HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-22, Page 16aaaseasKeeeeeeteeeeeM
Lucan's new cenotaph
New cenotaph erected in memorial of Lucan's fallen veterans was dedicated dui,
ing Remembrance Day services. Shown beside the memorial, following the laying of
wreaths are, from left, Roy Warren, deputy district commander; W. E. Bugler, dist•
rid, commander; Dwight Ball, deputy zone commander; and J. W. Smith, chairman
of the cenotaph committee, —Wayne Culbert
Correspondent: Miss Line Abbott Phone 227.4255
and district news
Page 16 November 22, 1962
•flint,) by MTh; 01
Granton ceremony
Three win twice
at Lions' bingo
There was a splendid turn-
nut at the Lions Club second
bingo in the Community Me-
morial Centre last Wednesday
As usual Dame Fortune was
fickle as ever permitting
some players to go home "load-
ed" and so many others empty
handed. Among the first group
wore 'Mrs. Mabel Ryan, who
won the first turkey and also
one of the two share the wealth
prizes, $11, Mrs, Clare Stan-
ley who had to get her hus-
band to help her carry home
her two turkeys and Miss Mar-
garet Kelly, who won a Christ.
mas and New Year's turkey.
The other "Share the Wealth"
prize of 510 was won by Mrs,
Harold McFalls,
Other turkey winners were
Mrs. John Van Leishot, Mrs.
Irving Gibson, Mrs. Les Ken-
nedy, Mr. Benny Kelly and Mrs.
Rey Pitt.
If a bingo was split each win-
ner received two small chick•
ens each, Winners included
Mrs. Cecil Neil, Mrs, William
Cochrane. Mrs. V'at Crudge,
Mr. Oscar Metters, Mrs. Oscar
Metters and Mr. Frank. Egan.
Start work
on bridges
Work has already begun on
one of the two construction jobs
on Highway 4. Towland Con-
struction Ltd. of London has
started work on its 5233,333.50
contract for grading, paving
and bridge construction near
Elginfield. No paving is ex-
pected to be done on this job
until after the spring break-up.
Work may be started in a
week's time on the other job
awarded to John Gaffney Con-
struction Company of Stratford,
a $180,174.60 contract to build
the new St. John's bridge at
8ride.elect feted
Mrs, Arnold Morley entertain-
ed with a miscellaneous shower
last Monday at her home on
Elizabeth Se for Miss Sheila
Eggert, bride-elect of Saturday.
The bride-elect was assisted in
the opening of the gifts by Miss
Ruby Allison.
Mrs. Cecil Armitage and Mrs,
Wesley Hickson of Lucan were
among those present,
Church activities
gads We tf' fc?a sP'Amr4ev.klitAkkilottm!ki.'"%lx:git.T$si r.•,.v.-r?;ir q,e41
our Annual Pre.Christrnas
* PYREX and
Record Player
Free Ticket with EVERY Dollar'
leo logfoop*ftlimogligAw<tftivrtootoototoowoviitmottipitvottoRtorolo/mkto.4104
Grants' Watch & TV
Repair Shop
Phone 227-4812
Combine your home-grown grains
the fro$11 mix with the meat meal base
Want to raise the perkiest.pigs in the province? Then feed
'cin your own horn ctgrown graint f'resheneieed withNational
Hog Concentratel It's rich hi Meat meal protein, so that it
ftociritinysoalipsetirprepcltyptritional balanee with the Vegetable pro--
Whether you have your own grains or we supply that'll,
we can custom blend the finest fresh-mix you can boy
tight here at the mill,. using National Concentrate,
Of tome,
P.S, New from National completely mixed Pig
Starterl Ask about itl
*A 'PleOteUtT or
HaroldKellerman, bashwood
M. E, Satz & Son, bashwood
Scotts Elevators Ltd, Licari
"4- fr"N .i7iiiAr•-----7 Akrr."/";9'").-17/1:—.
The Lucan • Ilderten Lions
House League has another full
slate of games on tap for next
Saturday with the pee wee di-
vision commencing at 2 p.m.--
Canadiens vs, Rangers; 3 p,m.
Hawks vs. Red Wings; 4 p.m,
Bruins vs, Maple Leafs. Ban-
tam division, 5 p.m. Bisons vs,
Indians; 6 pan. Hornets vs,
°riots; Midget division, 7 p.m,
Beavers vs. Maroons.
The TV clinic was very popu-
lar with the area residents and
it was gratifying to see so
many people were concerned
about this facet of their health.
Pre-Teen Town hold their
next dance on Wed., Nov. 28 at
6,30 p.m. Plans for this group's
float in the Leman Santa Claus
parade on Dee, 8 are well ad.
vaneed and the kids are work-
ing hard to get, it ready,
Registrations for the figure
skating classes are very heavy
and just as soon as the Wom-
en's Auxiliary of the Legion
get them sorted, the classes will
get under way.
In closing may I point out
that season tickets for hockey
games, upstairs in the warm,
are now on sale at the arena
for $5,00 each.
Shivaree party
A number of the Jr, Farmers
and Jr. Institute had a full
night Friday when they attend-
ed commencement at Medway
HS until 11 p.m. then their
dance at the Lucan Memorial
Centre until after 1 a.m. and
ended up at the shivaree party
for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hod-
gins where they played cards.
They presented Mr. and Mrs.
Hodgins with a card table, Their
dance was well attended with
"The .Ramblers" providing the
With hockey still the predonii-
fleet news in the area let us be- Members of the Birr WI were
gin by saying that all leagues guests at 'the meeting, Tim -mot-
are gaining momentum at the to was "A little nonsense now
present time. All three Sham- and then is relished by the wis-
rock minor teams were .able to est men".
win their games against Bry• Mrs. Wes Atkinson was lunch
anston, They will have played convener. She was assisted by
Exeter when this is published, Mrs. Cecil Robb, Mrs. Harald
The Lucan Junior "D" team Corbett and Mrs, Pat Crudge.
came tip with a good perform- Discarded books in demand
ante last Saturday .night with
a 6-4 win aver Watford in 'Wal.•
ford. Their next home state will
be against this same team on
Tuesday next at 8,30 p.m,
The Lucan-thierton Combines
make their home league debut
on Friday, Nov, 23 at 8,30 p.m.
in the OHA Intermediate "B"
series meth RCAF Centralia
supplying the opposition.
Outlines .. I ' ' , . operation
0: area boys fila r. f
Mrs. Lloyd Webb, supervisor- Ailsa Craig hockey team. They
of the Boys' Farm at. Kase also play baseball and basket-
Craig, w 4s the guest speaker ball. Each child receives en al-
at the WI meeting at the Coin• towel-ice of &Oa a week and are
immunity Memorial Centre, last paid 25.0 an hour if they work
Thursday afternoon, net the farm, All the boys A I.-
Speaking en the theme "Cita. lend a cubrch service on Sun•
zenshin is made, not inherited" day; most of them attend the
A fareir ,liVs
ebb 's
o' e is-et'aolneed' s °bi.i'shiiiikei s S ‘Av enid
te t n tohne4tee h
oftheir' Ilia ir choice. al"
went on to quote Christ's words Mr. Webb told much of hew the
"Suffer the little children to school is trying to lake these
come unto Me". lie told the disturbed lads, from Cbildren's
:atory of the opening of the Aids and broken home and
13-Ye' Farm near Ailsa Craig make good citizens of them.
by the Mennonites with fi ve Work on three new cottages is
boys and of how it has grown scheduled to begin.Dec. 7.
to an enrolment of 23 with a Following his interesting ad-
staff of 15, For lack of space, dress, Me. Webb showed Pie-
scarcely a WP'ek goes by but lures of the farm, the house,
more ebildree are refused att• barn, the boys and a bus trip
mission, Three teachers teach the boys had through Western
ie three R's in the morning Canada,
Ind shop and woodnvork in the Mrs, timid liodgins thanked
afternoon. Air. Webb for his talk, The
Many of the boys belong to president asked for a generous
collection which would be pre-
sented to Me, Webb to help or-
ganize a brass band for the
boy a,
The meeting opened with two
splendid reports on the 48th area
convention held in Hotel Lore
don, by the delegates, Mrs.
By NORM CARTER Cecil Robb and Mrs, Frank
Since the Lucan. Library has
been made a Public Library
some 400 or more books are be-
ing discarded, or given away.
Last Monday night tile room
was jammed with both children
and adults going through these
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, John Park and
Mr, and Mrs, Wes Revin.gton
and Ronnie, Mr, and Mrs. Jack
.Lankin and Mrs, Sheridan Rev-
ington of Lucan and Mr, and
Mrs, Art McLean of. London
were Sunday guests of Dr, anti
Mrs. Len Lobsinger (nee Rev-
ington) of Sarnia, The men re-
turned home Sunday evening
but the ladies went on to De-
troit where they attended tile
ice follies on Monday returning
home on Tuesday.
Mrs. Chas. Grose who under-
went surgery in St. ,Joseph's
Hospital was able to be brought
home last Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Robinson
and family of London were Sat-
urday guests of Mrs, Robinson's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Evan
Mrs. Robert Arling and Misses
Hilda and Cathy Darth of To-
ronto were Sunday visitors of
Mr, and Mrs, William Ayle-
Mr. Rob Crozier, who was
covering part of the Royal Win-
ter Fair, and Mrs. Crozier re-
turned home late Saturday eve-
ning after taking their daugh-
ter Julia, who had joined them
Friday, hack to Guelph, They.
were thrilled to have their
horse "Armagh" now owned by
Miss Mary Johnston of London,
place third in the Jr. Hunt
Team, Coming home they dined
with Me. and Mrs. 33..T, Roberts
and family, now of
What's newt
Each day Lucanites are be-
coming accustomed to look in
Grant's Radio and TV Repair
shop to see what's new, Last
week it was the record bar with
the latest records, also a dis-
play of crochet work. This week
he has several beautiful hand-
made quilts,
The flowers in the church on
Sundae were in memory of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Myron Cul-
tier and also in memory of the wearing of uniforms,
late Mr, Robert Barr. ANGLICAN CHURCH
Being Bible Society Sunday • rhe flowers in the church the pastor, the Rev. G. W. Sach, were in memory of the late took as his sermon, "Bible So- - Mrs. Arnold Cunningham and rimy Exploits in Central Asia", those on the altar in memory
Bazaar and tea of the late Will Haskett.
The laCW held a successful. The congregation were happy
bazaar and tea in the church to have their rector the Rev,
echoolreom Saturday. The room E. 0, Lancaster sufficiently re-
looked very gay with its yule covered from his relapse to take
tide decorations, The president, the service.
Mrs. C. H. George, welcomed. PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS
the guests and Mrs. H. B. Lang-
ford was in charge of edmis- The YP were hosts Friday
store evening for the Exeter Vie who
Brun conveners were; Fancy. provided the program. The pas-
work, Mrs. Sheridan Reving• tor, the Rev. Larry Talbot,
Inn and Mrs. Ivan Stanley; spoke on The theme, -The Con -
aprons, Mrs. Eldon Young, Mrs. taadieUon of Sinners",follow
Alex Young and Miss Doris ing the meeting all went to the
Weir; country store. Mrs. Cecil basement for a time of fellow.
p eel); h o m e ba ki ng. Mee . Ira ship which included a sing-song
Carling and Mrs. Wilbert Stan- And refreshments,
let; Sunshine Hour chrisr mar cards. Mrs. Erie The Sunshine Hour, which Young; Chrietinas tree, Mrs. a d y ,• ee es the r" meeting re- Johe Park; kitchen, Mrs. T. A. 're • opened Friday with a good at- watson, Mrs, Louis lailmer and ,e„,„,„ Linda Currie and Miss Reta Chown; serving,Mrs. ""—''a* Mrs. eo„ee Vicky Eizenga are assisting the Don Revington,
Carpenter, Mrs. R. W. Stott, pastor pastor this season ' Mrs. Ron Squire. and Mrs. Ivan Personal Hanle
llearn; candy, Mrs. Milani Andy lierdy, son of Mr, and
Cochrane- The CGIT, had a Mr.s Jack Hardy, who was hos-
candy rind jewelry table. pitAlized for so long, is able
Eight new members For CGIT to return to school but Randy
A; a meeting of the CGIT in Paul, son of Mr , and Mrs.
the United Church school, the George Paul, has had to return
leader Mrs. Murray Hodgins to the hospital,
held an initiation service for Mrs. Perry Charsley has re•
eight members, turned from a three-week's vts-
Timr First four came up front it with her daughter, Mra.
Explorers, Helen Lewis, Mari- G, Hawke and family of Skid*
lyn Hearn. NAtley Peek, Menne bury.
Davis, 'Susan Millet, Janice Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Turner
Ifayter, Joyce RurnMell and Of Brown Hill have moved into
Suzanne Kennedy. Judy Cough- the house vacated by Mr, and
lin was in charge of the 'gym, Mts. Maurice ,l'IeDotiald, Main
ship sett/lee, Ahd Water St.
Plans for the lingerie party Mr. and Mrs, Matt Menge.
On Nov. 23 were fitialited: It were Monday guests Of Rev. was decided to hold a skating •And Mrs, George tizenga of
party Dec.1 and to invite Sarnia to attend the birthday
Ilderien CGIT. The tucalt girls party of five-YeAreeld Esther,
mill Meet at the church at 3 Mr. Rizenga, who spent three
p.m. to repair hymnaries, to weeks in Byron HOSpital, is
he followed by A box lunch At Tedling some better,
C, A. Pattison
area carpenter
Clement A. Patlison, 86, died
in London Friday, Nov. 16.
Son of the late Mr, and Mrs.
William Pattison, Mr. Pattison
was born on. Concession 15, Lon-
don Township. A carpenter by
trade, he lived for many years
in Granton where he worked
for the Hay Co, shippers, In
1935 he began working for his.
brother-in•law, elr. D. A. Ash-
worth, at the Lucan Farm
In 1945 he moved to Alice St.,
Lucan where airs. Burns Smith
now resides. After his wife's
death he lived for a short time
at the corner of Market and
Beech St. About. five years ago
he was taken to the Lucan
Nursing Home and later to
Air, Patlison's only survivors
are two brothers, Fred of St,
Marys and William of Gran-
ton. His wife. the former Mary
Ellen Ashworth, predeceased
him in 1954,
Funeral services were con-
ducted Monday, November 19
by Rev. W, J. Mathes, Granton,
at the C. Haskell and Son fu•
neral home, Lucan, interment
was in St. James cemetery,
Pallbearers included Messrs.
Ross .Clatworthy, Joseph Bey-
en, Delmer Westman, Glen
Jameson, Frank Walden and
Hilton Grose,
On Sunday evening a Masonic
service was held, under the
auspices of Granton Lodge 483
AF & AM and the Middlesex
Lodge 319 AF & AM of Bryan-
ston. He was also a member
of LOL 493 Biddulph.
Periehal items
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Abbott.
and Linda were Sunday visitors
of Mr. and Mee. Lloyd Ma-
guire of Scotland.
Elizabeth Beomwiell„ five-
year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Al Bromwich spent last
weekend with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bromwich
of .London,
Miss Ethel Mullarkey, Cooks.
ville, has returned home after
spending a week with Mrs.
Alma Price. Mrs. H. 0, Becker
of London was a Wednesday
Mrs. Cecil Armitage enter-
tained Miss Clara Howard at a
Sunday evening hirthday party.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack .Cunithins
And family of Toronto, Mr. and
Mrs, Jack -Graham and family
of Chatham were . weekend
guests of Mr. end. Mrs. CalViii
Haskett and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Smith
of Erin were Sunday guests of
Mrs. Alex atelearliiie.
Mrs. William .ReeVie and two
diildren of Barrie have retutii-
ed. home after spending a week
with Mrs..Reavies parents,
Air, and Mrs. J, 1-1, Davis, Mr.
Davis' mother, Mrs. Marie
Davis of Hauesels is a visitor
this week,
Steve Davis, son of Mt, And
Mrs. Richard Davis. sprained
his ankle when playing road
hockey and will be away front
Medway HS for a few eleY$
until hie ankle Male.
Mrs, Will Ilaskett and Mrs,
Cleeenee lieskett and family ala
tended the baptism of David.
Arthur thskett, smell on -of
Mr. and Mrs, Aet Haskell, of
Toronto, last Sunday aiternoeil
and the. reception held in his
honor following the ceremony,
Mrs, Will Haskell stayed over
a few days' visit Willi her
son and family,
White chrysanthemums form-
ed the setting in St. Thomas
.Anglican chureh, Granton, at
2.30 p.m„ Saturday, Nov, 10,
when the Rev. L. A. Bennett
united in wedlock Sharon Marie
Beatson and. Lloyd Harold Hod-
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Derwin Beatson,
RR 3 Granton, and the groom
is the son of Mr, and Mrs.
Harold Hodgins of RR 4 1")e.11..
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride was gowned
in a floor-length gown of white
Swiss brocade. The bodice was
highlighted by a shallow neck-
line and lily-point sheath
sleeves. The elegance of the
skirt was brought out by tile
modified fullness of a princess
line skirt. To complete her
bridal outfit the bride wore a
French pure silk illusion finger-
tip veil caught up by a match-
ing petalled headpiece of the
same Swiss brocade, She car-
ried a cascade of pink carna-
The bride was attended by
Miss Shirley Core, who wore a
Local students
receive awards
Lucan was well represented
at the Medway High. School ex-
ercises Friday night. when Hon.
W, A ,Stewart, Ontario Minister
of Agriculture, addressed the
Aim-. Jack Murdy, vice-caair-
man of the school board, pre-
sented the Honor Graduate di-
plomas and Mr. Clarence Hardy
presented . the language and
commercial awards.
Harry Menders was the only
Lucan representative to re-
ceive Grade 13 diplomas but
Ilene Donaldson, Patsy Harri-
gan, Judy Haskett, John Mc-
Namee, Bernard and Wesley
Stanley and Paul Steacy
eeived Grade 12 diplomas. Lu-
can commercial diploma win.
Imes were Kathleen Ryan and
Diane Hickson.
Judy Haskell, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Haskett
(one of the top 10 Grade 12
students) was chosen by the
student body to receive the
Hugh MacKenzi.. $25 and medal,
citizenship award,
gown of turquoise peau de sole
with matching accessories and
carried white mums and by
Miss Brenda Cook, as flower
girl, in white taffeta with tur-
quoise cummerbund,
The best man was Donald
Hope and ushers were Jack
McVey and Donald Beatson,
At a reception in the Knotty
Pine html the bride's mother re-
ceived in a champagne colored
brocade with fur trim and was
assisted by the groom's mother
who chose blue organza,
For a honeymoon trip to the
U.S.A. the bride changed -to a
dark green double knit three.
piece suit with brown acces.
They will make their home
at RR 4 Denfield,
Personal items •
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Armitage
and Sheila were Sunday guests
. and Mrs. Willis Darling
and Mr. Elmer Darling of Lon-
Robi rt Barr, 67
first war veteran
Robert Barr, ,died ill St,.
Joseph's Hospital, Le la d u•n t
Tuesday., Nov; la.
The body rested in the C,
ilaskett and Sun .1.1'llneral Home,
Lucan, month IlinrSOY, Nov, 15
when the Rev, W. 41, Mainee
conducted .funeral services,
termeet was in St, Jalires cern,
etery, claeaeboye,
Pallbearers were Messrs, Ivan
Stanley, Wilbert Stanley, Wil-
liam Rowland, Donald Mcliei, 1. I
W, SAM `Johnston ,and dint
Dwane Members of the liderlon
Braneli of the Canadian Legion
were honorary pallbearers,
a l 'i 'di'lrvitv;:rclec bY.dalliiisg:tergratl;
the former Minas Arthur, two
Thomas of London Township,
Archie of Ottawa, Mrs, William
111,3rest.tYj)osel3pleigraYla re4f.) Carter and.
Mrs, Stewart *Lel-
lan of London Township; ate°
WorldWar 1 and a retired fore-
man of Canada Packers of Lon-
Mr, Barr was veteran
Surprise party
Mr. and Mrs, Calvin. Haskett
were completely surprised Sat-
urday evening when 20 relatives
and friends from Toronto, Lon-
eon and, Chatham sprang a 20th
wedding celebration on them,
providing everything from roast
turkey to house decorations and
table floral centre arrange.
meet of mums and carnations,
Mrs, Ileskett was Over at
the UC bazaar and Mr. 'Has-
kell out at the farm when the
guests arrived and were dem•
founded to find their home
enei iei, t guests on their re- t
During the evening Mr, and
Mrs. Haskett were presented
with two settings of King's
plate china,
Call .113 at
General Insurance
Real Estate
5.311 'p.m.
Three skits were presented,
on proper and improper busi-
ness procedure, workshop and