, spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore.
Mr. and Sirs, Glen Stewart,
Janice and Sandra visited on
Sunday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Bray-
Quite a number from this
community attended James St,
United Church anniversary in
Exeter on Sunday, Among
those who attended and spent
the day with relatives were:
Mr. and Mrs. l'",arles Jeffery
with Mr. and : 1, Bert Bis-
sett; Sir, and Mrs. Harold
Rowe and family with Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Fisher;
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Ballan-
tyne of Exeter, Mr, and. Mrs.
Lloyd Ballantyne with Sirs.
Clara Hackney;
Mr, Leonard Wilson of Cent-
ralia visited with Rev, Hugh
and Sirs, Wilson on Sunday
By MRS. M. FcARLT.a0N.
The Creditors Library Board
held its meeting on -Wednesday,.
Nov. la when arrangements
were made to have Miss AllItt.
Monroe Of Toronto, who is li-
brary supervisor of .extension
services of Provincial Library
Service visit Stephen, She will
speak on the improvement of
library service for the town.
The board also decided to look
into the „matter of more ade-
quate lighting and additional
shelves for the library,
New books have been pur.
chased and will be on the sh el ves in the near future,
Teen Town holds dance
Teen Town was held. on Fri,
day, Nov. 16 with a good at-
tendance. There will be no
Teen Town on Friday, Nov. 23
but 'the next dance will be Nov,
Completes meat course
The WI course entitled "143
Pounds of Meat" was completed
this week, Mrs, R. Reid and
Mrs. Ed, Lampert were thanked
for their leadership and those
attending voiced their apprecia-
tion for help on both meat buy-
ing and meat cooking,
it was decided to have a skit
on "Conversation at the Meat
Counter" as the Achievement
Day project to be held in Clin-
ton- on Dec. 6,
Personal items
Mrs. Sant King returned home
Thursday after spending some
time with. Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Whalen and family at Winni-
Mr, Steve Brierley of Clinton
visited over the weekend with
Mr. and Sirs, Lorne Preszca-
tor and family,
Mr, Lawrence Hill, who has
been a patient in Victoria Hos-
Pal returned home on Friday.
Mr. and Sirs. Clifford Kenney,
Mr. and Sirs. Ed 'Lampert,
Mrs. Russell Finkbeiner and
Sir. Richard Moon attended the
annual Christian Education lit,
Stitute at f3lyth last Wednesday
. Visitors With Sir. and Mrs.
Lloyd _Geiser on .Sunday were
Sir. and Sirs.. Ferd liaberer
and Mr. anti Mrs, William
Decker of Zurieh.
Miss Sandra Fnkbeiner, of
Aylmer, visited over the week-
end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin .Finkbeiner,
Report on
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Les Adams .and
Gloria visited Saturday with Mr,
and Mrs, R. Finch of London,
Mr, and Mrs, Donald Webb,
of Lansing, Michigan, were
weekend visitors with Mr, and
Sirs, Arthur .Finkbeiner.
Mr, and Airs. Hugh Morons
and Bill spent Sunday with
Sirs. Morenz' great aunt, Miss
Annie Consitt, at Hensall,
Saturday evening guests with
Mr. and Mrs, Stuart - Sweitzer
and family included, Miss Elea-
nor Sharpe and Mrs. Norm Me
Callum of London, air. and Mrs.
Matthew Sweitzer, Mr. and Sirs,
Lorne Devine, Mr, and Mrs,
Milton Sweitzer and Sandra,
Mrs. M. Baker was a Sunday
visitor with her brother, Mr,
James Prance and Mrs. Prance
at Grand Bend,
Visitors with air, and Mrs.
Herbert Marlton during last
week inelnded Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Belt of -Chatham, Mr..
And Mrs. herb. Sberritt o Park.
hill, Mr. Ellwood Marlton. of To-
tote and Mr. Wilmer 'Hatton
of Granton.
Sirs. Rayburn SteePer and
family and Sirs, Gerald Chart
ten and Wilily, alt of Ailsa
Craig, visited Thursday with
their grandmother, Mrs, H.
Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Brown,
of Bothwell were.. Sunday
tors with Mr, and Sirs, Chris
Jinurrigarteri. Airs: Alice Mason
of Winnipeg who has been visit,
ing the Browns is visiting a
few days with her sister, Mrs.
Baumgarten, and Sirs. Bennis
Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth West.
Aran arid family, of London,
visited Sunday with Sirs. West-
man's parents, and Mrs.
Herbert . lieriton.
Page 18 The..TimesAdvecate, November 22, 1962:
Grand Bend C of C
re-elects Wassmann
Purser togs Vold Soap oat!
Hand Lotion. BlueGrastelhe
deranium. $1.00
Christmas Cracker holds six Blue
Greiss Petal Wafers for the
frdtitaht bath. $1.00
Set of six, assorted colors for
labia favors. $6.00
in) G ttal E
(antari 1,n- Teleelhow 'ow:NE 23Sa0270
'The Family Shopping Centre'
A 'Christmas Bonus' and 'Treasure Hunt' Store
----eftweiewittosweilseittezesettategspoet•eittositesse**ssr404teNtt•tteOetcks.10,4seftioNtftittstetttea4tiftittetote.7-0 0•*.*:01:6t010 -ie*teNtV'eessso-o,0*.-i*lettetOoselita-**i4feae,esit",',