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The •Times.44.0vocate, November '22, 1942
Dress up squash for variety
Aporn squash baked with brown sugar and baron bits is easy, delicious and
economical, Recipe is in This 'N That column.
THIS 'N Alcoholism
CWL topic
• .•
Serve milk with meals and In-between !
it's the perfect health- and energy-building
food for colder weather. Make sure there's
plenty on hand for "refills", Every glass you
pour helps to keep your family, the "pitcher"
of health,
Phone 235-1244
Daily Delivery
t.qtma... and forever
tot BERNINA bring her sheer sewing
' delight... because BERNINA is so fully,
!'completely automatic. The most intricate 4,0•4' e stitches are at her fingertips. — zig zag,
blindstitch, 2 and 3 needle embroidery
in countless exciting designs. BERNINA
sews on buttons, makes perfect button
holes in seconds.
For now and forever..,BERNINA, your
best buy—automatically.
BERNINA models, with lifetime guar.
anlee, start at $109. Payments as low
as $2.00 per week.
OVissttei -11%40,41601":
Four large volumes of distinctive
designs. Choose At your convenience
but order early, 'please.
Phone 235.1
Atittift •,•ellird*A-090i,:liffo4llit'Ol4h•ilitAttliV**SaOlOolt*TrtAlltd:rWt4t4All*ICOM/0
Coutt s
Hahlnark YOUR NAME
Cane in aid take
your pick foie our
stunning seltetion of
Christmas ‘rds
boxed assirtments
by li
"Wl/hen you are enough
to send thevery best"
Personalized Cards lay COut11
an international
establish a bursary for .a girl.
or boy of the ,county in the care
of the Children's Aid Society to
learn a trade by .whieh. his or
she could earn A living by work-
lug with his bands,
This fund is called the "Huron
C.itinty •Women's institute llur-
salty Fend for Children's Aid
Society of Huron County" and
is not to be used for the higher
education bracket teenager,
Anyone wishing to contribute to
this fund may do so,
The bursars' is to be used at
the discretion of the Children's
Aid Board, and upon recem,
mendation of the local. director.
This year two girls have been
assisted by this Sued in courses
at schools of hair design, This
costs. approximately 8400 for the
first six months, Included in this
amount is tuition, uniforM and
kit. it usually takes about, eight
months to complete the course
and examinations.
Both girls chosen this year
have no one but the Children's
Aid Society to help them. They
'he room,
Would t you1 want
your father t, put up the
storm windows,"
At their 1.00 annual rally, the are most appreciative ,of
(\‘7.00tunlItes,n,sunalanisii010411.11:13s, decided to opportunity to AeiticVn their
rtISC11 VAre.ers, are doing
very Ma in their worts The
Children's Aid Society have re,
peived splendid progress re-
eittels. from the sehOols.
proud of their wontee who, are
undertaking such worthy nrei-
eets through the wompa's_
Huron County, can well he
& Plain
Car Coats
105 OFF
Prices slashed now on
fashionable fur - trimmed
and plain fall and winter
coats. Choose from an ex-
citing assortment of most-
wanted styles, fabrics and
colors, Great savings:
ore er-ssrsess-)ssosisertimsessaassess-oevotessessostuesistrerottawstisoseeeesosittoottsratsstsooesoaseearessietreow*
Doupe, mrs wes potiot,; stew, A Brownie fly-up ceremony
was held in .1. A. D. AfeCurdY
r'.131-11,116eleli,14 ':\/1'),817'claIrVeensee Nseli‘lItzerti,: School Monday evening,
M F4ing up from the third rs. Wes Neil, Mrs. Norman
Amos. Mrs. Fred Roger; Audi- Brownies„, t o First Company
tors. Airs. Alvin crag° and :‘11,a. 1\k,itzittrograwe,,,4.eccaDr erph ibl i,e,LAI,onrrdis
Roger Urquhart, Johntosn, Lyn Pangbara, BOMIR
Corbett, Susan Lennox, KarenqTP:er t cn Deanery
LadiesGuild and WA of d) Toole, 1'411” McNeil,McNeil,, Brown
St. Paul's Anglican church met Owl is Mrs. Art Tassie.
on Thursday evening at the Elizabeth :Leitch and Vivian
home of Mrs. Clayton Smith 1.1,),oNei'celltofleFwirsfit'dionti ldierst.0:13nil'op\iivItlii,e.
with 14 present.
Ales. Smith presided for the Brown Owl is Mrs. Ciwe"
I meeting,
gaveetLhi lel g;i,; InDliar nelLseytrile,1 gmBeeactict e
pnor: e:1111d)le'.
n A ILL° graduatedni d inaidi e°cr•
0 g
Ni:ia 1 e\rvIal oCronl e soote‘i,,dc.10,1Bi Bro
wnie iidseey lt3or the 0 wn
sided for the Guild meeting.
Assisting the hostess, were Airs,
C. Dobson, Mrs. Kno and Airs
Personal items
Due to confirmation service
at Saintsbury next Sunday al
time of writing and Mrs. R.
Humphreys a patient in St,
Marys' Memorial Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Waghorn
attended the hockey game at
11:15 a.M, there will be an Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto,
evensong service at 7.30 p.m. Saturday evening.
at St. Paul's, Kirk-ton. Mrs. George Ball spent the
past two weeks with her daugh
ter, Mr, and Mrs. John Hanni-
man and family of Callander,
Among those attending the
Royal Winter Fair this week
sysne Mr, and Mrs. Ross -Mar-
shall, Mr. and Airs, Clayton
Smith, Mrs. Clarence Switzer,
Mrs, Emerson Paten, Mrs. Eric
Humphreys, Sirs. Earl Watson,
Sir. and Mrs. Norman Amos,
Mrs. Jack Urquhart and -family,
Mr. Kenneth. Blackler,
Mr. Dan Jarvis is a patient
in Victoria Hospital, London at
;?•41.'crrgicl..r0.•Niwiki l'Olettttgldl014t,teltel
Huron WI bursary
assists CAS wards
Looking for a casserole to
use up the Sunday roast? Or a
quick and easy one for a busy
day? Try Monday casserole,
Monday Casserole
Slices from the roast left over
from Sunday
Sliced onions
Left-over gravy or canned
Lay slices of cold meat in
bottom of casserole; cover with
a.-layer of potatoes and sprinkle
with salt and pepper, then a
layer of sliced onions, repeating
until casserole is three-quarters
full. Warm any gravy from the
roast or a can of soup and
pour over entire ingredients.
Bake until potatoes are cooked
—about 1 hour in a 350' oven,
Crusty Baked Apples
At the same time prepare
and bake apples which require
About the same time,
Couple wed
50 years
Mr. and Mrs. August Miller
of Dashwood were married fif-
ty years ago Monday, Novem-
ber 19, They were married by
Father Strader in St, Boniface
Church, Zurich. They farmed
prior to moving to Dashwood,
Mr. Miller, 8], and Mrs. Mil.
ler. 70, are enjoying fairly
good health. They have one
daughter, Mrs. Louis Zimmer
and one grand.-daughter. A son,
Harry, and a daughter, Irene.
are deceased.
Completes short course
Seventeen ladies have com-
pleted the short course. ''143
lbs. of Meat". This was spun-
sore-d by the WI with the lead.
erS Mrs. Eben Weigand and
Mrs, Gordon. Bender.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Eben Weigand
accompanied by Mr, and Mrs.
Mel Elliott of Zurich spent
day at the Royal Winter Fair.
Their son Donald had a calf
entered in the Queen's Guin-
Rev, M. J. .James. john, and
Orville, spent Thursday at the
Royal Winter. Fair in Toron-
The Harboraires. a male
chorus fronr Goderieh. will tie
presenting a program in the
EUB church Wednesday. Nov.
Rev. M. J. James attended
planning Meeting for the.
1963 camping program of the
ELB church at Zion church.
Kitchener, Saturday.
Rev, and Mrs. M. J. James
and family spent Sunday after-
Steen with Revs and Mrs.
George Sim and family at Tax:
, Ervin Rader returned home
Saturday from a hunting trip
in the Parry Sound region. His
party got two deer.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wei-
berg and family of Waterloo
spent the weekend here with
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Howe
and Maryelo, and Miss Ruth-
antic. Racier of London spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Ervin Rader and family.
1 apple per person
1 2 cup flour
1-e cup brown augai
1 4 cup butter
tp cinnamon
Pare apples, core and score
down the sides with a fork,
making grooves over the en-
tire surface of the apple. Crum-
ble the remaining ingredients
and coat the apple. The grooves
enable the crumbs to stick bet-
ter. 11 any of the crumbs are
left fill the cavity of the apple
with them or put in a teaspoon
of brown sugar and a dot of
butter. Bake and solo e vc arm
with cream. The outside of the
apples are crusty and good.
Just another recipe for cook-
ing vegetables added to those
from last week:
Baked Acorn Squash
3 acorn squash
6 tp brown sugar
Salt to taste
3 strips bacon.
Wash squash and cut each
in half. Scoop out seeds and
string portion_ Sprinkle with
one teaspoon of brown sugar.
salt and pepper. Cut bacon
strips in half. Dice each piece
and cook until about half done.
Spoon bacon and fat into squash
_Place in large baking pan.
over with foil in moderate oven
(-350 degrees) 30 minutes. Re-
move foil and bake 30 min, or
until bacon is crisp and squash
is tender. Makes six servings.
Last Aueust we gale you a
recipe for chicken casserole
made by Mrs. Ivor Ctuts, Los
Angeles. who was holidaying at
Grand Bend. At the same lime
she gave us a recipe for brown-
ies 44 hiell she said she had been
asked the recipe for, many
tones. When we _saw so many
cookies a; open house Sunday
afternoon "-e were reminded of
cup .eft butter
cup gran. sugar
2 eggs
tp vanilla
to '4 cup flour
pinch of salt
2 squares chocolate, melted
,.: cup nuts more or less
Cream butter with sugar;
add eggs and vanilla and heat
c ell, Silt the flour and salt over
this mixture and mix. Add
melted chocolate and, nuts,
There is no baking powder in
this recipe.
Put in WI pan and bake. in
325 - oven te+r 30 minutes ,ap-
prosima:els. Cut bile lint and
place \taxed naper user brOwn•
ies while cooling.
Infant daughter
dies in hospital
thane Marie Schroeder, five-
month-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Orville Schroeder. RR 1
Hyde Park died in Victoria Hos-
pnal, Friday, Nov. IS.
She is survived by a sister,
Nancy. and brother. Stuart,
both at home. and grandpar•
ents, Mr. and Mrs William
Schroeder, Centralia, and Mrs
Mary Harcourt, Glencoe_
Priv ate funeral aervices were
held at the A. Millard George
funeral brinte. London, Novem-
ber .16 with interment in For-
est TAIkt Memorial Gardens.
At the meeting of the Cath-
olic Women*a League of RCAF
station, Centralia, held on
Tuesday, Nov. 15 an education-
al film was presented on Alco-
holism explaining the steps that
lead to this condition and the
manner of dealing with it, nar-
rated by Dr. Gordon Bell of the
Bell institute, Toronto.
Rev, Fr. Grant recited the
opening prayer and Mrs, Verna
Burke gave an article on "Be.
dig Ready f o r Judgment"
prompted by the Cuban crisis
in case of immediate danger of
death. She said "What one
needs to do in the split second
of consciousness available will
be to turn our mind to God
with contrition for all past of-
Plans were made to hold the
annual Christmas social evening
after the December business
meeting when the ladies of the
Protestant Chapel Guild on the
Station will be guests.
Instal new
OES slate
Mrs. Henry Bierling was in-
stalled as Worthy Matron of
Exeter Chapter No, 222 OES
last Wednesday evening. Wor-
thy Patron is Stanley Love.
Associate matron is Mrs.
Medley May; associate patron,
R. B. Williams; secretars.
Mrs. William Middleton; trea-
surer, Miss Kathleen Hay; con-
ductress, Mrs. Harold Brode-
rick; associate conductress,
Mrs. John Corbett; chaplain,
Mrs. Earl Campbell; marshal,
Mrs, Lloyd Lovell,
Organist, Mrs. Clare- Mc.
Bride; Adah, Mrs. Robert Mc-
Kinless Ruth, Mrs. Ray Mills;
Esther, Mrs. Anson .Coleman;
Martha, Mrs, Kenneth. Parke;
warden, Mrs, James McCarter;
sentinel, Garnet Patterson.
The installing ceremony was
conducted by Mrs. Middleton,
PDDGM, installing matron;
Earl Campbell, PP. installing
patron; Mrs, Stanley Love,
PM, installing marshal; Mrs.
Graham Campbell, DOOM, in-
stalling chaplain; Mrs. Wil-
liam Cann, installing organist;
Mrs. Fred Dobbs, PM, install-
ing warden, and Maurice,
Quance, PP, installing sentinel..
assisted by past matrons, and
past patrons of Exeter Chap.
The star point ceremony Was
conducted by Mrs. Elgin Me-
Kinky, PM. Mrs, James D.
Smith, PM, and Mrs, Wallianc
Cann favored with a duet.
Guests attended from Dele-
ware., Clinton and Seafortli,
While there is no exact count
of emigration from Caanda,
cent estimates indicate that in
10131 emigration exceeded im•
migration by about 12,000.
Airs, if.84mend Paynter w as
hostess for the 1.:7 MV meeting on
Wed,, Nev. 14. 'Airs, Enteraon
Paton conducted the worship
service, assisted by Airs. Clar-
owe Switzer, Airs. A. Levy and
Aire. Westman 'Played a piano
and violin duet,
The study entitled "Okinawa
8114 the lilith)itS" was taken
ic y :
lra. s.u Wes Neil and the Bible
study was taken by Al Ross
Following the business. Mrs.
T. presented the report
of the noininaiing committee
with Mrs. Alvin Crago
as chairman. Officers for 1963
are: President, Airs. Earl Wat-
son; vice-president, Mrs, Clar-
ence Switzer; recording secre-
tary, Airs. Jack Urquhart; as-
slslant, Mrs. ItaymOnd ?um-
ter; corresponding sec'y, Mrs,
Stuart Shier; treasurer, Airs.
Fred Roger; assistant, Mrs.
Wes Nell;. pianists, Mrs, Prod
Switzer; parsonage. committee,
Mrs. Norman A in o s, Mrs.
Charles 73aillie, Mrs. Herman
Paynter, Mrs, Wes Doupe.
Community Friendship, Mrs,
Lorne Marshall; social commit-
tee, Mrs. Ross Marshall, Mrs,
john Mc.Elrea; membership
committee, Airs. Wib Kirkby;
nominating committee, Mrs,
Stuart Shier, Mrs, Ray Switzer,
Mrs. Ron. Denham; supply and
aocial assistance, Mrs, E.
hoose executive Brownies
for Kirkton UCW raduate'
'FREE: Mario Fraser'i
"Coffee Cake Collection",a,
new recipes all
Bettervatb tutlert
Write today.,
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