HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-15, Page 15• THIS 'N THAT By MRS, 4, M. 4,, : . .. The story in Saintsbur By MRS. HEBER DAVIS sisting. Air. and Airs, 'Thos, Simpson, Beli.t4s.D'u fCtieePlidl, wSecittleir.t%ennodste:NsIs.ress. -cemetery.. London, were recent 'visitors Mrs.. C, Zwi.eker, president, Personal items With Air. and Airs. Alert Ballii.e. , conducted the business. It was Mr, and, Mrs.. Den McRae, a decided to continue with "Bus- Sudbury, visited a few days last Alr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen tery sisters" for another ,Year.. week with Air, and Mrs, W. L. were in Toronto en Friday at- This letoo is to go (.0 the "Save Air, and Mrs, Wilma Wein, Mr. .and Mrs, Cleve Pullman attended the public school con- and boys spent Sunday with Mr.L S o tending the Royal. Winter Fair. year the "White Gift" col- Hodge and family, tiwReevt1.4/Cill'ilPtilz. pFrielliScte;i 4ted the slate vention in Guelph on Wednes, and Airs, Jack Kirkhein, Dub- of officers for 1003; President day, fin, Air, and Mrs. William French, '61 FORD Sedan, V.8, automatic . is Airs, G. Zwicker; vice•pres,„i- dents, Mrs. R, Reid, Airs, C. Margaret Clarke w Weekend visitors with Airs, were her Laura, Earl, ;Joe and. M.T.S. Cora '61 •FORD Coach, .6-cylinder, a nice one ......... .. .....,..,...,..... ,s$940 .Lightfoot; ass't, Mrs, N, Lain- 1?.• Kenney; secretary, Mrs. li. .-randSOn, ;4rie fiutchisin .of Morley were Sunday guests with, Port; treasurer; mi., S. King, McCann of oarridcuArlirto„nand Mrs. Joe Mr, and Mrs. Art Hodgins, Clandeboye, '6Q FALCON Sedan, automatic, radio '61 VOLKS Deluxe W ail '613 FALCON Coach $S$17 1 -75,59°D '58 METEOR Coach . ... . . . $1.440 '59 CONSUL Sedan '57 VOLKS '57 .OLDS 4-door Hardtop. ..'... ... ......... ...-.1 .. *.::-..-...: .. ...•-: ............ ::::::::: SS .+i '57 '55 FORD Coach $450 '56 BUICK 4.door Hardtop ........... ........ . ..... ,..... ........ .., f AO '55 FORD Convertible . .... .. $' 140 '56 FORD Coach (choice of two) .......,............. ..... ............ 5 .Sa0 '55 PLYMOUTH Coach . $ :300 ,,'•': TRUCKS 4.1 YOU HAVE SPECIAL INSURANCE NEEDS. The Times.Adyocatot November 1962 Past IS W. H. Hodgson Ltd. EXETER for the UM Meeang held at the church ..on. Thursd4r;reve. :fling. Thirteen. inembersAvero. present, Xr$, .Atriey presided, 9,4 A -program feature in canec, Lion with the Apostles' ,CiNeri Prepared by Rev, D.. M.Muest was given' by Mrs, Ray l'arkirt. son. During the business ChrrAmas. activities were .cliscusSeth Was decided to order ."'World Friends" for all. femilicitlivith children, ,--- -. ,, ,,,:,, ,, .,-t ,:, UCVV at Crecrt Topics from family, London, were guests on Whalen , . . _ e h Ay MRS, FRANK BAUM/ dell JghSA. $14daY With 141.r, and Mr, Col*, c ,00ses ofticers By MRS. M. FA1BT Christian Heist edqrtb,e LatzursAjornlleeYetiantilenriai CitEDITOIN Christian uajg of zurieh and:.:. ....,.: ... .... .,..,..,..:.1.,,,,,G1:1....,.....„ Arva school on Tuesday eve. At the meeting a the UCW former farrier of Stephen Town: Personal items held _on Thursday afternoon ship for many years died in mi.,. and 41,:$, Walter „poen, 1.1111:417110.413.hruieesnSittnrcis;13, et9LakoRenidt.i onilii:47spe'Aalkr: Rev, H. s, wit z presented a Clinton Ptiblic Hospital et Sat., Woodstock, visited on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Pick Laniond, film and led a discussion after" :NPAv"m10enallotretia.i sseirlovritceillwneasss'n e ld with Mr, and Airs, Milne .Pullen, London, spenftorSocnhdralystmwaitsh Air words. mrs., Elmer Lawson cond ucte d on Tuesday at the , Westlake Su- Air, Alenzer Herbert, Exeter, and Airs, Cecil. Squire. neral home at urich with vsited On TneStiny With Mr, and ucw pl ans elli.efc\esnonreslyliPanser Mrs C, (T,ItilliiiiMciss: bur in the Crediton gLIB Mrs, CleVe PUilrnan, good. cheer, Mrs. L. Hill, Mrs. Miss Paula Boulianne of Lon- Mr, and Mrs. Mor- L, liodgs and. Mrs. Wm, Hodge; don manse, Airs, Ed,ALIta_smpso,ryinig's;. L. Preszcator, parents, Mr, the weekend with her ley, Janice and Hobble, were in Mr.. and Mrs. Phil Exeter Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym. Committee for programs, ex- Mr, and Mrs. Michael Burke, Mr, Ken Davies and friend of ecutive; pianist, Mrs, ,i, Gallo- of Brampton, visited Saturday Windsor were Sunday guests of way; ass't, Mrs, L. Preszcator; evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mr. and Airs. Mae Mills. Christian Stewardship, Mrs. C. Haugh and family. Mr. and Mrs, Laverne Mor- Kenney; Chirstian Citizenship, Air, Lewis Waist, of Water- ley, Carol and Jim Foster at- Mrs. -R. S. glitz; nominating loo, visited over the weekend tended the Sehrier-Wilford wed- committee, Airs. J. Galloway, with his mother, Mrs, Mary ding at St. Paul's Anglican Mrs. Ed, Lamport; supply, Feist, who is still a patient at church, Lindsay, on Saturday, Mrs, M, Icing; correspondence South Huron Hospital. Reception .was at the home of and press, Mrs. N. Lamport; Air, and Mrs. William Priest- the bride's mother. Mr. Jim. literature, Mrs, G. Hill; .11- ley and daughter, of Byron, Foster was usher at the wed- nance, Mrs. S. King, Mrs, visited on Sunday with Mr, and ding, Baker, Mrs. H. Molitor; friend- Mrs. L. Preszcator and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ashton and ship and visitation, Mrs, R, Finkbeiner, Mrs, E. Lawson; auditors, Mrs, E. Neil, Airs, Ed, Lamport, Achievement Day The Achievement., Day was held on Saturday, Nov. 10 at the South Huron District: High School, Crediton Colleens were present and presented an exhibit of "Five Ways with One Vegetable" which was com- mented on by Marilyn. Gallo- way. The -provincial honour win- ners from Crediton were Ruth Reenter, Joan Smith and Mar- lene King, These girls have completed 12 projects. The county honour winners were Judy Boulianne, .Karen Finkbeiner and Judy Lamport. These girls have completed six courses. Certificates for having com- pleted another two projects were won by Kathy Boulianne, Kathy Buxton, Judy Boulianne, Ruth Hodge, Karen Feinkbein- en, Ruth Roeszler, Joan Smith, Marlene King, Judy Lamport, jean Krueger, Marilyn Gallo- way and Jacky England. Spoons were presented to all the girls who completed this club. One of the club leaders, Mrs. L, Hodge, also received the hon- our of a leader's certificate for five y4.-eHafs of leadership work Your home can pose man; important questions about in- surance protection! Am. I liable on my empty lot'? Do I insure for full house purchase price? blow do I cover workmen while I'm building? How can I protcc' my mortgage if I die or become disabled? Do .1 cancel my insurance as soon as I sell? They're all important questions and the answers vary according to individual situatiom. Let 1• help answer them for you. WHEN YOU ii 1111011 SRI W. H. Hodgson M. J. Gaiser "The Insurance Men" PHONE 235-2420 dr* M F '52 MAC with Holmes wrecker $2,500 '57 INTERNATIONAL 160, long wheel base, chassis and cab $1,300 '58 BEDFORD VAN, low mileage $ 700 '53 FORD Pickup , $ 500 '51 FORD 3-ton Stake „.........5 400 TRACTORS '59 FORD 871 Diesel, low hours $2,49$ '58 JOHN DEERE 440 Cat with front-end loader $2,250 '58 FORDSON Major Diesel $2,000 '60 DEXTA Diesel, live PTO, low hours $2,000 OLIVER 77 Diesel, bought new in '56 $1,150 '53 FORD Jubilee $1,000 '52 FORD S 650 '57 FORD Baler S 800 '54 MASSEY-HARRIS 22 with 4-row scuffler, hy- draulics 5 800 '61 FORD one-arm LOADER $ 275 BLACK HAWK one-row CORN PICKER, above average $ 400 Larry Snider Motors LIMITED Ford, Fairlane, Falcon and PHONE 235.1640 Ford Trucks EXETER • Aylmer PORK 'N BEANS is.oz. 6 for 99c Aylmer Catsup 5 for 99c AYLMER FRUIT Cocktail CHOICE 20.0Z, 4 for 99c Selo Marg ne LB. PKGS. 5 for 99c RLI Above Values Prevail At Both Ow Exeter ot 'Hoist! ','tore4. Canadian, V.S. and world leaders paid tribute to Mrs, Franklin .D. .Roosevelt who died in, her New York apartment last Wednesday evening, Diplo- Mats .from. 110 countries stood. with bowed heads as the UN interrupted its debates for a .speeialmemorial service. Ter 12 years she stwd beside her husband when he was Presi- dent of the United States and, instead of quietly retiring at his death, she began a second. career and for years travelled. levtored constantly in her ,con- cern for humanity, We all mourn her as a gra- cious woman and on outstand- ing example to all womankind. Tribute to 4-H leaders We visited Achievemeet Day at .S.HDHS on Saturday and feel that Exeter and district owe a great deal to the leader.. of the 4-I-I clubs, They give their time, their hospitality and their best efforts that the girls in their club may get the maximum from the projects taken; Over 125 girls completed the project Dressing Up Vegetables and there are to be two more Achievement Days in Huron County within two weeks. Sorer ly the next generation will be better fed nutritionally and live more coinfortably because of the efforts of the leaders which we are to apt to take for grant- ed. One leader said she felt she learned more than the girls from the course but she was discounting her own efforts. We say "Hats off to the lead- ers". Vegetable Main 'Dish For their part in the Achieve- ment Day program. Diane Hood, Karen Taylor and June Morenz of the Grand Bend club dem- onstrated the making of a vege- table main dish: 'A cup shortening IA cup flour 1 tbl salt 1/2. cup sliced onions 1.6 lbs beef cut in cubes 2 cups or more water 1 tbl Worcestershire sauce 4 cups diced raw vegetables fuse any combination that is on hand). Melt shortening in fry pan, Add beef and cook a few min- utes; add onions and cook until well browned, Add water, vege- tables and seasonings. More than 2 cups of water may be needed especially if the meal is stewing beef which will re- quire longer cooking. Cover and cook over low heat until tender —about 30 minutes. Place in casserole and cover with pastry made from your favorite recipe. Bake in hot oven 425" about 20 to 25 min- utes. Other recipes which the girls recommended were: Tomato and Rice 2 cups cooked rice S tbl white sugar tp salt dash of pepper 1 large onion Chopped fine can (.04rancs or 1 Pint. Mix well and ba4e in agr oven about one-half hour or un- til firm, $calloped Corn 3 eggs beaten 1 con corn 4 to 5 soda biscuits broken pepper and. salt to taste 1 tsp 'b'itter 1 cup Mix in order given. Pour in- to greased casserole and bake in moderate oven, Quick Chowder 1 10-0z tin cream style corn 1 10-oz tin cream of mush- room soup 2 cops milk is tp pepper ti tap all.. Combine an ingredients in top of double boiler, Heat, Serve in soup bowls and garnish with chopped cooked bacon, Makes 4 servings, Baked Shredded Carrots 3 cups shredded carrots 2 tbl water 2 tbl butler salt and pepper. Wash carrots and, if young, do not peel, Shred or grate, Put in casserole, add water, butter and seasonings. Cover closely. Bake at 350" for 30 to 40 minutes or until tender, Makes 4 servings, Give $100 for yule gifts At the meeting of Exeter Kinettes at the home of Mrs, Calvin Wein Monday evening $100 was voted to the Children's Shelter, Goderich, to be used as Christmas gifts for the chil- dren there, Good used clothing, books and toys are to he brought to the next meeeting to be also sent to CAS, Fruit boxes were decorated for the shut-ins' visits on Sun- day, November 18. Guests present from 'London were Mrs. William. Tarr and Mrs. Mona. Milne, Mrs, I. Arm- strong won the draw, DEEP FREEZE MERCHANTS Believe it or not, some On- tario Hydro construction crews are eagerly waiting for freeze- up. Men on the job in the far north progress faster and more economically in winter, when Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson were Sunday guests with. Air. and. Airs. Adelbert. Morley, Lon- don. Mr, .and Mrs. Jon Squire, Whalen „ Mr. and Mrs, Ralph, Milton and family, London, Mr. and MM Orland Squire and Don, Centralia, were guests PP Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs, .Lack Dickins, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Davis. were Sunday ,evening, guests of and Mrs. 'Mervin. Elston, Centralia, Air, and Airs, George Atkin- son and family,„ London, were Sunday guests with Air, and Mrs, Bob Tindall and girls, Airs, Ada logs, London, spent the weekend at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Carroll, and on Sunday evening the carrolls were guests with Mr. and Mi's. Maurice Simpson, clandeboye, Mr. and Airs. Jack Dickins, Mr, and Airs, Earl Atkinsor., Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis and Mr, and Mrs, Maurice MacDon- ald, Lucan, were among the first cousins entertained by Mr, and Airs, Frank Dickins, Ailsa Craig on Friday evening, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Davis and family were Sunday evening guests with Air. and Mrs. Jack Dickins, Miss Blanche ,Rollings, Clan- deboye, and Mr, Dave Collins, Ailsa Craig, were Friday eve- ning callers on Mr. and Mrs. Torn Rees. Miss Heather Davis held a birthday dinner and. theatre party for her school chums Misses Sharon Davis, Wendy Elston, Mary Korevaar and Bonnie Blair on Friday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson and boys visited the Duncan Lamond mink farms at Strath• roy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Christie and Graham, Exeter, were Sun- day visitors with Air, and Mrs, Ron Carron, Miss Carol Latta and Kenneth attended the memorial service at the United Church, 'Lucan, on Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. Heber Davis were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Lambourne, London Township, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett, Denfield, Air, and Mrs. Fred Bruce, Inner- kip, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ball, Tavistocic, Air. and Mrs. Don Peterson and family were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker. Mr. Bob Tindall sold his two- year-old colt to Miss Nancy Watson, Lucan, swampy muskeg country is frozen solid, In warm weather, muskeg just acids to their problems, Assistant Manager Wes Ryckman Recommends: Turkey Broilers PRODUCE FEATURES DVS 'OMR l 'ON OltIVINO Potatoes 2 Far, 69c NO, 1 ONTARIO CELLO 3•LE BAG Carrots r FROZEN FOODS COUNTRY FAIR OR VALLEY FARM 9-0Z, French Fries 3 X4 9c HOLIDAY FARM BEEF 18.0Z, Steakettes 69c PARM `HOUSE SO OFF 24,0r, Cherry Pies 52c Aylmer Aylmer Tom.Soup Tomatoes 10-0Z. TINS 20-OZ, 5 for 99c Another Big Stamp Giveaway! Christmas Bonus oupo s, Too 10 for 99c • NICE 8 to 10 LB. AVERAGE FRESH PORK SIDE RIBS SAUSAGE EAT ROLLS BURNS ECONOMICAL BEEF LIVER LB. "It's Your Best Meat Buy" LB. LB. LB. y.