HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-15, Page 14won by 2 4-H honors 'PREPPING FOR A PARTY — Eltmville 4.-11 Country Pals presented a skit ."Dressing 1'p Vegetables for a ' Party" at a program concluding their fall project on vegetables at SHDHS on Saturday afternoon, Over Achievement Day here 120 girls participated at this Achievement Day which is one of four being held in Huron County within the month. photo UCW starts Asia study The new study book On Asia's Rim was introduced by Mrs. R. 5, at the Main St. CCW meeting at the church on Thursday afternoon. This year's study, the Chris- tian Mission of East Asia, stresses the importance in world affairs of four small. countries on the rim of East Asia--41eng Kong, Formosa, Korea and Okinawa. A brief review of the similar.. its, In historical, cultural and religious background leads to a better understanding of the Christians who are in the mi. nority in these countries. Only AS Canadians learn to under- stand and appreciate the prob- lems and suffering of fellow Christians will. they be able to support them with prayers and material aid. Airs. H. Skinner led the wor- ship service assisted by Mrs. M. Grainger and' airs. R, E, Russell, The president Mrs. B. Tuckey was in charge of the business and outlined final plans for the bazaar to be held in the church basement Satur, day, Nov. 17, Turkey draw CWL project The first project of the newly formed Precious Blood Council is the selling a tickets on a "Turkey Dinner in A. Hamper" —the draw to be made Decem- ber 10. President Mrs. M. Gaiser con- ducted the meeting held in the school, Monday evening, Mrs. Jack Blair was the winner on a draw, Cathy's Beauty Lounge 147 MAIN ST. PH 235.1533 Perms - Cuts - Sets Tints OPEN Monday to Friday, 9 • 6 Tues. & -Thurs. Evenings Only Closed Saturday CATHY ROBBINS, Prop. Harold Taylor; recording sec- retary, Mrs. R. E. Dooley; As- sistant. Mrs, T. C. Coates; our- responding seerelary, Mrs. Val- crio Armstrong; assistant, Airs, Richard Dickins; treasurer, Mrs. Charles smith; assistant, Mrs. Glen Mickle; historian" Sirs, Gordon Koch; .auditors, Mrs. Swart Mrs, Muriel Sweet: staff rep.. Mts., Alice Claypolet Board rep., Mrs. J, (1, Dunlop; cancer society, Mrs. R. Van Faroive; Committee conveners: nurses: Centralia WA .plans activities The meeting of .the Women's Auxiliary of RCAF Station, Cen- tralia last Tuesday at the Com- munity Centre took the form of a card party .as this is a good way for new-centers to get acquainted, First prize for high. score was won by Mrs, E. Burns and second prize by Mrs, Don Colborne. Low score went to Mrs. M. Marlow. Several money making proj- ects were planned, A bake sale is being held in the Community "entre on November 17. The same day members will Serve refreshments at the RCAF Sta- tion Gay Cup football series, A Christmas raffle for a "Chatty .Baby Doll" is under way with the draw being made at the next meeting December 4. The mystery prize was won by Mrs. Al. Abbots, the door prize by Mrs. Colborne and the. lucky bowler for the month was Mrs. Leslie Crosby. Donations for prizes this month were from Dinney Fur- niture, jack Smith Jeweller, Conklin Lumber, Choose Book Shop and W'uerth Shoe Store, all of Exeter, Citizenship UCW topic Airs Gerald Godbolt; tray., Mrs, Pehner Skinner; visiting, Mrs. bettor 'Murray; social, Mrs, It W. 1l " '1: buying, Mrs. Harold Taylor; sewing, Mrs. Bruce Turkey; 111Q illberhip, Mrs. R. E. Russell: WAYS and means. Mrs, E. R. Hopper, Mrs, Ed '1,rady, Mrs. M. Gaiser, Mrs. R. tiouthcott: program, Mrs. It C. Dinner; ,.nominati.nZ, Mrs. J. G. :Dunlop; public .TO• lotions, 'AVIrs. Ficichert. pianists, Airs. R. E. Balkwill, Mrs. H. 1, Snider, Mrs, Al. Fletcher. The officers Nve.re, installed by R. v. S, hi, LeWIS 1010, in a brief message enlarged .on the meaning of service. .F:a-P,*R44\10,0P.vat5-00,454.1.045.earb4aa-ISlaa.Oao.e..easaao-S5.0..n.ra-narsNo-ta*Mr•P. SHORITE GOWNS $3.95 and $3,95 BABY DOLLS $2.95 FLANNEL $2.95 and $3.95 HOUSE COATS Quilted $8.95 and up LOUNGING PYJAMAS $8,95 or that long Y 5 1•i Christmas morning Christmas morning is lake-it-easy time and hand- some pajamas are just right for lounging in com- fort, beauty. Choose here —.or hint 'to Santa, A "Christmas Bonus" and "Treasure Hunt" Store NY couple I celebrate Mr. and Mrs. 'George Apple- fon. 71 Worchester Rd . Po, a; Chester, New fork. will be 4, celebrating their golden wed- ding anniversary November 21, 1:)82. Mrs. Appleton. before her marriage, lived in Cleveland, Ohio, and Mr. Appleton is the son of the late john T. Apple- ton and Sarah Steeper, who , resided on Concession 1,11 a McGillivray ip• Mr, Appleton served in the Canadian Army in World War I, after which they resided with his parents on Concession 13 of McGillivray, before mot-. ing to Rochester where they have resided for some 40 years. Mr. Appleton is retired from the Eastman Kodak Com- pany in Ftechester, whore he worked for 37 •,caris. Mr. and Mrs. Appleton al- ways spend the summer visit- ing relatives in the vicinity and attend the Steeper reunion which is held at Poplar Mil. but .owing to Mrs. Appleton's Health this Sittrither were triable to attend. ir. Appleton's brother and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Appleton. of Whiffler. Califor- nia, are planning to visit them. along with other members of Wit, families, to help them Celebrate this happy Occasion. "If your mother won't have you—try mine!" ••••••••••11•01•11•••••••• BUY AN ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER NOW SETA FREE ELECTRIC BLANKET MAKE EVERY DAY A DRYING DAY ELECTRICALLY... COSTS LESS THAN 5' A FULL, LOAD TO OPERATE! ECO.NoivICAL* rt.Ametts$ a ODOURLESS *SAPS ¤ PkgOtte.t.Y AtiToMATIC CHOOSE FROM ANY OF THESE FAMOUS BRANDS • Ei t ATTY • 'IvIAXWf I L • COFFIF.LD.HAMILTON * MAYTAG • CONNOR • MtCLARY-EAGY A$29.95 VALUE!! • DOUBLE BED SIZE • FULL 2-YEAR BOA RANTEE s A l'or. QUALITY BLANKET • CONVERTIBLE CONTOURED CORN ERS 4i CAN BE WASHEti AND nrsito „AND OTHER FINE MAKES AUTOMMICALLY THIS OFFER GOOD AT THE STORES DISPLAYING THIS tYmitiOLN6V..41RD TO "DEC*13'114 Exeter Public Utilities Commission 'PHONE 235.1350 MAIN STREET ' •*1.4•7 CORONADO 'DOMINION • Eaidn's-VIKING '• GrM, FRIGIDAIRE • GENERAL ELECTRIC • INGLIS • KELVINATOR • LEONARD • PHILCO-BENDIX RCA WHIRLPOOL *SIMPLICITY • SImpson't.,KENMORE-SImpsont•Sd'ars 4 SPEED 'QUEEN •Thoti Co.np VISCOUNT • WESTINGHOUSE TIME TO 'TRADE 1 TV ! New '63 GE Console t ?leasing functional lines of this handsome con- t sole in a walnut grain finish will enhance any f :morn decor. The 23" "Daylight Blue" picture, tube, exclusive "Glarejector" and dual front-mounted speakers will provide the best in viewing enjoy- mont. Trade now, on this 1963 model and get a big allowance for your old set: WE NEED TkADE,ANS! .• 'Extra .LARGE ,Allowances for your old. set! RUSSEL EL CTRIC COOPONL,1 Yreature Hunt This Weekend YOUR. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE DEALER FOR SALES win4 SERVICE Phone 2350545 Exeter .ra.00xsesaastoraaofttasi*igstiSfeiinatier04-4*****faa~asfeh4iettOterskrerei-Oiit,IntslitatOstott**4****4 Page 14 'The, Timts,A.OvoPoto., November 1$, 1962. This week marks the tenth anniversar..• of the organizing 0 the Women's Auxiliary to. South. Huron Hospital and at the meeting Tuesday afternoon :Historian Mrs. .(Jordon Koch gave an outline of the activities. in the Pa.at. ten .years. The first president Mrs. .Ken- neth johns, AR 1 Woodham and miss Alice Claypote, hos pital. superintendent poured tea a. a social hour in the lioard Room at the close of the meet- ing when birthday cake and coffee were served. The revised constitution, on which a committee composed of Mrs.. J. G. Dunlop, Airs , E, Bell and Mrs. G. Al. pickle have been working for some time, was given its third read- .ng and adopted. The group are currently re- modelling and equipping the kitchen in anticipation. of the certified nurses aides' class to begin in February, Annual reports were given and Mrs. E. Des Jardins pre- sided for the election of officers, President is 3.1.rs, Allen Fras- er, who succeeds Mrs. Gerald Codbolt. Vice-presidents are Tt.rs. R. C. Dinney and Mrs. ,'•Hospital. auxiliary marks tenth dear- Seven 4-H girls received pro- vincial honors and 15 received county honors at Achievement 1:./ay held for to clubs at SHDHS on Saturday. Ruth Roeszler. Joan Smith and Marlene King, all of Credi- LOD. Helen Racier, Dashwood, Shirley Jaques, Elimville, Karen Taylor, Grand Bend, and Susie Mae Lostell, Kippen, were pre- sented with a certificate, pin and Encyclopedia .Britanmea Book of the Year each by Mrs. Harry Strang, South Huron Dis- trict WI president, These girls have completed 12 projects, Visiting projeCt adopted byguild At the meeting of Triviti Me- morial Parish Guild Thursday afternoon. with Mrs. R. Gentt- ner as hostess a plan for visit- ing in the Parish which will in- clude all members of the Guild was approved. Plans were made for the Christmas party for the women of the parish to be held Thurs- day. December 13 when the ex- ecutive will arrange the enter- tainment and a smorgaSbord supper. Final arrangements for the Christmas mart an Novem- ber 27 and 28 were completed. Mrs, Genttn.er led in the de- votional with the theme "Re- membrance Day" using the poem "In Flanders Fields". Assisting the hostess wore Mrs. H. Heywood and Mrs. F. awden. Mrs. T. Vickerman. conducted a penny contest. New officers at St. Peter's Sirs. Laura Glavin was elect- ed president of St. Peter's CWL at the meeting last Wednesday evening at her home. Past president Mrs. Clarke h a s moved to London and Mrs. Le- ona Glavin presented her with R crucifix on behalf of all the Members. Mrs, V. Overholt was named aecretary replacing Mrs. Ben Dietrich who has joined the newly formed Exeter CWL. The ladies . decided to sell tickets on a large doll with $10 attached as a Christmas proj- ect, The draw is to be made the Middle of riecember at the Mt Carmel turkey bingo. Rev, Father Kelly, six mem- bers and six ladies from Mt. Cannel Parish were present, Judy Baultanne, Karen Fink- bather, Judy Lamport, Norma 'Weigand. Marilyn Johns, Ann johns, Janet Skinner, Diane Hood, June Morenz, Diane Fin- layson, Dianne Stoll. Lois Me- Lachlaa, Helma Van Loon, Joan Elliott. and Mrs. Maxine Adair received certificates and pins for completing six 4-H projects. These were presented by Mrs, Garnet Hicks. The project just finished and highlighted on the program was "Dressing up Vegetables". Each girl completing this course was given a WI spoon, presented by Miss Isabelle. Gilchrist, Huron home economist, who presided for the program. Mrs. Lorne Hodge was pre- sented with a certificate by Miss Gilchrist for serving as District WI to celebrate The South Huron WI Board of Directors at its meeting held in Henson. on Monday afternoon made plans to celebrate the 00th anniversary of the district WI in January 1963. Mrs. Earl Hats', of Crediton gave the highlights of Huron County rally held in Bluevale and Mrs. Harold Walper, Grand. Bend. reported on the London area convention held last week, The office of historical cus- todian was changed to historical curator as approved by the Trot incial Board. A contribu- tion was voted towards a gift for Miss Florence Eadie, super. visor of junior extensions for the Ontario Department of Ag- riculture, who is retiring. Pr.,sident Mrs. Barry Strang was in the chair and branches of Kippen, Seaford), Crediton, Elimville, Grand Bend, Huron- dale, Dashwood and. Hensall were represented. 3 leader of the Crediton. Club for five years. Exhibits on "Five Ways with One Vegetable" were shown by Crediton Colleens with Marilyn Galloway as commentator; Dashwbod Merry Maids with Judy Kraft making the com- ments a ri d Zurich Cooking Queens, a new club this year. with Pat Robinson as narrator, "Quality Counts" was the theme of an exhibit by Huron- dale Jolly jills with Barbara Webber as commentator by Stanley Sallies commented on Exchange vows at Main Street Betty Anne Pickering, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pickering, RR 2 Dashwood, and Harvey S. Steeper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Steeper, RR 3 Ailsa Craig, exchanged marriage vows in Main Street United Church parsonage on Saturday, November 10 at 2 pm. before Rev. .R. 5, Hiltz, The street-length white velvet dress worn by the bride was fashioned with sweetheart neck- line, three - quarter ength sleeves and a snugly fitted bod- ice. A waistline bow front and back enhanced the Soft folds of the bell-shaped skirt, A wed- ding ring headpiece of peal de soio held her silk illusion veil. She carried it cascade of Christ- mas red roses, • Maid of honor was a niece of the bride. Miss Shirley Scott, RR 8 Parkhill. who was gowned in red velvet styled similarly to the bride, She carried a white carnation bouquet. Leslie Steep- er. brother of the groom, was groomsman, For travelling t h e bride changed to a royal blue sheath with matching hat and corsage of red roses. nit couple will reside at RR 3, Ailsa Craig, by Nancy. Could; and by the Molesworth Grubb Club with Judy Smith famishing the com- ments. Grand Bend Cutie Cucumbers demonstrated a vegetable main dish for supper with Diane Hood showing the method as- sisted by Karen Taylor and June Merenz, The recipe for this cas- serole appears elsewhere in the paper. Elimville Country Pals dress- ed up vegetables for a party us- ing radish roses, tomato wedges, carrot curls, celery sticks and tomato cocktail giving color and variety. Taking part were Kathy Horn, Janet Skinner, Judy Blair, Ann. Creery. Geraldine Blair, Margaret Brock, Wendy Elston, Marilyn Johns, Sharon Fletcher, Frances Skinner, Lynn Otis and Barbara Hern. Kippen Thrifty Kippenettes gave a demonstration of a vege- table relish tray with Diane Stoll/Lois McLachlan and Ann Klein Haar participating, Miss Gilchrist was assisted by Miss Marilyn Oke, Lambton Home economist and Miss Lois Smith of. Middlesex. County who gave comments and criticisms on the exhibits arid demonstra• lions, Each of the girls com- pleting the project and their leaders were given a WI tea- spoon. Record hooks, recipe files and boxed lunches were on display. Three other Achievement Days will be held at Auburn. Nov, 17: Wingham, Dec. 1 and Seaford', Dec, 8, all in Huron County. tit Citizenship was the theme of the general WV meeting in James Street Church last Tues- day evening. A skit entitled "Citizenship that Counts" was presented by Mrs. Gerald Godbolt, Mrs.. Aubrey Tennant and 'Mrs. Car- frey Cann, Discussion followed and one of the more controv- versial topics was: Should 'LTCW do more in community affairs and projects? Mrs. George Vricse sang an appropriate solo "My Task" ac- companied by Mrs. Robert Mac- Donald. Mrs. Douglas Insley gave "Black Madonna" as a reading, Mrs. Earl Shapton pre- sided for the program, It was decided to continue to support the adopted Korean orphan for another year. A bale is to he packed at the church November 28. Clothing in good condition, especially children's clothing, is required. A moment of silence was ob- served for a departed member, Sirs. Michael Finkbeinet. r.