HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-15, Page 5This week in.
Thames Road.
Mt14, /1911Pg
Mrs. Robert Here, Lirida and
Jared of Jarvis are visiting.
with the former's parents, Air.
and lyira- Joan Selves.
Mr. ..and Airs. Robert Cann,
nod Mrs, Ray Cann were
Sunday guests with Airs. Peter
Ferguson of Guelph.
Mrs. Victor Jeffery is laid
up with .Plenriay,
Mr. and Airs. Gordon Mayer
and Bobble,. air. and Mrs.
Donald. M.aver and family of
London, Mr. Bill Mayer of
Port 'Credit spent the weekend
with their parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Mayer.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde
and Calvin visited on Sunday
afternoon with Mr. And Mrs.
Clarence Thomson of Wood-
be m.
Air. and Mrs, Gordon McCar-
ter of Exeter, Mrs. Robert
Heim, Linda and Fred of Jar-
vis, Mr. and Airs, John Selves
were Sunday evening guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Web-
Alr. and Mrs. George Luther
of Sarnia visited recently with
Air, And Mrs. Charles Jeffery.
Mr., and airs. William
Wakem, Mr. and Airs. Leonard
Wakem and ,Howard of Well•
burn visited .An Sunday
Air, and Airs. William 41,ford.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bray
And Agnes 'were Sunday lusts
with Air, and Mrs. Ray Clarke.
Air .and Airs. Ernest Pyre
visited on Sunday with Mr.
And Mrs. George Oliver of
Air. And Mrs. Glenn Jeffery
accompanied Mr. and Mr:.
cart Willert of Zurich to the
Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, on
Tuesday. Alan Jeffery spent.
the day with Ali'. and Airs.
William. Rohde,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold BOWE,
Rev, Hugh and airs. Wilson at-
tended the Huron Presbytery
Men's annual banquet at On-
tario Street United Church,
Clinton, on. Monday evening,
Message from
Mr. and Mrs. Jatnea DMS•
more and Mr, and Mrs. Thom.
as :Dinsmore, of Zurich. are
visiting with relatives in Wind-
Mr. and Airs. Reubin Ginger-
ich and family, of Ailsa Craig
visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Curtis Gingerich and
family, of Blake.
iti'CF0tWAP?:(41*ki;F:ta#Ei7I:Mtqlt WAt Vi:tgSt r.t.2 ,W7N"
To treasure a
Birdseye Frozen
9-ounce packages
French Fries
4 69'
California Stalks 24's No. 1
LAL i-429
Pot Roasts wo,,o
Stew Beef altJecta
tenors Laj Ceaeti
Prime Rib Rods
Liz. 49
The story in
Personal items
Mrs, Harold Hem is visiting
this week with Mr. and Airs.
Robert Hero and family of Jar-
Mr, and Airs. Orville Snell of
Grimsby were Sunday visitors
with Mr. Ephraim Hem at
home and Mrs, Hun in South
Huron Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jaques,
Yvonne and Dalton, were Sun-
day evening visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Hern, Ivan,
Nancy and Sandra,
Mr, and alrs Ron Haynes
and Susan, London, were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
Tom Brock and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Bern and families.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Skinner
and Joan, Exeter, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man Brock and. Bill.
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Hern,
Dennis Douglas and Mary El-
len and Mrs. Edna Langford
of London, were Sunday visi-
tors with Mr, and Mrs. Thos.
Hern and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller
visited Monday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques,
Harry and. Shirley.
Mrs. Norman Jaques and
Shirley and. Mrs. Thos. Here
and Barbara attended t h e
Homemaking clubs Achieve-
ment Day on Saturday in Exe-
The sacrament of baptism
was administered on Sunday
during church service to Janis
Marie and Steven Clare, chil-
dren of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
the MECCA way
Relieve pile pain with antiseptic Mecca Pile
Remedy No. I with ingredients containing
herbs for shrinking and healing swollen
piles. Sold at all druggists.
No. i for
No. 2 for
c peal
Seven-year old
suffers leg burns
Murray Moir, seven-year.old
son ef Mr. and Airs, Ronald
Moir, of Strathroy, formerly of
Hensall, and 'grandson of Mr.
and Mrs. George Moir, liensall,
is in Strathroy General Hospital
with serious burns to his leg
from the ankle to the knee,
Murray, pupil at Strathroy
Public School, was returning
home from school with. two
other boys when they stopped
to play around the flour mill,
Rubbish and chemicals were
burning in the incinerator when,
in some manner, the little boy
either fell or was pushed in
the incinerator. His pant leg
caught fire and he started to
run home some four blocks
away, A couple in a car saw
his plight and picked him up
and rushed him to hospital, lie
was in surgery Sunday for three
hours for skin grafting,
It is hoped they can save his
leg, and he will likely be in
hospital off and on for two
Rebekahs are active
Amber Rebekah Lodge met in
the lodge rooms Wednesday
evening, November 7 with. Noble
Grand Mrs, Hugh McEwen pre-
siding. Flans were finalized for
the 1001 baseball banquet,
Nov. 14 when the draw for a
$50.00 bill took place,
The group will eater to a
wedding reception luncheon,
Mrs. nMcEwen reported .for
the recent bake sale and stated
Remembrance Day services
were held Sunday under the
aespiees of the geeseII Legion
Branch 468,
At the .cenotaph Legion presi-
dent John Skea gave the open-
ing remarks and wreaths were,
:Pleated.; Previneiai, Airs. Mary
Taylor; Legion, President John
Sheal Auxiliary, .President Airs.
Wm. Saute: Village, Reeve
Norman Jones; Township of
Hay., Reeve V. L. Recker; Tuck-
ersmith, Reeve Elgin Thomp-
son; .Scouts, John Baker; .Cubs,
Kin hear report
Jack Lavender; Guides, Mrs.
Jim Hyde, Kinsmen and Kin-
, gam ..Jack Simmons.
on worl d d bY the Le-
gion, Auxiliary, Scouts, _Cubs,
Hensall Kinsmen at their din- Guidea, Brownies and their
nor meeting held in the Legion leaders marched to the United
Nan Thursday the 8th had as .Church for service and were ad-
nressed by Rev. H, F. Currie, their guest speaker National who, for his sermon theme,
K 1 n s iii e n Representative Mr, spoke on "Why Remembrance
Paul Mills of Hanover who Day". Air, Skea read sacred
spoke on his recent trip to Passages,
ll World council convention at Dalrymple,
Grade i
'Taylor °w as
a s
Lausanne, Switzerland. The charge of the color party and
speaker was introduced. by Bob color bearers were 0. Williams
Caldwell and thanked by .Bill and E. R. Davis for the Legion;
Mickle. President John Heal. Mrs. Harry Horton and Mrs,
Two houses
Ajolly time was had by 25
lady friends of Mrs, Clarence
Reid when they met in Hensall
Tuesday evening last,
in a cavalcade of cars they
proceeded to the new home of
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Reid a
short distance south ,of fiensall,
taking her by surprise, Mrs.
Reid threw open her home and
progressive euchre ensued,
Mrs. Gordon Troyer was high,
Airs. George Hess low, A prize
for the lady with the most
grandchildren went to Mrs.
Pearl Love.
Mr. and Mrs, Reid were
seated together and Airs, Reid
was presented with an electric
mixer by Mrs, Andrew Orr, at
the conclusion of an address by
Mrs, John Soldan. A second
presentation by Mrs. R. Y,
McLaren was made to Allan,
younger son of the Raids, of a
Presentation by friends
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd McLean
who recently moved into their,
new home on 1-highway 4, a mile
and a half south of Hensall
were pleasantly surprised when
their neighbors from Chisel-
hurst, where they formerly
lived, presented them with two
lawn chairs and a mat.
chaired the meeting, Harold
Knight was in charge of a
Chinese auction, Guests wera
present from Exeter, Stratford
and London.
in the report of November 5
council meeting, the cost of
building the garage at the town
hall was $1,558,00 not $15,058 as
quoted, Additional cost over the
original estimate was for a
drain and one larger door.
Slides, records
aid at meetings
At the general meeting of the
Hensall UCW on Monday eve-
ning Mrs. R. S. atiltz of Exeter,
a delegate to the Audio Visual
Council of the London Confer-
ence, was introduced. Mrs,
Hiltz explained how the use of
the films, recordings and books
available from the Council can
help overcome speaking bar-
riers, and leave a far greater
impact on the audience when
both sight and sound are used
to create interest, A part of her
devotional was scenic slides
showing God's beauty on earth
during a tape recorded solo.
Mrs. Carl Payne favored with
a solo accompanied by Miss
Greta Laramie, Mrs, W. B.
Cross and her unit arranged
the evening's program, Mrs. E.
Rowe, president, chaired the
business part which followed.
part which followed,
Legion presents
life membership
At the meeting of Hensall
Legion last Wednesday, Nov. 7
Comrade Alfred Clark was pre-
sented with a life membership
by the president, John Skea.
A donation of $10.00 was
voted to the CNIB and the
group again made arrangements
to sponsor a pee wee hockey
Nominations for 1063 were
Holidays at Nassau
Ray McKenzie, who is winter
vacationing at Miami Beach,
Florida, writes that he has just
returned to Miami Beach after
spending some time at Nassau,
the Bahamas Island,
lie went on the largest cruise
ship from Miami Beach to Nas-
sau which carried 1,690 pas-
sengers, The weather in Nas-
sau registers a low of 70 and
a high of 85. He toured Nassau
by horse and old wagons made
of wood and straw, Tlae streets
are very narrow and there are
very few cars.
• •
Comments about
Personal ;feint
Mrs, Ed. Cutheore of Van, matt, who has beer' visiting
relatives in St. Themes, is now
spending a short time with
her brother and aisterdildaw,
Air, and Mrs. W. L. Monis. On
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hut-
chison and faintly of St. Thoth-
as visited at their home.
Miss Betty Stiekle of Tilsen-
'burg visited recently with Mr.
and Mrs. ;WM. McLachlan and
Sunday guests with Mrs. E.
Dowsmi included Mr. Lloyd
Dowson, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Keyes of Varna, Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Maxwell and
sett Cecil of Heittall, Mr. and
Alta. Harry Van Wittten and
Miss Marlene MeLachlaii
anent the weekend with her
friend,, Min Betty Stickle of
Tait on bu g
Howard Smale for the Auxil-
iary; Scouts, Bill Chipehase
and Bevan Bonthron; Cubs,
Steve Faber; Guides, Marcia
Nelson Pfaff
Nelson Pfaff, 52, died sud-
denly from a heart attack at,
his home in Brucefield Satur-
day evening, November 10,
Born at Hensall, he farmed
near Cromarty before moving
to Brucefield. He was a mem-
ber of Huron Lodge, AF & AM.
Surviving' are his wife, the
former jean MacDonald, three
daughters (Joyce) all's. Donald
McClure, Seaforth, Mrs. Mur-
ray (Greta) Baker, Hensall, and
Marjorie at home, his father,
John Pfaff, London, and mother
Mrs, Pfaff of Watford, three
sisters, Mrs, ,Tack Neil, Wat-
ford, three sisters, Mrs. Jack
Neil, Watford, Mrs, Alvin Mc-
Nichol and Mrs, Helen Tibbett,
London and five grandchildren.
Public funeral service will he
held Tuesday, at 2 o'clock,
from the :Bonthron. funeral
home, conducted by Rev. Har-
old Johnson of Brucefield. In-
terment in Hensall Union Cem-
Pallbeares were Jack Kins-
man, George Varley, Ed Fink,
Bill Burdge, Mel Graham, 'Dick
Bazaar is success
Chiselharst UCW had a suc-
cessful bazaar, bake sale and
tea in their church school
rooms Thursday afternoon, Nov.
8. The group realized $140,00,
Conveners were: bake sale,
Mrs. Alvin Cole; produce, Mrs.
Clarence Coleman; candy, Mrs,
Harold Parker; sewing, Airs,
Roy McDonald; cashier, Mrs,
Ben Stoneman; tea tables, Mrs.
lack Brintnell; reception, Mrs.
Percy Harris and airs. ll. F,
Camping topic
at Guide rally
"Girl Guides should. camp for
fun, but camping also prepares
them to take care of themselves
and others under conditions less
perfect than those at home",
stated Camp Adviser, Mrs.
Thos, Lavender,. at the annual
meeting of the Huron Division
Camp Committee in Hensall
Wednesday night, "The acqui•
sition of the pioneer and camper
badges indicates the degree to
which the girl is prepared to do
this," she continued.
Twenty-three Guiders, Com-
missioners and keel Associa-
tion members attended the meet-
ing which made .plans to set up
a fund and to obtain equipment
to make possible pioneer-type
camping in the Division,
fay MRS• .,KEN l'Ack0,4AR.
James 'Westlake, .son of Mr,
and Mrs Arnold Westlake, who
has been stationed at the RC-
AF station. at Trenton, waa
chosen as. one of the :ground
mechanics to accompany a
flight of six Dakota aircraft to
India as part of the Canadian
government's military Assist.
alive in India's border war
with .communist China. The
planes left Treeton last week.
Personal items
Air, and Mrs, Alex Gardiner
visited on Tuesday with Dr.
and Mrs. A. N. Atkinson of
Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Airs, Gardiner were Mr. and.
Airs, Earl Eggert and Murray
anti Mr, and Mrs, Gordon
Knechtel of Rostock and Miss
Edith Brydon of Milverton,
Weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mrs, Otto Walker were,
Air. and airs, Jack McGhee,
Jackie and Judy, of London,
Mr. and. Mrs. li, R, Currie,
Linda and Joanne of Dorches-
ter and Mrs. Jack Currie and
son Blair of Winnipeg,
Dining facilities for
banquets and weddings
Attractive Rooms
Licensed under' LCBO
Pillsbury Angel
Cake Mixes
avex 1.2tritilb BLLAci-1
Wagstaffe (pectin added)
2c' off pack
Nature's Best Choice
P age _ November 190.
• ,
and district news
Mrs, 'Maude Hedden, Phone 5
Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
. . .....aaaaa.
Mrs, Lou Simpson has re-
[Paned home after visiting with
members of her family in Royal
Oak, Mich, and Birmingham,.
Mich. She was accompanied
home by her son and daughter.
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Simp-
Mrs. Carl Payne, voting dele-
gate, accompanied by Mrs.. Wil-
bert .Dilling and Airs, Harry
Faber,. attended the London.
Area WI Convention at Hotel
London Monday and. Tuesday of
last week.
Miss Helen Payne, London,
an d
the Weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Payne.
Lisa, little daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Jim Hyde, is a patient
in the War Memorial Children's
Your library
.Groups join
in .memorial
Cromarty airman „ on Indian mission
Air, dolm Wallace,, Margaret
and Debbie accompanied. by
Mr. and. Airs, Norval Elliott of
Staffa visited on Sunday with
Airs. Harry Elliott and chil-
dren of Essex, Mrs. Wallace re-
turned home after visiting- with
her .daughter.
Mrs, Sadie Scott and Alr.
Lind s ay meKeil4r visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Airs, tior-
ton McDougall,,
Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Dow,
Carol Ann and. Brian, attended
the Royal Winter Fair on Sat-
urday and spent. the weekend
with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Fry at
Mrs. Grace Scott spent a few
days in Goderich with Air. and
Mrs, Donald Scott.
Mr. and Airs. Wes. Stafford
of Shedden spent the weekend
with Mr, and airs. Bill Hanley
and family,
Guests with Mr. and Airs.
Keith McLaren during the
weekend were Miss Wanda. Mc-
Laren, Miss Norma Park-
house and Mrs. Parkhouse of
;Hamilton and Air. and Airs.
Stephen Hendrick and children
of Windsor.
Mr, and Mrs. John Hocking
and Jim visited recently with
Mr. and Mrs. E. Brooks at
Mrs. Norval Elliott is visit-
ing this week with Mrs. Har-
ry Elliott and family of Es-
Mr, Ken. McKellar is spend-
ing this week at the Royal Win-
ter Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffer-
son, Miss Laura Jefferson, Mr,
and Mrs. Gordon Laing and
Mr, and Mrs. R. Laing attended
the reception for Mr. and Airs,
Norman Jefferson which was
held in Russeldale hall on Fri-
day night.
Attend Young Peoples Night
Members of Cromarty YPS,
who attended the Young Peo-
ples Night at Listowel on Sat-
urday were Alice W a I k e r,
Joyce Kerslake, Carol Howe,
David Scott, Bob Templeman.,
John. Scott and Gerald Scott,
On Sunday night Cromarty
Young People had as their
guests the Exeter group and
local United Church young peo-
ple, Rev. A. H. Daynard of
Staffa was guest speaker.
CGIT gives shower
The CG1T girls with their
leader Mrs. Al. La.mond, span
sored a miscellaneous shower
for Miss Marlene Dow, bride-
elect of Saturday,
Mrs. T. L. Scott led in a
sing song with Carol Ann D
at the piano. Mrs. Lamond con
ducted a contest and Mrs. C;
Carey gave a reading.
An address was read by
Laura Chappel and Brenda Dow
and Janet Allen presented
gifts in a decorated basket.
Anna Scott and Shirley Gardi-
ner assisted in unwrapping
parcels. Marlene thanked all
who hail helped in any way.
The address was read by Airs.
Jack Brintnell, presentation by
Mrs. Beatrice Munn. Nine tables
were in play for a recreation
over $50.00 had been realized, period of euchre.
Hensall personals
Miss Bessie MacMurchy Reg Hospital, London,
B Sc, (N) of Indore, India, Mrs. Eric Mansfield, who has
a returned missionary on fur- been a patient in St. Joseph's
lough, will be guest speaker at Hospital, London, is improving
Carmel Presbyterian Church nicely.
this Sunday evening, November
18 at 8 p.m, and will present
chevrons to the CGIT and also
show slides of her work in In-
Mrs. floss MacDonald and
daughter Ruth Ann are visiting
with Mrs. MacDonald's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Seaton of
Mr. Stan Tudor underwent an
emergency operation at the
Sholdice Surgery, Toronto, on
Tuesday of this week.
The deaf and blind people of
the London district held a party
at Tweedsmuir. Hall Saturday
last and made a presentation
of a blanket to Miss Amy Lam.
Airs, Ben Pinney returned
home Saturday from. St, Jos-
eph's Hospital, having under-
gone an operation three weeks
Miss Norma Passmore of
Hamilton spent the weekend
with her mother, Mrs. Pearl
Fred Beer was taken to West- Passmore.
niinster Hospital on Monday
A canvass of the village will
be made by the Hensall Boy
Scouts Tuesday evening, Nov.
20 from 7 to 9 p.m, in aid of
muscular d y s t r o p h y. This
worthy project is sponsored by
the Hensel' Firemen,
Mrs. Edna Corbett, returned
home after spending the week-
end with her son-in-law and
daughter, Alta and. Mrs. Jim
Sangster and family,
Airs, B. Sandford and. Mrs.
Barrie Williams of Kitchener
were recent visitors with the.
latter's Mother, Mrs, Ella Drys-
Air. James Paterson, who
has been receiving treatment at
South Huron Hospital, Exeter,
for the past few weeks was able
to return home,
Misses Geraldine and Dorothy
Parker accompanied by Miss
Lynda Brown of London spent
the weekend with the former's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harold
Parker and Patsy.
Hensall Girl. Guides and
Brownies will conduct a home-
made Gandy sale of the village
this Saturday, ,November 17,
Jack pot at Legion bingo this
Saturday will be worth $95.00
in 54 tails.
Win stamps
This is brought home to us, so
often, as We meet, the public
every day, that you may be an
expert in your own line of
work, be it musician, typist, or
whatever but your dealings with
othera soon proves that your
genekal knowledge is defitient,
Boys and girls of Exeter and
district do make good use of
the library and we hone they
continue to do so and Make
Merida with the librarian who
is anxious to help them with
their reading problems.
1GYi Year of the NeW Moons
To most people. the KW Vas —Continued from page 4
rare example of international tourist season but it would riot
co-operation, 67 nations acting appear to be in order btfibt-
in tOneert to learn More about wiae,
the world they live in. Dr, Tun We did imit that a Canadian
'Valian t professor of geophysics marine ensign, of stinger size
at the University of •Toronto, to th e aa,s, flag, was tarr i ed,
tells the IGY story with great along With a smaller, although
clarity in this book Ina the - More ornate, Union Jack,
'Year of the New Moons. However Gary, isn't the
A turkey dinner for 24 lin-
Mediate relatives at the Harle,
quin Rooms, Dufferin Howe.
Centralia, on Sunday marked
the 25th wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs, Ray Lartimie of Centralia, who Were made
the presentation of many gifts
and congratulatory messages.
Attending the celebration from
Hensall were the Misses Amy
and Greta Lanunie, Relatives
from Toronto and friends from
Mallon were Bated oil the guest
Letter to editor
First week List of winners of
Gold Bond Stamps drawn for
Saturday eight at Darling's
IGA area Ales. Ross Sararas,
RR 1 Cromarty, 2,000, Mrs. F. a-, Continued frOnt page 4 G. &Milton 1,000, Mrs. C. Len, BY MRS, NORMAN LONG
UnfOrtainatelY, there are still agliali 500, Tom Smelt 250,
some parents who feel reading Airs, Pearl Shaddiek 150,
is a waste Of, time — they and LWilliap henry, Mrs. their patentt before them didh i t ...,N rSi George Boa.„illys, Stewart Pep. read sit Why should Johney? per, Helen WhiteMan, Mrs, 11, They themselves got along well
without reading books and so IThrilet, Mrs. Harold GO, Airs,
By= Kyle, Mrs. Carl Payne, Will Mary. They forget how alias, Jack Consul, Mrs. B. much better they might have Whitehotist, each aveni 100. done With Mete of "book leatri-
big' and also that "'l'itnes have Celebrate tilver anniversary
changed" alid a wide range of
knewledge is essential in all
walka of life,
Messrs, EMerSOri Kyle, W. J.
F. Bell, Dave Tidelinea, Allan
Tremeer, Ed. Morton, Carl
aleClinchey, Howard Shale,
Harold Parker, Jim McAllister,
'less Richardson, Wesley Meal-
ardsou, Grant. :ileGregor and
Campbell Eyre of Restoute, ran-
tarn) returned home Saturday
from a week's deer bunting in
the Parry Sound District, They
were autteaatai in bringing
the new Moons are, of .course Most unfortunate wed h‘f the llama four deer.
the sputniks, .71'601- e e, situation ,the fact that, :cleapite Rev, and Mrs. IL A. Mac...
science the sun, all the nags that V;tta atillan of Neaten visited
knowledge about the stip,!,. e ns-_ theft Vial a Canadian national Thursday With Mr. and Airs,
mic rays, gravity and U P' flag which could have takta N. Long% Sunday visitors
per atmosphere. Precedence eve all 'of eluded their daughter, :airs. Al.
This hook is not dry with Sotheday, iperhapt, tell have viii Mich, Windarit, Mr, and
hag for tar. IGY end and then we wein i t have to Mrs. Oswald BretVit of Detroit,
ties leek Mtn around the world make tip for our own derider!. Mieh, and Wag KaHletine
and lid kept hia eyes On the cy by flying The flags of other FeRada or Orand Rapids,
ferifilea and their reactitift countries, Mich.
Food (White or Cherry)
A portrait of sour children is
a gift that delights on Chriat-
Inas day and is treasured
throughout the years_ Mary..
ahove, the daughter of Mr. and
Alms. Dennis O'Rourke, RR
Dashwood, will soon grow up
but her family and their
friends will have this happy
memory' of her childhood for.
Pier, Isn't now the time to
has e a formal portrait of your
children taken — and to pre,
vide "most-welcome" Christ-
mas gifts at the seine time? An
appointment now sill ivsurc
u. of delivery in time.
Studio, No. 4 Highway, South of Ex or
PHONE 235.0970
tv-st vt.t7-.01M't rot V.7,1 trzaNz te-s-
Kraft's Famous
Cheese Slices
Strawberry am
Libby's Beans