HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-11-15, Page 2Page 2 Tile Time$-Aclv Pate, November 13, 1962 AOMENit3g.R FALLE.N---Members of the Grand Bend Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary, ",ded by the Exeter Pipe Band, marched to the cenotaph, Sunday, to pay tribute to Their fallen comrades in the recent world conflicts, Mrs. Audrie Hutchinson, es- ▪ oiled by Clayton Mothers, is shown above placing a wreath representing the =fatherhood of Canada. Rev, Ray Farrell, who officiated with Rev, L. Hoffman, is shown in the background. photo Jun day School teachers hon re at James St. MD drive starts here Exeter Firemen again are sponsoring the Muscular Dys• trophy campaign in this area, which begins Monday, No- vember 19. The firemen have placed a number of cannisters in stores and restaurants where contributors can deposit change to assist the drive. More than 22,000 Canad- ians suffer from MD. The relentless advance of this muscle-wasting disease great- ly shortens life-expectancy at all age levels. In children, who compose the majority of its victims, it is nearly always fatal. The Muscular Dystrophy As• sedation of Canada hopes its all - out scientific research program will find the answer in time to save those now stricken. Big Canned Food Sale! 11.074 BOTTLES 20-Or. TINS FANCY 20-Oz, Tomato Juice 4E-Oz. TIN 25' Mier Veg. Soup 00, (R) c F 3 ylmer Tomato Catsup Winer Choice Peas Golden Wax Beans Wilier Peaches CHOICE HALVES 20-Dr ylmer Fruit Cocktail CHOICE 15-Da. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE AYLMER PRODUCTS AS SOME OF THEM ARE PACKED RIGHT HERE IN EXETER 39c 43c 41c 29c 25c Maple Leaf Pure Pork Sausage 49' Large 12-oz. tin 33c 59c Old South Frozen Orange Juice. Beef, Turkey or Chicken TV Dinners 8Ao 9° 29c 3 LAS 29c FRESH PRODUCE Local Carrots Florida Slut 96'i G rapefruit Fancy p:§lidtaut Am:4s King Size Blue Surf .37C arc Cherry Pie Ready 20-oz TIN 39c '1.09 Bee Hive Two-pound tin GOLDEN CORN SYRUP 31c Challenger Fancy Quality 73/4 -oz. tin RED COHOE SALMON 39' Pillsbury Deluxe — Chocolate, White, Pineapple, Double Dutch CAKE MIXES 2 FOP 59c Angelus white MARSHMALLOWS POUND 29 4 St, William's McLaren's Sweet Wafer Pickies. 32-0Z. OA 39c Economy Tube Pepsodent Tooth Paste WHITE 794 FREE Teddy Bear Tumbler Kraft Peanut Butter 12-b...LIA. 3 3c White Swan Toilet Tissue 4RdLL.49c Walker's Saltines Sodas L. 27c Bake Early For Christmas We're headquarters for your Christniat baking. We have hi a fresh supply of peel, cherries, raisins etc. 41 , .235,0212- Free Dolivoy A "CHRISTMAS BONUS°. AND nTREASURE. HUNT" STOR.E • " "-i*,F714...-r • ."P"' MEAT VALUES Fresh Chicken Legs L.494 Lean Loin Pork Chops 65 Sweet Pickled 2- to 3-lb. average Cottage Rolls Alerb BEST PRICE IN TOWN I Sweet Smoked Rindless Devon Bacon 651ci, Maple Leaf atiogna 3 LAS, 1 FROZEN FOODS 12-ounce poly bag Stokely's Kernel Corn 19c 12-ounce poly bag Stokely's Green Beans 23c Highliner Large 24-ot. box Haddock Fish 'n Chips 59' Blind fund short $300 A total of $713.15, still about $300 short of the ob• jective, has been contributed to the area campaign for the blind, Chairman S, B, Tay-. for said this week. Target for the annual ap- peal is $1,000, "There are quite a number of regular contributors who have not made their dona- tions yet," Mr. Taylor said. "We will appreciate receiv- ing them as soon as pos.. sible," Contributions by communi• ties; Exeter $485.00 Centralia 10.75 Crediton 24,00 Dashwood ..... 14,00 RCAF Centralia 179.40 $713,15 rp_LL-11 ui oplaceyour Want-Ad Wuerth's 1.1,1 MODEL 21.100 DELUXE WITH S1MPLA.FILTER EXCLUSIVE THE NEW ALL FABRIC WASHER Gentle Agitation for Lightly Soiled Clothes Regular Agitation for Dirty Clothes * Exclusive—Live filter action * Exclusive—Dual pump timer control • Exclusive—Power pump * Exclusive—Chrome wringer top and * Exclusive—S large 21/2 " tasters * Heavy duty wringer rolls .3 AND IT'S GUARANTEED tt, O Not for one year • Not for five years 131.0 for 12 years t. And during this Eyre-Christmas Sale we give 6 Months 6 supply of Tide with each washer sold, Come in today 411 and see this washer in action. We specialize in Laundry Equipment, Wringer Washers, Automatic Dryers (with free electric blanket) Get Your Tide Here While You Ate Shopping Only 25c a Box BUY IN EXETER Sandy Elliot FURNITURE & APPLIANCES ft ri hand rests Tf et:elves 100 'fine over leaving scene 10.31 "'Your college resume is inter. eating, We'll call you If we feel the need of a cheerleader.". ....:Zcheir int al years of service carne elose to .First on the list of leachers was Clarence Down, who has, served as a teacher in the intermediate boys' classes for 54 years. Garnet. Hicks, who pa id Inihnte In the ardent -church worker, also pointed -Out he had been active in the choir, church orchestra. Young people's Work and in dramas and comedies presented at the ' "He has been one of the Anchor men of James Street Church,'' Hicks com- mented. Down, who was presented Another member of the in- -with an enseribed silver tray, recalled some of the earlier rears of his service and said, "I wouldn't have missed it for anything." ''We owe it to our commun- ity and God to give of our time and talents." he added. "and it has meant a great deal to me." Hicks also paid tribute to the work of Carf ('ann, who is retiring after 15 years as superintendent of the church ;.chnol, It. was a red-letter day e. for James Street when he took 1.‘, the position," Hicks stated. ci 'and he and his wife (a for- =te\-en retiring leachers and officers were honored by their .allow members on the James Street Sunday School staff at • Trot hick dinner in the church, Tuesday. DIAL 235-1331 Cost you less! termediate department, Robert Southcott, who retired after 15 years' service as a teacher, stated, "I got more out of it than I ever put in." The ardent church worker was presented with a record of the theme speech at a recent conference of United Church Men at Elgin House. Honor primary teachers Mrs, Ross Taylor and Mrs. Don Harris presented gifts to two members of their primary school teaching staff after serv- ing for several years. Calling them "capable and dependable", Mrs, Taylor pre- sented Bibles to Mrs. Don Graham (Maxine Reeder) who taught for 12 years prior to her marriage, and to Wilma Coates, who served for six years. The final member of the staff to be honored was Bill Batten, who is leaving the staff after serving as secretary for two years and assistant super- intendent for five. Tribute was paid to him by Rev. Ernest Lewis .and pre- sentation of a cuff link and tie bar set was made. Following the presentations, Dr. Harvey Cowen entertained the 32 members with slides of his recent trip in Europe and the Holy Land. :q ai it Is iy Is great mark nn the youth of this community." The pair was presented with a framed picture for their de- voted service. An 18-..year-old Ilensall youth, Gary Jones, was given a severe. reprimand us Magis‘rate Glenn flays, 'QC, fined $100.0 and costs and. had. his driver's lie- ensc' suspended for six months when he was found .guilty of leaving the scene of an Reel- dent in. Exeter court, Tuesday. Jones was charged alter he smasned into the rear of a car operated by Earl Gackstetter, Exeter, north of Bensall. Sop. tember Previous to the accident he had been clocked at 40 mph in a 30 mile zone by the (Ter radar unit which was set up half a mile south in the vit. Lige of Hensall. Gackstetter's ear was ,roltZd several times due to the impact and both he and a passenger, Doug Jeffrey, Exeter, were in- jured in the crash. Evidence revealed that Jones And his companion, Shirley Sto- rey, 10, Seaforth, drove to ,!ones' home and after parking the car beside the barn, re- turned to the scene of the acci- dent in his father's car, Defense lawyer, D. T. Mur- phy, .Goderich, contended that Jones, who received a bad blow on the head in the crash, did not know what he was doing when he left the scene. Crown Attorney W. Cl. .COCh- rane discounted this theory when he pointed out the youth wa.s able to drive home and tell his father that they should go. hack to the .scene. The magistrate reprimanded the youth . very strongly for failing .W stop at the scene and. at least determine if there was serious injury to the occupants of the other oar. Fined $25,00 on similar charge A -charge of failing to report an accident resulted in a $25.00 flue for George .0dbert, Strat- ford, following an accident on highway 83, At the time of the accident Odbert was sleeping and his ear was being. driven '1))• D.or- vat Stratford, when It struck -one driven by Clifford. I mimic of Exeter. Campbell, who had taken over the wheel at Rosseldale on the way to Grand Bend from Stratford, told the owner of the . car it wasn't necessary to re- port the accident, and they con- tinued on to Grand Bend to the home of Odbert's brother, Ed. The latter reported that two men arrived at his place at 1;20 a.m, and informed him of the accident and as they surveyed the damage, they spotted a po- lice cruiser driven by PC Ray Gillum of Grand Bend,. and re- ported the accident to him, The men then returned to the s,2ene where PC Don Westover was already in the process of his investigation, Westover reported that od beet had an odor of liquor on his breath and the Stratford man admitted having three beers before leaving the Perth city.. Defense lawyer, Laugh.. ton, stated Gilbert would have reported the accident but had been influenced by Catopbeil, mho It was learned, did not have A driver's permit. however, the magistrate Con, tended that Odbert's Celibera. lions in 11w .witness box did not signify that he would be .dom- Mated by Campbell, He said he showed a "'callous. disregard for the law" in not forcing Campbell to stop at the accident scene. ,corple§$...driVer A charge of careless driving, which resit:U(1 in an estimated. $70o,00 damage to two ears, suited in a $20,00 fine for Jo- cob Bovius, Bit 2 liovius was driving on high. way -84 when he struck a car operated by Emerson Kyle, and was later charged by PC George Mitchell, The accused pleaded guilty to the charge and was represented by Elmer Bell, QC, Loses driver's license A London man, Carson Matte, was fined $60,00 and costs and had his driver's permit Ws.- pended for four months after pleading guilty to a charge of impaired driving in Exeter on October 10, The accused was charged by Police Chief C. H. MacKenzie after he had been spotted driv• inn down. the street in an er- ratic manner, The officer also reported the accused smelled strongly of alcohol. In othe_ cases, the magis- trate; Fined john Berger of Sea- forth .$0,00 and costs for driv- big 47 mph through A .20 zonein Hensall on Sept, 2 DisMIASQ.d A speeding ,charge against Chas, Desmond of De- trolt, Michigan, when. the mem- bers .of .the 'Kitchener radar unit .could not prove they were set up in 30 mph itt.Hen" sail when they .clocked the American -doing .Sa Writes an hour, Levied a fine of $25,00 or' lour days in jail against Elmer Oesch of Zurich who pleaded guilty to failing to file his income tax re- turns. Fined Diane Wooden, Exeter, $14.09. for travelling 44 miles an hour through a 30' mph zone in Dashwood .on September 2, fined James Culligan, Ham- ilton, $tun and costs for tray- ening 41 miles an hour in the same place on the same day, I~,';1 'Eft SKAns Mel( ;COM HOUSt SUPPERS Fat' all the family s low as $1..np CURLING BOOTS As low as $8.95 '' HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Off * 1.7.SED SKATES Ranging from $2.23 Children's, Misses', Ladies' anr1 INS1:1,ATED ROOTS $6.50 to $10 ,95 uertlis SHOE'S 0 . ii iner leacher I have made a ; T1 t‘ . -CS 6 6 Save '70' NOW SIMPLICTY Phone 215-0611 Exeter 444 Mein tevrowirevRicmiteciectekekilzkwe LtektottoecFleitettriiweiet0010404fotergerletokioeleteirstl Exeter, Otit. ;