HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-22, Page 9EACI1—i n pa i r$
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Phone 05.6166 -Milton Robbin
& Sott LId,
lieve the U 5 Dag has every l eining t he Canadten Army,
right to fly in. our color ,party !Milted States :tat Special Sery
on our itemembrafiee PO pa- ice Farce Paratroopers,.and re-
rade without any questions ceived all of his train and
needed t() be asked, al, leaat went loto action under the Unit-
net through the paper, ,ed States flag. This force landed.
Everyone knows that. the Ca. in Africa and travelled up
English Americans, through to Italy serving en
Australians, and all of the many fronts with the 5th Army
allies joined together to pre- under General Mark Clark,
serve one common cause and It also served under Major
MA was freedeni, Ne one per- General Patch, with the seventh
son knows more than the sal- army, and spearheaded the in,
cher himself that it did not mat- vision of Southern France, Due
ter which country or flag the to the fact that they covered
man beside him was fighting lot of territory, many casualties
under, They only knew, at this were inflicted; yes, the casual-
time, that, and I quote, "Di- ties ran into the hundreds,
vidcd we Jail, united we stand" Some of the unfortunate men
and together they stood and who fell in battle under the U.S.
won the battle, flag were some of Comrade
That is why we enjoy our MacLean's closest friends. 1
freedom today and that, free- am sure this man deemed it an dom was giv e n to us by men honor to carry this flag in
who fought under many memory of his fallen comrades
ferent flags, but—we were unit, and also of the many other hun-
ed, We all hope and pray that dreds who fell helping to fight
:this will never have to happen for our freedom,
;again, but if the need ever Third reason
arises, i am sure they will he I feel sure that. Remem- banded together again for the a s brance Day drew near this year one common cause, and may I not one Canadian among us did
say again that we all hope and not realize the significance of
pray that this will never hap- the Cuban crisis, which had so pen• suddenly flared up, As that
First reason dreaded week passed slowly by,
The first reason why U,s, ears across the country were
flag was flown: Th e fl ag was tightly glued to their radios and
flown in memor y of E verett all eyes were on television
Pollen, a boy who way born watching developments. Thous-
and raised and received his ands of calls were received re-
education in Exeter, who fought garding shelters, and these
and gave his life under the same thousands realized that
United States flay, This man this time, war was on OUR
served a term of three years doorstep. I felt sure at this
with the Canadian Army in the time, and even now, we in Can-
1st Hussars, coming back from ada are glad that we are of
overseas in 7,944 and upon be- the Western World, and that
ing discharged, lie travelled to the U.S. is one of our allies in
the United States where he en- that world, I believe there is
listed in the infantry of the not one of us who can honestly
U,S. forces during which time say that we are not happy to
he served one year in Japan. have her as our neighbor to the
In 1948 he rejoined the U.S. south. Does it not "seem ap-
forces and was posted to Japan. propriate then, that at this time
Later he served in Korea the U.S. flag should he among
where he gave his life in a our color party on our Remem-
battle at Liman, 1st November, brance Day parade?
1950, helping many other gal- Answer to Gary
lant men to defend our free- Are you, Gary, being of our
dom. For action serving with younger generation, letting a
the U.S. forces, this man ac- political and business world
mired The United Nations Serv- overshadow the past to such an
ice Medal, Purple Heart Medal, extent that at the mere sight
Korean 'Service Ribbon, Bronze of the Stars and Stripes, it
Star, and the Silver Star which would impel you to write such
is one of the highest awards an unwarranted letter to the
of the U.S. government, Along editor. I d o not know wh y you
with these, were the awards
for his service with the Ca-
nadian Forces during World
War 2.
To the editor, Second tReson
answer to lest week's corn- Comrade Bill Macraeatt, the
scents on the U.S, nag, I be . bearer of this flag, although
feel that we should very
humbly bow our heads to such
rt gallant man as this, and I
feel it is a very small tribute
that we gave to him on our
Remembrance Day parade by
carrying the U,S, flag in our
color party in memory of him,
a nd commemorating his a-
About US flag
Legion president replies
Was attached directly to the
C-romorty Comments fv.-4,1,- - guests at the Fintaysen-Scott 'Sunday visitors with .17ar,
• g na on Saturday, and Mrs, K. McKellar lite,re
By MRS. ON *KELLAR Mrs, Wm. Harper visited Mr, Frank 110110Y of Pr-4011-
last week g the 1:10mq of her and Jane Binning of Mitchell.
daughter .and sop-in-law, Mr. Mr. H t.. Hugh Scott, student A
ap,.orl Mrs. Neil Thompson, At- .0Ae, Guelph,. spent the week. N,,od,
end at his home here.
The 'Timps.,,..A.Ovocatet .Novgrni?er :27): '1961 P14914..9'
brance Day church services,
On the contrary, believe there.
was great .concern and mere In.
terest shown .this year And j
believe that I: ant in a much.
More appropriate position to
know this.
You say yop are going "to.
anxiously await 4 reply in 'the
editorial," As a student and As.
A Rover, representing t. )1.0
Queen's Highest, and as you
are growing into manhood, you
will find that there are times
to listen and times to speak
and at times when a man is
ready to blow his top, that is
the time when one should stop
and think before he acts. I still.
cannot be convinced that you
would have written such a let-
ter to the editor had you taken
a little time to think and en-
quire about the flag from a
responsible party, Because of
this you were one of the few
who did not know the reason
Answer to the editor
Mr. Editor, you say and 1
quote "that it is appropriate to
fly the American flag at occa-
sions when HS. citizens are
official guests and there may be
such occasions during the sum-
mer tourist season but it would.
not appear to be in order other-
wise", I think Mr. Editor after
reading this letter down to this
paragraph, that you will agree
that there was a reason and a
very good one, But if you are at
all in doubt, I would like to
point out that the U,S, flag has
a more suitable and honored
meaning to fly in our color
party in commemorating those
fallen comrades than what it has
flying over hot dog stands and
amusement parks, for the bene-
fit of the. U.S. tourists in the
Also, Mr. Editor, I am sure
we can not honestly say that
we are making up our own de-
ficiency by flying the flags of
other countries. I. agree with
you when you say a Canadian
national flag could have taken
precedence over all of them
and I am sure we will all be
h a ppier as Canadians when we
do have our own flag, but I am
also just as sure there will be
a place in color parties for
those which we now carry.
Those flags which we now carry
we are proud of, and they will
not be discarded, no more than
our memories.
Topics from.
By MRS... R944. SINNER
Mr, and Mrs, Howard Pam,
;Joan, Brian and Elaine, visited
on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,
Beverley Skinner of Exeter,
Mr, and Mrs. Philip Johns
and family visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. James Earl
of Exeter and attended James
St, anniversary service,
Mrs. Alvin Cooper had a
jewellery demonstration on .F.r.i.
day evening with Miss Anne
Peterson of Rannoch as dem-
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Skinner
and Mrs. Pat Otis attended
open house at South Huron Dis-
trict High School on Thursday
Miss Brenda Martin, of Lon-
don, spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Mar-
tin, now living in this corn..
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques,
Yvonne and Dalton of. Zion,
Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Cooper,
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cooper,
Kathy and Nancy, visited on
Monday evening with Mr, and
Mrs. Ross Skinner.
Sunday visitors with Mr, and.
Mrs. Bruce Cooper were Mr.
and Mrs,' William Baker of
Grand Bend, Mrs, King of De-
troit, Mr. and. Mrs. Horace Del-.
bridge and. Fred of Winchelsea.
Mr, and Mrs. Russell King and
Eugene of Crediton.
So, all in all, does not Chia
seem a very ridiculous com-
ment to make about the U.S.
flag, and it seems to me to be
a very small and insignificant
way to bring ridicule upon a
ceremony of such great im-
portance and one which is held
so sacred by the Royal Canad-
ian Legion.
We will never gain strong
independence and prestige in
any walk of life by striving for
that gain, through the ridiculing
of others,
Comrade Erie Heywood
(President Branch 167)
Exeter, Ontario,
Shower bride
The CGIT girls with their
leader, Mrs. M. Lamond,
.sored a miscellaneous shower
for Miss. Ina Scott, bride of
The. program consisted of
contests conducted by Mrs. La.
mond, Miss Joyee. Kerslake
read an address and the gifts
were presented to Ina by the
The trousseau was shown by
Agnes Scott, the wedding gifts
by Barbara Ann Wallace, the
fancy work by Barbara Garai-
nor, the kitchenware by Doro-
thy Scott and the linens by
Anna Scott, Ma expressed her
appreciation to all -and a deli-
cious lunch was served, Ina
was also presented with a
shower of gifts from her friends
in London.
Personal items
Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Jas, Miller and fam-
ily Mr. and Mrs, Earl
Opppnhou.ser and • family of
Monkton, Mrs. Olive Scott Of
Atisseldfile., Miss Joyce Scott
of London and. Mr. Jack Robin-
son of Mitchell, celebrating
Betty Ann's second birthday.
Mr. and Mrs.. jarnes Ramsey,
Mr, and
a.rStg vce
alvin Huller.
Beth and .Rill. visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rain•
soy and Bill.
Mrs. Elmer Colquhoun of
Clinton. is visiting with her
sisters, Mrs. Sadie Scott and
Mrs. 'George Wallace and other
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker
visited on Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. Garnet Cock.well of
Dashwood, and also with Mr.
Alvin. Cornish and 'Mr. Lorne
•Wassman of Exeter.
A.nna Marie and Ingrid,
-daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Jioste of Seaforth dis-
trict, visited on Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. Calder hielcalg,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott
and family of Goderieh spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Russell and were.
Summing up
On Nov. 11, at Remembrance
were so amazed to see the flag time, everything about war and
when you should know how the men who never came hack
many countries fought side by seems to dig inside of me very
side. deep. My throat chokes up and
"As far as you, could see it my stomach goes into knots. I
had no place there". Had you cannot explain the reason why
been looking and listening to this is because I have never
past Remembrance Day serv- had any front line action, My
ices, I am sure you would have closest kin was my stepbrother
known, why. You say in your killed in Italy. My wife's closest
letter you enquired. I am sure kin was her brother who was
the enquiries made by you were killed on. the HMS Battleship
from persons who did not pay Hood. Between the two of 'us,
close attention to our Remem- this day brings back very strong
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