HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-15, Page 18Page 18 The Tines-Advocate, November IS, 1962 ".1 wish you had come to us sooner!" • 76f2r 4f....e 'nth, 1W, Valid PA% 1.1.77:".."' "Relax—it's full money." c 111111, .S1411 1061. ‘01 11.1 "Harry and I have our little disagreements, but nothing that looks too bad on the police blotter." I What's Doing „ Read This. Page 'Every Week. Rock and Roll DANCING MODERN TO THE CRESCENDOS with DICK WILLIAMS OF CFPL RADIO Exeter Legion Hall Friday, November 30 Time 9 • 12 Admission 75 EXETER LEGION Fowl Bingo, Wed., November 21 Exeter Legion Hall Starting at 9:00 p.m. 15 ROUNDS OF CHICKEN: Admission 500 10 ROUNDS OF TURKEY Cards 10 Each 3 for 250 TURKEY DOOR PRIZE ',1110,4 is Charlie MacNaughton Night Thursday, Nov. 22 Exeter Legion Hall DINNER STARTS AT 6:30 P.M. SPEAKER: DR. GEORGE W. GOTH Minister, Metropolitan United Church, London The Council of the Town of Exeter is sponsoring this tribute in recognition of Mr, MacNaughton's appointment as Minister of Highways in the On. tario government. TICKETS FOR DINNER ARE NO LONGER AVAILABLE but citizens are invited to ,join in the dance which will follow through the courtesy of the Exeter Branch of the Legion, beginning at 9:30 p.m. A community salute to a distinguished citizen 4, "Cheer tip, Things could al. ways be worse." "Meticulous honsekeeper, wife." PARENTS NIGHT The parents of Grade Nine students are invited to visit the school and staff members at SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Thursday, November 15 8:00 p.m. • 10:00 p.m. LyRic THEATRE PHONE 235.2911 EXETER 2 ShoVis Nightly Starting 7:30 p.m. Saturday Matinee 2:00 p.m. ICINEMASCOPE AA AWED ARTISTS Picture THURS:, FRI„ SAT. NOV, 15, 16, 17 Double Bill of loffs ThrillshivilFR .R 11Fila BIRTHS — DOUGALL — Bill and Fern Dougall, RR 3 Exeter, are pleased to announce the birth of a son, Gregory William, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, November 1 — a brother for Carol, Dick and Jayne. NIXON—Glen and Lola Nixon (nee Volland)„ Hensall, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter at St, Io- seph's Hospital, London, No- vember 9. PE.OUT—Jim and Anna Prout (nee McLachlin) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Laurie Anne, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, November 7. STEWART—Mr .and Mrs, Bob Stewart, Grand Bend, an- nounce the birth of a son, Richard Morley, at South Huron Hospital, November 13 —a brother for Bobbi and Lynne. WADE—Terry and Margaret Wade, London, are happy to announce the birth of a son, Timothy Raymond, at Vic- toria Hospital, London, No- vember 9 — a brother for Todd. ANNOUNCEMENTS — Mrs. Irene Harness, Exeter, wishes to announce the mar- riage of her eldest daughter, Shirley Irene, to Mr, Donald Stevenson, son of Mr, and Mrs, Claire Stevenson, Norwich, The marriage took place at 7 o'clock in St. Jude's Church, London, on Friday, November 9. 15nc CARDS OF THANKS — I sincerely thank all my relatives and friends for visits, flowers, cards and treats re- ceived while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital.—James A. Paterson. 15c wish to express my ap- preciation to the many friends and neighbors who remember- ed me with cards, flowers, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, and since returning home.—Mrs. Jerome Dietrich, 15* jean and Bob Lammie wish. to thank their relatives and friends for the gifts, cards and visits on the occasion of their parents' silver wedding anni- versary. 15e. Mrs. Andrew Campbell, Hur- on St., wishes to express her sincere appreciation to all those who so kindly remember- ed her with cards, flowers and treats while she was in South Huron Hospital and since re- turning home, during her con.- valeseence from her recent accident. Special thanks are extended to Miss Claypole and her kind nurses at the local hospital. 15c The families of the late Mrs. Edward Norminton, of Hensall, wish to extend their heartfelt appreciation to all friends and acquaintances for their many acts of kindness, cards and floral offerings, the offer of cars and lunch donations at the time of their recent be. reavement. 15* I wish to express sincere thanks to our friends, rela- tives and neighbors for their kindness and help in our home rn every way while t was a patient in. St. Joseph's Hos- pital and since returning home. Special thanks to Harry Hoff- man's ambulance, Dr. Gulens, Dr. H. H. Allen for _their sPecdY service. — Mrs. Bessie Ca mpbell. 15* T wish to say _b• sincere "thank yon" to my friends and relatives for their cards of sympathy and, kindness in ._ her of my sister, Mrs., Henry Pfaff. • Mrs. Alfred Tilley. 15e Bazaar iSt Teo MAIN STREET UNITED. CHURCH BASEMENT Sat.? Nov, 1.7 3:00 pam toOths of HOME BAKING, APRONS MISCELLANEOUS KNITTED GOODS VEGETABLES, CANDY mairrt ELEPHANT ANNOUNCEMENTS ,avt..,11a: traill****1*****11311818119NIM Arm gels in wringer, young lad uninjured CARDS OF THANKS — I would like to thank all my relatives, friends and neigh- bors for the lovely flowers, cards, visits and treats receiv- ed during my stay in South Huron Hospital, Special thanks to Miss Claypole and nursing staff, to Dr. AL Gans, and the gentlemen who were so kind in assisting me to the hospital, and to the IOOF Lodge for the beautiful plant. Your kindness will always be remembered.— Orville Cann, 15* We wish to thank the Credi- ton Fire Department and the Centralia Airport Fire Depart- ment for helping at our recent fire, also our neighbors and friends who inquired,—Mr. and Mrs. Percy Noels and family, 15c I sincerely wish to thank all the friends and relatives who remembered me with visits, gifts, flowers and lovely get- well cards while I was a pa- tient in the hospital and since returning home. — Elmore P. Datars. 15c Danny and Garry Tory wish to thank their teachers, Airs. Hughson and Mrs. Heimrich, and their classmates for taking time to write, cheering let- ters, card and for sending lovely treats and visits while confined to their home recent- ly. 15c I sincerely wish to thank all the friends, neighbors and relatives who remembered me with treats, flowers, visits and lovely get-well cards which I received while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. — Earl O'Neil, Lucan. 15c IN MEMORIAM — CHAPMAN—In loving memory of a dear mother, Doris E, Chapman, who passed away one year ago, November 21, 1961. When evening shades are fall- ing And we sit in quiet alone, To our hearts there comes a longing, CHAPMAN-1n loving memory of a dear grandma, Doris E. Chapman, who passed away One year ago, November 21, 1961. We think of her in silence, Her name we often recall, There is nothing left to answer But her picture on the wall. —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by her grand. children, Donny and Kathy, Gary and. Julianne. 15* RATZ—In loving memory of a dear father and grand- father, William Ratz, who passed away five years ago, November 10, 1057, Your presence is ever near us, Your love remains with us yet, You were the kind of father Your loved ones will never for- get. —L o v i n g l y remembered by Dorothy, Gertrude i Ervin, Earl and families. 15* IN MEMORIAM — SYLVESTEB—In loving mem- ory of a dear father, Lieut. William Charles Sylvester, who passed away November 20, 1960, Two long lonely years have passed Since our great sorrow fell; The shock that we received that day We still remember well, Our hearts still ache with sad- ness And secret tears still flow; What it meant to lose you, father, No one will ever know, When we are sad, and lonely, And all things seem so wrong; We seem to hear you whisper, `Have faith and carry on'. Each time we see your photo, Youseem to smile and say: 'Don't cry, I'm only sleeping, We'll meet, in Heaven some day', —Too dearly loved to ever be. forgotten by son Wayne and daughter-in-law Shirley. 15* CHAPMAN—In loving memory of my dear wife, Doris E. Chapman, who passed away one year ago, November 21, 1961. The month of November again is here, To me the saddest of all the year; The blow was hard, the shock severe, To 'part with one I loved so dear. I watched you suffer and heard you sigh, All I could do was just stand by, I lived inhope and prayed in For God to make you well again, But. He decided we should part, I watched you die with a broken heart. No length of time could take away My thoughts of you from day to day. —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by her husband Jerry. 15* ALEXANDER—In loving mem- ory of our dear mother and father. Agnes J. and William F. Alexander, who passed away five years ago, October By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA Mark Cronyn, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Larry Cro- nyn was rushed to South Hur- on Hospital last week for treatment following an acci- dent at his home. Mark got his hand caught in the wringer of the washing ma- chine and his arm was pulled through up to the shoulder be- fore the wringer was released to free him. No bones were broken and the boy has made a rapid re- covery from the accident. Personal items Mr. and Mrs, John Thomp- son returned home from Lon- don on Thursday last week, the former from St, Joseph's Hos- pital and the latter from visit- ing at the home of her daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Don Human. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Palmer of Mallon were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lam- mie, Robert and Jean. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Essery Greenway gets lights By MRS. C. WOODBURN GREENWAY Highway traffic safety lights have been placed north and east of the corner at Greenway. UCW completes study At the UCW meeting held at the home of Mrs, Lawrence Curts Mrs. Harold McDonald and Mrs. Carman Woodburn were in charge of the worship and study book taking "Peace' as the theme. The chapter on Korea was completed in the study book and a film "The Land of the Morn- ing Calm" was shown. Mrs. McDonald read a letter from a Korean boy sent to a friend who is sponsoring an adopted child. Mrs, Woodburn read a poem "God has no hands but our hands". The president, Mrs. Joe Hor- ner, took charge of the business. Mrs. Elton. Curts and Mrs, Lloyd Brophey were appointed a nominating committee for the 1963 officers. Miss Evelyn Curts had a display of Christ- mas cards. and will take orders, The December meeting will be held at. the home of Mrs. Bey- den Taylor, Personal items Mr, Henry .Belling is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belling of Exeter, Mrs. A. E. Wood entertained several ladies at a. brush dem- onstration on Thursday evening and Mrs, Lawrence Curts enter. tained several ladies at a plas- tic demonstration on Monday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Gardner and family, of Newinarket, spent the weekend with Mrs. .1. Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curts vsited on Sunday with rola• eves in Sarnia. Mr. Wayne Steeper has re- turned home from Toronto where he attended Trade School, Mrs. Carman Woodburn and Mrs. Stan „Millard of Centenary attended the Women's Institute 'week, convention at Hotel London last t Mr. and Alra, Joe Hodge end Jeanetit visited recently with 'their aunt, Mrs. Albert .Pollock. S and Robbie visited over the weekend with Mrs. Essery's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Newcombe in Drayton Plains, Michigan, Mr. and Airs. Wm. Haddock and Mr. George Baynham were guests at a reception follow- ing the Steeper-Pickering wed- ding on Saturday. The recep- tion was held in the Parish Hall of the Grace Anglican Church in. Greenway, Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Hicks were Miss Wilda Pollock of Kitchener for the weekend; Mr. and Mrs. 0, Pollock • of Kincardine on Sun- day, Sunday guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Het)! burn were the former's sisters and brother-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Reynolds and Mrs. Mary Brown of London, Mr, and Mrs. Herb MacQuil- Ian of Lucknow were 'Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Haddock, Mrs. Andrew :Hicks visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Johns at Wood- ham, Mrs. Ernest Abbott left on Sunday to spend the winter with her sister-in-law, Mrs. F. Fairhall in South Laguna, California. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrison were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harrison and Tracy in Lucan, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrison were Mrs. Jack Smith and Mrs. Mary Smith of Woodham, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Harrison and Deb- bie. Silver Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie celebrated their silver wedding anniversary with a five o'clock dinner in the Dufferin Hotel on Sunday, They had as their guests, Misses Amy and Greta Lam- mie, Hensel!, Mr, and Mrs. George Dunn, Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. .1. Paisley, Mr. and Mrs, Elmore Dunn, Cathy and Ronnie of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dunn, Ilurondale, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dunn, Mr, and Mrs. John Ridley, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Palmer, Melton, Miss Shirley Heywood, 'Exeter and Mr, Gor- don Hutchinson of Fullerton. A toast, to the bride and groom of twenty five years, was proposed by Mr, Jack Paisley of Toronto with Mr. Lammie replying, COMING EVENTS— CHRISTMAS FAIR, sponsored by the Presbyterian CCC, Sat- urday, December 1, Caven Church, Exeter, 2:30 p.m. 8:15c RECEPTION and dance, Rus- seldale Hall, Russeldale, Ont., Saturday, November 17, for bridal couple, Betty Fletcher and Barry Collins. Everyone welcome. 15c CHRISTMAS TEA and Sale, Friday evening, December 7, in the former interior Shop, Main St., Exeter. Sponsored by :Beta Sigma Phi Sorority. Everyone welcome. 15c DRY SLAB and body wood, Apply to Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, or phone 232-4450 Nairn, 15e HOME - MADE CANDY sale, conducted by Hensall. Girl Guides and Brownies, Saturday, November 17, Your patronage will be appreciated when the girls call at your homes. Watch for them. 15c EUCHRE & DANCE, sponsor- ed by Kippen East Women's Institute, Friday, December 14, Hensel] Arena, 8:30 p.m. Orchestra, "The Collegians", 15* BAKE SALE and tea, Decem- ber 15, 3 p.m., former Interior Shop, opposite post office. Auspices Order of 'Eastern Star. 15c Arena Activities THURSDAY, NOV. 15 3:00-4:00—Skating for pre school children and parents. 4:00-5:00—Season ticket skating FRIDAY, NOV. 16 8:30—ST. MARYS vs. EXETER JUNIOR HAWKS SATURDAY, NOV. 17 11004;00—Public Skating 3:30.5:30—Figure Skating 8:00.10:00—Public Skating SUNDAY, NOV. 18 2:00.4:00—Public Skating MONDAY, NOV. 19 4:00.5:00—Season Ticket Skating If she only could come home. Friends may think we have forgotten When at times they see us smile, —Always remembered and sad- But little they know the heart- ly missed by their family. ache 15e Our smiles hide all the while. —Lovingly remembered by her family, Doreen and Gordon, Alice and Jerry, Jim and Sus- anne. 1.5* 31 and November 19, 1957, CLARENCE PETRIE Exeter Legion .Hall BRIAN liot.irg E HOWARD MCHEAR DICK WESSOH ant 117.615, 41,i many atag MON TUES WED. •, • i2N 02r): 2 JERRY Mtebt70tON HemitiowaYs A UNG II/sting BESEMEMISIIMUM RICHARD RYMER . DIANE BAKER-CORINNE CALVET. FRED CLARK DAN DAILEY 'JAMES DIINN.JUAND HERNANDEMIRTHUA KENNEDY RICARDO MONTALBAN ',SUSAN STRASBERO 'JESSICA TANDY.ELI WALLACH PAGLi6INAN MARTIN RITT ../LE,HOTCHNER ERNEST HEMINGWAY TWO SHOWS 7:00 t4ND 9:56 P. . "MR. HOBBS TAKES A Corning 'VACATION'" "TWO WEEKS IN ANOTHE* TOWN"' This Saturday Night. Your favorite entertainers of Radio, Stage awl Television THE ALL-STAR NIGHT HAWKS htillette SY „ idEENPL'AY SY '191SE0 011 ITOltlEi SOott