HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-22, Page 17Rock and Roll DAN/,SNG N TO THE CRESCENDOS with DICK WILLIAMS OF CFPL RADIO Exeter Legion Hall Friday, November 30 Time 9 12 Admiss ion 7.5 0 MN* an your next U ET MEETING OR. , PARTY IN THE. Sherwood Room AT!tHE Green Forest Motel HIGHWAY 21 PHONE 14 GR4ND SEND Our beautiful surroundings cost- you no merle and (our serviceS, are Moderately prieed., SPECIALIZE IN-WEDDINGS , Open contirruously 7t30, a.rn.` ;to 12430, p.in,DdilY • The ThriOPA6P*41, November 22, 19 2 Page 17 PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THE MONSTER SANTA .CIA U. PARADE $..EAFORTIt .MCEM.B.ER '1 BANDS FLOATS COSTUMED DROLIP Tuesday, December 4 2 30 in 5 p m ti 30 In f1 p Exeter Legion Hall rratr in nn-nporatinn 1\1111 Exeter L+P inn Ladies Auxiliary and Exc. I tr tiorm Local Organizer — S. W. Triukey Starting ;It OM p.m. 15 ROUNDS OF CHICKEN Admission 50f 10 ROUNDS 01" TURK Cards 140 Each 3 for vie TURREY DOOR PRIZE Christmas/ Mart 15 ';11ZISH HALL, EXETER Tues., Nov„ 27 7:00 Wed,„ Nov, 28 .t00 p.m VARIETY'" I300T11S TEA ROOM MUSIC misittmocimoomitookipt*** his Saturday Night! Your favorite entertainers of Radio, Stage and Television THE ALL-STAR fi NIGHT HAWKS CLARENCE PETRIE Exeter :Legion Hall News of Clandeboye .teatRe.5•31P. • . : ... ........... . CARDS OF •THANKs, We wish. to thank all those who visited, .sent cards, flew- ers and treats while Geneva. was in the hospital and during our sad loss. Special thanks to Dr, ,Goddard, ACV. Lewis, Bob :Pinney and the nurses of Seuth Heron'. Hospital for their kind- ness, also to Airs, Homer fttls- sell and our families who help- ed out, — Elmer and Geneva Rowe, 22c . ....... p X .; ....; 4.4i.M.Wdatr•, IN MEMORIAM- wit,tART—To loving memory of a dear wife and mother,. Mrs. Arthur Willert, who. Passed away six years ago, November 25, 1956. 0 happy hours we once enjoyed, NOW sweet their memory still, But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill.. —Lovingly remembered by husband and family., 22* WEIDERG—in. loving memory of our dear sister, Flossie, who passed away November 23, 1961. So many things have happened Singe you were called away; Things you would have enjoyed Had you been left to stay, So many things to share with you, in just the usual way; Things that could be so much. nicer if you were here today. We cannot bring the old days hack, Your hands we cannot touch, But God has given us wonder- ful memories Of one we loved so much, —Ever remembered by her brothers and sisters, 22c CHAPAIAN—In lOving memory of a dear daughter and sis- ter, Doris E, Chapman, who left us one year ago, Novem- ber 21, 1961, You couldn't say goodbye to us, Perhaps it's just as well, We never could have said good- bye To one we loved so well. —Fondly remembered and sad- ly missed by father, brothers and sisters. 22* EACRETT—In loving memory of our dear parents and grandparents, Margaret and Robert Eacrett, who passed away November 18, 1953, and September 4, 1936. Gone from us, but leaving memories Death can never take away, Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay. —Ever remembered by daugh- ters, sons-in-law and. grand- children, Paul, Jane and Eric Hancock. 22c GAISER—In loving memory of our dear father, Royal Gaiser, who passed away one year ago, November 26, 1961, It's lonesome here without you, dad, We miss you more each day, Our home is not the same no more Since you were called away. So those who have a father, Cherish him with care, For you'll never know the heartache "l'il you see the vacant chair. —A I w a y s remembered by daughters Shirley and Grace. 22* Teachers stress PT Thurs., Nov, 15 a general meeting of Huron Branch, Dis- trict 15 A of Ontario Public School Men Teacher's Federa- tion discussed physical educa- tion at the Clinton Hotel during a supper meeting. Guest speaker was Tom Hen- nessey, supervisor of physical education in London Public Schools, Mr. Hennessey noted that P T is one of only two compulsory subjects taught in our schools up to Grade 12. He stated physical education in public schools should have three main objectives: First, children should be guided to participate in activi- ties and sports solely for their own enjoyment and not for the sake of some reward, Secondly, these activities should teach thb child basic skills, and as many as possible. The program should be geared to include every child and not just the athletically inclined child. Thirdly, sportsmanship should be uppermost, P offers an eXcellent opportueity for chil- dren to learn the values of co- operation and teamwork. This is An excellent opportunity for teachers to teach citizenship, A period of questions and an- savers concluded the. meeting, Under National Hockey League rules a team may dresS only 17 players for a game— usually three forward lines, five defencemen, two penalty killers arid a goalie — but a team may have other players in the rink in case of injury, PerAenel items Mrs, Jinn SigsWorth is much Improved in St, Joseph's Hos- pital. Mrs. Gordon Eaton returned home a week ago after spend-. big five weeks in St. Joseph's Hospital, Mr. Charlie Edginton of Lon- don, a former resident of the village, is a .patignt in St- Jo- seph's Hospital, Mrs, Will Lewis, another former resident, is also A pa• tient in St. Joseph's Hospital Mr, and Mrs, Arthur COT1• ningharn, Barbara, David and Donald were guests of Mrs. Cunningham's sister, Mr, and Mrs. Murray Oliver and family, London, Mr. and Mrs. James (Hender- son of Lambeth called on the Paton family Sunday evening. Mrs. Alvin Cunningham is spending some time with her daughter and son-in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Manson, .Sirricoe. Mr, Austin Bice returned home from. a hunting trip up north not feeling well but is. improving in Victoria Hos- pital. Nursery cemetery meeting The annual meeting of the nursery cemetery was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Flynn, London. Chairman is Harold Lynn; secretary-treasurer, Rea Neil; assistant, Mrs. Charlie Roll- ings; trustees, Orville Dixon, Garnet Flynn, Charlie Rollings, Alton Neil and a new one, Leslie Collins, to take the place of the late Gordon Mc- Donald, London. CHURCH NEWS St, James The rector, the Rev, E. 0. Lancaster, was able to be back and take the service with. Holy Communion on Sunday, Nov. 18. The organist, Mrs. Paton, was able to be back, too. United Church The Rev. G. W. Sach took the service with Bible Sunday observed. Former resoident dies The death of a former resi- dent, Wesley J. Neil, of Scott, Sask., beloved husband of An- nie Reid, in his eighty-eighth year, occurred in North. Battle- ford Hospital on Sunday, Octo- ber 28. He is survived by three sons, Clarence of Plenty, Sask.; Mel- vin, of Dawson Creek, B.C., and Harold of Scott, Sask.; and two brothers, Erastus, of Scott, Sask., and George, Parkhill. Interment in Scott, Sask, Mr. Neil moved from Mc- Gillivray and took up residence at lot S1/2 21, Biddulph, mar- ried and lived here 12 years, then sold the farm to J. IT. Paton in the spring of 1918 and moved west. UCW packs bale The UCW met at the home of the president, Mrs. Wilmer Srott and made plans for a bake sale on Saturday, Decem- ber 8. Mrs. Arnold Blake and. Mrs. Gerald Millson were named to make the posters for the sale and a committee of Mrs. Arthur COMING EVENTS — 100E—The third degree team of Exeter Lodge No, 67, 100F, will confer the degree on a number of candidates, All members welcome to attend. Allen Fletcher, Noble Grand; Percy A, McFalls, Recording Secretary. 22c EXETER and District Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society regular meeting on Monday, November 26, al. 8 p.m., in Exeter Library, 22c CHRISTMAS BAZAAR and tea, Centralia United Church, Wed. nesday, December 5, at 2:30 p.m. 22e UCW SNOWFLAKE BAZAAR— In Hensall United Church, Saturday, December 1, at 3 p.m., featuring attic treasures, knitted goods, aprons, fancy- work, Chris t m as novelties, candy, baking, 22c BINGO—Annual Turkey Bingo, Mount Carmel Hall, Friday, Deceinber 7. Watch for further notice, 22e CHRISTMAS FAIR and TCA. Saturday, December 1, 2:30 P.m., C a v en Presbyterian Church, Exeter. Baiting, jams, jellies, novelties, touch and take, sewing, children and teen- age corner, aprons, 22e EUCHRE—Crediton Community Centre, Tuesday, November 27, 8:30 p.m,, sponsored by Credi. ton Women's Institete. Admis. Sion 500, Lunch provided. 22C HA PATON Hodgins, Abs.n Jim Donaldson, Mrs, Scott and. Mrs. Rupert Williams to make the other ar- rangements. Mrs, Slake volunteered to be supply secretary for the new year. Mrs. •Charles Mrs, A. :Macintosh, Mrs, Ralph. Lynn and Miss A. Northgrave were named to arrange for a shower November 27, Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Donald. SOP tool; the devotional period. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. David Nestle and Mrs.. jlodgins, Eleven members were present. This week in VVinchelsea By MRS, wit,LIAM WALTERS • Personal .items Mrs, Wilbert Glanville, Don- na, Carol and Rickey of Staffs visited on Thursday evening with Mr, and Mrs. William Walters and Danny, Mr. and 111U. Jack Maher and Danny, of London, visited on. Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Coli9 Gilfillan and family. Mr, and Mrs, Ray Clarke and. Ronald, of Sunshine Line, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and Dan- ny, Mrs. Garnet Miners visited on Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs, How- ard Johns and family of Elim- ville North, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Martin and George moved to their home in Elimville this past week recently purchased from the Johns' estate. Introduce study at James Street At the meeting of James. Street. UCW unit seven, Airs. Warren: Brock introduced the study book Word and the Way" and dealt particularly with the first three chapters, Mrs. Reg McDonald led in: the devotional and Mrs Law., rence Wein gave a reading. Mrs, George Vriese favored with a solo accompanied by Mrs, Robert McDonald, Mrs, Batten presided for the meet- ing, The Christmas meeting on December 17 will take the form of a supper meeting. CREOITON Mr. Ed Morlock fell and broke his hip and is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Farewell SOCIAL. FOR MR, AND MRS. STANLEY EARL AND MARGARET ABERDEEN HALL, KIRKTON Friday, Nov. 23 8:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. Euchre with dancing to follow to the music of Hugh Norris and his orchestra. Ladies please bring lunch, Arena Activities THURSDAY, NOV. 22 3:40..5:00--Skating for school children And parents. FRIDAY, NOV. 23 8:30—STRATHROY VS. EXETER JR. HAWKS SATURDAY, NOV. 24 1:00.3:00—Public Skating 0:00.10:00—Public Skating SUNDAY, NOV, 25 2:00-4;00—Public Skating MONDAY, NOV. 26 4:00-5:00—Sc ichailtdi lheon vmd scphaornel t,t5. 1011.15fixelairii,==t7.1.EZIEttztotm.10Verr,,.47tfrrimorer.,-,,,Alvsgtxr7grreiltre.v.7.1raercrx. ANNOUNCEMENTS IN MEMORIAM — 130YES—le loving memory of a dear mother and grand. mother, Annie May Boyes, who passed away one year ago, November 24, 1961; also a dear father and grand- father, T h o nl a s William Boyes, who passed away 18 years ago, October 17, 1944. "Fond memories linger in the hearts of those who loved them," —F on dl y remembered by daughter Verda and family, 22* WEIBERG—In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Flossie M. Wei- berg, who passed away No- vember 23, 1961, Our lips cannot tell how we miss her, Our hearts cannot tell what to say, God alone knows how we miss her In a home that is lonesome today, —Always remembered by her loving husband Fred, family and grandchildren. 22* GAISER—ln loving memory of my husband, Royal, who passed away suddenly one year ago, November 26, 1961. Be bade no one a last fare- well, Be said goodbye to none, The heavenly gates were opened, A loving voice said "Come", When ties of love are broken. A loved one has to part, It leaves a wound that never heals, It leaves a broken heart. He had a nature you could not help loving, A heart that was purer than gold, And to those who knew and loved him His memory will never grow old. But some day I hope to meet him, Some day I know not when. To clasp his hand in the better land, Never to part again. —Always remembered by his wife Audrey. RE1D—In loving memory of our dear Grandpa, Patrick Reid, who passed away No- vember 22, 1952. When the Saviour came, gather- ing flowers, For His beautiful garden at rest; He stopped beside my grand• pa and said, 'Come, I only pick the best.' —Sadly missed by Norman and John Prance. 22* REID—Tn loving memory of my dear husband, Patrick Reid, who passed away ten years ago today. Happy and helpful, always con- tent, Loved and respected wherever he went, Always so thoughtful, loving and kind, His life was a pattern to those• left behind. —Ever remembered by his wife, Sarah Reid. 22" REID-1n loving memory of my dear dad, Patrick Reid, who passed away November 22, 1952. He had a smile for everyone, A heart as good as gold, No one knows how much he suffered, Because he never told. —Sadly missed by Clarence and Elsie, 22* CULBERT—In loving memory of Effie P. Culbert, who passed away October 13, 1957, and Myron M. Culbert, who passed away November 19, 1961. —Always remembered and sad- ly missed by their family, 22c GAISER—In loving memory of A dear father, Royal V, Gaiser, who passed away one year ago, November 26, 1961. Your pretence is ever near us, Your love remains with us yet, You were the kind of father Your loved ones will never "forget, —Lovingly remembered by his family, Aubrey and Donna, Gerald and Dorothy. 22c Dance MOUNT CARMEL Friday, Nov. 23 9:30 — 1:30 KEN mirrEEHolirz* ORCHESTRA Admission 75(1 Everyone welcome, Lunch served. Sponsored by Holy Name Society The Harbouraires MALE CHORUS FROM GODERICH Will Appear In Person At DASHWOOD EUB CHURCH Wednesday, November 28 8:00 p.m. ADULTS 650 CHILDREN 9- Sponsored by the. EUB Men EXETER LEGION Fowl Bingo Wed., November 28 Exeter Legion Hall Your Woo ayes ives I DONATE IT TO THE REO CROSS BLOOD CLINIC PHONE 235.2911 EXETER 2 Shows Nightly Starting ,7;.10 p.m. Saturday Matinee 2:00 p.m. LYRIC THEATRE MORS.; FRI„ SAT. a N',..3; THU 24 N„ TUES„ JAMESSTEMPT mAuRgNo:Hattil COMING SOON '1 ift ONLY TWO CAN PLAY fAdo111 * WHITE CHRISTMAS * THE MIRACLE WORKER 106 GALAHAD GERONIMO * THREE STOOGES' 'IN ORBIT NOW 111. NOV. 26, 27, I Aficritak TOWN., ANotHEit 14AN'eti M-441( VittniAt l'ARK Ea W,P, DOUGLAS 'i ROBINSON WEENS IN ANOTHER TOW N" , 'On) CHAR1SSE c,,,,.%0PE. 'WV) CO1.CIC I'M IiIiltu AIR ill litY Ksoi Marti Vtjt,TON Doug and :Kathy Fulton ,th.oe Il cksl are bap- py to announce the birth of their sun, Steven Douglas, at St, Mary's Memorial Hes- vital, Nov.ember 16- HEYWOOD — Mr. and Mrs. Roo Heywood,, .Sanders Exeter, announce the birth of a daughter, Janice Lor. ratite, at South linren :Hos- pital, November 1,5,-a sister for Sherryle and Todd, NNIP. — Mr, and Mrs, Harry BA 1 .Clandeboye, an- nounce the arrival of their daughter, Rohada. Grace, at South Huron .Hospital, Octo- ber 29—a sister for Freddie,. Francea and Clifford, SKOLLY—To Charles and Jean Skolly, Lucan, a son, Stephen Paul, at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, NoveMber 10— a brother for Edward, John, Robert, David, Donald, Jean- nie and Frankie. VANNESTE — Marcel and Si- inonne Vanneste, RR 2 Kip- pen, are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Brenda Susan, at South Huron Hospital, November 17 — a sister for Linda, WEBBER — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webber, RR 1 Wood- ham, announce the birth of a daughter, at South Huron Hospital, November 19 — a sister for Rosemarie, Joyce and Grace. DEATHS — NEIL—M. the Strathroy Gene- ral Hospital, on Monday, November 19, 1962, Lila E. Sherritt, beloved wife of the late Frederick J. Neil, 'of McGillivray Township, dear mother of Violet (Mrs. Giles Thompson Jr.) and Clarence, of McGillivray Township; Ro- land of Ailsa Craig; Myrtle (Mrs. Orville Sutherland) of Caradoc Township; Gladys (Mrs. Murray Mackey) of West Williams Township; Merton, of Toronto, and Earl, of Exeter; dear sister of Mrs. Millie Haskett, of Bid- dulph Township; also surviv- ed by 18 grandchildren and one great granchild, in her 78th year. Rested at the T. Stephenson & Son Funeral Home, Ailsa Craig, where the funeral service was held on Wednesday, November 21, at 2 p.m. Interment in Mars Hill Cemetery. 22c 'ERGUSON — In Winnipeg, Manitoba, on Monday, Nov. 19, 1962, Lois M. Birney, be- loved wife of D. Frank Fer- guson of 216 Cambridge St., Winnipeg. Dear sister of Wil- liam G. Birney, Toronto, Ar- riving at the Hopper-Hockey funeral home, William St., Exeter, Saturday morning, where the funeral service will he held on Saturday, Nov. 24, at 2 p.m. Interment in Exeter cemetery. 22c CARDS OF THANKS— I would like to thank all my neighbors, friends and rela- tives for the lovely get-well cards, letters, flowers and gifts received during my stay in. St. Joseph's Hospital. Spec- ial thanks to Dr. Patterson and the hospital staff. Your kind- ness will always be remember- ed.—Mrs. Gordon Eaton. 22c Mrs. C. W. Haist and daugh- ters of the late C. W. Haist wish to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neigh- bors and all who helped in every way, for the acts of kindness, messages of sym- pathy and lovely floral tributes during their recent bereave- menu. 22 4' I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors who re- membered me with cards and gifts while a patient in St. Jo- seph's Hospital, London.—John M, Thompson, Centralia 22* We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to all those who so kindly remembered Mrs, E. I-tern while she was a patient in South Huron Hospital. Spec- ial thanks to Dr. Esker, Miss Claypole and the hospital staff, —Mr, and Airs, E. Herm 22c The board of directors and staff of South Huron Hospital Want to thank the Women's in. stades of Grand Bend and Elimville for their gifts of jams and jellies, Also to 'the Exeter Kinettes Who visited the pa' bents on Sunday and presented thein With plants. 22c Mr ,and Mrs. Alex Peariso wish to thank all their friends, relatives and organizations for the many visits, flowers, treats and cards received by Mr. Peariso during his long stay in South Huron Hospital. Spec. ial thanks to Dr. V, Wens, Miss Claypole and nursing' staff. It has been deeply ap- predated. 22e We want to thank. Branch 167 Canadian Legion, 'Exeter, our relatives and friends for their kindness, cards and floral tri• btites in the passing of my Mother, Mary Pi, Reeves, of Dayton, Ohio.—Edna and Wil- fred Reeves, 22* tote ate tie* IstsvetA•e*Aeft emit* iittrin* Trivitt Memorial Guild Anntial